diff orpg/mapper/whiteboard.py @ 0:4385a7d0efd1 grumpy-goblin

Deleted and repushed it with the 'grumpy-goblin' branch. I forgot a y
author sirebral
date Tue, 14 Jul 2009 16:41:58 -0500
children 78407d627cba
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/orpg/mapper/whiteboard.py	Tue Jul 14 16:41:58 2009 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,664 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2000-2001 The OpenRPG Project
+#    openrpg-dev@lists.sourceforge.net
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+# --
+# File: mapper/whiteboard.py
+# Author: Chris Davis
+# Maintainer:
+# Version:
+#   $Id: whiteboard.py,v 1.47 2007/03/09 14:11:55 digitalxero Exp $
+# Description: This file contains some of the basic definitions for the chat
+# utilities in the orpg project.
+__version__ = "$Id: whiteboard.py,v 1.47 2007/03/09 14:11:55 digitalxero Exp $"
+from base import *
+from orpg.mapper.map_utils import *
+def cmp_zorder(first,second):
+    f = first.zorder
+    s = second.zorder
+    if f == None:
+        f = 0
+    if s == None:
+        s = 0
+    if f == s:
+        value = 0
+    elif f < s:
+        value = -1
+    else:
+        value = 1
+    return value
+class WhiteboardText:
+    def __init__(self, id, text_string, pos, style, pointsize, weight, color="#000000", log=None):
+        self.log = log
+        self.log.log("Enter WhiteboardText", ORPG_DEBUG)
+        self.scale = 1
+        self.r_h = RGBHex()
+        self.selected = False
+        self.text_string = text_string
+        self.id = id
+        self.weight = int(weight)
+        self.pointsize = int(pointsize)
+        self.style = int(style)
+        self.textcolor = color
+        self.posx = pos.x
+        self.posy = pos.y
+        self.font = wx.Font(self.pointsize, wx.DEFAULT, self.style, self.weight)
+        self.highlighted = False
+        r,g,b = self.r_h.rgb_tuple(self.textcolor)
+        self.highlight_color = self.r_h.hexstring(r^255, g^255, b^255)
+        self.isUpdated = False
+        self.log.log("Exit WhiteboardText", ORPG_DEBUG)
+    def highlight(self, highlight=True):
+        self.log.log("Enter WhiteboardText->highlight(self, highlight)", ORPG_DEBUG)
+        self.highlighted = highlight
+        self.log.log("Exit WhiteboardText->highlight(self, highlight)", ORPG_DEBUG)
+    def set_text_props(self, text_string, style, point, weight, color="#000000"):
+        self.log.log("Enter WhiteboardText->set_text_props(self, text_string, style, point, weight, color)", ORPG_DEBUG)
+        self.text_string = text_string
+        self.textcolor = color
+        self.style = int(style)
+        self.font.SetStyle(self.style)
+        self.pointsize = int(point)
+        self.font.SetPointSize(self.pointsize)
+        self.weight = int(weight)
+        self.font.SetWeight(self.weight)
+        self.isUpdated = True
+        self.log.log("Exit WhiteboardText->set_text_props(self, text_string, style, point, weight, color)", ORPG_DEBUG)
+    def hit_test(self, pt, dc):
+        self.log.log("Enter WhiteboardText->hit_test(self, pt, dc)", ORPG_DEBUG)
+        rect = self.get_rect(dc)
+        result = rect.InsideXY(pt.x, pt.y)
+        self.log.log("Exit WhiteboardText->hit_test(self, pt, dc)", ORPG_DEBUG)
+        return result
+    def get_rect(self, dc):
+        self.log.log("Enter WhiteboardText->get_rect(self, dc)", ORPG_DEBUG)
+        dc.SetFont(self.font)
+        (w,x,y,z) = dc.GetFullTextExtent(self.text_string)
+        self.log.log("Exit WhiteboardText->get_rect(self, dc)", ORPG_DEBUG)
+        return wx.Rect(self.posx,self.posy,w,(x+y+z))
+    def draw(self, parent, dc, op=wx.COPY):
+        self.log.log("Enter WhiteboardText->draw(self, parent, dc, op)", ORPG_DEBUG)
