diff orpg/networking/mplay_server_gui.py @ 71:449a8900f9ac ornery-dev

Code refining almost completed, for this round. Some included files are still in need of some clean up, but this is test worthy.
author sirebral
date Thu, 20 Aug 2009 03:00:39 -0500
parents c54768cffbd4
children d1aff41c031b
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/orpg/networking/mplay_server_gui.py	Tue Aug 18 20:48:36 2009 -0500
+++ b/orpg/networking/mplay_server_gui.py	Thu Aug 20 03:00:39 2009 -0500
@@ -14,7 +14,8 @@
 import time
 import types
 from orpg.dirpath import dir_struct
-import orpg.systempath
+#import orpg.systempath looks old
+from orpg.tools.validate import Validate
 from orpg.orpg_wx import *
 import webbrowser
 from threading import Thread
@@ -57,10 +58,8 @@
     f = ['b', 'Kb', 'Mb', 'Gb']
     i = 0
     while i < 3:
-        if b < 1024:
-            return str(b) + f[i]
-        else:
-            b = b/1024
+        if b < 1024: return str(b) + f[i]
+        else: b = b/1024
         i += 1
     return str(b) + f[3]
@@ -89,10 +88,8 @@
     def __init__(self, owner ): 
         """ Loads default configuration settings."""
-        userPath = dir_struct["user"] 
-        validate = orpg.tools.validate.Validate(userPath) 
-        validate.config_file( "server_ini.xml", "default_server_ini.xml" ) 
-        configDom = minidom.parse(userPath + 'server_ini.xml') 
+        Validate(dir_struct["user"]).config_file("server_ini.xml", "default_server_ini.xml" ) 
+        configDom = minidom.parse(dir_struct["user"] + 'server_ini.xml') 
         port = configDom.childNodes[0].childNodes[1].getAttribute('port')
         OPENRPG_PORT = 6774 if port == '' else int(port) #Pretty ugly, but I couldn't find the tag any other way.
         self.owner = owner
@@ -146,7 +143,8 @@
 # Main = GUI
 class Connections(wx.ListCtrl):
     def __init__( self, parent, main ):
-        wx.ListCtrl.__init__( self, parent, -1, wx.DefaultPosition, wx.DefaultSize, wx.LC_REPORT|wx.SUNKEN_BORDER|wx.EXPAND|wx.LC_HRULES )
+        wx.ListCtrl.__init__( self, parent, -1, wx.DefaultPosition, 
+                            wx.DefaultSize, wx.LC_REPORT|wx.SUNKEN_BORDER|wx.EXPAND|wx.LC_HRULES )
         self.main = main
         self.roomList = { 0 : "Lobby" }
         self._imageList = wx.ImageList( 16, 16, False )
@@ -276,13 +274,11 @@
                 print "Send message to room..."
                 msg = self.GetMessageInput( "Send message to room of this player")
                 if len(msg): self.main.server.server.send_to_group('0', str(groupID), msg )
             elif menuItem == MENU_PLAYER_SEND_SERVER_MESSAGE:
                 print "broadcast a message..."
                 msg = self.GetMessageInput( "Broadcast Server Message" )
                 # If we got a message back, send it
-                if len(msg):
-                    self.main.server.server.broadcast( msg )
+                if len(msg): self.main.server.server.broadcast( msg )
     def GetMessageInput( self, title ):
         prompt = "Please enter the message you wish to send:"
@@ -293,7 +289,6 @@
 class ServerGUI(wx.Frame):
     def __init__(self, parent, id, title):
         wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent, id, title, size = (760, 560) )
         if wx.Platform == '__WXMSW__': icon = wx.Icon( dir_struct["icon"]+'WAmisc9.ico', wx.BITMAP_TYPE_ICO )
@@ -333,52 +328,47 @@
         self.total_messages_sent = 0
         self.total_data_sent = 0
-    ### Build GUI ############################################
+    """ Build GUI """
     def build_menu(self):
         """ Build the GUI menu. """
         self.mainMenu = wx.MenuBar()
         # File Menu
         menu = wx.Menu()
-        # Start
         menu.Append( MENU_START_SERVER, 'Start', 'Start server.')
         self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnStart, id=MENU_START_SERVER)
-        # Stop
         menu.Append( MENU_STOP_SERVER, 'Stop', 'Shutdown server.')
         self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnStop, id=MENU_STOP_SERVER)
-        # Exit
         menu.Append( MENU_EXIT, 'E&xit', 'Exit application.')
         self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnExit, id=MENU_EXIT)
         self.mainMenu.Append(menu, '&Server')
         # Registration Menu
         menu = wx.Menu()
-        # Register
         menu.Append( MENU_REGISTER_SERVER, 'Register', 'Register with OpenRPG server directory.')
