1 [Creature Type] Trainer^AE^73^You are skilled at training a particular type of creature.
2 Aberrant Dragonmark^ECS^47^Although you are not a recognized member of one of the dragonmarked families, you have manifested a dragonmark.
3 Aberration Banemagic^LoM^178^You can cast spells that do additional damage to aberrations.
4 Aberration Blood^LoM^178^One of your ancestors was an aberration and has passed the taint of its aberrant physiology down through the generations to you.
5 Aberration Wild Shape^LoM^178^Thanks to your heritage, you have learned to channel your inhuman bloodline into your shapeshifting power.
6 Ability Focus^MM^303^Choose one of the creature's special attacks. This attack becomes more potent than normal.
7 Ability Focus^MM2^18^One of the creature's special attacks is more potent than normal.
8 Ability Focus^MM3^206^The special attack of a creature with this feat is more potent than normal.
9 Ability Focus^SS^30^Choose one of your spell-like abilities. This attack becomes much more potent than normal.
10 Able Learner^RD^150^You have great aptitude for learning.
11 Able Sniper^RW^148^You are accomplished at remaining unseen when you're sniping with a ranged weapon.
12 Accurate Jaunt^UA^92^You have an instinctive sense of interplanar travel.
13 Acheron Flurry^PlH^37^You master the secret technique developed by Acheron-native special forces of limiting a foe's options in hand-to-hand combat.
14 Acrobatic^PH^89^You have excellent body awareness and coordination.
15 Acrobatic^SaS^38^You have excellent body awareness and coordination.
16 Action Boost^ECS^47^You have the ability to alter your luck drastically in dire circumstances.
17 Action Surge^ECS^50^By spending 2 action points, you can perform an additional action in a round.
18 Adamantine Body^ECS^50^At the cost of mobility, a warforged character's body can be crafted with a layer of adamantine that provides formidable protective armor and some damage reduction.
19 Adamantine Body^MM3^192^At the cost of mobility, a warforged character's body can be crafted with a layer of adamantine that provides formidable protective armor and some damage reduction.
20 Adamantine Body^RE^118^At the cost of mobility, your warforged body can be crafted with a layer of adamantine that provides formidable protective armor and some damage reduction.
21 Additional Magic Item Space^EL^50^You can wear more magic items.
22 Adroit Flyby Attack^Dr^67^You can make flyby attacks and get out of reach quickly.
23 Aerenal Beastmaster^RE^105^As an elf of Aerenal, you consider baboons sacred animals and they serve you obediently.
24 Aerial Reflexes^RW^148^Your aerial agility allows you to avoid dangerous effects while airborne.
25 Aerial Superiority^RW^148^You can use your flying ability to gain an advantage against landbound foes or airborne foes that you can outmaneuver.
26 Aftersight^Rac^160^You have a trace of the Sight in your blood, which enables you to pick up echoes of the past, both wondrous and terrible.
27 Agile^PH^89^You are particularly flexible and poised.
28 Agile Athlete^RW^148^You rely on your agility to perform athletic feats, rather than brute strength.
29 Agile Tyrant^LoM^44^A creature with this feat develops longer, more flexible eyestalks than its kin. This extra flexibility allows it to bring additional eye rays to bear against its foes.
30 Agony Touch^Gh^28^Choose one physical ability score. When you touch a creature, you can deal damage to this ability score.
31 Air Heritage^PlH^37^You are descended from creatures native to the Elemental Plane of Air.
32 Alertness^PH^89^You have finely tuned senses.
33 Aligned Attack^XPH^41^Your melee or ranged attack overcomes your opponent's alignment-based damage reduction and deals additional damage.
34 Allied Defense^ShS^19^You are good at protecting nearby allies.
35 Alluring^SaS^38^Others have an inexplicable urge to believe your every word.
36 Altitude Adaptation^Fr^45^Your body adapts quickly to changes in altitude, preventing you from suffering as much from altitude sickness.
37 Anarchic Heritage^PlH^38^You are descended from creatures native to the planes of chaos.
38 Ancestral Guidance^RE^105^The spirit of your patron ancestor guides your hands and thoughts in times of trouble.
39 Ancestral Knowledge^RS^136^You have a strong connection to the ancestors of your clan, giving you understanding and knowledge beyond the mortal realms.
40 Ancestral Relic^BE^39^You own an ancestral heirloom and can invest it with increasing power.
41 Ancestral Spirit^Rac^161^You have ties to the long-dead spirit of one of your clan's ancestors, who whispers ancient words of wisdom into your mind in times of need.
42 Animal Affinity^PH^89^You are good with animals.
43 Animal Control^MW^20^You can channel the power of nature to gain mastery over animal creatures.
44 Animal Defiance^MW^20^You can channel the power of nature to drive off animals.
45 Animal Friend^BE^41^Animals respond favorably to the aura of goodness that exudes from you.
46 Animal Friends^Rac^161^Your ability to speak with animals has allowed you to befriend an animal as a permanent ally.
47 Ankheg Tribe Ambush^ShS^19^You have learned how to hide and spring to attack, much like the ankhegs that roam the plains where you hunt.
48 Antipsionic Magic^XPH^41^Your spells are more potent when used against psionic characters and creatures.
49 Anvil of Thunder^CW^112^You have mastered the style of fighting with hammer and axes at the same time, and have learned to deal thunderous blows with this unique pairing of weapons.
50 Appraise Magic Value^CAd^103^Your ability to determine an item's worth and your knowledge of magic allow you to determine the exact properties of a magic item without the use of the identify spell or similar magic.
51 Apprentice^DMG2^176^A character with this feat has apprenticed himself to a master in order to speed his learning and bolster his skills.
52 Aquatic Shot^Sto^90^You have developed the technique of firing a ranged weapon into or through the water with better accuracy than normal, striking at just the right angle to allow it to slice through the obstruction with precision.
53 Aquatic Spellcasting^LoM^178^You know how to cast spells that work equally well in or out of water.
54 Arachnid Rider^Rac^161^You are trained in the art of employing spiders as steeds.
55 Arcane Defense^CAr^73^Choose a school of magic, such as illusion. You can resist spells from that school better than normal.
56 Arcane Defense^TB^38^Choose a school of magic. You can resist spells from that school better than normal.
57 Arcane Disciple^CD^79^Choose a deity, and then select a domain available to clerics of that deity. You can learn to cast spells associated with that domain as arcane spells.
58 Arcane Insight^RD^154^By immersing yourself in the teachings of Boccob, you have unearthed magical secrets and gained special insight into arcane spellcasting.
59 Arcane Manipulation^LE^6^You are learned in the arcane ways of Netheril, where masters of magic once molded and shaped arcane energy to their own will.
60 Arcane Mastery^CAr^73^You are quick and certain in your efforts to defeat the arcane defenses and spells of others.
61 Arcane Preparation^CAr^73^You can prepare an arcane spell ahead of time, just as a wizard does.
62 Arcane Preparation^FRCS^33^You can prepare an arcane spell ahead of time, just as a wizard does.
63 Arcane Preparation^PG^32^You can prepare an arcane spell ahead of time, just as a wizard does.
64 Arcane Preparation^TB^38^You can prepare an arcane spell ahead of time, just as a wizard does.
65 Arcane Schooling^FRCS^33^In your homeland, all who show some skill at the Art may receive training as a wielder of magic.
66 Arcane Schooling^PG^33^In your homeland, all who show some skill at the Art may receive training as arcane spellcasters.
67 Arcane Strike^CW^96^You can channel arcane energy into your melee attacks.
68 Arcane Transfiguration^LE^6^Drawing upon forgotten lore, you broaden your arcane studies and master a school of magic previously prohibited to you.
69 Arctic Adaptation^Rac^161^You have adapted to the snowbound environment of the arctic reaches of Faerun.
70 Area Attack^SS^30^You can wield improvised weapons to attack several spaces at once.
71 Armor Proficiency (Heavy)^PH^89^You are proficient with heavy armor.
72 Armor Proficiency (Light)^PH^89^You are proficient with light armor.
73 Armor Proficiency (Medium)^PH^89^You are proficient with medium armor.
74 Armor Skin^CW^151^Your skin becomes like armor.
75 Armor Skin^EL^50^Your skin becomes like armor.
76 Art of Fascination^OA^60^You claim descent from Kakita Wayozu, whose art was so great it is said that she helped create an alternate world.
77 Arterial Strike^CW^96^Your sneak attacks target large blood vessels, leaving wounds that cause massive blood loss.
78 Arterial Strike^SaS^38^Your sneak attacks target large blood vessels, leaving wounds that cause massive blood loss.
79 Artic Priest^Fr^46^You can swap out prepared spells to cast spell to aid in exploring and surviving in frostfell areas.
80 Artist^FRCS^33^You come from a culture in which the arts, philosophy, and music have a prominent place in society.
81 Artist^OA^61^You claim descent from Doji, who was known as a creator of culture and civilization.
82 Artist^PG^33^Your people are renowned for their skill at story and song.
83 Ascetic Hunter^CAd^105^You have gone beyond the bounds of your monastic training to incorporate new modes of bringing the unlawful to justice.
84 Ascetic Knight^CAd^105^You belong to a special order of religious monks that teaches its adherents that self-enlightenment and honorable service grow from the same well of purity.
85 Ascetic Magic^CAd^105^You practice an unusual martial art that mixes self-taught spellcasting and melee attacks to great effect.
86 Ascetic Rogue^CAd^106^You have gone beyond the bounds of your monastic training to incorporate new modes of stealthy combat.
87 Ashbound^ECS^50^You have been trained in the druidic traditions of the Ashbound, seeing yourself as one of nature's avengers.
88 Assume Supernatural Ability^SS^30^You learn to use a supernatural ability of an assumed form.
89 Athletic^PH^89^You have a knack for athletic endeavors.
90 Athletic^SaS^38^You're physically fit and adept at outdoor sports.
91 Attention to Detail^OA^61^You are descended from Akodo's advisor Ikoma -- a historian, judge, and storyteller.
92 Attune Gem^Mag^21^You can magically imbue gems to hold a spell until triggered.
93 Attune Magic Weapon^ECS^50^Through your study of magic weapons, you have become adept at eking every advantage out of their enhanced qualities.
94 Augment Healing ^CD^79^You can increase your healing ability.
95 Augment Summoning^Mag^21^Your summoned creatures are better than normal.
96 Augment Summoning^PH^89^Your summoned creatures are more powerful than normal.
97 Augment Summoning^TB^39^Your summoned creatures are more powerful than normal.
98 Augmented Alchemy^CAd^191^You can create alchemical items and substances that are much more powerful than normal.
99 Augmented Alchemy^EL^50^You can create alchemical items and substances that are much more powerful than normal.
100 Auspicious Marking^RS^136^Your [goliath] skin patterns indicate that fate has marked you for greatness, and the patterns shift slowly to take new forms.
101 Automatic Quicken Spell^CAr^191^You can cast any of your lesser spells with a moment's thought.
102 Automatic Quicken Spell^EL^50^You can cast any of your lesser spells with a moment's thought.
103 Automatic Silent Spell^CAr^191^You can cast any of your lesser spells silently.
104 Automatic Silent Spell^EL^51^You can cast any of your lesser spells silently.
105 Automatic Still Spell^CAr^191^You can cast any of your lesser spells without gestures.
106 Automatic Still Spell^EL^51^You can cast any of your lesser spells without gestures.
107 Autonomous^XPH^41^You have a knack for psionic self-sufficiency.
108 Awaken Frightful Presence^Dr^67^You gain frightful presence.
109 Awaken Spell Resistance^Dr^67^You gain spell resistance.
110 Awesome Blow^MM^303^The creature can choose to deliver blows that send its smaller opponents flying like bowling pins.
111 Awesome Blow^MM3^206^A creature with this feat can choose to deliver blows that send its smaller opponents flying like bowling pins.
112 Axeshield^Und^24^You know how to defend yourself with a battleaxe.
113 Axespike^RS^137^You have mastered the art of fighting in spiked armor while wielding a greataxe. You blend greataxe blows and armor spike attacks into one constant, deadly attack form.
114 Axethrower^PG^33^You have learned how to hurl weapons to deadly effect.
115 Axiomatic Heritage^PlH^38^You are descended from creatures native to the planes of law.
116 Axiomatic Strike^CW^96^You can turn your fist into an instrument of law.
117 Axiomatic Strike^PG^135^Your attacks deal incredible damage to chaotic creatures.
118 Azerblood^Rac^161^You are descended from the shield dwarves of Clan Azerkyn, who once ruled the Adamant Kingdom of Xothaerin beneath western Amn. The blood of the azer runs thick in your veins.
119 Baleful Moan^LM^24^Your hollow cry strikes fear into the hearts of the living.
120 Ballista Proficiency^HB^96^You have trained in ballista operation.
121 Bane of Enemies^EL^51^Your attacks deal great damage to your favored enemies.
122 Bane of the Unclean^LoM^44^A creature with this feat hates aberrant beholders so strongly that it gains bonuses when fighting them.
123 Barbed Stinger^SK^144^Your stinger is unusually difficult to dislodge.
124 Batrider^Rac^161^You are highly skilled in the art of flying dire bats, a common form of transportation among the shield dwarves of the Far Hills.
125 Battle Caster^CAr^75^Building on your existing training allows you to avoid the chance of arcane spell failure when you wear armor heavier than normal.
126 Battle Casting^RW^148^You have a knack for staying out of harm's way when casting spells.
127 Battle Hardened^RS^137^Your extensive battle experience has left you incredibly calm and composed, even in the heat of battle.
128 Battle Jump^UE^42^You know how to launch a devastating attack from above by dropping onto your opponent.
129 Battlefield Inspiration^MH^25^You inspire courage in your allies.
130 Battleshifter Training^RE^116^Your shifter fighting instincts grant you a sophisticated blend of defensive techniques and controlled attacks.
131 Bear Fang^CW^112^You have mastered the fierce style of fighting with axe and dagger at the same time.
132 Beast Companion^EL^51^You can befriend a beast.
133 Beast Shape^ECS^50^You call upon the power of your beast totem to physically change your form.
134 Beast Totem^ECS^51^In the druidic custom of your people, you have claimed a kind of magical beast as your totem -- a patron, protector, and source of strength.
135 Beast Wild Shape^EL^51^You can wild shape into magical beast form.
136 Beasthide Elite^ECS^51^Your shifter trait improves.
137 Beckon the Frozen^Fr^47^Creatures you summon are infused with cold energy and have the cold subtype.
138 Bestial Hide^LoM^179^Your skin is thicker, scalier, or furrier than normal.
139 Bind Elemental^ECS^51^You can craft magic items that use bound elementals for special effects, including weapons, armor, airships, and elemental galleons.
140 Black Lore of Moil^CAr^75^Your study of the sinister knowledge and spellcasting techniques of the long-dead Nightlords of Moil makes your necromancy spells especially potent.
141 Blackwater Invocation^Sto^91^You can call upon negative energy to infuse normal water around you, transforming it into the dark, cold water found at the bottom of the deepest ocean trenches.
142 Bladebearer of the Valenar^RE^107^Your extensive training makes you especially adept with the curved blades of the Valenar.
143 Bladeproof Skin^UA^92^Your skin has a degree of protection from even the sharpest edge.
144 Blazing Berserker^Sa^49^When you enter your rage, your body becomes infused with fire.
145 Blessed by Tem-Et-Nu^Sa^49^Tem-Et-Nu has marked you as having an important destiny in her temple.
146 Blessed of the Seven Sisters^PG^176^As a result of a personal connection to one of the Seven Sisters, you have a taste of Mystra's special favor.
147 Blind-Fight^PH^89^You know how to fight in melee without being able to see your foes.
148 Blinding Speed^EL^51^You can trigger short bursts of great speed.
149 Blindsense^CAd^114^You can sense creatures that you cannot see.
150 Blindsight^MW^21^Your senses are as keen as the bat's.
151 Blindsight, 5-Foot Radius^SF^5^You sense opponents in the darkness.
152 Blindsight, 5-Foot Radius^DD^49^The deity senses opponents in the darkness.
153 Block Arrow^HB^96^You can block incoming arrows with your shield.
154 Blood of the Warlord^Rac^161^You can influence a large number of orcs.
155 Blood Sorcerer^OA^61^You are descended from Yogo, the Scorpion shugenja who was the first guardian of the Black Scrolls of Fu Leng.
156 Blooded^FRCS^33^Enemies find it difficult to catch you off guard.
157 Blooded^PG^35^You know what it means to fight for your life, and you understand the value of quick wits and quicker reactions when blades are bared and deadly spells are chanted.
158 Bloodline of Fire^FRCS^34^You are descended from the efreet who ruled Calimshan for two millennia.
159 Bloodline of Fire^PG^35^You are descended from the efreet who ruled Calimshan long ago.
160 Bloodsoaked Intimidate^CR^17^Your bloody and vicious approach to combat makes you a fearsome foe.
161 Blowhard^SS^31^You can blow targets over with your breath.
162 Boar's Ferocity^CD^79^You can continue fighting even at the brink of death.
163 Body Fuel^XPH^41^You can expand your power point total at the expense of your health.
164 Body Pouch^SK^144^You can open a cavity in your body without harm to yourself and use it to carry or conceal items or creatures.
165 Bolster Resistance^LM^25^Undead you raise or create are more resistant to turning than normal.
166 Bonus Breath^SS^31^You can use your breath weapons one more time per day than you normally could.
167 Bonus Domain^CD^89^You have access to one additional domain of spells.
168 Bonus Domain^EL^51^You have access to one additional domain of spells.
169 Boomerang Daze^RE^108^You can daze the targets of your boomerang attacks.
170 Boomerang Ricochet^RE^108^You can strike up to two foes with a single boomerang throw.
171 Boost Construct^XPH^43^Your astral constructs have more abilities.
172 Boost Spell Resistance^BV^47^By making a deal with an evil power, the character makes himself even more resistant to magic.
173 Boost Spell-Like Ability^BV^47^One of the creature's spell-like abilities is harder to resist than it otherwise would be.
174 Born Duelist^OA^61^You claim descent from Mirumoto, one of the first two samurai to join Togashi in his meditative retreat.
175 Born Flyer^RW^148^You can fly as though born to do it.
176 Born of the Three Thunders^CAr^76^You have learned to marry the power of lightning and thunder in your electricity and sonic spells.
177 Bowslinger^Und^24^You can ready ranged weapons surprisingly quickly.
178 Brachiation^CAd^106^You can swing through trees like a monkey.
179 Brachiation^MW^21^You move through trees like a monkey.
180 Breadth of Knowledge^UA^92^Your time spent plumbing the depths of magic knowledge has resulted in a treasure trove of obscure facts.
181 Breathing Link^Rac^161^You can allow a person adjacent to you to breathe water.
182 Breathing Link^Sto^92^You can allow a person adjacent to you to breathe water.
183 Brew Potion^PH^89^You can create potions, which carry spells within themselves.
184 Bright Sigil^RD^150^You have established a greater degree of control over your sigils. When you concentrate, you can emit strong illumination from the glowing symbols that surround your head.
185 Brutal Throw^CAd^106^You have learned how to hurl weapons to deadly effect.
186 Brute Fighting^RE^116^Your extensive training with two-handed weapons is revealed through brutally effective tactics.
187 Bullheaded^FRCS^34^The stubbornness and determination of your kind is legendary.
188 Bullheaded^PG^37^The stubbornness and determination of your kind are legendary.
189 Bulwark of Defense^EL^51^Your defensive stance bonuses increase.
190 Burrow Friend^RS^137^Your natural rapport with burrowing mammals improves.
191 Burrowing Power^XPH^43^Your powers sometimes bypass barriers.
192 Calishite Elementalist^Rac^161^You are a student of the Calishite tradition of elemental magic and have mastered its mysterious lore. You may choose to specialize in air magic or fire magic.
193 Call of the Undying^RE^108^You call upon the power of the Undying Court to instantly recall a previously cast spell.
194 Caravanner^Rac^162^You are skilled at leading caravans along established trade routes.
195 Catfolk Pounce^RW^148^You can rush unaware foes and deliver several attacks before they have a chance to respond.
196 Caustic Adaptation^Und^24^Long have your ancestors hunted and been hunted in the depths. Natural selection has given your blood an unpalatable, acidic quality.
197 Cavalry Charger^CW^108^Fighting from the back of a steed is second nature to you.
198 Caver^Und^24^You are knowledgeable about the secrets of the subterranean world and wise in its ways.
199 Celestial Bloodline^Rac^162^Some of your latent abilities have matured.
200 Celestial Familiar^BE^41^As long as you are able to acquire a new familiar, you may receive a celestial as a familiar.
201 Celestial Heritage^PlH^38^You are descended from creatures native to the Upper Planes
202 Celestial Mount^BE^42^Your special mount is a true creature of the heavens.
203 Celestial Summoning Specialist^PlH^38^You can select from a larger number of options when summoning good creatures.
204 Centaur Trample^RW^148^You have trained to use your large body and unique physiology against your foes. You have learned how to knock down opponents and ride over them in combat.
205 Chain Power^XPH^44^You can manifest powers that arc to hit other targets in addition to the primary target.
206 Chain Spell^CAr^76^You can cast spells that arc to other targets in addition to your primary target.
207 Chain Spell^TB^39^You can cast spells that arc to other targets in addition to your primary target.
208 Chakram Ricochet^CR^17^You can hurl a chakram so that it strikes two enemies instead of one.
209 Chameleon Hide^SK^144^You can alter the hue of your scales to match the surrounding terrain.
210 Channel Charge^LE^7^You can power a charged magic item with your own magical ability.
211 Channel Legacy^WL^13^You can call upon the hidden strength within your legacy item to empower yourself for a single spectacular effort.
212 Channeled Rage^RD^150^You can focus your rage to counter charms and compulsions.
213 Chant of Fortitude^CAd^113^You can channel the power of your bardic music to sustain your allies, allowing them to function even after receiving wounds that would cause others to falter.
214 Chaotic Mind^XPH^44^The turbulence of your thoughts prevents others from gaining insight into your actions.
215 Chaotic Rage^EL^51^Your rage is particularly damaging to lawful creatures.
216 Chariot Archery^SF^78^You are skilled at using ranged weapons from a chariot.
217 Chariot Charge^SF^79^You are skilled at charging with your chariot.
218 Chariot Combat^SF^78^You are skilled in chariot combat.
219 Chariot Sideswipe^SF^79^You are skilled at using your chariot's scythe blades against foes.
220 Chariot Trample^SF^78^You are trained in using your chariot to knock down opponents.
221 Charlatan^SaS^38^You're adept at fooling people. You know how to tell them just what they want to hear.
222 Charm Immunity^SK^145^You are immune to charm effects.
223 Charm Resistance^SK^145^You can resist charm effects better than you otherwise could.
224 Cheetah Tribe Sprint^ShS^19^You have learned the secret of lightning-fast running from the cheetah that roams the plains where you live.
225 Cheetah's Speed^CD^79^You can run with the speed of the cheetah.
226 Child of Winter^ECS^51^You are trained in the druidic traditions of the Children of Winter, an Eldeen Reaches sect that embraces death and decay.
227 Chink in the Armor^SaS^38^You are an expert at slipping a weapon between armor plates or into seams.
228 Choke Hold^OA^61^You have learned the correct way to apply pressure to render an opponent unconscious.
229 Chondathan Missionary^Rac^162^Your training has emphasized spells that help you spread the word of your faith.
230 Chosen of Iborighu^Fr^47^You gain features that identify you as an ally to the church of Iborighu and grant you supernatural qualities.
231 Chosen Weapon Specialization^PG^135^You deal more damage than normal when wielding your deity's chosen weapon.
232 Circle Kick^SF^5^You kick multiple opponents with the same attack action.
233 Circle Magic^Gh^29^You know how to use your connection to Galaedros the Wood God to channel magical power to another spellcaster of your faith.
234 City Slicker^RD^150^You are very familiar with city life and the inner workings of your hometown.
235 Clan Prestige^RS^137^Your actions have brought you some measure of fame and respect from your clan, whether from battle prowess or years of service to the clan.
236 Cleave^PH^92^You can follow through with powerful blows.
237 Clever Wrestling ^CW^97^You have a better than normal chance to escape or wriggle free from a big creature's grapple or pin.
238 Clever Wrestling^Dr^103^You have a better than normal chance to escape or wriggle free from a big creature's grapple or pin.
239 Clever Wrestling^MW^22^You have a better than normal chance to escape or wriggle free from a big creature's grapple or pin.
240 Clever Wrestling^Sto^92^You have a better than normal chance to escape or wriggle free from a big creature's grapple or pin.
241 Cliffwalk Elite^ECS^52^Your shifter trait improves.
242 Cliffwalk Elite^RE^113^Your cliffwalk shifter trait improves.
243 Climb Like an Ape^CAd^114^You can improve your climbing ability.
244 Clinging Breath^Dr^67^Your breath weapon clings to creatures and continues to affect them in the round after you breath.
245 Cloak Dance^XPH^44^You are skilled at using optical tricks to make yourself seem to be where you are not.
246 Closed Mind^XPH^44^Your mind is better able to resist psionics than normal.
247 Close-Quarters Fighting^Rac^162^You are skilled at resisting grapple attacks from creatures that usually grapple opponents.
248 Close-Quarters Fighting^CW^97^You are skilled at fighting at close range and resisting grapple attempts.
249 Close-Quarters Fighting^Dr^103^You are skilled at fighting at close range and resisting grapple attempts.
250 Close-Quarters Fighting^SF^5^You are skilled at fighting at close range and resisting grapple attacks.
251 Cobra Head^SK^145^You can extend the skin of your neck into a cobra hood.
252 Cold Endurance^Fr^47^You can exist with ease in low-temperature environments.
253 Cold Focus^Fr^47^Your cold spells are more potent than normal.
254 Cold Iron Tracery^RE^119^Cold-forged iron that runs through your body allows you to overcome the supernatural defenses of certain creatures and protecting against some magical attacks.
255 Cold Spell Specialization^Fr^47^You do additional damage with cold spells.
256 Collegiate Wizard^CAr^181^You have undergone extensive training in a formal school for wizards.
257 Colossal Wild Shape^EL^52^You can wild shape into animals of Colossal size.
258 Combat Archery^CW^151^You can fire a bow in melee safely.
259 Combat Archery^EL^52^You can fire a bow in melee safely.
260 Combat Brute^CW^110^You employ strength and leverage to great effect in battle.
261 Combat Casting^PH^92^You are adept at casting spells in combat.
262 Combat Expertise^PH^92^You are trained at using your combat skill for defense as well as offense.
263 Combat Insight^CW^151^Your keen intellect allows you to place melee attacks where they will deal the most damage.
264 Combat Intuition^CAd^106^Your keen understanding of your opponent's moves and your instinctive feel for the flow of combat enable you to shrewdly assess your opponent's combat capabilities.
265 Combat Manifestation^XPH^44^You are adept at manifesting powers in combat.
266 Combat Reflexes^PH^92^You can respond quickly and repeatedly to opponents who let their defenses down.
267 Communicator^CAr^76^You possess a magical understanding of the essence of language.
268 Complementary Insight^RD^150^You get more out of having skills that work well together.
269 Conductivity^UA^92^You have crude control over electricity effects near you.
270 Confound the Big Folk^RW^153^You excel when battling foes bigger than you are.
271 Consecrate Spell^BE^42^You can imbue your spells with the raw energy of good, by the grace of a celestial power.
272 Consecrate Spell^CD^79^You can imbue your spells with the raw energy of good.
273 Consecrate Spell Trigger^BE^42^You can channel holy power through a spell trigger item, such as a wand or staff.
274 Consecrate Spell-Like Ability^BE^42^You can channel holy power into your spell-like abilities.
275 Construct Lock^RE^119^Your knowledge of construct nature allows you to deal extra damage to or even immobilize such foes.
276 Contagious Paralysis^LM^25^Your paralyzing attack is contagious.
277 Control Visage^Gh^29^Your ghost body is shaped as if you were alive and unharmed, and you can control what your ghost body appears to wear.
278 Controlled Immolation^UA^92^If you catch on fire, the flames don't hurt you.
279 Controlled Respiration^SS^31^You can stay out of water longer than you otherwise could.
280 Cool Head^OA^61^You are descended from the great diplomat Ide, who was chosen to be the voice of Shinjo in all dealings with strangers.
281 Cooperative Spell^CAr^76^You can cast spells to greater effect in conjunction with the same spell cast by another individual.
282 Cooperative Spell^TB^39^You can cast spells to greater effect in conjunction with the same spell cast by another individual.
283 Coordinated Shot^HB^96^You are extraordinarily talented at making ranged attacks past your allies.
284 Coordinated Strike^RW^149^You and your animal companion or special mount can coordinate your melee attacks to gain an advantage in combat.
285 Cormanthyran Moon Magic^LE^7^You have mastered the ancient elven techniques of drawing power from Sehanine Moonbow's light.
286 Cornered Rat^DCS^85^You can go from piteous groveling to a murderous fury in the blink of an eye.
287 Corpse Malevolence^Gh^29^You can possess and animate dead bodies.
288 Corpsecrafter^LM^25^Undead you raise or create are tougher than normal.
289 Corrupt Arcane Studies^Gh^29^You have dabbled in strange magic that has increased your power but adversely affected your mind.
290 Corrupt Spell^BV^47^The character can transform one of her spells into a thing of evil due to a deal she makes with an evil power.
291 Corrupt Spell^CD^79^You can transform one of your spells into an evil version of itself.
292 Corrupt Spell^CR^17^You can transform one of your spells into a thing of evil due to a deal you make with an evil power.
293 Corrupt Spell-Like Ability^BV^48^One of the creature's spell-like abilities is powered by evil. A dark pact provides the creature with unholy energy.
294 Corrupted Wild Shape^LM^25^You have learned to use the necromantic energy that powers your undead form to overcome the inability of undead creatures to wild shape.
295 Corrupting Touch^Gh^29^Your touch can damage creatures.
296 Cosmopolitan^FRCS^34^Your exposure to the thousand forking paths of the city has taught you things you ordinarily would never have uncovered.
297 Cosmopolitan^PG^37^You've been lied to more times than you can count.
298 Cougar's Vision^CAd^114^You can see in the dark like a cat.
299 Courageous Rally^HB^97^You can rally demoralized foes with your bardic music.
300 Courteous Magocracy^FRCS^34^You were raised in a land where mighty wizards order affairs.
301 Cover Your Tracks^ShS^20^You are good at masking your route, making it difficult for others to track you.
302 Craft Aboleth Glyph^LoM^22^An aboleth with this feat can create magic glyphs that store spells or have specialized effects of their own.
303 Craft Alchemical Item^UA^99^You are capable of creating alchemical items and substances.
304 Craft Cognizance Crystal^XPH^44^You can create psionic cognizance crystals that store power points.
305 Craft Construct^MM^303^The creature can create golems and other magic automatons that obey its orders.
306 Craft Construct^MM3^206^A creature with this feat can create golems and other magic automatons that obey its orders
307 Craft Contingent Spell^CAr^77^You know how to attach semipermanent spells to a creature and set them to activate under certain conditions.
308 Craft Contingent Spell^UE^42^You know how to create contingent spells, which are semipermanent spells that can be 'worn' and activated under certain conditions.
309 Craft Crystal Weapon^OA^61^You can create magic weapons from Kuni crystal, which is deadly to creatures of the Shadowlands.
310 Craft Dorje^XPH^44^You can create slender crystal wands called dorjes that manifest powers when charges are expended.
311 Craft Epic Magic Arms and Armor^EL^52^You can craft magic arms and armor of epic power.
312 Craft Epic Rod^EL^52^You can craft magic rods of epic power.
313 Craft Epic Staff^EL^52^You can craft magic staffs of epic power.
314 Craft Epic Wondrous Item^EL^52^You can craft wondrous items of epic power.
315 Craft Magic Arms and Armor^PH^92^You can create magic weapons, armor, and shields.
316 Craft Masterwork Armor^UA^99^You are trained in the creation of fine armor and shields.
317 Craft Masterwork Ranged Weapon^UA^99^You are trained in the creation of fine ranged weapons and ammunition.
318 Craft Masterwork Weapon^UA^99^You are trained in the creation of fine melee and thrown weapons.
319 Craft Psicrown^XPH^44^You can create psicrowns, which have multiple psionic effects.
320 Craft Psionic Arms and Armor^XPH^44^You can create psionic weapons, armor, and shields.
321 Craft Psionic Construct^XPH^45^You can create golems and other psionic automatons that obey your orders.
322 Craft Psionic Seal^LoM^69^A creature with this feat can create psionic glyphs or symbols that hold spells or psionic powers until triggered.
323 Craft Rod^PH^92^You can create magic rods, which have varied magical effects.
324 Craft Rune Circle^RS^137^You can create rune circles, stationary magic items that hold a variety of spells and effects.
