view orpg/mapper/ @ 26:65c5cb9be59c traipse_dev

This patch fixes the known issue with users not being able to set their name in the settings menu. This version also cleans up the themes settings in and preps for Ornery Orc. Some cleaning was done with also
author sirebral
date Fri, 31 Jul 2009 00:44:10 -0500
parents 072ffc1d466f
children 449a8900f9ac
line wrap: on
line source

# Copyright (C) 2000-2001 The OpenRPG Project
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
# --
# File: mapper/
# Author: Chris Davis
# Maintainer:
# Version:
#   $Id:,v 1.47 2007/03/09 14:11:55 digitalxero Exp $
# Description: This file contains some of the basic definitions for the chat
# utilities in the orpg project.
__version__ = "$Id:,v 1.47 2007/03/09 14:11:55 digitalxero Exp $"

from base import *
from orpg.mapper.map_utils import *

def cmp_zorder(first,second):
    f = first.zorder
    s = second.zorder
    if f == None: f = 0
    if s == None: s = 0
    if f == s: value = 0
    elif f < s: value = -1
    else: value = 1
    return value

class WhiteboardText:
    def __init__(self, id, text_string, pos, style, pointsize, weight, color="#000000", log=None):
        self.log = log
        self.log.log("Enter WhiteboardText", ORPG_DEBUG)
        self.scale = 1
        self.r_h = RGBHex()
        self.selected = False
        self.text_string = text_string = id
        self.weight = int(weight)
        self.pointsize = int(pointsize) = int(style)
        self.textcolor = color
        self.posx = pos.x
        self.posy = pos.y
        self.font = wx.Font(self.pointsize, wx.DEFAULT,, self.weight)
        self.highlighted = False
        r,g,b = self.r_h.rgb_tuple(self.textcolor)
        self.highlight_color = self.r_h.hexstring(r^255, g^255, b^255)
        self.isUpdated = False
        self.log.log("Exit WhiteboardText", ORPG_DEBUG)

    def highlight(self, highlight=True):
        self.log.log("Enter WhiteboardText->highlight(self, highlight)", ORPG_DEBUG)
        self.highlighted = highlight
        self.log.log("Exit WhiteboardText->highlight(self, highlight)", ORPG_DEBUG)

    def set_text_props(self, text_string, style, point, weight, color="#000000"):
        self.log.log("Enter WhiteboardText->set_text_props(self, text_string, style, point, weight, color)", ORPG_DEBUG)
        self.text_string = text_string
        self.textcolor = color = int(style)
        self.pointsize = int(point)
        self.weight = int(weight)
        self.isUpdated = True
        self.log.log("Exit WhiteboardText->set_text_props(self, text_string, style, point, weight, color)", ORPG_DEBUG)

    def hit_test(self, pt, dc):
        self.log.log("Enter WhiteboardText->hit_test(self, pt, dc)", ORPG_DEBUG)
        rect = self.get_rect(dc)
        result = rect.InsideXY(pt.x, pt.y)
        self.log.log("Exit WhiteboardText->hit_test(self, pt, dc)", ORPG_DEBUG)
        return result

    def get_rect(self, dc):
        self.log.log("Enter WhiteboardText->get_rect(self, dc)", ORPG_DEBUG)
        (w,x,y,z) = dc.GetFullTextExtent(self.text_string)
        self.log.log("Exit WhiteboardText->get_rect(self, dc)", ORPG_DEBUG)
        return wx.Rect(self.posx,self.posy,w,(x+y+z))

    def draw(self, parent, dc, op=wx.COPY):
        self.log.log("Enter WhiteboardText->draw(self, parent, dc, op)", ORPG_DEBUG)
        self.scale = parent.canvas.layers['grid'].mapscale
        if self.highlighted: textcolor = self.highlight_color
        else: textcolor = self.textcolor
        try: dc.SetTextForeground(textcolor)
        except Exception,e: dc.SetTextForeground('#000000')
        dc.SetUserScale(self.scale, self.scale)