+        self.scale = parent.canvas.layers['grid'].mapscale
+        if self.highlighted:
+            textcolor = self.highlight_color
+        else:
+            textcolor = self.textcolor
+        try:
+            dc.SetTextForeground(textcolor)
+        except Exception,e:
+            dc.SetTextForeground('#000000')
+        dc.SetUserScale(self.scale, self.scale)
+        # Draw text
+        (w,x,y,z) = self.get_rect(dc)
+        dc.SetFont(self.font)
+        dc.DrawText(self.text_string, self.posx, self.posy)
+        dc.SetTextForeground(wx.Colour(0,0,0))
+        self.log.log("Exit WhiteboardText->draw(self, parent, dc, op)", ORPG_DEBUG)
+    def toxml(self, action="update"):
+        self.log.log("Enter WhiteboardText->toxml(self, " + action + ")", ORPG_DEBUG)
+        if action == "del":
+            xml_str = "<text action='del' id='" + str(self.id) + "'/>"
+            self.log.log(xml_str, ORPG_DEBUG)
+            self.log.log("Exit WhiteboardText->toxml(self, " + action + ")", ORPG_DEBUG)
+            return xml_str
+        xml_str = "<text"
+        xml_str += " action='" + action + "'"
+        xml_str += " id='" + str(self.id) + "'"
+        if self.pointsize != None:
+            xml_str += " pointsize='" + str(self.pointsize) + "'"
+        if self.style != None:
+            xml_str += " style='" + str(self.style) + "'"
+        if self.weight != None:
+            xml_str += " weight='" + str(self.weight) + "'"
+        if self.posx != None:
+            xml_str+= " posx='" + str(self.posx) + "'"
+        if not (self.posy is None):
+            xml_str += " posy='" + str(self.posy) + "'"
+        if self.text_string != None:
+            xml_str+= " text_string='" + self.text_string + "'"
+        if self.textcolor != None:
+            xml_str += " color='" + self.textcolor + "'"
+        xml_str += "/>"
+        self.log.log(xml_str, ORPG_DEBUG)
+        self.log.log("Exit WhiteboardText->toxml(self, " + action + ")", ORPG_DEBUG)
+        if (action == "update" and self.isUpdated) or action == "new":
+            self.isUpdated = False
+            return xml_str
+        else:
+            return ''
+    def takedom(self, xml_dom):
+        self.log.log("Enter WhiteboardText->takedom(self, xml_dom)", ORPG_DEBUG)
+        self.text_string = xml_dom.getAttribute("text_string")
+        self.log.log("self.text_string=" + self.text_string, ORPG_DEBUG)
+        self.id = xml_dom.getAttribute("id")
+        self.log.log("self.id=" + str(self.id), ORPG_DEBUG)
+        if xml_dom.hasAttribute("posy"):
+            self.posy = int(xml_dom.getAttribute("posy"))
+            self.log.log("self.posy=" + str(self.posy), ORPG_DEBUG)
+        if xml_dom.hasAttribute("posx"):
+            self.posx = int(xml_dom.getAttribute("posx"))
+            self.log.log("self.posx=" + str(self.posx), ORPG_DEBUG)
+        if xml_dom.hasAttribute("weight"):
+            self.weight = int(xml_dom.getAttribute("weight"))
+            self.font.SetWeight(self.weight)
+            self.log.log("self.weight=" + str(self.weight), ORPG_DEBUG)
+        if xml_dom.hasAttribute("style"):
+            self.style = int(xml_dom.getAttribute("style"))
+            self.font.SetStyle(self.style)
+            self.log.log("self.style=" + str(self.style), ORPG_DEBUG)
+        if xml_dom.hasAttribute("pointsize"):
+            self.pointsize = int(xml_dom.getAttribute("pointsize"))
+            self.font.SetPointSize(self.pointsize)
+            self.log.log("self.pointsize=" + str(self.pointsize), ORPG_DEBUG)
+        if xml_dom.hasAttribute("color") and xml_dom.getAttribute("color") != '':
+            self.textcolor = xml_dom.getAttribute("color")
+            if self.textcolor == '#0000000':
+                self.textcolor = '#000000'