325 Craft Scepter^LE^8^You know the ancient Netherese secret of creating magic scepters.
326 Craft Skull Talisman^Fr^47^You can create skull talismans, which carry spells within themselves.
327 Craft Staff^PH^92^You can create magic staffs, each of which has multiple magical effects.
328 Craft Talisman^OA^61^You can create magic fetishes, single-use magic items that hold spells until triggered.
329 Craft Universal Item^XPH^45^You can create universal psionic items.
330 Craft Wand^PH^92^You can create wands, which hold spells.
331 Craft Wondrous Item^PH^92^You can create a wide variety of magic items.
332 Craven^CR^17^Like most sly rogues, you are a dangerous coward. However, your sneak attacks deal more damage than normal.
333 Create Infusion^MW^22^You store a divine spell within a specially prepared herb.
334 Create Portal^FRCS^34^You have learned the ancient craft of creating a portal.
335 Crescent Moon^CW^113^You have mastered the style of fighting with sword and dagger.
336 Crowd Tactics^RD^156^You are adept at moving through and fighting in crowds.
337 Crush^SS^31^Like a dragon, you can hurl your body onto opponents to deal tremendous damage.
338 Cumbrous Dodge^SS^31^You have a chance to dodge attacks that hit you, but at a cost.
339 Cumbrous Fortitude^SS^31^You have a greater chance than normal to resist attacks against your vitality, but at a cost.
340 Cumbrous Reflexes^SS^31^You have a greater chance to resist attacks against your agility, but at a cost.
341 Cumbrous Will^SS^31^You have a greater chance to resist attacks against your willpower, but at a cost.
342 Cunning Sidestep^Dr^103^You have a better than normal chance to avoid being bull rushed or tripped.
343 Curative Legacy^WL^14^Your item's legacy is so linked with your aura that it restores your health each time it is activated.
344 Curling Wave Strike^Sto^92^Mimicking the forceful power of the wave, you can trip multiple foes as part of the same strike.
345 Dallah Thaun's Luck^RW^149^You can rely on a good dose of luck to get you through almost any scrape.
346 Damage Reduction^CW^151^You can shrug off some damage from attacks.
347 Damage Reduction^EL^52^You can shrug off some damage from attacks.
348 Dancing Blade^Gh^30^You have an energetic fighting style modeled after traditional Salkirian dancing.
349 Dancing with Shadows^RE^117^You have studied shesan talarash dasyannah, the martial dance of the kalashtar.
350 Danger Sense^CAd^106^You are one twitchy individual.
351 Danger Sense^MH^25^You are one twitchy mother goose.
352 Darguun Mauler^RE^108^The memory of your people's lost glory drives your brutal mastery of the weapons of Darguun.
353 Dark Speech^BV^48^The character learns a smattering of the language of truly dark power.
354 Darkstalker^LoM^179^You have learned how to stalk and surprise creatures whose senses are very different from those of a humanoid.
355 Dash^CW^97^You can move faster than normal.
356 Dash^MH^25^You can move faster than normal.
357 Dash^SaS^38^You move faster than normal for your race.
358 Daunting Presence^LM^25^You are skilled at inducing fear in your opponents.
359 Daunting Presence^MH^25^You are skilled at inducing fear in your opponents.
360 Dauntless^PG^37^You can stand up to greater punishment than most and still keep going.
361 Daylight Adaptation^PG^37^You have accustomed yourself to the painful sunlight of the surface world.
362 Daylight Adaptation^RE^108^You have grown accustomed to living in the surface world, such that bright light no longer blinds or dazzles you.
363 Daylight Adaptation^FRCS^34^Through long exile from the shadowed homelands of your kind, you have learned to endure the painful sunlight of the surface world.
364 Deadly Chill^LM^25^Undead you raise or create deal more damage than normal.
365 Deadly Poison^SK^145^Your poison attack deals more damage than normal.
366 Deadly Poison^SS^31^Your poison attack deals more damage than normal.
367 Deadly Precision^XPH^45^You empty your mind of all distracting emotion, becoming an instrument of deadly precision.
368 Deadly Spittle^SK^145^You can use your spit attack against multiple opponents.
369 Deafening Song^EL^52^Your bardic music deafens those nearby.
370 Death Blow^CAd^106^You waste no time in dealing with downed foes.
371 Death Blow^SF^6^You waste no time in dealing with downed foes.
372 Death Frenzy^LoM^22^When an aboleth takes this feat, its sense of immortality rebels against the very concept of death.
373 Death Master^LM^26^Foes are especially afraid of your critical hits.
374 Death of Enemies^EL^52^You can instantly slay your favored enemies with a single strike.
375 Deceitful^PH^93^You have a knack for disguising the truth.
376 Deep Denizen^SS^32^You are adapted to a subterranean environment.
377 Deep Impact^XPH^45^You can strike your foe with a melee weapon as if making a touch attack.
378 Deep Vision^RS^137^Your mental focus helps you see farther with darkvision.
379 Deepening Darkness^Rac^162^Your inherent ability to create darkness is more powerful than normal.
380 Deepspawn^LoM^179^Your body undergoes a shocking degeneration into something that is strikingly inhuman.
381 Defensive Archery^RW^150^You can avoid attacks of opportunity when making ranged attacks while threatened.
382 Defensive Strike^CW^97^You can turn a strong defense into a powerful offense.
383 Defensive Strike^OA^62^You can turn a strong defense into a powerful offense.
384 Defensive Throw^CW^97^You can use your opponent's weight, strength, and momentum against her, deflecting her attack and throwing her to the ground.
385 Defensive Throw^OA^62^You can use your opponent's weight, strength, and momentum against her, deflecting her attack and throwing her to the ground.
386 Deflect Arrows^PH^93^You can deflect incoming arrows, as well as crossbow bolts, spears, and other projectile or thrown weapons.
387 Deflective Armor^RS^137^Your armor shields you from touch attacks as well as regular blows.
388 Deformity (Clawed Hands)^BV^48^Because of intentional self-mutilation, the character has deformed arms and hands ending in sharp claws.
389 Deformity (Eyes)^BV^48^The character has either drilled a hole in her forehead trying to add a third eye, or she has supernaturally scarred one of her regular eyes.
390 Deformity (Face)^BV^48^Because of intentional self-mutilation, the character has a hideous face.
391 Deformity (Gaunt)^BV^48^Through intentional starvation and macabre operations, the character is grossly underweight.
392 Deformity (Obese)^BV^48^Through intentional gorging and general gluttony, the character is obese.
393 Deft Hands^PH^93^You have exceptional manual dexterity.
394 Deft Opportunist^CAd^106^You are prepared for the unexpected.
395 Deft Opportunist^MH^25^You are prepared for the unexpected.
396 Deft Strike^CAd^106^You can place attacks at weak points in your opponent's defenses.
397 Deft Strike^Dr^103^You can place attacks at weak points in your opponent's defenses.
398 Delay Power^XPH^45^You can manifest powers that go off up to 5 rounds later.
399 Delay Spell^CAr^77^You can cast spells that take effect after a short delay of your choosing.
400 Delay Spell^FRCS^34^You can cast spells that take effect after a short delay of your choosing.
401 Delay Spell^PG^37^You can cast spells that take effect after a short delay of your choosing.
402 Delay Spell^TB^39^You can cast spells that take effect after a short delay of your choosing.
403 Demonsworn Knight^CR^22^A scornful champion of the demon princes, you detest and oppose devils and other creatures that refuse to heed the call of chaos.
404 Desert Dweller^SS^32^You are adapted to a desert environment.
405 Destruction Retribution^LM^26^Undead you raise or create harbor a retributive curse that is unleashed if they are destroyed.
406 Destructive Rage^CW^97^You can shatter barriers and objects when enraged.
407 Destructive Rage^MW^22^You shatter barriers and objects when enraged.
408 Detach^SS^32^You can remove a part of your body and use it as a ranged weapon.
409 Devastating Critical^Dr^68^Choose one type of melee weapon, such as a claw or bite. With that weapon, you are capable of killing any creature with a single strike.
410 Devastating Critical^EL^53^Choose one type of melee weapon, such as longsword or greataxe. With that weapon, you are capable of killing any creature with a single strike.
411 Devoted Inquisitor^CAd^107^Your faithful service to your patron deity involves training and methods that many paladins consider questionable.
412 Devoted Performer^CAd^107^You have foregone the pursuit of frivolous musical talents, instead entering religious training in service of honor and justice.
413 Devoted Tracker^CAd^108^You have found a balance between your woodland training and your devotion to religious training, blending these two aspects into one seamless whole.
414 Dexterous Fortitude^EL^53^You are able to resist physical attacks with exceptional agility.
415 Dexterous Will^EL^53^You are able to resist compelling effects with exceptional agility.
416 Diehard^Gh^30^You can remain conscious after attacks that would fell others.
417 Diehard^PH^93^You can remain conscious after attacks that would fell others.
418 Diligent^PH^93^Your meticulousness allows you to analyze minute details that others miss.
419 Diminutive Wild Shape^EL^53^You can wild shape into animals of Diminutive size.
420 Dinosaur Hunter^RE^108^Your extraordinary knowledge of dinosaurs grants you a special aptitude for tracking and hunting them.
421 Dinosaur Wrangler^RE^108^You are attuned to dinosaurs and possess a special bond with them.
422 Dire Charge^Dr^68^You can make a full attack as part of a charge.
423 Dire Charge^EL^53^You can make a full attack as part of a charge.
424 Dire Flail Smash^CR^17^You have mastered the style of fighting with the dire flail and have learned to deal thunderous blows with the weapon.
425 Dirty Fighting^SF^6^You know the brutal and effective fighting tactics of the streets and back alleys.
426 Dirty Rat^CR^20^You are quite adept at slipping under a foe's guard while he's distracted.
427 Disciple of Darkness^BV^49^The character formally supplicates himself to an archdevil.
428 Disciple of Darkness^CR^23^You formally supplicate yourself to an archdevil. In return for this obedience, you gain a small measure of the archdevil's power.
429 Disciple of the Sun^CD^80^You can destroy undead instead of merely turning them.
430 Discipline^FRCS^34^Your people are admired for their single-minded determination and clarity of purpose.
431 Discipline^OA^62^Your ancestor, Naka Kaeteru, was the first Grand Master of all the elements, a master of meditation and contemplation.
432 Discipline^PG^38^Your people are admired for their single-minded determination and clarity of purpose.
433 Disentangler^Rac^162^Thanks to the teachings of Thard Harr, you have practiced evading the attacks of jungle plants.
434 Disguise Spell^CAd^108^You can cast spells without observers noticing.
435 Disguise Spell^DD^50^The deity can cast spells without observers noticing it.
436 Disguise Spell^SaS^38^You can cast spells without observers noticing.
437 Disintegration Finesse^LoM^44^A creature with this feat can use disintegrate effects to affect smaller, more exacting areas.
438 Disjunction Ray^LoM^45^A beholder with this feat can narrow its antimagic cone down to an eye ray that disjoins magic.
439 Distant Shot^EL^53^You can target a thing you can see with a ranged weapon.
440 Disturbing Visage^RE^117^You can change your features to chilling effect.
441 Dive for Cover^CAd^108^You can dive behind cover or drop to the ground quickly enough to avoid many area effects.
442 Diverse Background^RD^156^You have a wide and diverse background, giving you a greater understanding of different occupations.
443 Divine Accuracy^LM^26^You can channel positive energy to give your allies' melee attacks another chance to strike true against incorporeal creatures.
444 Divine Cleansing ^CW^106^You can channel energy to improve your allies' ability to resist attacks against their vitality and health.
445 Divine Cleansing^DF^19^You can channel energy to improve you and your allies' ability to resist poison and curses.
446 Divine Damage Reduction^RS^137^You can channel energy to give yourself a small amount of protection from weapons.
447 Divine Energy Focus^Gh^30^You have a gift for channeling positive or negative energy.
448 Divine Metamagic^CD^80^You can channel energy into some of your divine spells to make them more powerful.
449 Divine Might^CW^106^You can channel energy to increase the damage you deal in combat.
450 Divine Might^DD^50^The deity can channel energy to increase its damage in combat.
451 Divine Might^DF^19^You can channel energy to increase the damage you deal in combat.
452 Divine Might^FP^214^You can channel energy to increase your damage in combat.
453 Divine Resistance^CW^106^You can channel energy to temporarily reduce damage you and your allies take from some sources.
454 Divine Resistance^DF^19^You can channel energy to temporarily reduce damage you and your allies take from some sources.
455 Divine Shield^CW^106^You can channel energy to make your shield more effective for either offense or defense.
456 Divine Shield^DF^19^You can channel energy to make your shield more effective for either offense or defense.
457 Divine Spell Penetration^PG^135^Choose one component of your alignment. Any divine spells of that alignment that you cast are more capable of defeating spell resistance than normal.
458 Divine Spell Power^CD^80^You can channel positive or negative energy to enhance your divine spellcasting ability.
459 Divine Spellshield^RS^137^You can channel energy to help your allies resist spells and spell-like effects.
460 Divine Vengeance^DD^50^The deity can channel energy to do additional damage in combat against undead.
461 Divine Vengeance^DF^20^You can channel energy to deal additional damage against undead in melee.
462 Divine Vengeance^FP^214^You channel energy to do additional energy damage in combat against undead.
463 Divine Vigor^CW^108^You can channel energy to increase your speed and durability.
464 Divine Vigor^DF^20^You can channel energy to increase your speed and Constitution.
465 Diving Charge^RW^150^You can dive down at a target to deal a devastating strike.
466 Dodge^PH^93^You are adept at dodging blows.
467 Domain Focus^CD^80^You have mastered the subtle intricacies of the divine power you've devoted yourself to.
468 Domain Spontaneity ^CD^80^You are so familiar with one of your domains that you can convert other prepared spells into spells from that domain.
469 Doomspeak^CR^20^You can demoralize an enemy with horrible condemnations and grim portents of impending doom.
470 Double Hit^MH^25^You can react with your off hand to make an additional attack along with an attack of opportunity.
471 Double Steel Strike^ECS^52^Through monastic weapon training, you have mastered a fighting style that makes use of an unusual monk weapon: the two-bladed sword.
472 Double Wand Wielder^CAr^77^You can activate two wands at the same time.
473 Draconian Breath Weapon^DCS^85^You have harnessed your draconic heritage and can attack with a dragonlike breath weapon.
474 Draconic Breath^CAr^77^You can convert your arcane spells into a breath weapon.
475 Draconic Claw^CAr^77^You develop the natural weapons of your draconic ancestors.
476 Draconic Flight^CAr^77^The secret of draconic flight is revealed to you, granting you the ability to fly occasionally.
477 Draconic Heritage^CAr^77^You have greater connection with your distant draconic bloodline.
478 Draconic Knowledge^Dr^69^You are attuned to nature and the elements and can draw on deep wells of knowledge.
479 Draconic Legacy^CAr^78^You have realized greater arcane power through your draconic heritage.
480 Draconic Power^CAr^78^You have greater power manipulating the energies of your heritage.
481 Draconic Presence^CAr^78^When you use your magic, your mere presence can terrify those around you.
482 Draconic Resistance^CAr^78^Your bloodline hardens your body against the energy type of your progenitor.
483 Draconic Skin^CAr^78^Your skin takes on the sheen, luster, and hardness of your draconic parentage.
484 Dragon Cohort^Dr^104^You gain the service of a loyal dragon ally.
485 Dragon Familiar^Dr^104^When you are able to acquire a new familiar, you may select a wyrmling dragon as a familiar.
486 Dragon Hunter ^Dr^104^You have made a special study of dragons and know how to defend against a dragon's attacks.
487 Dragon Hunter Bravery ^Dr^104^You resist dragons' frightful presence, and your mere presence helps others resist as well.
488 Dragon Hunter Defense^Dr^104^Your insight into the tactics and abilities of dragons grants you awareness of how best to avoid their magical attacks.
489 Dragon Rage^ECS^52^You call upon the power of your dragon totem to enhance your barbarian rage.
490 Dragon Steed^Dr^105^You have earned the service of a loyal draconic steed.
491 Dragon Totem^ECS^52^As a proud warrior of the barbarian tribes of Argonnessen and Seren, you have claimed one of the true dragon types as your totem -- a patron, protector, and source of strength.
492 Dragon Wild Shape^Dr^105^You can take the form of a dragon.
493 Dragon Wild Shape^EL^53^You can take the form of a dragon.
494 Dragonbane^Dr^105^You have made a special study of dragons and are adept at pulling off deliberate attacks that take advantage of a dragon's weak spots.
495 Dragoncrafter^Dr^105^You can make special weapons, armor, and other items using parts of dragons as materials.
496 Dragondoom^Dr^105^You have learned how to place blows against a dragon that deal tremendous damage.
497 Dragonfoe^Dr^105^You have learned how to attack dragons more effectively than most other individuals.
498 Dragonfriend^Dr^105^You are a known and respected ally of dragons.
499 Dragon's Toughness^MW^22^You are incredibly tough.
500 Dragonsong ^Dr^105^Your song or poetics echo the power of the dragonsong, an ancient style of vocal performance created by dragons in the distant past.
501 Dragonthrall^Dr^105^You have pledged your life to the service of evil dragonkind.
502 Draw from the Land^UE^43^You can draw strength and sustenance from the land itself.
503 Dread Tyranny^RD^154^A devoted student of Hextor's militant teachings, you are skilled at intimidating and dominating weaker beings.
504 Dreadful Wrath^PG^38^You are terrible to behold in battle, and few foes have the heart to face you without quailing
505 Dreamsight Elite^RE^113^Your dreamsight shifter trait improves.
506 Drift Magic^Sa^49^You can tap the power of drift magic.
507 Drow Eyes^Rac^162^You have trained your eyes to see in the dark as well as your full drow ancestors.
508 Drow Skirmisher^RE^109^Your experience with the guerrilla-style combat of the deep jungle grants you mastery of the weapons of the drow.
509 Dual Strike^CAd^108^You are an expert skirmisher skilled at fighting with two weapons.
510 Dual Strike^SF^6^Your combat teamwork makes you a more dangerous foe.
511 Duergar Mindshaper^Rac^162^You are accomplished at using the power of your mind to overcome weaker personalities.
512 Dungeoneer's Intuition^CSW^144^You can sense when things don't feel right, and you have a knack for avoiding deadly traps and ambushes.
513 Durable Form^LoM^180^You are much more resilient than the fragile humanoids that do not share your aberrant heritage.
514 Dust Cloud^SS^33^You can sweep dust into the air to hide from opponents.
515 Dwarf's Toughness^MW^22^You are tougher than you were before.
516 Dwarven Armor Proficiency^RS^138^You are familiar with exotic armor of dwarven manufacture and understand how to use it properly.
517 Eagle Claw Attack^CW^97^Your superior insight allows you to strike objects with impressive force.
518 Eagle Claw Attack^OA^62^Your unarmed attacks can shatter objects.
519 Eagle Claw Attack^SF^6^Your unarmed attacks shatter objects.
520 Eagle Tribe Vision^ShS^20^You have keen eyesight reminiscent of the giant eagles that fly over your tribal lands.
521 Eagle's Fury^Sa^49^You know how to wield the eagle's claw with deadly speed.
522 Eagle's Wings^CD^80^You can take wing and fly with the grace of an eagle.
523 Earth Adept^RS^138^You are in tune with the ground at your feet, making you more dangerous in the shifting conditions of combat.
524 Earth Fist^RS^138^Your bond with the earth and martial training has imbued your fists with the qualities of cold iron.
525 Earth Heritage^PlH^38^You are descended from creatures native to the Elemental Plane of Earth.
526 Earth Master^RS^138^You are in tune with the ground at your feet, helping you anticipate your opponent's movements in combat.
527 Earth Power^RS^138^You draw psionic energy from raw stone.
528 Earth Sense^RS^138^You are in tune with the earth beneath you.
529 Earth Spell^RS^138^You draw magical power from the earth beneath your feet.
530 Earth's Embrace^CW^97^You can crush opponents when you grapple them.
531 Earth's Embrace^OA^62^You can crush opponents when you grapple them.
532 Earth's Warding^RS^139^You can channel energy to infuse your skin with the strength of the earth.
533 Ecclesiarch^ECS^52^You command a degree of respect in your church's hierarchy.
534 Ectoplasm^Gh^30^You can create ectoplasm, a gooey physical manifestation of base supernatural spiritual energy.
535 Education^ECS^52^Some lands hold the pen in higher regard than the sword.
536 Education^FRCS^34^In your youth you received the benefit of several years of more or less formal schooling.
537 Education^Gh^31^In your youth you received the benefit of several years of more or less formal schooling.
538 Education^PG^38^You hail from a land where the pen is held in higher regard than the sword.
539 Efficient Item Creation^EL^53^Select an item creation feat. You can create magic items using that feat much more quickly than normal.
540 Eldritch Linguist^Rac^162^You have a deep understanding of how words themselves have their own kind of magic, and a mastery of the secret syntax of power.
541 Elemental Bloodline^Rac^163^You have taken on some of the aspects of the type of element that infuses your flesh.
542 Elemental Healing^CD^80^You can channel elemental energy to heal creatures of a specific elemental subtype.
543 Elemental Smiting^CD^81^You can channel elemental energy to deal extra damage to creatures tied to a specific element.
544 Elemental Spellcasting^PlH^39^Choose an element. You cast spells with that descriptor more effectively than normal.
545 Elephant's Hide^CD^81^You can thicken your skin to the toughness of an elephant's.
546 Elf Dilettante^RW^150^Throughout the long years of your life, you have developed a talent for doing just about anything.
547 Elfhunter^Und^25^Because of your cultural hatred for elves, you have had specific training in how best to fight them.
548 Elusive Target ^CW^110^Trying to land a blow against you can be a maddening experience.
549 Embed Spell Focus^Dr^69^You can embed focus components required for your spells into your body.
550 Empower Legacy^WL^14^You can use one of your item's legacy abilities to greater effect.
551 Empower Power^XPH^46^You can manifest powers to greater effect.
552 Empower Spell^PH^93^You can cast spells to greater effect.
553 Empower Spell-Like Ability^BV^49^The creature can use a spell-like ability with greater effect.
554 Empower Spell-Like Ability^MM^303^The creature can use a spell-like ability with greater effect than normal.
555 Empower Spell-Like Ability^MM3^206^A creature with this feat can use a spell-like ability with greater effect than normal.
556 Empower Spell-Like Ability^SS^33^You can use a spell-like ability with greater effect than normal.
557 Empower Turning^CD^81^You can turn or rebuke more undead with a single turning attempt.
558 Empower Turning^DF^20^You can turn or rebuke more undead with a single turning attempt.
559 Empower Turning^FP^214^You can turn or rebuke more undead with a single turning attempt.
560 Empower Turning^Gh^31^You can turn or rebuke more undead with a single turning attempt.
561 Empower Turning^LM^26^You can turn or rebuke greater numbers of undead with a single turning attempt.
562 Empowered Ability Damage^LM^26^Your ability damage (or ability drain) special attack is more potent than normal.
563 Empty Hand Mastery^OA^80^You have mastered the martial arts style of 'Empty Hand' -- a hard form emphasizing strikes with the hand.
564 Enchanting Song^RS^139^You can channel the power of your bardic music to temporarily increase the power of your enchantment spells.
565 Endurance^PH^93^You are capable of amazing feats of stamina.
566 Endure Blows^Dr^70^You are adept at lessening the effects of blows.
567 Endure Sunlight^LM^26^Your vulnerability to sunlight is reduced.
568 Enduring Life^LM^26^You can ignore the effect of negative levels for a short time.
569 Energize Armor^RS^139^You can charge your armor with psionic energy, making it resistant to energy damage.
570 Energize Spell^LM^26^Your spells channel positive energy to deal extra damage to undead creatures, but are less effective against other opponents.
571 Energy Admixture^CAr^78^You can modify a spell that uses one type of energy to add an equal amount of another energy type.
572 Energy Admixture^TB^39^You can modify a spell that uses one type of energy to mix in an equal amount of another type of energy.
573 Energy Affinity^MH^25^You can modify a spell that uses one type of energy to use another type of energy.
574 Energy Resistance^EL^53^You can resist the effects of a chosen type of energy.
575 Energy Substitution^CAr^79^You can modify an energy-based spell to use another type of energy instead.
576 Energy Substitution^DD^50^The deity can modify a spell that uses energy to use another type of energy.
577 Energy Substitution^Mag^21^You can modify a spell that uses one type of energy to use another type of energy.
578 Energy Substitution^TB^40^You can modify a spell that uses one type of energy to use another type of energy.
579 Enervate Spell^LM^26^Your spells channel negative energy to deal extra damage to undead creatures, but are less effective against unliving opponents.
580 Enervating Touch^Gh^31^Your touch can bestow negative levels upon creatures.
581 Enervative Healing^Rac^163^You can use the life energy of an opponent to heal yourself.
582 Enhance Effect^PG^135^You can change the characteristics of a persistent spell effect that is already in place.
583 Enhance Item^EL^114^You can increase the minimum DC for saving throws of magic items that you
584 Enhance Spell^CAr^191^You can increase the power limit of your damage-dealing spells.
585 Enhance Spell^EL^53^You can increase the power limit of your damage-dealing spells.
586 Enhanced Adhesive^Und^25^The natural adhesive you secrete becomes stickier.
587 Enhanced Power Sigils^RD^152^Your illumian power sigils are more powerful than normal.
588 Enlarge Breathe^Dr^70^Your breath weapon is larger than normal.
589 Enlarge Mucus Cloud^LoM^22^An aboleth with this feat can extend its mucus cloud into a wider area.
590 Enlarge Power^XPH^46^You can manifest powers farther than normal.
591 Enlarge Spell^PH^94^You can cast spells farther than normal.
592 Entangling Spell^CR^20^Your spell releases residual eldritch power that entangles your enemies.
593 Epic Combat Expertise ^CW^151^You have extraordinary talent at using your combat skill for defense.
594 Epic Counterspell^PG^135^You can counterspell any number of spells each round.
595 Epic Devotion^CD^89^Choose an alignment component different from your own alignment. You are particularly resistant to spells of that alignment.
596 Epic Devotion^PG^135^Choose an alignment component that you do not possess. You are particularly resistant to spells with that descriptor.
597 Epic Dodge^CAd^191^You are able to evade attacks with exceptional agility.
598 Epic Dodge^EL^54^You are able to evade attacks with exceptional agility.
599 Epic Endurance^EL^54^You are capable of legendary feats of stamina.
600 Epic Expanded Knowledge^XPH^34^You learn another power.
601 Epic Fortitude^Dr^70^You have tremendously high fortitude.
602 Epic Fortitude^EL^54^You have tremendously high fortitude.
603 Epic Inspiration^EL^54^Your bardic music provides greater inspiration than normally possible.
604 Epic Leadership^EL^54^You attract more powerful cohorts and followers than normally possible.
605 Epic Prowess^CW^151^You have great skill in combat.
606 Epic Prowess^EL^54^You gain great skill in combat.
607 Epic Psionic Focus^XPH^34^You can expend your psionic focus to greater effect.
608 Epic Reflexes^Dr^70^You have tremendously fast reflexes.
609 Epic Reflexes^EL^54^You have tremendously fast reflexes.
610 Epic Reputation^CAd^191^Your reputation provides great bonuses on interactions with others.
611 Epic Reputation^EL^54^Your reputation provides great bonuses on interactions with others.
612 Epic Skill Focus^CAd^191^Choose a skill, such as Move Silently. You have a legendary knack with that skill.
613 Epic Skill Focus^EL^54^Choose a skill, such as Move Silently. You have a legendary knack with that skill.
614 Epic Speed^EL^54^You can move much more quickly than a normal person.
615 Epic Spell Focus ^CAr^192^Choose a school of magic, such as illusion. Your spells of that school are for more potent than normal.
616 Epic Spell Focus^EL^54^Choose a school of magic, such as illusion. Your spells of that school are for more potent than normal.
617 Epic Spell Penetration^CAr^192^Your spells are tremendously potent, breaking through spell resistance with ease.
618 Epic Spell Penetration^EL^54^Your spells are tremendously potent, breaking through spell resistance with ease.
619 Epic Spellcasting^EL^55^You can create and cast spells that transcend the most powerful existing spells.
620 Epic Spellfire Wielder^PG^136^You can store more spellfire energy levels than normal.
621 Epic Sunder^CW^151^You are preternaturally tough.
622 Epic Toughness^CW^151^You are specially good at using one chosen type of weapon.
623 Epic Toughness^EL^55^You are preternaturally tough.
624 Epic Weapon Focus ^CW^151^You deal extra damage when attacking objects.
625 Epic Weapon Focus^EL^55^Choose one type of weapon, such as a greataxe. You are especially good at using this weapon.
626 Epic Weapon Specialization^EL^55^Choose one type of weapon, such as a greataxe. You deal extraordinary damage wielding this weapon.
627 Epic Will^Dr^70^You have tremendously strong willpower.
628 Epic Will^EL^55^You have tremendously strong willpower.
629 Eschew Materials ^DD^50^The deity can cast spells without material components.
630 Eschew Materials^EL^69^You can cast spells without material components.
631 Eschew Materials^FP^214^You can cast spells without material components.
632 Eschew Materials^LD^189^You can cast spells without material components.
633 Eschew Materials^Mag^22^You can cast spells without material components.
634 Eschew Materials^PH^94^You can cast spells without relying on material components.
635 Eschew Materials^TB^40^You can cast spells without material components.
636 Eternal Strength^RD^155^You have taken Kord's fighting ways to heart. Throwing yourself into every brawl, you draw upon your mighty deity's strength.
637 Ethereal Sidestep^Gh^31^You can teleport yourself a short distance.
638 Ethran^FRCS^34^You have been initiated into the secrets of the Witches of Rashemen as a member of the Ethran, the 'untried.'
639 Ethran^PG^38^You have been initiated into the secrets of the Witches of Rashemen as a member of the Ethran, the 'untrained.'
640 Ettercap Berserker^UE^43^The intense physical training required to join your lodge has made you tougher.
641 Evil Brand^BV^49^The character is physically marked forever as a servant of an evil power or as a villain.
642 Evil Brand^CR^23^You are physically marked forever as a servant of an evil power or as a villain.
643 Evil Embraced^CR^23^You embrace the power of your fiendish patron and call upon that power in moments of great need.
644 Eviscerator^LM^26^The allies of your foes are especially afraid of your critical hits.
645 Exalted Companion^BE^42^Instead of an animal companion, you have a magical beast of good alignment.
646 Exalted Smite^BE^42^Your smite ability is empowered with holy energy.
647 Exalted Spell Resistance^BE^42^You are particularly resistant to evil spells.
648 Exalted Turning^BE^42^You turn undead with such power that affected undead take damage.
649 Exalted Wild Shape^BE^42^You can use your wild shape ability to take the form of a good-aligned magical beast.
650 Exceptional Artisan^ECS^52^You are an expert at creating magic items faster than usual.
651 Exceptional Deflection^EL^55^You can deflect any type of ranged attack.
652 Exotic Armor Proficiency^RS^139^Choose a type of exotic armor. You understand how to wear that type of exotic armor properly.
653 Exotic Armor Proficiency^Und^25^Choose a type of exotic armor. You understand how to wear that type of exotic armor properly.
654 Exotic Shield Proficiency^RS^139^Choose an exotic shield. You are proficient with that type of exotic shield.
655 Exotic Weapon Proficiency^PH^94^Choose a type of exotic weapon. You understand how to use that type of exotic weapon in combat.
656 Expanded Aura of Courage^HB^97^Your aura of courage protects more allies than normal.
657 Expanded Knowledge^XPH^46^You learn another power.
658 Expanded Possession^Gh^31^You can ride or possess an additional type of creature.
659 Expeditious Dodge^RW^150^You're good at avoiding attacks while moving quickly.
660 Expert Siege Engineer^HB^97^You are particularly skilled at operating siege weapons, such as catapults and battering rams.
661 Expert Swimmer^Sto^92^You swim like a fish. You can stay underwater far longer than others of your race, and you are at home in the water.
