view plugins/ @ 46:599f727e3833 traipse_dev

Getting ready to test!! Main functions seem to be working. Auto Update or No Update pass the window, but Auto Update does not update yet. .hgignore is now in the System folder, not myfiles.
author sirebral
date Wed, 05 Aug 2009 19:52:56 -0500
parents 4385a7d0efd1
line wrap: on
line source

import os
import orpg.pluginhandler

class Plugin(orpg.pluginhandler.PluginHandler):
    # Initialization subroutine.
    # !self : instance of self
    # !chat : instance of the chat window to write to
    def __init__(self, plugindb, parent):
        orpg.pluginhandler.PluginHandler.__init__(self, plugindb, parent)

        # The Following code should be edited to contain the proper information = 'Font Tools' = 'mDuo13' = "You can change your font in chat by typing '/myfont *key*'\n" += "where *key* is this plugin's shorthand for a font, like 'c'\n" += "for Courier. You can type /myfont list for the whole list.\n" += "You can use another font by typing '/myfont custom=*name*', where\n" += "*name* is the EXACT name of the font, case-sensitive and all.\n" += "Font resizing is no longer supported by the plugin as it is in\n" += "the official code now. (Try typing '/fontsize *x*' to change your\n" += "font to size *x*.)"
        #define any variables here, but always define them as ''. you will set thier values and proper type in plugin_enabled
        self.fontstring = ''
        self.fontlist = {}

    def plugin_enabled(self):
        #This is where you set any variables that need to be initalized when your plugin starts
        #You can add new /commands like
        self.plugin_addcommand('/myfont', self.on_myfont, '[list|custom (fontname)|fontname] - This lets you change the font type for your messages, but leaves other peoples alone')
        #Argument 1 is the command it self
        #Argument 2 is the function to be called when you issue the command
        #Argument 3 is the help text for the command

        self.fontstring = self.plugindb.GetString("xxfontchng", "fontstring", "")
        self.fontlist = {"a" : "<font>",
                        "arial" : "<font>",
                        "c" : "<font face='Courier New, Courier, monospace'>",
                        "courier" : "<font face='Courier New, Courier, monospace'>",
                        "t" : "<font face='Times New Roman, Times, serif'>",
                        "times" : "<font face='Times New Roman, Times, serif'>",
                        "tempus" : "<font face='Tempus Sans ITC'>",
                        "westminster" : "<font face='Westminster' size=+1>",
                        "mistral" : "<font face='Mistral' size=+2>",
                        "lucida sans" : "<font face='Lucida Sans'>",
                        "lucida handwriting" : "<font face='Lucida Handwriting'>",
                        "western" : "<font face='Rockwell'>",
                        "rockwell" : "<font face='Rockwell'>"}

    def plugin_disabled(self):

    def on_myfont(self, cmdargs):
        args = cmdargs.split(None,1)

        if len(args) == 0 or args[0] == 'list':
            the_list = ''
            for entry in self.fontlist.keys():
                the_list += '<br />' + self.fontlist[entry] + entry + '</font>'
            the_list += '<br />custom *anyfont*'
        elif args[0] == 'custom':
            self.fontstring = '<font face="' + args[1] + '">'
        elif self.fontlist.has_key(args[0]):
            self.fontstring = self.fontlist[args[0]]
  "Your font now looks " + self.fontstring + "like this.</font>")
            self.plugindb.SetString("xxfontchng", "fontstring", self.fontstring)
  "Invalid font name. Type /myfont list for a list of font names, or use custom preceding the font name")

    def pre_parse(self, text):
        #This is called just before a message is parsed by openrpg
        cmdsearch = text.split(None,1)
        if len(cmdsearch) == 0:
            return text
        cmd = cmdsearch[0].lower()
        start = len(cmd)
        end = len(text)
        cmdargs = text[start:end]

        if cmd == "/whisper" or cmd == "/w":
            text = cmd + ' ' + cmdargs[:cmdargs.find("=")+1] + self.fontstring + cmdargs + '</font>'
        elif cmd == "/me" or cmd == "/he" or cmd == "/she":
            text = cmd + ' ' + self.fontstring + cmdargs + '</font>'
        elif cmd[0] != '/':
            text = self.fontstring + text + '</font>'
        return text

    def send_msg(self, text, send):
        if self.fontstring.find("<font") > -1:
            text = self.fontstring + text + '</font>'
        return text, send