+            self.log.log("self.textcolor=" + self.textcolor, ORPG_DEBUG)
+        self.log.log("Exit WhiteboardText->takedom(self, xml_dom)", ORPG_DEBUG)
+class WhiteboardLine:
+    def __init__(self, id, line_string, upperleft, lowerright, color="#000000", width=1, log=None):
+        self.log = log
+        self.log.log("Enter WhiteboardLine", ORPG_DEBUG)
+        self.scale = 1
+        self.r_h = RGBHex()
+        if color == '':
+            color = "#000000"
+        self.linecolor = color
+        self.linewidth = width
+        self.lowerright = lowerright
+        self.upperleft = upperleft
+        self.selected = False
+        self.line_string = line_string
+        self.id = id
+        self.highlighted = False
+        r,g,b = self.r_h.rgb_tuple(self.linecolor)
+        self.highlight_color = self.r_h.hexstring(r^255, g^255, b^255)
+        self.log.log("Exit WhiteboardLine", ORPG_DEBUG)
+    def highlight(self, highlight=True):
+        self.log.log("Enter WhiteboardLine->highlight(self, highlight)", ORPG_DEBUG)
+        self.highlighted = highlight
+        self.log.log("Enter WhiteboardLine->highlight(self, highlight)", ORPG_DEBUG)
+    def set_line_props(self, line_string="", upperleftx=0, upperlefty=0, lowerrightx=0, lowerrighty=0, color="#000000", width=1):
+        self.log.log("Enter WhiteboardLine->set_line_props(self, line_string, upperleftx, upperlefty, lowerrightx, lowerrighty, color, width)", ORPG_DEBUG)
+        self.line_string = line_string
+        self.upperleft.x = upperleftx
+        self.upperleft.y = upperlefty
+        self.lowerright.x = lowerrightx
+        self.lowerright.y = lowerrighty
+        self.linecolor = color
+        self.linewidth = width
+        self.log.log("Exit WhiteboardLine->set_line_props(self, line_string, upperleftx, upperlefty, lowerrightx, lowerrighty, color, width)", ORPG_DEBUG)
+    def hit_test(self, pt):
+        self.log.log("Enter WhiteboardLine->hit_test(self, pt)", ORPG_DEBUG)
+        coords = self.line_string.split(";")
+        stcords = coords[0].split(",")
+        oldicords = (int(stcords[0]),int(stcords[1]))
+        for coordinate_string_counter in range(1, len(coords)):
+            stcords = coords[coordinate_string_counter].split(",")
+            if stcords[0] == "":
+                self.log.log("Exit WhiteboardLine->hit_test(self, pt) return False", ORPG_DEBUG)
+                return False
+            icords = (int(stcords[0]),int(stcords[1]))
+            if orpg.mapper.map_utils.proximity_test(oldicords,icords,pt,12):
+                self.log.log("Exit WhiteboardLine->hit_test(self, pt) return True", ORPG_DEBUG)
+                return True
+            oldicords = icords
+        self.log.log("Exit WhiteboardLine->hit_test(self, pt) return False", ORPG_DEBUG)
+        return False
+    def draw(self, parent, dc, op=wx.COPY):
+        self.log.log("Enter WhiteboardLine->draw(self, parent, dc, op=wx.COPY)", ORPG_DEBUG)
+        self.scale = parent.canvas.layers['grid'].mapscale
+        if self.highlighted:
+            linecolor = self.highlight_color
+        else:
+            linecolor = self.linecolor
+        pen = wx.BLACK_PEN
+        try:
+            pen.SetColour(linecolor)
+        except Exception,e:
+            pen.SetColour('#000000')
+        pen.SetWidth( self.linewidth )
+        dc.SetPen( pen )
+        dc.SetBrush(wx.BLACK_BRUSH)
+        # draw lines
+        dc.SetUserScale(self.scale,self.scale)
+        pointArray = self.line_string.split(";")
+        x2 = y2 = -999
+        for m in range(len(pointArray)-1):
+            x = pointArray[m]
+            points = x.split(",")
+            x1 = int(points[0])
+            y1 = int(points[1])
+            if x2 != -999:
+                dc.DrawLine(x2,y2,x1,y1)