662 Expert Tactician^CAd^109^Your tactical skills work to your advantage.
663 Expert Tactician^SaS^38^Your tactical skills work to your advantage.
664 Expert Tactician^SF^6^Your tactical skills work to your advantage.
665 Explosive Spell^CAr^79^You can cast spells that blast creatures off their feet.
666 Explosive Spell^UE^43^You can cast spells that blast creatures off their feet.
667 Extend Power^XPH^46^You can manifest powers that last longer than normal.
668 Extend Rage^CW^97^You are able to maintain your rage longer than most.
669 Extend Rage^ECS^52^You are able to maintain your rage longer than most.
670 Extend Spell^PH^94^You can cast spells that last longer than normal.
671 Extend Spreading Breath^Dr^70^You can convert your breath weapon into a spread effect that can be used at range.
672 Extended Life Span^EL^56^You are exceptionally long-lived.
673 Extended Rage^MW^22^Your rage lasts longer than it normally would.
674 Extended Rage^UE^43^Your rage lasts longer than it normally would.
675 Extended Reach^SS^34^Your flexible body allows you to reach farther than normal.
676 Extra Domain Spell^MH^26^You have chosen to be more specialized in a particular domain.
677 Extra Edge^CAr^79^Your ability to deal spell damage is particularly striking.
678 Extra Favored Enemy^Gh^32^You select an additional favored enemy.
679 Extra Favored Enemy^MW^22^You select an additional favored enemy.
680 Extra Followers^HB^97^Your charismatic magnetism attracts even more followers to your banner.
681 Extra Invocation^CAr^79^You learn an additional invocation.
682 Extra Item Space^SS^34^You can wear more magic items than are normally allowed.
683 Extra Music^CAd^109^You can use your bardic music more often than you otherwise could.
684 Extra Music^DD^50^The deity can use its bardic songs more often than it otherwise could.
685 Extra Music^ECS^52^You can use your bardic music more often than you otherwise could.
686 Extra Music^SaS^39^You can use your bardic music more often than you otherwise could.
687 Extra Rage^CW^98^You may rage more frequently than normal.
688 Extra Rage^MW^22^You rage more frequently than you normally would.
689 Extra Rings^ECS^53^Your familiarity with forging magic rings allows you to make use of more rings than normal.
690 Extra Shifter Trait^ECS^53^You manifest a second shifter trait while shifting.
691 Extra Shifter Trait^MM3^150^You manifest a second shifter trait while shifting.
692 Extra Shifter Trait^RE^114^You manifest a second shifter trait while shifting.
693 Extra Silence^RS^139^You can generate a field of silence more often than other whisper gnomes can.
694 Extra Slot^CAr^79^You can cast an additional spell.
695 Extra Slot^Gh^32^You can cast an extra spell.
696 Extra Slot^TB^40^You can cast an extra spell.
697 Extra Smiting^CW^98^You can make more smite attacks.
698 Extra Smiting^DF^20^You can make more smite attacks.
699 Extra Spell^CAr^79^You learn an additional spell.
700 Extra Spell^TB^40^You can learn one more spell.
701 Extra Spell Secret^CAr^80^You learn an additional spell secret.
702 Extra Stunning^CW^98^You gain extra stunning attacks.
703 Extra Stunning Attacks^SF^6^You gain extra stunning attacks when fighting unarmed.
704 Extra Turning^PH^94^You can turn or rebuke creatures more often than normal.
705 Extra Wild Shape^CD^81^You can use wild shape more frequently than you normally could.
706 Extra Wild Shape^Gh^32^You can use wild shape more frequently than you normally could.
707 Extra Wild Shape^MW^22^You use wild shape more frequently than you normally could.
708 Extra Wild Shape^Und^25^You can use wild shape more frequently than you normally could.
709 Extraordinary Artisan^ECS^53^You are an expert at creating magic items at a lower cost than usual.
710 Extraordinary Concentration^CAd^109^Your mind is so focused that you can cast spells even while concentrating on another spell.
711 Extraordinary Spell Aim^CAd^109^You can shape a spell's area to exclude one creature from its effects.
712 Eyes in the Back of Your Head^CW^98^Your superior battle sense helps minimize the threat of flanking.
713 Eyes in the Back of Your Head^DD^50^The deity's superior battle sense helps minimize the threat of flanking attacks.
714 Eyes in the Back of Your Head^SF^6^Your superior battle sense helps minimize the threat of flanking.
715 Eyes of Light^Rac^163^You can focus the holy power within you to create a beam of destructive light energy.
716 Eyes to the Sky^UA^93^You have an instinctive sense of when someone is magically watching you.
717 Fade^Gh^32^You can make your ghost body more diaphanous and difficult to detect.
718 Faith in the Frost^Fr^48^You channel frozen energies from your deity when you turn or rebuke creatures.
719 Falling Far Strike^OA^62^You have mastered the art of striking a nerve that blinds a humanoid opponent.
720 False Pretenses^UA^93^Those who try to charm you get an unpleasant surprise.
721 Familiar Concentration^LE^8^In the tradition of Narfell's ancient summoners, your familiar can concentrate to maintain spells for you.
722 Familiar Spell^DMG^209^Your familiar can cast a spell.
723 Familiar Spell^EL^56^Your familiar can use one of your spells as a spell-like ability.
724 Familiar Spell^Und^25^You are so well acquainted with the spells you have mastered that you can store the prepared spells in the mind of your familiar.
725 Far Horizons^RD^155^By dedicating yourself to the philosophies of Fharlanghn, you have become a more world-wise and capable traveler.
726 Far Shot^PH^94^You can get greater distance out of a ranged weapon.
727 Fast Healing^Dr^70^You heal your wounds very quickly.
728 Fast Healing^EL^56^You heal your wounds very quickly.
729 Fast Wild Shape^CD^81^You assume your wild shape faster and more easily than you otherwise could.
730 Fast Wild Shape^Gh^32^You can assume your wild shape faster and more easily than you normally could.
731 Fast Wild Shape^MW^22^You assume your wild shape faster and more easily than you otherwise could.
732 Faster Healing^CW^98^You recover faster than normal.
733 Faster Healing^MW^22^You recover faster than others do.
734 Favored Critical^MW^23^You know how to hit your favored enemies where it hurts.
735 Favored in House^ECS^53^You are a member of one of the dragonmarked mercantile houses and wield some influence in that house.
736 Favored of the Companions^BE^43^You swear allegiance to the Talisid or one of the Five Companions, the paragons of the guardinals, and in exchange gain power to act on their behalf.
737 Favored of the Zulkirs^PG^176^Through your position of prestige among the Red Wizards, you have gained access to secrets of evil magic known to few outside the zulkirs themselves.
738 Favored Power Attack^CW^98^You are able to deal more damage against your favored enemies.
739 Fearless^PG^38^You are a stranger to fear.
740 Fearless Destiny^RD^152^Your grand destiny allows you to avoid death.
741 Fearsome and Fearless^OA^62^You claim descent from the first Akodo, the paragon of samurai virtue.
742 Feign Weakness^SF^6^You capitalize on your foe's perceptions of your unarmed status.
743 Fell Animate^LM^26^Living foes slain by your spell may rise as zombies.
744 Fell Drain^LM^27^Living foes damaged by your spell also gain a negative level.
745 Fell Frighten^LM^27^Living foes damaged by your spell are also shaken.
746 Fell Shot^XPH^46^You can strike your foe with a ranged weapon as if making a touch attack.
747 Fell Weaken^LM^27^Living foes damaged by your spell are also weakened.
748 Feral Animal Companion^CR^20^You can enslave a feral animal and adopt it as your animal companion.
749 Fiendish Bloodline^Rac^163^Some of your latent abilities, inherited from an unusually powerful fiendish ancestor, have matured.
750 Fiendish Heritage^PlH^39^You are descended from creatures native to the Lower Planes.
751 Fiendish Summoning Specialist^PlH^39^You can select from a larger number of options when summoning evil creatures.
752 Fiery Spell^Sa^49^Your fire magic is bolstered, further scorching your enemies.
753 Filth Eater^Sh^157^You are highly resistant to the effects of disease and can usually eat spoiled food without suffering ill effects.
754 Final Strike^SS^34^Your death throes are destructive.
755 Fine Wild Shape^EL^56^You can wild shape into animals of Fine size.
756 Fire Heritage^PlH^39^You are descended from creatures native to the Elemental Plane of Fire.
757 Fist of the Heavens^BE^43^Your stunning attack is empowered by celestial might.
758 Fists of Iron^CW^99^You have learned the secrets of imbuing your unarmed attacks with extra force.
759 Fists of Iron^OA^62^You have learned the secrets of imbuing your unarmed attacks with extra force.
760 Fists of Iron^SF^6^You have learned the secrets of imbuing your unarmed attacks with extra force.
761 Flay Foe^CR^20^You are skilled at flaying the flesh from your enemy's bones.
762 Fleet of Foot^CW^99^You run nimbly, able to turn corners without losing momentum.
763 Fleet of Foot^DD^50^The deity runs so nimbly that it can turn corners without losing momentum.
764 Fleet of Foot^PG^38^You are extraordinarily swift.
765 Fleet of Foot^SaS^39^You run so nimbly that you can turn corners without losing momentum.
766 Flensing Strike^ECS^53^You have studied a martial style practiced by monks devoted to the Mockery, which has taught you to cut your opponent's skin in a very painful way.
767 Flick of the Wrist^CW^99^With a single motion, you can draw a light weapon and make a devastating attack.
768 Flick of the Wrist^RW^150^With a single motion, you can draw a light weapon and make a devastating attack.
769 Flick of the Wrist^SaS^39^With a single motion, you can draw a light weapon and make a devastating attack.
770 Fling Ally^RS^139^You can launch your comrades into the air as if they were thrown weapons.
771 Fling Enemy^RS^140^When you're wrestling a foe, you can lift him into the air and hurl him.
772 Fling Enemy^SS^34^You can pick up an opponent and fling it.
773 Flyby Attack^MM^303^The creature can attack on the wing.
774 Flyby Attack^MM2^18^The creature can attack on the wing.
775 Flyby Attack^MM3^206^A creature with this feat can attack on the wing.
776 Flyby Attack^Mon^9^The creature can attack on the wing.
777 Flyby Attack^MW^23^You attack while on the wing.
778 Flyby Breath^DCS^85^You can employ your breath weapon in a high-speed attack pass.
779 Flying Fish Leap^Sto^92^You can hurl yourself out of the water with ease.
780 Flying Kick^CW^99^You literally leap into battle, dealing devastating damage.
781 Flying Kick^OA^62^You literally leap into battle, dealing devastating damage.
782 Focused Antimagic^LoM^45^A beholder with this feat can focus the antimagic of its central eye to target a single person or object.
783 Focused Mind^RW^151^When you have the opportunity to concentrate on a task, you usually do very well at it.
784 Focused Shield^RS^140^Your mental focus makes you more adept at using your shield.
785 Focused Sunder^XPH^46^You can sense the stress points on others' weapons.
786 Foe Hunter^FRCS^34^In lands threatened by evil nonhumans, many warriors learn ways to fight effectively against these creatures.
787 Foe Hunter^Gh^32^You have been trained in the methods of fighting various kinds of yuan-ti.
788 Foe Hunter^PG^38^In a land threatened by fierce raiders, you have learned to fight effectively against certain foes.
789 Foe Specialist^MH^26^You are trained at how to damage a particular type of foe.
790 Foot and Fist Mastery^OA^80^You have mastered the martial arts style of 'Foot and Fist' -- a hard form emphasizing strikes with the hands and feet.
791 Force of Personality^CAd^109^You have cultivated an unshakable belief in your self-worth.
792 Force of Will^XPH^46^You are able to resist psionic attacks with extreme force of will.
793 Forceful Staff Style^Gh^32^You can stun people with your quarterstaff and push them around after you stun them.
794 Forest Gnome Phantasist^Rac^163^You can protect your forest home with a variety of phantasms and patterns to befuddle your foes.
795 Forester^FRCS^35^You are knowledgeable about the secrets of the forest and wise in its ways.
796 Forester^PG^39^You are one with Faerun's mighty forests.
797 Forge Epic Ring^EL^56^You can craft magic rings of epic power.
798 Forge Ring^PH^94^You can create magic rings, which have varied magical effects.
799 Forgeheart^PG^39^Because you are inured to the hellish heat of your homeland, you are resistant to blasts of fire that would damage other creatures.
800 Forked Tongue^SK^145^You speak with a honeyed voice that bends listeners to your will.
801 Formation Expert^CW^110^You are trained at fighting in ranks and files.
802 Fortify Spell^CAr^80^You cast spells that more easily penetrate spell resistance.
803 Fortify Spell^UE^43^You can cast spells that easily penetrate spell resistance.
804 Freezing the Lifeblood^CW^99^You can paralyze a humanoid opponent with an unarmed attack.
805 Freezing the Lifeblood^OA^62^You can paralyze a humanoid opponent with an unarmed attack.
806 Freezing Touch^Gh^33^Your touch is supernaturally cold.
807 Frightful Moan^Gh^33^You can unleash a moan that panics creatures near you.
808 Frightful Presence^Dr^106^Like a dragon, your mere presence can terrify those around you.
809 Frightful Presence^Gh^33^Your very presence can cause others to be stricken with fear.
810 Frostfell Prodigy^Fr^48^You gain additional bonus spells in cold regions.
811 Frozen Berserker^Fr^48^When you enter your barbarian rage, your body becomes infused with cold energy.
812 Frozen Magic^Fr^48^Your cold spells are more powerful when you cast them in a cold region.
813 Frozen Wild Shape^Fr^48^You can assume the form of magical beasts with the cold subtype.
814 Full Manifestation^Gh^33^You can manifest fully when you would otherwise be forced to be incorporeal.
815 Furious Charge^PG^39^Your people are known for their love of battle, and they rarely waste time in meeting a foe blade-to-blade.
816 Gap of the Serpent^SS^35^You can swallow larger creatures than normal.
817 Gape of the Serpent^SK^146^Like a snake, you can stretch your mouth to an outlandish extent to accommodate immense prey.
818 Gargantuan Wild Shape^EL^56^You can wild shape into animals of Gargantuan size.
819 Gatekeeper Initiate^ECS^54^You have been trained in the ancient druidic tradition of the Gatekeepers, founded originally to ward off an extraplanar assault by aberrations.
820 Genie Lore^Rac^163^You have studied centuries of Calishite lore regarding geniekind.
821 Gestalt Anchor^RE^112^Your strong bond to your quori spirit allows you and your kalashtar allies to move and act as a fluid unit.
822 Ghost Attack^XPH^46^Your deadly strikes against incorporeal foes always hit their mark.
823 Ghost Flight^Gh^33^Your fully manifested ghost body can fly.
824 Ghost Glide^Gh^33^Your fully manifested ghost body can slowly fly.
825 Ghost Hand^Gh^33^You can move small objects in a limited manner when you are a ghost.
826 Ghost Healing^Gh^33^You can transfer some of your own ectoplasm to another ghost to heal it.
827 Ghost Ride^Gh^33^You can hide within the physical body of a living creature, perceiving the world through its senses, but without the ability to control the host.
828 Ghost Scarred^LM^27^You are adept at fighting incorporeal undead.
829 Ghost Smiting^Gh^34^You can use your smite ability to smite ghosts.
830 Ghostly Grasp^LM^27^You can handle corporeal objects even while corporeal.
831 Ghost-Touch Spell^Gh^34^You know how to tune your damaging spells to affect ghosts without harming other creatures.
832 Giantbane^CW^111^You are trained in fighting foes larger than you are.
833 Giant's Toughness^MW^23^You are amazingly tough.
834 Gift of Discernment^PG^176^You can rely on your conscience to steer you away from evil deeds.
835 Gift of Faith^BE^43^You have an unusual capacity to trust in divine providence working all things for the good.
836 Gift of Grace^BE^43^You can improve the saving throws of your allies by sharing some of your divine grace.
837 Gift of Tongues^Gh^34^You have an intuitive talent for learning languages.
838 Gift of Tongues^Rac^163^You have an intuitive talent for learning languages.
839 Gifted General^OA^62^Your ancestor Daidoji Yurei, an ancient daimyo of the Daidoji family, was a gifted general -- the first in Rokugan to use guerilla warfare.
840 Glorious Weapons^CD^82^You can channel positive or negative energy to imbue your allies' weapons with an alignment.
841 Gnoll Ferocity^RW^151^You embody the savage ferocity of your people. When you fly into a berserk rage, you can bite opponents with your powerful jaws.
842 Gnome Foe Killer^RS^140^Your battle techniques against your racial foes improve.
843 Goad ^CAd^109^You are skilled at inducing opponents to attack you.
844 Goad^MH^26^You are skilled at inducing opponents to attack you.
845 Goad^RS^140^You are skilled at inducing opponents to attack you.
846 Godsight^LE^8^You enjoy the special blessing of a deity of the Mulhorandi pantheon, who has granted you unerring powers of perception.
847 Gold Dwarf Dweomersmith^Rac^163^You have learned the secrets of gold dwarf magic that creates or enhances weapons.
848 Gorebrute Elite^RE^114^Your mighty charge attack can knock down foes.
849 Graft Flesh^FF^207^You can apply a certain type of graft to other living creatures or to yourself.
850 Graft Flesh^LM^27^You can apply a certain type of graft to other living creatures or to yourself.
851 Graft Flesh^LoM^216^You can apply a certain type of graft to other living creatures or to yourself.
852 Graft Illithid Flesh^Und^25^You can apply illithid grafts to other living creatures or to yourself.
853 Graft Yuan-Ti Flesh^SK^146^You can apply yuan-ti grafts to other living creatures or to yourself.
854 Grand Malevolence^Gh^34^You can possess multiple creatures and control their actions.
855 Grappling Block^OA^63^You can catch and pin an opponent's weapon with your bare hands.
856 Grass Trekker^SS^35^You are adapted to a plains environment.
857 Great Bite^ECS^54^You know how to hit where it hurts with your fangs.
858 Great Captain^Sto^92^You are a master pilot and battle leader; your crew anticipates your every command and leaps to do your bidding.
859 Great Charisma^EL^56^Your powers of persuasion and leadership are greater than normal.
860 Great Cleave^PH^94^You can wield a melee weapon with such power that you can strike multiple times when you fell your foes.
861 Great Constitution^EL^56^Your health and endurance are greater than normal.
862 Great Crafter^OA^63^Your ancestor, Kaiu, was the first and greatest blacksmith of the Crab clan.
863 Great Dexterity^EL^56^Your agility and coordination are greater than normal.
864 Great Diplomat^OA^63^You are descended from Asako, one of the companions of the first Phoenix, a great healer, diplomat, and warrior.
865 Great Flyby Attack^SS^35^You can make multiple flyby attacks in a round.
866 Great Fortitude^PH^94^You are tougher than normal.
867 Great Intelligence^EL^56^Your powers of reason and learning are greater than normal.
868 Great Rend^ECS^54^You know how to hit where it hurts with your claws.
869 Great Smiting^DMG^209^Your smite attacks are much more powerful than normal.
870 Great Smiting^EL^56^Your smite attacks are much more powerful than normal.
871 Great Stag Berserker^UE^43^Your fighting style employs aggressive charges in the manner of your lodge's totem animal.
872 Great Stamina^OA^63^Your ancestor, Daidoji Masashigi, gave his life defending the Kaiu Wall alongside the Crab at the Battle of the Landbridge.
873 Great Strength^EL^57^Your muscle and physical power are greater than normal.
874 Great Teamwork^OA^63^You are a descendant of Hida Banuken, the Crab champion who oversaw the construction of the Kaiu Wall during the battle of the Cresting Wave.
875 Great Wisdom^EL^57^Your willpower and insight are greater than normal.
876 Greater Ki Shout^OA^63^Your ki shout can panic your opponents.
877 Greater Cold Focus^Fr^48^Your cold spells are now even more potent than before.
878 Greater Dragonmark^ECS^54^You have a greater dragonmark.
879 Greater Heavy Armor Optimization^RS^141^You have mastered the use of heavy armor, maximizing its protective qualities while moving more easily in it.
880 Greater Kiai Shout^CW^99^You kiai shout can panic your opponents.
881 Greater Legacy^WL^14^You awaken the most powerful abilities of a specific item of legacy.
882 Greater Manyshot^XPH^47^You are skilled at firing many arrows at once, even at different opponents.
883 Greater Mighty Roar^SS^35^You unsettle opponents with a dreadful roar as you attack.
884 Greater Multigrab^SK^146^You can grapple enemies effortlessly with your natural weapons.
885 Greater Multigrab^SS^35^You can grapple enemies effortlessly with your natural weapons.
886 Greater Multiweapon Fighting^DD^50^A deity with three or more hands can fight with a weapon in each hand.
887 Greater Multiweapon Fighting^EL^69^A creature with three or more hands can fight with a weapon in each hand.
888 Greater Multiweapon Fighting^SS^35^A creature with three or more arms can fight with a weapon in each hand. The creature can make up to three attacks per round with each extra weapon.
889 Greater Power Penetration^XPH^47^Your powers are especially potent at breaking through power resistance.
890 Greater Power Specialization^XPH^47^You deal more damage with your powers.
891 Greater Powerful Charge^ECS^54^You can charge with extra force.
892 Greater Powerful Charge^MH^27^You can charge with extra force.
893 Greater Psionic Endowment^XPH^47^You can use meditation to focus your powers.
894 Greater Psionic Fist^XPH^47^You can charge your unarmed strike or natural weapon with additional damage potential.
895 Greater Psionic Shot^XPH^47^You can charge your ranged attacks with additional damage potential.
896 Greater Psionic Weapon^XPH^47^You can charge your melee weapon with additional damage potential.
897 Greater Resiliency^CW^99^Your extraordinary resilience to damage increases.
898 Greater Resiliency^MW^23^Your extraordinary resilience to damage increases.
899 Greater Shifter Defense^ECS^54^By delving deeper into your shifter heritage, you develop the ability to ignore some damage from every attack.
900 Greater Spell Focus^DD^50^The deity chooses a school of magic to which it already has applied the Spell Focus feat.
901 Greater Spell Focus^EL^69^Choose a school of magic, such as illusion. Your spells of that school are far more potent than normal.
902 Greater Spell Focus^FRCS^35^Choose a school of magic to which you already have applied the Spell Focus feat. Your spells of that school are even more potent than normal.
903 Greater Spell Focus^PH^94^Choose a school of magic to which you already have applied the Spell Focus feat. Your spells of that school are even more potent than normal.
904 Greater Spell Focus^TB^40^Choose a school of magic to which you already have applied the Spell Focus feat. Your spells of that school are even more potent than normal.
905 Greater Spell Penetration^DD^50^The deity's spells are especially potent, defeating spell resistance more readily than normal.
906 Greater Spell Penetration^EL^69^Your spells are especially potent, defeating spell resistance more readily than normal.
907 Greater Spell Penetration^FRCS^35^Your spells are especially potent, defeating spell resistance more readily than normal.
908 Greater Spell Penetration^PH^94^Your spells are remarkably potent, breaking through spell resistance more readily than normal.
909 Greater Spell Penetration^TB^40^Your spells are especially potent, breaking through spell resistance more readily than normal.
910 Greater Two-Weapon Defense^CW^100^When fighting with two weapons, your defenses are extraordinarily strong.
911 Greater Two-Weapon Fighting^DD^50^The deity is a master at fighting two-handed.
912 Greater Two-Weapon Fighting^EL^69^You are a master at fighting two-handed.
913 Greater Two-Weapon Fighting^MW^23^You are a master at fighting two-handed.
914 Greater Two-Weapon Fighting^PH^95^You are a master at fighting two-handed.
915 Greater Weapon Focus^PH^95^Choose one type of weapon for which you have already selected Weapon Focus. You can also choose unarmed strike or grapple as your weapon for purposes of this feat. You are especially good at using this weapon.
916 Greater Weapon Specialization^PH^95^Choose one type of weapon for which you have already selected Weapon Specialization You can also choose unarmed strike or grapple as your weapon for purposes of this feat. You deal extra damage when using this weapon.
917 Greater Witchlight^Gh^34^Your witchlight can last longer, become hotter, or give off more light.
918 Green Bond^Gh^35^You have an empathic bond with one of the spirit trees around Manifest
919 Green Ear^CAd^110^Your bardic music can affect plant creatures.
920 Green Ear^SaS^39^Your bardic music and virtuoso performance affect plants and plant creatures.
921 Greenbound Summoning^LE^8^You are learned in a long-forgotten manner of summoning once practiced by Eaerlanni elves of the High Forest.
922 Greensinger Initiate^ECS^54^You have embraced the druidic traditions of the Greensingers, a chaotic Eldeen Reaches sect with close ties to the fey.
923 Grell Alchemy^LoM^114^A creature that has this feat has studied the alien and disturbing arcane lore of the grell, and understands the magical and physical laws by which their spells and devices function.
924 Grim Visage^Rac^163^Your eyes have seen a lot, and now they show everyone that you aren't to be trifled with. Even glib people stammer in your presence.
925 Grizzly's Claws^CD^82^You can grow claws as sharp as those of a bear.
926 Group Inspiration^CAd^192^Your bardic powers can inspire more allies than normal.
927 Group Inspiration^EL^57^You can inspire competence or greatness in more than one ally simultaneously.
928 Guardian Spirit^CAr^80^Your watchful spirit is more capable than normal.
929 Guerrilla Scout^HB^97^You know how to use your senses to greater effect.
930 Guerrilla Warrior^HB^97^You know how to move stealthily, even when armored.
931 Halruuan Adept^ShS^20^You have studied the old cooperative spellcasting traditions of Halruaa, and you are well-versed in the rites and arcana of Halruuan magic.
932 Hammer Fist^Rac^164^You are trained in an unarmed fighting style that emphasizes a two-handed strike.
933 Hammer's Edge^CW^113^You are a master of the style of fighting with a hammer and sword at the same time.
934 Hamstring^CW^100^You can wound your opponents' legs, hampering their movement.
935 Hamstring^SaS^39^You can wound an opponent's legs, hampering his or her movement.
936 Hand of Tyr^CSW^145^You have sacrificed your right hand to Tyr, the Maimed God, proving your resilience and strength of spirit.
937 Hands of a Healer^BE^43^You can heal more damage than normal by laying on hands.
938 Hardened Flesh^LM^27^Undead you raise or create can better handle themselves in a fight.
939 Harem Trained^Rac^164^You have been trained to serve as a jhasin (if male) or jhasina (if female) and are well versed in song, music, dance, art, the recitation of great literature, the art of massage, and other duties of the harem.
940 Haunting Appearance^Gh^35^You can make your ghost body assume a terrifying appearance that can frighten observers.
941 Haunting Melody^ECS^54^You can use your music to inspire fear.
942 Haunting Voice^Gh^35^You can make your voice originate from another location.
943 Hawk's Vision^CAd^114^You can improve your visual acuity.
944 Headlong Rush^Rac^164^You charge your foes with immense force, heedless of your own safety.
945 Healing Factor^ECS^55^When your current period of shifting ends, you heal a limited amount of damage.
946 Healing Factor^MM3^150^When your current period of shifting ends, you heal a limited amount of damage.
947 Healing Flames^Rac^164^You can draw energy from open flames to heal yourself.
948 Hear the Unseen^CAd^110^Your sense of hearing is so acute that you can partially pinpoint an opponent's location by sound, allowing you to strike even if the opponent is concealed or displaced.
949 Heat Endurance^Sa^50^Either as a result of growing up in the waste, or by training your body and mind to ignore the effects of searing heat, you can exist with ease in high-temperature environments.
950 Heat Tolerance^ShS^20^You are used to living in hot, humid conditions.
951 Heavy Armor Optimization^RS^141^You have trained extensively in heavy armor, and you have learned to take advantage of the protection it offers.
952 Heavy Lithoderms^RS^141^You have stony growths on your skin that afford you protection against attacks.
953 Heighten Breath^Dr^70^Your breath weapon is even more deadly than normal.
954 Heighten Spell^PH^95^You can cast a spell as if it were a higher-level spell than it actually is.
955 Heighten Spell-Like Ability^CAr^80^You can use a spell-like ability as if it were a higher spell-level equivalent than it actually is.
956 Heighten Turning^DF^20^You can affect more powerful undead with your turning or rebuking attempts.
957 Heighten Turning^FP^214^You can affect more powerful undead with your turning or rebuking attempts.
958 Heighten Turning^Gh^35^You can affect more powerful undead with your turning or rebuking attempts.
959 Heighten Turning^LM^27^You can affect more powerful undead with your turning or rebuking attempts.
960 Hellbound Knight^CR^23^A devoted disciple of the Nine Hells, you have sworn to strike down creatures that oppose law and threaten tyranny.
961 Heroic Destiny^RD^152^You have a destiny to fulfill.
962 Heroic Metamagic^RE^109^In times of great need, you can call upon a heroic reserve of power to strengthen your spells.
963 Heroic Spirit^ECS^55^You have a larger reservoir of luck than the average hero.
964 High Sword Low Axe^CW^113^You have mastered the style of fighting with a sword and axe at the same time.
965 Highborn Drow^Rac^164^You have learned how to tap into the advanced magical abilities of your drow noble heritage.
966 Highborn Drow^Und^25^You have learned how to tap into the advanced magical abilities available to you through your drow noble heritage.
967 Hin Wandermage^Rac^164^You have a natural affinity for spells that take you from place to place.
968 Hindering Song^EL^57^Your bardic music interferes with opposing spellcasters.
969 Hold the Line^CW^100^You are trained in defensive techniques against charging opponents.
970 Hold the Line^DD^51^The deity is trained in defensive techniques against charging opponents.
971 Hold the Line^SF^7^You are trained in defensive techniques against charging opponents.
972 Hold the Line^ShS^20^You are trained in defensive techniques against charging opponents.
973 Holy Ki Strike^BE^44^Your unarmed attacks deal extra damage to evil creatures.
974 Holy Radiance^BE^44^You can increase the intensity of the light surrounding you to damage undead creatures.
975 Holy Strike^CD^89^Your attacks deal great damage to evil creatures.
976 Holy Strike^EL^57^Your attacks deal great damage to evil creatures.
977 Holy Subdual^BE^44^You can turn bonus damage into nonlethal damage.
978 Honest Merchant^OA^63^Your ancestor, Bayushi Tesaguri, was the son of Bayushi Junzen, Scorpion Clan Champion.
979 Honor-Bound^DCS^86^Keeping your word and upholding your honor is of great importance to you.
980 Horrific Appearance^Gh^35^You can blast creatures with your simple appearance.
981 Horse Nomad^FRCS^35^You have been raised in a culture that relies upon riding and shooting for survival.
982 Horse Nomad^PG^39^You have been raised in a culture that relies upon riding and shooting.
983 Hostile Mind^XPH^47^Your mind recoils violently against those who use psionics against you.
984 Hover^MM^304^The creature can come to a halt in midair.
985 Hover^MM2^18^The creature can halt its forward motion while flying, regardless of maneuverability.
986 Hulking Brute ^DCS^86^You possess a truly impressive stature.
987 Human Heritage^RD^152^Your human heritage is more prominent than in others of your kind.
988 Hurling Charge^MH^27^You are trained in using thrown weapons as part of a charge attack.
989 Hyena Tribe Hunter^ShS^20^You have learned the secrets of hunting from the hyena that roams the lands where your tribe wanders.
990 Iaijutsu Master^OA^63^You are not only descended from Kakita, the greatest duelist ever to have lived, but you share a karmic tie to his spirit.
991 Ice Harmonics^Fr^48^Your summon spells work better in the frostfell if you summon native creatures.
992 Ice Troll Berserker^UE^44^When raging, your skin becomes very thick and tough like the ice trolls that plague parts of your homeland.
993 Icy Calling^Fr^48^You can use your voice to shatter ice.
994 Ignore Material Components^EL^57^You need not use any material components in casting spells.
995 Imprint Stone^XPH^47^You can create power stones to store psionic powers.
996 Improve Bull Rush^PH^95^You know how to push opponents back.
997 Improved Aid^OA^63^You are descended from Hida Tadaka, the great Crab daimyo who gave his life to avert a war between his clan and the Lion.
998 Improved Alignment-Based Casting^EL^57^Your spells of a particular alignment are more powerful than normal.
999 Improved Arrow of Death^EL^57^Your arrows of death are harder to resist.
1000 Improved Assume Supernatural Ability^SS^35^You gain skills using a supernatural ability of an assumed form.
1001 Improved Aura of Courage^EL^57^Your aura of courage is stronger than normal.
1002 Improved Aura of Despair^EL^57^Your aura of despair is wider than normal.
1003 Improved Buckler Defense^CW^100^You can attack with an off-hand weapon while retaining a buckler's shield bonus to your Armor Class.
1004 Improved Cohort^HB^98^You attract a more powerful cohort than you normally would.
1005 Improved Cold Endurance^Fr^48^Your training and natural hardiness have improved your natural resistance to cold temperatures.
1006 Improved Combat Casting^CAr^192^You heighten your ability to cast spells while threatened without fear of being attacked.
1007 Improved Combat Casting^EL^57^You can cast spells while threatened without fear of being attacked.
1008 Improved Combat Expertise^CW^100^You have mastered the art of defense in combat.
1009 Improved Combat Reflexes^EL^57^You can respond to any number of opponents who let their defenses down.
1010 Improved Control Visage^Gh^35^You can change your ghost form's appearance.
1011 Improved Cooperative Metamagic^PG^136^Your ability to enhance an ally's spell during casting is expanded.
1012 Improved Counterspell^EL^70^You understand the nuances of magic to such an extent that you can counter your opponent's spells with great efficiency.
1013 Improved Counterspell^FRCS^35^You understand the nuances of magic to such an extent that you can counter your opponent's spells with great efficiency.
1014 Improved Counterspell^PH^95^You understand the nuances of magic to such an extent that you can counter your opponent's spells with great efficiency.