        # Draw text
        (w,x,y,z) = self.get_rect(dc)
        dc.DrawText(self.text_string, self.posx, self.posy)
        self.log.log("Exit WhiteboardText->draw(self, parent, dc, op)", ORPG_DEBUG)

    def toxml(self, action="update"):
        self.log.log("Enter WhiteboardText->toxml(self, " + action + ")", ORPG_DEBUG)
        if action == "del":
            xml_str = "<text action='del' id='" + str( + "'/>"
            self.log.log(xml_str, ORPG_DEBUG)
            self.log.log("Exit WhiteboardText->toxml(self, " + action + ")", ORPG_DEBUG)
            return xml_str
        xml_str = "<text"
        xml_str += " action='" + action + "'"
        xml_str += " id='" + str( + "'"
        if self.pointsize != None: xml_str += " pointsize='" + str(self.pointsize) + "'"
        if != None: xml_str += " style='" + str( + "'"
        if self.weight != None: xml_str += " weight='" + str(self.weight) + "'"
        if self.posx != None: xml_str+= " posx='" + str(self.posx) + "'"
        if not (self.posy is None): xml_str += " posy='" + str(self.posy) + "'"
        if self.text_string != None: xml_str+= " text_string='" + self.text_string + "'"
        if self.textcolor != None: xml_str += " color='" + self.textcolor + "'"
        xml_str += "/>"
        self.log.log(xml_str, ORPG_DEBUG)
        self.log.log("Exit WhiteboardText->toxml(self, " + action + ")", ORPG_DEBUG)
        if (action == "update" and self.isUpdated) or action == "new":
            self.isUpdated = False
            return xml_str
        else: return ''

    def takedom(self, xml_dom):
        self.log.log("Enter WhiteboardText->takedom(self, xml_dom)", ORPG_DEBUG)
        self.text_string = xml_dom.getAttribute("text_string")
        self.log.log("self.text_string=" + self.text_string, ORPG_DEBUG) = xml_dom.getAttribute("id")
        self.log.log("" + str(, ORPG_DEBUG)
        if xml_dom.hasAttribute("posy"):
            self.posy = int(xml_dom.getAttribute("posy"))
            self.log.log("self.posy=" + str(self.posy), ORPG_DEBUG)
        if xml_dom.hasAttribute("posx"):
            self.posx = int(xml_dom.getAttribute("posx"))
            self.log.log("self.posx=" + str(self.posx), ORPG_DEBUG)
        if xml_dom.hasAttribute("weight"):
            self.weight = int(xml_dom.getAttribute("weight"))
            self.log.log("self.weight=" + str(self.weight), ORPG_DEBUG)
        if xml_dom.hasAttribute("style"):
   = int(xml_dom.getAttribute("style"))
            self.log.log("" + str(, ORPG_DEBUG)
        if xml_dom.hasAttribute("pointsize"):
            self.pointsize = int(xml_dom.getAttribute("pointsize"))
            self.log.log("self.pointsize=" + str(self.pointsize), ORPG_DEBUG)
        if xml_dom.hasAttribute("color") and xml_dom.getAttribute("color") != '':
            self.textcolor = xml_dom.getAttribute("color")
            if self.textcolor == '#0000000': self.textcolor = '#000000'
            self.log.log("self.textcolor=" + self.textcolor, ORPG_DEBUG)
        self.log.log("Exit WhiteboardText->takedom(self, xml_dom)", ORPG_DEBUG)

class WhiteboardLine:
    def __init__(self, id, line_string, upperleft, lowerright, color="#000000", width=1, log=None):
        self.log = log
        self.log.log("Enter WhiteboardLine", ORPG_DEBUG)
        self.scale = 1
        self.r_h = RGBHex()
        if color == '': color = "#000000"
        self.linecolor = color
        self.linewidth = width
        self.lowerright = lowerright
        self.upperleft = upperleft
        self.selected = False
        self.line_string = line_string = id
        self.highlighted = False
        r,g,b = self.r_h.rgb_tuple(self.linecolor)
        self.highlight_color = self.r_h.hexstring(r^255, g^255, b^255)
        self.log.log("Exit WhiteboardLine", ORPG_DEBUG)

