diff orpg/tools/PyAUI.py @ 0:4385a7d0efd1 grumpy-goblin

Deleted and repushed it with the 'grumpy-goblin' branch. I forgot a y
author sirebral
date Tue, 14 Jul 2009 16:41:58 -0500
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/orpg/tools/PyAUI.py	Tue Jul 14 16:41:58 2009 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,4931 @@
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
+# Original C++ Code From Kirix (wxAUI). You Can Find It At:
+#    License: wxWidgets license
+# http://www.kirix.com/en/community/opensource/wxaui/about_wxaui.html
+# Current wxAUI Version Tracked: 0.9.2
+# Python Code By:
+# Andrea Gavana, @ 23 Dec 2005
+# Latest Revision: 30 Jun 2006, 21.00 GMT
+# PyAUI version 0.9.2 Adds:
+# * Fixes For Display Glitches;
+# * Fixes For Other Bugs Found In Previous Versions.
+# TODO List/Caveats
+# 1. Using The New Versions Of wxPython ( Or Higher) There
+#    Is A New Method Called wx.GetMouseState() That Gets Rid Of The Import Of
+#    win32all or ctypes. Moreover, It Should Make PyAUI Working On All
+#    Platforms (I Hope).
+# Latest Patches:
+# 1) Reduced Flicker While Drawing The Dock Hint
+# 2) Made Impossoible To Drag The Sash Separator Outside The Main Frame
+# 3) Improved Repaint When Using The Active Pane Option
+# 4) Fixed The Mac Problem (Thanks To David Pratt) And Applied The wxGTK Patches
+#    Suggested By Robin Dunn To Correctly Draw The Dock Hint
+# For All Kind Of Problems, Requests Of Enhancements And Bug Reports, Please
+# Write To Me At:
+# andrea.gavana@agip.it
+# andrea_gavan@tin.it
+# Or, Obviously, To The wxPython Mailing List!!!
+# with OS X support and refactoring implemented by Chris Mellon (arkanes@gmail.com) -
+#    contact me directly or on wxPython ML for more info
+# End Of Comments
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
+PyAUI is an Advanced User Interface library that aims to implement "cutting-edge"
+interface usability and design features so developers can quickly and easily create
+beautiful and usable application interfaces.
+Vision and Design Principles
+PyAUI attempts to encapsulate the following aspects of the user interface:
+* Frame Management: Frame management provides the means to open, move and hide common
+controls that are needed to interact with the document, and allow these configurations
+to be saved into different perspectives and loaded at a later time.
+* Toolbars: Toolbars are a specialized subset of the frame management system and should
+behave similarly to other docked components. However, they also require additional
+functionality, such as "spring-loaded" rebar support, "chevron" buttons and end-user
+* Modeless Controls: Modeless controls expose a tool palette or set of options that
+float above the application content while allowing it to be accessed. Usually accessed
+by the toolbar, these controls disappear when an option is selected, but may also be
+"torn off" the toolbar into a floating frame of their own.
+* Look and Feel: Look and feel encompasses the way controls are drawn, both when shown
+statically as well as when they are being moved. This aspect of user interface design
+incorporates "special effects" such as transparent window dragging as well as frame animation.
+PyAUI adheres to the following principles:
+- Use native floating frames to obtain a native look and feel for all platforms;
+- Use existing wxPython code where possible, such as sizer implementation for frame management;
+- Use standard wxPython coding conventions.
+The following example shows a simple implementation that utilizes AuiManager to manage
+three text controls in a frame window:
+class MyFrame(wx.Frame):
+    def __init__(self, parent, id=-1, title="PyAUI Test", pos=wx.DefaultPosition,
+                 size=(800, 600), style=wx.DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE):
+        wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent, id, title, pos, size, style)
+        self._mgr = PyAUI.AuiManager()
+        # notify PyAUI which frame to use
+        self._mgr.SetFrame(self)
+        # create several text controls
+        text1 = wx.TextCtrl(self, -1, "Pane 1 - sample text",
+                            wx.DefaultPosition, wx.Size(200,150),
+                            wx.NO_BORDER | wx.TE_MULTILINE)
+        text2 = wx.TextCtrl(self, -1, "Pane 2 - sample text",
+                            wx.DefaultPosition, wx.Size(200,150),
+                            wx.NO_BORDER | wx.TE_MULTILINE)
+        text3 = wx.TextCtrl(self, -1, "Main content window",
+                            wx.DefaultPosition, wx.Size(200,150),
+                            wx.NO_BORDER | wx.TE_MULTILINE)
+        # add the panes to the manager
+        self._mgr.AddPane(text1, wx.LEFT, "Pane Number One")
+        self._mgr.AddPane(text2, wx.BOTTOM, "Pane Number Two")
+        self._mgr.AddPane(text3, wx.CENTER)
+        # tell the manager to "commit" all the changes just made
+        self._mgr.Update()
+        self.Bind(wx.EVT_CLOSE, self.OnClose)
+    def OnClose(self, event):
+        # deinitialize the frame manager
+        self._mgr.UnInit()
+        self.Destroy()
+        event.Skip()
+# our normal wxApp-derived class, as usual
+app = wx.PySimpleApp()
+frame = MyFrame(None)
+What's New:
+PyAUI version 0.9.2 Adds:
+* Fixes For Display Glitches;
+* Fixes For Other Bugs Found In Previous Versions.
+License And Version:
+PyAUI Library Is Freeware And Distributed Under The wxPython License.
+Latest Revision: Andrea Gavana @ 30 Jun 2006, 21.00 GMT
+Version 0.9.2.
+from orpg.orpg_wx import *
+import cStringIO, zlib
+import time
+_libimported = None
+_newversion = False
+# Check For The New wxVersion: It Should Be >
+# In Order To Let PyAUI Working On All Platforms
+wxver = wx.VERSION_STRING
+if wxver < "2.7":
+    wx.Rect.Contains = lambda self, point: wx.Rect.Inside(self, point)
+if hasattr(wx, "GetMouseState"):
+    _newversion = True
+    if wx.Platform == "__WXMSW__":
+        try:
+            import win32api
+            import win32con
+            import winxpgui
+            _libimported = "MH"
+        except:
+            try:
+                import ctypes
+                _libimported = "ctypes"
+            except:
+                pass
+    if wx.Platform == "__WXMSW__":
+        try:
+            import win32api
+            import win32con
+            import winxpgui
+            _libimported = "MH"
+        except:
+            try:
+                import ctypes
+                _libimported = "ctypes"
+            except:
+                raise "\nERROR: At Present, On Windows Machines, You Need To Install "\
+                      "Mark Hammond's pywin32 Extensions Or The ctypes Module, Or Download" \
+                      "The Latest wxPython Version."
+    else:
+        raise "\nSorry: I Still Don't Know How To Work On GTK/MAC Platforms... " \
+              "Please Download The Latest wxPython Version."
+if wx.Platform == "__WXMAC__":
+    try:
+        import ctypes
+        _carbon_dll = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary(r'/System/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Carbon')
+    except:
+        _carbon_dll = None
+# Docking Styles
+# Floating/Dragging Styles
+                  AUI_MGR_TRANSPARENT_HINT | \
+                  AUI_MGR_TRANSPARENT_HINT_FADE | \
+                  AUI_MGR_TRANSPARENT_DRAG
+# Panes Customization
+# Caption Gradient Type
+# Pane Button State
+# Pane Insert Level
+# some built in bitmaps
+close_bits = '\xff\x00\x00\x00\xff\x00\x00\x00\xff\x00\x00\x00\xff\x00\x00\x00' \
+             '\xff\x00\x00\x00\xff\x00\x00\x00\xff\x00\x00\x00\xff\x00\x00\x00' \
+             '\xef\x00\x00\x00\xfb\x00\x00\x00\xcf\x00\x00\x00\xf9\x00\x00\x00' \
+             '\x9f\x00\x00\x00\xfc\x00\x00\x00?\x00\x00\x00\xfe\x00\x00\x00?\x00' \
+             '\x00\x00\xfe\x00\x00\x00\x9f\x00\x00\x00\xfc\x00\x00\x00\xcf\x00' \
+             '\x00\x00\xf9\x00\x00\x00\xef\x00\x00\x00\xfb\x00\x00\x00\xff\x00' \
+             '\x00\x00\xff\x00\x00\x00\xff\x00\x00\x00\xff\x00\x00\x00\xff\x00' \
+             '\x00\x00\xff\x00\x00\x00\xff\x00\x00\x00\xff\x00\x00\x00'
+pin_bits = '\xff\x00\x00\x00\xff\x00\x00\x00\xff\x00\x00\x00\xff\x00\x00\x00\xff' \
+           '\x00\x00\x00\xff\x00\x00\x00\x1f\x00\x00\x00\xfc\x00\x00\x00\xdf\x00' \
+           '\x00\x00\xfc\x00\x00\x00\xdf\x00\x00\x00\xfc\x00\x00\x00\xdf\x00\x00' \
+           '\x00\xfc\x00\x00\x00\xdf\x00\x00\x00\xfc\x00\x00\x00\xdf\x00\x00\x00' \
+           '\xfc\x00\x00\x00\x0f\x00\x00\x00\xf8\x00\x00\x00\x7f\x00\x00\x00\xff' \
+           '\x00\x00\x00\x7f\x00\x00\x00\xff\x00\x00\x00\x7f\x00\x00\x00\xff\x00' \
+           '\x00\x00\xff\x00\x00\x00\xff\x00\x00\x00\xff\x00\x00\x00\xff\x00\x00' \
+           '\x00\xff\x00\x00\x00\xff\x00\x00\x00'
+# PyAUI Event
+wxEVT_AUI_PANEBUTTON = wx.NewEventType()
+wxEVT_AUI_PANECLOSE = wx.NewEventType()
+def GetCloseData():
+    return zlib.decompress(
+'x\xda\xeb\x0c\xf0s\xe7\xe5\x92\xe2b``\xe0\xf5\xf4p\t\x02\xd2\x02 \xcc\xc1\
+def GetCloseBitmap():
+    return wx.BitmapFromImage(GetCloseImage())
+def GetCloseImage():
+    stream = cStringIO.StringIO(GetCloseData())
+    return wx.ImageFromStream(stream)
+def StepColour(c, percent):
+    """
+    StepColour() it a utility function that simply darkens
+    a color by the specified percentage.
+    """
+    r = c.Red()
+    g = c.Green()
+    b = c.Blue()
+    return wx.Colour(min((r*percent)/100, 255),
+                     min((g*percent)/100, 255),
+                     min((b*percent)/100, 255))
+def LightContrastColour(c):
+    amount = 120
+    # if the color is especially dark, then
+    # make the contrast even lighter
+    if c.Red() < 128 and c.Green() < 128 and c.Blue() < 128:
+        amount = 160
+    return StepColour(c, amount)
+def BitmapFromBits(color, type=0):
+    """
+    BitmapFromBits() is a utility function that creates a
+    masked bitmap from raw bits (XBM format).
+    """
+    if type == 0:   # Close Bitmap
+        img = GetCloseImage()
+    else:
+        # this should be GetClosePin()... but what the hell is a "pin"?
+        img = GetCloseImage()
+    img.Replace(255, 255, 255, 123, 123, 123)
+    img.Replace(0, 0, 0, color.Red(), color.Green(), color.Blue())
+    return img.ConvertToBitmap()
+def DrawGradientRectangle(dc, rect, start_color, end_color, direction):
+    rd = end_color.Red() - start_color.Red()
+    gd = end_color.Green() - start_color.Green()
+    bd = end_color.Blue() - start_color.Blue()
+    if direction == AUI_GRADIENT_VERTICAL:
+        high = rect.GetHeight() - 1
+    else:
+        high = rect.GetWidth() - 1
+    for ii in xrange(high+1):
+        r = start_color.Red() + ((ii*rd*100)/high)/100
+        g = start_color.Green() + ((ii*gd*100)/high)/100
+        b = start_color.Blue() + ((ii*bd*100)/high)/100
+        p = wx.Pen(wx.Colour(r, g, b))
+        dc.SetPen(p)
+        if direction == AUI_GRADIENT_VERTICAL:
+            dc.DrawLine(rect.x, rect.y+ii, rect.x+rect.width, rect.y+ii)
+        else:
+            dc.DrawLine(rect.x+ii, rect.y, rect.x+ii, rect.y+rect.height)
+class DockInfo:
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.dock_direction = 0
+        self.dock_layer = 0
+        self.dock_row = 0
+        self.size = 0
+        self.min_size = 0
+        self.resizable = True
+        self.fixed = False
+        self.toolbar = False
+        self.rect = wx.Rect()
+        self.panes = []
+    def IsOk(self):
+        return (self.dock_direction != 0 and [True] or [False])[0]
+    def IsHorizontal(self):
+        return ((self.dock_direction == AUI_DOCK_TOP or \
+                self.dock_direction == AUI_DOCK_BOTTOM) and \
+                [True] or [False])[0]
+    def IsVertical(self):
+        return ((self.dock_direction == AUI_DOCK_LEFT or \
+                self.dock_direction == AUI_DOCK_RIGHT or \
+                self.dock_direction == AUI_DOCK_CENTER) and [True] or [False])[0]
+class DockUIPart:
+    typeCaption = 0
+    typeGripper = 1
+    typeDock = 2
+    typeDockSizer = 3
+    typePane = 4
+    typePaneSizer = 5
+    typeBackground = 6
+    typePaneBorder = 7
+    typePaneButton = 8
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.orientation = wx.VERTICAL
+        self.type = 0
+        self.rect = wx.Rect()
+class PaneButton:
+    def __init__(self, button_id):
+        self.button_id = button_id
+# event declarations/classes
+class AuiManagerEvent(wx.PyCommandEvent):
+    def __init__(self, eventType, id=1):
+        wx.PyCommandEvent.__init__(self, eventType, id)
+        self.pane = None
+        self.button = 0
+    def SetPane(self, p):
+        self.pane = p
+    def SetButton(self, b):
+        self.button = b
+    def GetPane(self):
+        return self.pane
+    def GetButton(self):
+        return self.button
+# -- DefaultDockArt class implementation --
+# DefaultDockArt is an art provider class which does all of the drawing for
+# AuiManager.  This allows the library caller to customize the dock art
+# (probably by deriving from this class), or to completely replace all drawing
+# with custom dock art. The active dock art class can be set via
+# AuiManager.SetDockArt()
+class DefaultDockArt:
+    def __init__(self):
+        base_color = wx.SystemSettings_GetColour(wx.SYS_COLOUR_3DFACE)
+        darker1_color = StepColour(base_color, 85)
+        darker2_color = StepColour(base_color, 70)
+        darker3_color = StepColour(base_color, 60)
+        darker4_color = StepColour(base_color, 50)
+        darker5_color = StepColour(base_color, 40)
+        self._active_caption_colour = LightContrastColour(wx.SystemSettings_GetColour(wx.SYS_COLOUR_HIGHLIGHT))
+        self._active_caption_gradient_colour = wx.SystemSettings_GetColour(wx.SYS_COLOUR_HIGHLIGHT)
+        self._active_caption_text_colour = wx.SystemSettings_GetColour(wx.SYS_COLOUR_HIGHLIGHTTEXT)
+        self._inactive_caption_colour = StepColour(darker1_color, 80)
+        self._inactive_caption_gradient_colour = darker1_color
+        self._inactive_caption_text_colour = wx.BLACK
+        sash_color = base_color
+        caption_color = darker1_color
+        paneborder_color = darker2_color
+        selectbutton_color = base_color
+        selectbuttonpen_color = darker3_color
+        self._sash_brush = wx.Brush(base_color)
+        self._background_brush = wx.Brush(base_color)
+        self._border_pen = wx.Pen(darker2_color)
+        self._gripper_brush = wx.Brush(base_color)
+        self._gripper_pen1 = wx.Pen(darker5_color)
+        self._gripper_pen2 = wx.Pen(darker3_color)
+        self._gripper_pen3 = wx.WHITE_PEN
+        self._caption_font = wx.Font(8, wx.DEFAULT, wx.NORMAL, wx.NORMAL, False)
+        self._inactive_close_bitmap = BitmapFromBits(self._inactive_caption_text_colour, 0)
+        self._inactive_pin_bitmap = BitmapFromBits(self._inactive_caption_text_colour, 1)
+        self._active_close_bitmap = BitmapFromBits(self._active_caption_text_colour, 0)
+        self._active_pin_bitmap = BitmapFromBits(self._active_caption_text_colour, 1)
+        # default metric values
+        self._sash_size = 4
+        self._caption_size = 17
+        self._border_size = 1
+        self._button_size = 14
+        self._gripper_size = 9
+        self._gradient_type = AUI_GRADIENT_VERTICAL
+    def GetMetric(self, id):
+        if id == AUI_ART_SASH_SIZE:
+            return self._sash_size
+        elif id == AUI_ART_CAPTION_SIZE:
+            return self._caption_size
+        elif id == AUI_ART_GRIPPER_SIZE:
+            return self._gripper_size
+        elif id == AUI_ART_PANE_BORDER_SIZE:
+            return self._border_size
+        elif id == AUI_ART_PANE_BUTTON_SIZE:
+            return self._button_size
+        elif id == AUI_ART_GRADIENT_TYPE:
+            return self._gradient_type
+        else:
+            raise "\nERROR: Invalid Metric Ordinal. "
+    def SetMetric(self, id, new_val):
+        if id == AUI_ART_SASH_SIZE:
+            self._sash_size = new_val
+        elif id == AUI_ART_CAPTION_SIZE:
+            self._caption_size = new_val
+        elif id == AUI_ART_GRIPPER_SIZE:
+            self._gripper_size = new_val
+        elif id == AUI_ART_PANE_BORDER_SIZE:
+            self._border_size = new_val
+        elif id == AUI_ART_PANE_BUTTON_SIZE:
+            self._button_size = new_val
+        elif id == AUI_ART_GRADIENT_TYPE:
+            self._gradient_type = new_val
+        else:
+            raise "\nERROR: Invalid Metric Ordinal. "
+    def GetColor(self, id):
+        if id == AUI_ART_BACKGROUND_COLOUR:
+            return self._background_brush.GetColour()
+        elif id == AUI_ART_SASH_COLOUR:
+            return self._sash_brush.GetColour()
+            return self._inactive_caption_colour
+            return self._inactive_caption_gradient_colour
+            return self._inactive_caption_text_colour
+        elif id == AUI_ART_ACTIVE_CAPTION_COLOUR:
+            return self._active_caption_colour
+            return self._active_caption_gradient_colour
+            return self._active_caption_text_colour
+        elif id == AUI_ART_BORDER_COLOUR:
+            return self._border_pen.GetColour()
+        elif id == AUI_ART_GRIPPER_COLOUR:
+            return self._gripper_brush.GetColour()
+        else:
+            raise "\nERROR: Invalid Metric Ordinal. "
+    def SetColor(self, id, colour):
+        if id == AUI_ART_BACKGROUND_COLOUR:
+            self._background_brush.SetColour(colour)
+        elif id == AUI_ART_SASH_COLOUR:
+            self._sash_brush.SetColour(colour)
+            self._inactive_caption_colour = colour
+            self._inactive_caption_gradient_colour = colour
+            self._inactive_caption_text_colour = colour
+        elif id == AUI_ART_ACTIVE_CAPTION_COLOUR:
+            self._active_caption_colour = colour
+            self._active_caption_gradient_colour = colour
+            self._active_caption_text_colour = colour
+        elif id == AUI_ART_BORDER_COLOUR:
+            self._border_pen.SetColour(colour)
+        elif id == AUI_ART_GRIPPER_COLOUR:
+            self._gripper_brush.SetColour(colour)
+            self._gripper_pen1.SetColour(StepColour(colour, 40))
+            self._gripper_pen2.SetColour(StepColour(colour, 60))
+        else:
+            raise "\nERROR: Invalid Metric Ordinal. "
+    GetColour = GetColor
+    SetColour = SetColor
+    def SetFont(self, id, font):
+        if id == AUI_ART_CAPTION_FONT:
+            self._caption_font = font
+    def GetFont(self, id):
+        if id == AUI_ART_CAPTION_FONT:
+            return self._caption_font
+        return wx.NoneFont
+    def DrawSash(self, dc, orient, rect):
+        dc.SetPen(wx.TRANSPARENT_PEN)
+        dc.SetBrush(self._sash_brush)
+        dc.DrawRectangle(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height)
+    def DrawBackground(self, dc, orient, rect):
+        dc.SetPen(wx.TRANSPARENT_PEN)
+        dc.SetBrush(self._background_brush)
+        dc.DrawRectangle(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height)
+    def DrawBorder(self, dc, rect, pane):
+        drect = wx.Rect()
+        drect.x = rect.x
+        drect.y = rect.y
+        drect.width = rect.width
+        drect.height = rect.height
+        dc.SetPen(self._border_pen)
+        dc.SetBrush(wx.TRANSPARENT_BRUSH)
+        border_width = self.GetMetric(AUI_ART_PANE_BORDER_SIZE)
+        if pane.IsToolbar():
+            for ii in xrange(0, border_width):
+                dc.SetPen(wx.WHITE_PEN)
+                dc.DrawLine(drect.x, drect.y, drect.x+drect.width, drect.y)
+                dc.DrawLine(drect.x, drect.y, drect.x, drect.y+drect.height)
+                dc.SetPen(self._border_pen)
+                dc.DrawLine(drect.x, drect.y+drect.height-1,
+                            drect.x+drect.width, drect.y+drect.height-1)
+                dc.DrawLine(drect.x+drect.width-1, drect.y,
+                            drect.x+drect.width-1, drect.y+drect.height)
+                drect.Deflate(1, 1)
+        else:
+            for ii in xrange(0, border_width):