1015 Improved Critical^PH^95^Choose one type of weapon. With that weapon, you know how to hit where it hurts.
1016 Improved Damage Reduction^ECS^55^You gain damage reduction or improve your existing damage reduction.
1017 Improved Darkvision^EL^58^Your ability to see in the dark is greater than normal.
1018 Improved Death Attack^EL^58^Your death attack is harder to overcome.
1019 Improved Deflection^Gh^35^You are adept at deflecting things before they strike you.
1020 Improved Disarm^PH^95^You know how to disarm opponents in melee combat.
1021 Improved Diversion^CAd^110^You can create a diversion to hide quickly and with less effort.
1022 Improved Draconian Breath Weapon^DCS^86^You have mastered your draconic heritage and improved on your innate breath weapon.
1023 Improved Elemental Heritage^PlH^40^You have manifested an even stronger tie to your elemental ancestor, resulting in a minor resistance to elemental effects.
1024 Improved Elemental Wild Shape ^DMG^209^You can take the form of a larger variety of elementals than normal.
1025 Improved Elemental Wild Shape^EL^58^You can take the form of a greater variety of elementals than normal.
1026 Improved Energy Drain^LM^27^You draw extra power from your energy-drained victims.
1027 Improved Energy Resistance^Rac^164^Choose one form of energy to which you have a natural (not spell- or item-generated) resistance. Your inherent resistance to this kind of energy is more effective than normal.
1028 Improved Familiar^CW^100^This feat allows spellcasters to acquire a new familiar from a nonstandard list, but only when they could normally acquire a new familiar.
1029 Improved Familiar^FRCS^35^So long as you are able to acquire a new familiar, you may choose your new familiar from a nonstandard list.
1030 Improved Familiar^PG^39^Refer to the Improved Familiar feat description on page 200 of the Dungeon Master's Guide.
1031 Improved Familiar^Rac^165^See the discussion of the Improved Familiar feat in Chapter 1 of the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting. Table A-5 shows additional improved familiars from this book that are available with this feat.
1032 Improved Familiar^SK^146^Refer to the Improved Familiar feat description in the Dungeon Master's Guide.
1033 Improved Familiar^TB^40^As long as you are able to acquire a new familiar, you may choose your new familiar from a nonstandard list.
1034 Improved Favored Enemy^CW^101^You know how to hit your favored enemies where it hurts.
1035 Improved Favored Enemy^DMG^210^Gain bonuses against favored enemies.
1036 Improved Favored Enemy^EL^58^You gain bonuses against favored enemies.
1037 Improved Feint^PH^95^You are skilled at misdirecting your opponent's attention in combat.
1038 Improved Fiendish Servant^CR^20^You gain the service of a powerful fiendish animal servitor.
1039 Improved Flight^CAd^110^You gain greater maneuverability when flying than you would normally have.
1040 Improved Flight^MW^23^You gain greater maneuverability when flying than you would normally have.
1041 Improved Flight^Rac^165^You gain greater maneuverability when flying than you would normally have.
1042 Improved Flight^RW^151^You have gained greater maneuverability when flying than you would normally have.
1043 Improved Flight Item (Item Creation)^Sh^157^You have learned to make use of the manifest zone in Sharn to craft magic items that grant superior flight.
1044 Improved Flyby Attack^EL^70^The creature can attack on the wing with increased mobility.
1045 Improved Flyby Attack^SS^36^You can attack on the wing with increased mobility.
1046 Improved Fortification^ECS^55^You improve your warforged fortification, gaining immunity to sneak attacks and extra damage from critical hits.
1047 Improved Fortification^MM3^192^You improve your warforged fortification, gaining immunity to sneak attacks and extra damage from critical hits.
1048 Improved Frosty Touch^Fr^49^Your frosty touch causes more cold damage.
1049 Improved Ghost Flight^Gh^35^Your ghost body can fly rapidly.
1050 Improved Grapple ^DD^51^The deity is skilled in martial arts that emphasize holds and throws.
1051 Improved Grapple^OA^63^You are skilled in martial arts that emphasize holds and throws.
1052 Improved Grapple^PH^95^You are skilled at grappling opponents.
1053 Improved Grapple^UE^44^You are skilled in martial arts that emphasize holds and throws.
1054 Improved Heat Endurance^Sa^50^You can survive even in the most extreme natural heat conditions.
1055 Improved Heighten Spell^EL^58^You can cast a spell at any level above its own.
1056 Improved Initiative^PH^96^You can react more quickly than normal in a fight.
1057 Improved Ki Strike^EL^58^You can strike opponents with great damage reduction.
1058 Improved Levitation^Rac^165^You have learned to use part of your levitate spell-like ability at a time, allowing multiple uses with a shorter duration.
1059 Improved Levitation^Und^25^You have learned to use only part of your levitate spell-like ability at a time, allowing multiple uses with shorter duration.
1060 Improved Low Blow^Rac^165^You are especially good at using the Low Blow feat.
1061 Improved Low-Light Vision^EL^58^The range of your low-light vision is greater than normal.
1062 Improved Maneuverability^Dr^70^Your maneuverability in flight improves.
1063 Improved Manifestation^EL^58^You can manifest psionic powers more powerful than the normal limits of manifestation.
1064 Improved Manifestation^XPH^34^You increase your power point reserve.
1065 Improved Manyshot^EL^58^You can fire even more arrows as a single attack against a nearby target.
1066 Improved Metamagic^DMG^210^You can cast spells using metamagic feats more easily than normal.
1067 Improved Metamagic^EL^59^You can cast spells using metamagic feats more easily than normal.
1068 Improved Metapsionics^XPH^34^You can manifest powers using metapsionic feats more often than normal.
1069 Improved Mounted Archery^CW^101^You can make ranged attacks from a mount almost as well as you can from the ground.
1070 Improved Multiattack^Dr^70^You are particularly adept at using all your natural weapons at once.
1071 Improved Multiattack^EL^70^The creature is particularly adept at using all its natural weapons at once.
1072 Improved Multiattack^SS^36^You are particularly adept at using all your natural weapons at once.
1073 Improved Multiweapon Fighting^DD^51^A deity with three or more hands can fight with a weapon in each hand.
1074 Improved Multiweapon Fighting^EL^70^A creature with three or more hands can fight with a weapon in each hand.
1075 Improved Multiweapon Fighting^SS^36^You are expert at fighting with a weapon in each of your three or more hands. You can make up to two attacks per round with each off-hand weapon.
1076 Improved Natural Armor^MM^304^The creature's natural armor is thicker and harder than that of other of its kind.
1077 Improved Natural Armor^MM3^206^The natural armor of a creature with this feat is thicker and harder than normal for its kind.
1078 Improved Natural Armor^Rac^165^Your skin is even tougher than that of most of your kind.
1079 Improved Natural Attack^ECS^55^One of a creature's natural attacks is more dangerous than its type and size would otherwise indicate.
1080 Improved Natural Attack^MM^304^The creature's natural attacks are more dangerous than its size and type would otherwise dictate.
1081 Improved Natural Attack^MM3^206^The natural attacks of a creature with this feat are more dangerous than its size and type would otherwise dictate.
1082 Improved Outer Planar Heritage^PlH^40^Your ancestral tie to the Outer Planes manifests as an ability to deal damage with your natural attacks as if they matched the alignment of your ancestors.
1083 Improved Overrun^PH^96^You are skilled at knocking down opponents.
1084 Improved Overrun^SF^7^You are trained in knocking over opponents that are smaller than you.
1085 Improved Paralysis^LM^27^You are better at paralyzing your victims.
1086 Improved Poltergeist Hand^Gh^36^You can move a large object at a distance when you are a ghost.
1087 Improved Precise Shot^PH^96^Your ranged attacks can ignore the effects of cover or concealment.
1088 Improved Psicrystal^XPH^47^You can upgrade your psicrystal.
1089 Improved Rapid Shot^CW^101^You are an expert at firing weapons with exceptional speed.
1090 Improved Rapidstrike^Dr^70^You can make multiple attacks with a natural weapon.
1091 Improved Resiliency^RE^119^You gain a construct's resistance to nonlethal damage.
1092 Improved Resist Dragonfear^DCS^86^You are able to demonstrate great courage in the presence of dragons.
1093 Improved Rock Hurling^RS^141^Your accuracy and effectiveness with thrown rocks improves.
1094 Improved Scent^SS^36^You can detect and track creatures by smell at greater distances than normal.
1095 Improved Shield Bash^DF^20^You can push opponents back by bashing them with your shield.
1096 Improved Shield Bash^PH^96^You can bash with a shield while retaining its shield bonus to your Armor Class.
1097 Improved Shieldmate^MH^27^You have an outstanding ability to protect those near you with your shield.
1098 Improved Sigil (Aesh)^RD^152^You tap into your aesh power sigil to gain enhanced accuracy with your favored melee weapons.
1099 Improved Sigil (Hoon)^RD^152^You tap into your hoon power sigil to help survive deadly conditions.
1100 Improved Sigil (Krau)^RD^153^You tap into your krau power sigil to augment the energy of your magical utterances.
1101 Improved Sigil (Naen)^RD^153^You tap into your naen power sigil to see through illusions and resist language-based effects.
1102 Improved Sigil (Uur)^RD^153^You tap into your uur power sigil to gain enhanced accuracy with ranged weapons.
1103 Improved Sigil (Vaul)^RD^153^You tap into your vaul power sigil to resist mental effects.
1104 Improved Skirmish^CAd^192^Your combat mobility improves.
1105 Improved Smiting^CD^82^Your smite attacks deal more damage to specific foes, and can damage creature with alignment-based damage reduction.
1106 Improved Snatch^Dr^71^You can make snatch attacks against bigger opponents than other creatures can.
1107 Improved Snatch Spell^PG^136^When you take over a spell from another spellcaster, you gain more control over its effect.
1108 Improved Sneak Attack^DMG^210^Your sneak attacks are more deadly than normal.
1109 Improved Sneak Attack^EL^59^Your sneak attacks are more deadly than normal.
1110 Improved Speed ^Dr^71^You are faster than others of your kind.
1111 Improved Spell Capacity^DMG^210^You can prepare spells that exceed the normal limits of spellcasting.
1112 Improved Spell Capacity^Dr^71^You can prepare spells that exceed the normal limits of spellcasting.
1113 Improved Spell Capacity^EL^59^You can prepare spells that exceed the normal limits of spellcasting.
1114 Improved Spell Resistance^EL^60^Your innate resistance to magical effects increases.
1115 Improved Spellpool Access^PG^136^You can use your spellpool access to call spells of greater than normal power.
1116 Improved Spit^SK^146^You can spit farther than normal.
1117 Improved Stunning Fist^DMG^210^Your stunning attack is more powerful.
1118 Improved Stunning Fist^EL^60^Your stunning attack is more powerful.
1119 Improved Sudden Strike^CAd^192^Your ability to strike unaware foes improves.
1120 Improved Sunder^DD^51^The deity is adept at placing its attacks precisely where it wants them to land.
1121 Improved Sunder^EA^42^You are adept at placing your attacks precisely where you want them to land.
1122 Improved Sunder^PH^96^You are skilled at attacking your opponents' weapons and shields, as well as other objects.
1123 Improved Sunder^SF^7^You are adept at placing your attacks precisely where you want them to land.
1124 Improved Swimming^CAd^110^You can swim faster than you normally could.
1125 Improved Swimming^MW^23^You swim faster than you normally could.
1126 Improved Toughness^CW^101^You are significantly tougher than normal.
1127 Improved Toughness^LM^27^You are significantly tougher than normal.
1128 Improved Toughness^MM3^207^A creature with this feat is significantly tougher than normal.
1129 Improved Trip^PH^96^You are trained not only in tripping opponents safely but also following through with an attack.
1130 Improved Turn Resistance^Gh^36^You are better able to resist the channeling of positive or negative energy by clerics and similar classes.
1131 Improved Turn Resistance^LM^27^You have a better than normal chance to resist turning.
1132 Improved Turn Resistance^SS^36^You have a better than normal chance to resist turning.
1133 Improved Turning^PH^96^Your turning or rebuking attempts are more powerful than normal.
1134 Improved Two-Weapon Defense^CW^101^You gain a significant defensive advantage while fighting with two weapons.
1135 Improved Two-Weapon Fighting^PH^96^You are an expert in fighting two-handed.
1136 Improved Unarmed Strike^PH^96^You are skilled at fighting while unarmed.
1137 Improved Weapon Familiarity^CW^101^You are familiar with all exotic weapons common to your people.
1138 Improved Weapon Familiarity^RS^141^You are familiar with all exotic weapons common to your people.
1139 Improved Web^SS^36^You gain additional utility from your webs.
1140 Improved Whirlwind Attack^EL^60^You become a blurry whirlwind of attacks, striking out at all enemies near your position.
1141 Incite Rage^EL^60^You can incite allies into a rage.
1142 Incorporeal Form^Gh^36^You can become incorporeal even when you would otherwise be forced to manifest fully.
1143 Incorporeal Spell Targeting^Gh^36^You know how to cast your spells so they're more likely to affect incorporeal creatures.
1144 Incorporeal Target Fighting^Gh^36^You know how to fight incorporeal creatures in melee.
1145 Ineluctable Echo^UA^93^Those who use words of power around you hear the sound of their own voices.
1146 Infernal Bargainer^Rac^165^You are comfortable making deals with powerful entities from the Lower Planes.
1147 Infinite Deflection^EL^61^You can deflect an infinite number of projectiles.
1148 Inhuman Reach^LoM^180^Your arms elongate, allowing you to touch the floor with your hands.
1149 Inhuman Vision^LoM^180^You possess the inhuman eyes of some strange creature.
1150 Initiate of Ghaunadaur^CR^23^You have learned the dread secrets of the god of oozes, slimes, jellies, and outcasts.
1151 Initiate of Gruumsh^CR^24^The singular eye of the great orc god Gruumsh watches over you.
1152 Initiate of Kossuth^CR^24^You have faced the fierce elemental flame and unlocked some of the secrets of Kossuth's church.
1153 Initiate of Loviatar^CR^24^With great pain comes great power. This and other secrets you have learned from the church of Loviatar.
1154 Initiate of Loviatar^ShS^20^You have been initiated into the greatest secrets of Loviatar's church.
1155 Initiate of Shar^CR^24^You have been initiated into the greatest secrets of Shar's church.
1156 Initiate of Shar^CSW^145^You have been initiated into the greatest secrets of Shar's church.
1157 Initiate of Varae^CR^25^You fervently worship Varae, the serpentine goddess, and guard well the secrets of your faith.
1158 Innate Spell^CAr^80^You have mastered a spell so thoroughly that you can now use it as a spell-like ability.
1159 Innate Spell^FRCS^36^You have mastered a spell so thoroughly that you can now use it as a spell-like ability.
1160 Innate Spell^PG^39^You have mastered a spell so thoroughly that you can now use it as a spell-like ability.
1161 Innate Spell^TB^41^You have mastered a spell so thoroughly that you can now use it as a spell-like ability.
1162 Inquisitor^XPH^48^You know when others lie.
1163 Inscribe Epic Runes^PG^136^You can inscribe runes of epic power.
1164 Inscribe Rune^FRCS^36^You can create magic runes that hold spells until triggered.
1165 Inscribe Rune^PG^40^You can create magic runes that hold spells until triggered.
1166 Inside Connection^RD^153^Choose a specific organization. You have strong personal connections within that organization, as well as insight into its membership.
1167 Insidious Magic^FRCS^36^You can use the Shadow Weave to make your spells harder for Weave users to detect.
1168 Insidious Magic^PG^40^You can use the Shadow Weave to make your spells harder for Weave users to dispel.
1169 Insightful^CAr^80^You possess a magical understanding of the workings of arcane detection.
1170 Insightful Reflexes^CAd^110^Your keen intellect allows you an uncanny knack for evading dangerous effects.
1171 Inspirational Leadership^HB^98^Your cohort and followers are exceptionally faithful to your cause.
1172 Inspire Excellence^EL^61^You can improve the abilities of your comrades through your performance.
1173 Inspire Spellpower^RS^141^You can use your bardic music to increase the power of your allies' spells.
1174 Instant Reload^EL^61^Choose one type of crossbow, such as heavy crossbow. You can fire that type of crossbow as fast as a bow.
1175 Instantaneous Rage^CW^102^You activate your rage instantly.
1176 Instantaneous Rage^MW^23^You activate your rage instantly.
1177 Intensify Spell^EL^61^You can cast spells with exceptionally great effect.
1178 Intimidating Rage^CW^102^Your rage engenders fear in your opponents.
1179 Intimidating Rage^MW^24^Your rage engenders fear in your opponents.
1180 Intuitive Attack^BE^44^You fight by faith more than brute strength.
1181 Inured to Energy^SS^36^You can resist energy attacks more efficiently than normal.
1182 Invest Armor^RS^141^You can charge your armor with additional protective qualities.
1183 Investigate^ECS^55^You can use the Search skill to find and analyze clues at the scene of a crime or a mystery.
1184 Investigator^PH^96^You have a knack for finding information.
1185 Involuntary Rage^SS^36^Extreme pain drives you berserk.
1186 Iron Mind^Rac^165^You are descended from duergar who escaped enslavement by the illithids. The blood of these psionic-resistant former thralls runs thick in your veins.
1187 Iron Will^PH^97^You have a stronger will than normal.
1188 Ironskin Chant^CAd^113^You can channel the power of your bardic music to enable yourself to ignore minor injuries.
1189 Ironwood Body^RE^119^Your body is crafted with a layer of hard ironwood that cushions blows.
1190 Irresistible Gaze^SK^146^Your gaze attack is more potent than normal.
1191 Irresistible Gaze^SS^37^Your gaze attack is more potent than normal.
1192 Item Reprieve^LE^8^You learn how to use items from a school of magic previously prohibited to you.
1193 Jack of All Trades^CAd^110^You have picked up a smattering of even the most obscure skills.
1194 Jack of All Trades^DD^51^The deity has picked up a smattering of even the most obscure skills.
1195 Jack of All Trades^FP^214^You've picked up a smattering of even the most obscure skills.
1196 Jack of All Trades^SaS^40^You've picked up a smattering of even the most obscure skills.
1197 Jaws of Death^RE^119^Gnashing teeth and a powerful set of jaws allow you to bite foes.
1198 Jergal's Pact^LE^8^You have made a bargain with Jergal, seneschal to the god of death.
1199 Jester's Magic^CSW^145^You are a skilled master of magical jests, capable of inciting audiences to laughter or lulling them to sleep.
1200 Jotunbrud^Rac^166^You are descended from the giants who ruled the mountain-spanning empire of Ostoria in ages past, and possess a truly impressive stature.
1201 Judged by Aurifar^Sa^50^Aurifar, the Caliph of the Sky, has judged you, and he shows you special favor.
1202 Jungle Stamina^Rac^166^You are acclimated to the disease-ridden jungles of southwestern Faerun.
1203 Kalashtar Thoughtshifter^RE^118^You have learned to control your mind blade for maximum impact in battle.
1204 Kami's Intuition^OA^63^You are descended from Shinjo, the first Unicorn, the kindest and most compassionate of the kami.
1205 Karmic Strike^CW^102^You have learned to strike when your opponent is more vulnerable -- the same instant your opponent strikes you.
1206 Karmic Strike^OA^63^You have learned to strike when your opponent is more vulnerable -- the same instant your opponent strikes you.
1207 Karmic Twin^OA^64^You are descended from Bayushi, the first Scorpion, whos love for his daughter proved his final downfall.
1208 Keen Intellect^OA^64^You are descended from Agasha, the founder of the original Dragon shugenja school, a shugenja known for her keen intellect and powers of observation.
1209 Keen Strike^EL^61^Your unarmed strikes become as sharp as blades.
1210 Ki Shout^OA^64^You can bellow forth a ki-empowered shout that strikes terror into your enemies.
1211 Kiai Shout^CW^102^You can bellow forth a shout that strikes terror into your enemies.
1212 Kihu-Sherem Guardian^Gh^36^You are one of the Kihu-Sherem, magically altered in the womb to allow you to better protect the sorcerers of your homeland.
1213 Killoren Ancient^RW^151^You favor the killoren aspect of the ancient.
1214 Killoren Destroyer^RW^151^You favor the killoren aspect of the destroyer.
1215 Killoren Hunter^RW^151^You favor the killoren aspect of the hunter
1216 Knifefighter^PG^40^You're an expert at using weapons in a grapple.
1217 Knight of Stars ^BE^44^You swear allegiance to the Court of Stars, the paragons of the eladrin, and in exchange gain power to act on their behalf.
1218 Knight Training^ECS^56^You are part of a knightly order that combines the divine calling of the paladin class with another form of training.
1219 Knockback^RS^142^By putting your bulk behind a blow, you can push your enemy backward.
1220 Knock-Down^DD^51^The deity's mighty blows can knock foes off their feet.
1221 Knock-Down^SF^7^Your mighty blows can knock foes off their feet.
1222 Landlord^SB^10^By knowing the right nobles, making contacts with masons and artisans, or performing great deeds for a liege-lord, you have resources that help you build and expand your stronghold.
1223 Landwalker^Rac^166^You can survive out of water for a longer period of time than most of your kind.
1224 Landwalker^Sto^92^You can survive out of water for a longer period of time than most of your kind.
1225 Large and In Charge^Dr^71^You can prevent opponents from closing inside your reach.
1226 Large and in Charge^SF^61^You can prevent opponents from closing inside your reach.
1227 Lasting Inspiration^DMG^210^Your songs continue to inspire allies long after your words have faded.
1228 Lasting Inspiration^EL^61^Your songs continue to inspire allies long after your words have faded.
1229 Lasting Life^LM^28^You can shed negative levels with an act of will.
1230 Law Inviolate^RD^155^Your unshakable faith in St. Cuthbert allows you to better apprehend fugitives or overcome villains who transgress the law.
1231 Leadership^PH^97^You are the sort of person others want to follow, and you have done some work attempting to recruit cohorts and followers.
1232 Leap Attack^CAd^110^You can combine a powerful charge and a mighty leap into one devastating attack.
1233 Least Dragonmark^ECS^56^You have a least dragonmark.
1234 Least Legacy^WL^14^You awaken the basic abilities of a specific item of legacy.
1235 Legacy Focus^WL^15^Your item's legacy abilities are more potent than normal.
1236 Legendary Acrobat^CAd^192^You can balance and tumble much more easily than a normal person.
1237 Legendary Artisan^ECS^56^You have mastered the method of creating magic items.
1238 Legendary Climber^CAd^192^You can climb rapidly much more easily than a normal person.
1239 Legendary Climber^EL^61^You can climb rapidly much more easily than a normal person.
1240 Legendary Commander^EL^62^You attract and lead great armies of followers through sheer force of personality.
1241 Legendary Leaper^CAd^192^You can cover great distances with only a brief start.
1242 Legendary Leaper^EL^62^You can jump much farther than normal for your size.
1243 Legendary Rider^CW^152^You can ride a mount in combat with ease, even bareback.
1244 Legendary Rider^EL^62^You can ride any mount without penalty (even bareback) and can control any mount in combat.
1245 Legendary Tracker^CAd^192^You can track prey across or through the water, or even through the air.
1246 Legendary Tracker^EL^62^You can track prey across or through the water, or even through the air.
1247 Legendary Wrestler^EL^62^You are exceptionally proficient at grappling.
1248 Lesser Dragonmark^ECS^56^You have a lesser dragonmark.
1249 Lesser Legacy^WL^15^You awaken more powerful abilities of a specific item of legacy.
1250 Lichloved^BV^49^By repeatedly committing perverted sex acts with the undead, the character gains dread powers.
1251 Life Drain^LM^28^You drain additional life energy from your foes.
1252 Life Leech^UA^93^You automatically try to steal the last bit of life energy from anyone nearby.
1253 Lifebond^LM^28^Select a specific living creature that is friendly to you. You create a special bond with that creature.
1254 Lifesense^LM^28^You see the light that all living creatures emit.
1255 Light of Aurifar^Sa^51^Undead that you turn or rebuke immolate.
1256 Light to Daylight^Rac^166^Your inherent ability to create light is more powerful than normal.
1257 Lightbringer^Rac^166^You can channel positive energy into your spells so that they glow with holy power.
1258 Lightfeet^RW^151^You have an incredibly soft step, making it difficult to track or hear you.
1259 Lightning Fists^SF^7^Your skill and agility allow you to attempt a series of blindingly fast blows.
1260 Lightning Mace^CW^113^You are a master of fighting with two maces at the same time.
1261 Lightning Reflexes^PH^97^You have faster than normal reflexes.
1262 Lingering Breath^Dr^71^Your breath weapon forms a lingering cloud.
1263 Lingering Damage^EL^62^Your sneak attacks continue to deal damage even after you strike.
1264 Lingering Song^CAd^111^Your inspirational bardic music stays with the listeners long after the last note has died away.
1265 Lingering Song^SaS^40^Your bardic music stays with the listeners long after the last note has died away.
1266 Lingering Spell^CR^20^Residual eldritch energy from your spell continues to harm your enemies after the spell's main effect has expired.
1267 Lion Spy^OA^64^Your ancestor, Akodo Shinju, was the greatest spy of the Lion clan.
1268 Lion Tribe Warrior^ShS^20^You have learned how to pounce on your foes, like the lion that roams your lands.
1269 Lion's Pounce^CD^82^You can deliver a terrible attack at the end of a charge.
1270 Live My Nightmare^UA^94^Those who magically pry into your mind become privy to your most frightening dreams.
1271 Lliira's Blessing^PG^176^Thanks to the favor of the goddess of freedom, you are difficult to restrain.
1272 Lolth's Blessing^Rac^166^The Spider Queen has blessed you with additional magical abilities.
1273 Lolth's Meat^Und^26^Like all drow raised in cities that are ruled by Lolth's priestesses, you know that you exist only to provide your goddess with food and pleasure. This knowledge lends you a certain bloodthirsty readiness.
1274 Long Reach^UE^44^You know how to use your great stature to reach an opponent more than 5 feet away with a spearlike weapon.
1275 Longstride Elite^ECS^57^Your shifter trait improves.
1276 Longstride Elite^RE^114^Your longstride shifter trait improves.
1277 Longtooth Elite^RE^114^Your longtooth shifter trait improves.
1278 Lord of the Uttercold^CAr^80^Through careful study of the Elemental Planes and their interactions with the Negative Energy Plane, you have learned to wield the uttercold.
1279 Low Blow^Rac^166^You can get underfoot and attack creatures larger than you.
1280 Low Profile^UA^182^You are less famous than others of your class and level, or you wish to maintain a less visible presence than others of your station.
1281 Luck of Heroes^FRCS^36^Your land is known for producing heroes; you receive a luck bonus on all saving throws.
1282 Luck of Heroes^OA^64^You are descended from the quick-footed and quick-witted Hiruma, the archetypal hunter and scout.
1283 Luck of Heroes^PG^40^Your land is known for producing heroes.
1284 Lunar Magic^CSW^146^Your spells and spell-like abilities are tied to the phase of the moon, rising and falling with the strength of Selune.
1285 Lycanthropic Spell^FP^214^You cast spells while in your lycanthropic animal form.
1286 Lyric Spell^CAd^113^You can channel the power of your bardic music into your magic, allowing you to expend uses of your bardic music ability to cast spells.
1287 Mage Slayer^CAr^81^You have studied the ways and weaknesses of spellcasters and can time your attacks and defenses against them expertly.
1288 Mage Slayer^MH^27^You have studied the ways and weaknesses of spellcasters and can time your attacks and defenses against them expertly.
1289 Magic in the Blood^OA^64^You claim a karmic link with Iuchi, one of the most resourceful shugenjas in early Rokugan.
1290 Magic in the Blood^PG^40^You have a knack for getting the most out of your innate magic abilities.
1291 Magic of the Land^RW^152^Your intimate understanding of the natural world allows you to imbue your spells with life-giving magical power from the land itself.
1292 Magical Aptitude^PH^97^You have a knack for magical endeavors.
1293 Magical Artisan^FRCS^36^You have mastered the method of creating certain magic items.
1294 Magical Artisan^OA^64^You are descended from Asahina Yajinden, a shugenja of Crane clan who became the greatest lieutenant of the dread sorcerer Iuchiban.
1295 Magical Artisan^PG^41^You have mastered the method of creating a certain kind of magic item.
1296 Magical Beast Wild Shape^CD^90^You can wild shape into magical beast form.
1297 Magical Beast Wild Shape^EL^62^You can wild shape into magical beast form.
1298 Magical Training^FRCS^36^Every crafter and laborer knows a cantrip or two to ease her work.
1299 Magical Training^PG^41^You come from a land where cantrips are taught to all who have the aptitude to learn magic.
1300 Magistrate's Mind^OA^64^You claim descent from Soshi Saibankan, a great Scorpion judge who helped establish the Empire's institution of Emerald magistrates.
1301 Malevolence^Gh^36^You can possess a creature and control its actions.
1302 Malign Spell Focus^BV^49^The character's spells that have the evil descriptor are more potent than normal due to a deal she makes with an evil power.
1303 Malign Spell Focus^CR^20^Your evil spells are more potent than normal due to a deal forged with an evil power.
1304 Manifest Flight^Sh^157^You have learned to make use of the manifest zone in Sharn to improve your natural ability to fly.
1305 Manifest Leap^Sh^157^You have learned to make use of the manifest zone in Sharn to increase your ability to jump and reduce the damage you take when you fall.
1306 Mantis Leap^SF^7^You deliver a powerful attack after making a jump.
1307 Many Masks^OA^64^You are descended from Shosuro Furuyari, an important Scorpion playwright.
1308 Manyshot^EL^70^You can fire multiple arrows as a single attack against a nearby target.
1309 Manyshot^PH^97^You can fire multiple arrows simultaneously against a nearby target.
1310 Mark of Hleid^Fr^49^You bear a mark that identifies you as an ally of the church of Hleid and grants you supernatural qualities.
1311 Markings of the Blessed^RS^142^Your skin markings shift into a pattern that resists a wide array of harmful effects in times of trouble.
1312 Markings of the Hunter^RS^142^Your skin markings shift into a pattern that makes you hard to get the drop on.
1313 Markings of the Magi^RS^142^Your skin markings shift into a pattern that denotes you as having strong magical talent.
1314 Markings of the Maker^RS^142^Your skin markings shift into a pattern that gives you fate's edge when using skills.
1315 Markings of the Warrior^RS^142^Your skin markings have shifted over time into a pattern that gives you fate's deathly accuracy in times of trouble.
1316 Martial Throw^MH^27^You can switch positions with an opponent you hit in melee by throwing that opponent.
1317 Martial Weapon Proficiency^PH^97^Choose a type of martial weapon. You understand how to use that type of martial weapon in combat.
1318 Master Legacy^WL^15^You temporarily gain access to legacy abilities beyond your normal reach.
1319 Master Linguist^RE^109^You have a broad knowledge of language.
1320 Master Staff^CAr^192^You can activate a staff without using a charge.
1321 Master Staff^EL^62^You can activate a staff without using a charge.
1322 Master Wand^CAr^192^You can activate a wand without using a charge.
1323 Master Wand^EL^62^You can activate a wand without using a charge.
1324 Maximize Breath^Dr^71^You can take a full-round action to use your breath weapon to maximum effect.
1325 Maximize Power^XPH^48^You can manifest powers to maximum effect.
1326 Maximize Spell^PH^97^You can cast spells to maximum effect.
1327 Maximize Spell-Like Ability^CAr^81^You can use a spell-like ability at its maximum effect.
1328 Meditation of War Mastery^OA^81^You have mastered the martial arts style of 'Meditation of War' -- a hard/soft form emphasizing weapon use and strikes to pressure points.
1329 Memory Eater^LoM^22^An aboleth with this feat is particularly adept at extracting memories and knowledge from the bodies of those it consumes.
1330 Menacing Demeanor^RD^155^You can tap into your savage heritage to improve your intimidation techniques.
1331 Mental Leap^XPH^48^You can make amazing jumps.
1332 Mental Resistance^XPH^48^Your mind is armored against mental intrusion.
1333 Mentor^DMG2^176^A character who takes this feat has offered his knowledge and skill to a lower-level NPC and takes that NPC on as an apprentice.
1334 Mercantile Background^FRCS^36^You come from a family that excels at a particular trade and knows well the value of any kind of trade good or commodity.
1335 Mercantile Background^PG^41^You come from a wealthy family with numerous contacts in the trading costers and craft guilds of Faerun's bustling cities.
1336 Metallurgy^Rac^166^You are skilled in the act of metallurgy, creating metal alloys both for their appearance and their properties.
1337 Metamagic Song^RS^142^You can channel the power of your bardic music into your magic, allowing you to pay the cost of metamagic feats by spending uses of your bardic music ability.