    def highlight(self, highlight=True):
        self.log.log("Enter WhiteboardLine->highlight(self, highlight)", ORPG_DEBUG)
        self.highlighted = highlight
        self.log.log("Enter WhiteboardLine->highlight(self, highlight)", ORPG_DEBUG)

    def set_line_props(self, line_string="", upperleftx=0, upperlefty=0, 
            lowerrightx=0, lowerrighty=0, color="#000000", width=1):
        self.log.log("Enter WhiteboardLine->set_line_props(self, line_string, upperleftx, upperlefty, lowerrightx, lowerrighty, color, width)", ORPG_DEBUG)
        self.line_string = line_string
        self.upperleft.x = upperleftx
        self.upperleft.y = upperlefty
        self.lowerright.x = lowerrightx
        self.lowerright.y = lowerrighty
        self.linecolor = color
        self.linewidth = width
        self.log.log("Exit WhiteboardLine->set_line_props(self, line_string, upperleftx, upperlefty, lowerrightx, lowerrighty, color, width)", ORPG_DEBUG)

    def hit_test(self, pt):
        self.log.log("Enter WhiteboardLine->hit_test(self, pt)", ORPG_DEBUG)
        coords = self.line_string.split(";")
        stcords = coords[0].split(",")
        oldicords = (int(stcords[0]),int(stcords[1]))
        for coordinate_string_counter in range(1, len(coords)):
            stcords = coords[coordinate_string_counter].split(",")
            if stcords[0] == "":
                self.log.log("Exit WhiteboardLine->hit_test(self, pt) return False", ORPG_DEBUG)
                return False
            icords = (int(stcords[0]),int(stcords[1]))
            if orpg.mapper.map_utils.proximity_test(oldicords,icords,pt,12):
                self.log.log("Exit WhiteboardLine->hit_test(self, pt) return True", ORPG_DEBUG)
                return True
            oldicords = icords
        self.log.log("Exit WhiteboardLine->hit_test(self, pt) return False", ORPG_DEBUG)
        return False

    def draw(self, parent, dc, op=wx.COPY):
        self.log.log("Enter WhiteboardLine->draw(self, parent, dc, op=wx.COPY)", ORPG_DEBUG)
        self.scale = parent.canvas.layers['grid'].mapscale
        if self.highlighted: linecolor = self.highlight_color
        else: linecolor = self.linecolor
        pen = wx.BLACK_PEN
        try: pen.SetColour(linecolor)
        except Exception,e: pen.SetColour('#000000')
        pen.SetWidth( self.linewidth )
        dc.SetPen( pen )
        # draw lines
        pointArray = self.line_string.split(";")
        x2 = y2 = -999
        for m in range(len(pointArray)-1):
            x = pointArray[m]
            points = x.split(",")
            x1 = int(points[0])
            y1 = int(points[1])
            if x2 != -999: dc.DrawLine(x2,y2,x1,y1)
            x2 = x1
            y2 = y1
        #selected outline
        self.log.log("Exit WhiteboardLine->draw(self, parent, dc, op=wx.COPY)", ORPG_DEBUG)

    def toxml(self, action="update"):
        self.log.log("Enter WhiteboardLine->toxml(self, " + action + ")", ORPG_DEBUG)
        if action == "del":
            xml_str = "<line action='del' id='" + str( + "'/>"
            self.log.log(xml_str, ORPG_DEBUG)
            self.log.log("Exit WhiteboardLine->toxml(self, " + action + ")", ORPG_DEBUG)
            return xml_str
        #  if there are any changes, make sure id is one of them
        xml_str = "<line"
        xml_str += " action='" + action + "'"
        xml_str += " id='" + str( + "'"
        xml_str+= " line_string='" + self.line_string + "'"
        if self.upperleft != None:
            xml_str += " upperleftx='" + str(self.upperleft.x) + "'"
            xml_str += " upperlefty='" + str(self.upperleft.y) + "'"
        if self.lowerright != None:
            xml_str+= " lowerrightx='" + str(self.lowerright.x) + "'"
            xml_str+= " lowerrighty='" + str(self.lowerright.y) + "'"
        if self.linecolor != None:
            xml_str += " color='" + str(self.linecolor) + "'"
        if self.linewidth != None:
            xml_str += " width='" + str(self.linewidth) + "'"
        xml_str += "/>"
        self.log.log(xml_str, ORPG_DEBUG)
        self.log.log("Exit WhiteboardLine->toxml(self, " + action + ")", ORPG_DEBUG)
        if action == "new": return xml_str
        return ''

