diff orpg/xmltramp.py @ 0:4385a7d0efd1 grumpy-goblin

Deleted and repushed it with the 'grumpy-goblin' branch. I forgot a y
author sirebral
date Tue, 14 Jul 2009 16:41:58 -0500
children 551cd440acce
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/orpg/xmltramp.py	Tue Jul 14 16:41:58 2009 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,323 @@
+"""xmltramp: Make XML documents easily accessible."""
+__version__ = "2.16"
+__author__ = "Aaron Swartz"
+__credits__ = "Many thanks to pjz, bitsko, and DanC."
+__copyright__ = "(C) 2003 Aaron Swartz. GNU GPL 2."
+if not hasattr(__builtins__, 'True'): True, False = 1, 0
+def isstr(f): return isinstance(f, type('')) or isinstance(f, type(u''))
+def islst(f): return isinstance(f, type(())) or isinstance(f, type([]))
+empty = {'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml': ['img', 'br', 'hr', 'meta', 'link', 'base', 'param', 'input', 'col', 'area']}
+def quote(x, elt=True):
+    if elt and '<' in x and len(x) > 24 and x.find(']]>') == -1: return "<![CDATA["+x+"]]>"
+    else: x = x.replace('&', '&amp;').replace('<', '&lt;').replace(']]>', ']]&gt;')
+    if not elt: x = x.replace('"', '&quot;')
+    return x
+class Element:
+    def __init__(self, name, attrs=None, children=None, prefixes=None):
+        if islst(name) and name[0] == None: name = name[1]
+        if attrs:
+            na = {}
+            for k in attrs.keys():
+                if islst(k) and k[0] == None: na[k[1]] = attrs[k]
+                else: na[k] = attrs[k]
+            attrs = na
+        self._name = name
+        self._attrs = attrs or {}
+        self._dir = children or []
+        prefixes = prefixes or {}
+        self._prefixes = dict(zip(prefixes.values(), prefixes.keys()))
+        if prefixes: self._dNS = prefixes.get(None, None)
+        else: self._dNS = None
+    def __repr__(self, recursive=0, multiline=0, inprefixes=None):
+        def qname(name, inprefixes):
+            if islst(name):
+                if inprefixes[name[0]] is not None:
+                    return inprefixes[name[0]]+':'+name[1]
+                else:
+                    return name[1]
+            else:
+                return name
+        def arep(a, inprefixes, addns=1):
+            out = ''
+            for p in self._prefixes.keys():
+                if not p in inprefixes.keys():
+                    if addns: out += ' xmlns'
+                    if addns and self._prefixes[p]: out += ':'+self._prefixes[p]
+                    if addns: out += '="'+quote(p, False)+'"'
+                    inprefixes[p] = self._prefixes[p]
+            for k in a.keys():
+                out += ' ' + qname(k, inprefixes)+ '="' + quote(a[k], False) + '"'
+            return out
+        inprefixes = inprefixes or {u'http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace':'xml'}
+        # need to call first to set inprefixes:
+        attributes = arep(self._attrs, inprefixes, recursive)
+        out = '<' + qname(self._name, inprefixes)  + attributes
+        if not self._dir and (self._name[0] in empty.keys()
+          and self._name[1] in empty[self._name[0]]):
+            out += ' />'
+            return out
+        out += '>'
+        if recursive:
+            content = 0
+            for x in self._dir:
+                if isinstance(x, Element): content = 1
+            pad = '\n' + ('\t' * recursive)
+            for x in self._dir:
+                if multiline and content: out +=  pad
+                if isstr(x): out += quote(x)
+                elif isinstance(x, Element):
+                    out += x.__repr__(recursive+1, multiline, inprefixes.copy())
+                else:
+                    raise TypeError, "I wasn't expecting "+`x`+"."
+            if multiline and content: out += '\n' + ('\t' * (recursive-1))
+        else:
+            if self._dir: out += '...'
+        out += '</'+qname(self._name, inprefixes)+'>'
+        return out
+    def __unicode__(self):
+        text = ''
+        for x in self._dir:
+            text += unicode(x)
+        return ' '.join(text.split())
+    def __str__(self):
+        return self.__unicode__().encode('utf-8')
+    def __getattr__(self, n):
+        if n[0] == '_': raise AttributeError, "Use foo['"+n+"'] to access the child element."