+            x2 = x1
+            y2 = y1
+        pen.SetColour(wx.Colour(0,0,0))
+        dc.SetPen(pen)
+        dc.SetPen(wx.NullPen)
+        dc.SetBrush(wx.NullBrush)
+        #selected outline
+        self.log.log("Exit WhiteboardLine->draw(self, parent, dc, op=wx.COPY)", ORPG_DEBUG)
+    def toxml(self, action="update"):
+        self.log.log("Enter WhiteboardLine->toxml(self, " + action + ")", ORPG_DEBUG)
+        if action == "del":
+            xml_str = "<line action='del' id='" + str(self.id) + "'/>"
+            self.log.log(xml_str, ORPG_DEBUG)
+            self.log.log("Exit WhiteboardLine->toxml(self, " + action + ")", ORPG_DEBUG)
+            return xml_str
+        #  if there are any changes, make sure id is one of them
+        xml_str = "<line"
+        xml_str += " action='" + action + "'"
+        xml_str += " id='" + str(self.id) + "'"
+        xml_str+= " line_string='" + self.line_string + "'"
+        if self.upperleft != None:
+            xml_str += " upperleftx='" + str(self.upperleft.x) + "'"
+            xml_str += " upperlefty='" + str(self.upperleft.y) + "'"
+        if self.lowerright != None:
+            xml_str+= " lowerrightx='" + str(self.lowerright.x) + "'"
+            xml_str+= " lowerrighty='" + str(self.lowerright.y) + "'"
+        if self.linecolor != None:
+            xml_str += " color='" + str(self.linecolor) + "'"
+        if self.linewidth != None:
+            xml_str += " width='" + str(self.linewidth) + "'"
+        xml_str += "/>"
+        self.log.log(xml_str, ORPG_DEBUG)
+        self.log.log("Exit WhiteboardLine->toxml(self, " + action + ")", ORPG_DEBUG)
+        if action == "new":
+            return xml_str
+        return ''
+    def takedom(self, xml_dom):
+        self.log.log("Enter WhiteboardLine->takedom(self, xml_dom)", ORPG_DEBUG)
+        self.line_string = xml_dom.getAttribute("line_string")
+        self.log.log("self.line_string=" + self.line_string, ORPG_DEBUG)
+        self.id = xml_dom.getAttribute("id")
+        self.log.log("self.id=" + str(self.id), ORPG_DEBUG)
+        if xml_dom.hasAttribute("upperleftx"):
+            self.upperleft.x = int(xml_dom.getAttribute("upperleftx"))
+            self.log.log("self.upperleft.x=" + str(self.upperleft.x), ORPG_DEBUG)
+        if xml_dom.hasAttribute("upperlefty"):
+            self.upperleft.y = int(xml_dom.getAttribute("upperlefty"))
+            self.log.log("self.upperleft.y=" + str(self.upperleft.y), ORPG_DEBUG)
+        if xml_dom.hasAttribute("lowerrightx"):
+            self.lowerright.x = int(xml_dom.getAttribute("lowerrightx"))
+            self.log.log("self.lowerright.x=" + str(self.lowerright.x), ORPG_DEBUG)
+        if xml_dom.hasAttribute("lowerrighty"):
+            self.lowerright.y = int(xml_dom.getAttribute("lowerrighty"))
+            self.log.log("self.lowerright.y=" + str(self.lowerright.y), ORPG_DEBUG)
+        if xml_dom.hasAttribute("color") and xml_dom.getAttribute("color") != '':
+            self.linecolor = xml_dom.getAttribute("color")
+            if self.linecolor == '#0000000':
+                self.linecolor = '#000000'
+            self.log.log("self.linecolor=" + self.linecolor, ORPG_DEBUG)
+        if xml_dom.hasAttribute("width"):
+            self.linewidth = int(xml_dom.getAttribute("width"))
+            self.log.log("self.linewidth=" + str(self.linewidth), ORPG_DEBUG)
+        self.log.log("Exit WhiteboardLine->takedom(self, xml_dom)", ORPG_DEBUG)
+## whiteboard layer
+class whiteboard_layer(layer_base):
+    def __init__(self, canvas):
+        self.canvas = canvas
+        self.log = self.canvas.log
+        self.log.log("Enter whiteboard_layer", ORPG_DEBUG)
+        layer_base.__init__(self)
+        self.r_h = RGBHex()
+        self.id = -1