    def takedom(self, xml_dom):
        self.log.log("Enter WhiteboardLine->takedom(self, xml_dom)", ORPG_DEBUG)
        self.line_string = xml_dom.getAttribute("line_string")
        self.log.log("self.line_string=" + self.line_string, ORPG_DEBUG) = xml_dom.getAttribute("id")
        self.log.log("" + str(, ORPG_DEBUG)
        if xml_dom.hasAttribute("upperleftx"):
            self.upperleft.x = int(xml_dom.getAttribute("upperleftx"))
            self.log.log("self.upperleft.x=" + str(self.upperleft.x), ORPG_DEBUG)
        if xml_dom.hasAttribute("upperlefty"):
            self.upperleft.y = int(xml_dom.getAttribute("upperlefty"))
            self.log.log("self.upperleft.y=" + str(self.upperleft.y), ORPG_DEBUG)
        if xml_dom.hasAttribute("lowerrightx"):
            self.lowerright.x = int(xml_dom.getAttribute("lowerrightx"))
            self.log.log("self.lowerright.x=" + str(self.lowerright.x), ORPG_DEBUG)
        if xml_dom.hasAttribute("lowerrighty"):
            self.lowerright.y = int(xml_dom.getAttribute("lowerrighty"))
            self.log.log("self.lowerright.y=" + str(self.lowerright.y), ORPG_DEBUG)
        if xml_dom.hasAttribute("color") and xml_dom.getAttribute("color") != '':
            self.linecolor = xml_dom.getAttribute("color")
            if self.linecolor == '#0000000':
                self.linecolor = '#000000'
            self.log.log("self.linecolor=" + self.linecolor, ORPG_DEBUG)
        if xml_dom.hasAttribute("width"):
            self.linewidth = int(xml_dom.getAttribute("width"))
            self.log.log("self.linewidth=" + str(self.linewidth), ORPG_DEBUG)
        self.log.log("Exit WhiteboardLine->takedom(self, xml_dom)", ORPG_DEBUG)

## whiteboard layer
class whiteboard_layer(layer_base):

    def __init__(self, canvas):
        self.canvas = canvas
        self.log = self.canvas.log
        self.log.log("Enter whiteboard_layer", ORPG_DEBUG)
        self.r_h = RGBHex() = -1
        self.lines = []
        self.texts = []
        self.serial_number = 0
        self.color = "#000000"
        self.width = 1
        self.removedLines = []
        self.log.log("Exit whiteboard_layer", ORPG_DEBUG)

    def next_serial(self):
        self.log.log("Enter whiteboard_layer->next_serial(self)", ORPG_DEBUG)
        self.serial_number += 1
        self.log.log("Exit whiteboard_layer->next_serial(self)", ORPG_DEBUG)
        return self.serial_number

    def get_next_highest_z(self):
        self.log.log("Enter whiteboard_layer->get_next_highest_z(self)", ORPG_DEBUG)
        z = len(self.lines)+1
        self.log.log("Exit whiteboard_layer->get_next_highest_z(self)", ORPG_DEBUG)
        return z

    def cleanly_collapse_zorder(self):
        self.log.log("Enter/Exit whiteboard_layer->cleanly_collapse_zorder(self)", ORPG_DEBUG)

    def collapse_zorder(self):
        self.log.log("Enter/Exit whiteboard_layer->collapse_zorder(self)", ORPG_DEBUG)

    def rollback_serial(self):
        self.log.log("Enter whiteboard_layer->rollback_serial(self)", ORPG_DEBUG)
        self.serial_number -= 1
        self.log.log("Exit whiteboard_layer->rollback_serial(self)", ORPG_DEBUG)

