Mercurial > traipse_dev
view orpg/mapper/ @ 26:65c5cb9be59c traipse_dev
This patch fixes the known issue with users not being able to set their name
in the settings menu. This version also cleans up the themes settings in and preps for Ornery Orc. Some cleaning was done with also
author | sirebral |
date | Fri, 31 Jul 2009 00:44:10 -0500 |
parents | 072ffc1d466f |
children | c54768cffbd4 |
line wrap: on
line source
# Copyright (C) 2000-2001 The OpenRPG Project # # # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. # -- # # File: mapper/ # Author: OpenRPG Team # Maintainer: # Version: # $Id:,v 1.37 2007/03/09 14:11:56 digitalxero Exp $ # # Description: Whiteboard layer handler # __version__ = "$Id:,v 1.37 2007/03/09 14:11:56 digitalxero Exp $" from base_handler import * from math import floor from math import sqrt class whiteboard_handler(base_layer_handler): def __init__(self, parent, id, canvas): self.drawing_mode = 'Freeform' self.line_string = "0,0;" self.drawing = False self.upperleft = wx.Point(0,0) self.lowerright = wx.Point(0,0) #polyline drawing vars self.polypoints = 0 self.lastpoint = None self.selected = None #text drawing vars = str(wx.NORMAL) self.weight = str(wx.NORMAL) self.pointsize = str(12) self.text_selected_item = None #self.r_h = RGBHex() base_layer_handler.__init__(self, parent, id, canvas) self.build_text_properties_menu() self.wb = self.canvas.layers['whiteboard'] self.temp_circle = None self.cone_start = None self.temp_edge1 = None self.temp_edge2 = None def build_ctrls(self): base_layer_handler.build_ctrls(self) self.color_button = wx.Button(self, wx.ID_ANY, "Pen Color", style=wx.BU_EXACTFIT) self.color_button.SetBackgroundColour(wx.BLACK) self.color_button.SetForegroundColour(wx.WHITE) self.drawmode_ctrl = wx.Choice(self, wx.ID_ANY, choices = ["Freeform", "Polyline","Text", "Cone", "Circle"]) self.drawmode_ctrl.SetSelection(0) #always start showing "Freeform" self.radius = wx.TextCtrl(self, wx.ID_ANY, size=(32,-1) ) self.radius.SetValue("15") self.live_refresh = wx.CheckBox(self, wx.ID_ANY, " Live Refresh") self.live_refresh.SetValue(True) self.widthList= wx.Choice(self, wx.ID_ANY, size= wx.Size(40, 20), choices=['1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','10']) self.widthList.SetSelection(0) #always start showing "1" self.sizer.Add(wx.StaticText(self, wx.ID_ANY, "Line Width: "),0,wx.ALIGN_CENTER) self.sizer.Add(self.widthList, 0, wx.EXPAND) self.sizer.Add(wx.Size(10,25)) self.sizer.Add(wx.StaticText(self, wx.ID_ANY, "Drawing Mode: "),0,wx.ALIGN_CENTER) self.sizer.Add(self.drawmode_ctrl, 0, wx.EXPAND) self.sizer.Add(wx.StaticText(self, -1, " Radius: "), 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER|wx.ALL, 3) self.sizer.Add(self.radius, 0, wx.EXPAND|wx.ALL, 2) self.sizer.Add(wx.Size(10,25)) self.sizer.Add(self.live_refresh, 0, wx.EXPAND) self.sizer.Add(wx.Size(20,25)) self.sizer.Add(self.color_button, 0, wx.EXPAND) self.sizer.Add(wx.Size(20,25)) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MOTION, self.on_motion) self.Bind(wx.EVT_CHOICE, self.check_draw_mode, self.drawmode_ctrl) self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.on_pen_color, self.color_button) self.Bind(wx.EVT_CHOICE, self.on_pen_width, self.widthList) def build_text_properties_menu(self, label="Text Properties"): self.text_properties_dialog = wx.Dialog(self, -1, "Text Properties", name = "Text Properties") self.text_props_sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) okay_boxer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) okay_button = wx.Button(self.text_properties_dialog, wx.ID_OK, "APPLY") cancel_button = wx.Button(self.text_properties_dialog, wx.ID_CANCEL,"CANCEL") okay_boxer.Add(okay_button, 