+        self.lines = []
+        self.texts = []
+        self.serial_number = 0
+        self.color = "#000000"
+        self.width = 1
+        self.removedLines = []
+        self.log.log("Exit whiteboard_layer", ORPG_DEBUG)
+    def next_serial(self):
+        self.log.log("Enter whiteboard_layer->next_serial(self)", ORPG_DEBUG)
+        self.serial_number += 1
+        self.log.log("Exit whiteboard_layer->next_serial(self)", ORPG_DEBUG)
+        return self.serial_number
+    def get_next_highest_z(self):
+        self.log.log("Enter whiteboard_layer->get_next_highest_z(self)", ORPG_DEBUG)
+        z = len(self.lines)+1
+        self.log.log("Exit whiteboard_layer->get_next_highest_z(self)", ORPG_DEBUG)
+        return z
+    def cleanly_collapse_zorder(self):
+        self.log.log("Enter/Exit whiteboard_layer->cleanly_collapse_zorder(self)", ORPG_DEBUG)
+    def collapse_zorder(self):
+        self.log.log("Enter/Exit whiteboard_layer->collapse_zorder(self)", ORPG_DEBUG)
+    def rollback_serial(self):
+        self.log.log("Enter whiteboard_layer->rollback_serial(self)", ORPG_DEBUG)
+        self.serial_number -= 1
+        self.log.log("Exit whiteboard_layer->rollback_serial(self)", ORPG_DEBUG)
+    def add_line(self, line_string="", upperleft=cmpPoint(0,0), lowerright=cmpPoint(0,0), color="#000000", width=1):
+        self.log.log("Enter whiteboard_layer->add_line(self, line_string, upperleft, lowerright, color, width)", ORPG_DEBUG)
+        id = 'line-' + str(self.next_serial())
+        line = WhiteboardLine(id, line_string, upperleft, lowerright, color=self.color, width=self.width, log=self.log)
+        self.lines.append(line)
+        xml_str = "<map><whiteboard>"
+        xml_str += line.toxml("new")
+        xml_str += "</whiteboard></map>"
+        self.canvas.frame.session.send(xml_str)
+        self.canvas.Refresh(True)
+        self.log.log("Exit whiteboard_layer->add_line(self, line_string, upperleft, lowerright, color, width)", ORPG_DEBUG)
+        return line
+    def get_line_by_id(self, id):
+        self.log.log("Enter whiteboard_layer->get_line_by_id(self, id)", ORPG_DEBUG)
+        for line in self.lines:
+            if str(line.id) == str(id):
+                self.log.log("Exit whiteboard_layer->get_line_by_id(self, id) return LineID: " + str(id), ORPG_DEBUG)
+                return line
+        self.log.log("Exit whiteboard_layer->get_line_by_id(self, id) return None", ORPG_DEBUG)
+        return None
+    def get_text_by_id(self, id):
+        self.log.log("Enter whiteboard_layer->get_text_by_id(self, id)", ORPG_DEBUG)
+        for text in self.texts:
+            if str(text.id) == str(id):
+                self.log.log("Exit whiteboard_layer->get_text_by_id(self, id) return textID: " + str(id), ORPG_DEBUG)
+                return text
+        self.log.log("Enter whiteboard_layer->get_text_by_id(self, id) return None", ORPG_DEBUG)
+        return None
+    def del_line(self, line):
+        self.log.log("Enter whiteboard_layer->del_line(self, line)", ORPG_DEBUG)
+        xml_str = "<map><whiteboard>"
+        xml_str += line.toxml("del")
+        xml_str += "</whiteboard></map>"
+        self.canvas.frame.session.send(xml_str)
+        if line:
+            self.lines.remove(line)
+            self.removedLines.append(line)
+        self.canvas.Refresh(True)
+        self.log.log("Exit whiteboard_layer->del_line(self, line)", ORPG_DEBUG)
+    def undo_line(self):
+        if len(self.removedLines)>0:
+            line = self.removedLines[len(self.removedLines)-1]
+            self.removedLines.remove(line)
+            self.add_line(line.line_string, line.upperleft, line.lowerright, line.linecolor, line.linewidth)
+            self.canvas.Refresh(True)
