diff orpg/tools/predTextCtrl.py @ 127:0f720618a8bd alpha

Traipse Alpha 'OpenRPG' {091002-01} Traipse is a distribution of OpenRPG that is designed to be easy to setup and go. Traipse also makes it easy for developers to work on code without fear of sacrifice. 'Ornery-Orc' continues the trend of 'Grumpy' and adds fixes to the code. 'Ornery-Orc's main goal is to offer more advanced features and enhance the productivity of the user. Update Summary (Cleaning up for Beta) Added Bookmarks Fix to Remote Admin Commands Minor fix to text based Server Fix to Pretty Print, from Core Fix to Splitter Nodes not being created Fix to massive amounts of images loading, from Core Added 'boot' command to remote admin Added confirmation window for sent nodes Minor changes to allow for portability to an OpenSUSE linux OS Miniatures Layer pop up box allows users to turn off Mini labels, from FlexiRPG Zoom Mouse plugin added Images added to Plugin UI Switching to Element Tree Map efficiency, from FlexiRPG Added Status Bar to Update Manager default_manifest.xml renamed to default_upmana.xml Cleaner clode for saved repositories New TrueDebug Class in orpg_log (See documentation for usage) Mercurial's hgweb folder is ported to upmana Happy Halloween!
author sirebral
date Mon, 02 Nov 2009 19:20:46 -0600
parents 36919b8a3ef9
children dc74dca250d1
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/orpg/tools/predTextCtrl.py	Mon Nov 02 11:50:00 2009 -0600
+++ b/orpg/tools/predTextCtrl.py	Mon Nov 02 19:20:46 2009 -0600
@@ -33,8 +33,9 @@
 import string
 from orpg.orpg_windows import *
+import wx #wx.SystemSettings.GetMetric(wx.SYS_VSCROLL_X)
 from wx.lib.expando import ExpandoTextCtrl
-from orpg.tools.orpg_log import logger
+from orpg.tools.orpg_log import logger, debug
 #  This line added to test CVS commit
@@ -122,33 +123,22 @@
     # Purpose:  Sets or increments the priority of a word, adding the word if necessary
     def setWord(self,wordText,priority = 1,sumFlag = 0):
         cur = self.rootNode                     # start from the root
         for ch in wordText:                     # for each character in the word
             if cur.children.has_key(ch):        # check to see if we've found a new word
                 cur = cur.children[ch]            # if we haven't found a new word, move to the next letter and try again
             else:                               # in this clause, we're creating a new branch, as the word is new
                 newLetter = Letter(ch,cur)        # create a new class Letter using this ascii code and the current letter as a parent
                 if cur is self.rootNode:          # special case:  Others expect the top level letters to point to None, not self.rootNode
                     newLetter.parentNode = None
                 cur.children[ch] = newLetter      #  add the new letter to the list of children of the current letter
                 cur = newLetter                   #  make the new letter the current one for the next time through
         #  at this point, cur is pointing to the last letter of either a new or existing word.
-        if sumFlag:                             #  if the caller wants to add to the existing (0 if new)
-            cur.priority += priority
-        else:                                   #  else, the set the priority directly
-            cur.priority = priority
+        if sumFlag: cur.priority += priority    #  if the caller wants to add to the existing (0 if new)
+        else: cur.priority = priority           #  else, the set the priority directly
         self.updateMostCommon(cur)              # this will run back through the tree to fix up the mostCommon members
     # addWord subroutine.
     # self : instance of self
@@ -160,7 +150,6 @@
     def addWord(self,wordText):
         self.setWord(wordText,priority = 1)
     # incWord subroutine.
     # self : instance of self
@@ -170,10 +159,10 @@
     # Purpose:  Convenience method that wraps setWord.  Used to increment the priority of existing words and add new words.
     # Note:     Generally, this method can be used instead of addWord.
     def incWord(self,wordText):
         self.setWord(wordText,priority = 1, sumFlag = 1)
