diff plugins/xxquotebox.py @ 0:4385a7d0efd1 grumpy-goblin

Deleted and repushed it with the 'grumpy-goblin' branch. I forgot a y
author sirebral
date Tue, 14 Jul 2009 16:41:58 -0500
children c54768cffbd4
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/plugins/xxquotebox.py	Tue Jul 14 16:41:58 2009 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
+import os
+import orpg.dirpath
+import orpg.plugindb
+import orpg.pluginhandler
+from orpg.tools.rgbhex import RGBHex
+import wx
+__version__ = "2.0" # updated for OpenRPG+ 1.7.0
+class Plugin(orpg.pluginhandler.PluginHandler):
+    # Initialization subroutine.
+    #
+    # !self : instance of self
+    # !openrpg : instance of the the base openrpg control
+    def __init__(self, plugindb, parent):
+        orpg.pluginhandler.PluginHandler.__init__(self, plugindb, parent)
+        # The Following code should be edited to contain the proper information
+        self.name = "Quote Box"
+        self.author = "frobnic8 (erskin@eldritch.org), mDuo13, Veggiesama"
+        self.help = """This plugin allows you to put your text in a special box. Again, while
+            it could (except for the color selection) be easily done with a text node,
+            this plugin makes it faster, presents a consistant appearance, and saves
+            you from silly HTML errors. Just type "/box" and some text to get started.
+            Type /quotebox to load a help node into your game tree.
+            Advanced commands:
+            '/box': Displays the current settings.
+            '/box *text*': Displays *text* in the box.
+            '/box_size *size*': Lets you set the size of the text
+            \tin the box, where *size* is a number from 1 to 7. The default is 3.
+            '/box_bgcol': Brings up a color selection dialog for picking the background
+            \tcolor of the box. The default is pale grey.
+            '/box_fontcol': Brings up a color selection dialog for picking the color of
+            \tthe font in the box. The default is black.
+            '/box_border': Toggles a small black border around the box.
+            '/box_italics': Toggles whether the text in the box should be italicized or not.
+            '/box_bold': Toggles whether the text in the box should be bolded or not.
+            '/box_type': Toggles between the old and new versions of the box. Defaults to new.
+            '/box_default': Sets plugin to default settings.
+            Credits go out to Travis for the original HTML code and Sunless DM for
+            bringing it to mDuo13's attention."""
+        self.version = __version__
+        self.orpg_min_version="1.7.0"
+        self.fontcolor = "#000000"
+        self.bgcolor="#aaaaaa"
+        self.size = 3
+        self.border = 0
+        self.italics = 0
+        self.bold = 1
+        self.boxtype = 1
+        self.r_h = RGBHex()
+    def plugin_enabled(self):
+        self.fontcolor  = str(self.plugindb.GetString("xxquotebox", "fontcolor", "#000000"))
+        self.bgcolor    = str(self.plugindb.GetString("xxquotebox", "bgcolor", "#aaaaaa"))
+        self.size       = int(self.plugindb.GetString("xxquotebox", "size", "3"))
+        self.border     = int(self.plugindb.GetString("xxquotebox", "border", "0"))
+        self.italics    = int(self.plugindb.GetString("xxquotebox", "italics", "0"))
+        self.bold       = int(self.plugindb.GetString("xxquotebox", "bold", "1"))
+        self.boxtype    = int(self.plugindb.GetString("xxquotebox", "boxtype", "1"))
+        self.plugin_addcommand('/box',          self.on_box,        "'/box': Displays the current settings <b>OR</b> '/box *text*': Displays *text* in the box.")
+        self.plugin_addcommand('/box_size',     self.on_box_size,   "'/box_size *size*': Lets you set the size of the text in the box, where *size* is a number from 1 to 7. The default is 3.", False)
+        self.plugin_addcommand('/box_bgcol',    self.on_box_bgcol,  "'/box_bgcol': Brings up a color selection dialog for picking the background color of the box. The default is pale grey.", False)
+        self.plugin_addcommand('/box_fontcol',  self.on_box_fontcol,"'/box_fontcol': Brings up a color selection dialog for picking the color of the font in the box. The default is black.", False)
+        self.plugin_addcommand('/box_border',   self.on_box_border, "'/box_border': Toggles a small black border around the box.", False)
+        self.plugin_addcommand('/box_italics',  self.on_box_italics,"'/box_italics': Toggles whether the text in the box should be italicized or not.", False)
+        self.plugin_addcommand('/box_bold',     self.on_box_bold,   "'/box_bold': Toggles whether the text in the box should be bolded or not.", False)
+        self.plugin_addcommand('/box_type',     self.on_box_type,   "'/box_type': Toggles between the old and new versions of the box. Defaults to new.", False)
+        self.plugin_addcommand('/box_default',  self.on_box_default,"'/box_default': Sets plugin to default settings.", False)
+        self.plugin_addcommand('/quotebox',     self.on_quotebox,   "<b>TYPE /QUOTEBOX TO BEGIN.</b> Loads up a help node into gametree.")
+    def plugin_disabled(self):
+        self.plugin_removecmd('/box')
+        self.plugin_removecmd('/box_size')
+        self.plugin_removecmd('/box_bgcol')
+        self.plugin_removecmd('/box_fontcol')
+        self.plugin_removecmd('/box_border')
+        self.plugin_removecmd('/box_italics')
+        self.plugin_removecmd('/box_bold')
+        self.plugin_removecmd('/box_type')
+        self.plugin_removecmd('/box_default')
+        self.plugin_removecmd('/box_quotebox')
+    def save_changes(self):
+        self.plugindb.SetString("xxquotebox", "fontcolor",str(self.fontcolor))
+        self.plugindb.SetString("xxquotebox", "bgcolor",  str(self.bgcolor))
+        self.plugindb.SetString("xxquotebox", "size",     str(self.size))
+        self.plugindb.SetString("xxquotebox", "border",   str(self.border))
+        self.plugindb.SetString("xxquotebox", "italics",  str(self.italics))
+        self.plugindb.SetString("xxquotebox", "bold",     str(self.bold))
+        self.plugindb.SetString("xxquotebox", "boxtype",  str(self.boxtype))
+    def on_box(self, cmdargs):
+        #this is just an example function for a command you create.