1, wx.ALIGN_LEFT) okay_boxer.Add(wx.Size(10,10)) okay_boxer.Add(cancel_button, 1, wx.ALIGN_RIGHT) self.txt_boxer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) self.txt_static = wx.StaticText(self.text_properties_dialog, -1, "Text: ") self.text_control = wx.TextCtrl(self.text_properties_dialog, wx.ID_ANY, "", name = "Text: ") self.txt_boxer.Add(self.txt_static,0,wx.EXPAND) self.txt_boxer.Add(wx.Size(10,10)) self.txt_boxer.Add(self.text_control,1,wx.EXPAND) self.point_boxer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) self.point_static = wx.StaticText(self.text_properties_dialog, -1, "Text Size: ") self.point_control = wx.SpinCtrl(self.text_properties_dialog, wx.ID_ANY, value = "12", min = 1, initial = 12, name = "Font Size: ") self.point_boxer.Add(self.point_static,1,wx.EXPAND) self.point_boxer.Add(wx.Size(10,10)) self.point_boxer.Add(self.point_control,0,wx.EXPAND) self.text_color_control = wx.Button(self.text_properties_dialog, wx.ID_ANY, "TEXT COLOR",style=wx.BU_EXACTFIT) self.weight_control = wx.RadioBox(self.text_properties_dialog, wx.ID_ANY, "Weight", choices = ["Normal","Bold"]) self.style_control = wx.RadioBox(self.text_properties_dialog, wx.ID_ANY, "Style", choices = ["Normal", "Italic"]) self.text_props_sizer.Add(self.txt_boxer,0,wx.EXPAND) self.text_props_sizer.Add(self.point_boxer,0, wx.EXPAND) self.text_props_sizer.Add(self.weight_control,0, wx.EXPAND) self.text_props_sizer.Add(self.style_control,0, wx.EXPAND) self.text_props_sizer.Add(self.text_color_control, 0, wx.EXPAND) self.text_props_sizer.Add(wx.Size(10,10)) self.text_props_sizer.Add(okay_boxer,0, wx.EXPAND) self.text_props_sizer.Fit(self) self.text_properties_dialog.SetSizer(self.text_props_sizer) self.text_properties_dialog.Fit() self.text_properties_dialog.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.on_text_color, self.text_color_control) self.text_properties_dialog.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.on_text_properties, okay_button) #self.text_properties_dialog.Destroy() def build_menu(self, label = "Whiteboard"): base_layer_handler.build_menu(self,label) self.main_menu.AppendSeparator() item = wx.MenuItem(self.main_menu, wx.ID_ANY, "&Change Pen Color", "Change Pen Color") self.canvas.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.on_pen_color, item) self.main_menu.AppendItem(item) item = wx.MenuItem(self.main_menu, wx.ID_ANY, "Delete &All Lines", "Delete All Lines") self.canvas.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.delete_all_lines, item) self.main_menu.AppendItem(item) item = wx.MenuItem(self.main_menu, wx.ID_ANY, "&Undo Last Deleted Line", "Undo Last Deleted Line") self.canvas.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.undo_line, item) self.main_menu.AppendItem(item) self.line_menu = wx.Menu("Whiteboard Line") self.line_menu.SetTitle("Whiteboard Line") item = wx.MenuItem(self.line_menu, wx.ID_ANY, "&Remove", "Remove") self.canvas.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.on_line_menu_item, item) self.line_menu.AppendItem(item) self.text_menu = wx.Menu("Whiteboard Text") self.text_menu.SetTitle("Whiteboard Text") item = wx.MenuItem(self.text_menu, wx.ID_ANY, "&Properties", "Properties") self.canvas.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.get_text_properties, item) self.text_menu.AppendItem(item) item = wx.MenuItem(self.text_menu, wx.ID_ANY, "&Remove", "Remove") self.canvas.