+                dc.DrawRectangle(drect.x, drect.y, drect.width, drect.height)
+                drect.Deflate(1, 1)
+    def DrawCaptionBackground(self, dc, rect, active):
+        if self._gradient_type == AUI_GRADIENT_NONE:
+            if active:
+                dc.SetBrush(wx.Brush(self._active_caption_colour))
+            else:
+                dc.SetBrush(wx.Brush(self._inactive_caption_colour))
+            dc.DrawRectangle(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height)
+        else:
+            if active:
+                DrawGradientRectangle(dc, rect, self._active_caption_colour,
+                                      self._active_caption_gradient_colour,
+                                      self._gradient_type)
+            else:
+                DrawGradientRectangle(dc, rect, self._inactive_caption_colour,
+                                      self._inactive_caption_gradient_colour,
+                                      self._gradient_type)
+    def DrawCaption(self, dc, text, rect, pane):
+        dc.SetPen(wx.TRANSPARENT_PEN)
+        dc.SetFont(self._caption_font)
+        self.DrawCaptionBackground(dc, rect, ((pane.state & AuiPaneInfo.optionActive) and \
+                                              [True] or [False])[0])
+        if pane.state & AuiPaneInfo.optionActive:
+            dc.SetTextForeground(self._active_caption_text_colour)
+        else:
+            dc.SetTextForeground(self._inactive_caption_text_colour)
+        w, h = dc.GetTextExtent("ABCDEFHXfgkj")
+        dc.SetClippingRegion(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height)
+        dc.DrawText(text, rect.x+3, rect.y+(rect.height/2)-(h/2)-1)
+        dc.DestroyClippingRegion()
+    def DrawGripper(self, dc, rect, pane):
+        dc.SetPen(wx.TRANSPARENT_PEN)
+        dc.SetBrush(self._gripper_brush)
+        dc.DrawRectangle(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height)
+        if not pane.HasGripperTop():
+            y = 5
+            while 1:
+                dc.SetPen(self._gripper_pen1)
+                dc.DrawPoint(rect.x+3, rect.y+y)
+                dc.SetPen(self._gripper_pen2)
+                dc.DrawPoint(rect.x+3, rect.y+y+1)
+                dc.DrawPoint(rect.x+4, rect.y+y)
+                dc.SetPen(self._gripper_pen3)
+                dc.DrawPoint(rect.x+5, rect.y+y+1)
+                dc.DrawPoint(rect.x+5, rect.y+y+2)
+                dc.DrawPoint(rect.x+4, rect.y+y+2)
+                y = y + 4
+                if y > rect.GetHeight() - 5:
+                    break
+        else:
+            x = 5
+            while 1:
+                dc.SetPen(self._gripper_pen1)
+                dc.DrawPoint(rect.x+x, rect.y+3)
+                dc.SetPen(self._gripper_pen2)
+                dc.DrawPoint(rect.x+x+1, rect.y+3)
+                dc.DrawPoint(rect.x+x, rect.y+4)
+                dc.SetPen(self._gripper_pen3)
+                dc.DrawPoint(rect.x+x+1, rect.y+5)
+                dc.DrawPoint(rect.x+x+2, rect.y+5)
+                dc.DrawPoint(rect.x+x+2, rect.y+4)
+                x = x + 4
+                if x > rect.GetWidth() - 5:
+                    break
+    def DrawPaneButton(self, dc, button, button_state, rect, pane):
+        drect = wx.Rect()
+        drect.x = rect.x
+        drect.y = rect.y
+        drect.width = rect.width
+        drect.height = rect.height
+        if button_state == AUI_BUTTON_STATE_PRESSED:
+            drect.x = drect.x + 1
+            drect.y = drect.y + 1
+            if pane.state & AuiPaneInfo.optionActive:
+                dc.SetBrush(wx.Brush(StepColour(self._active_caption_colour, 120)))
+                dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(StepColour(self._active_caption_colour, 70)))
+            else:
+                dc.SetBrush(wx.Brush(StepColour(self._inactive_caption_colour, 120)))
+                dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(StepColour(self._inactive_caption_colour, 70)))
+            # draw the background behind the button
+            dc.DrawRectangle(drect.x, drect.y, 15, 15)
+        if button == AuiPaneInfo.buttonClose:
+            if pane.state & AuiPaneInfo.optionActive:
+                bmp = self._active_close_bitmap
+            else:
+                bmp = self._inactive_close_bitmap
+        elif button == AuiPaneInfo.buttonPin:
+            if pane.state & AuiPaneInfo.optionActive:
+                bmp = self._active_pin_bitmap
+            else:
+                bmp = self._inactive_pin_bitmap
+        # draw the button itself
+        dc.DrawBitmap(bmp, drect.x, drect.y, True)
+# -- AuiPaneInfo class implementation --
+# AuiPaneInfo specifies all the parameters for a pane. These parameters specify where
+# the pane is on the screen, whether it is docked or floating, or hidden. In addition,
+# these parameters specify the pane's docked position, floating position, preferred
+# size, minimum size, caption text among many other parameters.
+class AuiPaneInfo:
+    optionFloating        = 2**0
+    optionHidden          = 2**1
+    optionLeftDockable    = 2**2
+    optionRightDockable   = 2**3
+    optionTopDockable     = 2**4
+    optionBottomDockable  = 2**5
+    optionFloatable       = 2**6
+    optionMovable         = 2**7
+    optionResizable       = 2**8
+    optionPaneBorder      = 2**9
+    optionCaption         = 2**10
+    optionGripper         = 2**11
+    optionDestroyOnClose  = 2**12
+    optionToolbar         = 2**13
+    optionActive          = 2**14
+    optionGripperTop      = 2**15
+    buttonClose           = 2**24
+    buttonMaximize        = 2**25
+    buttonMinimize        = 2**26
+    buttonPin             = 2**27
+    buttonCustom1         = 2**28
+    buttonCustom2         = 2**29
+    buttonCustom3         = 2**30
+    actionPane            = 2**31    # used internally
+    def __init__(self):
+        wx.DefaultSize = wx.Size(-1, -1)
+        self.window = None
+        self.frame = None
+        self.state = 0
+        self.dock_direction = AUI_DOCK_LEFT
+        self.dock_layer = 0
+        self.dock_row = 0
+        self.dock_pos = 0
+        self.floating_pos = wx.Point(-1, -1)
+        self.floating_size = wx.Size(-1, -1)
+        self.best_size = wx.Size(-1, -1)
+        self.min_size = wx.Size(-1, -1)
+        self.max_size = wx.Size(-1, -1)
+        self.dock_proportion = 0
+        self.caption = ""
+        self.buttons = []
+        self.name = ""
+        self.rect = wx.Rect()
+        self.DefaultPane()
+    def IsOk(self):
+        """ IsOk() returns True if the AuiPaneInfo structure is valid. """
+        return (self.window != None and [True] or [False])[0]
+    def IsFixed(self):
+        """ IsFixed() returns True if the pane cannot be resized. """
+        return not self.HasFlag(self.optionResizable)
+    def IsResizable(self):
+        """ IsResizeable() returns True if the pane can be resized. """
+        return self.HasFlag(self.optionResizable)
+    def IsShown(self):
+        """ IsShown() returns True if the pane should be drawn on the screen. """
+        return not self.HasFlag(self.optionHidden)
+    def IsFloating(self):
+        """ IsFloating() returns True if the pane is floating. """
+        return self.HasFlag(self.optionFloating)
+    def IsDocked(self):
+        """ IsDocked() returns True if the pane is docked. """
+        return not self.HasFlag(self.optionFloating)
+    def IsToolbar(self):
+        """ IsToolbar() returns True if the pane contains a toolbar. """
+        return self.HasFlag(self.optionToolbar)
+    def IsTopDockable(self):
+        """
+        IsTopDockable() returns True if the pane can be docked at the top
+        of the managed frame.
+        """
+        return self.HasFlag(self.optionTopDockable)
+    def IsBottomDockable(self):
+        """
+        IsBottomDockable() returns True if the pane can be docked at the bottom
+        of the managed frame.
+        """
+        return self.HasFlag(self.optionBottomDockable)
+    def IsLeftDockable(self):
+        """
+        IsLeftDockable() returns True if the pane can be docked at the left
+        of the managed frame.
+        """
+        return self.HasFlag(self.optionLeftDockable)
+    def IsRightDockable(self):
+        """
+        IsRightDockable() returns True if the pane can be docked at the right
+        of the managed frame.
+        """
+        return self.HasFlag(self.optionRightDockable)
+    def IsDockable(self):
+        """ IsDockable() returns True if the pane can be docked. """
+        return self.IsTopDockable() or self.IsBottomDockable() or self.IsLeftDockable() or \
+               self.IsRightDockable()
+    def IsFloatable(self):
+        """
+        IsFloatable() returns True if the pane can be undocked and displayed as a
+        floating window.
+        """
+        return self.HasFlag(self.optionFloatable)
+    def IsMovable(self):
+        """
+        IsMoveable() returns True if the docked frame can be undocked or moved to
+        another dock position.
+        """
+        return self.HasFlag(self.optionMovable)
+    def HasCaption(self):
+        """ HasCaption() returns True if the pane displays a caption. """
+        return self.HasFlag(self.optionCaption)
+    def HasGripper(self):
+        """ HasGripper() returns True if the pane displays a gripper. """
+        return self.HasFlag(self.optionGripper)
+    def HasBorder(self):
+        """ HasBorder() returns True if the pane displays a border. """
+        return self.HasFlag(self.optionPaneBorder)
+    def HasCloseButton(self):
+        """
+        HasCloseButton() returns True if the pane displays a button to close
+        the pane.
+        """
+        return self.HasFlag(self.buttonClose)
+    def HasMaximizeButton(self):
+        """
+        HasMaximizeButton() returns True if the pane displays a button to
+        maximize the pane.
+        """
+        return self.HasFlag(self.buttonMaximize)
+    def HasMinimizeButton(self):
+        """
+        HasMinimizeButton() returns True if the pane displays a button to
+        minimize the pane.
+        """
+        return self.HasFlag(self.buttonMinimize)
+    def HasPinButton(self):
+        """ HasPinButton() returns True if the pane displays a button to float the pane. """
+        return self.HasFlag(self.buttonPin)
+    def HasGripperTop(self):
+        return self.HasFlag(self.optionGripperTop)
+    def Window(self, w):
+        self.window = w
+        return self
+    def Name(self, n):
+        """ Name() sets the name of the pane so it can be referenced in lookup functions. """
+        self.name = n
+        return self
+    def Caption(self, c):
+        """ Caption() sets the caption of the pane. """
+        self.caption = c
+        return self
+    def Left(self):
+        """ Left() sets the pane dock position to the left side of the frame. """
+        self.dock_direction = AUI_DOCK_LEFT
+        return self
+    def Right(self):
+        """ Right() sets the pane dock position to the right side of the frame. """
+        self.dock_direction = AUI_DOCK_RIGHT
+        return self
+    def Top(self):
+        """ Top() sets the pane dock position to the top of the frame. """
+        self.dock_direction = AUI_DOCK_TOP
+        return self
+    def Bottom(self):
+        """ Bottom() sets the pane dock position to the bottom of the frame. """
+        self.dock_direction = AUI_DOCK_BOTTOM
+        return self
+    def Center(self):
+        """ Center() sets the pane to the center position of the frame. """
+        self.dock_direction = AUI_DOCK_CENTER
+        return self
+    def Centre(self):
+        """ Centre() sets the pane to the center position of the frame. """
+        self.dock_direction = AUI_DOCK_CENTRE
+        return self
+    def Direction(self, direction):
+        """ Direction() determines the direction of the docked pane. """
+        self.dock_direction = direction
+        return self
+    def Layer(self, layer):
+        """ Layer() determines the layer of the docked pane. """
+        self.dock_layer = layer
+        return self
+    def Row(self, row):
+        """ Row() determines the row of the docked pane. """
+        self.dock_row = row
+        return self
+    def Position(self, pos):
+        """ Position() determines the position of the docked pane. """
+        self.dock_pos = pos
+        return self
+    def MinSize(self, arg1=None, arg2=None):
+        """ MinSize() sets the minimum size of the pane. """
+        if isinstance(arg1, wx.Size):
+            ret = self.MinSize1(arg1)
+        else:
+            ret = self.MinSize2(arg1, arg2)
+        return ret
+    def MinSize1(self, size):
+        self.min_size = size
+        return self
+    def MinSize2(self, x, y):
+        self.min_size.Set(x,y)
+        return self
+    def MaxSize(self, arg1=None, arg2=None):
+        """ MaxSize() sets the maximum size of the pane. """
+        if isinstance(arg1, wx.Size):
+            ret = self.MaxSize1(arg1)
+        else:
+            ret = self.MaxSize2(arg1, arg2)
+        return ret
+    def MaxSize1(self, size):
+        self.max_size = size
+        return self
+    def MaxSize2(self, x, y):
+        self.max_size.Set(x,y)
+        return self
+    def BestSize(self, arg1=None, arg2=None):
+        """ BestSize() sets the ideal size for the pane. """
+        if isinstance(arg1, wx.Size):
+            ret = self.BestSize1(arg1)
+        else:
+            ret = self.BestSize2(arg1, arg2)
+        return ret
+    def BestSize1(self, size):
+        self.best_size = size
+        return self
+    def BestSize2(self, x, y):
+        self.best_size.Set(x,y)
+        return self
+    def FloatingPosition(self, pos):
+        """ FloatingPosition() sets the position of the floating pane. """
+        self.floating_pos = pos
+        return self
+    def FloatingSize(self, size):
+        """ FloatingSize() sets the size of the floating pane. """
+        self.floating_size = size
+        return self
+    def Fixed(self):
+        """ Fixed() forces a pane to be fixed size so that it cannot be resized. """
+        return self.SetFlag(self.optionResizable, False)
+    def Resizable(self, resizable=True):
+        """
+        Resizable() allows a pane to be resizable if resizable is True, and forces
+        it to be a fixed size if resizeable is False.
+        """
+        return self.SetFlag(self.optionResizable, resizable)
+    def Dock(self):
+        """ Dock() indicates that a pane should be docked. """
+        return self.SetFlag(self.optionFloating, False)
+    def Float(self):
+        """ Float() indicates that a pane should be floated. """
+        return self.SetFlag(self.optionFloating, True)
+    def Hide(self):
+        """ Hide() indicates that a pane should be hidden. """
+        return self.SetFlag(self.optionHidden, True)
+    def Show(self, show=True):
+        """ Show() indicates that a pane should be shown. """
+        return self.SetFlag(self.optionHidden, not show)
+    def CaptionVisible(self, visible=True):
+        """ CaptionVisible() indicates that a pane caption should be visible. """
+        return self.SetFlag(self.optionCaption, visible)
+    def PaneBorder(self, visible=True):
+        """ PaneBorder() indicates that a border should be drawn for the pane. """
+        return self.SetFlag(self.optionPaneBorder, visible)
+    def Gripper(self, visible=True):
+        """ Gripper() indicates that a gripper should be drawn for the pane. """
+        return self.SetFlag(self.optionGripper, visible)
+    def GripperTop(self, attop=True):
+        """ GripperTop() indicates that a gripper should be drawn for the pane. """
+        return self.SetFlag(self.optionGripperTop, attop)
+    def CloseButton(self, visible=True):
+        """ CloseButton() indicates that a close button should be drawn for the pane. """
+        return self.SetFlag(self.buttonClose, visible)
+    def MaximizeButton(self, visible=True):
+        """ MaximizeButton() indicates that a maximize button should be drawn for the pane. """
+        return self.SetFlag(self.buttonMaximize, visible)
+    def MinimizeButton(self, visible=True):
+        """ MinimizeButton() indicates that a minimize button should be drawn for the pane. """
+        return self.SetFlag(self.buttonMinimize, visible)
+    def PinButton(self, visible=True):
+        """ PinButton() indicates that a pin button should be drawn for the pane. """
+        return self.SetFlag(self.buttonPin, visible)
+    def DestroyOnClose(self, b=True):
+        """ DestroyOnClose() indicates whether a pane should be destroyed when it is closed. """
+        return self.SetFlag(self.optionDestroyOnClose, b)
+    def TopDockable(self, b=True):
+        """ TopDockable() indicates whether a pane can be docked at the top of the frame. """
+        return self.SetFlag(self.optionTopDockable, b)
+    def BottomDockable(self, b=True):
+        """ BottomDockable() indicates whether a pane can be docked at the bottom of the frame. """
+        return self.SetFlag(self.optionBottomDockable, b)
+    def LeftDockable(self, b=True):
+        """ LeftDockable() indicates whether a pane can be docked on the left of the frame. """
+        return self.SetFlag(self.optionLeftDockable, b)
+    def RightDockable(self, b=True):
+        """ RightDockable() indicates whether a pane can be docked on the right of the frame. """
+        return self.SetFlag(self.optionRightDockable, b)
+    def Floatable(self, b=True):
+        """ Floatable() indicates whether a frame can be floated. """
+        return self.SetFlag(self.optionFloatable, b)
+    def Movable(self, b=True):
+        """ Movable() indicates whether a frame can be moved. """
+        return self.SetFlag(self.optionMovable, b)
+    def Dockable(self, b=True):
+        return self.TopDockable(b).BottomDockable(b).LeftDockable(b).RightDockable(b)
+    def DefaultPane(self):
+        """ DefaultPane() specifies that the pane should adopt the default pane settings. """
+        state = self.state
+        state |= self.optionTopDockable | self.optionBottomDockable | \
+                 self.optionLeftDockable | self.optionRightDockable | \
+                 self.optionFloatable | self.optionMovable | self.optionResizable | \
+                 self.optionCaption | self.optionPaneBorder | self.buttonClose
+        self.state = state
+        return self
+    def CentrePane(self):
+        """ CentrePane() specifies that the pane should adopt the default center pane settings. """
+        return self.CenterPane()
+    def CenterPane(self):
+        """ CenterPane() specifies that the pane should adopt the default center pane settings. """
+        self.state = 0
+        return self.Center().PaneBorder().Resizable()
+    def ToolbarPane(self):
+        """ ToolbarPane() specifies that the pane should adopt the default toolbar pane settings. """
+        self.DefaultPane()
+        state = self.state
+        state |= (self.optionToolbar | self.optionGripper)
+        state &= ~(self.optionResizable | self.optionCaption)
+        if self.dock_layer == 0:
+            self.dock_layer = 10
+        self.state = state
+        return self
+    def SetFlag(self, flag, option_state):
+        """ SetFlag() turns the property given by flag on or off with the option_state parameter. """
+        state = self.state
+        if option_state:
+            state |= flag
+        else:
+            state &= ~flag
+        self.state = state
+        return self
+    def HasFlag(self, flag):
+        """ HasFlag() returns True if the the property specified by flag is active for the pane. """
+        return (self.state & flag and [True] or [False])[0]
+NoneAuiPaneInfo = AuiPaneInfo()
+# -- AuiFloatingPane class implementation --
+# AuiFloatingPane implements a frame class with some special functionality
+# which allows the library to sense when the frame move starts, is active,
+# and completes.  Note that it contains it's own AuiManager instance,
+# which, in the future, would allow for nested managed frames.