+    def del_all_lines(self):
+        self.log.log("Enter whiteboard_layer->del_all_lines(self)", ORPG_DEBUG)
+        for i in xrange(len(self.lines)):
+            self.del_line(self.lines[0])
+        print self.lines
+        self.log.log("Exit whiteboard_layer->del_all_lines(self)", ORPG_DEBUG)
+    def del_text(self, text):
+        self.log.log("Enter whiteboard_layer->del_text(self, text)", ORPG_DEBUG)
+        xml_str = "<map><whiteboard>"
+        xml_str += text.toxml("del")
+        xml_str += "</whiteboard></map>"
+        self.canvas.frame.session.send(xml_str)
+        if text:
+            self.texts.remove(text)
+        self.canvas.Refresh(True)
+        self.log.log("Exit whiteboard_layer->del_text(self, text)", ORPG_DEBUG)
+    def layerDraw(self, dc):
+        self.log.log("Enter whiteboard_layer->layerDraw(self, dc)", ORPG_DEBUG)
+        for m in self.lines:
+            m.draw(self, dc)
+        for m in self.texts:
+            m.draw(self,dc)
+        self.log.log("Exit whiteboard_layer->layerDraw(self, dc)", ORPG_DEBUG)
+    def hit_test_text(self, pos, dc):
+        self.log.log("Enter whiteboard_layer->hit_test_text(self, pos, dc)", ORPG_DEBUG)
+        list_of_texts_matching = []
+        if self.canvas.layers['fog'].use_fog == 1:
+            if self.canvas.frame.session.role != "GM":
+                self.log.log("Exit whiteboard_layer->hit_test_text(self, pos, dc)", ORPG_DEBUG)
+                return list_of_texts_matching
+        for m in self.texts:
+            if m.hit_test(pos,dc):
+                list_of_texts_matching.append(m)
+        self.log.log("Exit whiteboard_layer->hit_test_text(self, pos, dc)", ORPG_DEBUG)
+        return list_of_texts_matching
+    def hit_test_lines(self, pos, dc):
+        self.log.log("Enter whiteboard_layer->hit_test_lines(self, pos, dc)", ORPG_DEBUG)
+        list_of_lines_matching = []
+        if self.canvas.layers['fog'].use_fog == 1:
+            if self.canvas.frame.session.role != "GM":
+                self.log.log("Exit whiteboard_layer->hit_test_lines(self, pos, dc)", ORPG_DEBUG)
+                return list_of_lines_matching
+        for m in self.lines:
+            if m.hit_test(pos):
+                list_of_lines_matching.append(m)
+        self.log.log("Exit whiteboard_layer->hit_test_lines(self, pos, dc)", ORPG_DEBUG)
+        return list_of_lines_matching
+    def find_line(self, pt):
+        self.log.log("Enter whiteboard_layer->find_line(self, pt)", ORPG_DEBUG)
+        scale = self.canvas.layers['grid'].mapscale
+        dc = wx.ClientDC( self.canvas )
+        self.canvas.PrepareDC( dc )
+        dc.SetUserScale(scale,scale)
+        line_list = self.hit_test_lines(pt,dc)
+        if line_list:
+            self.log.log("Exit whiteboard_layer->find_line(self, pt)", ORPG_DEBUG)
+            return line_list[0]
+        else:
+            self.log.log("Exit whiteboard_layer->find_line(self, pt) return None", ORPG_DEBUG)
+            return None
+    def setcolor(self, color):
+        self.log.log("Enter whiteboard_layer->setcolor(self, color)", ORPG_DEBUG)
+        r,g,b = color.Get()
+        self.color = self.r_h.hexstring(r,g,b)
+        self.log.log("Exit whiteboard_layer->setcolor(self, color)", ORPG_DEBUG)
+    def sethexcolor(self, hexcolor):
+        self.log.log("Enter whiteboard_layer->sethexcolor(self, hexcolor)", ORPG_DEBUG)
+        self.color = hexcolor
+        self.log.log("Exit whiteboard_layer->sethexcolor(self, hexcolor)", ORPG_DEBUG)
+    def setwidth(self, width):
+        self.log.log("Enter whiteboard_layer->setwidth(self, width)", ORPG_DEBUG)
+        self.width = int(width)
+        self.log.log("Exit whiteboard_layer->setwidth(self, width)", ORPG_DEBUG)
+    def set_font(self, font):