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.on_text_menu_item, item) self.text_menu.AppendItem(item) def do_line_menu(self,pos): self.canvas.PopupMenu(self.line_menu, pos) def item_selected(self,evt): item = evt.GetId() self.item_selection = self.selection_list[item] def on_text_properties(self,evt): text_string = self.text_control.GetValue() if self.style_control.GetStringSelection() == 'Normal': style = wx.NORMAL else: style = wx.ITALIC if self.weight_control.GetStringSelection() == 'Normal': weight = wx.NORMAL else: weight = wx.BOLD point = str(self.point_control.GetValue()) c = self.text_color_control.GetForegroundColour() color = self.canvas.layers['whiteboard'].r_h.hexstring(c.Red(), c.Green(), c.Blue()) self.text_selected_item.set_text_props(text_string, style, point, weight, color) self.text_to_xml() self.text_properties_dialog.Show(False) self.text_selected_item.selected = False self.text_selected_item.isUpdated = True self.text_selected_item = None def on_text_color(self,evt): dlg = wx.ColourDialog(self) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: c = dlg.GetColourData() self.text_color_control.SetForegroundColour(c.GetColour()) dlg.Destroy() def text_to_xml(self): xml_str = "<map><whiteboard>" xml_str += self.text_selected_item.toxml('update') xml_str += "</whiteboard></map>" self.canvas.frame.session.send(xml_str) self.canvas.Refresh(False) def get_text_properties(self, event=None): self.text_color_control.SetForegroundColour(self.text_selected_item.textcolor) self.text_control.SetValue(self.text_selected_item.text_string) self.point_control.SetValue(int(self.text_selected_item.pointsize)) if int(self.text_selected_item.weight) == wx.NORMAL: self.weight_control.SetSelection(0) else: self.weight_control.SetSelection(1) if int( == wx.NORMAL: self.style_control.SetSelection(0) else: self.style_control.SetSelection(1) self.text_properties_dialog.Center() self.text_properties_dialog.Show(True) def do_text_menu(self, pos, items=None): if items == None: self.canvas.PopupMenu(self.text_menu) else: menu = wx.Menu() self.ItemList = items self.tmpPos = pos for i in xrange(len(items)): menu.Append(i+1, items[i].text_string) self.canvas.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.onItemSelect, id=i+1) self.canvas.PopupMenu(menu) return def onItemSelect(self, evt): id = evt.GetId()-1 self.text_selected_item = self.ItemList[id] self.text_selected_item.selected = True if self.tmpPos == 'right': self.canvas.PopupMenu(self.text_menu) self.ItemList = None self.tmpPos = None def on_right_down(self,evt): line = 0 scale = self.canvas.layers['grid'].mapscale dc = wx.ClientDC(self.canvas) self.canvas.PrepareDC(dc) dc.SetUserScale(scale,scale) pos = evt.GetLogicalPosition(dc) if self.drawing_mode == 'Text': self.on_text_right_down(evt, dc) elif self.drawing and ((self.drawing_mode == 'Circle') or (self.drawing_mode == 'Cone')): self.check_draw_mode() self.drawing = False elif (self.drawing_mode == 'Freeform') or (self.drawing_mode == 'Polyline') or (self.drawing_mode == 'Circle') or (self.drawing_mode == 'Cone'): line_list = self.canvas.layers['whiteboard'].find_line(pos) if line_list: self.sel_rline = self.canvas.layers['whiteboard'].get_line_by_id( if self.sel_rline: self.do_line_menu(evt.GetPosition()) self.canvas.Refresh(False) else: base_layer_handler.on_right_down(self,evt) else: base_layer_handler.on_right_down(self,evt) del dc def on_pen_color(self,evt): data = wx.ColourData() data.SetChooseFull(True) dlg = wx.ColourDialog(self.canvas, data) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: data = dlg.GetColourData() color = data.GetColour() self.canvas.layers['whiteboard'].setcolor(color) self.color_button.SetBackgroundColour(color) dlg.Destroy() def on_pen_width(self,evt): width = int(self.widthList.GetStringSelection()) self.canvas.layers['whiteboard'].setwidth(width) def undo_line(self,evt): session = self.canvas.frame.session if (session.my_role() != session.ROLE_GM) and (session.use_roles()): self.top_frame.openrpg.get_component("chat").InfoPost("You must be a GM to use this feature") return self.canvas.layers['whiteboard'].undo_line() dc = self.create_dc() self.un_highlight(dc) self.selected = None del dc def delete_all_lines(self,evt): session = self.canvas.frame.session if (session.my_role() != session.ROLE_GM) and (session.use_roles()): open_rpg.get_component("chat").InfoPost("You must be a GM to use this feature") return dlg = wx.MessageDialog(self, "Are you sure you want to delete all lines?","Delete All Lines",wx.YES_NO | wx.NO_DEFAULT | wx.ICON_QUESTION) if dlg.ShowModal() != wx.ID_YES: return self.canvas.layers['whiteboard'].del_all_lines() dc = self.create_dc() self.un_highlight(dc) self.selected = None del dc def on_line_menu_item(self, evt): dc = self.create_dc() self.un_highlight(dc) self.canvas.layers['whiteboard'].del_line(self.sel_rline) self.selected = None del dc def on_text_menu_item(self, evt): dc = self.create_dc() self.un_highlight(dc) self.canvas.layers['whiteboard'].del_text(self.selected) self.selected = None del dc # Check Draw Mode # Queries the GUI to see what mode to draw in # 05-09-2003 Snowdog def check_draw_mode(self, evt=None): self.drawing_mode = self.drawmode_ctrl.GetStringSelection() #because mode can be changed while a polyline is being created #clear the current linestring and reset the polyline data self.upperleft.x = self.upperleft.y = 0 self.lowerright.x = self.lowerright.y = 0 self.lastpoint = None #because the end check function is not called we must force its lastpoint var to None again self.polypoints = 0 self.line_string = "0,0;" if self.temp_circle: self.canvas.layers['whiteboard'].del_temp_line(self.temp_circle) if self.selected == self.temp_circle: self.selected = None self.canvas.Refresh(True) self.temp_circle = None self.cone_start = None # Altered on_left_up to toggle between # drawing modes freeform vs polyline # 05-09-2003 Snowdog def on_left_down(self,evt): if not self.drawing: self.check_draw_mode() if self.drawing_mode == 'Freeform': pass elif self.drawing_mode == 'Polyline': self.polyline_add_point( evt ) elif self.drawing_mode == 'Text': self.on_text_left_down(evt) elif self.drawing_mode == 'Cone': if self.cone_start == None: self.on_start_cone(evt) else: self.draw_temporary_cone(evt) elif self.drawing_mode == 'Circle': self.draw_temporary_circle(evt) # Added handling for double clicks within the map # 05-09-2003 Snowdog def on_left_dclick(self, evt): if self.drawing_mode == 'Freeform': #Freeform mode ignores the double click pass elif self.drawing_mode == 'Polyline': self.polyline_last_point( evt ) elif self.drawing_mode == 'Text': pass elif self.drawing_mode == 'Circle' or self.drawing_mode == 'Cone': self.canvas.layers['whiteboard'].del_temp_line(self.temp_circle) #pointArray = self.temp_circle.line_string.split(";") self.canvas.layers['whiteboard'].add_line(self.temp_circle.line_string) self.temp_circle = None self.cone_start = None self.drawing = False # Altered on_left_up to toggle between # drawing modes freeform vs polyline # 05-09-2003 Snowdog def on_left_up(self,evt): if self.drawing_mode == 'Freeform': self.on_freeform_left_up(evt) elif self.drawing_mode == 'Polyline': pass elif self.drawing_mode == 'Text': pass # Altered on_left_up to toggle between # drawing modes freeform vs polyline # 05-09-2003 Snowdog def on_motion(self,evt): session = self.canvas.frame.session if (session.my_role() != session.ROLE_GM) \ and (session.my_role()!