+# For now, with wxMSW, the wx.MiniFrame window is used, but on wxGTK, wx.Frame
+if wx.Platform == "__WXGTK__":
+    class AuiFloatingPaneBaseClass(wx.Frame):
+        def __init__(self, parent, id=wx.ID_ANY, title="", pos=wx.DefaultPosition,
+                     size=wx.DefaultSize, style=0):
+            wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent, id, title, pos, size, style)
+    class AuiFloatingPaneBaseClass(wx.MiniFrame):
+        def __init__(self, parent, id=wx.ID_ANY, title="", pos=wx.DefaultPosition,
+                     size=wx.DefaultSize, style=0):
+            wx.MiniFrame.__init__(self, parent, id, title, pos, size, style)
+            if wx.Platform == "__WXMAC__":
+                self.MacSetMetalAppearance(True)
+class AuiFloatingPane(AuiFloatingPaneBaseClass):
+    def __init__(self, parent, owner_mgr, id=wx.ID_ANY, title="", pos=wx.DefaultPosition,
+                 size=wx.DefaultSize, style=wx.RESIZE_BORDER | wx.SYSTEM_MENU | wx.CAPTION |
+                                            wx.CLOSE_BOX | wx.FRAME_NO_TASKBAR |
+                                            wx.FRAME_FLOAT_ON_PARENT | wx.CLIP_CHILDREN,
+                 resizeborder=0):
+        if not resizeborder:
+            style = style & ~wx.RESIZE_BORDER
+        AuiFloatingPaneBaseClass.__init__(self, parent, id, title, pos, size, style)
+        self._owner_mgr = owner_mgr
+        self._moving = False
+        self._last_rect = wx.Rect()
+        self._mgr = AuiManager(None)
+        self._mgr.SetFrame(self)
+        self._mousedown = False
+        self.SetExtraStyle(wx.WS_EX_PROCESS_IDLE)
+        self.Bind(wx.EVT_CLOSE, self.OnClose)
+        self.Bind(wx.EVT_SIZE, self.OnSize)
+        self.Bind(wx.EVT_MOVE, self.OnMoveEvent)
+        self.Bind(wx.EVT_MOVING, self.OnMoveEvent)
+        self.Bind(wx.EVT_IDLE, self.OnIdle)
+        self.Bind(wx.EVT_ACTIVATE, self.OnActivate)
+    def CopyAttributes(self, pane, contained_pane):
+        contained_pane.name = pane.name
+        contained_pane.caption = pane.caption
+        contained_pane.window = pane.window
+        contained_pane.frame = pane.frame
+        contained_pane.state = pane.state
+        contained_pane.dock_direction = pane.dock_direction
+        contained_pane.dock_layer = pane.dock_layer
+        contained_pane.dock_row = pane.dock_row
+        contained_pane.dock_pos = pane.dock_pos
+        contained_pane.best_size = pane.best_size
+        contained_pane.min_size = pane.min_size
+        contained_pane.max_size = pane.max_size
+        contained_pane.floating_pos = pane.floating_pos
+        contained_pane.floating_size = pane.floating_size
+        contained_pane.dock_proportion = pane.dock_proportion
+        contained_pane.buttons = pane.buttons
+        contained_pane.rect = pane.rect
+        return contained_pane
+    def SetPaneWindow(self, pane):
+        self._pane_window = pane.window
+        self._pane_window.Reparent(self)
+        contained_pane = AuiPaneInfo()
+        contained_pane = self.CopyAttributes(pane, contained_pane)
+        contained_pane.Dock().Center().Show(). \
+                       CaptionVisible(False). \
+                       PaneBorder(False). \
+                       Layer(0).Row(0).Position(0)
+        indx = self._owner_mgr._panes.index(pane)
+        self._owner_mgr._panes[indx] = pane
+        self._mgr.AddPane(self._pane_window, contained_pane)
+        self._mgr.Update()
+        if pane.min_size.IsFullySpecified():
+            tmp = self.GetSize()
+            self.GetSizer().SetSizeHints(self)
+            self.SetSize(tmp)
+        self.SetTitle(pane.caption)
+        if pane.floating_size != wx.DefaultSize:
+            self.SetSize(pane.floating_size)
+            self._owner_mgr._panes[indx] = pane
+        else:
+            size = pane.best_size
+            if size == wx.DefaultSize:
+                size = pane.min_size
+            if size == wx.DefaultSize:
+                size = self._pane_window.GetSize()
+            if pane.HasGripper():
+                if pane.HasGripperTop():
+                    size.y += self._owner_mgr._art.GetMetric(AUI_ART_GRIPPER_SIZE)
+                else:
+                    size.x += self._owner_mgr._art.GetMetric(AUI_ART_GRIPPER_SIZE)
+            pane.floating_size = size
+            self._owner_mgr._panes[indx] = pane
+            self.SetClientSize(size)
+    def OnSize(self, event):
+        self._owner_mgr.OnAuiFloatingPaneResized(self._pane_window, event.GetSize())
+    def OnClose(self, event):
+        self._owner_mgr.OnAuiFloatingPaneClosed(self._pane_window, event)
+        if event.GetSkipped():
+            self.Destroy()
+        self._mgr.UnInit()
+    def OnMoveEvent(self, event):
+        win_rect = self.GetRect()
+        # skip the first move event
+        if self._last_rect.IsEmpty():
+            self._last_rect = win_rect
+            return
+        # prevent frame redocking during resize
+        if self._last_rect.GetSize() != win_rect.GetSize():
+            self._last_rect = win_rect
+            return
+        self._last_rect = win_rect
+        if not self.IsMouseDown():
+            return
+        if not self._moving:
+            self.OnMoveStart()
+            self._moving = True
+        self.OnMoving(event.GetRect())
+    def IsMouseDown(self):
+        if _newversion:
+            ms = wx.GetMouseState()
+            return ms.leftDown
+        else:
+            if wx.Platform == "__WXMSW__":
+                if _libimported == "MH":
+                    return ((win32api.GetKeyState(win32con.VK_LBUTTON) & (1<<15))\
+                            and [True] or [False])[0]
+                elif _libimported == "ctypes":
+                    return ((ctypes.windll.user32.GetKeyState(1) & (1<<15)) and \
+                            [True] or [False])[0]
+    def OnIdle(self, event):
+        if self._moving:
+            if not self.IsMouseDown():
+                self._moving = False
+                self.OnMoveFinished()
+            else:
+                event.RequestMore()
+        event.Skip()
+    def OnMoveStart(self):
+        # notify the owner manager that the pane has started to move
+        self._owner_mgr.OnAuiFloatingPaneMoveStart(self._pane_window)
+    def OnMoving(self, window_rect):
+        # notify the owner manager that the pane is moving
+        self._owner_mgr.OnAuiFloatingPaneMoving(self._pane_window)
+    def OnMoveFinished(self):
+        # notify the owner manager that the pane has finished moving
+        self._owner_mgr.OnAuiFloatingPaneMoved(self._pane_window)
+    def OnActivate(self, event):
+        if event.GetActive():
+            self._owner_mgr.OnAuiFloatingPaneActivated(self._pane_window)
+# -- static utility functions --
+def PaneCreateStippleBitmap():
+    data = [0, 0, 0, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 0, 0, 0]
+    img = wx.EmptyImage(2, 2)
+    counter = 0
+    for ii in xrange(2):
+        for jj in xrange(2):
+            img.SetRGB(ii, jj, data[counter], data[counter+1], data[counter+2])
+            counter = counter + 3
+    return img.ConvertToBitmap()
+def DrawResizeHint(dc, rect):
+    stipple = PaneCreateStippleBitmap()
+    brush = wx.BrushFromBitmap(stipple)
+    dc.SetBrush(brush)
+    dc.SetPen(wx.TRANSPARENT_PEN)
+    dc.SetLogicalFunction(wx.XOR)
+    dc.DrawRectangleRect(rect)
+def CopyDocksAndPanes(src_docks, src_panes):
+    """
+    CopyDocksAndPanes() - this utility function creates shallow copies of
+    the dock and pane info.  DockInfo's usually contain pointers
+    to AuiPaneInfo classes, thus this function is necessary to reliably
+    reconstruct that relationship in the new dock info and pane info arrays.
+    """
+    dest_docks = src_docks
+    dest_panes = src_panes
+    for ii in xrange(len(dest_docks)):
+        dock = dest_docks[ii]
+        for jj in xrange(len(dock.panes)):
+            for kk in xrange(len(src_panes)):
+                if dock.panes[jj] == src_panes[kk]:
+                    dock.panes[jj] = dest_panes[kk]
+    return dest_docks, dest_panes
+def CopyDocksAndPanes2(src_docks, src_panes):
+    """
+    CopyDocksAndPanes2() - this utility function creates full copies of
+    the dock and pane info.  DockInfo's usually contain pointers
+    to AuiPaneInfo classes, thus this function is necessary to reliably
+    reconstruct that relationship in the new dock info and pane info arrays.
+    """
+    dest_docks = []
+    for ii in xrange(len(src_docks)):
+        dest_docks.append(DockInfo())
+        dest_docks[ii].dock_direction = src_docks[ii].dock_direction
+        dest_docks[ii].dock_layer = src_docks[ii].dock_layer
+        dest_docks[ii].dock_row = src_docks[ii].dock_row
+        dest_docks[ii].size = src_docks[ii].size
+        dest_docks[ii].min_size = src_docks[ii].min_size
+        dest_docks[ii].resizable = src_docks[ii].resizable
+        dest_docks[ii].fixed = src_docks[ii].fixed
+        dest_docks[ii].toolbar = src_docks[ii].toolbar
+        dest_docks[ii].panes = src_docks[ii].panes
+        dest_docks[ii].rect = src_docks[ii].rect
+    dest_panes = []
+    for ii in xrange(len(src_panes)):
+        dest_panes.append(AuiPaneInfo())
+        dest_panes[ii].name = src_panes[ii].name
+        dest_panes[ii].caption = src_panes[ii].caption
+        dest_panes[ii].window = src_panes[ii].window
+        dest_panes[ii].frame = src_panes[ii].frame
+        dest_panes[ii].state = src_panes[ii].state
+        dest_panes[ii].dock_direction = src_panes[ii].dock_direction
+        dest_panes[ii].dock_layer = src_panes[ii].dock_layer
+        dest_panes[ii].dock_row = src_panes[ii].dock_row
+        dest_panes[ii].dock_pos = src_panes[ii].dock_pos
+        dest_panes[ii].best_size = src_panes[ii].best_size
+        dest_panes[ii].min_size = src_panes[ii].min_size
+        dest_panes[ii].max_size = src_panes[ii].max_size
+        dest_panes[ii].floating_pos = src_panes[ii].floating_pos
+        dest_panes[ii].floating_size = src_panes[ii].floating_size
+        dest_panes[ii].dock_proportion = src_panes[ii].dock_proportion
+        dest_panes[ii].buttons = src_panes[ii].buttons
+        dest_panes[ii].rect = src_panes[ii].rect
+    for ii in xrange(len(dest_docks)):
+        dock = dest_docks[ii]
+        for jj in xrange(len(dock.panes)):
+            for kk in xrange(len(src_panes)):
+                if dock.panes[jj] == src_panes[kk]:
+                    dock.panes[jj] = dest_panes[kk]
+        dest_docks[ii] = dock
+    return dest_docks, dest_panes
+def GetMaxLayer(docks, dock_direction):
+    """
+    GetMaxLayer() is an internal function which returns
+    the highest layer inside the specified dock.
+    """
+    max_layer = 0
+    for dock in docks:
+        if dock.dock_direction == dock_direction and dock.dock_layer > max_layer and not dock.fixed:
+            max_layer = dock.dock_layer
+    return max_layer
+def GetMaxRow(panes, direction, layer):
+    """
+    GetMaxRow() is an internal function which returns
+    the highest layer inside the specified dock.
+    """
+    max_row = 0
+    for pane in panes:
+        if pane.dock_direction == direction and pane.dock_layer == layer and \
+           pane.dock_row > max_row:
+            max_row = pane.dock_row
+    return max_row
+def DoInsertDockLayer(panes, dock_direction, dock_layer):
+    """
+    DoInsertDockLayer() is an internal function that inserts a new dock
+    layer by incrementing all existing dock layer values by one.
+    """
+    for ii in xrange(len(panes)):
+        pane = panes[ii]
+        if not pane.IsFloating() and pane.dock_direction == dock_direction and pane.dock_layer >= dock_layer:
+            pane.dock_layer = pane.dock_layer + 1
+        panes[ii] = pane
+    return panes
+def DoInsertDockRow(panes, dock_direction, dock_layer, dock_row):
+    """
+    DoInsertDockRow() is an internal function that inserts a new dock
+    row by incrementing all existing dock row values by one.
+    """
+    for ii in xrange(len(panes)):
+        pane = panes[ii]
+        if not pane.IsFloating() and pane.dock_direction == dock_direction and \
+           pane.dock_layer == dock_layer and pane.dock_row >= dock_row:
+            pane.dock_row = pane.dock_row + 1
+        panes[ii] = pane
+    return panes
+def DoInsertPane(panes, dock_direction, dock_layer, dock_row, dock_pos):
+    for ii in xrange(len(panes)):
+        pane = panes[ii]
+        if not pane.IsFloating() and pane.dock_direction == dock_direction and \
+           pane.dock_layer == dock_layer and  pane.dock_row == dock_row and \
+           pane.dock_pos >= dock_pos:
+            pane.dock_pos = pane.dock_pos + 1
+        panes[ii] = pane
+    return panes
+def FindDocks(docks, dock_direction, dock_layer=-1, dock_row=-1, arr=[]):
+    """
+    FindDocks() is an internal function that returns a list of docks which meet
+    the specified conditions in the parameters and returns a sorted array
+    (sorted by layer and then row).
+    """
+    begin_layer = dock_layer
+    end_layer = dock_layer
+    begin_row = dock_row
+    end_row = dock_row
+    dock_count = len(docks)
+    max_row = 0
+    max_layer = 0
+    # discover the maximum dock layer and the max row
+    for ii in xrange(dock_count):
+        max_row = max(max_row, docks[ii].dock_row)
+        max_layer = max(max_layer, docks[ii].dock_layer)
+    # if no dock layer was specified, search all dock layers
+    if dock_layer == -1:
+        begin_layer = 0
+        end_layer = max_layer
+    # if no dock row was specified, search all dock row
+    if dock_row == -1:
+        begin_row = 0
+        end_row = max_row
+    arr = []
+    for layer in xrange(begin_layer, end_layer+1):
+        for row in xrange(begin_row, end_row+1):
+            for ii in xrange(dock_count):
+                d = docks[ii]
+                if dock_direction == -1 or dock_direction == d.dock_direction:
+                    if d.dock_layer == layer and d.dock_row == row:
+                        arr.append(d)
+    return arr
+def FindPaneInDock(dock, window):
+    """
+    FindPaneInDock() looks up a specified window pointer inside a dock.
+    If found, the corresponding AuiPaneInfo pointer is returned, otherwise None.
+    """
+    for p in dock.panes:
+        if p.window == window:
+            return p
+    return None
+def RemovePaneFromDocks(docks, pane, exc=None):
+    """
+    RemovePaneFromDocks() removes a pane window from all docks
+    with a possible exception specified by parameter "except".
+    """
+    for ii in xrange(len(docks)):
+        d = docks[ii]
+        if d == exc:
+            continue
+        pi = FindPaneInDock(d, pane.window)
+        if pi:
+            d.panes.remove(pi)
+        docks[ii] = d
+    return docks
+def RenumberDockRows(docks):
+    """
+    RenumberDockRows() takes a dock and assigns sequential numbers
+    to existing rows.  Basically it takes out the gaps so if a
+    dock has rows with numbers 0, 2, 5, they will become 0, 1, 2.
+    """
+    for ii in xrange(len(docks)):
+        dock = docks[ii]
+        dock.dock_row = ii
+        for jj in xrange(len(dock.panes)):
+            dock.panes[jj].dock_row = ii
+        docks[ii] = dock
+    return docks
+def SetActivePane(panes, active_pane):
+    for ii in xrange(len(panes)):
+        pane = panes[ii]
+        pane.state &= ~AuiPaneInfo.optionActive
+        if pane.window == active_pane:
+            pane.state |= AuiPaneInfo.optionActive
+        panes[ii] = pane
+    return panes
+def PaneSortFunc(p1, p2):
+    """ This function is used to sort panes by dock position. """
+    return (p1.dock_pos < p2.dock_pos and [-1] or [1])[0]
+def EscapeDelimiters(s):
+    """
+    EscapeDelimiters() changes "" into "\" and "|" into "\|"
+    in the input string.  This is an internal functions which is
+    used for saving perspectives.
+    """
+    result = s.replace(";", "\\")
+    result = result.replace("|", "|\\")
+    return result
+actionNone = 0
+actionResize = 1
+actionClickButton = 2
+actionClickCaption = 3
+actionDragToolbarPane = 4
+actionDragAuiFloatingPane = 5
+auiInsertRowPixels = 10
+auiNewRowPixels = 40
+auiLayerInsertPixels = 40
+auiLayerInsertOffset = 5
+# -- AuiManager class implementation --
+# AuiManager manages the panes associated with it for a particular wx.Frame,
+# using a pane's AuiPaneInfo information to determine each pane's docking and
+# floating behavior. AuiManager uses wxPython's sizer mechanism to plan the
+# layout of each frame. It uses a replaceable dock art class to do all drawing,
+# so all drawing is localized in one area, and may be customized depending on an
+# applications' specific needs.
+# AuiManager works as follows: The programmer adds panes to the class, or makes
+# changes to existing pane properties (dock position, floating state, show state, etc.).
+# To apply these changes, AuiManager's Update() function is called. This batch
+# processing can be used to avoid flicker, by modifying more than one pane at a time,
+# and then "committing" all of the changes at once by calling Update().
+# Panes can be added quite easily:
+#   text1 = wx.TextCtrl(self, -1)
+#   text2 = wx.TextCtrl(self, -1)
+#   self._mgr.AddPane(text1, wx.LEFT, "Pane Caption")
+#   self._mgr.AddPane(text2, wx.BOTTOM, "Pane Caption")
+#   self._mgr.Update()
+# Later on, the positions can be modified easily. The following will float an
+# existing pane in a tool window:
+#   self._mgr.GetPane(text1).Float()
+# Layers, Rows and Directions, Positions
+# Inside PyAUI, the docking layout is figured out by checking several pane parameters.
+# Four of these are important for determining where a pane will end up.
+# Direction - Each docked pane has a direction, Top, Bottom, Left, Right, or Center.
+# This is fairly self-explanatory. The pane will be placed in the location specified
+# by this variable.
+# Position - More than one pane can be placed inside of a "dock." Imagine to panes
+# being docked on the left side of a window. One pane can be placed over another.
+# In proportionally managed docks, the pane position indicates it's sequential position,
+# starting with zero. So, in our scenario with two panes docked on the left side, the
+# top pane in the dock would have position 0, and the second one would occupy position 1.
+# Row - A row can allow for two docks to be placed next to each other. One of the most
+# common places for this to happen is in the toolbar. Multiple toolbar rows are allowed,
+# the first row being in row 0, and the second in row 1. Rows can also be used on
+# vertically docked panes.