1338 Metamorphic Transfer^XPH^48^You can gain a supernatural ability of a metamorphed form.
1339 Metanode Spell^CR^25^You cast metamagic spells to greater effect in nodes to which you are attuned than elsewhere.
1340 Metanode Spell^Und^26^You cast metamagic spells to greater effect in earth nodes than elsewhere.
1341 Metaray^LoM^45^A beholder with this feat can apply the effects of metamagic feats to its eye rays.
1342 Might Makes Right^Rac^166^Your great strength draws more followers.
1343 Mighty Leaping^SS^37^You have developed your leg muscles and trained yourself to make mighty leaps.
1344 Mighty Rage^EL^63^Your rage becomes even more powerful than normal.
1345 Mighty Roar^SS^37^You unsettle opponents with a dreadful roar as you attack.
1346 Mighty Works Mastery I^OA^80^You have mastered the initial secrets of the 'Mighty Works' martial arts style -- a hard/soft form emphasizing locks and hand strikes.
1347 Mighty Works Mastery II^OA^80^You have mastered the deeper secrets of the 'Mighty Works' martial arts style.
1348 Militia^FRCS^36^You served in a local militia, training with weapons suitable for use on the battlefield.
1349 Militia^Gh^37^You served in a local militia, training with weapons suitable for use on the battlefield.
1350 Militia^PG^41^Your people rely on a well-trained and well-armed militia to defend their land.
1351 Mind Over Body^FRCS^37^The arcane spellcasters of some lands have learned to overcome the frailties of the body with the unyielding power of the mind.
1352 Mind Over Body^PG^41^The aesthetics and mystics of your homeland have learned to overcome the frailties of the body with the unyielding power of the mind.
1353 Mind Over Body^XPH^48^Your ability damage heals more rapidly.
1354 Mindsight^LoM^126^A creature that has this feat possesses innate telepathic ability that allows it to precisely pinpoint other thinking beings within range of its telepathy.
1355 Minor Malevolence^Gh^37^You can possess a creature for a short while and control its actions.
1356 Misleading Song^RS^142^You can channel the power of your bardic music to temporarily increase the power of your illusion spells.
1357 Mithral Body^ECS^57^A warforged character's body can be crafted with a layer of mithral that provides some protection without hindering speed or gracefulness.
1358 Mithral Body^MM3^192^A warforged character's body can be crafted with a layer of mithral that provides some protection without hindering speed or gracefulness.
1359 Mithral Body^RE^119^Your warforged body can be crafted with a layer of mithral that provides some protection without hindering speed or gracefulness.
1360 Mithral Fluidity^ECS^57^Your movements are smoother and more fluid than those of other warforged.
1361 Mithral Fluidity^MM3^192^Your movements are smoother and more fluid than those of other warforged.
1362 Mobile Defense^EL^63^You can adjust your position while maintaining a defensive stance.
1363 Mobile Spell-Casting^CAd^111^Your focused concentration allows you to move while casting a spell.
1364 Mobility^PH^98^You are skilled at dodging past opponents and avoiding blows.
1365 Momentary Alteration^UA^94^You can briefly transform yourself into a second form, acquiring its physical qualities.
1366 Monastic Training^ECS^57^You are part of an order that combines the monastic discipline of the monk class with another form of training.
1367 Monkey Grip^CW^103^You are able to use a larger weapon than other people your size.
1368 Monkey Grip^SF^7^You use a wider variety of sizes of weapons.
1369 Moradin's Smile^RS^142^Through the favor of Moradin, you are skilled at interacting with others.
1370 Mortalbane^BV^49^The creature can make a spell-like ability particularly deadly to mortals.
1371 Mortifying Attack^CR^20^Those who witness your brutal death attack are unnerved and jarred by the experience.
1372 Mother Cyst^LM^28^You gain the ability to cast necrotic cyst spells by growing a cyst of your own.
1373 Mountain Warrior^RS^142^You are adept at fighting on the uneven ground of mountainous terrain.
1374 Mountaineer^Fr^49^You are a particularly gifted explorer and mountain climber.
1375 Mounted Archery^PH^98^You are skilled at using ranged weapons while mounted.
1376 Mounted Combat^PH^98^You are skilled in mounted combat.
1377 Mounted Mobility^HB^98^You are skilled at dodging past opponents while mounted.
1378 Mounting Casting^MH^27^You are skilled at casting spells while riding a mount.
1379 Mror Stalwart^RE^109^You have been trained to make devastating strikes with the weapons of the dwarves of the Mror Holds.
1380 Multiattack^MM^304^The creature is adept at using all its natural weapons at once.
1381 Multiattack^MM2^18^The creature is adept at using all its natural weapons at once.
1382 Multiattack^MM3^207^A creature with this feat is adept at using all its natural weapons at once.
1383 Multiattack^Mon^9^The creature is adept at using all its natural weapons at once.
1384 Multiattack^MW^24^You are adept at using all your natural weapons at once.
1385 Multicultural^SaS^40^You blend in well with members of another race.
1386 Multidexterity^MM2^18^The creature is adept at using all its hands in combat.
1387 Multidexterity^Mon^9^The creature is adept at using all its hands in combat.
1388 Multidexterity^MW^24^You are skilled at utilizing all your hands in combat.
1389 Multigrab^SK^146^You can grapple enemies more firmly than normal with your natural attacks.
1390 Multigrab^SS^37^You can grapple enemies more firmly than normal with your natural attacks.
1391 Multilingual^LE^8^You have an uncanny knack for languages.
1392 Multisnatch^Dr^72^You can grapple enemies more firmly with only one of your natural attacks.
1393 Multispell^EL^63^You can cast an additional quickened spell in a round.
1394 Multitasking^SF^62^You can perform different tasks with different limbs.
1395 Multitasking^SS^37^You can perform different tasks with different limbs.
1396 Multivoice^SS^37^If you have two or more heads, you can cast more spells than usual in a round.
1397 Multiweapon Fighting^MM^304^A creature with three or more hands can fight with a weapon in each hand.
1398 Multiweapon Fighting^MM2^18^A creature with three or more hands can fight with a weapon in each hand.
1399 Multiweapon Fighting^Mon^9^A creature with three or more hands can fight with a weapon in each hand.
1400 Multiweapon Rend^EL^63^You can rend opponents when fighting with more than two limbs.
1401 Music of Growth^ECS^57^Your music can enhance the power of animals and plant creatures.
1402 Music of Making^ECS^57^Echoing the music of creation, your own performance enhances any process of creation.
1403 Music of the Gods^EL^63^You can use your bardic music to influence creatures immune to mind-affecting effects.
1404 Music of the Outer Spheres^LoM^181^You can use your bardic music to create discordant, insane sounds.
1405 Mutable Body^RE^110^Your enhanced control over your shapechanging ability grants you extra power from transmutation spells.
1406 Mutilator^CR^20^After striking down your enemy in battle, you can skillfully mutilate the corpse to prevent others from raising it from the dead.
1407 Narrow Mind^XPH^48^Your ability to concentrate is as keen as an arrowhead, allowing you to gain your psionic focus even in the most turbulent situations.
1408 Narrowed Gaze^SK^146^Your gaze attack has a limited field of effect.
1409 Narrowed Gaze^SS^37^Your gaze attack has a limited field of effect.
1410 Natural Bond^CAd^111^Your bond with your animal companion is exceptionally strong.
1411 Natural Bully^CR^21^You easily terrify weaker adversaries.
1412 Natural Heavyweight^PlH^40^You are descended from creatures native to a plane of heavy gravity.
1413 Natural Leader^HB^98^You have a natural commanding presence.
1414 Natural Scavenger^ShS^21^You are particularly adept at finding food while on the move.
1415 Natural Spell^Gh^37^You can cast spells while in wild shape or shifted form.
1416 Natural Spell^MW^24^You cast spells while in a wild shape.
1417 Natural Spell^PH^98^You can cast spells while in a wild shape.
1418 Natural Trickster^RS^143^You have greater natural access to your race's powers of illusion.
1419 Naturalized Denizen^UA^94^You are unusually anchored to your location.
1420 Nauseating Touch^Gh^37^When you touch a living creature, you can make it nauseated.
1421 Necromantic Might^LM^28^Undead you control gain benefits when they are near you.
1422 Necromantic Presence^LM^28^Undead you control are harder to turn when they are near you.
1423 Necropolis Born^CAr^81^You possess a magical understanding of the essence of mortal dread.
1424 Necropotent^LM^29^Your special melee or ranged attack with one type of weapon is especially effective against undead.
1425 Necrotic Reserve^LM^29^You are not immediately destroyed when your hit points fall to 0 or lower.
1426 Negative Energy Burst^CD^90^You can use your rebuke/command undead ability to unleash a burst of negative energy.
1427 Negative Energy Burst^EL^63^You can use your rebuke/command undead ability to unleash a burst of negative energy.
1428 Negotiator^PH^98^You are good at gauging and swaying attitudes.
1429 Nemesis^BE^44^You are the holy bane of creatures of a particular type.
1430 Neraph Charge^PlH^40^You master the Limbo-native neraph martial art of motion camouflage when you charge your foe.
1431 Neraph Throw^PlH^40^You master the Limbo-native neraph martial art of motion camouflage for your thrown weapons.
1432 Net and Trident^CW^114^You are a master of fighting with the net and the trident.
1433 Netherese Battle Curse^LE^8^You can channel your own arcane energy into a powerful curse upon those who dare to face you in battle.
1434 Night Haunt^CAr^81^You possess a magical understanding of the workings of the unseen.
1435 Nimble Bones^LM^29^Undead you raise or create are faster and more nimble than normal.
1436 Nimble Fingers^PH^98^You are adept at manipulating small, delicate objects.
1437 Nimbus of Light^BE^44^You are cloaked in the radiant light that marks you as a servant of the purest ideals.
1438 Nobody's Fool^Rac^166^You have an uncommon streak of skepticism and common sense, and have a knack for discerning falsehood from truth.
1439 Node Defense^CR^25^You can use the magical power of a node to defend yourself from harm.
1440 Node Defense^Und^26^You can use the magical power of a node to defend yourself from harm.
1441 Node Sensitive^CR^25^You can perceive a node just by passing near it.
1442 Node Sensitive^Und^26^You can perceive an earth node just by passing near it.
1443 Node Spellcasting^CR^25^You have discovered the secret of the magic of a particular type of node.
1444 Node Spellcasting^Und^26^You have discovered the secret of node magic.
1445 Node Store^CR^26^You can store a prepared spell in a node to which you are attuned.
1446 Node Store^Und^26^You can store a prepared spell in an earth node.
1447 Nomadic Trekker^ShS^21^You are particularly efficient at overland movement across the great grasslands.
1448 Nonlethal Substitution^BE^44^You can modify a spell that uses energy to deal damage to deal nonlethal damage instead.
1449 Nonlethal Substitution^CAr^81^You can modify an energy spell to deal nonlethal damage.
1450 Nonverbal Spell^PlH^40^You can cast spells that have verbal components without actually verbalizing the words.
1451 Nymph's Kiss^BE^44^By maintaining an intimate relationship with a good-aligned fey, you gain some of the characteristics of fey.
1452 Oaken Resilience^CD^82^You can take on the sturdiness of the mighty oak.
1453 Obscure Lore^CAd^111^You are a treasure trove of little-known information.
1454 Obscure Lore^SaS^40^You are a treasure trove of little-known information.
1455 Obtain Familiar^CAr^81^You gain a familiar.
1456 Ocular Spell^LoM^181^Your study of the terrible powers of the beholder has given you insight into new ways to prepare and cast spells.
1457 Off-Hand Parry^MW^24^You use your off-hand weapon to defend against melee attacks.
1458 Off-Hand Parry^SF^7^You use your off-hand weapon to defend against melee attacks.
1459 Old Salt^Sto^93^You are an old hand at shipboard life, having mastered the myriad skills that are required of the experience sailor. Additionally, you have an eye for the weather.
1460 Omniscient Whispers^UA^94^A constant, barely audible muttering echoes in your ears, usually beyond your comprehension. But if you focus all your energy on listening, you sometimes catch a sentence or two that bears directly on your current situation.
1461 Oni's Bane^OA^64^Your ancestor, Isawa Akuma, was a Phoenix shugenja who sought to understand the mystery of identity.
1462 Open Minded^XPH^48^You are naturally able to reroute your memory, mind, and skill expertise.
1463 Open Minded^CAd^111^You are naturally able to reroute your memory and skill expertise.
1464 Opportunity Power^XPH^48^You can make power-enhanced attacks of opportunity.
1465 Oral History^Rac^167^You are well versed in the art of storytelling and the oral history of your culture.
1466 Otherworldly^PG^41^Your folk are known for their mystic power and seem to transcend their mortal forms.
1467 Outsider Wings^Rac^167^You have sprouted wings appropriate to your heritage, revealing the power of your supernatural bloodline.
1468 Overchannel^XPH^49^You burn your life force to strengthen your powers.
1469 Overcome Weakness^Dr^72^You can overcome an innate vulnerability through sheer willpower.
1470 Overhead Thrust^Dr^106^You can deal a nasty attack to anything that tries to crush or run over you.
1471 Oversized Two-Weapon Fighting^CAd^111^You are adept at wielding larger than normal weapons in your off hand.
1472 Overwhelming Critical^DMG^210^Choose one type of melee weapon, such as longsword or greataxe. With that weapon, you do more damage on a critical hit.
1473 Overwhelming Critical^Dr^72^Choose one type of melee weapon, such as a claw or bite. With that weapon, you deal more damage on a critical hit.
1474 Overwhelming Critical^EL^63^Choose one type of melee weapon, such as longsword or greataxe. With that weapon, you do more damage on a critical hit.
1475 Owlbear Berserker^UE^44^Your fighting style emulates the owlbear, the totem beast of your berserker lodge.
1476 Pain Mastery^SS^37^Injuries send you into a fury, increasing your physical power.
1477 Pain Touch^CW^103^You cause intense pain in an opponent with a successful stunning attack.
1478 Pain Touch^OA^64^You cause intense pain in an opponent with a successful stunning attack.
1479 Pain Touch^SF^8^You cause intense pain in an opponent with a successful stunning attack.
1480 Parrying Shield^LoM^181^You have studied advanced techniques for battling foes whose attacks normally bypass armor.
1481 Path of Shadows^RE^110^You can use dancelike maneuvers to aid your defense.
1482 Peak Hopper^SS^37^You are adapted to a hilly or mountainous environment.
1483 Penetrating Damage Reduction^EL^63^You can bypass a creature's damage reduction.
1484 Perfect Health^EL^63^You are immune to normal diseases and common poisons.
1485 Perfect Multiweapon Fighting^EL^63^A creature with three or more hands can fight with a weapon in each hand.
1486 Perfect Two-Weapon Fighting^CW^152^You can attack with your off-hand weapon as frequently as with your primary weapon.
1487 Perfect Two-Weapon Fighting^EL^64^You can attack with your off-hand weapon as frequently as with your primary weapon.
1488 Permanent Emanation^EL^64^One of your personal emanation spells becomes permanent.
1489 Pernicious Magic^FRCS^37^You can use the Shadow Weave to make your spells harder for Weave users to counter.
1490 Pernicious Magic^PG^42^You can use the Shadow Weave to make your spells harder for Weave users to dispel.
1491 Persistent Spell^CAr^81^You can make a spell last all day.
1492 Persistent Spell^DD^51^The deity makes one of its spells last all day.
1493 Persistent Spell^FRCS^37^You make one of your spells last all day.
1494 Persistent Spell^PG^42^You can make a spell last all day.
1495 Persistent Spell^TB^41^You make one of your spells last all day.
1496 Persona Immersion^RE^110^Your assumption of another's physical identity grants you defenses against mental intrusion.
1497 Personal Touchstone^PlH^41^You draw more power form one of the planar touchstone locations to which you have forged a link.
1498 Persuasive^PH^98^You have a way with words and body language.
1499 Persuasive^SaS^40^You could sell a tindertwig hat to a troll.
1500 Pervasive Gaze^SK^146^Your gaze attack is more effective than normal.
1501 Pervasive Gaze^SS^37^Your gaze attack is more effective than normal.
1502 Petrification Immunity^SK^147^You are immune to petrification effects.
1503 Petrification Resistance^SK^147^You can resist petrification effects better than you otherwise could.
1504 Phalanx Fighting^CW^103^You are trained in fighting in close formation with your allies.
1505 Phalanx Fighting^LD^189^You are trained in fighting in close formation with your allies.
1506 Pharaoh's Fist^Sa^51^Your unarmed strikes echo with thunder, stunning your foe and those nearby.
1507 Photosynthetic Skin^UA^94^Your skin toughens when it draws energy from the sun.
1508 Pierce Magical Concealment^CAr^81^You ignore the miss chance provided by certain magical effects.
1509 Pierce Magical Protection^CAr^82^You can overcome the magical protections of your enemies.
1510 Pierce the Darkness^RS^143^You can channel positive energy to temporarily increase the range of your darkvision.
1511 Piercing Cold^Fr^49^Your cold spells are so cold that they can damage creatures normally resistant or immune to cold.
1512 Piercing Gaze^SK^147^Your gaze attack has a greater range than normal.
1513 Piercing Gaze^SS^38^Your gaze attack has a greater range than normal.
1514 Piercing Sight^RS^143^Your fundamental familiarity with illusion allows you to better recognize them.
1515 Pin Shield^CW^103^You know how to get inside your opponent's guard by pinning his shield out of the way.
1516 Pin Shield^SF^8^You know how to get inside your opponent's guard by pinning his shield out of the way.
1517 Pious Defense^CD^86^Your connection to a greater power sometimes gives you flashes of insight that keep you safe.
1518 Pious Soul^CD^86^By adhering to the precepts of your religion or philosophy, you gain an extra edge when you need it most.
1519 Pious Spellsurge^CD^87^You can use the strength of your faith to augment a spell cast at a critical juncture.
1520 Plague Resistant^Rac^167^You are descended from the handful of combatants who fought on the Fields of Nun and survived Chondath's Rotting War in 902 DR.
1521 Planar Familiar^PlH^41^When you are ready and able to acquire a new familiar, you may choose one of several nonstandard familiars.
1522 Planar Touchstone^PlH^41^Forge a link between you and power-rich planar locations, referred to as planar touchstones.
1523 Planar Turning^DMG^210^You can turn or rebuke outsiders.
1524 Planer Turning^EL^64^You can turn or rebuke outsiders.
1525 Planetouched Animal Affinity^Rac^167^You have a special affinity for a kind of animal associated with your deity ancestor.
1526 Plant Control^DD^51^The deity can channel the power of nature to gain mastery over plant creatures.
1527 Plant Control^MW^24^You channel the power of nature to gain mastery over plant creatures.
1528 Plant Defiance^DD^51^The deity can channel the power of nature to drive off or stop plant creatures.
1529 Plant Defiance^MW^24^You channel the power of nature to drive off plant creatures.
1530 Plant Wild Shape^EL^65^You can wild shape into plant form.
1531 Plunging Shot^HB^99^You can use the force of gravity to make your ranged attacks deal extra damage if your target is below you.
1532 Plunging Shot^RW^152^You can use the force of gravity to make your ranged attacks deal extra damage if your target is below you.
1533 Point Blank Shot^PH^98^You are skilled at making well-placed shots with ranged weapons at close range.
1534 Poison Immunity^BV^49^After prolonged exposure to a poison or toxin, the character has rendered himself immune to it.
1535 Poison Immunity^CR^21^After prolonged exposure to a poison or toxin, you have rendered yourself immune to it.
1536 Poison Immunity^SK^147^You can ignore the effects of poison.
1537 Poison Immunity^SS^38^You can ignore the effects of poison.
1538 Poison Resistance^SK^147^You can resist poison better than you otherwise could.
1539 Poison Resistance^SS^38^You can resist poison better than you otherwise could.
1540 Polar Chill^UA^94^You can call forth the cold of the arctic regions, making movement and fighting difficult for the unprepared.
1541 Poltergeist Hand^Gh^37^You can move small objects in a limited manner at a distance when you are a ghost.
1542 Poltergeist Rage^Gh^37^You can throw heavy objects with the power of your mind.
1543 Polyglot^CAd^192^You can speak, read, and write all languages.
1544 Polyglot^EL^65^You can speak, read, and write all languages.
1545 Portal Master^PG^42^You are especially proficient at creating portals.
1546 Portal Sensitive^Und^27^You can perceive a portal just by passing near it.
1547 Positive Energy Aura^CD^90^You automatically turn (or even destroy) lesser undead.
1548 Positive Energy Aura^EL^65^You automatically turn (or even destroy) lesser undead.
1549 Positive Energy Resistance^LM^29^You are resistant to the damage dealt by positive energy effects.
1550 Power Attack^PH^98^You can make exceptionally powerful melee attacks.
1551 Power Attack - Iaijutsu^OA^64^Your ancestor, Kakita Rensei, was a renowned duelist whose strength was legendary.
1552 Power Attack - Shadowlands^OA^65^You are descended from Kaiu Gineza, the engineer who not only helped construct the tomb of Iuchiban, but also remained in the tomb to set the last trap.
1553 Power Climb^Dr^72^If you fly in a straight line, you can gain altitude in flight more easily than others.
1554 Power Critical^CW^103^Choose one weapon, such as a longsword or a greataxe. With that weapon, you know how to hit where it hurts.
1555 Power Critical^DD^51^The deity chooses one kind of weapon, such as a longsword or greataxe. With this weapon, the deity knows how to hit where it hurts when it counts.
1556 Power Critical^MW^24^Choose one weapon, such as a longsword or a greataxe. With that weapon, you know how to hit where it hurts.
1557 Power Dive^Dr^72^You can fall upon an opponent from the sky.
1558 Power Dive^SS^38^You can fall upon an opponent from the sky.
1559 Power Knowledge^XPH^34^You add two additional powers to your list of powers known.
1560 Power Lunge^EA^50^Your ferocious attack may catch an opponent unprepared.
1561 Power Lunge^Gh^37^Your ferocious attack may catch an opponent unprepared.
1562 Power Lunge^SF^8^Your ferocious attack may catch an opponent unprepared.
1563 Power Penetration^XPH^49^Your powers are especially potent at breaking through power resistance.
1564 Power Specialization^XPH^49^You deal more damage with your powers.
1565 Power Throw^CAd^111^You have learned how to hurl weapons to deadly effect.
1566 Powerful Bite^LoM^23^An aboleth with this feat develops jaws that are much more muscular than normal, allowing it to bite more efficiently.
1567 Powerful Charge^ECS^57^You can charge with extra force.
1568 Powerful Charge^MH^27^You can charge with extra force.
1569 Powerful Charge^MM3^207^A creature with this feat can charge with extra force.
1570 Powerful Voice^OA^65^You are karmically linked to Utaku, Shinjo's most trusted lieutenant and devoted bodyguard.
1571 Powerful Wild Shape^RS^143^You retain your powerful build while in wild shape form.
1572 Practiced Cohort^HB^99^Your cohort works well as part of your team.
1573 Practiced Spellcaster^CAr^82^Choose a spellcasting class that you possess. Your spells cast from that class are more powerful.
1574 Practiced Spellcaster^CD^82^Choose a spellcasting class that you possess. Your spells cast from that class are more powerful.
1575 Precise Shot^PH^98^You are skilled at timing and aiming ranged attacks.
1576 Precise Swing^ECS^58^You can ignore most obstacles when making a melee attack against an opponent.
1577 Precocious Apprentice^CAr^181^Your master has shown you the basics of a spell beyond the normal limits of your experience and training.
1578 Prehensile Tail^SK^147^You can use your tail to manipulate objects.
1579 Prehensile Tail^SS^38^You can use your tail to manipulate objects.
1580 Priest of the Waste^Sa^51^You can swap out prepared spells for others that aid in exploring and surviving in wastelands.
1581 Primeval Wild Shape^Fr^49^Your wild shape forms are stronger than normal.
1582 Primitive Caster^Fr^49^You use screeches, wild gesticulations, and extra material components to give your spells additional power.
1583 Primitive Caster^Rac^167^You use screeches, wild gesticulations, and extra material components to give your spells additional powers.
1584 Profane Boost^CD^84^You can channel negative energy to increase the power of inflict wounds spells cast near you.
1585 Profane Lifeleech^LM^29^You can channel negative energy to draw the life force from nearby living creatures.
1586 Profane Outburst^CR^21^With a horrendous release of divine energy, you steel your undead allies and minions against harm.
1587 Profane Vigor^LM^29^You can channel negative energy to heal nearby undead allies of physical damage.
1588 Prone Attack^CW^103^You can attack from a prone position without penalty.
1589 Prone Attack^OA^65^You attack from a prone position without penalty.
1590 Prone Attack^SF^8^You attack from a prone position without penalty.
1591 Proportionate Wild Shape^MW^24^You use wild shape to become animals of your own size even if your wild shape ability would normally exclude that size category.
1592 Protected Destiny^RD^153^Your heroic destiny is guarded against the whims of misfortune.
1593 Psicrystal Affinity^XPH^49^You have created a psicrystal.
1594 Psicrystal Containment^XPH^49^Your psicrystal has advanced enough that it can hold a psionic focus that you store within it.
1595 Psicrystal Power^XPH^34^Your psicrystal can manifest a power.
1596 Psionic Affinity^XPH^49^You have a knack for psionic endeavors.
1597 Psionic Body^XPH^49^Your mind reinforces your body.
1598 Psionic Charge^XPH^50^You can charge in crooked line.
1599 Psionic Dodge^XPH^50^You are proficient at dodging blows.
1600 Psionic Endowment^XPH^50^You can endow your manifestations with more concentrated focus.
1601 Psionic Fist^XPH^50^You can charge your unarmed strike or natural weapon with additional damage potential.
1602 Psionic Hole^XPH^50^You are anathema to psionic creatures and characters.
1603 Psionic Meditation^XPH^50^You can focus your mind faster than normal, even under duress.
1604 Psionic Shot^XPH^50^You can charge your ranged attacks with additional damage potential.
1605 Psionic Talent^XPH^50^You gain additional power points to supplement those you already had.
1606 Psionic Weapon^XPH^50^You can charge your melee weapon with additional damage potential.
1607 Puff Torso^SK^147^You can puff out your skin to appear larger and more threatening.
1608 Pulverize Foe^CR^21^You enjoy smashing your opponents into submission.
1609 Purify Spell^BE^44^You can charge your damaging spells with celestial energy that leaves good creatures unharmed.
1610 Purify Spell Trigger^BE^45^You can channel holy power through a spell trigger item, such as a wand or staff.
1611 Purify Spell-Like Ability^BE^45^You can charge your damaging spell-like abilities with celestial energy that leaves good creatures unharmed.
1612 Pursue^ECS^58^You have the ability to follow in an opponent's wake.
1613 Pushback^MH^27^You can knock opponents back when you hit them in melee.
1614 Pyro^SaS^40^You're good at lighting objects and opponents on fire.
1615 Quell the Profane^BE^45^Your mightiest attacks weaken evil foes.
1616 Quick Change^RE^110^You can quickly alter your features and physiology.
1617 Quick Change^SS^38^You can shift to an alternate form faster and more easily than you otherwise could.
1618 Quick Draw^PH^98^You can draw weapons with startling speed.
1619 Quick Reconnoiter^CAd^112^You can learn a lot of information from just a quick scan of an area or object.
1620 Quick Recovery^LoM^181^It's hard to keep you down for long. You have a talent for shaking off effects that leave others unable to act.
1621 Quick Staff^CW^114^You have mastered the style of fighting with a quarterstaff.
1622 Quicken Breath^Dr^73^You can loose your breath weapon with but a thought.
1623 Quicken Legacy^WL^15^You can activate one of your item's legacy abilities with a moment's thought.
1624 Quicken Manifestation^LM^29^You can manifest from the Ethereal Plane with a moment's thought.
1625 Quicken Power^XPH^50^You can manifest a power with a moment's thought.
1626 Quicken Spell^PH^98^You can cast a spell with a moment's thought.
1627 Quicken Spell-Like Ability^BV^49^The creature can use a spell-like ability with a moment's thought.
1628 Quicken Spell-Like Ability^MM^304^The creature can employ a spell-like ability with a moment's thought.
1629 Quicken Spell-like Ability^MM2^18^The creature can use a spell-like ability with a moment's thought.
1630 Quicken Spell-Like Ability^MM3^207^A creature with this feat can employ a spell-like ability with a moment's thought.
1631 Quicken Spell-Like Ability^SS^38^You can use a spell-like ability with a moment's thought.
1632 Quicken Turning^CD^84^You can turn or rebuke undead with a moment's thought.
1633 Quicken Turning^DF^20^You can turn or rebuke undead with a moment's thought.
1634 Quicken Turning^FP^215^You can turn or rebuke undead with a moment's thought.
1635 Quicken Turning^Gh^37^You can turn or rebuke undead with a moment's thought.
1636 Quicken Turning^LM^29^You can turn or rebuke undead with a moment's thought.
1637 Quicker Than the Eye^SaS^40^Your hands can move so quickly that observers don't see what you've done.
1638 Quickslime^LoM^23^The slime attack of an aboleth with this feat is particularly fast and difficult to resist.
1639 Racial Emulation^RE^110^You can emulate a humanoid more closely with your minor change shape ability.
1640 Radiant Fire^RD^155^Pelor has ignited your faith and conviction, making you better able to fight the creatures of darkness.
1641 Ragewild Fighting^RE^118^You have mastered a merciless form of combat that emphasizes using brute strength to shatter your foes.
1642 Raging Luck^ECS^58^When raging, you have a greater ability to alter your luck than most others do.
1643 Rampaging Bull Rush^RS^143^You can use brute force to slam into and knock down your enemies.
1644 Ranged Disarm^CW^103^You can disarm a foe from a distance.
1645 Ranged Inspiration^EL^65^You can use your bardic music at a greater range than normal.
1646 Ranged Pin^CW^104^You can perform a ranged grapple attempt against an opponent not adjacent to you.
1647 Ranged Smite Evil^BE^45^You smite ability can be channeled through your ranged weapon.
1648 Ranged Spell Specialization^CAr^82^You deal more damage with ranged touch attack spells.
1649 Ranged Sunder^CW^104^You can attack an opponent's weapon from a distance.
1650 Rapid Breath^SS^39^You do not have to wait as long to reuse your breath weapons as you normally would.
1651 Rapid Inspiration^EL^66^You can inspire your allies with bardic music more quickly than normal.
1652 Rapid Metabolism^XPH^50^Your wounds heal rapidly.
1653 Rapid Reload^EL^70^You reload a crossbow more quickly than normal.
1654 Rapid Reload^PH^99^Choose a type of crossbow. You can reload a crossbow of that type more quickly than normal.
1655 Rapid Reload^SF^9^You reload a crossbow more quickly than normal.
1656 Rapid Shot^PH^99^You can use ranged weapons with exceptional speed.
1657 Rapid Spell^CD^84^You can cast spells with long casting times more quickly.
1658 Rapid Stunning^CW^104^You can use your stunning attacks in rapid succession.
1659 Rapid Swimming^Rac^167^You are one with the water.
1660 Rapid Swimming^Sto^93^You are one with the water.
1661 Rapidstrike^Dr^73^You can attack more than once with a natural weapon.
1662 Raptor School^CW^111^You know martial arts techniques inspired by hunting birds.
1663 Rashemi Elemental Summoning^UE^45^You may summon Rashemen's native elementals in any situation where you could summon an air or earth elemental.
1664 Rattlesnake Strike^Sa^51^Having observed the ways of a desert viper, you have learned to use ki in a fashion similar to poison.
1665 Razing Strike^CAd^112^You have mastered the art of delivering precise strikes against nonliving creatures while channeling spell energy through your melee attacks.
1666 Razorclaw Elite^RE^114^Your razorclaw shifter trait improves.
1667 Reach Bite^LoM^23^An aboleth with this feat can extend its jaws and esophagus out from its body to make attacks beyond its normal reach.
1668 Reach Spell^CD^84^You can cast touch spells without touching the spell recipient.
1669 Reach Spell^DD^51^The deity can cast touch spells without touching the spell recipient.
1670 Reach Spell^DF^20^You can cast touch spells without touching the spell recipient.
1671 Reach Spell^FP^215^You can cast touch spells without touching the spell recipient.
1672 Reactive Countersong^EL^66^You can use countersong as a reaction to a sonic or language-dependent magical attack.
1673 Reactive Counterspell^Mag^22^You can react quickly to counterspells cast by opponents.
1674 Reactive Counterspell^PG^42^You can react quickly to counter spells cast by opponents.
1675 Reactive Shifting^RE^115^You can shift with a mere thought.
1676 Ready Shot^HB^99^You can make devastating attacks with ranged weapons against charging opponents.
1677 Reaping Spell^CR^21^The dark energy of your spell devours the soul of any creature killed by it.
1678 Reckless Charge^MH^27^You can charge with wild abandon.
1679 Reckless Offense^XPH^51^You can shift your focus from defense to offense.
1680 Reckless Offensive^EA^41^You lower your guard in order to make a telling attack.
1681 Reckless Offensive^Rac^167^You lower your guard in order to make a telling attack.
1682 Reckless Rage^RS^143^You are considered extreme even among other barbaric warriors, and you enter a deeper state of rage than others.
