view upmana/mercurial/ @ 145:067922263f07 alpha

Traipse Alpha 'OpenRPG' {091123-03} Traipse is a distribution of OpenRPG that is designed to be easy to setup and go. Traipse also makes it easy for developers to work on code without fear of sacrifice. 'Ornery-Orc' continues the trend of 'Grumpy' and adds fixes to the code. 'Ornery-Orc's main goal is to offer more advanced features and enhance the productivity of the user. Update Summary (Cleaning up for Beta) Added Bookmarks Fix to Remote Admin Commands Minor fix to text based Server Fix to Pretty Print, from Core Fix to Splitter Nodes not being created Fix to massive amounts of images loading, from Core Added 'boot' command to remote admin Added confirmation window for sent nodes Minor changes to allow for portability to an OpenSUSE linux OS Miniatures Layer pop up box allows users to turn off Mini labels, from FlexiRPG Zoom Mouse plugin added Images added to Plugin UI Switching to Element Tree Map efficiency, from FlexiRPG Added Status Bar to Update Manager default_manifest.xml renamed to default_upmana.xml Cleaner clode for saved repositories New TrueDebug Class in orpg_log (See documentation for usage) Mercurial's hgweb folder is ported to upmana Pretty important update that can help remove thousands of dead children from your gametree. Children, <forms />, <group_atts />, <horizontal />, <cols />, <rows />, <height />, etc... are all tags now. Check your gametree and look for dead children!! New Gametree Recursion method, mapping, and context sensitivity. !Infinite Loops return error instead of freezing the software! New Syntax added for custom PC sheets Tip of the Day added, from Core and community Fixed Whiteboard ID to prevent random line or text deleting. Modified ID's to prevent non updated clients from ruining the fix.
author sirebral
date Mon, 23 Nov 2009 20:01:47 -0600
parents 496dbf12a6cb
line wrap: on
line source

# - manifest revision class for mercurial
# Copyright 2005-2007 Matt Mackall <>
# This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of the
# GNU General Public License version 2, incorporated herein by reference.

from i18n import _
import mdiff, parsers, error, revlog
import array, struct

class manifestdict(dict):
    def __init__(self, mapping=None, flags=None):
        if mapping is None: mapping = {}
        if flags is None: flags = {}
        dict.__init__(self, mapping)
        self._flags = flags
    def flags(self, f):
        return self._flags.get(f, "")
    def set(self, f, flags):
        self._flags[f] = flags
    def copy(self):
        return manifestdict(dict.copy(self), dict.copy(self._flags))

class manifest(revlog.revlog):
    def __init__(self, opener):
        self.mapcache = None
        self.listcache = None
        revlog.revlog.__init__(self, opener, "00manifest.i")

    def parse(self, lines):
        mfdict = manifestdict()
        parsers.parse_manifest(mfdict, mfdict._flags, lines)
        return mfdict

    def readdelta(self, node):
        r = self.rev(node)
        return self.parse(mdiff.patchtext(self.revdiff(r - 1, r)))

    def read(self, node):
        if node == revlog.nullid:
            return manifestdict() # don't upset local cache
        if self.mapcache and self.mapcache[0] == node:
            return self.mapcache[1]
        text = self.revision(node)
        self.listcache = array.array('c', text)
        mapping = self.parse(text)
        self.mapcache = (node, mapping)
        return mapping

    def _search(self, m, s, lo=0, hi=None):
        '''return a tuple (start, end) that says where to find s within m.