+# Layer - A layer is akin to an onion. Layer 0 is the very center of the managed pane.
+# Thus, if a pane is in layer 0, it will be closest to the center window (also sometimes
+# known as the "content window"). Increasing layers "swallow up" all layers of a lower
+# value. This can look very similar to multiple rows, but is different because all panes
+# in a lower level yield to panes in higher levels. The best way to understand layers
+# is by running the PyAUI sample (PyAUIDemo.py).
+class AuiManager(wx.EvtHandler):
+    def __init__(self, frame=None, flags=None):
+        """
+        Default Class Constructor. frame specifies the wx.Frame which should be managed.
+        flags specifies options which allow the frame management behavior to be modified.
+        """
+        wx.EvtHandler.__init__(self)
+        self._action = actionNone
+        self._last_mouse_move = wx.Point()
+        self._hover_button = None
+        self._art = DefaultDockArt()
+        self._hint_wnd = None
+        self._action_window = None
+        self._last_hint = wx.Rect()
+        self._hint_fadetimer = wx.Timer(self, wx.NewId())
+        self._hintshown = False
+        if flags is None:
+            flags = AUI_MGR_DEFAULT
+        self._flags = flags
+        self._active_pane = None
+        if frame:
+            self.SetFrame(frame)
+        self._panes = []
+        self._docks = []
+        self._uiparts = []
+        self.Bind(wx.EVT_PAINT, self.OnPaint)
+        self.Bind(wx.EVT_ERASE_BACKGROUND, self.OnEraseBackground)
+        self.Bind(wx.EVT_SIZE, self.OnSize)
+        self.Bind(wx.EVT_SET_CURSOR, self.OnSetCursor)
+        self.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_DOWN, self.OnLeftDown)
+        self.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_UP, self.OnLeftUp)
+        self.Bind(wx.EVT_MOTION, self.OnMotion)
+        self.Bind(wx.EVT_LEAVE_WINDOW, self.OnLeaveWindow)
+        self.Bind(wx.EVT_TIMER, self.OnHintFadeTimer)
+        self.Bind(wx.EVT_CHILD_FOCUS, self.OnChildFocus)
+        self.Bind(EVT_AUI_PANEBUTTON, self.OnPaneButton)
+    def GetPaneByWidget(self, window):
+        """
+        This version of GetPane() looks up a pane based on a
+        'pane window', see below comment for more info.
+        """
+        for p in self._panes:
+            if p.window == window:
+                return p
+        return NoneAuiPaneInfo
+    def GetPaneByName(self, name):
+        """
+        This version of GetPane() looks up a pane based on a
+        'pane name', see below comment for more info.
+        """
+        for p in self._panes:
+            if p.name == name:
+                return p
+        return NoneAuiPaneInfo
+    def GetPane(self, item):
+        """
+        GetPane() looks up a AuiPaneInfo structure based
+        on the supplied window pointer.  Upon failure, GetPane()
+        returns an empty AuiPaneInfo, a condition which can be checked
+        by calling AuiPaneInfo.IsOk().
+        The pane info's structure may then be modified.  Once a pane's
+        info is modified, AuiManager.Update() must be called to
+        realize the changes in the UI.
+        AG: Added To Handle 2 Different Versions Of GetPane() For
+        wxPython/Python.
+        """
+        if isinstance(item, type("")):
+            return self.GetPaneByName(item)
+        else:
+            return self.GetPaneByWidget(item)
+    def GetAllPanes(self):
+        """ GetAllPanes() returns a reference to all the pane info structures. """
+        return self._panes
+    def HitTest(self, x, y):
+        """
+        HitTest() is an internal function which determines
+        which UI item the specified coordinates are over
+        (x,y) specify a position in client coordinates.
+        """
+        result = None
+        for item in self._uiparts:
+            # we are not interested in typeDock, because this space
+            # isn't used to draw anything, just for measurements
+            # besides, the entire dock area is covered with other
+            # rectangles, which we are interested in.
+            if item.type == DockUIPart.typeDock:
+                continue
+            # if we already have a hit on a more specific item, we are not
+            # interested in a pane hit.  If, however, we don't already have
+            # a hit, returning a pane hit is necessary for some operations
+            if (item.type == DockUIPart.typePane or \
+                item.type == DockUIPart.typePaneBorder) and result:
+                continue
+            # if the point is inside the rectangle, we have a hit
+            if item.rect.Contains((x, y)):
+                result = item
+        return result
+    # SetFlags() and GetFlags() allow the owner to set various
+    # options which are global to AuiManager
+    def SetFlags(self, flags):
+        """
+        SetFlags() is used to specify AuiManager's settings flags. flags specifies
+        options which allow the frame management behavior to be modified.
+        """
+        self._flags = flags
+    def GetFlags(self):
+        """ GetFlags() returns the current manager's flags. """
+        return self._flags
+    def SetFrame(self, frame):
+        """
+        SetFrame() is usually called once when the frame
+        manager class is being initialized.  "frame" specifies
+        the frame which should be managed by the frame manager.
+        """
+        if not frame:
+            raise "\nERROR: Specified Frame Must Be Non-Null. "
+        self._frame = frame
+        self._frame.PushEventHandler(self)
+        # if the owner is going to manage an MDI parent frame,
+        # we need to add the MDI client window as the default
+        # center pane
+        if isinstance(frame, wx.MDIParentFrame):
+            mdi_frame = frame
+            client_window = mdi_frame.GetClientWindow()
+            if not client_window:
+                raise "\nERROR: MDI Client Window Is Null. "
+            self.AddPane(client_window, AuiPaneInfo().Name("mdiclient").
+                         CenterPane().PaneBorder(False))
+    def GetFrame(self):
+        """ GetFrame() returns the frame pointer being managed by AuiManager. """
+        return self._frame
+    def UnInit(self):
+        """
+        UnInit() must be called, usually in the destructor
+        of the frame class.   If it is not called, usually this
+        will result in a crash upon program exit.
+        """
+        self._frame.RemoveEventHandler(self)
+    def GetArtProvider(self):
+        """ GetArtProvider() returns the current art provider being used. """
+        return self._art
+    def ProcessMgrEvent(self, event):
+        # first, give the owner frame a chance to override
+        if self._frame:
+            if self._frame.ProcessEvent(event):
+                return
+        if event.GetEventType() != wxEVT_AUI_PANECLOSE:
+            self.ProcessEvent(event)
+    def CanMakeWindowsTransparent(self):
+        if wx.Platform == "__WXMSW__":
+            version = wx.GetOsDescription()
+            found = version.find("XP") >= 0 or version.find("2000") >= 0 or version.find("NT") >= 0
+            return found and _libimported
+        elif wx.Platform == "__WXMAC__" and _carbon_dll:
+            return True
+        else:
+            return False
+# on supported windows systems (Win2000 and greater), this function
+# will make a frame window transparent by a certain amount
+    def MakeWindowTransparent(self, wnd, amount):
+        if wnd.GetSize() == (0, 0):
+            return
+        # this API call is not in all SDKs, only the newer ones, so
+        # we will runtime bind this
+        if wx.Platform == "__WXMSW__":
+            hwnd = wnd.GetHandle()
+            if not hasattr(self, "_winlib"):
+                if _libimported == "MH":
+                    self._winlib = win32api.LoadLibrary("user32")
+                elif _libimported == "ctypes":
+                    self._winlib = ctypes.windll.user32
+            if _libimported == "MH":
+                pSetLayeredWindowAttributes = win32api.GetProcAddress(self._winlib,
+                                                                      "SetLayeredWindowAttributes")
+                if pSetLayeredWindowAttributes == None:
+                    return
+                exstyle = win32api.GetWindowLong(hwnd, win32con.GWL_EXSTYLE)
+                if 0 == (exstyle & 0x80000):
+                    win32api.SetWindowLong(hwnd, win32con.GWL_EXSTYLE, exstyle | 0x80000)
+                winxpgui.SetLayeredWindowAttributes(hwnd, 0, amount, 2)
+            elif _libimported == "ctypes":
+                style = self._winlib.GetWindowLongA(hwnd, 0xffffffecL)
+                style |= 0x00080000
+                self._winlib.SetWindowLongA(hwnd, 0xffffffecL, style)
+                self._winlib.SetLayeredWindowAttributes(hwnd, 0, amount, 2)
+        elif wx.Platform == "__WXMAC__" and _carbon_dll:
+            handle = _carbon_dll.GetControlOwner(wnd.GetHandle())
+            if amount == 0:
+                amnt = float(0)
+            else:
+                amnt = float(amount)/255.0  #convert from the 0-255 amount to the float that Carbon wants
+            _carbon_dll.SetWindowAlpha(handle, ctypes.c_float(amnt))
+        else:
+            #shouldn't be called, but just in case...
+            return
+    def SetArtProvider(self, art_provider):
+        """
+        SetArtProvider() instructs AuiManager to use the
+        specified art provider for all drawing calls.  This allows
+        plugable look-and-feel features.
+        """
+        # delete the last art provider, if any
+        del self._art
+        # assign the new art provider
+        self._art = art_provider
+    def AddPane(self, window, arg1=None, arg2=None):
+        """
+        AddPane() tells the frame manager to start managing a child window. There
+        are two versions of this function. The first verison allows the full spectrum
+        of pane parameter possibilities (AddPane1). The second version is used for
+        simpler user interfaces which do not require as much configuration (AddPane2).
+        In wxPython, simply call AddPane.
+        """
+        if type(arg1) == type(1):
+            # This Is Addpane2
+            if arg1 is None:
+                arg1 = wx.LEFT
+            if arg2 is None:
+                arg2 = ""
+            return self.AddPane2(window, arg1, arg2)
+        else:
+            return self.AddPane1(window, arg1)
+    def AddPane1(self, window, pane_info):
+        # check if the pane has a valid window
+        if not window:
+            return False
+        # check if the pane already exists
+        if self.GetPane(pane_info.window).IsOk():
+            return False
+        if isinstance(window, wx.ToolBar):
+            window.SetBestFittingSize()
+        self._panes.append(pane_info)
+        pinfo = self._panes[-1]
+        # set the pane window
+        pinfo.window = window
+        # if the pane's name identifier is blank, create a random string
+        if len(pinfo.name) == 0 or pinfo.name == "":
+            pinfo.name = ("%s%08x%08x%08x")%(pinfo.window.GetName(), time.time(),
+                                             time.clock(), len(self._panes))
+        # set initial proportion (if not already set)
+        if pinfo.dock_proportion == 0:
+            pinfo.dock_proportion = 100000
+        if pinfo.HasCloseButton() and len(pinfo.buttons) == 0:
+            button = PaneButton(None)
+            button.button_id = AuiPaneInfo.buttonClose
+            pinfo.buttons.append(button)
+        if pinfo.best_size == wx.DefaultSize and pinfo.window:
+            pinfo.best_size = pinfo.window.GetClientSize()
+            if isinstance(pinfo.window, wx.ToolBar):
+                # GetClientSize() doesn't get the best size for
+                # a toolbar under some newer versions of wxWidgets,
+                # so use GetBestSize()
+                pinfo.best_size = pinfo.window.GetBestSize()
+                # for some reason, wxToolBar::GetBestSize() is returning
+                # a size that is a pixel shy of the correct amount.
+                # I believe this to be the correct action, until
+                # wxToolBar::GetBestSize() is fixed.  Is this assumption
+                # correct?
+                pinfo.best_size.y = pinfo.best_size.y + 1
+                # this is needed for Win2000 to correctly fill toolbar backround
+                # it should probably be repeated once system colour change happens
+                if wx.Platform == "__WXMSW__" and pinfo.window.UseBgCol():
+                    pinfo.window.SetBackgroundColour(self.GetArtProvider().GetColour(AUI_ART_BACKGROUND_COLOUR))
+            if pinfo.min_size != wx.DefaultSize:
+                if pinfo.best_size.x < pinfo.min_size.x:
+                    pinfo.best_size.x = pinfo.min_size.x
+                if pinfo.best_size.y < pinfo.min_size.y:
+                    pinfo.best_size.y = pinfo.min_size.y
+        self._panes[-1] = pinfo
+        return True
+    def AddPane2(self, window, direction, caption):
+        pinfo = AuiPaneInfo()
+        pinfo.Caption(caption)
+        if direction == wx.TOP:
+            pinfo.Top()
+        elif direction == wx.BOTTOM:
+            pinfo.Bottom()
+        elif direction == wx.LEFT:
+            pinfo.Left()
+        elif direction == wx.RIGHT:
+            pinfo.Right()
+        elif direction == wx.CENTER:
+            pinfo.CenterPane()
+        return self.AddPane(window, pinfo)
+    def InsertPane(self, window, pane_info, insert_level=AUI_INSERT_PANE):
+        """
+        InsertPane() is used to insert either a previously unmanaged pane window
+        into the frame manager, or to insert a currently managed pane somewhere else.
+        InsertPane() will push all panes, rows, or docks aside and insert the window
+        into the position specified by insert_location. Because insert_location can
+        specify either a pane, dock row, or dock layer, the insert_level parameter is
+        used to disambiguate this. The parameter insert_level can take a value of
+        """
+        # shift the panes around, depending on the insert level
+        if insert_level == AUI_INSERT_PANE:
+            self._panes = DoInsertPane(self._panes, pane_info.dock_direction,
+                                       pane_info.dock_layer, pane_info.dock_row,
+                                       pane_info.dock_pos)
+        elif insert_level == AUI_INSERT_ROW:
+            self._panes = DoInsertDockRow(self._panes, pane_info.dock_direction,
+                                          pane_info.dock_layer, pane_info.dock_row)
+        elif insert_level == AUI_INSERT_DOCK:
+            self._panes = DoInsertDockLayer(self._panes, pane_info.dock_direction,
+                                            pane_info.dock_layer)
+        # if the window already exists, we are basically just moving/inserting the
+        # existing window.  If it doesn't exist, we need to add it and insert it
+        existing_pane = self.GetPane(window)
+        indx = self._panes.index(existing_pane)
+        if not existing_pane.IsOk():
+            return self.AddPane(window, pane_info)
+        else:
+            if pane_info.IsFloating():
+                existing_pane.Float()
+                if pane_info.floating_pos != wx.DefaultPosition:
+                    existing_pane.FloatingPosition(pane_info.floating_pos)
+                if pane_info.floating_size != wx.DefaultSize:
+                    existing_pane.FloatingSize(pane_info.floating_size)
+            else:
+                existing_pane.Direction(pane_info.dock_direction)
+                existing_pane.Layer(pane_info.dock_layer)
+                existing_pane.Row(pane_info.dock_row)
+                existing_pane.Position(pane_info.dock_pos)
+            self._panes[indx] = existing_pane
+        return True
+    def DetachPane(self, window):
+        """
+        DetachPane() tells the AuiManager to stop managing the pane specified
+        by window. The window, if in a floated frame, is reparented to the frame
+        managed by AuiManager.
+        """
+        for p in self._panes:
+            if p.window == window:
+                if p.frame:
+                    # we have a floating frame which is being detached. We need to
+                    # reparent it to m_frame and destroy the floating frame
+                    # reduce flicker
+                    p.window.SetSize(1,1)
+                    p.frame.Show(False)
+                    # reparent to self._frame and destroy the pane
+                    p.window.Reparent(self._frame)
+                    p.frame.SetSizer(None)
+                    p.frame.Destroy()
+                    p.frame = None
+                self._panes.remove(p)
+                return True
+        return False
+    def SavePerspective(self):
+        """
+        SavePerspective() saves all pane information as a single string.
+        This string may later be fed into LoadPerspective() to restore
+        all pane settings.  This save and load mechanism allows an
+        exact pane configuration to be saved and restored at a later time.
+        """
+        result = "layout1|"
+        pane_count = len(self._panes)
+        for pane_i in xrange(pane_count):
+            pane = self._panes[pane_i]
+            result = result + "name=" + EscapeDelimiters(pane.name) + ";"
+            result = result + "caption=" + EscapeDelimiters(pane.caption) + ";"
+            result = result + "state=%u;"%pane.state
+            result = result + "dir=%d;"%pane.dock_direction
+            result = result + "layer=%d;"%pane.dock_layer
+            result = result + "row=%d;"%pane.dock_row
+            result = result + "pos=%d;"%pane.dock_pos
+            result = result + "prop=%d;"%pane.dock_proportion
+            result = result + "bestw=%d;"%pane.best_size.x
+            result = result + "besth=%d;"%pane.best_size.y
+            result = result + "minw=%d;"%pane.min_size.x
+            result = result + "minh=%d;"%pane.min_size.y
+            result = result + "maxw=%d;"%pane.max_size.x
+            result = result + "maxh=%d;"%pane.max_size.y
+            result = result + "floatx=%d;"%pane.floating_pos.x
+            result = result + "floaty=%d;"%pane.floating_pos.y
+            result = result + "floatw=%d;"%pane.floating_size.x
+            result = result + "floath=%d"%pane.floating_size.y
+            result = result + "|"
+        dock_count = len(self._docks)
+        for dock_i in xrange(dock_count):
+            dock = self._docks[dock_i]
+            result = result + ("dock_size(%d,%d,%d)=%d|")%(dock.dock_direction,
+                                                           dock.dock_layer,
+                                                           dock.dock_row,
+                                                           dock.size)
+        return result
+    def LoadPerspective(self, layout, update=True):
+        """
+        LoadPerspective() loads a layout which was saved with SavePerspective()
+        If the "update" flag parameter is True, the GUI will immediately be updated.
+        """
+        input = layout
+        # check layout string version
+        indx = input.index("|")
+        part = input[0:indx]
+        input = input[indx+1:]
+        part = part.strip()
+        if part != "layout1":
+            return False
+        olddocks = self._docks[:]
+        oldpanes = self._panes[:]
+        # mark all panes currently managed as docked and hidden
+        pane_count = len(self._panes)
+        for pane_i in xrange(pane_count):
+            pane = self._panes[pane_i]
+            pane.Dock().Hide()
+            self._panes[pane_i] = pane
+        # clear out the dock array this will be reconstructed
+        self._docks = []
+        # replace escaped characters so we can
+        # split up the string easily
+        input = input.replace("\\|", "\a")
+        input = input.replace("\\", "\b")
+        input = input.split("|")
+        for line in input:
+            if line.startswith("dock_size"):
+                indx = line.index("=")
+                size = int(line[indx+1:])
+                indx1 = line.index("(")
+                indx2 = line.index(")")
+                line2 = line[indx1+1:indx2]
+                vals = line2.split(",")
+                dir = int(vals[0])
+                layer = int(vals[1])
+                row = int(vals[2])
+                dock = DockInfo()
+                dock.dock_direction = dir
+                dock.dock_layer = layer
+                dock.dock_row = row
+                dock.size = size
+                self._docks.append(dock)
+            elif line.startswith("name"):
+                newline = line.split(";")
+                pane = AuiPaneInfo()
+                for newl in newline:
+                    myline = newl.strip()
+                    vals = myline.split("=")
+                    val_name = vals[0]
+                    value = vals[1]
+                    if val_name == "name":
+                        pane.name = value
+                    elif val_name == "caption":
+                        pane.caption = value
+                    elif val_name == "state":
+                        pane.state = int(value)
+                    elif val_name == "dir":
+                        pane.dock_direction = int(value)
+                    elif val_name == "layer":
+                        pane.dock_layer = int(value)
+                    elif val_name == "row":
+                        pane.dock_row = int(value)
+                    elif val_name == "pos":
+                        pane.dock_pos = int(value)
+                    elif val_name == "prop":
+                        pane.dock_proportion = int(value)
+                    elif val_name == "bestw":
+                        pane.best_size.x = int(value)
+                    elif val_name == "besth":
+                        pane.best_size.y = int(value)
+                        pane.best_size = wx.Size(pane.best_size.x, pane.best_size.y)
+                    elif val_name == "minw":
+                        pane.min_size.x = int(value)
+                    elif val_name == "minh":
+                        pane.min_size.y = int(value)
+                        pane.min_size = wx.Size(pane.min_size.x, pane.min_size.y)
+                    elif val_name == "maxw":
+                        pane.max_size.x = int(value)
+                    elif val_name == "maxh":
+                        pane.max_size.y = int(value)
+                        pane.max_size = wx.Size(pane.max_size.x, pane.max_size.y)
+                    elif val_name == "floatx":
+                        pane.floating_pos.x = int(value)
+                    elif val_name == "floaty":
+                        pane.floating_pos.y = int(value)
+                        pane.floating_pos = wx.Point(pane.floating_pos.x, pane.floating_pos.y)
+                    elif val_name == "floatw":
+                        pane.floating_size.x = int(value)
+                    elif val_name == "floath":
+                        pane.floating_size.y = int(value)
+                        pane.floating_size = wx.Size(pane.floating_size.x, pane.floating_size.y)
+                    else:
+                        raise "\nERROR: Bad Perspective String."