+        self.log.log("Enter whiteboard_layer->set_font(self, font)", ORPG_DEBUG)
+        self.font = font
+        self.log.log("Exit whiteboard_layer->set_font(self, font)", ORPG_DEBUG)
+    def add_text(self, text_string, pos, style, pointsize, weight, color="#000000"):
+        self.log.log("Enter whiteboard_layer->add_text(self, text_string, pos, style, pointsize, weight, color)", ORPG_DEBUG)
+        id = 'text-' + str(self.next_serial())
+        text = WhiteboardText(id,text_string, pos, style, pointsize, weight, color, self.log)
+        self.texts.append(text)
+        xml_str = "<map><whiteboard>"
+        xml_str += text.toxml("new")
+        xml_str += "</whiteboard></map>"
+        self.canvas.frame.session.send(xml_str)
+        self.canvas.Refresh(True)
+        self.log.log("Exit whiteboard_layer->add_text(self, text_string, pos, style, pointsize, weight, color)", ORPG_DEBUG)
+    def draw_working_line(self, dc, line_string):
+        self.log.log("Enter whiteboard_layer->draw_working_line(self, dc, line_string)", ORPG_DEBUG)
+        scale = self.canvas.layers['grid'].mapscale
+        dc.SetPen(wx.BLACK_PEN)
+        dc.SetBrush(wx.BLACK_BRUSH)
+        pen = wx.BLACK_PEN
+        pen.SetColour(self.color)
+        pen.SetWidth(self.width)
+        dc.SetPen(pen)
+        dc.SetUserScale(scale,scale)
+        pointArray = line_string.split(";")
+        x2 = y2 = -999
+        for m in range(len(pointArray)-1):
+            x = pointArray[m]
+            points = x.split(",")
+            x1 = int(points[0])
+            y1 = int(points[1])
+            if x2 != -999:
+                dc.DrawLine(x2,y2,x1,y1)
+            x2 = x1
+            y2 = y1
+        dc.SetPen(wx.NullPen)
+        dc.SetBrush(wx.NullBrush)
+        self.log.log("Exit whiteboard_layer->draw_working_line(self, dc, line_string)", ORPG_DEBUG)
+    def layerToXML(self, action="update"):
+        """ format  """
+        self.log.log("Enter whiteboard_layer->layerToXML(self, " + action + ")", ORPG_DEBUG)
+        white_string = ""
+        if self.lines:
+            for l in self.lines:
+                white_string += l.toxml(action)
+        if self.texts:
+            for l in self.texts:
+                white_string += l.toxml(action)
+        if len(white_string):
+            s = "<whiteboard"
+            s += " serial='" + str(self.serial_number) + "'"
+            s += ">"
+            s += white_string
+            s += "</whiteboard>"
+            self.log.log(s, ORPG_DEBUG)
+            self.log.log("Exit whiteboard_layer->layerToXML(self, " + action + ")", ORPG_DEBUG)
+            return s
+        else:
+            self.log.log("Exit whiteboard_layer->layerToXML(self, " + action + ")", ORPG_DEBUG)
+            return ""
+    def layerTakeDOM(self, xml_dom):
+        self.log.log("Enter whiteboard_layer->layerTakeDOM(self, xml_dom)", ORPG_DEBUG)
+        serial_number = xml_dom.getAttribute('serial')
+        if serial_number != "":
+            self.serial_number = int(serial_number)
+        children = xml_dom._get_childNodes()
+        for l in children:
+            nodename = l._get_nodeName()
+            action = l.getAttribute("action")
+            id = l.getAttribute('id')
+            if action == "del":
+                if nodename == 'line':
+                    line = self.get_line_by_id(id)
+                    if line != None:
+                        self.lines.remove(line)
+                    else:
+                        self.log.log("Whiteboard error: Deletion of unknown line object attempted.", ORPG_GENERAL)
+                elif nodename == 'text':
+                    text = self.get_text_by_id(id)
+                    if text != None:
+                        self.texts.remove(text)