1683 Reckless Wand Wielder^CAr^82^You can increase the effectiveness of spells cast from a wand.
1684 Recognize Impostor^ECS^58^You are extremely skilled at spotting imposters.
1685 Recover Breath^Dr^73^You wait less time before being able to use your breath weapon again.
1686 Reflect Arrows^EL^66^You reflect ranged attacks back upon the attacker.
1687 Relic Hunter^RE^111^You possess great knowledge of the relics and crafts of the ancient cultures of Eberron.
1688 Remain Conscious^MW^25^You have the tenacity of will that supports you even when things look bleak.
1689 Remain Conscious^OA^65^You have a tenacity of will that supports you even when you are disabled or dying.
1690 Remain Conscious^SF^9^You have a tenacity of will that supports you even when things look bleak.
1691 Rend^Dr^73^You can rend opponents with your claws.
1692 Rend Ghost^Gh^37^Your touch can maul the ectoplasm of another ghost.
1693 Rending Constriction^SK^147^You can pull grappled enemies apart.
1694 Rending Constriction^SS^39^You can pull grappled enemies apart.
1695 Renown^UA^182^You have a better chance of being recognized.
1696 Repeat Spell^CAr^82^You can cast a spell that repeats on the following round.
1697 Repeat Spell^DD^51^The deity can cast a spell that repeats the following round.
1698 Repeat Spell^TB^41^You can cast a spell that repeats on the following round.
1699 Repel Aberration^ECS^58^Your Gatekeeper training allows you to keep aberrations at bay.
1700 Requiem^LM^29^Your bardic music affects undead creatures.
1701 Requiem^SaS^40^Your bardic music affects undead creatures.
1702 Research^ECS^59^You can use your Knowledge skills to extract information from books, scrolls, and other repositories of facts and figures.
1703 Reserves of Strength^DCS^86^When you cast a spell, you can choose to increase its effective caster level at the cost of exhausting yourself.
1704 Residual Rebound^UA^94^Sometimes spells cast at you rebound on the caster instead.
1705 Resist Death^EL^111^You are capable of withstanding tremendous amounts of damage without risk of instant death.
1706 Resist Disease^MW^25^You have developed a natural resistance to diseases.
1707 Resist Disease^ShS^21^You have developed a natural resistance to diseases.
1708 Resist Dragonfear^DCS^86^You are able to show courage in the presence of dragons.
1709 Resist Ghost^Gh^37^You are resistant to the effects of ghost powers.
1710 Resist Poison^FRCS^37^Over years, some among your people carefully expose themselves to poisons in controlled dosages in order to build up immunity to their effects.
1711 Resist Poison^MW^25^You have built up an immunity to the effects of poisons by exposing yourself to controlled doses of them.
1712 Resist Poison^OA^65^Your ancestor, Agasha Kitsuki, founded the fourth family of the Dragon clan and a school for magistrates renowned for teaching skills of investigation and deduction.
1713 Resist Poison^PG^43^Your people have become inured to many deadly substances through controlled exposure or the simple hostility of your home environment.
1714 Resist Taint^OA^65^You are descended from Kuni, the founder of the Kuni family, a scholar of -- and mighty warrior against -- the Shadowlands.
1715 Resistance to Energy^MW^25^You channel the power of nature to resist a particular energy type.
1716 Resounding Blow^BE^45^Your mightiest attacks cause your foes to tremble before you.
1717 Resourceful Buyer^RD^153^You know where to look in a community for anything you need.
1718 Return Shot^XPH^51^You can return incoming arrows, as well as crossbow bolts, spears, and other projectile thrown weapons.
1719 Reverberation^SS^39^Your sonic attack is more potent than normal.
1720 Rhinoceros Tribe Charge^ShS^21^You use the power of the rhinoceros's charge in battle.
1721 Ride-By Attack^PH^99^You are skilled at making fast attacks from your mount.
1722 Right of Counsel^ECS^59^You have the legal and sacral right to seek advice from one of your ancestors, a deathless elf in Aerenal's City of the Dead.
1723 Righteous Strike^EL^66^Your unarmed strikes are particularly damaging to chaotic creatures.
1724 Righteous Wrath^BE^45^Your rage is empowered with divine fury.
1725 Rock Gnome Trickster^Rac^167^Your glamers are particularly likely to fool the senses of your target.
1726 Rock Hurling^RS^143^You can throw rocks like a giant can.
1727 Roll With It^SS^39^You are adept at lessening the effects of blows.
1728 Roofwalker^RD^156^You are adept at moving and fighting on rooftops and ledges.
1729 Roots of the Mountain^RS^143^You can channel energy to make yourself immovable.
1730 Roundabout Kick^CW^105^You can follow up on a particularly powerful unarmed attack with a mighty kick, spinning in a complete circle before landing the kick.
1731 Roundabout Kick^OA^65^You can follow up on a particularly powerful unarmed attack with a mighty kick, spinning in a complete circle before landing the kick.
1732 Ruinous Rage^EL^66^While in a rage, you can deal tremendous damage to objects.
1733 Run^PH^99^You are fleet of foot.
1734 Runesmith^Rac^167^You can fashion runes that take the place of material components for your spells.
1735 Sacred Boost^CD^84^You can channel positive energy to increase the power of cure wounds spells cast near you.
1736 Sacred Healing^CD^84^You can channel positive energy to grant nearby living creatures the ability to recover form their wounds quickly.
1737 Sacred Spell^DD^51^The deity's damaging spells are imbued with divine power.
1738 Sacred Spell^DF^20^Your damaging spells are imbued with divine power.
1739 Sacred Spell^FP^215^Your damaging spells are imbued with divine power.
1740 Sacred Strike^BE^45^Your sneak attack is enhanced by your unshakable faith in a good-aligned deity.
1741 Sacred Tattoo^Rac^168^You have been spiritually touched by one of the god-kings of the Old Empires and bear his or her symbol in the form of a tattoo in the shape of a holy symbol.
1742 Sacred Vengeance^CW^108^You can channel energy to deal extra damage against undead in melee.
1743 Sacred Vengeance^LM^30^You can channel energy to deal extra damage against undead in melee.
1744 Sacred Vitality^LM^30^You can channel positive energy to gain protection from damage to your abilities or your life force.
1745 Sacred Vow^BE^45^You have willingly given yourself to the service of a good deity or cause, denying yourself an ordinary life to better serve you highest ideals.
1746 Sacrificial Mastery^BV^50^The character is skilled at offering living sacrifices to evil gods or fiends.
1747 Saddleback^FRCS^37^Your people are as comfortable riding as walking.
1748 Saddleback^Gh^38^You were raised among people who are as comfortable riding as walking.
1749 Saddleback^OA^65^You have a unique karmic tie to Moto Chai, one of the greatest riders ever to live, even by Unicorn standards.
1750 Saddleback^PG^43^You've spent endless hours learning how to handle a mount in a fight.
1751 Sahuagin Flip^Sto^93^You can safely attack and withdraw underwater.
1752 Sailor's Balance^Sto^93^You are experienced with the rolling decks of the ship and maintain strong footing, even in a terrible storm.
1753 Sanctify Ki Strike^BE^46^Sacred power suffuses your unarmed strikes.
1754 Sanctify Martial Strike^BE^46^Sacred power suffuses your attacks with a certain kind of weapon.
1755 Sanctify Natural Attack^BE^46^You can focus holy power into your natural attacks.
1756 Sanctify Relic^CD^84^You can create magic items that are imbued with a connection to your deity.
1757 Sanctify Water^Sto^93^You can call upon positive energy to momentarily transform normal water around you into holy water.
1758 Sanctify Weapon^BE^46^You can focus holy power into your weapon.
1759 Sanctum Spell^CAr^82^Your spells are especially potent on home ground.
1760 Sanctum Spell^TB^41^Your spells have a home ground advantage.
1761 Sand Camouflage^Sa^51^You can hide yourself in sand with a moment's notice.
1762 Sand Dancer^Sa^52^While making another attack, you attempt to blind a foe with thrown sand.
1763 Sand Snare^Sa^52^When you knock your foes into the sand, they have a hard time regaining their feet.
1764 Sand Spinner^Sa^52^You spray sand with your acrobatic maneuvers.
1765 Sandskimmer^Sa^52^You are particularly adept at moving over sand.
1766 Savage Grapple^CAd^114^While transformed into the shape of a wild animal, you can savagely tear at any creature that you manage to grapple.
1767 Scavenging Gullet^LoM^181^The taint of the aberration in your blood has gifted you with the ability to gain nourishment from things that others would never consider as food.
1768 Scent^CAd^114^You can sharpen your sense of smell.
1769 Scent^MW^25^Your olfactory senses are as sharp as the wolf's.
1770 Scholar of Nature^OA^65^You are descended from Asako Hanasku, a great scholar who threw himself into the study of medicine, herbs, and poison.
1771 Scion of Sorrow^CR^23^You formally supplicate yourself to a powerful yugoloth lord.
1772 Scorpion's Grasp^Sa^52^Like the scorpion, you can grab and hold your prey.
1773 Scorpion's Instincts^Sa^53^You are hard to find in the waste.
1774 Scorpion's Resolve^Sa^53^Like the scorpion, you are not easily distracted.
1775 Scorpion's Sense^Sa^53^Like the scorpion, you sense other creatures simply by perceiving their contact with the sand.
1776 Scourge of the Seas^Sto^93^You have a sinister reputation as a pirate and can intimidate enemy captains by your mere presence.
1777 Scramble^SS^39^Your slippery ways allow you to evade a damaging blow.
1778 Scribe Epic Scroll^EL^66^You can scribe scrolls of epic power.
1779 Scribe Scroll^PH^99^You can create scrolls, from which you or another spellcaster can cast the scribed spells.
1780 Scribe Tattoo^XPH^51^You can create psionic tattoos, which store powers within their designs.
1781 Sculpt Ghost Body^Gh^38^You can reshape your ghost body's ectoplasm to enhance one physical ability score at the expense of another.
1782 Sculpt Spell^CAr^83^You can alter the area of your spells.
1783 Sculpt Spell^TB^42^You can alter the shape of a spell's area.
1784 Sea Legs^Fr^49^You are accustomed to the rolling motion on board a ship, and can use this motion to your advantage.
1785 Sea Legs^OA^65^You are descended from Yasuki Fumoki, a notorious pirate who preyed on Crane merchant ships off the coast.
1786 Sea Legs^Sto^93^You are accustomed to the rolling motion on board a ship, and can use this motion to your advantage.
1787 Searing Spell^Sa^53^Your fire spells are so hot that they can damage creatures that normally have resistance or immunity to fire.
1788 Second Slam^RE^120^You have learned to use your form to the utmost and can make two slam attacks.
1789 Second Wind^MH^28^You can shrug off minor wounds with ease.
1790 Selective Spell^ShS^21^You can screen allies from the effects of your area spells.
1791 Self-Concealment^EL^66^When in combat, your form becomes blurry and indistinct, making it difficult to land a blow against you.
1792 Self-Sufficient^PH^100^You can take care of yourself in harsh environments and situations.
1793 Sense Weakness^Dr^106^You can take advantage of subtle weaknesses in your opponents' defenses.
1794 Serpent Fang^Sa^53^You are able to project your ki to strike foes as though you had extended reach.
1795 Serpent Strike^ECS^60^Through monastic weapon training, you have mastered a fighting style that makes use of an unusual monk weapon: the longspear.
1796 Serpent's Venom^CD^84^You can deliver a toxic bite attack reminiscent of the viper.
1797 Servant of the Fallen^LE^9^You keep alive the worship of a deity who has died or vanished.
1798 Servant of the Heavens^BE^46^You swear allegiance to one of the Tome Archons who rules the Seven Heavens, and in exchange gain power to act on their behalf.
1799 Shadow^MW^25^You have a better chance than most to trail someone unnoticed.
1800 Shadow^SaS^40^You are good at following someone surreptitiously.
1801 Shadow Heritage^PlH^42^You are descended from creatures native to the Plane of Shadow.
1802 Shadow Marches Warmonger^RE^111^The ancient martial pride of your people grants you mastery of their style of battle.
1803 Shadow Shield^Rac^168^Your ancestors long battled the insidious influence of shadow magic, and some of their descendants (including you) have a greater resistance to its effects.
1804 Shadow Song^Rac^168^A dark legacy of the Shadowking's ambitions is the shadow of sorrow that cloaks many Tethyrian songs and ballads. Some bards have learned to infuse their performances with the sense of loss and suffering that suffuses the Shadow Weave.
1805 Shadow Weave Magic^FRCS^37^You have discovered the dark and dangerous secret of the Shadow Weave.
1806 Shadow Weave Magic^PG^43^You have discovered the dangerous secret of the Shadow Weave.
1807 Shadowform Familiar^CR^22^You can summon a familiar from the Plane of Shadow.
1808 Shadowstrike^CR^22^Due to your ties to the Plane of Shadow, you strike more effectively in areas of dim illumination.
1809 Shape Breath^Dr^73^You can make the area of your breath weapon a cone or a line, as you see fit.
1810 Shape Ectoplasm^Gh^38^You can make equipment out of ectoplasm.
1811 Shaped Splash^RE^111^Your expertise with thrown weapons enables you to use splash weapons more effectively.
1812 Shared Fury^RW^152^Your fearsome rage spurs your animal companion to greater heights.
1813 Sharp-Shooting^CW^105^Your skill with ranged weapons lets you score hits others would miss due to an opponent's cover.
1814 Sharp-Shooting^DD^52^The deity's skill with ranged weapons lets it score hits others would miss due to an opponent's cover.
1815 Sharp-Shooting^SF^9^Your skill with ranged weapons lets you score hits others would miss due to an opponent's cover.
1816 Shattering Strike^EL^66^You can shatter objects with your unarmed strike.
1817 Sherem-Lar Sorcery^Gh^38^You are one of the Sherem-Lar, magically altered in the womb to enhance your potential as a sorcerer.
1818 Sherezem-Lar Sorcery^Gh^38^You are one of the Sherezem-Lar, an elite group within the Sherem-Lar, head and shoulders above the others in power.
1819 Shield Charge^CW^105^You deal extra damage if you use your shield as a weapon when charging.
1820 Shield Charge^DF^20^You deal extra damage if you use your shield as a weapon when charging.
1821 Shield Dwarf Warder^Rac^168^You are a student of the protective magics of the shield dwarves, learned at great cost during centuries of warfare and wandering.
1822 Shield Expert^SF^9^You use a shield as an off-hand weapon while retaining its armor bonus.
1823 Shield of Thought^RE^113^You wield your spirit as both weapon and shield.
1824 Shield Proficiency^PH^100^You are proficient with bucklers, small shields, and large shields.
1825 Shield Slam^CW^105^You can use your shield to daze your opponent.
1826 Shield Wall^HB^99^You are skilled in using shields when in formation with other shield-bearers.
1827 Shielded Axe^RS^144^You have mastered the style of fighting with a dwarven waraxe and a handaxe while keeping a buckler strapped to your offhand, and you have learned to use this unusual combination of weapons and buckler to protect yourself while wielding both axes effectively.
1828 Shielded Casting^RS^144^You are skilled at covering yourself with your shield when casting spells in combat.
1829 Shielded Manifesting^RS^144^You are skilled at covering yourself with your shield when manifesting psionic powers in combat.
1830 Shieldmate^MH^28^You can protect those near you with your shield.
1831 Shifter Agility^RE^115^Your heritage of speed and ferocity has honed your reflexes, allowing you to avoid attacks.
1832 Shifter Defense^ECS^60^By delving deeper into your shifter heritage, you have developed the ability to ignore a little damage from every attack.
1833 Shifter Defense^MM3^150^By delving into your shifter heritage, you have developed the ability to ignore a little damage from every attack.
1834 Shifter Ferocity^ECS^60^You are a tenacious combatant, continuing to fight when others would succumb to pain and injury.
1835 Shifter Ferocity^RE^115^You are a tenacious combatant, continuing to fight when others would succumb to pain and injury.
1836 Shifter Instincts^MM3^150^Your heritage has given you sharp senses and quick reflexes, and you have learned to trust your equally sharp instincts.
1837 Shifter Instincts^RE^115^Your heritage has given you sharp senses and quick reflexes, and you have learned to trust your equally sharp instincts.
1838 Shifter Multiattack^ECS^60^You are adept at using your natural attack in conjunction with another weapon.
1839 Shifter Savagery^RE^115^The bestial fury of your lycanthrope ancestors allows you to deal devastating strikes with your natural weapons.
1840 Shifter Stamina^RE^115^Yours is a heritage of endurance and tenacity, and you can shrug off bruises and fatigue.
1841 Ship Savvy^RE^112^Your heritage among the sailors and shipwrights of Zilargo gives you an edge in shipboard combat.
1842 Ship's Mage^Sto^93^You form a potent supernatural bond with a ship. Your spells have a more potent effect when cast aboard this ship.
1843 Shock Trooper^CW^112^You are adept at breaking up formations of soldiers when you rush into battle.
1844 Shock Wave^Dr^73^You can strike the ground with your tail so hard it knocks other creatures down.
1845 Shot on the Run^PH^100^You are highly trained in skirmish ranged weapons tactics.
1846 Shriveling Touch^Gh^38^Choose one physical ability score. When you touch a creature, you can cause permanent drain to this ability score.
1847 Sidestep^MH^28^You can move nimbly around the battlefield.
1848 Sidestep Charge^XPH^51^You are skilled at dodging past charging opponents and taking advantage when they miss.
1849 Signature Spell^FRCS^37^You are so familiar with a mastered spell that you can convert other prepared spells into that spell.
1850 Signature Spell^PG^43^You are so familiar with a mastered spell that you can convert other prepared spells into that spell.
1851 Silencing Strike^RS^144^You can infuse your sneak attacks with the magical essence of silence.
1852 Silent Spell^PH^100^You can cast spells silently.
1853 Silver Palm^FRCS^37^Your culture is based on haggling and the art of the deal.
1854 Silver Palm^PG^43^Your culture is based on haggling and the art of the deal.
1855 Silver Smite^ECS^60^You wield the power of the Silver Flame to smite evil.
1856 Silver Tongue^OA^65^Your ancestor, Mirumoto Kaijuko, was the first woman to become daimyo of the Mirumoto family.
1857 Silver Tracery^RE^120^Alchemical silver tracery covers your body, allowing you to overcome the supernatural defenses of certain creatures and protecting against some magical attacks.
1858 Simple Weapon Proficiency^PH^100^You understand how to use all types of simple weapons in combat.
1859 Skewer Foe^CR^22^A ruthless combatant, you like to impale enemies on spears and similar piercing weapons.
1860 Skill Focus^PH^100^Choose a skill. You have a special knack with that skill.
1861 Skilled Telekinetic^LoM^45^A creature with this feat becomes so skilled with its telekinesis ability that it can manipulate and use magic items via telekinesis.
1862 Skyrider^Rac^168^You have trained and served with the hippogriff cavalry that guards the Great Rift.
1863 Smatterings^RD^153^You have a talent for acquiring languages -- at least enough of each one to get by.
1864 Smite Fiery Foe^Fr^50^You can smite creatures with the fire subtype.
1865 Smooth Talk^FRCS^37^Your people are accustomed to dealing with strangers and foreigners without needing to draw weapons to make their point.
1866 Smooth Talk^OA^66^You are descended from Doji Taehime, a Crane ambassador to the Scorpion court -- a courtier skilled at discovering falsehoods and uncovering plots.
1867 Smooth Talk^PG^43^Your people rarely have to draw their weapons to deal with potential adversaries.
1868 Snake Blood^FRCS^38^The taint of the yuan-ti runs in your veins.
1869 Snake Blood^PG^43^The taint of the yuan-ti runs in your veins.
1870 Snatch^MM2^18^The creature can grapple more easily with its claws or bite.
1871 Snatch^MW^25^You can grapple more easily with your claws or bite.
1872 Snatch and Swallow^Dr^73^You can swallow creatures you have grabbed with your bite attack.
1873 Snatch Arrows^MM^304^The creature can grab opponents much smaller than itself and hold them in its mouth or claw.
1874 Snatch Arrows^PH^100^You are adept at grabbing incoming arrows, as well as crossbow bolts, spears, and other projectile or thrown weapons.
1875 Snatch Arrows^SF^9^You are adept at grabbing incoming arrows, as well as crossbow bolts, spears, and other projectile or thrown weapons.
1876 Snatch Trophy^CR^22^You can quickly and skillfully collect a trophy of your victory over a fallen foe.
1877 Snatch Weapon^SaS^40^You can disarm an opponent, then pluck the weapon from midair.
1878 Sneak Attack of Opportunity^EL^66^Whenever your opponent lets his guard down, you can make a sneak attack.
1879 Snow Tiger Berserker^UE^45^You have learned how to pounce on your foes, much like your totem spirit.
1880 Snowcasting^Fr^50^You add ice or snow to your spell's components to make them more powerful.
1881 Snowflake Wardance^Fr^50^You are particularly adept at moving through snow and over ice.
1882 Snowrunner^Fr^50^You have mastered the snowflake wardance, a mystical style of fighting with slashing weapons that allows you to leap and almost seem to float haphazardly across the battlefield like a whirling, razor-edged snowflake.
1883 Sociable Personality^RD^153^You are adroit at avoiding social gaffes.
1884 Solid Visage^Gh^39^Your ghost body appears solid and alive.
1885 Song of the Heart^ECS^60^Your bardic music reaches the depths of its listeners' hearts.
1886 Soothe the Beast^ECS^60^Echoing the music of creation, your music has powers to calm animals.
1887 Soul of Honor^OA^66^Your ancestor Shinjo Martera, the firstborn son of Shinjo, was the living incarnation of bushido for the Unicorn, utterly without fault or failing.
1888 Soul of Loyalty^OA^66^Your ancestor, Mirumoto Tokeru, was renowned for his loyalty to his twin brother, Ryudumu.
1889 Soul of Sincerity^OA^66^You are descended from the famous Scorpion daimyo Bayushi Tangen, author of Lies and Little Truths.
1890 Soul of the North^CAr^83^You possess a magical understanding of the nature of cold.
1891 Soulblade Warrior^RE^120^The spirit of a quori warrior grants you deadly speed and combat prowess with your mind blade.
1892 Southern Magician^Rac^168^Your magical studies in Mulan lands have taught you spellcasting techniques unknown in the north that blur the line between arcane and divine magic.
1893 Speaking Wild Shape^MW^25^While in wild shape, you can communicate with animals or elementals of the same kind as your current form.
1894 Spear of Doom^DCS^87^Few can avoid death on your spearpoint when you brace yourself for their attack.
1895 Spectacular Death Throes^DCS^87^Your body seethes with unchecked power, promising dire consequences to your killer.
1896 Spectral Strike^CD^90^You can strike incorporeal creatures as if they were solid.
1897 Spectral Strike^EL^66^You can strike incorporeal creatures as if they were solid.
1898 Speed of Thought^XPH^51^The energy of your mind energizes the alacrity of your body.
1899 Spell Drain^LM^30^You can cast any spell that you drain from a creature's mind.
1900 Spell Focus^CD^84^Your spells with an alignment descriptor are more potent than normal.
1901 Spell Focus^PH^100^Choose a school of magic. Your spells of that school are more potent than normal.
1902 Spell Focus (Good)^BE^46^Your spells with the good descriptor are more potent than normal due to your relationship with the powers of good.
1903 Spell Girding^Mag^22^Your spells are particularly hardy, resisting dispel checks more readily than normal.
1904 Spell Hand^CAr^83^You possess a magical understanding of the manipulation of force.
1905 Spell Knowledge^DMG^210^You add two additional arcane spells to your repertoire.
1906 Spell Knowledge^EL^67^You add two additional arcane spells to your repertoire.
1907 Spell Mastery^PH^100^You are so intimately familiar with certain spells that you don't need a spellbook to prepare them anymore.
1908 Spell Opportunity^EL^67^You can cast a touch spell as an attack of opportunity.
1909 Spell Penetration^PH^100^Your spells are especially potent, breaking through spell resistance more readily than normal.
1910 Spell Power^OA^66^Your lineage traces back to the young shugenja Kuni Osaku, who single-handedly held off a massive army of oni at the Battle of the Cresting Wave.
1911 Spell Reprieve^LE^9^Your studies of the less restrictive arcane traditions of old allow you to cast one spell from a prohibited school.
1912 Spell Specialization^TB^42^You deal more damage with ray or energy missile spells.
1913 Spell Stowaway^EL^67^Choose a spell-like ability you possess or a spell you can cast. You gain the benefits of this magic whenever it is used near you.
1914 Spell Thematics^Mag^22^Your spells have a distinct visual or auditory effect in their manifestation.
1915 Spell Thematics^PG^44^Your spells manifest with a distinct theme or appearance.
1916 Spellcaster Support^OA^66^Your ancestor, Shiba Kaigen, was a samurai who used his knowledge of spellcraft to help defend a mountain pass from a Lion invasion.
1917 Spellcasting Harrier^Dr^74^Spellcasters you threaten find it difficult to cast defensively.
1918 Spellcasting Harrier^EL^67^Spellcasters you threaten find it difficult to cast defensively.
1919 Spellcasting Prodigy^FRCS^38^You have an exceptional gift for magic.
1920 Spellcasting Prodigy^PG^44^You have an exceptional gift for magic.
1921 Spellfire Wielder^Mag^23^You are one of the rare people who have the innate talent to control raw magic in the form of spellfire.
1922 Spell-Like Ability Focus^Rac^168^Choose one of your spell-like abilities. This attack becomes much more potent than normal.
1923 Spellrazor^RS^144^You have mastered the style of combining a gnome quickrazor with spellcasting.
1924 Spellwise^PG^44^You were raised in a land where mighty wizards are common.
1925 Spider Bite^PG^176^You gain a poisonous bite like that of a spider.
1926 Spiked Body^RE^120^Your body is overlaid with hundreds of protruding spikes that can deal great damage to foes.
1927 Spinning Halberd^CW^114^You have mastered the style of fighting with a halberd.
1928 Spire Walking^Rac^168^Iriaebor is justly known as the City of a Thousand Spires, for fantastically bizarre, many-storied towers rise from all quarters of the city and are tightly packed together. As a result, it is possible to navigate Iriaebor via a network of arches, bridges, stairs, and leapable gulfs far above the city streets. You are well versed in the skill of navigating the skyroads of Iriaebor.
1929 Spirited Charge^PH^100^You are trained at making a devastating mounted charge.
1930 Spiritual Force^RE^113^Your forceful inner spirit allows you to deal more damage with your mind blade.
1931 Spit Poison^LoM^94^A creature with this feat can spit its poison as a ranged touch attack.
1932 Spit Venom^SK^147^You can spit venom in the manner of a spitting cobra.
1933 Split Breath^Dr^74^You can split your breath weapon into a pair of weaker effects.
1934 Split Psionic Ray^XPH^51^You can affect two targets with a single ray.
1935 Split Ray^CAr^83^Your ray spells can affect an additional target.
1936 Split Ray^TB^42^You can affect two targets with a single ray.
1937 Spontaneous Casting^ECS^61^You can swap a prepared spell on the fly.
1938 Spontaneous Domain Access^EL^67^Select a domain of spells you have access to. You can spontaneously convert spells into spells of this domain.
1939 Spontaneous Healer^CD^84^You can use your spellcasting ability to spontaneously cast cure spells.
1940 Spontaneous Spell^EL^67^Select a spell you can cast. You can spontaneously convert spells of that spell's level into that spell.
1941 Spontaneous Summoner^CD^85^You can spontaneously cast summon nature's ally spells.
1942 Spontaneous Wounder^CD^85^You can use your spellcasting ability to spontaneously cast inflict spells.
1943 Spreading Breath^Dr^74^You can convert your breath weapon into a spread effect.
1944 Spring Attack^PH^100^You are trained in fast melee attacks and fancy footwork.
1945 Spurn Death's Touch^LM^30^You can channel divine energy to remove some of the harmful effects of attacks made by undead creatures.
1946 Stable Footing^RE^112^Because of your training and wariness, you are skilled at keeping your feet in combat and able to move over difficult terrain with ease.
1947 Staggering Strike^CAd^112^You can deliver a wound that hampers an opponent's movement.
1948 Staggering Strike^Rac^169^You are particularly adept at making cruel and demoralizing sneak attacks.
1949 Stalwart Planar Ally^PlH^42^The allies you summon from a specific plane are tougher than normal.
1950 Stamp^SS^39^You can stamp the ground to crush and disrupt opponents.
1951 Stand Still^XPH^51^You can prevent foes from fleeing or closing.
1952 Starspawn^LoM^181^Your abnormal body and heritage has become more pronounced. You grow membranous wings and are comfortable in extreme elevations.
1953 Steady Concentration^RS^144^You are an expert at avoiding distractions and focusing your mind, and you can concentrate clearly even in the most stressful conditions.
1954 Steady Mountaineer^RS^144^You are so good at climbing cliffs and leaping across crevasses that distractions don't affect you.
1955 Stealthy^FRCS^38^Your people are known for their stealthiness.
1956 Stealthy^PH^101^You are particularly good at avoiding notice.
1957 Steam Magic^Sto^93^You are skilled at casting fiery spells into the water, causing terrible gouts of scalding steam.
1958 Stench of the Dead^UA^94^The odor of decay hangs heavy on you, causing others to gasp and retch.
1959 Stigmata^BE^46^You bear the marks of wounds on your body, as sort of a living martyrdom.
1960 Still Spell^PH^101^You can cast spells without gestures.
1961 Stitched Flesh Familiar^LM^30^When you are ready and able to acquire a new familiar, you may choose to gain a stitched flesh familiar.
1962 Stone Colossus^Rac^169^You can focus a part of your power to increase the toughness of your skin.
1963 Stone Form^RS^144^You can use wild shape to assume a rocklike form.
1964 Stone Rage^RS^144^Your bond with the earth and tough hide makes it easier for you to shrug off blows while you are raging.
1965 Stone Slide^Rac^169^You have attuned yourself to stone to such an extent that you can merge with it for a short time.
1966 Stone Soul^Und^27^You were born with a dwarflike, innate sense about rock, stone, and construction.
1967 Stoneback^RS^144^You have studied the techniques of fighting underground, and you can protect yourself from the dangers of multiple attackers whenever you can put your back to a solid wall.
1968 Stoneblood^Rac^169^Your blood is thick like cooling lava, making it difficult for you to die after falling from injuries.
1969 Stoneshaper^Rac^169^You have a deep and abiding tie to earth and stone.
1970 Stonewalker Fist^Rac^169^You are trained in an unarmed fighting style that draws on your ability to pass through minerals as if they were air.
1971 Storm Magic^Fr^50^You gain a boost in spellcasting power during storms.
1972 Storm Magic^Sto^94^You gain a boost in spellcasting power during storms.
1973 Storm of Throws^EL^67^You become a flurry of thrown weapons, targeting all nearby opponents.
1974 Stormheart^PG^44^The sea is in your blood.
1975 Strafing Breath^DCS^87^You can sustain your breath weapon when you use it on the wing, covering a larger ground area in its effect.
1976 Street Smart^FRCS^38^You have learned how to keep informed, ask questions, and interact with the underworld without raising suspicion.
1977 Street Smart^PG^44^You know how to keep informed, ask questions, and interact with the underworld without raising suspicions.
1978 Strength of the Charger^OA^66^You share the spirit of Utaku Shiko, the founder of the Utaku Battle Maiden tradition.
1979 Strength of the Crab^OA^87^You claim descent from Hida, the first Crab.
1980 Strength of Two^RE^113^Your quori spirit gives you unmatched willpower.
1981 Strong Mind^ECS^61^You are unusually hard to affect with psionic powers and mind attacks.
1982 Strong Mind^Und^27^You are unusually difficult to affect with psionic powers and mind attacks.
1983 Strong Soul^FRCS^38^The souls of your people are hard to separate from their bodies.
1984 Strong Soul^OA^66^You claim descent from Moto Soro, the simple peasant who earned his place among samurai and founded the Moto family.
1985 Strong Soul^PG^44^You possess an innate resistance to fell magic and supernatural attacks.
1986 Stunning Fist^PH^101^You know how to strike opponents in vulnerable areas.
1987 Subdual Substitution^DD^52^The deity can modify a spell that uses energy to deal damage to deal subdual damage instead.