+                # replace escaped characters so we can
+                # split up the string easily
+                pane.name = pane.name.replace("\a", "|")
+                pane.name = pane.name.replace("\b", ";")
+                pane.caption = pane.caption.replace("\a", "|")
+                pane.caption = pane.caption.replace("\b", ";")
+                p = self.GetPane(pane.name)
+                if not p.IsOk():
+                    # the pane window couldn't be found
+                    # in the existing layout
+                    return False
+                indx = self._panes.index(p)
+                pane.window = p.window
+                pane.frame = p.frame
+                pane.buttons = p.buttons
+                self._panes[indx] = pane
+        if update:
+            self.Update()
+        return True
+    def GetPanePositionsAndSizes(self, dock):
+        """ Returns all the panes positions and sizes. """
+        caption_size = self._art.GetMetric(AUI_ART_CAPTION_SIZE)
+        pane_border_size = self._art.GetMetric(AUI_ART_PANE_BORDER_SIZE)
+        gripper_size = self._art.GetMetric(AUI_ART_GRIPPER_SIZE)
+        positions = []
+        sizes = []
+        action_pane = -1
+        pane_count = len(dock.panes)
+        # find the pane marked as our action pane
+        for pane_i in xrange(pane_count):
+            pane = dock.panes[pane_i]
+            if pane.state & AuiPaneInfo.actionPane:
+                action_pane = pane_i
+        # set up each panes default position, and
+        # determine the size (width or height, depending
+        # on the dock's orientation) of each pane
+        for pane in dock.panes:
+            positions.append(pane.dock_pos)
+            size = 0
+            if pane.HasBorder():
+                size  = size + pane_border_size*2
+            if dock.IsHorizontal():
+                if pane.HasGripper() and not pane.HasGripperTop():
+                    size = size + gripper_size
+                size = size + pane.best_size.x
+            else:
+                if pane.HasGripper() and pane.HasGripperTop():
+                    size = size + gripper_size
+                if pane.HasCaption():
+                    size = size + caption_size
+                size = size + pane.best_size.y
+            sizes.append(size)
+        # if there is no action pane, just return the default
+        # positions (as specified in pane.pane_pos)
+        if action_pane == -1:
+            return positions, sizes
+        offset = 0
+        for pane_i in xrange(action_pane-1, -1, -1):
+            amount = positions[pane_i+1] - (positions[pane_i] + sizes[pane_i])
+            if amount >= 0:
+                offset = offset + amount
+            else:
+                positions[pane_i] -= -amount
+            offset = offset + sizes[pane_i]
+        # if the dock mode is fixed, make sure none of the panes
+        # overlap we will bump panes that overlap
+        offset = 0
+        for pane_i in xrange(action_pane, pane_count):
+            amount = positions[pane_i] - offset
+            if amount >= 0:
+                offset = offset + amount
+            else:
+                positions[pane_i] += -amount
+            offset = offset + sizes[pane_i]
+        return positions, sizes
+    def LayoutAddPane(self, cont, dock, pane, uiparts, spacer_only):
+        sizer_item = wx.SizerItem()
+        caption_size = self._art.GetMetric(AUI_ART_CAPTION_SIZE)
+        gripper_size = self._art.GetMetric(AUI_ART_GRIPPER_SIZE)
+        pane_border_size = self._art.GetMetric(AUI_ART_PANE_BORDER_SIZE)
+        pane_button_size = self._art.GetMetric(AUI_ART_PANE_BUTTON_SIZE)
+        # find out the orientation of the item (orientation for panes
+        # is the same as the dock's orientation)
+        if dock.IsHorizontal():
+            orientation = wx.HORIZONTAL
+        else:
+            orientation = wx.VERTICAL
+        # this variable will store the proportion
+        # value that the pane will receive
+        pane_proportion = pane.dock_proportion
+        horz_pane_sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
+        vert_pane_sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
+        if pane.HasGripper():
+            part = DockUIPart()
+            if pane.HasGripperTop():
+                sizer_item = vert_pane_sizer.Add((1, gripper_size), 0, wx.EXPAND)
+            else:
+                sizer_item = horz_pane_sizer.Add((gripper_size, 1), 0, wx.EXPAND)
+            part.type = DockUIPart.typeGripper
+            part.dock = dock
+            part.pane = pane
+            part.button = None
+            part.orientation = orientation
+            part.cont_sizer = horz_pane_sizer
+            part.sizer_item = sizer_item
+            uiparts.append(part)
+        if pane.HasCaption():
+            # create the caption sizer
+            part = DockUIPart()
+            caption_sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
+            sizer_item = caption_sizer.Add((1, caption_size), 1, wx.EXPAND)
+            part.type = DockUIPart.typeCaption
+            part.dock = dock
+            part.pane = pane
+            part.button = None
+            part.orientation = orientation
+            part.cont_sizer = vert_pane_sizer
+            part.sizer_item = sizer_item
+            caption_part_idx = len(uiparts)
+            uiparts.append(part)
+            # add pane buttons to the caption
+            for button in pane.buttons:
+                sizer_item = caption_sizer.Add((pane_button_size,
+                                               caption_size),
+                                               0, wx.EXPAND)
+                part = DockUIPart()
+                part.type = DockUIPart.typePaneButton
+                part.dock = dock
+                part.pane = pane
+                part.button = button
+                part.orientation = orientation
+                part.cont_sizer = caption_sizer
+                part.sizer_item = sizer_item
+                uiparts.append(part)
+            # add the caption sizer
+            sizer_item = vert_pane_sizer.Add(caption_sizer, 0, wx.EXPAND)
+            uiparts[caption_part_idx].sizer_item = sizer_item
+        # add the pane window itself
+        if spacer_only:
+            sizer_item = vert_pane_sizer.Add((1, 1), 1, wx.EXPAND)
+        else:
+            sizer_item = vert_pane_sizer.Add(pane.window, 1, wx.EXPAND)
+            vert_pane_sizer.SetItemMinSize(pane.window, (1, 1))
+        part = DockUIPart()
+        part.type = DockUIPart.typePane
+        part.dock = dock
+        part.pane = pane
+        part.button = None
+        part.orientation = orientation
+        part.cont_sizer = vert_pane_sizer
+        part.sizer_item = sizer_item
+        uiparts.append(part)
+        # determine if the pane should have a minimum size if the pane is
+        # non-resizable (fixed) then we must set a minimum size. Alternitavely,
+        # if the pane.min_size is set, we must use that value as well
+        min_size = pane.min_size
+        if pane.IsFixed():
+            if min_size == wx.DefaultSize:
+                min_size = pane.best_size
+                pane_proportion = 0
+        if min_size != wx.DefaultSize:
+            vert_pane_sizer.SetItemMinSize(
+                len(vert_pane_sizer.GetChildren())-1, (min_size.x, min_size.y))
+        # add the verticle sizer (caption, pane window) to the
+        # horizontal sizer (gripper, verticle sizer)
+        horz_pane_sizer.Add(vert_pane_sizer, 1, wx.EXPAND)
+        # finally, add the pane sizer to the dock sizer
+        if pane.HasBorder():
+            # allowing space for the pane's border
+            sizer_item = cont.Add(horz_pane_sizer, pane_proportion,
+                                  wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, pane_border_size)
+            part = DockUIPart()
+            part.type = DockUIPart.typePaneBorder
+            part.dock = dock
+            part.pane = pane
+            part.button = None
+            part.orientation = orientation
+            part.cont_sizer = cont
+            part.sizer_item = sizer_item
+            uiparts.append(part)
+        else:
+            sizer_item = cont.Add(horz_pane_sizer, pane_proportion, wx.EXPAND)
+        return uiparts
+    def LayoutAddDock(self, cont, dock, uiparts, spacer_only):
+        sizer_item = wx.SizerItem()
+        part = DockUIPart()
+        sash_size = self._art.GetMetric(AUI_ART_SASH_SIZE)
+        orientation = (dock.IsHorizontal() and [wx.HORIZONTAL] or [wx.VERTICAL])[0]
+        # resizable bottom and right docks have a sash before them
+        if not dock.fixed and (dock.dock_direction == AUI_DOCK_BOTTOM or \
+                               dock.dock_direction == AUI_DOCK_RIGHT):
+            sizer_item = cont.Add((sash_size, sash_size), 0, wx.EXPAND)
+            part.type = DockUIPart.typeDockSizer
+            part.orientation = orientation
+            part.dock = dock
+            part.pane = None
+            part.button = None
+            part.cont_sizer = cont
+            part.sizer_item = sizer_item
+            uiparts.append(part)
+        # create the sizer for the dock
+        dock_sizer = wx.BoxSizer(orientation)
+        # add each pane to the dock
+        pane_count = len(dock.panes)
+        if dock.fixed:
+            # figure out the real pane positions we will
+            # use, without modifying the each pane's pane_pos member
+            pane_positions, pane_sizes = self.GetPanePositionsAndSizes(dock)
+            offset = 0
+            for pane_i in xrange(pane_count):
+                pane = dock.panes[pane_i]
+                pane_pos = pane_positions[pane_i]
+                amount = pane_pos - offset
+                if amount > 0:
+                    if dock.IsVertical():
+                        sizer_item = dock_sizer.Add((1, amount), 0, wx.EXPAND)
+                    else:
+                        sizer_item = dock_sizer.Add((amount, 1), 0, wx.EXPAND)
+                    part = DockUIPart()
+                    part.type = DockUIPart.typeBackground
+                    part.dock = dock
+                    part.pane = None
+                    part.button = None
+                    part.orientation = (orientation==wx.HORIZONTAL and \
+                                        [wx.VERTICAL] or [wx.HORIZONTAL])[0]
+                    part.cont_sizer = dock_sizer
+                    part.sizer_item = sizer_item
+                    uiparts.append(part)
+                    offset = offset + amount
+                uiparts = self.LayoutAddPane(dock_sizer, dock, pane, uiparts, spacer_only)
+                offset = offset + pane_sizes[pane_i]
+            # at the end add a very small stretchable background area
+            sizer_item = dock_sizer.Add((1, 1), 1, wx.EXPAND)
+            part = DockUIPart()
+            part.type = DockUIPart.typeBackground
+            part.dock = dock
+            part.pane = None
+            part.button = None
+            part.orientation = orientation
+            part.cont_sizer = dock_sizer
+            part.sizer_item = sizer_item
+            uiparts.append(part)
+        else:
+            for pane_i in xrange(pane_count):
+                pane = dock.panes[pane_i]
+                # if this is not the first pane being added,
+                # we need to add a pane sizer
+                if pane_i > 0:
+                    sizer_item = dock_sizer.Add((sash_size, sash_size), 0, wx.EXPAND)
+                    part = DockUIPart()
+                    part.type = DockUIPart.typePaneSizer
+                    part.dock = dock
+                    part.pane = dock.panes[pane_i-1]
+                    part.button = None
+                    part.orientation = (orientation==wx.HORIZONTAL and \
+                                        [wx.VERTICAL] or [wx.HORIZONTAL])[0]
+                    part.cont_sizer = dock_sizer
+                    part.sizer_item = sizer_item
+                    uiparts.append(part)
+                uiparts = self.LayoutAddPane(dock_sizer, dock, pane, uiparts, spacer_only)
+        if dock.dock_direction == AUI_DOCK_CENTER:
+            sizer_item = cont.Add(dock_sizer, 1, wx.EXPAND)
+        else:
+            sizer_item = cont.Add(dock_sizer, 0, wx.EXPAND)
+        part = DockUIPart()
+        part.type = DockUIPart.typeDock
+        part.dock = dock
+        part.pane = None
+        part.button = None
+        part.orientation = orientation
+        part.cont_sizer = cont
+        part.sizer_item = sizer_item
+        uiparts.append(part)
+        if dock.IsHorizontal():
+            cont.SetItemMinSize(dock_sizer, (0, dock.size))
+        else:
+            cont.SetItemMinSize(dock_sizer, (dock.size, 0))
+        #  top and left docks have a sash after them
+        if not dock.fixed and (dock.dock_direction == AUI_DOCK_TOP or \
+                               dock.dock_direction == AUI_DOCK_LEFT):
+            sizer_item = cont.Add((sash_size, sash_size), 0, wx.EXPAND)
+            part = DockUIPart()
+            part.type = DockUIPart.typeDockSizer
+            part.dock = dock
+            part.pane = None
+            part.button = None
+            part.orientation = orientation
+            part.cont_sizer = cont
+            part.sizer_item = sizer_item
+            uiparts.append(part)
+        return uiparts
+    def LayoutAll(self, panes, docks, uiparts, spacer_only=False, oncheck=True):
+        container = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
+        pane_border_size = self._art.GetMetric(AUI_ART_PANE_BORDER_SIZE)
+        caption_size = self._art.GetMetric(AUI_ART_CAPTION_SIZE)
+        cli_size = self._frame.GetClientSize()
+        # empty all docks out
+        for ii in xrange(len(docks)):
+            docks[ii].panes = []
+        dock_count = len(docks)
+        # iterate through all known panes, filing each
+        # of them into the appropriate dock. If the
+        # pane does not exist in the dock, add it
+        for p in panes:
+            # find any docks in this layer
+            arr = FindDocks(docks, p.dock_direction, p.dock_layer, p.dock_row)
+            if len(arr) > 0:
+                dock = arr[0]
+            else:
+                # dock was not found, so we need to create a new one
+                d = DockInfo()
+                d.dock_direction = p.dock_direction
+                d.dock_layer = p.dock_layer
+                d.dock_row = p.dock_row
+                docks.append(d)
+                dock = docks[-1]
+            if p.IsDocked() and p.IsShown():
+                # remove the pane from any existing docks except this one
+                docks = RemovePaneFromDocks(docks, p, dock)
+                # pane needs to be added to the dock,
+                # if it doesn't already exist
+                if not FindPaneInDock(dock, p.window):
+                    dock.panes.append(p)
+            else:
+                # remove the pane from any existing docks
+                docks = RemovePaneFromDocks(docks, p)
+        # remove any empty docks
+        for ii in xrange(len(docks)-1, -1, -1):
+            if len(docks[ii].panes) == 0:
+                docks.pop(ii)
+        dock_count = len(docks)
+        # configure the docks further
+        for ii in xrange(len(docks)):
+            dock = docks[ii]
+            dock_pane_count = len(dock.panes)
+            # sort the dock pane array by the pane's
+            # dock position (dock_pos), in ascending order
+            dock.panes.sort(PaneSortFunc)
+            # for newly created docks, set up their initial size
+            if dock.size == 0:
+                size = 0
+                for jj in xrange(dock_pane_count):
+                    pane = dock.panes[jj]
+                    pane_size = pane.best_size
+                    if pane_size == wx.DefaultSize:
+                        pane_size = pane.min_size
+                    if pane_size == wx.DefaultSize:
+                        pane_size = pane.window.GetSize()
+                    if dock.IsHorizontal():
+                        size = max(pane_size.y, size)
+                    else:
+                        size = max(pane_size.x, size)
+                # add space for the border (two times), but only
+                # if at least one pane inside the dock has a pane border
+                for jj in xrange(dock_pane_count):
+                    if dock.panes[jj].HasBorder():
+                        size = size + pane_border_size*2
+                        break
+                # if pane is on the top or bottom, add the caption height,
+                # but only if at least one pane inside the dock has a caption
+                if dock.IsHorizontal():
+                    for jj in xrange(dock_pane_count):
+                        if dock.panes[jj].HasCaption():
+                            size = size + caption_size
+                            break
+                # new dock's size may not be more than 1/3 of the frame size
+                if dock.IsHorizontal():
+                    size = min(size, cli_size.y/3)
+                else:
+                    size = min(size, cli_size.x/3)
+                if size < 10:
+                    size = 10
+                dock.size = size
+            # determine the dock's minimum size
+            plus_border = False
+            plus_caption = False
+            dock_min_size = 0
+            for jj in xrange(dock_pane_count):
+                pane = dock.panes[jj]
+                if pane.min_size != wx.DefaultSize:
+                    if pane.HasBorder():
+                        plus_border = True
+                    if pane.HasCaption():
+                        plus_caption = True
+                    if dock.IsHorizontal():
+                        if pane.min_size.y > dock_min_size:
+                            dock_min_size = pane.min_size.y
+                    else:
+                        if pane.min_size.x > dock_min_size:
+                            dock_min_size = pane.min_size.x
+            if plus_border:
+                dock_min_size = dock_min_size + pane_border_size*2
+            if plus_caption and dock.IsHorizontal():
+                dock_min_size = dock_min_size + caption_size
+            dock.min_size = dock_min_size
+            # if the pane's current size is less than it's
+            # minimum, increase the dock's size to it's minimum
+            if dock.size < dock.min_size:
+                dock.size = dock.min_size
+            # determine the dock's mode (fixed or proportional)
+            # determine whether the dock has only toolbars
+            action_pane_marked = False
+            dock.fixed = True
+            dock.toolbar = True
+            for jj in xrange(dock_pane_count):
+                pane = dock.panes[jj]
+                if not pane.IsFixed():
+                    dock.fixed = False
+                if not pane.IsToolbar():
+                    dock.toolbar = False
+                if pane.state & AuiPaneInfo.actionPane:
+                    action_pane_marked = True
+            # if the dock mode is proportional and not fixed-pixel,
+            # reassign the dock_pos to the sequential 0, 1, 2, 3
+            # e.g. remove gaps like 1, 2, 30, 500
+            if not dock.fixed:
+                for jj in xrange(dock_pane_count):
+                    pane = dock.panes[jj]
+                    pane.dock_pos = jj
+                    dock.panes[jj] = pane
+            # if the dock mode is fixed, and none of the panes
+            # are being moved right now, make sure the panes
+            # do not overlap each other.  If they do, we will
+            # adjust the panes' positions
+            if dock.fixed and not action_pane_marked:
+                pane_positions, pane_sizes = self.GetPanePositionsAndSizes(dock)
+                offset = 0
+                for jj in xrange(dock_pane_count):
+                    pane = dock.panes[jj]
+                    pane.dock_pos = pane_positions[jj]
+                    amount = pane.dock_pos - offset
+                    if amount >= 0:
+                        offset = offset + amount
+                    else:
+                        pane.dock_pos += -amount
+                    offset = offset + pane_sizes[jj]
+                    dock.panes[jj] = pane
+            if oncheck:
+                self._docks[ii] = dock
+        # discover the maximum dock layer
+        max_layer = 0
+        for ii in xrange(dock_count):
+            max_layer = max(max_layer, docks[ii].dock_layer)
+        # clear out uiparts
+        uiparts = []
+        # create a bunch of box sizers,
+        # from the innermost level outwards.