    def add_line(self, line_string="", upperleft=cmpPoint(0,0), lowerright=cmpPoint(0,0), color="#000000", width=1):
        self.log.log("Enter whiteboard_layer->add_line(self, line_string, upperleft, lowerright, color, width)", ORPG_DEBUG)
        id = 'line-' + str(self.next_serial())
        line = WhiteboardLine(id, line_string, upperleft, lowerright, color=self.color, width=self.width, log=self.log)
        xml_str = "<map><whiteboard>"
        xml_str += line.toxml("new")
        xml_str += "</whiteboard></map>"
        self.log.log("Exit whiteboard_layer->add_line(self, line_string, upperleft, lowerright, color, width)", ORPG_DEBUG)
        return line

    def get_line_by_id(self, id):
        self.log.log("Enter whiteboard_layer->get_line_by_id(self, id)", ORPG_DEBUG)
        for line in self.lines:
            if str( == str(id):
                self.log.log("Exit whiteboard_layer->get_line_by_id(self, id) return LineID: " + str(id), ORPG_DEBUG)
                return line
        self.log.log("Exit whiteboard_layer->get_line_by_id(self, id) return None", ORPG_DEBUG)
        return None

    def get_text_by_id(self, id):
        self.log.log("Enter whiteboard_layer->get_text_by_id(self, id)", ORPG_DEBUG)
        for text in self.texts:
            if str( == str(id):
                self.log.log("Exit whiteboard_layer->get_text_by_id(self, id) return textID: " + str(id), ORPG_DEBUG)
                return text
        self.log.log("Enter whiteboard_layer->get_text_by_id(self, id) return None", ORPG_DEBUG)
        return None

    def del_line(self, line):
        self.log.log("Enter whiteboard_layer->del_line(self, line)", ORPG_DEBUG)
        xml_str = "<map><whiteboard>"
        xml_str += line.toxml("del")
        xml_str += "</whiteboard></map>"
        if line:
        self.log.log("Exit whiteboard_layer->del_line(self, line)", ORPG_DEBUG)

    def undo_line(self):
        if len(self.removedLines)>0:
            line = self.removedLines[len(self.removedLines)-1]
            self.add_line(line.line_string, line.upperleft, line.lowerright, line.linecolor, line.linewidth)

    def del_all_lines(self):
        self.log.log("Enter whiteboard_layer->del_all_lines(self)", ORPG_DEBUG)
        for i in xrange(len(self.lines)):
        print self.lines
        self.log.log("Exit whiteboard_layer->del_all_lines(self)", ORPG_DEBUG)

    def del_text(self, text):
        self.log.log("Enter whiteboard_layer->del_text(self, text)", ORPG_DEBUG)
        xml_str = "<map><whiteboard>"
        xml_str += text.toxml("del")
        xml_str += "</whiteboard></map>"
        if text:
        self.log.log("Exit whiteboard_layer->del_text(self, text)", ORPG_DEBUG)

    def layerDraw(self, dc):
        self.log.log("Enter whiteboard_layer->layerDraw(self, dc)", ORPG_DEBUG)
        for m in self.lines: m.draw(self, dc)
        for m in self.texts: m.draw(self,dc)
        self.log.log("Exit whiteboard_layer->layerDraw(self, dc)", ORPG_DEBUG)

    def hit_test_text(self, pos, dc):
        self.log.log("Enter whiteboard_layer->hit_test_text(self, pos, dc)", ORPG_DEBUG)
        list_of_texts_matching = []
        if self.canvas.layers['fog'].use_fog == 1:
            if self.canvas.frame.session.role != "GM":
                self.log.log("Exit whiteboard_layer->hit_test_text(self, pos, dc)", ORPG_DEBUG)
                return list_of_texts_matching
        for m in self.texts:
            if m.hit_test(pos,dc): list_of_texts_matching.append(m)
        self.log.log("Exit whiteboard_layer->hit_test_text(self, pos, dc)", ORPG_DEBUG)
        return list_of_texts_matching