     # setWordPriority subroutine.
     # self : instance of self
@@ -183,6 +172,7 @@
     # Returns:  None
     # Purpose:  Convenience method that wraps setWord.  Sets existing words to priority or adds new words with priority = priority
     def setWordPriority(self,wordText,priority):
         self.setWord(wordText,priority = priority)
@@ -196,16 +186,13 @@
     # Purpose:  Given a word, it returns the class Letter node that corresponds to the word.  Used mostly in prep for a call to
     #           getPrediction()
     def findWordNode(self,wordText):         #returns class Letter that represents the last letter in the word
         cur = self.rootNode                  # start at the root
         for ch in wordText:                  # move through each letter in the word
             if cur.children.has_key(ch):     # if the next letter exists, make cur equal that letter and loop
                 cur = cur.children[ch]
-            else:
-                return None                  # return None if letter not found
+            else: return None                # return None if letter not found
         return cur                           # return cur, as this points to the last letter if we got this far
@@ -217,30 +204,24 @@
     # Returns:  Int representing the word's priority or 0 if not found.
     # Purpose:  Returns the priority of the given word
     def findWordPriority(self,wordText):
         cur = self.findWordNode(wordText)    #  find the class Letter node that corresponds to this word
-        if cur:
-            return cur.priority              #  if it was found, return it's priority
-        else:
-            return 0                         #  else, return 0, meaning word not found
+        if cur: return cur.priority          #  if it was found, return it's priority
+        else: return 0                       #  else, return 0, meaning word not found
     def printTree(self, current=None):
         letters = []
         if current is None:
             current = self.rootNode
         for l, letter in current.children.iteritems():
             if letter.children != {}:
                 m = self.printTree(letter)
         return letters
     # getPrediction subroutine.
     # self : instance of self
@@ -340,16 +321,10 @@
         self.tree = LetterTree      #  Instantiate a new LetterTree.
         #  TODO:  make name of word file an argument.
-        self.parent = parent                               #  Save parent for later use in passing KeyEvents
-        self.cur = self.tree.rootNode                      # self.cur is a short cut placeholder for typing consecutive chars
-                                                           # It may be vestigal
-        self.keyHook = keyHook                             #  Save the keyHook passed in
+        self.parent = parent           #  Save parent for later use in passing KeyEvents
+        self.cur = self.tree.rootNode  # self.cur is a short cut placeholder for typing consecutive chars
+                                       # It may be vestigal
+        self.keyHook = keyHook         #  Save the keyHook passed in
         ExpandoTextCtrl._wrapLine = self._wrapLine
@@ -357,7 +332,6 @@
         # Estimate where the control will wrap the lines and
         # return the count of extra lines needed.
         # Re writes ExpandoTextCtrl _wrapLine function
-        print 'New _wrapLine Function'
         pte = dc.GetPartialTextExtents(line)
         width -= wx.SystemSettings.GetMetric(wx.SYS_VSCROLL_X)
         idx = 0
@@ -365,17 +339,17 @@
         count = 0
         spc = -1
         while idx < len(pte):
-            if line[idx] == ' ': spc = idx
+            if line[idx] == ' ': debug((line)); spc = idx
             if pte[idx] - start > width:
                 # we've reached the max width, add a new line
                 count += 1
-            # did we see a space? if so restart the count at that pos
-            if spc != -1:
-                idx = spc + 1
-                spc = -1
-            start = pte[idx]
-        else:
-            idx += 1
+                # did we see a space? if so restart the count at that pos
+                if spc != -1:
+                    idx = spc + 1
+                    spc = -1
+                start = pte[idx]
+            else:
+                idx += 1
         return count
     # findWord subroutine.
@@ -394,7 +368,7 @@
     # Purpose:  This function is generally used to figure out the beginning of the
     #           current word being typed, for later use in a LetterTree.getPrediction()
-    def findWord(self,insert,st):
+    def findWord(self, insert, st):
     #  Good luck reading this one.  Basically, I started out with an idea, and fiddled with the
     #  constants as best I could until it worked.  It's not a piece of work of which I'm too
@@ -430,29 +404,21 @@
         #  This bit converts the GetKeyCode() return (int) to a char if it's in a certain range
         asciiKey = ""
         if (event.GetKeyCode() < 256) and (event.GetKeyCode() > 19):
             asciiKey = chr(event.GetKeyCode())
-        if asciiKey == "":                                 #  If we didn't convert it to a char, then process based on the int GetKeyCodes
-            if  event.GetKeyCode() == wx.WXK_TAB:                #  We want to hook tabs to allow the user to signify acceptance of a
-                                                           #  predicted word.
+        if asciiKey == "":                              #  If we didn't convert it to a char, then process based on the int GetKeyCodes
+            if  event.GetKeyCode() == wx.WXK_TAB:       #  We want to hook tabs to allow the user to signify acceptance of a
+                                                        #  predicted word.
                 #  Handle Tab key
-                fromPos = toPos = 0                        # get the current selection range
+                fromPos = toPos = 0                     # get the current selection range
                 (fromPos,toPos) = self.GetSelection()
-                if (toPos - fromPos) == 0:                 # if there is no selection, pass tab on
+                if (toPos - fromPos) == 0:              # if there is no selection, pass tab on
                 else:                                      #  This means at least one char is selected
                     self.SetInsertionPoint(toPos)          #  move the insertion point to the end of the selection
                     self.SetSelection(toPos,toPos)         #  and set the selection to no chars
                                                            #  The prediction, if any, had been inserted into the text earlier, so
@@ -467,12 +433,9 @@
                 st += '<br />'
             elif event.GetKeyCode() == wx.WXK_RETURN:            #  We want to hook returns, so that we can update the word list
                 st = self.GetValue()                       #  Grab the text from the control
                 newSt = ""                                 #  Init a buffer
                 #  This block of code, by popular demand, changes the behavior of the control to ignore any prediction that
                 #    hasn't been "accepted" when the enter key is struck.
                 (startSel,endSel) = self.GetSelection()                 #  get the curren selection
@@ -501,7 +464,6 @@
                         newSt += " "
                         newSt += ch
                 #  Now that we've got a string of just letter sequences (words) and spaces
                 #  split it and to a LetterTree.incWord on the lowercase version of it.
                 #  Reminder:  incWord will increment the priority of existing words and add
@@ -528,23 +490,17 @@
                 #   Handle any other non-ascii events by calling parent's OnChar()
                 self.parent.OnChar(event)     #Call super.OnChar to get default behavior
         elif asciiKey in string.letters:
            #  This is the real meat and potatoes of predTextCtrl.  This is where most of the
            #  wx.TextCtrl logic is changed.
             (startSel,endSel) = self.GetSelection()                 #  get the curren selection
             st = self.GetValue()                                    #  and the text in the control
             front = st[:startSel]                                   #  Slice off the text to the front of where we are
             back = st[endSel:]                                      #  Slice off the text to the end from where we are
             st = front + asciiKey + back                            #  This expression creates a string that will insert the
                                                                     #  typed character (asciiKey is generated at the
                                                                     #  beginning of OnChar()) into the text.  If there
@@ -554,9 +510,7 @@
             insert = startSel + 1                                   #  creates an int that denotes where the new InsertionPoint
                                                                     #  should be.
             curWord = ""                                            #  Assume there's a problem with finding the curWord
             if (len(back) == 0) or (back[0] not in string.letters): #  We should only insert a prediction if we are typing
                                                                     #  at the end of a word, not in the middle.  There are
                                                                     #  three cases: we are typing at the end of the string or
@@ -637,11 +591,8 @@
                                                                 #  reach.
             return                                              #  Done!  Do NOT pass the event on at this point, because it's all done.
             #   Handle every other non-letter ascii (e.g. semicolon) by passing the event on.
             self.parent.OnChar(event)     #Call super.OnChar to get default behavior
 #  End of class predTextCtrl!