=session.ROLE_PLAYER) \ and (session.use_roles()): return if self.drawing_mode == 'Freeform': if evt.m_leftDown: self.freeform_motion(evt) elif self.drawing_mode == 'Polyline': if self.drawing: self.polyline_preview( evt ) dc = self.create_dc() pos = evt.GetLogicalPosition(dc) hit = self.canvas.layers['whiteboard'].hit_test_lines(pos,dc) if hit: self.highlight(hit,dc) else: self.un_highlight(dc) hit = self.canvas.layers['whiteboard'].hit_test_text(pos,dc) if hit: self.highlight(hit,dc) else: self.un_highlight(dc) del dc def create_dc(self): scale = self.canvas.layers['grid'].mapscale dc = wx.ClientDC( self.canvas ) self.canvas.PrepareDC( dc ) dc.SetUserScale(scale,scale) return dc def highlight(self,hit,dc): if self.selected: self.selected.highlight(False) self.selected.draw(self.wb,dc) self.selected = hit[0] self.selected.highlight() self.selected.draw(self.wb,dc) def un_highlight(self,dc): if self.selected: self.selected.highlight(False) self.selected.draw(self.wb,dc) # Polyline Add Point # adds a new point to the polyline # 05-09-2003 Snowdog def polyline_add_point(self, evt): scale = self.canvas.layers['grid'].mapscale dc = wx.ClientDC( self.canvas ) self.canvas.PrepareDC( dc ) dc.SetUserScale(scale,scale) pos = evt.GetLogicalPosition(dc) #reset the bounding points if pos.x < self.upperleft.x: self.upperleft.x = pos.x elif pos.x > self.lowerright.x: self.lowerright.x = pos.x if pos.y < self.upperleft.y: self.upperleft.y = pos.y elif pos.y > self.lowerright.y: self.lowerright.y = pos.y #if this point doens't end the line #add a new point into the line string if not self.polyline_end_check( pos ): if self.drawing == True: self.polypoints += 1 #add one to the point counter. self.line_string += `pos.x` + "," + `pos.y` + ";" self.canvas.layers['whiteboard'].draw_working_line(dc,self.line_string) else: #start of line... self.polypoints += 1 #add one to the point counter. self.line_string = `pos.x` + "," + `pos.y` + ";" self.upperleft.x = pos.x self.upperleft.y = pos.y self.lowerright.x = pos.x self.lowerright.y = pos.y self.drawing = True else: #end of line. Send and reset vars for next line self.drawing = False if self.polypoints < 2: pass else: #have enough points to create valid line #check to role to make sure user can draw at all.... session = self.canvas.frame.session if (session.my_role() != session.ROLE_GM) and (session.my_role()!=session.ROLE_PLAYER) and (session.use_roles()): open_rpg.get_component("chat").InfoPost("You must be either a player or GM to use this feature") self.canvas.Refresh(False) else: line = self.canvas.layers['whiteboard'].add_line(self.line_string,self.upperleft,self.lowerright) #resetting variables for next line self.upperleft.x = self.upperleft.y = 0 self.lowerright.x = self.lowerright.y = 0 self.polypoints = 0 self.line_string = "0,0;" # Polyline Last Point # adds a final point to the polyline and ends it # 05-09-2003 Snowdog def polyline_last_point(self, evt): #if we haven't started a line already. Ignore the click if self.drawing != True: return scale = self.canvas.layers['grid'].mapscale dc = wx.ClientDC( self.canvas ) self.canvas.PrepareDC( dc ) dc.SetUserScale(scale,scale) pos = evt.GetLogicalPosition(dc) #reset the bounding points if pos.x < self.upperleft.x: self.upperleft.x = pos.x elif pos.x > self.lowerright.x: self.lowerright.x = pos.x if pos.y < self.upperleft.y: self.upperleft.y = pos.y elif pos.y > self.lowerright.y: self.lowerright.y = pos.y self.polypoints += 1 #add one to the point counter. self.line_string += `pos.x` + "," + `pos.y` + ";" self.canvas.layers['whiteboard'].draw_working_line(dc,self.line_string) #end of line. Send and reset vars for next line self.drawing = False if self.polypoints < 2: pass else: #have enough points to create valid line #check to role to make sure user can draw at all.... session = self.canvas.frame.session if (session.my_role() != session.ROLE_GM) and (session.my_role()!