+        cont = None
+        middle = None
+        if oncheck:
+            docks = self._docks
+        for layer in xrange(max_layer+1):
+            # find any docks in this layer
+            arr = FindDocks(docks, -1, layer, -1)
+            # if there aren't any, skip to the next layer
+            if len(arr) == 0:
+                continue
+            old_cont = cont
+            # create a container which will hold this layer's
+            # docks (top, bottom, left, right)
+            cont = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
+            # find any top docks in this layer
+            arr = FindDocks(docks, AUI_DOCK_TOP, layer, -1, arr)
+            arr = RenumberDockRows(arr)
+            if len(arr) > 0:
+                for row in xrange(len(arr)):
+                    uiparts = self.LayoutAddDock(cont, arr[row], uiparts, spacer_only)
+            # fill out the middle layer (which consists
+            # of left docks, content area and right docks)
+            middle = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
+            # find any left docks in this layer
+            arr = FindDocks(docks, AUI_DOCK_LEFT, layer, -1, arr)
+            arr = RenumberDockRows(arr)
+            if len(arr) > 0:
+                for row in xrange(len(arr)):
+                    uiparts = self.LayoutAddDock(middle, arr[row], uiparts, spacer_only)
+            # add content dock (or previous layer's sizer
+            # to the middle
+            if not old_cont:
+                # find any center docks
+                arr = FindDocks(docks, AUI_DOCK_CENTER, -1, -1, arr)
+                if len(arr) > 0:
+                    for row in xrange(len(arr)):
+                       uiparts = self.LayoutAddDock(middle, arr[row], uiparts, spacer_only)
+                else:
+                    # there are no center docks, add a background area
+                    sizer_item = middle.Add((1, 1), 1, wx.EXPAND)
+                    part = DockUIPart()
+                    part.type = DockUIPart.typeBackground
+                    part.pane = None
+                    part.dock = None
+                    part.button = None
+                    part.cont_sizer = middle
+                    part.sizer_item = sizer_item
+                    uiparts.append(part)
+            else:
+                middle.Add(old_cont, 1, wx.EXPAND)
+            # find any right docks in this layer
+            arr = FindDocks(docks, AUI_DOCK_RIGHT, layer, -1, arr)
+            arr = RenumberDockRows(arr)
+            if len(arr) > 0:
+                for row in xrange(len(arr)-1, -1, -1):
+                    uiparts = self.LayoutAddDock(middle, arr[row], uiparts, spacer_only)
+            cont.Add(middle, 1, wx.EXPAND)
+            # find any bottom docks in this layer
+            arr = FindDocks(docks, AUI_DOCK_BOTTOM, layer, -1, arr)
+            arr = RenumberDockRows(arr)
+            if len(arr) > 0:
+                for row in xrange(len(arr)-1, -1, -1):
+                    uiparts = self.LayoutAddDock(cont, arr[row], uiparts, spacer_only)
+        if not cont:
+            # no sizer available, because there are no docks,
+            # therefore we will create a simple background area
+            cont = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
+            sizer_item = cont.Add((1, 1), 1, wx.EXPAND)
+            part = DockUIPart()
+            part.type = DockUIPart.typeBackground
+            part.pane = None
+            part.dock = None
+            part.button = None
+            part.cont_sizer = middle
+            part.sizer_item = sizer_item
+            uiparts.append(part)
+        if oncheck:
+            self._uiparts = uiparts
+            self._docks = docks
+        container.Add(cont, 1, wx.EXPAND)
+        if oncheck:
+            return container
+        else:
+            return container, panes, docks, uiparts
+    def Update(self):
+        """
+        Update() updates the layout.  Whenever changes are made to
+        one or more panes, this function should be called.  It is the
+        external entry point for running the layout engine.
+        """
+        pane_count = len(self._panes)
+        # delete old sizer first
+        self._frame.SetSizer(None)
+        # destroy floating panes which have been
+        # redocked or are becoming non-floating
+        for ii in xrange(pane_count):
+            p = self._panes[ii]
+            if not p.IsFloating() and p.frame:
+                # because the pane is no longer in a floating, we need to
+                # reparent it to self._frame and destroy the floating frame
+                # reduce flicker
+                p.window.SetSize((1, 1))
+                p.frame.Show(False)
+                # reparent to self._frame and destroy the pane
+                p.window.Reparent(self._frame)
+                p.frame.SetSizer(None)
+                p.frame.Destroy()
+                p.frame = None
+            self._panes[ii] = p
+        # create a layout for all of the panes
+        sizer = self.LayoutAll(self._panes, self._docks, self._uiparts, False)
+        # hide or show panes as necessary,
+        # and float panes as necessary
+        pane_count = len(self._panes)
+        for ii in xrange(pane_count):
+            p = self._panes[ii]
+            if p.IsFloating():
+                if p.frame == None:
+                    # we need to create a frame for this
+                    # pane, which has recently been floated
+                    resizeborder = 1
+                    if p.IsFixed():
+                        resizeborder = 0
+                    frame = AuiFloatingPane(self._frame, self, -1, "", p.floating_pos,
+                                         p.floating_size, resizeborder=resizeborder)
+                    # on MSW, if the owner desires transparent dragging, and
+                    # the dragging is happening right now, then the floating
+                    # window should have this style by default
+                    if self._action == actionDragAuiFloatingPane and self.UseTransparentDrag():
+                        self.MakeWindowTransparent(frame, 150)
+                    frame.SetPaneWindow(p)
+                    p.frame = frame
+                    if p.IsShown():
+                        frame.Show()
+                else:
+                    # frame already exists, make sure it's position
+                    # and size reflect the information in AuiPaneInfo
+                    if p.frame.GetPosition() != p.floating_pos:
+                        p.frame.SetDimensions(p.floating_pos.x, p.floating_pos.y,
+                                        -1, -1, wx.SIZE_USE_EXISTING)
+                    p.frame.Show(p.IsShown())
+            else:
+                p.window.Show(p.IsShown())
+            # if "active panes" are no longer allowed, clear
+            # any optionActive values from the pane states
+            if self._flags & AUI_MGR_ALLOW_ACTIVE_PANE == 0:
+                p.state &= ~AuiPaneInfo.optionActive
+            self._panes[ii] = p
+        old_pane_rects = []
+        for ii in xrange(pane_count):
+            r = wx.Rect()
+            p = self._panes[ii]
+            if p.window and p.IsShown() and p.IsDocked():
+                r = p.rect
+            old_pane_rects.append(r)
+        # apply the new sizer
+        self._frame.SetSizer(sizer)
+        self._frame.SetAutoLayout(False)
+        self.DoFrameLayout()
+        # now that the frame layout is done, we need to check
+        # the new pane rectangles against the old rectangles that
+        # we saved a few lines above here.  If the rectangles have
+        # changed, the corresponding panes must also be updated
+        for ii in xrange(pane_count):
+            p = self._panes[ii]
+            if p.window and p.IsShown() and p.IsDocked():
+                if p.rect != old_pane_rects[ii]:
+                    p.window.Refresh()
+                    p.window.Update()
+        self.Repaint()
+    def DoFrameLayout(self):
+        """
+        DoFrameLayout() is an internal function which invokes wxSizer.Layout
+        on the frame's main sizer, then measures all the various UI items
+        and updates their internal rectangles.  This should always be called
+        instead of calling self._frame.Layout() directly
+        """
+        self._frame.Layout()
+        for ii in xrange(len(self._uiparts)):
+            part = self._uiparts[ii]
+            # get the rectangle of the UI part
+            # originally, this code looked like this:
+            #    part.rect = wx.Rect(part.sizer_item.GetPosition(),
+            #                       part.sizer_item.GetSize())
+            # this worked quite well, with one exception: the mdi
+            # client window had a "deferred" size variable
+            # that returned the wrong size.  It looks like
+            # a bug in wx, because the former size of the window
+            # was being returned.  So, we will retrieve the part's
+            # rectangle via other means
+            part.rect = part.sizer_item.GetRect()
+            flag = part.sizer_item.GetFlag()
+            border = part.sizer_item.GetBorder()
+            if flag & wx.TOP:
+                part.rect.y -= border
+                part.rect.height += border
+            if flag & wx.LEFT:
+                part.rect.x -= border
+                part.rect.width += border
+            if flag & wx.BOTTOM:
+                part.rect.height += border
+            if flag & wx.RIGHT:
+                part.rect.width += border
+            if part.type == DockUIPart.typeDock:
+                part.dock.rect = part.rect
+            if part.type == DockUIPart.typePane:
+                part.pane.rect = part.rect
+            self._uiparts[ii] = part
+    def GetPanePart(self, wnd):
+        """
+        GetPanePart() looks up the pane border UI part of the
+        pane specified.  This allows the caller to get the exact rectangle
+        of the pane in question, including decorations like caption and border.
+        """
+        for ii in xrange(len(self._uiparts)):
+            part = self._uiparts[ii]
+            if part.type == DockUIPart.typePaneBorder and \
+               part.pane and part.pane.window == wnd:
+                return part
+        for ii in xrange(len(self._uiparts)):
+            part = self._uiparts[ii]
+            if part.type == DockUIPart.typePane and \
+               part.pane and part.pane.window == wnd:
+                return part
+        return None
+    def GetDockPixelOffset(self, test):
+        """
+        GetDockPixelOffset() is an internal function which returns
+        a dock's offset in pixels from the left side of the window
+        (for horizontal docks) or from the top of the window (for
+        vertical docks).  This value is necessary for calculating
+        fixel-pane/toolbar offsets when they are dragged.
+        """
+        # the only way to accurately calculate the dock's
+        # offset is to actually run a theoretical layout
+        docks, panes = CopyDocksAndPanes2(self._docks, self._panes)
+        panes.append(test)
+        sizer, panes, docks, uiparts = self.LayoutAll(panes, docks, [], True, False)
+        client_size = self._frame.GetClientSize()
+        sizer.SetDimension(0, 0, client_size.x, client_size.y)
+        sizer.Layout()
+        for ii in xrange(len(uiparts)):
+            part = uiparts[ii]
+            pos = part.sizer_item.GetPosition()
+            size = part.sizer_item.GetSize()
+            part.rect = wx.Rect(pos[0], pos[1], size[0], size[1])
+            if part.type == DockUIPart.typeDock:
+                part.dock.rect = part.rect
+        sizer.Destroy()
+        for ii in xrange(len(docks)):
+            dock = docks[ii]
+            if test.dock_direction == dock.dock_direction and \
+               test.dock_layer == dock.dock_layer and  \
+               test.dock_row == dock.dock_row:
+                if dock.IsVertical():
+                    return dock.rect.y
+                else:
+                    return dock.rect.x
+        return 0
+    def ProcessDockResult(self, target, new_pos):
+        """
+        ProcessDockResult() is a utility function used by DoDrop() - it checks
+        if a dock operation is allowed, the new dock position is copied into
+        the target info.  If the operation was allowed, the function returns True.
+        """
+        allowed = False
+        if new_pos.dock_direction == AUI_DOCK_TOP:
+            allowed = target.IsTopDockable()
+        elif new_pos.dock_direction == AUI_DOCK_BOTTOM:
+            allowed = target.IsBottomDockable()
+        elif new_pos.dock_direction == AUI_DOCK_LEFT:
+            allowed = target.IsLeftDockable()
+        elif new_pos.dock_direction == AUI_DOCK_RIGHT:
+            allowed = target.IsRightDockable()
+        if allowed:
+            target = new_pos
+        return allowed, target
+    def DoDrop(self, docks, panes, target, pt, offset=wx.Point(0,0)):
+        """
+        DoDrop() is an important function.  It basically takes a mouse position,
+        and determines where the panes new position would be.  If the pane is to be
+        dropped, it performs the drop operation using the specified dock and pane
+        arrays.  By specifying copy dock and pane arrays when calling, a "what-if"
+        scenario can be performed, giving precise coordinates for drop hints.
+        """
+        cli_size = self._frame.GetClientSize()
+        drop = AuiPaneInfo()
+        drop.name = target.name
+        drop.caption = target.caption
+        drop.window = target.window
+        drop.frame = target.frame
+        drop.state = target.state
+        drop.dock_direction = target.dock_direction
+        drop.dock_layer = target.dock_layer
+        drop.dock_row = target.dock_row
+        drop.dock_pos = target.dock_pos
+        drop.best_size = target.best_size
+        drop.min_size = target.min_size
+        drop.max_size = target.max_size
+        drop.floating_pos = target.floating_pos
+        drop.floating_size = target.floating_size
+        drop.dock_proportion = target.dock_proportion
+        drop.buttons = target.buttons
+        drop.rect = target.rect
+        # The result should always be shown
+        drop.Show()
+        # Check to see if the pane has been dragged outside of the window
+        # (or near to the outside of the window), if so, dock it along the edge
+        layer_insert_offset = auiLayerInsertOffset
+        if target.IsToolbar():
+            layer_insert_offset = 0
+        if pt.x < layer_insert_offset and \
+           pt.x > layer_insert_offset-auiLayerInsertPixels:
+            new_layer = max(max(GetMaxLayer(docks, AUI_DOCK_LEFT),
+                                GetMaxLayer(docks, AUI_DOCK_BOTTOM)),
+                            GetMaxLayer(docks, AUI_DOCK_TOP)) + 1
+            drop.Dock().Left().Layer(new_layer).Row(0). \
+                 Position(pt.y - self.GetDockPixelOffset(drop) - offset.y)
+            return self.ProcessDockResult(target, drop)
+        elif pt.y < layer_insert_offset and \
+              pt.y > layer_insert_offset-auiLayerInsertPixels:
+            new_layer = max(max(GetMaxLayer(docks, AUI_DOCK_TOP),
+                                GetMaxLayer(docks, AUI_DOCK_LEFT)),
+                            GetMaxLayer(docks, AUI_DOCK_RIGHT)) + 1
+            drop.Dock().Top().Layer(new_layer).Row(0). \
+                 Position(pt.x - self.GetDockPixelOffset(drop) - offset.x)
+            return self.ProcessDockResult(target, drop)
+        elif pt.x >= cli_size.x - layer_insert_offset and \
+              pt.x < cli_size.x - layer_insert_offset + auiLayerInsertPixels:
+            new_layer = max(max(GetMaxLayer(docks, AUI_DOCK_RIGHT),
+                                GetMaxLayer(docks, AUI_DOCK_TOP)),
+                            GetMaxLayer(docks, AUI_DOCK_BOTTOM)) + 1
+            drop.Dock().Right().Layer(new_layer).Row(0). \
+                 Position(pt.y - self.GetDockPixelOffset(drop) - offset.y)
+            return self.ProcessDockResult(target, drop)
+        elif pt.y >= cli_size.y - layer_insert_offset and \
+             pt.y < cli_size.y - layer_insert_offset + auiLayerInsertPixels:
+            new_layer = max(max(GetMaxLayer(docks, AUI_DOCK_BOTTOM),
+                                GetMaxLayer(docks, AUI_DOCK_LEFT)),
+                            GetMaxLayer(docks, AUI_DOCK_RIGHT)) + 1
+            drop.Dock().Bottom().Layer(new_layer).Row(0). \
+                 Position(pt.x - self.GetDockPixelOffset(drop) - offset.x)
+            return self.ProcessDockResult(target, drop)
+        part = self.HitTest(pt.x, pt.y)
+        if drop.IsToolbar():
+            if not part or not part.dock:
+                return False, target
+            # calculate the offset from where the dock begins
+            # to the point where the user dropped the pane
+            dock_drop_offset = 0
+            if part.dock.IsHorizontal():
+                dock_drop_offset = pt.x - part.dock.rect.x - offset.x
+            else:
+                dock_drop_offset = pt.y - part.dock.rect.y - offset.y
+            # toolbars may only be moved in and to fixed-pane docks,
+            # otherwise we will try to float the pane.  Also, the pane
+            # should float if being dragged over center pane windows
+            if not part.dock.fixed or part.dock.dock_direction == AUI_DOCK_CENTER:
+                if (self._flags & AUI_MGR_ALLOW_FLOATING) and (drop.IsFloatable() or (\
+                    part.dock.dock_direction != AUI_DOCK_CENTER and \
+                    part.dock.dock_direction != AUI_DOCK_NONE)):
+                    drop.Float()
+                return self.ProcessDockResult(target, drop)
+            drop.Dock(). \
+                 Direction(part.dock.dock_direction). \
+                 Layer(part.dock.dock_layer). \
+                 Row(part.dock.dock_row). \
+                 Position(dock_drop_offset)
+            if pt.y < part.dock.rect.y + 2 and len(part.dock.panes) > 1:
+                row = drop.dock_row
+                panes = DoInsertDockRow(panes, part.dock.dock_direction,
+                                        part.dock.dock_layer,
+                                        part.dock.dock_row)
+                drop.dock_row = row
+            if pt.y > part.dock.rect.y + part.dock.rect.height - 2 and \
+               len(part.dock.panes) > 1:
+                panes = DoInsertDockRow(panes, part.dock.dock_direction,
+                                        part.dock.dock_layer,
+                                        part.dock.dock_row+1)
+                drop.dock_row = part.dock.dock_row + 1
+            return self.ProcessDockResult(target, drop)
+        if not part:
+            return False, target
+        if part.type == DockUIPart.typePaneBorder or \
+            part.type == DockUIPart.typeCaption or \
+            part.type == DockUIPart.typeGripper or \
+            part.type == DockUIPart.typePaneButton or \
+            part.type == DockUIPart.typePane or \
+            part.type == DockUIPart.typePaneSizer or \
+            part.type == DockUIPart.typeDockSizer or \
+            part.type == DockUIPart.typeBackground:
+            if part.type == DockUIPart.typeDockSizer:
+                if len(part.dock.panes) != 1:
+                    return False, target
+                part = self.GetPanePart(part.dock.panes[0].window)
+                if not part:
+                    return False, target
+            # If a normal frame is being dragged over a toolbar, insert it
+            # along the edge under the toolbar, but over all other panes.