1988 Subdual Substitution^TB^42^You can modify a spell that uses energy to deal damage to deal nonlethal damage instead.
1989 Subduing Strike^BE^46^You are adept at striking to deal nonlethal damage even with normal weapons.
1990 Subsonics^CAd^112^Your music can affect even those who do not consciously hear it.
1991 Subsonics^SaS^40^Your music can affect even those who do not consciously hear it.
1992 Subtle Sigil^RD^154^You are able to fade your sigils into invisibility, but still tap into their magical energy.
1993 Sudden Empower^CAr^83^You can cast a spell to greater effect without special preparation.
1994 Sudden Empower^MH^28^You can cast one spell per day to greater effect without special preparation.
1995 Sudden Energy Affinity^MH^28^You can modify a spell's energy type once per day without special preparation.
1996 Sudden Enlarge^MH^28^You may cast one spell per day with a greater range than normal without special preparation.
1997 Sudden Extend^CAr^83^You can make a spell last longer than normal without special preparation.
1998 Sudden Extend^MH^28^You can cast one spell per day with a longer duration than normal without special preparation.
1999 Sudden Maximize^CAr^83^You can cast a spell to maximum effect without special preparation.
2000 Sudden Maximize^MH^28^Once per day you can cast a spell to maximum effect without special preparation.
2001 Sudden Quicken^CAr^83^You can cast a spell with a moment's thought without special preparation.
2002 Sudden Quicken^MH^28^Once per day you can cast a spell with a moment's thought without special preparation.
2003 Sudden Silent^CAr^83^You can cast a spell silently without special preparation.
2004 Sudden Silent^MH^28^Once per day you can cast a spell silently without special preparation.
2005 Sudden Still^CAr^83^You can cast a spell without gestures or special preparation.
2006 Sudden Still^MH^28^Once per day you can cast a spell without gestures without special preparation.
2007 Sudden Widen^CAr^83^You can increase a spell's area without special preparation.
2008 Sudden Widen^MH^28^Once per day you can increase the area of a spell without special preparation.
2009 Sugliin Mastery^Fr^50^You are a master at fighting with the massive sugliin.
2010 Summon Earth Elemental^Rac^169^Like many experienced deep gnomes, you have developed the ability to summon earth elementals to help you with tasks.
2011 Sun School^CW^112^You have learned a number of esoteric martial arts techniques inspired by the sun.
2012 Sunken Song^Sto^94^You can project your voice underwater.
2013 Superior Expertise^DD^52^The deity has mastered the art of defense in combat.
2014 Superior Expertise^FP^215^You have mastered the art of defense in combat.
2015 Superior Expertise^OA^66^You have mastered the art of defense in combat.
2016 Superior Initiative^EL^67^You can react even more quickly than normal in a fight.
2017 Supernatural Blow^MW^25^Choose one favored enemy that is immune to critical hits. You know how to place blows against this opponent for best effect.
2018 Supernatural Transformation^SS^39^You convert a spell-like ability to a supernatural ability.
2019 Suppress Weakness ^Dr^74^Your vulnerability to an energy type is reduced.
2020 Surefooted^PG^45^You are used to fighting on steep slopes and treacherous surfaces.
2021 Surrogate Spellcasting^SS^39^You use substitute verbal and somatic components when casting spells.
2022 Survivor^FRCS^38^Your people thrive in regions that others find uninhabitable, and excel at uncovering the secrets of the wilderness and surviving to tell the tale.
2023 Survivor^Gh^39^Your people thrive in a region that others find uninhabitable, and you excel at uncovering the secrets of the wilderness and surviving to tell the tale.
2024 Survivor^PG^45^Your people thrive in places that others find almost uninhabitable, and you know many of the secrets of the wilderness.
2025 Svirfneblin Figment^Rac^169^Your time underground has made you acutely aware of even slight differences in sound and vision in caves that have never seen the sun. Accordingly, your illusions are finely tuned and ultra-realistic.
2026 Swamp Stalker^SS^40^You are adapted to a marshy environment.
2027 Swarm of Arrows^EL^67^You can fire a veritable storm of arrows at nearby opponents.
2028 Swarmfighting^CW^105^You and allies with this feat can coordinate melee attacks against a single target and are adept at fighting side by side in close quarters.
2029 Swarmfighting^Rac^169^You and allies with this feat can coordinate melee attacks against a single target and are adept at fighting side by side in close quarters.
2030 Swarm's Embrace^Sh^158^You have a natural affinity for swarms and can stand in the midst of a swarm with few harmful effects.
2031 Swift and Silent^PG^45^The shadows are your friends, and your footfalls are whispers of death.
2032 Swiftwing Elite^RE^116^Your swiftwing shifter trait improves.
2033 Swim Like a Fish^CD^85^You can breathe and swim underwater with grace.
2034 Swim-By Attack^Sto^94^You can attack in the middle of a fast pass by your opponent.
2035 Tactile Trapsmith^CAd^112^You can rely on your rapid reflexes and nimble fingers instead of your intellect when searching a room or when disabling a trap.
2036 Tail Constrict^Dr^74^You can make constriction attacks with your tail.
2037 Tail Rattle^SK^147^Your tail gains a rattle like that of a serpent.
2038 Tail Sweep Knockdown^Dr^74^Your tail sweep attack knocks opponents prone.
2039 Talenta Warrior^RE^112^You have trained with the ancestral weapons of the Talenta halflings and are particularly adept at striking from the back of a dinosaur mount.
2040 Talented^XPH^51^You can overchannel powers with less cost to yourself.
2041 Talfirian Song^Rac^170^You can use the power of your bardic music to enhance your illusion spells.
2042 Tall Mouther Hunter^ShS^21^Because of your cultural hatred for tall mouthers, you have had specific training in how best to fight them.
2043 Tattoo Focus^DMG^194^You bear the powerful magical tattoos of a Red Wizard of Thay.
2044 Tattoo Focus^FRCS^38^You bear the powerful magic tattoos of a Red Wizard of Thay.
2045 Tattoo Focus^PG^45^You bear the powerful magical tattoos of a Red Wizard of Thay.
2046 Tattoo Magic^LD^189^You can create tattoos that store spells.
2047 Tattoo Magic^Rac^170^You can create tattoos that store spells.
2048 Temper Ectoplasm^Gh^39^You can make durable equipment out of ectoplasm.
2049 Tempest Breath^Dr^74^You can make your breath weapon strike with the force of a windstorm.
2050 Tenacious Magic^EL^68^Choose one of your spells or spell-like abilities. That magic cannot be dispelled, only suppressed.
2051 Tenacious Magic^FRCS^38^You can use the Shadow Weave to make your spells harder for Weave users to dispel.
2052 Tenacious Magic^PG^45^You can use the Shadow Weave to make your spells harder for Weave users to dispel.
2053 Terrifying Rage^DMG^210^While in a rage, you panic your opponents.
2054 Terrifying Rage^EL^68^While in a rage, you panic your opponents.
2055 The Gentle Way Mastery^OA^81^You have mastered the martial arts style of 'The Gentle Way' -- a soft form emphasizing throws and movement.
2056 Theocrat^Rac^170^You have the delicate touch needed to maintain the favor of your patron deity and the political skills needed to survive in the trenches of bureaucratic warfare common in the lands ruled by agents of the Mulhorandi pantheon.
2057 Thicken Mucus^LoM^23^An aboleth with this feat can produce mucus that is thicker than normal, and other creatures find it difficult to swim through.
2058 Thick-Skinned^SS^40^Your tough hide grants improved damage reduction.
2059 Thrall Bred^LoM^182^Spawned in the breeding pits of the mind flayers or the beholders, you have unusual strength and hardiness, as well as loyalty.
2060 Thrall to Demon^BV^50^The character formally supplicates himself to a demon prince.
2061 Thrall to Demon^CR^23^You formally supplicate yourself to a demon prince.
2062 Three Mountains^CW^114^You are a master of fighting with powerful bludgeoning weapons.
2063 Throw Anything^CW^105^In your hands, any weapon becomes a deadly ranged weapon.
2064 Throw Anything^SF^9^In your hands, any weapon becomes a deadly ranged weapon.
2065 Thug^FRCS^38^Your people know how to get the jump on the competition and push other people around.
2066 Thug^PG^45^You have a knack for getting the jump on the competition and pushing other people around.
2067 Thunder Twin^FRCS^38^You are one of the dwarven generation of twins born after Moradin's Thunder Blessing in the Year of Thunder (1306 DC).
2068 Thunder Twin^PG^46^You are one of the generation of dwarf twins born after Moradin's Thunder Blessing in the Year of Thunder.
2069 Thunderclap^SS^40^You create a cone of deafening sound by clapping two limbs together.
2070 Thundering Rage^EL^68^Your rage attacks can cause thunderous roars that can deafen opponents.
2071 Tireless^PG^46^You don't know the meaning of the word 'quit.'
2072 Titan Fighting^RS^145^You have been trained to fight larger creatures, and you are adept at dodging their attacks.
2073 Tomb-Born Fortitude^LM^30^The power of undeath taints you, body and soul. Its power has hardened your flesh and given it the foul look of the grave.
2074 Tomb-Born Resilience^LM^30^The power of undeath taints you, deadening your mind and body to the effects of mind-controlling magic, poison, and disease.
2075 Tomb-Born Vitality^LM^31^The power of undeath taints you, body and soul. Its power has removed your need to sleep and eat.
2076 Tomb-Tainted Soul^LM^31^Your soul is tainted by the foul touch of undeath.
2077 Toothed Blow^Sto^94^You are able to hammer your foes more effectively underwater.
2078 Tormented Knight^CR^23^You are inexorably bound to the loathsome yugoloths that lurk in the Barrens of Doom and Despair, and you strive to bring misery and pain to all creatures that oppose them.
2079 Totem Companion^ECS^61^Instead of an animal companion, you have your totem magical beast as a companion.
2080 Touch Attack Specialization^Gh^39^Choose one of your ghost touch attacks that deals hit point damage, ability damage, or ability drain, such as Corrupting Touch. You are especially good at using this touch attack.
2081 Touch of Benevolence^CR^22^Despite your evil alignment, you are prone to moments of benevolence and mercy.
2082 Touch of Golden Ice^BE^47^Your touch is poisonous to evil creatures.
2083 Touch of Hate^PG^177^Because you are favored by Bane, you can transform animals into evil minions.
2084 Touch Spell Specialization^CAr^83^You deal extra damage with touch spells.
2085 Touchstone^Sa^53^You forge a link with a power-rich location, referred to as a touchstone site.
2086 Toughness^PH^101^You are tougher than normal.
2087 Tower Shield Proficiency^PH^101^You are proficient with tower shields.
2088 Toxic Mucus^LoM^23^An aboleth with this feat can produce mucus that is poisonous to other creatures.
2089 Track^PH^101^You can follow the trails of creatures and characters across most types of terrain.
2090 Trample^PH^101^You are trained in using your mount to knock down opponents.
2091 Transdimensional Spell^CAr^84^You can cast spells that affect targets lurking in coexistent planes and extradimensional spaces whose entrances fall within the spell's area.
2092 Transdimensional Spell^CD^85^You can cast spells that affect targets lurking in coexistent planes and extradimensional spaces whose entrances fall within the spell's area.
2093 Transdimensional Spell^UE^45^You can cast spells that affect targets lurking in coexistent planes and extradimensional spaces whose entrances fall within the spell's area.
2094 Transfer Legacy^WL^16^You can temporarily transfer one of your legacy item's abilities to another magic item.
2095 Trap Sense^EL^68^You can sense nearby traps even if not actively searching for them.
2096 Trapmaster^LE^9^You have studied the funereal architecture and lethal traps of a dozen long-dead cultures, which gives you an uncanny knack for avoiding traps.
2097 Treefriend^SS^40^You are adapted to a forest environment.
2098 Treetopper^FRCS^38^Your people are at home in the trees and high places, daring falls that paralyze most other folk in abject terror.
2099 Treetopper^PG^46^Your people are at home in the trees and high places.
2100 Tremendous Charge^DCS^87^You know how to use your mount's power to make your lance attacks even more deadly.
2101 Trivial Knowledge^RS^145^You have the ability to dredge up obscure knowledge in appropriate situations.
2102 True Believer^CD^86^Your deity rewards your unquestioning faith and dedication.
2103 Truebond^DMG2^232^Your bond to your chosen item becomes stronger.
2104 Truedive Elite^RE^116^Your truedive shifter trait improves.
2105 Trustworthy^SaS^40^Others feel comfortable telling you their secrets.
2106 Tunnel Fighting^RS^145^You are adept at maneuvering and fighting in tight spaces and underground passages.
2107 Tunnel Riding^RS^145^You are particularly adept at maneuvering mounts through tight spaces and underground passages.
2108 Tunnelfighter^Und^27^You can fight more naturally in the cramped and close quarters of caves and tunnels than usual.
2109 Tunnelrunner^Und^27^You can move naturally in the cramped quarters of caves and tunnels.
2110 Turtle Dart^RS^145^You have mastered the style of fighting with a short sword while wearing extremely heavy armor and carrying a large shield.
2111 Twin Power^XPH^51^You can manifest a power simultaneously with another power just like it.
2112 Twin Spell^CAr^84^You can simultaneously cast a single spell twice.
2113 Twin Spell^FRCS^39^You can cast a spell simultaneously with another spell just like it.
2114 Twin Spell^PG^46^You can cast a spell simultaneously with another spell just like it.
2115 Twin Spell^TB^42^You can cast a spell simultaneously with another spell just like it.
2116 Twin Sword Style^FRCS^39^You have mastered a style of defense that others find frustrating.
2117 Twin Sword Style^Gh^39^You have mastered a style of defense that others find frustrating.
2118 Twin Sword Style^PG^46^You have mastered a defensive style based on wielding a blade in each hand.
2119 Two-Weapon Defense^PH^102^Your two-weapon fighting style bolsters your defense as well as your offense.
2120 Two-Weapon Fighting^PH^102^You can fight with a weapon in each hand. You can make one extra attack each round with the second weapon.
2121 Two-Weapon Rend^EL^68^You can rend opponents when fighting with two weapons.
2122 Unarmored Body^RE^120^Your body is crafted without its normal layer of armor, trading off physical strength for magical potential.
2123 Unavoidable Strike^XPH^52^You can make an unarmed strike or use a natural weapon against your foe as if delivering a touch attack.
2124 Unbalancing Strike^OA^66^You can strike a humanoid opponent's joints to knock him off balance.
2125 Uncanny Accuracy^EL^68^You can ignore anything less than total cover or total concealment when using ranged weapons.
2126 Uncanny Scent^SS^40^You can pinpoint scents at a greater distance.
2127 Unconditional Power^XPH^52^Disabling conditions do not hold you back.
2128 Undead Empathy^ECS^61^You are adept at communicating with and influencing the undead.
2129 Undead Leadership^LM^31^You gain the service of loyal undead followers.
2130 Undead Mastery^CD^90^You can command a greater number of undead than normal.
2131 Undead Mastery^EL^68^You can command a greater number of undead than normal.
2132 Underfoot Combat^RW^152^You can enter the space that a foe at least two size categories bigger than you occupies.
2133 Undying Fate^RD^155^You have pledged your unswerving obedience to Wee Jas, and she in turn has granted you special insight into life and death.
2134 Unholy Strike^CD^90^Your attacks deal great damage to good creatures.
2135 Unholy Strike^EL^68^Your attacks deal great damage to good creatures.
2136 Unquenchable Flame of Life^LM^31^You are hardened to the attacks of the undead.
2137 Up the Walls^XPH^52^You can run on walls for brief distances.
2138 Urban Stealth^RD^154^You are particularly adept at moving quietly and unnoticed through the city.
2139 Urban Tracking^ECS^61^You can track the location of missing persons or wanted individuals within communities.
2140 Urban Tracking^RD^154^You can track down the location of missing persons or wanted individuals within communities.
2141 Vampire Hunter^LM^31^Your knowledge of vampires has given you the extraordinary ability to detect subtle signs of their presence and to resist their dominating gaze ability.
2142 Veil of Cyric^CSW^146^You have reconciled yourself to the unfortunate truth that hard decisions and regrettable actions are necessary in the service of your deity.
2143 Vermin Companion^ECS^62^Instead of an animal companion, you have a vermin creature as a companion.
2144 Vermin Shape^ECS^62^You can use your wild shape ability to assume vermin forms instead of animal forms.
2145 Vermin Wild Shape^EL^68^You can wild shape into vermin form.
2146 Verminfriend^BV^50^Vermin regard the character better than they would normally.
2147 Versatile Performer^CAd^112^You are skilled at many kinds of performances.
2148 Veteran Knowledge^HB^99^You are capable of seeing potential battlefield advantages where others cannot.
2149 Via Negativa^CR^22^You can channel greater amounts of negative energy into your inflict spells.
2150 Vicious Wound^SS^40^Damage you deal causes wounds that bleed excessively.
2151 Vile Ki Strike^BV^50^The character can focus evil power into his unarmed strike.
2152 Vile Martial Strike^BV^50^The character can focus evil power in her weapon blows.
2153 Vile Natural Attack^BV^50^The character can focus evil power into his natural attacks.
2154 Violate Spell^BV^50^The character can transform one of his spells into an evil spell, and the wounds the spell inflicts are tainted with the foulest evil.
2155 Violate Spell-Like Ability^BV^50^The creature's spell-like abilities are particularly tainted with evil.
2156 Virulent Poison^SS^40^Your poison attack is more effective.
2157 Vorpal Strike^EL^68^Your unarmed strikes can behead your opponents.
2158 Vow of Abstinence^BE^47^You have taken a sacred vow to abstain from alcoholic beverages, drugs, stimulants such as caffeine, and intoxication.
2159 Vow of Chastity^BE^47^You have taken a sacred vow to refrain from marriage and sexual intercourse.
2160 Vow of Nonviolence^BE^47^You have taken a sacred vow to avoid violence against humanoids.
2161 Vow of Obedience^BE^48^You have taken a sacred vow to live according to the dictates of another, generally your superior in a religious order or similar organization.
2162 Vow of Peace^BE^48^You have taken a sacred vow to abstain from harming any living creature.
2163 Vow of Poverty^BE^48^You have taken a sacred vow to forswear material possessions.
2164 Vow of Purity^BE^48^You have taken a sacred vow to avoid contact with dead flesh.
2165 Vremyonni Training^UE^45^You have had more than the typical amount of training with the vremyonni, the Old Ones who research spells and craft magic items for the Witches of Rashemen.
2166 Wand Mastery^ECS^62^Wands are far more potent in your hands.
2167 Wandstrike^CAr^84^You can channel the magical energy of a wand through your melee attacks.
2168 Warden Initiate^ECS^62^You have been trained in the ancient druidic tradition of the Wardens of the Wood, a sect dedicated to protecting the eastern plain and the great woods of the Eldeen Reaches.
2169 Warped Mind^LoM^182^Your tainted form has altered the physical nature of your brain, making you resistant to mental effects and more capable of unleashing the power of your mind on others.
2170 Warrior Instinct^OA^66^Your ancestor, Matsu Hitomi, was the most famous female samurai of the early Empire.
2171 Warrior Shugenja^OA^66^Your ancestor, Agasha Nodotai, was a shugenja well versed in the code of bushido and the way of war.
2172 Water Adaptation^Rac^170^You favor your aquatic elven parent and have developed the ability to breathe and move about in water easily.
2173 Water Adaptation^Sto^94^You favor your aquatic elf parent and have developed the ability to breathe and move about in water easily.
2174 Water Heritage^PlH^42^You are descended from creatures native to the Plane of Water.
2175 Waterspawn^LoM^182^Your abnormal body and heritage has become more pronounced. You have prominent fins and are supremely well adapted to the icy deeps.
2176 Weakening Touch^CW^106^You can temporarily weaken an opponent with your unarmed strike.
2177 Weapon Finesse^PH^102^You are especially skilled at using weapons that can benefit as much from Dexterity as from Strength.
2178 Weapon Focus^PH^102^Choose one type of weapon. You can also choose unarmed strike or grapple (or ray, if you are a spellcaster) as a weapon for purposes of this feat. You are especially good with this weapon.
2179 Weapon Group (Axes)^UA^95^You understand how to use axes and axelike weapons.
2180 Weapon Group (Basic Weapons)^UA^95^You understand how to use a few basic weapons.
2181 Weapon Group (Bows)^UA^95^You understand how to use bows.
2182 Weapon Group (Claw Weapons)^UA^95^You understand how to use weapons strapped to the hands.
2183 Weapon Group (Crossbows)^UA^95^You understand how to use crossbows.
2184 Weapon Group (Druid Weapons)^UA^95^You understand how to use weapons favored by druids.
2185 Weapon Group (Exotic Double Weapon)^UA^95^You understand how to use the exotic double weapons associated with the weapon groups that you have mastered.
2186 Weapon Group (Exotic Weapons)^UA^96^You understand how to use the exotic weapons associated with the weapon groups that you have mastered.
2187 Weapon Group (Flails and Chains)^UA^96^You understand how to use flails and chain weapons.
2188 Weapon Group (Heavy Blades)^UA^96^You understand how to use large bladed weapons.
2189 Weapon Group (Light Blades)^UA^96^You understand how to use light bladed weapons.
2190 Weapon Group (Maces and Clubs)^UA^96^You understand how to use maces and clubs.
2191 Weapon Group (Monk Weapons)^UA^97^You understand how to use weapons normally favored by monks.
2192 Weapon Group (Picks and Hammers)^UA^97^You understand how to use picks and hammers.
2193 Weapon Group (Polearms)^UA^97^You understand how to use polearms.
2194 Weapon Group (Slings and Thrown Weapons)^UA^97^You understand how to use slings and handheld thrown weapons.
2195 Weapon Group (Spears and Lances)^UA^97^You understand how to use spears and javelins.
2196 Weapon Specialization^PH^102^Choose one type of weapon for which you have already selected the Weapon Focus feat. You can also choose unarmed strike or grapple as your weapon for purposes of this feat. You deal extra damage when using this weapon.
2197 Whirling Steel Strike^ECS^62^Through monastic weapon training, you have mastered a fighting style that makes use of an unusual monk weapon: the longsword.
2198 Whirlwind Attack^PH^102^You can strike nearby opponents in an amazing, spinning attack
2199 Whirlwind Tail Sweep^Dr^75^You can sweep your tail in a circular arc.
2200 Whispered Secrets^RD^155^You revere the Maimed Lord and have devoted your miserable, worthless life to learning but a few of the Whispered One's secrets.
2201 White Scorpion Strike^RE^112^Your fists and feet sting like the dread white scorpion and are particularly effective against undead.
2202 Widen Aura of Courage^EL^69^Your aura of courage is wider than normal.
2203 Widen Aura of Despair^EL^69^Your aura of despair is wider than normal.
2204 Widen Power^XPH^52^You can increase the area of your powers.
2205 Widen Spell ^DD^52^The deity can increase the area of its spells.
2206 Widen Spell^Mag^23^You can increase the area of your spells.
2207 Widen Spell^PH^102^You can increase the area of your spells.
2208 Widen Spell^TB^42^You can increase the area of your spells.
2209 Wield Oversized Weapon^CW^153^You can use larger than normal weapons with ease.
2210 Wild Talent^LoM^182^Your mind wakes to a previously unrealized talent for psionics.
2211 Wild Talent^XPH^52^Your mind wakes to a previously unrealized talent for psionics.
2212 Wildhunt Elite^RE^116^Your shifter-enhanced instincts and senses allow you to detect concealed and invisible creatures.
2213 Willing Deformity^BV^50^Through scarification, self-mutilation, and supplication to dark power, the character intentionally mars her own body.
2214 Winged Warrior^RW^153^You use your wings for more than just flying.
2215 Wingover^MM^304^The creature can change direction quickly while flying.
2216 Wingover^MM2^18^The creature can change direction quickly while flying.
2217 Wingover^MW^25^You change direction quickly once per round while airborne.
2218 Wingsinger^Sto^94^You can use song or a wind instrument to compel the winds to obey you.
2219 Wingstorm^Dr^75^You can flatten targets with blasts of air from your wings.
2220 Wingstorm^SS^40^You can flatten targets with blasts of air from your wings.
2221 Winter's Champion^Fr^50^Your paladin spell list is enhanced.
2222 Winter's Child^SS^40^You are adapted to a cold environment.
2223 Winter's Mount^Fr^50^Your special mount is native to the frostfell.
2224 Wisdom Breeds Caution^Und^27^Not getting into a dangerous situation is generally the wisest course, but if danger is unavoidable, you're prepared. You rely more on caution and forethought than you do on physical prowess.
2225 Wise to Your Ways^Gh^39^You are particularly resistant to the unusual attacks of your favored enemy.
2226 Witchlight^Gh^39^You can create witchlight, a harmless faint light, on yourself or an object.
2227 Wolf Berserker^UE^45^You have studied the fighting style of the wolf and employ its tactics in combat.
2228 Wolfpack^RW^153^You can gain an extra advantage when you and your allies can gang up on a foe.
2229 Wolverine's Rage^CD^86^You can fly into a berserk rage when injured.
2230 Woodland Archer^RW^154^You have honed your archery ability in the wilds of the forest.
2231 Woodwise^ShS^21^You are trained in fighting in woodlands and know how to use the terrain to best advantage.
2232 Woodwise^UE^45^You are trained in fighting in woodlands and know how to use the terrain to best advantage.
2233 Words of Creation^BE^48^You have learned a few of the words that were spoken to create the world.
2234 Wounding Attack^XPH^52^Your vicious attacks wound your foe.
2235 Wounding Spell^LE^9^Because you have studied the cruel arts of the Athalantan magelords of old, you know how to cast spells that cause terrible, bleeding wounds.
2236 Yondalla's Sense^RW^152^You display a shrewd perception of danger. Other halflings say the blessing of Yondalla is upon you.
2237 Zen Archery^CW^106^Your intuition guides your hand when you use a ranged weapon.
2238 Zen Archery^SF^9^Your intuition guides your hand when you use a ranged weapon.
2239 Zone of Animation^CD^90^You can channel negative energy to animate undead.
2240 Zone of Animation^EL^69^You can channel negative energy to animate undead.
2241 Broken One's Sacrifice^CV^28^Your dedication to Ilmater's philosophy has given you the power to take attacks directed at others.
2242 Carmendine Monk^CV^28^You have learned that study is just as important as insight to finding enlightenment.
2243 Defender of the Homeland^CV^28^You have sworn a sacred oath to protect your country from evil.
2244 Detect Shadow Weave User^CV^28^You can determine if a magic item or spellcaster is using the Weave or the Shadow Weave.
2245 Druuth Slayer^CV^29^You have studied the lore of the druuth (a cabal of doppelgangers led by a mind flayer) and know how to recognize and resist their powers.
2246 Duerran Metaform Training^CV^29^Your studies have shown you the way to link your psionics and your enlarge person spell-like ability.
2247 Duerran Stealth Training^CV^29^Your studies have shown you the way to link your psionics and your invisibility spell-like ability.
2248 From Smite to Song^CV^29^You can channel your destructive holy energy into powerful song magic for the glory of Milil.
2249 Initiate of Anhur^CV^30^You have been initiated into the greatest secrets of Anhur's church.
2250 Initiate of Arvoreen^CV^30^You have been initiated into the greatest secrets of Arvoreen's church.
2251 Initiate of Baravar Cloakshadow^CV^30^You have been initiated into the greatest secrets of Baravar Cloakshadow's church.
2252 Initiate of Eilistraee^CV^30^You have been initiated into the greatest secrets of Eilistraee's church.
2253 Initiate of the Holy Realm^CV^30^You have been initiated into the greatest secrets of one of the faiths of the Holy Realm (Chauntea, Helm, Lathander, Selune, or Sune).
2254 Initiate of Horus-Re^CV^30^You have been initiated into the greatest secrets of Horus-Re's church.
2255 Initiate of Milil^CV^31^You have been initiated into the greatest secrets of Milil's church.
2256 Initiate of Nobanion^CV^31^You have been initiated into the greatest secrets of Nobanion's church.
2257 Initiate of Torm^CV^31^You have been initiated into the greatest secrets of Torm's church.
2258 Initiate of Tymora^CV^32^You have been initiated into the greatest secrets of Tymora's church.
2259 Knight of the Red Falcon^CV^32^Your military order has a legendary ability to survive against overwhelming odds.
2260 Knight of the Risen Scepter^CV^32^Your military order is dedicated to fighting Set and his minions, and even death cannot stop you from this task.
2261 Knight of Tyr's Holy Judgment^CV^32^You can draw upon the power of Tyr to sense and understand the law and to locate devils.
2262 Knight ot Tyr's Merciful Sword^CV^33^You can draw upon the power of Tyr to sense where you are needed.
2263 Mark of the Triad^CV^33^You have been initiated into the greatest secrets of the Triad, the godly triumvirate of Tyr, Torm, and Ilmater.
2264 Overcome Shadow Weave^CV^33^You understand the strengths and weaknesses of the Shadow Weave and are more resistant to its tricks.
2265 Paladin of the Noble Heart^CV^33^You are tasked by Ilmater to eliminate cruelty from the world, particularly that of Loviatar.
2266 Silver Blood^CV^33^You have magically or alchemically imbued your flesh and blood with silver, making you resistant to lycanthrope attacks.
2267 Silver Fang^CV^33^By following a ritual taught by the Fangshields, your natural attacks are suffused with the power of silver and are fully effective against lycanthropes.
2268 Smiting Power^CV^33^You use your smite ability to augment other combat maneuvers.
2269 Sword of the Arcane Order^CV^34^Members of your military order have a special connection with arcane magic.
2270 Sun Soul Monk^CV^34^Your training with this monk order gives you special powers depending on which sect you follow.
2271 Archivist of Nature^HH^119^In addition to your studies of the darkness, you have spent time studying giants and fey.
2272 Bane Magic^HH^119^Your spells deal extra damage to a particular type of creature.
2273 Blood Calls to Blood^HH^120^Exploring the latent potential in your blood due to your fiendish descent, you learn how to better adapt to the mystical attacks of your forebears.
2274 Corrupt Arcana^HH^120^You can prepare and cast corrupt spells.
2275 Corrupt Spell Focus^HH^120^All spells you cast that have a corrupt component (such as call forth the beast, master's lament, or chain of sorrow) are more potent than normal.
2276 Debilitating Spell^HH^120^By calling upon the taint within, you add a malign power to your offensive spells.
2277 Debilitating Strike^HH^120^By calling upon the taint within, you add a malign power to your melee attacks.
2278 Deformity (Skin)^HH^121^Due to a regimen of deliberate abuse, you have roughened your skin until it has grown as coarse and tough as rhino hide.
2279 Deformity (Tall)^HH^121^Through long and painful stints on the rack, bolstered by the surgical implantation of various splints and struts, you have stretched yourself to well over 7 feet in height.
2280 Deformity (Teeth)^HH^121^By filing your teeth to points and brutalizing your gums, you gain a hideous smile full of razor-sharp teeth that enable you to make a grisly bite attack.
2281 Deformity (Tongue)^HH^121^Through protracted self-mutilation that involves frequently piercing your tongue and dipping it in acid, your tongue becomes hideous to behold but oddly sensitive to the environment.
2282 Disease Immunity^HH^121^Whether due to prolonged exposure or natural hardiness, you have grown immune to some diseases and resistant to all others.
2283 Draconic Archivist^HH^122^In addition to your studies of the darkness, you have spent time studying dragons and constructs.
2284 Dreamtelling^HH^122^You can use your Knowledge (the planes) skill to interpret your dreams or the dreams of others, thus gleaning useful information and insights.
2285 Eldritch Corruption^HH^122^You can add power to your spells or spell-like abilities at the expense of your companions' health.
2286 Font of Life^HH^122^Your life-force is strong enough to make you highly resistant to all forms of energy drain and level loss.
2287 Forbidden Lore^HH^123^You gain hideous insights into subjects not meant to be understood by mortal minds.
2288 Greater Corrupt Spell Focus^HH^123^Your corrupt spells are now even more potent than they were before.
2289 Haunting Melody^HH^123^You can use your music to inspire fear.
2290 Improved Oneiromancy^HH^123^With the Improved Oneiromancy feat, you gain additional dream-related spellcasting abilities.
2291 Lunatic Insight^HH^123^Your madness grants you insight and knowledge.
2292 Mad Faith^HH^123^Your depravity has twisted the connection between you and your patron deity. You suffer flashes of insight interrupted by flashes of madness.
2293 Master of Knowledge^HH^123^You have spent most of your life in study, and it comes naturally to you now.
2294 Oneiromancy^HH^123^You gain a number of abilities and advantages related to dreams and magic.
2295 Pure Soul^HH^124^Your faith or purity of mind overrides the evils within you. You are immune to taint.
2296 Spirit Sense^HH^124^You can see and communicate with the souls of the recently departed.
2297 Surge of Malevolence^HH^124^You empower yourself by drawing on the taint within.
2298 Tainted Fury^HH^124^You can channel your physical corruption into a state of fury.
2299 Touch of Taint^HH^124^One of your attack forms that normally deals ability damage, ability drain, or energy drain can also deal corruption or depravity.
2300 Unnatural Will^HH^124^You have learned to focus your force of personality and inner strength to stand against fearful circumstances.
2301 Willing Deformity^HH^125^Through scarification, self-mutilation, or supplication to dark powers, you intentionally mar your own body.
2302 Augment Elemental^MoE^46^Your knowledge of planar magic allows you to imbue your summoned elementals with extraordinary combat prowess and durability.
2303 Cull Wand Essence^MoE^46^You can focus the raw magical energy of a wand or staff into a beam of energy.
2304 Deathless Fleshgrafter^MoE^46^You can grow and graft the tissues and body parts of deathless creatures onto others, granting the recipients of your grafts new, potent abilities.