=session.ROLE_PLAYER) and (session.use_roles()): open_rpg.get_component("chat").InfoPost("You must be either a player or GM to use this feature") self.canvas.Refresh(False) else: line = self.canvas.layers['whiteboard'].add_line(self.line_string,self.upperleft,self.lowerright) #resetting variables for next line self.upperleft.x = self.upperleft.y = 0 self.lowerright.x = self.lowerright.y = 0 self.lastpoint = None #becuase the end check function is not called we must force its lastpoint var to None again self.polypoints = 0 self.line_string = "0,0;" # Polyline End Check # checks to see if a double click has occured # a second click on the LAST polyline point # (or very close proximity) should cause the # polyline even to complete and send # 05-09-2003 Snowdog def polyline_end_check(self, pos): # check to see if the position of the give point is within POLYLINE_END_TOLERANCE # if it is then the line has been completed and should be sent to the map just like # the original freeform version is. A line with fewer than 2 points should be ignored x_in = y_in = 0 tol = 5 #first point check if type(self.lastpoint) == type(None): self.lastpoint = wx.Point(pos.x,pos.y); return 0 #not end of line if ((self.lastpoint.x -tol) <= pos.x <= (self.lastpoint.x)): x_in = 1 if ((self.lastpoint.y -tol) <= pos.y <= (self.lastpoint.y)): y_in = 1 if x_in and y_in: self.lastpoint = None; return 1 #if we've reached here the point is NOT a terminal point. Reset the lastpoint and return False self.lastpoint.x = pos.x self.lastpoint.y = pos.y return 0 # Polyline Preview # display a temporary/momentary line to the user # from the last point to mouse position # 05-09-2003 Snowdog def polyline_preview(self, evt): if self.drawing != True: return if self.live_refresh.GetValue() == 0: return scale = self.canvas.layers['grid'].mapscale dc = wx.ClientDC( self.canvas ) self.canvas.PrepareDC( dc ) dc.SetUserScale(scale,scale) pos = evt.GetLogicalPosition(dc) #reset the bounding points if pos.x < self.upperleft.x: self.upperleft.x = pos.x elif pos.x > self.lowerright.x: self.lowerright.x = pos.x if pos.y < self.upperleft.y: self.upperleft.y = pos.y elif pos.y > self.lowerright.y: self.lowerright.y = pos.y #redraw the line with a line connected to the cursor temp_string = self.line_string temp_string += `pos.x` + "," + `pos.y` + ";" self.canvas.layers['whiteboard'].draw_working_line(dc,temp_string) self.canvas.Refresh(True) # moved original on_motion to this function # to allow alternate drawing method to be used # 05-09-2003 Snowdog def freeform_motion(self, evt): # if not self.drawing: # return scale = self.canvas.layers['grid'].mapscale dc = wx.ClientDC( self.canvas ) self.canvas.PrepareDC( dc ) dc.SetUserScale(scale,scale) pos = evt.GetLogicalPosition(dc) if pos.x < self.upperleft.x: self.upperleft.x = pos.x elif pos.x > self.lowerright.x: self.lowerright.x = pos.x if pos.y < self.upperleft.y: self.upperleft.y = pos.y elif pos.y > self.lowerright.y: self.lowerright.y = pos.y if evt.m_leftDown: if self.drawing == True: self.line_string += `pos.x` + "," + `pos.y` + ";" self.canvas.layers['whiteboard'].draw_working_line(dc,self.line_string) else: self.line_string = `pos.x` + "," + `pos.y` + ";" self.upperleft.x = pos.x self.upperleft.y = pos.y self.lowerright.x = pos.x self.lowerright.y = pos.y self.drawing = True del dc # moved original on_left_up to this function # to allow alternate drawing method to be used # 05-09-2003 Snowdog def on_freeform_left_up(self,evt): if self.drawing == True: self.drawing = False session = self.canvas.frame.session if (session.my_role() != session.ROLE_GM) and (session.my_role()!=session.ROLE_PLAYER) and (session.use_roles()): open_rpg.get_component("chat").InfoPost("You must be either a player or GM to use this feature") self.canvas.Refresh(False) return +=1 line = self.canvas.layers['whiteboard'].add_line(self.line_string,self.upperleft,self.lowerright) dc = self.create_dc() for m in range(30): line.highlight() line.draw(self.wb,dc) line.highlight(False) line.draw(self.wb,dc) del dc self.upperleft.x = self.upperleft.y = 0 self.lowerright.x = self.lowerright.y = 0 def on_text_left_down(self, evt): session = self.canvas.frame.session if (session.my_role() != session.ROLE_GM) and (session.my_role()!