+        # cmdargs contains everything you typed after the command
+        # so if you typed /test this is a test, cmdargs = this is a test
+        # args are the individual arguments split. For the above example
+        # args[0] = this , args[1] = is , args[2] = a , args[3] = test
+        args = cmdargs.split(None,-1)
+        # shows status information of the plugin in a dialog window
+        if len(args) == 0:
+            if self.boxtype == 0:
+                msg_boxtype = "old"
+            else:
+                msg_boxtype = "new"
+            self.dlg = wx.MessageDialog(None,
+                 'Current settings used by the Quote Box plugin:\n'+
+                 '\nsize: '+str(self.size)+'\nbgcolor: '+self.bgcolor+
+                 '\nfontcolor: '+self.fontcolor+'\nborder: '+str(self.border)+
+                 '\nitalics: '+str(self.italics)+'\nbold: '+str(self.bold)+
+                 '\nboxtype: '+msg_boxtype+'\n'+
+                 '\nSee the Plugin Info from the Tools/Plugin menu for '+
+                 'more information.', 'Quote Box Current Settings', wx.OK)
+            self.dlg.ShowModal()
+            self.dlg.Destroy()
+        # making a box and using the cmdargs as the text inside
+        else:
+            msg = cmdargs
+            if self.boxtype == 0: #old
+                box = '<table bgcolor="' + self.bgcolor + '" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%">'
+                box += '<tr><td><font size="' + str(self.size) + '" color="' + self.fontcolor + '">'
+                box += '<b>' + msg + '</b></font></table>'
+                self.chat.Post(box, True, True)
+            else: #new
+                if self.border:
+                    border = " border='1'"
+                else:
+                    border = ""
+                if self.italics:
+                    italics = "<i>"
+                    enditalics = "</i>"
+                else:
+                    italics = ""
+                    enditalics = ""
+                if self.bold:
+                    bold = "<b>"
+                    endbold = "</b>"
+                else:
+                    bold = ""
+                    endbold = ""
+                box = '<br><center><table bgcolor="' + self.bgcolor + '" width="80%"'
+                box += 'cellpadding="' + str(int(self.size * 5)) + '" cellspacing="0" ' + border + '>'
+                box += '<tr><td><font size="' + str(self.size) + '" color="' + self.fontcolor + '">'
+                box += bold + italics + msg + enditalics + endbold
+                box += '</font></td></tr></table></center>'
+                self.chat.Post(box, True, True)
+    # changes size of font, as well as cell-padding size
+    # cell padding size = font size * 5
+    def on_box_size(self, cmdargs):
+        try:
+            self.size = int(cmdargs)
+            self.save_changes()
+            self.chat.InfoPost("Box size set to <b>" + str(self.size) + "</b>.")
+        except:
+            self.chat.InfoPost("That is not a valid font size.")
+    # opens a color-choosing dialog for background color of table
+    def on_box_bgcol(self, cmdargs):
+        color = self.r_h.do_hex_color_dlg(None)
+        if color != None:
+            self.bgcolor = color
+        self.save_changes()
+    # opens a color-choosing dialog for font color of text
+    def on_box_fontcol(self, cmdargs):
+        color = self.r_h.do_hex_color_dlg(None)
+        if color != None:
+            self.fontcolor = color
+        self.save_changes()
+    # toggles whether border should be on or off
+    def on_box_border(self, cmdargs):
+        if self.border:
+            self.border=0
+            self.chat.InfoPost("No longer using border on table.")
+        else:
+            self.border=1
+            self.chat.InfoPost("Using border on table.")
+        self.save_changes()
+    # toggles whether text should be italics or not
+    def on_box_italics(self, cmdargs):
+        if self.italics:
+            self.italics=0
+            self.chat.InfoPost("No longer using italic text.")
+        else:
+            self.italics=1
+            self.chat.InfoPost("Using italic text.")
+        self.save_changes()
+    # toggles whether text should be bold or not
+    def on_box_bold(self, cmdargs):
+        if self.bold:
+            self.bold=0
+            self.chat.InfoPost("No longer using bold text.")
+        else:
+            self.bold=1
+            self.chat.InfoPost("Using bold text.")
+        self.save_changes()
+    # toggles between old-style and new-style boxes
+    def on_box_type(self, cmdargs):
+        if self.boxtype:
+            self.boxtype=0
+            self.chat.InfoPost("Now using old-style boxes (thin, full-width, left-aligned)")
+        else:
+            self.boxtype=1
+            self.chat.InfoPost("Now using new-style boxes (in middle, with thick borders)")
+        self.save_changes()
+    # reverts all quotebox settings back to default
+    def on_box_default(self, cmdargs):
+        self.fontcolor = "#000000"
+        self.bgcolor="#aaaaaa"
+        self.size = 3
+        self.border = 0
+        self.italics = 0
+        self.bold = 1
+        self.boxtype = 1
+        self.chat.InfoPost("Quotebox plugin reverted to default settings.")
+        self.save_changes()
+    # loads up quotebox.xml as a node in the gametree
+    def on_quotebox(self, cmdargs):
+        f = open(orpg.dirpath.dir_struct["plugins"]+ "quotebox.xml","r")
+        self.gametree.insert_xml(f.read())
+        f.close()
+        return 1