    def hit_test_lines(self, pos, dc):
        self.log.log("Enter whiteboard_layer->hit_test_lines(self, pos, dc)", ORPG_DEBUG)
        list_of_lines_matching = []
        if self.canvas.layers['fog'].use_fog == 1:
            if self.canvas.frame.session.role != "GM":
                self.log.log("Exit whiteboard_layer->hit_test_lines(self, pos, dc)", ORPG_DEBUG)
                return list_of_lines_matching
        for m in self.lines:
            if m.hit_test(pos): list_of_lines_matching.append(m)
        self.log.log("Exit whiteboard_layer->hit_test_lines(self, pos, dc)", ORPG_DEBUG)
        return list_of_lines_matching

    def find_line(self, pt):
        self.log.log("Enter whiteboard_layer->find_line(self, pt)", ORPG_DEBUG)
        scale = self.canvas.layers['grid'].mapscale
        dc = wx.ClientDC( self.canvas )
        self.canvas.PrepareDC( dc )
        line_list = self.hit_test_lines(pt,dc)
        if line_list:
            self.log.log("Exit whiteboard_layer->find_line(self, pt)", ORPG_DEBUG)
            return line_list[0]
            self.log.log("Exit whiteboard_layer->find_line(self, pt) return None", ORPG_DEBUG)
            return None

    def setcolor(self, color):
        self.log.log("Enter whiteboard_layer->setcolor(self, color)", ORPG_DEBUG)
        r,g,b = color.Get()
        self.color = self.r_h.hexstring(r,g,b)
        self.log.log("Exit whiteboard_layer->setcolor(self, color)", ORPG_DEBUG)

    def sethexcolor(self, hexcolor):
        self.log.log("Enter whiteboard_layer->sethexcolor(self, hexcolor)", ORPG_DEBUG)
        self.color = hexcolor
        self.log.log("Exit whiteboard_layer->sethexcolor(self, hexcolor)", ORPG_DEBUG)

    def setwidth(self, width):
        self.log.log("Enter whiteboard_layer->setwidth(self, width)", ORPG_DEBUG)
        self.width = int(width)
        self.log.log("Exit whiteboard_layer->setwidth(self, width)", ORPG_DEBUG)

    def set_font(self, font):
        self.log.log("Enter whiteboard_layer->set_font(self, font)", ORPG_DEBUG)
        self.font = font
        self.log.log("Exit whiteboard_layer->set_font(self, font)", ORPG_DEBUG)

    def add_text(self, text_string, pos, style, pointsize, weight, color="#000000"):
        self.log.log("Enter whiteboard_layer->add_text(self, text_string, pos, style, pointsize, weight, color)", ORPG_DEBUG)
        id = 'text-' + str(self.next_serial())
        text = WhiteboardText(id,text_string, pos, style, pointsize, weight, color, self.log)
        xml_str = "<map><whiteboard>"
        xml_str += text.toxml("new")
        xml_str += "</whiteboard></map>"
        self.log.log("Exit whiteboard_layer->add_text(self, text_string, pos, style, pointsize, weight, color)", ORPG_DEBUG)

    def draw_working_line(self, dc, line_string):
        self.log.log("Enter whiteboard_layer->draw_working_line(self, dc, line_string)", ORPG_DEBUG)
        scale = self.canvas.layers['grid'].mapscale
        pen = wx.BLACK_PEN
        pointArray = line_string.split(";")
        x2 = y2 = -999
        for m in range(len(pointArray)-1):
            x = pointArray[m]
            points = x.split(",")
            x1 = int(points[0])
            y1 = int(points[1])
            if x2 != -999:
            x2 = x1
            y2 = y1
        self.log.log("Exit whiteboard_layer->draw_working_line(self, dc, line_string)", ORPG_DEBUG)