=session.ROLE_PLAYER) and (session.use_roles()): open_rpg.get_component("chat").InfoPost("You must be either a player or GM to use this feature") self.canvas.Refresh(False) return scale = self.canvas.layers['grid'].mapscale dc = wx.ClientDC( self.canvas ) self.canvas.PrepareDC( dc ) dc.SetUserScale(scale,scale) pos = evt.GetLogicalPosition(dc) test_text = self.canvas.layers['whiteboard'].hit_test_text(pos,dc) if len(test_text) > 0: if len(test_text) > 1: self.do_text_menu('left', test_text) else: self.text_selected_item = test_text[0] self.text_selected_item.selected = True self.canvas.Refresh(True) else: if self.text_selected_item == None: dlg = wx.TextEntryDialog(self,"Text to add to whiteboard", caption="Enter text",defaultValue=" ") if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: text_string = dlg.GetValue() self.canvas.layers['whiteboard'].add_text(text_string,pos,, self.pointsize, self.weight, self.canvas.layers['whiteboard'].color) else: self.text_selected_item.posx = pos.x self.text_selected_item.posy = pos.y self.text_selected_item.isUpdated = True self.text_to_xml() self.text_selected_item.selected = False self.text_selected_item = None del dc def on_text_right_down(self, evt, dc): session = self.canvas.frame.session if (session.my_role() != session.ROLE_GM) and (session.my_role()!=session.ROLE_PLAYER) and (session.use_roles()): open_rpg.get_component("chat").InfoPost("You must be either a player or GM to use this feature") self.canvas.Refresh(False) return pos = evt.GetLogicalPosition(dc) test_text = self.canvas.layers['whiteboard'].hit_test_text(pos, dc) if len(test_text) > 0: if len(test_text) > 1: self.do_text_menu('right', test_text) else: self.text_selected_item = test_text[0] self.do_text_menu('right') def on_start_cone(self, evt): session = self.canvas.frame.session if (session.my_role() != session.ROLE_GM) and (session.my_role()!=session.ROLE_PLAYER) and (session.use_roles()): open_rpg.get_component("chat").InfoPost("You must be either a player or GM to use this feature") self.canvas.Refresh(False) return self.cone_start = self.get_snapped_to_logical_pos(evt) self.drawing = True def get_snapped_to_logical_pos(self, evt): scale = self.canvas.layers['grid'].mapscale dc = wx.ClientDC( self.canvas ) self.canvas.PrepareDC( dc ) dc.SetUserScale(scale,scale) pos = evt.GetLogicalPosition(dc) if self.canvas.layers['grid'].snap: size = self.canvas.layers['grid'].unit_size pos.x = int((pos.x+size/2)/size)*size pos.y = int((pos.y+size/2)/size)*size return pos def draw_temporary_cone(self, evt): scale = self.canvas.layers['grid'].mapscale dc = wx.ClientDC( self.canvas ) self.canvas.PrepareDC( dc ) dc.SetUserScale(scale,scale) pos = evt.GetLogicalPosition(dc) pos2 = self.get_snapped_to_logical_pos(evt) size = self.canvas.layers['grid'].unit_size #60 if abs(pos.x-pos2.x)<=size/10 and abs(pos.y-pos2.y)<=size/10: pos = pos2 radius = int(int(self.radius.GetValue())/5) curve = self.calculate_circle(self.cone_start, radius, size) edge1 = [] edge2 = [] horizontal_inc = wx.Point(size,0) if pos.x <= self.cone_start.x: horizontal_inc = wx.Point(-size,0) vertical_inc = wx.Point(0,size) if pos.y <= self.cone_start.y: vertical_inc = wx.Point(0,-size) x_diff = float(pos.x - self.cone_start.x) y_diff = float(pos.y - self.cone_start.y) ratio = float(1) if abs(x_diff) <= abs(y_diff): ratio = x_diff / y_diff elif abs(y_diff) < abs(x_diff): ratio = -(y_diff / x_diff) horizontal_inc,vertical_inc = vertical_inc,horizontal_inc #swap