+        if self._dNS: n = (self._dNS, n)
+        for x in self._dir:
+            if isinstance(x, Element) and x._name == n: return x
+        raise AttributeError, 'No child element named \''+n+"'"
+    def __hasattr__(self, n):
+        for x in self._dir:
+            if isinstance(x, Element) and x._name == n: return True
+        return False
+    def __setattr__(self, n, v):
+        if n[0] == '_': self.__dict__[n] = v
+        else: self[n] = v
+    def __getitem__(self, n):
+        if isinstance(n, type(0)): # d[1] == d._dir[1]
+            return self._dir[n]
+        elif isinstance(n, slice(0).__class__):
+            # numerical slices
+            if isinstance(n.start, type(0)): return self._dir[n.start:n.stop]
+            # d['foo':] == all <foo>s
+            n = n.start
+            if self._dNS and not islst(n): n = (self._dNS, n)
+            out = []
+            for x in self._dir:
+                if isinstance(x, Element) and x._name == n: out.append(x)
+            return out
+        else: # d['foo'] == first <foo>
+            if self._dNS and not islst(n): n = (self._dNS, n)
+            for x in self._dir:
+                if isinstance(x, Element) and x._name == n: return x
+            raise KeyError
+    def __setitem__(self, n, v):
+        if isinstance(n, type(0)): # d[1]
+            self._dir[n] = v
+        elif isinstance(n, slice(0).__class__):
+            # d['foo':] adds a new foo
+            n = n.start
+            if self._dNS and not islst(n): n = (self._dNS, n)
+            nv = Element(n)
+            self._dir.append(nv)
+        else: # d["foo"] replaces first <foo> and dels rest
+            if self._dNS and not islst(n): n = (self._dNS, n)
+            nv = Element(n); nv._dir.append(v)
+            replaced = False
+            todel = []
+            for i in range(len(self)):
+                if self[i]._name == n:
+                    if replaced:
+                        todel.append(i)
+                    else:
+                        self[i] = nv
+                        replaced = True
+            if not replaced: self._dir.append(nv)
+            for i in todel: del self[i]
+    def __delitem__(self, n):
+        if isinstance(n, type(0)): del self._dir[n]
+        elif isinstance(n, slice(0).__class__):
+            # delete all <foo>s
+            n = n.start
+            if self._dNS and not islst(n): n = (self._dNS, n)
+            for i in range(len(self)):
+                if self[i]._name == n: del self[i]
+        else:
+            # delete first foo
+            for i in range(len(self)):
+                if self[i]._name == n: del self[i]
+                break
+    def __call__(self, *_pos, **_set):
+        if _set:
+            for k in _set.keys(): self._attrs[k] = _set[k]
+        if len(_pos) > 1:
+            for i in range(0, len(_pos), 2):
+                self._attrs[_pos[i]] = _pos[i+1]
+        if len(_pos) == 1 is not None:
+            return self._attrs[_pos[0]]
+        if len(_pos) == 0:
+            return self._attrs
+    def __len__(self): return len(self._dir)
+class Namespace:
+    def __init__(self, uri): self.__uri = uri
+    def __getattr__(self, n): return (self.__uri, n)
+    def __getitem__(self, n): return (self.__uri, n)
+from xml.sax.handler import EntityResolver, DTDHandler, ContentHandler, ErrorHandler
+class Seeder(EntityResolver, DTDHandler, ContentHandler, ErrorHandler):
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.stack = []
+        self.ch = ''
+        self.prefixes = {}
+        ContentHandler.__init__(self)
+    def startPrefixMapping(self, prefix, uri):
+        if not self.prefixes.has_key(prefix): self.prefixes[prefix] = []
+        self.prefixes[prefix].append(uri)
+    def endPrefixMapping(self, prefix):
+        self.prefixes[prefix].pop()
+    def startElementNS(self, name, qname, attrs):
+        ch = self.ch; self.ch = ''
+        if ch and not ch.isspace(): self.stack[-1]._dir.append(ch)
+        attrs = dict(attrs)
+        newprefixes = {}
+        for k in self.prefixes.keys(): newprefixes[k] = self.prefixes[k][-1]
+        self.stack.append(Element(name, attrs, prefixes=newprefixes.copy()))
+    def characters(self, ch):
+        self.ch += ch
+    def endElementNS(self, name, qname):
+        ch = self.ch; self.ch = ''
+        if ch and not ch.isspace(): self.stack[-1]._dir.append(ch)
+        element = self.stack.pop()
+        if self.stack:
+            self.stack[-1]._dir.append(element)
+        else:
+            self.result = element
+from xml.sax import make_parser
+from xml.sax.handler import feature_namespaces
+def seed(fileobj):
+    seeder = Seeder()
+    parser = make_parser()
+    parser.setFeature(feature_namespaces, 1)
+    parser.setContentHandler(seeder)
+    parser.parse(fileobj)
+    return seeder.result
+def parse(text):
+    from StringIO import StringIO
+    return seed(StringIO(text))
+def load(url):
+    import urllib
+    return seed(urllib.urlopen(url))
+def unittest():
+    parse('<doc>a<baz>f<b>o</b>ob<b>a</b>r</baz>a</doc>').__repr__(1,1) == \
+      '<doc>\n\ta<baz>\n\t\tf<b>o</b>ob<b>a</b>r\n\t</baz>a\n</doc>'
+    assert str(parse("<doc />")) == ""
+    assert str(parse("<doc>I <b>love</b> you.</doc>")) == "I love you."