        If the string is found m[start:end] are the line containing
        that string.  If start == end the string was not found and
        they indicate the proper sorted insertion point.  This was
        taken from bisect_left, and modified to find line start/end as
        it goes along.

        m should be a buffer or a string
        s is a string'''
        def advance(i, c):
            while i < lenm and m[i] != c:
                i += 1
            return i
        if not s:
            return (lo, lo)
        lenm = len(m)
        if not hi:
            hi = lenm
        while lo < hi:
            mid = (lo + hi) // 2
            start = mid
            while start > 0 and m[start-1] != '\n':
                start -= 1
            end = advance(start, '\0')
            if m[start:end] < s:
                # we know that after the null there are 40 bytes of sha1
                # this translates to the bisect lo = mid + 1
                lo = advance(end + 40, '\n') + 1
                # this translates to the bisect hi = mid
                hi = start
        end = advance(lo, '\0')
        found = m[lo:end]
        if cmp(s, found) == 0:
            # we know that after the null there are 40 bytes of sha1
            end = advance(end + 40, '\n')
            return (lo, end+1)
            return (lo, lo)

    def find(self, node, f):
        '''look up entry for a single file efficiently.
        return (node, flags) pair if found, (None, None) if not.'''
        if self.mapcache and node == self.mapcache[0]:
            return self.mapcache[1].get(f), self.mapcache[1].flags(f)
        text = self.revision(node)
        start, end = self._search(text, f)
        if start == end:
            return None, None
        l = text[start:end]
        f, n = l.split('\0')
        return revlog.bin(n[:40]), n[40:-1]

    def add(self, map, transaction, link, p1=None, p2=None,
        # apply the changes collected during the bisect loop to our addlist
        # return a delta suitable for addrevision
        def addlistdelta(addlist, x):
            # start from the bottom up
            # so changes to the offsets don't mess things up.
            i = len(x)
            while i > 0:
                i -= 1
                start = x[i][0]
                end = x[i][1]
                if x[i][2]:
                    addlist[start:end] = array.array('c', x[i][2])
                    del addlist[start:end]
            return "".join([struct.pack(">lll", d[0], d[1], len(d[2])) + d[2]
                            for d in x ])

        def checkforbidden(l):
            for f in l:
                if '\n' in f or '\r' in f:
                    raise error.RevlogError(
                        _("'\\n' and '\\r' disallowed in filenames: %r") % f)

        # if we're using the listcache, make sure it is valid and
        # parented by the same node we're diffing against
        if not (changed and self.listcache and p1 and self.mapcache[0] == p1):
            files = sorted(map)

            # if this is changed to support newlines in filenames,
            # be sure to check the templates/ dir again (especially *-raw.tmpl)
            hex, flags = revlog.hex, map.flags
            text = ["%s\000%s%s\n" % (f, hex(map[f]), flags(f))
                    for f in files]
            self.listcache = array.array('c', "".join(text))
            cachedelta = None
            addlist = self.listcache

            # combine the changed lists into one list for sorting
            work = [[x, 0] for x in changed[0]]
            work[len(work):] = [[x, 1] for x in changed[1]]

            delta = []
            dstart = None
            dend = None
            dline = [""]
            start = 0
            # zero copy representation of addlist as a buffer
            addbuf = buffer(addlist)

            # start with a readonly loop that finds the offset of
            # each line and creates the deltas
            for w in work:
                f = w[0]
                # bs will either be the index of the item or the insert point
                start, end = self._search(addbuf, f, start)
                if w[1] == 0:
                    l = "%s\000%s%s\n" % (f, revlog.hex(map[f]), map.flags(f))
                    l = ""
                if start == end and w[1] == 1:
                    # item we want to delete was not found, error out
                    raise AssertionError(
                            _("failed to remove %s from manifest") % f)
                if dstart != None and dstart <= start and dend >= start:
                    if dend < end:
                        dend = end
                    if l:
                    if dstart != None:
                        delta.append([dstart, dend, "".join(dline)])
                    dstart = start
                    dend = end
                    dline = [l]

            if dstart != None:
                delta.append([dstart, dend, "".join(dline)])
            # apply the delta to the addlist, and get a delta for addrevision
            cachedelta = addlistdelta(addlist, delta)

            # the delta is only valid if we've been processing the tip revision
            if self.mapcache[0] != self.tip():
                cachedelta = None
            self.listcache = addlist

        n = self.addrevision(buffer(self.listcache), transaction, link,
                             p1, p2, cachedelta)
        self.mapcache = (n, map)

        return n