+            # (this could be done much better, but somehow factoring this
+            # calculation with the one at the beginning of this function)
+            if part.dock and (hasattr(part.dock, "toolbar") and part.dock.toolbar):
+                layer = 0
+                if part.dock.dock_direction == AUI_DOCK_LEFT:
+                    layer = max(max(GetMaxLayer(docks, AUI_DOCK_LEFT),
+                                    GetMaxLayer(docks, AUI_DOCK_BOTTOM)),
+                                GetMaxLayer(docks, AUI_DOCK_TOP))
+                elif part.dock.dock_direction == AUI_DOCK_TOP:
+                    layer = max(max(GetMaxLayer(docks, AUI_DOCK_TOP),
+                                    GetMaxLayer(docks, AUI_DOCK_LEFT)),
+                                GetMaxLayer(docks, AUI_DOCK_RIGHT))
+                elif part.dock.dock_direction == AUI_DOCK_RIGHT:
+                    layer = max(max(GetMaxLayer(docks, AUI_DOCK_RIGHT),
+                                    GetMaxLayer(docks, AUI_DOCK_TOP)),
+                                GetMaxLayer(docks, AUI_DOCK_BOTTOM))
+                elif part.dock.dock_direction == AUI_DOCK_BOTTOM:
+                    layer = max(max(GetMaxLayer(docks, AUI_DOCK_BOTTOM),
+                                    GetMaxLayer(docks, AUI_DOCK_LEFT)),
+                                GetMaxLayer(docks, AUI_DOCK_RIGHT))
+                panes = DoInsertDockRow(panes, part.dock.dock_direction,
+                                        layer, 0)
+                drop.Dock(). \
+                     Direction(part.dock.dock_direction). \
+                     Layer(layer).Row(0).Position(0)
+                return self.ProcessDockResult(target, drop)
+            if not part.pane:
+                return False, target
+            part = self.GetPanePart(part.pane.window)
+            if not part:
+                return False, target
+            insert_dock_row = False
+            insert_row = part.pane.dock_row
+            insert_dir = part.pane.dock_direction
+            insert_layer = part.pane.dock_layer
+            if part.pane.dock_direction == AUI_DOCK_TOP:
+                if pt.y >= part.rect.y and \
+                   pt.y < part.rect.y+auiInsertRowPixels:
+                    insert_dock_row = True
+            elif part.pane.dock_direction == AUI_DOCK_BOTTOM:
+                if pt.y > part.rect.y+part.rect.height-auiInsertRowPixels and \
+                   pt.y <= part.rect.y + part.rect.height:
+                    insert_dock_row = True
+            elif part.pane.dock_direction == AUI_DOCK_LEFT:
+                if pt.x >= part.rect.x and \
+                   pt.x < part.rect.x+auiInsertRowPixels:
+                    insert_dock_row = True
+            elif part.pane.dock_direction == AUI_DOCK_RIGHT:
+                if pt.x > part.rect.x+part.rect.width-auiInsertRowPixels and \
+                   pt.x <= part.rect.x+part.rect.width:
+                    insert_dock_row = True
+            elif part.pane.dock_direction == AUI_DOCK_CENTER:
+                # "new row pixels" will be set to the default, but
+                # must never exceed 20% of the window size
+                new_row_pixels_x = auiNewRowPixels
+                new_row_pixels_y = auiNewRowPixels
+                if new_row_pixels_x > part.rect.width*20/100:
+                    new_row_pixels_x = part.rect.width*20/100
+                if new_row_pixels_y > part.rect.height*20/100:
+                    new_row_pixels_y = part.rect.height*20/100
+                    # determine if the mouse pointer is in a location that
+                    # will cause a new row to be inserted.  The hot spot positions
+                    # are along the borders of the center pane
+                    insert_layer = 0
+                    insert_dock_row = True
+                    if pt.x >= part.rect.x and \
+                       pt.x < part.rect.x+new_row_pixels_x:
+                        insert_dir = AUI_DOCK_LEFT
+                    elif pt.y >= part.rect.y and \
+                         pt.y < part.rect.y+new_row_pixels_y:
+                        insert_dir = AUI_DOCK_TOP
+                    elif pt.x >= part.rect.x + part.rect.width-new_row_pixels_x and \
+                         pt.x < part.rect.x + part.rect.width:
+                        insert_dir = AUI_DOCK_RIGHT
+                    elif pt.y >= part.rect.y+ part.rect.height-new_row_pixels_y and \
+                         pt.y < part.rect.y + part.rect.height:
+                        insert_dir = AUI_DOCK_BOTTOM
+                    else:
+                        return False, target
+                    insert_row = GetMaxRow(panes, insert_dir, insert_layer) + 1
+            if insert_dock_row:
+                panes = DoInsertDockRow(panes, insert_dir, insert_layer,
+                                        insert_row)
+                drop.Dock().Direction(insert_dir). \
+                            Layer(insert_layer). \
+                            Row(insert_row). \
+                            Position(0)
+                return self.ProcessDockResult(target, drop)
+            # determine the mouse offset and the pane size, both in the
+            # direction of the dock itself, and perpendicular to the dock
+            if part.orientation == wx.VERTICAL:
+                offset = pt.y - part.rect.y
+                size = part.rect.GetHeight()
+            else:
+                offset = pt.x - part.rect.x
+                size = part.rect.GetWidth()
+            drop_position = part.pane.dock_pos
+            # if we are in the top/left part of the pane,
+            # insert the pane before the pane being hovered over
+            if offset <= size/2:
+                drop_position = part.pane.dock_pos
+                panes = DoInsertPane(panes,
+                                     part.pane.dock_direction,
+                                     part.pane.dock_layer,
+                                     part.pane.dock_row,
+                                     part.pane.dock_pos)
+            # if we are in the bottom/right part of the pane,
+            # insert the pane before the pane being hovered over
+            if offset > size/2:
+                drop_position = part.pane.dock_pos+1
+                panes = DoInsertPane(panes,
+                                     part.pane.dock_direction,
+                                     part.pane.dock_layer,
+                                     part.pane.dock_row,
+                                     part.pane.dock_pos+1)
+            drop.Dock(). \
+                 Direction(part.dock.dock_direction). \
+                 Layer(part.dock.dock_layer). \
+                 Row(part.dock.dock_row). \
+                 Position(drop_position)
+            return self.ProcessDockResult(target, drop)
+        return False, target
+    def UseTransparentHint(self):
+        return (self._flags & AUI_MGR_TRANSPARENT_HINT) and self.CanMakeWindowsTransparent()
+    def OnHintFadeTimer(self, event):
+        #sanity check
+        if not self.UseTransparentHint():
+            return
+        if not self._hint_wnd or self._hint_fadeamt >= 50:
+            self._hint_fadetimer.Stop()
+            return
+        self._hint_fadeamt = self._hint_fadeamt + 5
+        self.MakeWindowTransparent(self._hint_wnd, self._hint_fadeamt)
+    def ShowHint(self, rect):
+        self._hintshown = True
+        if self.UseTransparentHint():
+            if wx.Platform == "__WXMSW__":
+                if self._last_hint == rect:
+                    return
+                self._last_hint = rect
+                initial_fade = 50
+                if self._flags & AUI_MGR_TRANSPARENT_HINT_FADE:
+                    initial_fade = 0
+                if self._hint_wnd == None:
+                    pt = rect.GetPosition()
+                    size = rect.GetSize()
+                    self._hint_wnd = wx.Frame(self._frame, -1, "", pt, size,
+                                              wx.FRAME_TOOL_WINDOW |
+                                              wx.FRAME_FLOAT_ON_PARENT |
+                                              wx.FRAME_NO_TASKBAR |
+                                              wx.NO_BORDER)
+                    self.MakeWindowTransparent(self._hint_wnd, initial_fade)
+                    self._hint_wnd.SetBackgroundColour(wx.SystemSettings_GetColour(wx.SYS_COLOUR_ACTIVECAPTION))
+                    self._hint_wnd.Show()
+                    # if we are dragging a floating pane, set the focus
+                    # back to that floating pane (otherwise it becomes unfocused)
+                    if self._action == actionDragAuiFloatingPane and self._action_window:
+                        self._action_window.SetFocus()
+                else:
+                    pt = rect.GetPosition()
+                    size = rect.GetSize()
+                    self.MakeWindowTransparent(self._hint_wnd, initial_fade)
+                    self._hint_wnd.SetDimensions(pt.x, pt.y, rect.width, rect.height)
+                if self._flags & AUI_MGR_TRANSPARENT_HINT_FADE:
+                    # start fade in timer
+                    self._hint_fadeamt = 0
+                    self._hint_fadetimer.SetOwner(self, 101)
+                    self._hint_fadetimer.Start(5)
+                return
+            elif wx.Platform == "__WXMAC__":
+                if self._last_hint == rect:
+                    return  #same rect, already shown, no-op
+                if self._flags & AUI_MGR_TRANSPARENT_HINT_FADE:
+                    initial_fade = 0
+                else:
+                    initial_fade = 80
+                if not self._hint_wnd:
+                    self._hint_wnd = wx.MiniFrame(self._frame,
+                        style=wx.FRAME_FLOAT_ON_PARENT|wx.FRAME_TOOL_WINDOW
+                        |wx.CAPTION#|wx.FRAME_SHAPED
+                        #without wxCAPTION + wx.FRAME_TOOL_WINDOW, the hint window
+                        #gets focus & dims the main frames toolbar, which is both wrong
+                        #and distracting.
+                        #wx.CAPTION + wx.FRAME_TOOL_WINDOW cures the focus problem,
+                        #but then it draws the caption. Adding wx.FRAME_SHAPED takes
+                        #care of that, but then SetRect doesn't work to size - need to
+                        #create a bitmap or mask or something.
+                        )
+                    #can't set the background of a wx.Frame in OSX
+                    p = wx.Panel(self._hint_wnd)
+                    #the caption color is a light silver thats really hard to see
+                    #especially transparent. See if theres some other system
+                    #setting that is more appropriate, or just extend the art provider
+                    #to cover this
+                    #p.SetBackgroundColour(wx.SystemSettings_GetColour(wx.SYS_COLOUR_ACTIVECAPTION))
+                    p.SetBackgroundColour(wx.BLUE)
+                self.MakeWindowTransparent(self._hint_wnd, initial_fade)
+                self._hint_wnd.SetRect(rect)
+                self._hint_wnd.Show()
+                if self._action == actionDragAuiFloatingPane and self._action_window:
+                   self._action_window.SetFocus()
+                if self._flags & AUI_MGR_TRANSPARENT_HINT_FADE:
+                    # start fade in timer
+                    self._hint_fadeamt = 0
+                    self._hint_fadetimer.SetOwner(self, 101)
+                    self._hint_fadetimer.Start(5)
+                return
+        if self._last_hint != rect:
+            # remove the last hint rectangle
+            self._last_hint = rect
+            self._frame.Refresh()
+            self._frame.Update()
+        screendc = wx.ScreenDC()
+        clip = wx.Region(1, 1, 10000, 10000)
+        # clip all floating windows, so we don't draw over them
+        for pane in self._panes:
+            if pane.IsFloating() and pane.frame.IsShown():
+                recta = pane.frame.GetRect()
+                if wx.Platform == "__WXGTK__":
+                    # wxGTK returns the client size, not the whole frame size
+                    width, height = pane.frame.ClientToScreen((0,0)) - pane.frame.GetPosition()
+                    recta.width = recta.width + width
+                    recta.height = recta.height + height
+                    recta.Inflate(5, 5)
+                    #endif
+                clip.SubtractRect(recta)
+        screendc.SetClippingRegionAsRegion(clip)
+        screendc.SetBrush(wx.Brush(wx.SystemSettings_GetColour(wx.SYS_COLOUR_ACTIVECAPTION)))
+        screendc.SetPen(wx.TRANSPARENT_PEN)
+        screendc.DrawRectangle(rect.x, rect.y, 5, rect.height)
+        screendc.DrawRectangle(rect.x+5, rect.y, rect.width-10, 5)
+        screendc.DrawRectangle(rect.x+rect.width-5, rect.y, 5, rect.height)
+        screendc.DrawRectangle(rect.x+5, rect.y+rect.height-5, rect.width-10, 5)
+    def HideHint(self):
+        self._hintshown = False
+        # hides a transparent window hint (currently wxMSW only)
+        if self.UseTransparentHint():
+            if self._hint_wnd:
+                self._hint_fadetimer.Stop()
+                #self._hint_wnd.Destroy()
+                self.MakeWindowTransparent(self._hint_wnd, 0)
+                self._last_hint = wx.Rect()
+            return
+        # hides a painted hint by redrawing the frame window
+        if not self._last_hint.IsEmpty():
+            self._frame.Refresh()
+            self._frame.Update()
+            self._last_hint = wx.Rect()
+    def DrawHintRect(self, pane_window, pt, offset):
+        """
+        DrawHintRect() draws a drop hint rectangle. First calls DoDrop() to
+        determine the exact position the pane would be at were if dropped.  If
+        the pame would indeed become docked at the specified drop point,
+        DrawHintRect() then calls ShowHint() to indicate this drop rectangle.
+        "pane_window" is the window pointer of the pane being dragged, pt is
+        the mouse position, in client coordinates.
+        """
+        # we need to paint a hint rectangle to find out the exact hint rectangle,
+        # we will create a new temporary layout and then measure the resulting
+        # rectangle we will create a copy of the docking structures (self._docks)
+        # so that we don't modify the real thing on screen
+        rect = wx.Rect()
+        pane = self.GetPane(pane_window)
+        attrs = self.GetAttributes(pane)
+        hint = AuiPaneInfo()
+        hint = self.SetAttributes(hint, attrs)
+        if hint.name != "__HINT__":
+            self._oldname = hint.name
+        hint.name = "__HINT__"
+        if not hint.IsOk():
+            hint.name = self._oldname
+            return
+        docks, panes = CopyDocksAndPanes2(self._docks, self._panes)
+        # remove any pane already there which bears the same window
+        # this happens when you are moving a pane around in a dock
+        for ii in xrange(len(panes)):
+            if panes[ii].window == pane_window:
+                docks = RemovePaneFromDocks(docks, panes[ii])
+                panes.pop(ii)
+                break
+        # find out where the new pane would be
+        allow, hint = self.DoDrop(docks, panes, hint, pt, offset)
+        if not allow:
+            self.HideHint()
+            return
+        panes.append(hint)
+        sizer, panes, docks, uiparts = self.LayoutAll(panes, docks, [], True, False)
+        client_size = self._frame.GetClientSize()
+        sizer.SetDimension(0, 0, client_size.x, client_size.y)
+        sizer.Layout()
+        for ii in xrange(len(uiparts)):
+            part = uiparts[ii]
+            if part.type == DockUIPart.typePaneBorder and \
+               part.pane and part.pane.name == "__HINT__":
+                pos = part.sizer_item.GetPosition()
+                size = part.sizer_item.GetSize()
+                rect = wx.Rect(pos[0], pos[1], size[0], size[1])
+                break
+        sizer.Destroy()
+        if rect.IsEmpty():
+            self.HideHint()
+            return
+        # actually show the hint rectangle on the screen
+        rect.x, rect.y = self._frame.ClientToScreen((rect.x, rect.y))
+        self.ShowHint(rect)
+    def GetAttributes(self, pane):
+        attrs = []
+        attrs.extend([pane.window, pane.frame, pane.state, pane.dock_direction,
+                     pane.dock_layer, pane.dock_pos, pane.dock_row, pane.dock_proportion,
+                     pane.floating_pos, pane.floating_size, pane.best_size,
+                     pane.min_size, pane.max_size, pane.caption, pane.name,
+                     pane.buttons, pane.rect])
+        return attrs
+    def SetAttributes(self, pane, attrs):
+        pane.window = attrs[0]
+        pane.frame = attrs[1]
+        pane.state = attrs[2]
+        pane.dock_direction = attrs[3]
+        pane.dock_layer = attrs[4]
+        pane.dock_pos = attrs[5]
+        pane.dock_row = attrs[6]
+        pane.dock_proportion = attrs[7]
+        pane.floating_pos = attrs[8]
+        pane.floating_size = attrs[9]
+        pane.best_size = attrs[10]
+        pane.min_size = attrs[11]
+        pane.max_size = attrs[12]
+        pane.caption = attrs[13]
+        pane.name = attrs[14]
+        pane.buttons = attrs[15]
+        pane.rect = attrs[16]
+        return pane
+    def UseTransparentDrag(self):
+        if self._flags & AUI_MGR_TRANSPARENT_DRAG:
+            return self.CanMakeWindowsTransparent()
+        else:
+            return False
+    def OnAuiFloatingPaneMoveStart(self, wnd):
+        # try to find the pane
+        pane = self.GetPane(wnd)
+        if not pane.IsOk():
+            raise "\nERROR: Pane Window Not Found"
+        if self.UseTransparentDrag() and pane.IsDockable():
+            self.MakeWindowTransparent(pane.frame, 150)
+    def OnAuiFloatingPaneMoving(self, wnd):
+        # try to find the pane
+        pane = self.GetPane(wnd)
+        if not pane.IsOk():
+            raise "\nERROR: Pane Window Not Found"
+        pt = wx.GetMousePosition()
+        client_pt = self._frame.ScreenToClient(pt)
+        # calculate the offset from the upper left-hand corner
+        # of the frame to the mouse pointer
+        frame_pos = pane.frame.GetPosition()
+        action_offset = wx.Point(pt[0]-frame_pos.x, pt[1]-frame_pos.y)
+##        # no hint for toolbar floating windows
+##        if pane.IsToolbar() and self._action == actionDragAuiFloatingPane:
+##            oldname = pane.name
+##            indx = self._panes.index(pane)
+##            hint = pane
+##            docks, panes = CopyDocksAndPanes2(self._docks, self._panes)
+##            # find out where the new pane would be
+##            ret, hint = self.DoDrop(docks, panes, hint, client_pt)
+##            if not ret:
+##                return
+##            if hint.IsFloating():
+##                return
+##            pane = hint
+##            pane.name = oldname
+##            self._panes[indx] = pane
+##            self._action = actionDragToolbarPane
+##            self._action_window = pane.window
+##            self.Update()
+##            return
+        # if a key modifier is pressed while dragging the frame,
+        # don't dock the window
+        if wx.GetKeyState(wx.WXK_CONTROL) or wx.GetKeyState(wx.WXK_ALT):
+            self.HideHint()
+            return
+        if pane.IsDockable():
+            self.DrawHintRect(wnd, client_pt, action_offset)
+        # reduces flicker
+        self._frame.Update()
+    def OnAuiFloatingPaneMoved(self, wnd):
+        # try to find the pane
+        pane = self.GetPane(wnd)
+        if not pane.IsOk():
+            raise "\nERROR: Pane Window Not Found"
+        pt = wx.GetMousePosition()
+        client_pt = self._frame.ScreenToClient(pt)
+        indx = self._panes.index(pane)
+        # calculate the offset from the upper left-hand corner
+        # of the frame to the mouse pointer
+        frame_pos = pane.frame.GetPosition()
+        action_offset = wx.Point(pt[0]-frame_pos.x, pt[1]-frame_pos.y)
+        # if a key modifier is pressed while dragging the frame,
+        # don't dock the window
+        if wx.GetKeyState(wx.WXK_CONTROL) or wx.GetKeyState(wx.WXK_ALT):
+            self.HideHint()
+            return
+        if not pane.IsToolbar() and pane.IsDockable() and not self._hintshown:
+            if not pane.IsFloating():
+                pane.Float()
+                pane.floating_pos = pane.frame.GetPosition()
+                self._panes[indx] = pane
+                if self.UseTransparentDrag():
+                    self.MakeWindowTransparent(pane.frame, 255)
+        # do the drop calculation
+        allow, pane = self.DoDrop(self._docks, self._panes, pane, client_pt, action_offset)
+        # if the pane is still floating, update it's floating
+        # position (that we store)
+        if pane.IsFloating():
+            pane.floating_pos = pane.frame.GetPosition()
+            if self.UseTransparentDrag():
+                self.MakeWindowTransparent(pane.frame, 255)
+        if not pane.IsToolbar() and pane.IsDockable():
+            pane.name = self._oldname
+        self._panes[indx] = pane
+        self.Update()
+        self.HideHint()
+    def OnAuiFloatingPaneResized(self, wnd, size):
+        # try to find the pane
+        pane = self.GetPane(wnd)
+        if not pane.IsOk():
+            raise "\nERROR: Pane Window Not Found"
+        indx = self._panes.index(pane)
+        pane.floating_size = size
+        self._panes[indx] = pane
+    def OnAuiFloatingPaneClosed(self, wnd, event):
+        # try to find the pane
+        pane = self.GetPane(wnd)
+        if not pane.IsOk():
+            raise "\nERROR: Pane Window Not Found"
+        e = AuiManagerEvent(wxEVT_AUI_PANECLOSE)
+        e.SetPane(pane)
+        self.ProcessMgrEvent(e)
+        if e.GetSkipped():
+            indx = self._panes.index(pane)
+            # reparent the pane window back to us and
+            # prepare the frame window for destruction
+            pane.window.Show(False)
+            pane.window.Reparent(self._frame)
+            pane.frame = None
+            pane.Hide()
+            self._panes[indx] = pane
+            event.Skip()
+    def OnAuiFloatingPaneActivated(self, wnd):
+        if self.GetFlags() & AUI_MGR_ALLOW_ACTIVE_PANE:
+            # try to find the pane
+            pane = self.GetPane(wnd)
+            if not pane.IsOk():
+                raise "\nERROR: Pane Window Not Found"
+            self._panes = SetActivePane(self._panes, wnd)
+            self.Repaint()
+    def Render(self, dc):
+        """
+        Render() draws all of the pane captions, sashes,
+        backgrounds, captions, grippers, pane borders and buttons.
+        It renders the entire user interface.
+        """
+        for part in self._uiparts:
+            # don't draw hidden pane items
+            if part.sizer_item and not part.sizer_item.IsShown():
+                continue
+            if part.type == DockUIPart.typeDockSizer or \
+               part.type == DockUIPart.typePaneSizer:
+                self._art.DrawSash(dc, part.orientation, part.rect)
+            elif part.type == DockUIPart.typeBackground:
+                self._art.DrawBackground(dc, part.orientation, part.rect)
+            elif part.type == DockUIPart.typeCaption:
+                self._art.DrawCaption(dc, part.pane.caption, part.rect, part.pane)
+            elif part.type == DockUIPart.typeGripper:
+                self._art.DrawGripper(dc, part.rect, part.pane)
+            elif part.type == DockUIPart.typePaneBorder:
+                self._art.DrawBorder(dc, part.rect, part.pane)
+            elif part.type == DockUIPart.typePaneButton:
+                self._art.DrawPaneButton(dc, part.button.button_id,
+                                         AUI_BUTTON_STATE_NORMAL, part.rect, part.pane)
+    def Repaint(self, dc=None):
+        w, h = self._frame.GetClientSize()
+        # figure out which dc to use if one
+        # has been specified, use it, otherwise
+        # make a client dc
+        client_dc = None
+        if not dc:
+            client_dc = wx.ClientDC(self._frame)
+            dc = client_dc
+        # if the frame has a toolbar, the client area
+        # origin will not be (0,0).