horizontal_rotated = wx.Point(-horizontal_inc.y, horizontal_inc.x) vertical_rotated = wx.Point(-vertical_inc.y, vertical_inc.x) on_diagonal = True for v in range(radius): x = int(floor((v+1)*ratio)) - int(floor(v*ratio)) if x < 0 and on_diagonal: edge1 += [vertical_inc] edge1 += [horizontal_inc] elif x != 0: edge1 += [horizontal_inc] edge1 += [vertical_inc] else: edge1 += [vertical_inc] on_diagonal = False on_diagonal = True for v in range(radius): x = int(floor((v+1)*(-ratio))) - int(floor(v*(-ratio))) if x < 0 and on_diagonal: edge2 += [vertical_rotated] edge2 += [horizontal_rotated] elif x != 0: edge2 += [horizontal_rotated] edge2 += [vertical_rotated] else: edge2 += [vertical_rotated] on_diagonal = False p = wx.Point(0,0) string1 = self.point_to_string(p, [self.cone_start]) string1 += self.point_to_string(p, edge1) p = wx.Point(0,0) string2 = self.point_to_string(p, [self.cone_start]) string2 += self.point_to_string(p, edge2) # truncate the edges where they meet the curve pointArray = string1.split(";") string1 = "" for p in pointArray: p += ";" index = (";"+curve).find(";"+p) if index >= 0: # found intersection, start circle at intersection curve = curve[index:]+curve[:index] break string1 += p # truncate the edges where they meet the curve pointArray = string2.split(";") string2 = "" for p in pointArray: p += ";" string2 = p + string2 #backwards index = (";"+curve).find(";"+p) if index >= 0: # found intersection, end circle at intersection curve = curve[:index] break curve = string1 + curve + string2 # add the lines that define the real cone edges sz = sqrt(x_diff*x_diff + y_diff*y_diff) x_diff = radius*size*x_diff/sz y_diff = radius*size*y_diff/sz pos = wx.Point(self.cone_start.x+x_diff, self.cone_start.y+y_diff) qos = wx.Point(self.cone_start.x-y_diff, self.cone_start.y+x_diff)# 90 degree rotation curve = `pos.x`+","+`pos.y`+";" + curve + `qos.x`+","+`qos.y`+";" if(self.temp_circle): self.canvas.layers['whiteboard'].del_temp_line(self.temp_circle) if self.selected == self.temp_circle: self.selected = None self.temp_circle = self.canvas.layers['whiteboard'].add_temp_line(curve) self.canvas.Refresh(True) def draw_temporary_circle(self, evt): session = self.canvas.frame.session if (session.my_role() != session.ROLE_GM) and (session.my_role()!=session.ROLE_PLAYER) and (session.use_roles()): open_rpg.get_component("chat").InfoPost("You must be either a player or GM to use this feature") self.canvas.Refresh(False) return pos = self.get_snapped_to_logical_pos(evt) size = self.canvas.layers['grid'].unit_size #60 radius = int(int(self.radius.GetValue())/5) center = wx.Point(pos.x, pos.y+size*radius) curve = self.calculate_circle(center, radius, size) if(self.temp_circle): self.canvas.layers['whiteboard'].del_temp_line(self.temp_circle) self.selected = None self.temp_circle = self.canvas.layers['whiteboard'].add_temp_line(curve) self.drawing = True self.canvas.Refresh(True) def calculate_circle(self, center, radius, size): pos = wx.Point(center.x, center.y-size*radius) r = int(radius+2/3) right = wx.Point(size,0) left = wx.Point(-size,0) up = wx.Point(0,-size) down = wx.Point(0,size) v1 = ([right, down, right]*r)[:radius] v2 = ([down, right, down]*r)[r*3-radius:] v3 = ([down, left, down]*r)[:radius] v4 = ([left, down, left]*r)[r*3-radius:] v5 = ([left, up, left]*r)[:radius] v6 = ([up, left, up]*r)[r*3-radius:] v7 = ([up, right, up]*r)[:radius] v8 = ([right, up, right]*r)[r*3-radius:] p = wx.Point(0,0) temp_string = self.point_to_string(p, [pos]) temp_string += self.point_to_string(p, v1+v2+v3+v4+v5+v6+v7+v8) return temp_string def point_to_string(self, pos, vec): str = "" for i in range(len(vec)): pos.x = pos.x + vec[i].x pos.y = pos.y + vec[i].y str += `pos.x` + "," + `pos.y` + ";" return str