    def layerToXML(self, action="update"):
        """ format  """
        self.log.log("Enter whiteboard_layer->layerToXML(self, " + action + ")", ORPG_DEBUG)
        white_string = ""
        if self.lines:
            for l in self.lines: white_string += l.toxml(action)
        if self.texts:
            for l in self.texts: white_string += l.toxml(action)
        if len(white_string):
            s = "<whiteboard"
            s += " serial='" + str(self.serial_number) + "'"
            s += ">"
            s += white_string
            s += "</whiteboard>"
            self.log.log(s, ORPG_DEBUG)
            self.log.log("Exit whiteboard_layer->layerToXML(self, " + action + ")", ORPG_DEBUG)
            return s
            self.log.log("Exit whiteboard_layer->layerToXML(self, " + action + ")", ORPG_DEBUG)
            return ""

    def layerTakeDOM(self, xml_dom):
        self.log.log("Enter whiteboard_layer->layerTakeDOM(self, xml_dom)", ORPG_DEBUG)
        serial_number = xml_dom.getAttribute('serial')
        if serial_number != "": self.serial_number = int(serial_number)
        children = xml_dom._get_childNodes()
        for l in children:
            nodename = l._get_nodeName()
            action = l.getAttribute("action")
            id = l.getAttribute('id')
            if action == "del":
                if nodename == 'line':
                    line = self.get_line_by_id(id)
                    if line != None: self.lines.remove(line)
                    else: self.log.log("Whiteboard error: Deletion of unknown line object attempted.", ORPG_GENERAL)
                elif nodename == 'text':
                    text = self.get_text_by_id(id)
                    if text != None: self.texts.remove(text)
                    else: self.log.log("Whiteboard error: Deletion of unknown text object attempted.", ORPG_GENERAL)
                else: self.log.log("Whiteboard error: Deletion of unknown whiteboard object attempted.", ORPG_GENERAL)
            elif action == "new":
                if nodename == "line":
                        line_string = l.getAttribute('line_string')
                        upperleftx = l.getAttribute('upperleftx')
                        upperlefty = l.getAttribute('upperlefty')
                        lowerrightx = l.getAttribute('lowerrightx')
                        lowerrighty = l.getAttribute('lowerrighty')
                        upperleft = wx.Point(int(upperleftx),int(upperlefty))
                        lowerright = wx.Point(int(lowerrightx),int(lowerrighty))
                        color = l.getAttribute('color')
                        if color == '#0000000': color = '#000000'
                        id = l.getAttribute('id')
                        width = int(l.getAttribute('width'))
                        line_string = upperleftx = upperlefty = lowerrightx = lowerrighty = color = 0
                        self.log.log(traceback.format_exc(), ORPG_GENERAL)
                        self.log.log("invalid line", ORPG_GENERAL)
                    line = WhiteboardLine(id, line_string, upperleft, lowerright, color, width, self.log)
                elif nodename == "text":
                        text_string = l.getAttribute('text_string')
                        style = l.getAttribute('style')
                        pointsize = l.getAttribute('pointsize')
                        weight = l.getAttribute('weight')
                        color = l.getAttribute('color')
                        if color == '#0000000': color = '#000000'
                        id = l.getAttribute('id')
                        posx = l.getAttribute('posx')
                        posy = l.getAttribute('posy')
                        pos = wx.Point(0,0)
                        pos.x = int(posx)
                        pos.y = int(posy)
                        self.log.log(traceback.format_exc(), ORPG_GENERAL)
                        self.log.log("invalid line", ORPG_GENERAL)
                    text = WhiteboardText(id, text_string, pos, style, pointsize, weight, color, self.log)
                if nodename == "line":
                    line = self.get_line_by_id(id)
                    if line: line.takedom(l)
                    else: self.log.log("Whiteboard error: Update of unknown line attempted.", ORPG_GENERAL)
                if nodename == "text":
                    text = self.get_text_by_id(id)
                    if text: text.takedom(l)
                    else: self.log.log("Whiteboard error: Update of unknown text attempted.", ORPG_GENERAL)
        self.log.log("Enter whiteboard_layer->layerTakeDOM(self, xml_dom)", ORPG_DEBUG)

    def add_temp_line(self, line_string):
        line = WhiteboardLine(0, line_string, wx.Point(0,0), wx.Point(0,0), 
            color=self.color, width=self.width, log=self.log)
        return line

    def del_temp_line(self, line):
        if line: self.lines.remove(line)