+                    else:
+                        self.log.log("Whiteboard error: Deletion of unknown text object attempted.", ORPG_GENERAL)
+                else:
+                    self.log.log("Whiteboard error: Deletion of unknown whiteboard object attempted.", ORPG_GENERAL)
+            elif action == "new":
+                if nodename == "line":
+                    try:
+                        line_string = l.getAttribute('line_string')
+                        upperleftx = l.getAttribute('upperleftx')
+                        upperlefty = l.getAttribute('upperlefty')
+                        lowerrightx = l.getAttribute('lowerrightx')
+                        lowerrighty = l.getAttribute('lowerrighty')
+                        upperleft = wx.Point(int(upperleftx),int(upperlefty))
+                        lowerright = wx.Point(int(lowerrightx),int(lowerrighty))
+                        color = l.getAttribute('color')
+                        if color == '#0000000':
+                            color = '#000000'
+                        id = l.getAttribute('id')
+                        width = int(l.getAttribute('width'))
+                    except:
+                        line_string = upperleftx = upperlefty = lowerrightx = lowerrighty = color = 0
+                        self.log.log(traceback.format_exc(), ORPG_GENERAL)
+                        self.log.log("invalid line", ORPG_GENERAL)
+                        continue
+                    line = WhiteboardLine(id, line_string, upperleft, lowerright, color, width, self.log)
+                    self.lines.append(line)
+                elif nodename == "text":
+                    try:
+                        text_string = l.getAttribute('text_string')
+                        style = l.getAttribute('style')
+                        pointsize = l.getAttribute('pointsize')
+                        weight = l.getAttribute('weight')
+                        color = l.getAttribute('color')
+                        if color == '#0000000':
+                            color = '#000000'
+                        id = l.getAttribute('id')
+                        posx = l.getAttribute('posx')
+                        posy = l.getAttribute('posy')
+                        pos = wx.Point(0,0)
+                        pos.x = int(posx)
+                        pos.y = int(posy)
+                    except:
+                        self.log.log(traceback.format_exc(), ORPG_GENERAL)
+                        self.log.log("invalid line", ORPG_GENERAL)
+                        continue
+                    text = WhiteboardText(id, text_string, pos, style, pointsize, weight, color, self.log)
+                    self.texts.append(text)
+            else:
+                if nodename == "line":
+                    line = self.get_line_by_id(id)
+                    if line:
+                        line.takedom(l)
+                    else:
+                        self.log.log("Whiteboard error: Update of unknown line attempted.", ORPG_GENERAL)
+                if nodename == "text":
+                    text = self.get_text_by_id(id)
+                    if text:
+                        text.takedom(l)
+                    else:
+                        self.log.log("Whiteboard error: Update of unknown text attempted.", ORPG_GENERAL)
+        self.log.log("Enter whiteboard_layer->layerTakeDOM(self, xml_dom)", ORPG_DEBUG)
+        #self.canvas.send_map_data()
+    def add_temp_line(self, line_string):
+        line = WhiteboardLine(0, line_string, wx.Point(0,0), wx.Point(0,0), color=self.color, width=self.width, log=self.log)
+        self.lines.append(line)
+        return line
+    def del_temp_line(self, line):
+        if line:
+            self.lines.remove(line)