         self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnRegister, id=MENU_REGISTER_SERVER)
-        # Unregister
         menu.Append( MENU_UNREGISTER_SERVER, 'Unregister', 'Unregister from OpenRPG server directory.')
         self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnUnregister, id=MENU_UNREGISTER_SERVER)
-        # Add the registration menu
         self.mainMenu.Append( menu, '&Registration' )
         # Server Configuration Menu
         menu = wx.Menu()
-        # Ping Connected Players
         menu.Append( MENU_START_PING_PLAYERS, 'Start Ping', 'Ping players to validate remote connection.' )
         self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.PingPlayers, id=MENU_START_PING_PLAYERS)
-        # Stop Pinging Connected Players
         menu.Append( MENU_STOP_PING_PLAYERS, 'Stop Ping', 'Stop validating player connections.' )
         self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.StopPingPlayers, id=MENU_STOP_PING_PLAYERS)
-        # Set Ping Interval
         menu.Append( MENU_PING_INTERVAL, 'Ping Interval', 'Change the ping interval.' )
         self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.ConfigPingInterval, id=MENU_PING_INTERVAL)
         self.mainMenu.Append( menu, '&Configuration' )
-        # Add the menus to the main menu bar
         self.SetMenuBar( self.mainMenu )
-        # Disable register, unregister & stop server by default
         self.mainMenu.Enable( MENU_STOP_SERVER, False )
         self.mainMenu.Enable( MENU_REGISTER_SERVER, False )
         self.mainMenu.Enable( MENU_UNREGISTER_SERVER, False )
         # Disable the ping menu items
         self.mainMenu.Enable( MENU_START_PING_PLAYERS, False )
         self.mainMenu.Enable( MENU_STOP_PING_PLAYERS, False )
@@ -480,10 +470,8 @@
         if self.STATUS == SERVER_STOPPED:
             # see if we already have name specified 
-                userPath = dir_struct["user"] 
-                validate = orpg.tools.validate.Validate(userPath) 
-                validate.config_file( "server_ini.xml", "default_server_ini.xml" ) 
-                configDom = minidom.parse(userPath + 'server_ini.xml') 
+                Validate(dir_struct["user"]).config_file( "server_ini.xml", "default_server_ini.xml" ) 
+                configDom = minidom.parse(dir_struct["user"] + 'server_ini.xml') 
                 configDoc = configDom.documentElement 
                 if configDoc.hasAttribute("name"): self.serverName = configDoc.getAttribute("name")
@@ -494,19 +482,18 @@
                 if serverNameEntry.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: self.serverName = serverNameEntry.GetValue()
             # see if we already have password specified 
-                userPath = dir_struct["user"] 
-                validate = orpg.tools.validate.Validate(userPath) 
-                validate.config_file( "server_ini.xml", "default_server_ini.xml" ) 
-                configDom = minidom.parse(userPath + 'server_ini.xml') 
+                Validate(dir_struct["user"]).config_file( "server_ini.xml", "default_server_ini.xml" ) 
+                configDom = minidom.parse(dir_struct["user"] + 'server_ini.xml') 
                 configDoc = configDom.documentElement 
                 if configDoc.hasAttribute("admin"): self.bootPwd = configDoc.getAttribute("admin") 
                 elif configDoc.hasAttribute("boot"): self.bootPwd = configDoc.getAttribute("boot") 
             except: pass 
             if self.bootPwd == '': 
-                serverPasswordEntry = wx.TextEntryDialog(self, "Please Enter The Server Admin Password:", "Server's Password", self.bootPwd, wx.OK|wx.CANCEL|wx.CENTRE)
+                serverPasswordEntry = wx.TextEntryDialog(self, 
+                                            "Please Enter The Server Admin Password:", "Server's Password", 
+                                            self.bootPwd, wx.OK|wx.CANCEL|wx.CENTRE)
                 if serverPasswordEntry.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: self.bootPwd = serverPasswordEntry.GetValue()
             if len(self.serverName):
                 self.server = ServerMonitor(self.callbacks, self.conf, self.serverName, self.bootPwd)
@@ -532,7 +519,6 @@
             self.mainMenu.Enable( MENU_START_SERVER, True )
             self.mainMenu.Enable( MENU_REGISTER_SERVER, False )
             self.mainMenu.Enable( MENU_UNREGISTER_SERVER, False )
-            # Delete any items that are still in the player list
     def OnRegister(self, event = None):
@@ -604,7 +590,6 @@
 class HTMLMessageWindow(wx.html.HtmlWindow):
     "Widget used to present user to admin messages, in HTML format, to the server administrator"
     # Init using the derived from class
     def __init__( self, parent ):
         wx.html.HtmlWindow.__init__( self, parent )