+    assert parse("<doc>\nmom\nwow\n</doc>")[0].strip() == "mom\nwow"
+    assert str(parse('<bing>  <bang> <bong>center</bong> </bang>  </bing>')) == "center"
+    assert str(parse('<doc>\xcf\x80</doc>')) == '\xcf\x80'
+    d = Element('foo', attrs={'foo':'bar'}, children=['hit with a', Element('bar'), Element('bar')])
+    try:
+        d._doesnotexist
+        raise "ExpectedError", "but found success. Damn."
+    except AttributeError: pass
+    assert d.bar._name == 'bar'
+    try:
+        d.doesnotexist
+        raise "ExpectedError", "but found success. Damn."
+    except AttributeError: pass
+    assert hasattr(d, 'bar') == True
+    assert d('foo') == 'bar'
+    d(silly='yes')
+    assert d('silly') == 'yes'
+    assert d() == d._attrs
+    assert d[0] == 'hit with a'
+    d[0] = 'ice cream'
+    assert d[0] == 'ice cream'
+    del d[0]
+    assert d[0]._name == "bar"
+    assert len(d[:]) == len(d._dir)
+    assert len(d[1:]) == len(d._dir) - 1
+    assert len(d['bar':]) == 2
+    d['bar':] = 'baz'
+    assert len(d['bar':]) == 3
+    assert d['bar']._name == 'bar'
+    d = Element('foo')
+    doc = Namespace("http://example.org/bar")
+    bbc = Namespace("http://example.org/bbc")
+    dc = Namespace("http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/")
+    d = parse("""<doc version="2.7182818284590451"
+      xmlns="http://example.org/bar"
+      xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"
+      xmlns:bbc="http://example.org/bbc">
+            <author>John Polk and John Palfrey</author>
+            <dc:creator>John Polk</dc:creator>
+            <dc:creator>John Palfrey</dc:creator>
+            <bbc:show bbc:station="4">Buffy</bbc:show>
+    </doc>""")
+    assert repr(d) == '<doc version="2.7182818284590451">...</doc>'
+    assert d.__repr__(1) == '<doc xmlns:bbc="http://example.org/bbc" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns="http://example.org/bar" version="2.7182818284590451"><author>John Polk and John Palfrey</author><dc:creator>John Polk</dc:creator><dc:creator>John Palfrey</dc:creator><bbc:show bbc:station="4">Buffy</bbc:show></doc>'
+    assert d.__repr__(1,1) == '<doc xmlns:bbc="http://example.org/bbc" xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/" xmlns="http://example.org/bar" version="2.7182818284590451">\n\t<author>John Polk and John Palfrey</author>\n\t<dc:creator>John Polk</dc:creator>\n\t<dc:creator>John Palfrey</dc:creator>\n\t<bbc:show bbc:station="4">Buffy</bbc:show>\n</doc>'
+    assert repr(parse("<doc xml:lang='en' />")) == '<doc xml:lang="en"></doc>'
+    assert str(d.author) == str(d['author']) == "John Polk and John Palfrey"
+    assert d.author._name == doc.author
+    assert str(d[dc.creator]) == "John Polk"
+    assert d[dc.creator]._name == dc.creator
+    assert str(d[dc.creator:][1]) == "John Palfrey"
+    d[dc.creator] = "Me!!!"
+    assert str(d[dc.creator]) == "Me!!!"
+    assert len(d[dc.creator:]) == 1
+    d[dc.creator:] = "You!!!"
+    assert len(d[dc.creator:]) == 2
+    assert d[bbc.show](bbc.station) == "4"
+    d[bbc.show](bbc.station, "5")
+    assert d[bbc.show](bbc.station) == "5"
+    e = Element('e')
+    e.c = '<img src="foo">'
+    assert e.__repr__(1) == '<e><c>&lt;img src="foo"></c></e>'
+    e.c = '2 > 4'
+    assert e.__repr__(1) == '<e><c>2 > 4</c></e>'
+    e.c = 'CDATA sections are <em>closed</em> with ]]>.'
+    assert e.__repr__(1) == '<e><c>CDATA sections are &lt;em>closed&lt;/em> with ]]&gt;.</c></e>'
+    e.c = parse('<div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">i<br /><span></span>love<br />you</div>')
+    assert e.__repr__(1) == '<e><c><div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">i<br /><span></span>love<br />you</div></c></e>'
+    e = Element('e')
+    e('c', 'that "sucks"')
+    assert e.__repr__(1) == '<e c="that &quot;sucks&quot;"></e>'
+    assert quote("]]>") == "]]&gt;"
+    assert quote('< dkdkdsd dkd sksdksdfsd fsdfdsf]]> kfdfkg >') == '&lt; dkdkdsd dkd sksdksdfsd fsdfdsf]]&gt; kfdfkg >'
+    assert parse('<x a="&lt;"></x>').__repr__(1) == '<x a="&lt;"></x>'
+    assert parse('<a xmlns="http://a"><b xmlns="http://b"/></a>').__repr__(1) == '<a xmlns="http://a"><b xmlns="http://b"></b></a>'
+if __name__ == '__main__': unittest()