+        pt = self._frame.GetClientAreaOrigin()
+        if pt.x != 0 or pt.y != 0:
+            dc.SetDeviceOrigin(pt.x, pt.y)
+        # render all the items
+        self.Render(dc)
+        # if we created a client_dc, delete it
+        if client_dc:
+            del client_dc
+    def OnPaint(self, event):
+        dc = wx.PaintDC(self._frame)
+        if wx.Platform == "__WXMAC__":
+            #Macs paint optimizations clip the area we need to paint a log
+            #of the time, this is a dirty hack to always paint everything
+            self.Repaint(None)
+        else:
+            self.Repaint(dc)
+    def OnEraseBackground(self, event):
+        if wx.Platform == "__WXMAC__":
+            event.Skip()
+    def OnSize(self, event):
+        if self._frame:
+            self.DoFrameLayout()
+            wx.CallAfter(self.Repaint)
+            if not isinstance(self._frame, wx.MDIParentFrame):
+                event.Skip()
+    def OnSetCursor(self, event):
+        # determine cursor
+        part = self.HitTest(event.GetX(), event.GetY())
+        cursor = None
+        if part:
+            if part.type == DockUIPart.typeDockSizer or \
+               part.type == DockUIPart.typePaneSizer:
+                # a dock may not be resized if it has a single
+                # pane which is not resizable
+                if part.type == DockUIPart.typeDockSizer and part.dock and \
+                   len(part.dock.panes) == 1 and part.dock.panes[0].IsFixed():
+                    return
+                # panes that may not be resized do not get a sizing cursor
+                if part.pane and part.pane.IsFixed():
+                    return
+                if part.orientation == wx.VERTICAL:
+                    cursor = wx.StockCursor(wx.CURSOR_SIZEWE)
+                else:
+                    cursor = wx.StockCursor(wx.CURSOR_SIZENS)
+            elif part.type == DockUIPart.typeGripper:
+                cursor = wx.StockCursor(wx.CURSOR_SIZING)
+        if cursor is not None:
+            event.SetCursor(cursor)
+    def UpdateButtonOnScreen(self, button_ui_part, event):
+        hit_test = self.HitTest(event.GetX(), event.GetY())
+        state = AUI_BUTTON_STATE_NORMAL
+        if hit_test == button_ui_part:
+            if event.LeftDown():
+                state = AUI_BUTTON_STATE_PRESSED
+            else:
+                state = AUI_BUTTON_STATE_HOVER
+        else:
+            if event.LeftDown():
+                state = AUI_BUTTON_STATE_HOVER
+        # now repaint the button with hover state
+        cdc = wx.ClientDC(self._frame)
+        # if the frame has a toolbar, the client area
+        # origin will not be (0,0).
+        pt = self._frame.GetClientAreaOrigin()
+        if pt.x != 0 or pt.y != 0:
+            cdc.SetDeviceOrigin(pt.x, pt.y)
+        self._art.DrawPaneButton(cdc,
+                  button_ui_part.button.button_id,
+                  state,
+                  button_ui_part.rect, hit_test.pane)
+    def OnLeftDown(self, event):
+        part = self.HitTest(event.GetX(), event.GetY())
+        if part:
+            if part.dock and part.dock.dock_direction == AUI_DOCK_CENTER:
+                return
+            if part.type == DockUIPart.typeDockSizer or \
+               part.type == DockUIPart.typePaneSizer:
+                # a dock may not be resized if it has a single
+                # pane which is not resizable
+                if part.type == DockUIPart.typeDockSizer and part.dock and \
+                   len(part.dock.panes) == 1 and part.dock.panes[0].IsFixed():
+                    return
+                # panes that may not be resized should be ignored here
+                if part.pane and part.pane.IsFixed():
+                    return
+                self._action = actionResize
+                self._action_part = part
+                self._action_hintrect = wx.Rect()
+                self._action_start = wx.Point(event.GetX(), event.GetY())
+                self._action_offset = wx.Point(event.GetX() - part.rect.x,
+                                               event.GetY() - part.rect.y)
+                self._frame.CaptureMouse()
+            elif part.type == DockUIPart.typePaneButton:
+                self._action = actionClickButton
+                self._action_part = part
+                self._action_start = wx.Point(event.GetX(), event.GetY())
+                self._frame.CaptureMouse()
+                self.UpdateButtonOnScreen(part, event)
+            elif part.type == DockUIPart.typeCaption or \
+                  part.type == DockUIPart.typeGripper:
+                if self.GetFlags() & AUI_MGR_ALLOW_ACTIVE_PANE:
+                    # set the caption as active
+                    self._panes = SetActivePane(self._panes, part.pane.window)
+                    self.Repaint()
+                self._action = actionClickCaption
+                self._action_part = part
+                self._action_start = wx.Point(event.GetX(), event.GetY())
+                self._action_offset = wx.Point(event.GetX() - part.rect.x,
+                                               event.GetY() - part.rect.y)
+                self._frame.CaptureMouse()
+        if wx.Platform != "__WXMAC__":
+            event.Skip()
+    def OnLeftUp(self, event):
+        if self._action == actionResize:
+            self._frame.ReleaseMouse()
+            # get rid of the hint rectangle
+            dc = wx.ScreenDC()
+            DrawResizeHint(dc, self._action_hintrect)
+            # resize the dock or the pane
+            if self._action_part and self._action_part.type == DockUIPart.typeDockSizer:
+                rect = self._action_part.dock.rect
+                new_pos = wx.Point(event.GetX() - self._action_offset.x,
+                                   event.GetY() - self._action_offset.y)
+                if self._action_part.dock.dock_direction == AUI_DOCK_LEFT:
+                    self._action_part.dock.size = new_pos.x - rect.x
+                elif self._action_part.dock.dock_direction == AUI_DOCK_TOP:
+                    self._action_part.dock.size = new_pos.y - rect.y
+                elif self._action_part.dock.dock_direction == AUI_DOCK_RIGHT:
+                    self._action_part.dock.size = rect.x + rect.width - \
+                                                  new_pos.x - \
+                                                  self._action_part.rect.GetWidth()
+                elif self._action_part.dock.dock_direction == AUI_DOCK_BOTTOM:
+                    self._action_part.dock.size = rect.y + rect.height - \
+                                                  new_pos.y - \
+                                                  self._action_part.rect.GetHeight()
+                self.Update()
+                self.Repaint(None)
+            elif self._action_part and \
+                 self._action_part.type == DockUIPart.typePaneSizer:
+                dock = self._action_part.dock
+                pane = self._action_part.pane
+                total_proportion = 0
+                dock_pixels = 0
+                new_pixsize = 0
+                caption_size = self._art.GetMetric(AUI_ART_CAPTION_SIZE)
+                pane_border_size = self._art.GetMetric(AUI_ART_PANE_BORDER_SIZE)
+                sash_size = self._art.GetMetric(AUI_ART_SASH_SIZE)
+                new_pos = wx.Point(event.GetX() - self._action_offset.x,
+                                   event.GetY() - self._action_offset.y)
+                # determine the pane rectangle by getting the pane part
+                pane_part = self.GetPanePart(pane.window)
+                if not pane_part:
+                    raise "\nERROR: Pane border part not found -- shouldn't happen"
+                # determine the new pixel size that the user wants
+                # this will help us recalculate the pane's proportion
+                if dock.IsHorizontal():
+                    new_pixsize = new_pos.x - pane_part.rect.x
+                else:
+                    new_pixsize = new_pos.y - pane_part.rect.y
+                # determine the size of the dock, based on orientation
+                if dock.IsHorizontal():
+                    dock_pixels = dock.rect.GetWidth()
+                else:
+                    dock_pixels = dock.rect.GetHeight()
+                # determine the total proportion of all resizable panes,
+                # and the total size of the dock minus the size of all
+                # the fixed panes
+                dock_pane_count = len(dock.panes)
+                pane_position = -1
+                for ii in xrange(dock_pane_count):
+                    p = dock.panes[ii]
+                    if p.window == pane.window:
+                        pane_position = ii
+                    # while we're at it, subtract the pane sash
+                    # width from the dock width, because this would
+                    # skew our proportion calculations
+                    if ii > 0:
+                        dock_pixels = dock_pixels - sash_size
+                    # also, the whole size (including decorations) of
+                    # all fixed panes must also be subtracted, because they
+                    # are not part of the proportion calculation
+                    if p.IsFixed():
+                        if dock.IsHorizontal():
+                            dock_pixels = dock_pixels - p.best_size.x
+                        else:
+                            dock_pixels = dock_pixels - p.best_size.y
+                    else:
+                        total_proportion = total_proportion + p.dock_proportion
+                # find a pane in our dock to 'steal' space from or to 'give'
+                # space to -- this is essentially what is done when a pane is
+                # resized the pane should usually be the first non-fixed pane
+                # to the right of the action pane
+                borrow_pane = -1
+                for ii in xrange(pane_position+1, dock_pane_count):
+                    p = dock.panes[ii]
+                    if not p.IsFixed():
+                        borrow_pane = ii
+                        break
+                # demand that the pane being resized is found in this dock
+                # (this assert really never should be raised)
+                if pane_position == -1:
+                    raise "\nERROR: Pane not found in dock"
+                # prevent division by zero
+                if dock_pixels == 0 or total_proportion == 0 or borrow_pane == -1:
+                    self._action = actionNone
+                    return
+                # calculate the new proportion of the pane
+                new_proportion = new_pixsize*total_proportion/dock_pixels
+                # default minimum size
+                min_size = 0
+                # check against the pane's minimum size, if specified. please note
+                # that this is not enough to ensure that the minimum size will
+                # not be violated, because the whole frame might later be shrunk,
+                # causing the size of the pane to violate it's minimum size
+                if pane.min_size.IsFullySpecified():
+                    min_size = 0
+                    if pane.HasBorder():
+                        min_size = min_size + pane_border_size*2
+                    # calculate minimum size with decorations (border,caption)
+                    if pane_part.orientation == wx.VERTICAL:
+                        min_size = min_size + pane.min_size.y
+                        if pane.HasCaption():
+                            min_size = min_size + caption_size
+                    else:
+                        min_size = min_size + pane.min_size.x
+                # for some reason, an arithmatic error somewhere is causing
+                # the proportion calculations to always be off by 1 pixel
+                # for now we will add the 1 pixel on, but we really should
+                # determine what's causing this.
+                min_size = min_size + 1
+                min_proportion = min_size*total_proportion/dock_pixels
+                if new_proportion < min_proportion:
+                    new_proportion = min_proportion
+                prop_diff = new_proportion - pane.dock_proportion
+                # borrow the space from our neighbor pane to the
+                # right or bottom (depending on orientation)
+                dock.panes[borrow_pane].dock_proportion -= prop_diff
+                pane.dock_proportion = new_proportion
+                indxd = self._docks.index(dock)
+                indxp = self._panes.index(pane)
+                self._docks[indxd] = dock
+                self._panes[indxp] = pane
+                # repaint
+                self.Update()
+                self.Repaint(None)
+        elif self._action == actionClickButton:
+            self._hover_button = None
+            self._frame.ReleaseMouse()
+            self.UpdateButtonOnScreen(self._action_part, event)
+            # make sure we're still over the item that was originally clicked
+            if self._action_part == self.HitTest(event.GetX(), event.GetY()):
+                # fire button-click event
+                e = AuiManagerEvent(wxEVT_AUI_PANEBUTTON)
+                e.SetPane(self._action_part.pane)
+                e.SetButton(self._action_part.button.button_id)
+                self.ProcessMgrEvent(e)
+        elif self._action == actionClickCaption:
+            self._frame.ReleaseMouse()
+        elif self._action == actionDragAuiFloatingPane:
+            self._frame.ReleaseMouse()
+        elif self._action == actionDragToolbarPane:
+            self._frame.ReleaseMouse()
+            pane = self.GetPane(self._action_window)
+            if not pane.IsOk():
+                raise "\nERROR: Pane Window Not Found"
+            # save the new positions
+            docks = FindDocks(self._docks, pane.dock_direction,
+                              pane.dock_layer, pane.dock_row)
+            if len(docks) == 1:
+                dock = docks[0]
+                pane_positions, pane_sizes = self.GetPanePositionsAndSizes(dock)
+                dock_pane_count = len(dock.panes)
+                for ii in xrange(dock_pane_count):
+                    dock.panes[ii].dock_pos = pane_positions[ii]
+            pane.state &= ~AuiPaneInfo.actionPane
+            indx = self._panes.index(pane)
+            self._panes[indx] = pane
+            self.Update()
+        else:
+            event.Skip()
+        self._action = actionNone
+        self._last_mouse_move = wx.Point() # see comment in OnMotion()
+    def OnMotion(self, event):
+        # sometimes when Update() is called from inside this method,
+        # a spurious mouse move event is generated this check will make
+        # sure that only real mouse moves will get anywhere in this method
+        # this appears to be a bug somewhere, and I don't know where the
+        # mouse move event is being generated.  only verified on MSW
+        mouse_pos = event.GetPosition()
+        if self._last_mouse_move == mouse_pos:
+            return
+        self._last_mouse_move = mouse_pos
+        if self._action == actionResize:
+            pos = self._action_part.rect.GetPosition()
+            if self._action_part.orientation == wx.HORIZONTAL:
+                pos.y = max(0, mouse_pos.y - self._action_offset.y)
+                pos.y = min(pos.y, self._frame.GetClientSize().y - self._action_part.rect.GetSize().y)
+            else:
+                pos.x = max(0, mouse_pos.x - self._action_offset.x)
+                pos.x = min(pos.x, self._frame.GetClientSize().x - self._action_part.rect.GetSize().x)
+            mypos = self._frame.ClientToScreen(pos)
+            mysize = self._action_part.rect.GetSize()
+            rect = wx.Rect(mypos[0], mypos[1], mysize[0], mysize[1])
+            # is it the same as the old rectangle?
+            if self._action_hintrect == rect:
+                # heck, yes, no need to draw again, it will only bring about flicker
+                event.Skip()
+                return
+            # otherwise draw the hint
+            dc = wx.ScreenDC()
+            if not self._action_hintrect.IsEmpty() and self._action_hintrect != rect:
+                DrawResizeHint(dc, self._action_hintrect)
+            DrawResizeHint(dc, rect)
+            self._action_hintrect = rect
+        elif self._action == actionClickCaption:
+            drag_x_threshold = wx.SystemSettings_GetMetric(wx.SYS_DRAG_X)
+            drag_y_threshold = wx.SystemSettings_GetMetric(wx.SYS_DRAG_Y)
+            # caption has been clicked.  we need to check if the mouse
+            # is now being dragged. if it is, we need to change the
+            # mouse action to 'drag'
+            if abs(mouse_pos.x - self._action_start.x) > drag_x_threshold or \
+               abs(mouse_pos.y - self._action_start.y) > drag_y_threshold:
+                pane_info = self._action_part.pane
+                indx = self._panes.index(pane_info)
+                if not pane_info.IsToolbar():
+                    if self._flags & AUI_MGR_ALLOW_FLOATING and \
+                       pane_info.IsFloatable():
+                        self._action = actionDragAuiFloatingPane
+                        # set initial float position
+                        pt = self._frame.ClientToScreen(event.GetPosition())
+                        pane_info.floating_pos = wx.Point(pt.x - self._action_offset.x,
+                                                          pt.y - self._action_offset.y)
+                        # float the window
+                        pane_info.Float()
+                        self._panes[indx] = pane_info
+                        self.Update()
+                        self._action_window = pane_info.frame
+                        # action offset is used here to make it feel "natural" to the user
+                        # to drag a docked pane and suddenly have it become a floating frame.
+                        # Sometimes, however, the offset where the user clicked on the docked
+                        # caption is bigger than the width of the floating frame itself, so
+                        # in that case we need to set the action offset to a sensible value
+                        frame_size = self._action_window.GetSize()
+                        if frame_size.x <= self._action_offset.x:
+                            self._action_offset.x = 30
+                else:
+                    self._action = actionDragToolbarPane
+                    self._action_window = pane_info.window
+        elif self._action == actionDragAuiFloatingPane:
+            pt = self._frame.ClientToScreen(event.GetPosition())
+            if self._action_window:
+                self._action_window.Move((pt.x - self._action_offset.x,
+                                         pt.y - self._action_offset.y))
+        elif self._action == actionDragToolbarPane:
+            pane = self.GetPane(self._action_window)
+            if not pane.IsOk():
+                raise "\nERROR: Pane Window Not Found"
+            indx = self._panes.index(pane)
+            pane.state |= AuiPaneInfo.actionPane
+            pt = event.GetPosition()
+            ret, pane = self.DoDrop(self._docks, self._panes, pane, pt, self._action_offset)
+            if not ret:
+                return
+            # if DoDrop() decided to float the pane, set up
+            # the floating pane's initial position
+            if pane.IsFloating():
+                pt = self._frame.ClientToScreen(event.GetPosition())
+                pane.floating_pos = wx.Point(pt.x - self._action_offset.x,
+                                             pt.y - self._action_offset.y)
+            self._panes[indx] = pane
+            # this will do the actiual move operation
+            # in the case that the pane has been floated,
+            # this call will create the floating pane
+            # and do the reparenting
+            self.Update()
+            # if the pane has been floated, change the mouse
+            # action actionDragAuiFloatingPane so that subsequent
+            # EVT_MOTION() events will move the floating pane
+            if pane.IsFloating():
+                pane.state &= ~AuiPaneInfo.actionPane
+                self._action = actionDragAuiFloatingPane
+                self._action_window = pane.frame
+            self._panes[indx] = pane
+        else:
+            part = self.HitTest(event.GetX(), event.GetY())
+            if part and part.type == DockUIPart.typePaneButton:
+                if part != self._hover_button:
+                    # make the old button normal
+                    if self._hover_button:
+                        self.UpdateButtonOnScreen(self._hover_button, event)
+                    # mouse is over a button, so repaint the
+                    # button in hover mode
+                    self.UpdateButtonOnScreen(part, event)
+                    self._hover_button = part
+            else:
+                if self._hover_button:
+                    self._hover_button = None
+                    self.Repaint()
+                else:
+                    event.Skip()
+    def OnLeaveWindow(self, event):
+        if self._hover_button:
+            self._hover_button = None
+            self.Repaint()
+    def OnChildFocus(self, event):
+        # when a child pane has it's focus set, we should change the
+        # pane's active state to reflect this. (this is only true if
+        # active panes are allowed by the owner)
+        if self.GetFlags() & AUI_MGR_ALLOW_ACTIVE_PANE:
+            if self.GetPane(event.GetWindow()).IsOk():
+                self._panes = SetActivePane(self._panes, event.GetWindow())
+                self._frame.Refresh()
+        event.Skip()
+    def OnPaneButton(self, event):
+        """
+        OnPaneButton() is an event handler that is called
+        when a pane button has been pressed.
+        """
+        pane = event.pane
+        indx = self._panes.index(pane)
+        if event.button == AuiPaneInfo.buttonClose:
+            e = AuiManagerEvent(wxEVT_AUI_PANECLOSE)
+            e.SetPane(pane)
+            self.ProcessMgrEvent(e)
+            if e.GetSkipped():
+                pane.Hide()
+                self._panes[indx] = pane
+                self.Update()
+        elif event.button == AuiPaneInfo.buttonPin:
+            if self._flags & AUI_MGR_ALLOW_FLOATING and pane.IsFloatable():
+                pane.Float()
+            self._panes[indx] = pane
+            self.Update()