2305 Dorje Mastery^MoE^46^Psionic dorjes are more potent in your hands.
2306 Dragon Prophesier^MoE^46^Like the dragons, you seek to untangle and perceive the record of everything that has been, and more important, what will be.
2307 Dragon Totem Focus^MoE^46^Your focus allows you to enjoy the benefit of a dragon totem ritual longer than normal.
2308 Dragon Totem Lorekeeper^MoE^47^You have been instructed in how to perform the rituals of dragon totem magic.
2309 Dragon Totem Scion^MoE^47^You are naturally attuned to the magic of the dragon totem ritual.
2310 Eldeen Plantgrafter^MoE^47^You can create and apply plant grafts onto others, granting the recipients of your grafts new, potent abilities.
2311 Elemental Grafter^MoE^47^You can create and apply elemental grafts onto others, granting the recipients of your grafts new, potent abilities.
2312 Elemental Helmsman^MoE^47^You are more capable of piloting an elemental vessel.
2313 Elemental Smite^MoE^47^You can channel the energy associated with one of your elemental grafts into your melee attacks.
2314 Etch Schema^MoE^47^You can create a minor schema.
2315 Heroic Companion^MoE^48^Your luck extends to your companion creature.
2316 Heroic Focus^MoE^48^Despite the dangers all around, you can quickly regain your psionic focus.
2317 Improved Homunculus^MoE^49^You are adept at improving and modifying your homunculus. Whenever you advance your homunculus's Hit Dice, you can also imbue it with special supernatural abilities.
2318 Prophecy's Artifex^MoE^50^Your perception of the draconic Prophecy gives you insights that allow you to transcend the normal limits of magic item use.
2319 Prophecy's Explorer^MoE^50^Your perception of the draconic Prophecy imbues you with a preternatural sense of your surroundings, enabling you to move easily and quickly through dangerous areas.
2320 Prophecy's Hero^MoE^50^Your perception of the draconic Prophecy charges you with the will to prevail, providing you with the opportunity to see a way to victory even when the odds are stacked against you.
2321 Prophecy's Mind^MoE^50^You meld your perception of the draconic Prophecy with a mental focus that provides you with momentary warning when death is at hand.
2322 Prophecy's Shaper^MoE^50^Your perception of the draconic Prophecy is such that you can disrupt reality and make your spells more powerful than reality would normally allow.
2323 Prophecy's Shepherd^MoE^50^Your perception of the draconic Prophecy is such that you can alter the natural flow of the world by connecting your knowledge of life-force with the world around you.
2324 Prophecy's Slayer^MoE^51^Your perception of the draconic Prophecy includes a keen appreciation of life. You recognize how fragile and tenuous life truly is when balanced against your lethal foreknowledge.
2325 Psiforged Body^MoE^51^As a warforged, your body can be crafted using trace amounts of psionically resonant deep crystal, providing you with increased psionic power and the ability to store psionic energy in your body. If you take this feat, you will often be referred to as a psiforged.
2326 Psionic Luck^MoE^51^Your psionic focus improves your luck.
2327 Psychic Rush^MoE^51^You can occasionally manifest a psionic power with less effort.
2328 Quicken Dragonmark^MoE^51^You can use your dragonmark abilities more quickly.
2329 Rapid Infusion^MoE^51^You can imbue an item with an infusion more quickly than normal.
2330 Symbiont Mastery^MoE^51^You have stronger control over an attached symbiont than regular creatures, and you gain vitality for each symbiont attached to you.
2331 Wand Surge^MoE^51^You can squeeze more magic out of charged items.
2332 Azure Enmity^MoI^34^You can channel incarnum to enhance your ability to deal damage to your favored enemies.
2333 Azure Talent^MoI^34^The soul energy of incarnum increases your mental capacity.
2334 Azure Touch^MoI^34^You can channel incarnum to enhance your abilit to heal.
2335 Azure Toughness^MoI^35^You can use incarnumto boost your physical vigor.
2336 Azure Turning^MoI^35^You can blast ndead with incarnum-purified positive energy.
2337 Azure Wild Shape^MoI^35^You can channel incarnum to enhance your combat prowess while wild shaped.
2338 Bonus Essentia^MoI^35^You are better able to harness your personal store of incarnum.
2339 Cerulean Fortitude^MoI^35^You can use incarnum to boost your ability to resist effects that would adversely affect your health.
2340 Cerulean Reflexes^MoI^35^You can use incarnum to boost your ability to avoid harm.
2341 Cerulean Will^MoI^35^You can use incarnum to boost your willpower.
2342 Cobalt Charge^MoI^35^You can channel incarnum to deal devastating strikes when charging.
2343 Cobalt Critical^MoI^35^You can focus your spirit into your melee weapon attacks, dealing more damage with successful critical strikes.
2344 Cobalt Expertise^MoI^35^By channeling the soul energy of weapon masters past, present, and future, you become more adept at maneuvers of skill and expertise.
2345 Cobalt Power^MoI^37^By channeling the soul energy of brutal warriors past, present, and future, you become more capable of overcoming your enemies through sheer strength.
2346 Cobalt Precision^MoI^37^You can focus your soul energy into your ranged attacks, dealing more damage with successful critical hits.
2347 Cobalt Rage^MoI^37^You can channel incarnum to enhance your rage. When you do so, your eyes turn deep blue in color.
2348 Divine Soultouch^MoI^37^You can channel positive or negative energy to imbue yourself with incarnum.
2349 Double Chakra^MoI^38^One of your chakras becomes capable of holding more incarnum than it is normally capable of containing.
2350 Expanded Soulmeld Capacity^MoI^38^Your soul's tie to incarnum allows you to maintain more essentia in a single soulmeld.
2351 Healing Soul^MoI^38^You can draw upon the soul energy of incarnum to heal your wounds.
2352 Heart of Incarnum^MoI^38^You tap into the power of your heart chakra to gain resilience.
2353 Improved Essentia Capacity^MoI^38^Your capability of investing essentia improves.
2354 Incarnum-Fortified Body^MoI^38^The incarnum within you strengthens your body's toughness, enabling you to withstand greater injury.
2355 Incarnum Resistance^MoI^38^Your body, untainted by incarnum, is not easily affected by the power of soul energy.
2356 Incarnum Spellshaping^MoI^38^You gain the ability to invest incarnum into your spellcasting.
2357 Indigo Strike^MoI^38^You can channel incarnum to enhance your ability to deal damage with your skirmish attack, sneak attack or sudden strike.
2358 Midnight Augmentation^MoI^38^You can augment a psionic power with your personal soul energy rather than mental energy.
2359 Midnight Dodge^MoI^39^You can channel incarnum to enhance your ability to avoid attacks against you.
2360 Midnight Metamagic^MoI^39^You can channel incarnum to alter your prepared spells.
2361 Necrocarnum Acolyte^MoI^39^You have experienced the power of necrocarnum, a dark and twisted form of incarnum.
2362 Open Greater Chakra^MoI^39^You open up one of your body's centers of power, allowing you to bind a soulmeld or a magic item to that chakra.
2363 Open Least Chakra^MoI^39^You open up one of your body's centers of power, allowing you to bind a soulmeld or a magic item to that chakra.
2364 Open Lesser Chakra^MoI^40^You open up one of your body's centers of power, allowing you to bind a soulmeld or a magic item to that chakra.
2365 Psycarnum Blade^MoI^40^You can forge your mind blade from a mixture of mental and soul energy, enabling you to deal devastating strikes with the weapon.
2366 Psycarnum Crystal^MoI^40^Your psycrystal taps into the natural ebb and flow of incarnum, turning it into a small reservoir of soul energy.
2367 Psycarnum Infusion^MoI^40^You transform your mental focus into a brief burst of soul energy.
2368 Sapphire Fist^MoI^40^You can channel incarnum to enhance your ability to deliver stunning attacks.
2369 Sapphire Smite^MoI^40^You can channel incarnum to enhance your ability to deal mighty blows.
2370 Sapphire Sprint^MoI^40^Drawing on the soul energy of great runners of history, you infuse your body with incarnum to speed your steps.
2371 Shape Soulmeld^MoI^40^You gain the ability to shape a single soulmeld.
2372 Share Soulmeld^MoI^41^You can share a soulmeld with an ally with which you have a special bond.
2373 Soulsight^MoI^41^You can attune your soul to sense living creatures near you.
2374 Soultouched Spellcasting^MoI^41^By fusing your spells with incarnum, they become more capable of overcoming enemy magic and spell resistance.
2375 Split Chakra^MoI^41^One of your chakras becomes capable of holding both a bound soulmeld and a magic item.
2376 Undead Meldshaper^MoI^41^Despite having no soul of your own, you maintain the ability to channel incarnum through force of will alone.
2377 Aereni Focus^PE^20^From childhood you have studied one particular path, and these decades of devotion result in remarkable skill.
2378 Aerenal Arcanist^PE^20^Your family has studied wizardry for thousands of years.
2379 Aerenal Half-Life^PE^20^The Priests of Transition have guided you through strange rituals that left you poised between the world of the living and the dead.
2380 Perfect Reflection^PE^25^You are particularly skilled at mimicking the forms and mannerisms of others.
2381 Touch of Captivation^PE^35^You are sakah, and your fiendish gift allows you to captivate people around you.
2382 Touch of Deception^PE^35^You are sakah, and your fiend gift allows you to alter your appearance and trick others.
2383 Touch of Summoning^PE^35^You are sakah, and your fiendish gift allows you to summon fell creatures to do your bidding.
2384 Binding Brand^PE^36^You carry the brand of the binding flame, marking you as a warrior of the Ghaash'kala clans.
2385 Dragon's Insight^PE^48^You can call on the power of your dragonmark to enhance your natural abilities.
2386 Shield of Deneith^PE^48^You can channel the power of your Deneith dragonmark to defend yourself in battle.
2387 Swiftness of Orien^PE^48^You can draw on the power of your Mark of Passage to temporarily enhance your speed or the speed of your mount.
2388 Aberrant Dragonmark Gift^PE^49^Your aberrant dragonmark is especially potent.
2389 Aberrant Dragonmark Mystery^PE^49^You can use the power of your aberrant mark to enhance your magical abilities.
2390 Aberrant Dragonmark Vigor^PE^49^You can channel the energy of your aberrant mark to enhance your health.
2391 Ritual of Arcane Opposition^PE^60^You have been inured against the effects of arcane magic by a ritual of the Ashbound set.
2392 Ritual of Blight's Embrace^PE^60^You have been warded from the effects of poison and disease by a ritual of the Children of Winter, solidifying your bond with vermin.
2393 Ritual of the Timeless Soul^PE^60^You have been blessed by the faerie lords of Thelanis in a ritual of the Greensinger sect, and you temporarily slip from time's grasp.
2394 Ritual of the Woodland Bond^PE^60^You have formed a bond with the growth of the woods through a ritual of the Wardens of the Wood.
2395 Friends of the Tribes^PE^75^You are deeply familiar with the tribes of the Talenta Plains.
2396 Talenta Dinosaur Bond^PE^75^You have undergone grueling training on the dinosaur back and are skilled in the halfling techniques of fighting while mounted.
2397 Talenta Drifter^PE^75^Your extensive travels on the Talenta Plains give you an advantage while in that region.
2398 Galifaran Scholar^PE^77^You have made an exhaustive study of the history of Galifar, from the earliest roots of the Five Nations, through the formation of the united Kingdom of Galifar, and on to the Last War and the dissolution of the kingdom.
2399 Du'ulora Ancestor^PE^83^The tsucora are the most common of the quori, but they are not the only spirits in Dal Quor.
2400 Hashalaq Ancestor^PE^83^The hashalaq quori essence within you allows you to sense the emotions of others.
2401 Aberration Banemagic^PE^86^You can cast spells that do extra damage to aberrations.
2402 Indomitable Discipline^PE^86^Your strict mental discipline allows you to resist attempts to manipulate your thoughts.
2403 Unnatural Enemy^PE^86^You have been trained in the ways of aberrations, and you know how to recognize them and spot their weaknesses.
2404 Sudden Willow Strike^PE^109^Your monastic training allows great precision with your quarterstaff.
2405 Child of the Swamps^PE^119^You can find food and shelter in the deep swamps, and you can move more freely through the difficult terrain.
2406 Battlebred^PE^122^Due to traumatic experiences in past battles, the plane of Shavarath with its endless war seems never far from you.
2407 Chosen of the Deathless^PE^122^You carry with you an intimate familiarity with the positive energy that suffuses the City of the Dead.
2408 Manifest Druid^PE^122^You have a familiarity with the three manifest zones of the Eldeen Reaches and the powers of the planes to which they are linked.
2409 Mastery of the Azure Sky^PE^125^You have learned to calculate the precise location of Syrania at any given time, and to use that knowledge to enhance spells you cast to grant flight.
2410 Mastery of the Battleground^PE^125^You have learned to calculate the precise location of Shavarath at any given time, and to use that knowledge to enhance spells of battle that you cast.
2411 Mastery of Chaos and Order^PE^125^You have learned to calculate the precise locations of Daanvi and Kythri at any given time, and to use that knowledge to imbue your spells with unusual regularity or strinking unpredictability -- or both.
2412 Mastery of Day and Night^PE^125^You have learned to calculate the precise locations of Irian and Mabar at any given time, and to use that knowledge to enhance your manipulation of positive and negative energy.
2413 Mastery of the Dead^PE^125^You have learned to calculate the precise location of Dolurrh at any given time, and to use that knowledge to capture the souls of creatures slain with your death spells.
2414 Mastery of Dreams^PE^125^By physically exploring the realm of Dal Quor, you have learned to instill your spells with the stuff of dreams . . . and nightmares.
2415 Mastery of Faerie Enchantment^PE^125^You have learned to calculate the precise location of Thelanis at any given time, and to use that knowledge to improve your ability to control the minds of other creatures.
2416 Mastery of Ice and Fire^PE^126^You have learned to caclulate the precies locations of Fernia and Risia at any given time, and to use that knowledge to enhance cold and fire spells that you use.
2417 Mastery of Madness^PE^126^You have learned to reach magically to the ever-distant plane of Xoriat and draw some element of its madness into the world -- but these techniques come with some risk.
2418 Mastery of the Mists^PE^126^By learning of the intricate relationship between the Ethereal Plane and the Material Plane, you gain the ability to see and sometimes reach through the barrier between these two planes.
2419 Mastery of the Silver Void^PE^126^You have gained a deeper understanding of the Astral Plane and its relationship to the other planes of the cosmos. You can use that knowledge to more quickly access that plane.
2420 Mastery of Twilight Denizens^PE^126^You have learned to calculate the precise location of Lamannia at any given time, and to use that knowledge to summon more powerful creatures from that plane.
2421 Mastery of Twisted Shadow^PE^126^You gain the ability to reach into the Plane of Shadow when casting an illusion, concealing yourself in the raw shadowstuff drawn forth.
2422 Shifter Acrobatics^PE^135^Your heritage makes you agile and light-footed.
2423 Shifter Magnetism^PE^135^Your heritage gives you a strong animal presence.
2424 Shifter Stealth^PE^135^You can call upon your bestial heritage to increase your stealth.
2425 Bladebearer of the Valenar^PE^141^You have trained extensively with scimitars, including the Valenar double scimitar. You are adept at striking from horseback with the curved blades of the Valenar.
2426 Shield of Blades^PE^141^As a master of the double scimitar, you can weave a web of steel to protect yourself from attack.
2427 Spirit of the Stallion^PE^141^Your patron ancestor was a legendary cavalry soldier, and her spirit guides you and your mount.
2428 Valenar Trample^PE^141^You are trained in Valenar cavalry techniques emphasizing trampling your opponents into the ground.
2429 Shocking Fist^PE^151^Your slam attack can deal a shock.
2430 Overload Metabolism^PE^151^You can heal damage at a cost to your other physical attributes.
2431 Heretic of the Faith^PF^46^You stray significantly from the teachings of your faith.
2432 Prophet of the Divine^PF^49^Your communications with the divine manifest in a public fashion.
2433 Bane of Infidels^PF^53^In a church locked in eternal conflict with followers of another faith, you have learned to fight effectively against the infidels. You know their ways and how to beat them.
2434 Initiate of Amaunator^PF^58^You have been initiated into the greatest secrets of Amaunator's faith.
2435 Rulership^PF^158^You are a ruler of an economic, frontier, governmental, military, religious, transport, or other community.
2436 Accelerate Metamagic^RDr^98^You can apply a selected metamagic feat to your spells more quickly than normal.
2437 Dragon Breath^RDr^98^You can use your breath weapon as often as a normal dragon.
2438 Dragon Tail^RDr^98^Your draconic ancestry manifests as a muscular tail you can use in combat.
2439 Dragon Trainer^RDr^98^Your draconic nature gives you special insight into training dragons and draconic creatures.
2440 Dragon Wings^RDr^100^Your draconic ancestry manifests as a pair of wings that aid your jumps and allow you to glide.
2441 Dragonwrought^RDr^100^You were born a dragonwrought kobold, proof of your race's innate connection to dragons.
2442 Extraordinary Trapsmith^RDr^100^You are an expert at constructing mechanical traps.
2443 Heavyweight Wings^RDr^100^Your superior strength allows you to fly while heavily burdened.
2444 Improved Dragon Wings^RDr^100^Your draconic wings now grant you flight.
2445 Kobold Endurance^RDr^101^Thanks to your race's determination, you are capable of amazing feats of strength and stamina.
2446 Kobold Foe Strike^RDr^101^You are more effective in combat against your racial enemies.
2447 Practical Metamagic^RDr^101^You can apply a selected metamagic feat to your spells more easily.
2448 Reinforced Wings^RDr^101^You have strengthened the muscles of your wings.
2449 Versatile Spellcaster^RDr^101^You can use two lower-level spell slots to cast a spell one level higher.
2450 Wyrmgrafter^RDr^101^You can apply draconic grafts to other living creatures or to yourself.
2451 Entangling Exhalation^RDr^101^You can use your breath weapon to create an entangling mesh of energy.
2452 Exhaled Barrier^RDr^101^You can use your breath weapon to create a wall of energy.
2453 Exhaled Immunity^RDr^102^You can use your breath weapon to grant a willing creature immunity to energy.
2454 Extra Exhalation^RDr^102^You can use your breath weapon one more time per day than normal.
2455 Furious Inhalation^RDr^102^While raging, you can use your breath weapon to deal energy damage with your bite attacks.
2456 Draconic Arcane Grace^RDr^102^You can convert some of your arcane spell energy into a saving throw bonus.
2457 Draconic Breath^RDr^102^You can convert some of your arcane spell energy into a breath weapon.
2458 Draconic Claw^RDr^102^You develop natural weapons like those of your draconic ancestors.
2459 Draconic Flight^RDr^102^The secret of draconic flight has been revealed to you, granting you the ability to fly occasionally.
2460 Draconic Heritage^RDr^102^You have a greater connection with your draconic bloodline than others of your kind.
2461 Draconic Legacy^RDr^104^You have realized greater arcane power through your draconic heritage.
2462 Draconic Persuasion^RDr^104^Your arcane talents lend you a great deal of allure.
2463 Draconic Power^RDr^104^You have greater power when manipulating the energies of your heritage.
2464 Draconic Presence^RDr^104^When you use your magic, your mere presence can terrify those around you.
2465 Draconic Resistance^RDr^105^Your bloodline hardens your body against effects related to the nature of your progenitor.
2466 Draconic Skin^RDr^105^Your skin takes on a sheen, luster, and hardness related to your draconic ancestor.
2467 Draconic Toughness^RDr^105^Your draconic nature reinforces your body as you embrace your heritage.
2468 Spell Rehearsal^RDr^105^Casting the same spell several times in a row or at the same target enables you to perfect it.
2469 Wing Expert^RDr^105^You can use your wings to create a variety of effects.
2470 Divine Vigor^RH^126^You can channel energy to increase your speed and durability.
2471 Dragonthrall^RH^126^You have pledged your life to the service of evil dragonkind.
2472 Bind Vestige^TM^72^You know how to make pacts with otherworldly spirits called vestiges.
2473 Bind Vestige, Improved^TM^73^You can bind a wider range of vestiges.
2474 Defense against the Supernatural^TM^73^Your in-depth knowledge of supernatural forces grants you greater ability to resist their effects.
2475 Empower Supernatural Ability^TM^73^You can use a supernatural ability with greater effect than normal.
2476 Enlarge Supenatural Ability^TM^73^You can increase the range of a supernatural attack.
2477 Expel Vestige^TM^73^You can expel a vestige to which you are bound before the duration of its pact with you has expired.
2478 Extend Supernatural Ability^TM^73^You can cause a supernatural ability with a duration to last longer than normal.
2479 Favored Vestige^TM^74^Choose one vestige to which you have access. You establish a close, mystical affinity with that spirit.
2480 Favored Vestige Focus^TM^74^The supernatural abilities of your favored vestige are more potent than normal.
2481 Ignore Special Requirements^TM^74^The strange constraints that vestiges place on their summoning are meaningless to you.
2482 Improved Binding^TM^74^You are so adept at binding vestiges that you can contact powerful ones more easily than other soul binders can.
2483 Practiced Binder^TM^74^When you bind a vestige, you gain an additional power associated with it.
2484 Rapid Pact Making^TM^74^Your skill with pact magic lets you bind a vestige extremely quickly, even in the heat of combat.
2485 Rapid Recovery^TM^74^You can use the abilities of your favored vestige more frequently.
2486 Skilled Pact Making^TM^74^Your strong will serves you well when making pacts with vestiges.
2487 Sudden Ability Focus^TM^74^One of your special attacks becomes more potent than usual.
2488 Supernatural Crusader^TM^75^You are adept at fighting supernatural creatures.
2489 Supernatural Opportunist^TM^75^You are adept at exploiting a creature's momentary distraction while it activates its supernatural abilities.
2490 Widen Supernatural Ability^TM^75^You can increase the area of your supernatural abilities.
2491 Empower Mystery^TM^136^You can cast mysteries to greater effect.
2492 Enlarge Mystery^TM^136^You can cast mysteries farther than normal.
2493 Extend Mystery^TM^136^You can cast mysteries that last longer than normal.
2494 Favored Mystery^TM^136^The mystery you choose becomes easier to cast.
2495 Greater Path Focus^TM^136^Choose a path of shadow magic to which you have already applied the Path Focus feat. Your mysteries of that path are now even more potent.
2496 Line of Shadow^TM^136^You can cast a mystery without line of sight or line of effect to the target.
2497 Maximize Mystery^TM^136^You can cast mysteries to maximum effect.
2498 Nocturnal Caster^TM^137^You are empowered by darkness, making your abilities stronger at night.
2499 Path Focus^TM^137^Choose a path of shadow magic, such as Touch of Twilight. Your mysteries of that path are more potent than normal.
2500 Quicken Mystery^TM^137^You can cast a mystery with a moment's thought.
2501 Reach Mystery^TM^137^You can cast touch-range mysteries without touching the target.
2502 Shadow Cast^TM^137^Your shadow shimmers as you cast a spell and you seem to cast your mysteries from elsewhere.
2503 Shadow Familiar^TM^138^Noctumancers developed this feat in order to gain a mystical companion.
2504 Shadow Reflection^TM^138^Your shadow flickers and moves in an aggressive, independent manner, enabling you to avoid some attacks of opportunity.
2505 Shadow Vision^TM^138^Your senses grow so attuned with shadow that you gain a limited ability to see in natural and magical darkness.
2506 Still Mystery^TM^138^You can cast mysteries without gestures.
2507 Unseen Arrow^TM^138^Developed by shadowblades, this feat allows a member of that class to apply his unseen weapon abilities to thrown or projectile weapons.
2508 Empower Utterance^TM^228^Your utterances have more powerful effects.
2509 Enlarge Utterance^TM^229^You can project the power of an utterance to a greater distance.
2510 Extend Utterance^TM^229^Your utterances have a more lasting effect on the universe.
2511 Focused Lexicon^TM^229^Your utterances have greater effect against a certain type of creature.
2512 Minor Utterance of the Evolving Mind^TM^229^Your mastery of Truespeech has led you to the understanding necessary to perform a simple utterance from the Lexicon of the Evolving Mind.
2513 Obscure Personal Truename^TM^229^Truenames are notoriously difficult to pronounce, but yours is harder than most.
2514 Personal Truename Backlash^TM^229^Your personal truename is so charged with magic power that those who fail to speak it properly are warped by reality run amok.
2515 Truename Rebuttal^TM^229^You are particularly good at negating other truenamers' power with well-chosen truenames.
2516 Truename Research^TM^229^You have a knack for uncovering the personal truenames of friends and foes alike through study and investigation.
2517 Truename Training^TM^229^Unlike most of your peers, you have discovered the secret power of truenames.
2518 Utterance of the Evolving Mind^TM^230^Your further mastery of Truespeech allows you to wield its power more effectively against creatures.
2519 Utterance of the Crafted Tool^TM^230^As you strive for ever more mastery of Truespeech, you gain more power over the universe around you. You can now use the power of Truespeech to affect objects.
2520 Utterance of the Perfected Map^TM^230^The power of the Truespeech can alter the state of reality itself. Reaching toward this great power, you have mastered an utterance from the Lexicon of the Perfected Map.
2521 Utterance Focus^TM^230^You have a particular utterance you favor above others, and your enemies are less able to resist the power of your words.
2522 Quicken Utterance^TM^231^You can speak an utterance with just a moment's thought.
2523 Recitation of the Fortified State^TM^231^This recitation allows you to stand unyielding against the blows of your enemies.
2524 Recitation of the Meditative State^TM^232^This recitation gives you an unparalleled sense of serene calm.
2525 Recitation of Mindful State^TM^232^This recitation narrows and focuses your perception so you can concentrate on a delicate task at hand.
2526 Recitation of the Sanguine State^TM^232^This recitation purges all poisons from your body.
2527 Recitation of Vital State^TM^232^This recitation frees your body of disease and sickness.
2528 Dazzling Energy^CP^49^Your facility with energy is such that enemies are shaken by your prowess.
2529 Deep Vision^CP^49^Your mental focus helps you see farther with darkvision
2530 Dire Flail Mind Blade^CP^49^When you reshape your mind blade, you can change it into an exotic weapon: a dire flail.
2531 Dire Stun^CP^49^When you choose to stun your foe with your lurk augment ability, your foe might be stunned for a long time.
2532 Don Mantle^CP^49^You gain the granted ability of a mantle you have tapped.
2533 Dromite Barrier^CP^49^You can convert uses of yourenergy ray psi-like ability into walls of energy.
2534 Dromite Ray^CP^49^You an use yourenergy ray psi-like ability more often.
2535 Duergar Expansion^CP^49^You can use yourexpansion psi-like ability more often.
2536 Duergar Invisibility^CP^49^You can use yourinvisibility psi-like ability more often.
2537 Dwarven Urgrosh Mind Blade^CP^49^When you reshape your mind blade, you can change it into an exotic weapon: a dwarven urgrosh.
2538 Ectopic Form^CP^50^This feat allows you to create astral constructs with distinct appearances and specialties.
2539 Elan Repletion^CP^52^As an elan, you can sustain yourself with repletion longer than other members of your race.
2540 Elan Resilience^CP^52^As an elan, you can prevent greater amounts of damage than other members of your race.
2541 Elan Resistance, Enhanced^CP^52^As an elan, you can resist harmful effects more readily than other members of your race.
2542 Elan Retainment^CP^52^You can use your psionic metabolism to aid your ability to retain your psionic focus when you would otherwise expend it.
2543 Elemental Envoy^CP^52^This feat allows you to acquire an elemental steward.
2544 Energize Armor^CP^53^You can charge your armor with psionic energy, making it resistant to energy damage.
2545 Enervation Endurance^CP^53^When facing the aftermath of a wild surge, enervation doesn't sap your power points.
2546 Enhanced Beneficence^CP^53^Your psychic aura is larger than normal, reflecting your devotion to your deity.
2547 Envoy Cognizance^CP^53^When your elemental envoy is nearby, its associated energy enhances your ability to manifest energy powers.
2548 Euphoric Reduction^CP^53^Channel your euphoric surge into a boost for one of your skills.
2549 Extra Aura^CP^54^You gain the aura ability of a mantle you have donned.
2550 Focused Perception^CP^54^When you concentrate your faculties, your power of sight pierces the darkness.
2551 Focused Shield^CP^54^Your mental focus makes you more adept at using your shield.
2552 Focused Skill User^CP^54^You can take advantage of your psionic focus in new ways.
2553 Gestalt Anchor^CP^54^You have a strong bond to the psionic entity you host.
2554 Githyanki Charm^CP^54^You can leverage yourpsionic daze psi-like ability to gain greater control over subjects.
2555 Githyanki Control^CP^54^You can leverage yourfar hand psi-like ability to gain greater control over objects.
2556 Githyanki Dismissal^CP^54^You can leverage yourdimension door psi-like ability to gain greater control over other creatures' locations.
2557 Githyanki Ectoform^CP^54^You can leverage yourconcealing amorpha psi-like ability to gain greater control over your own body.
2558 Githzerai Burst^CP^54^You can leverage yourcat fall psi-like ability to gain greater control over yourself in your environment.
2559 Githzerai Feedback^CP^54^You can leverage yourinertial armor psi-like ability to further insulate yourself from harm.
2560 Githzerai Knock^CP^54^You can leverage yourconcussion blast psi-like ability to gain such fine control over manipulating force that you can open locks or sealed doors.
2561 Githzerai Link^CP^55^You can leverage yourpsionic daze psi-like ability to forge direct mental contact with another creature.
2562 Half-Giant Stomp^CP^55^You can use yourstomp psi-like ability more often.
2563 Half-Giant Thunderer^CP^55^You can use yourstomp psi-like ability to far greater effect.
2564 Instinctive Consummator^CP^55^You always make good on your threats.
2565 Invest Armor^CP^55^You can charge your armor with additional protective qualities.
2566 Lurk Augment, Extra^CP^55^You can use your lurk augment more often than normal.
2567 Lurk Augment, Ranged^CP^55^You can use some of your lurk augments in conjunction with a ranged attack.
2568 Lurk Master^CP^55^You are more skilled in augmenting your attack than your training would indicate.
2569 Maenad Fury^CP^55^You can use your outburst racial trait more often.
2570 Maenad Scream^CP^55^You can use yourenergy ray (sonic) psi-like ability more often.
2571 Maenad Deafening Scream^CP^55^You can use yourenergy ray (sonic) psi-like ability to better effect.
2572 Mantle Focus^CP^55^The powers from one of your mantles become more potent.
2573 Mental Juggernaut^CP^56^You are adroit at avoiding the mind blasting effects of certain psionic abilities and powers.
2574 Mind Cleave^CP^56^When you lay low a foe, you drain off a portion of its excess mental energy into the conduit of your mind blade.
2575 Mind Empowerment^CP^56^When you lay low a foe, you drain off a portion of its excess mental energy into the conduit of your mind blade.
2576 Mind Strike^CP^56^When you use your psychic strike ability, you deal more damage.
2577 Mind Strike, Swift^CP^57^You possess a deadly speed when charging your mind blade with psychic energy.
2578 Orc Double Axe Mind Blade^CP^57^When you reshape your mind blade, you can change it into an exotic weapon: an orc double axe.
2579 Postpone Enervation^CP^57^You can postpone the onset of your psychic enervation.
2580 Practiced Manifester^CP^57^Choose a manifesting class that you possess. The powers you manifest from that class are more powerful.
2581 Privileged Energy^CP^57^You favor one specific energy type over all others.
2582 Psymbiot^CP^57^You gain benefits when you are near other psionic characters or creatures.
2583 Skin of the Construct^CP^57^You can wear an astral construct as if it were a second skin.
2584 Stygian Archon^CP^57^You sear the synapses of your mind with a scar of void and emptiness.
2585 Synad Multitask, Enhanced^CP^58^As a synad, your threefold mind grants you an additional opportunity to multitask.
2586 Tap Mantle^CP^58^You gain the ability to access the powers in a new mantle.
2587 Thri-Kreen Carapace^CP^58^Your carapace is harder than average.
2588 Thri-Kreen Claw^CP^58^You can use yourmetaphysical claw psi-like ability more often.
2589 Thri-Kreen Displacement^CP^58^You can use yourpsionic displacement psi-like ability more often.
2590 Thri-Kreen Poison^CP^58^You can use your poison bite more often.
2591 Two-Bladed Mind Blade^CP^58^When you reshape your mind blade, you can change it into an exotic weapon: a two-bladed sword.
2592 Volatile Escalation^CP^58^When you are attacked with a telepathic power, your innate wildness forces a higher mental price on your attacker.
2593 Volatile Leech^CP^58^You gain the power points your attacker wastes attacking you with a telepathic power.
2594 Xeph Burst, Extra^CP^59^You can use your burst racial trait more often.
2595 Xeph Celerity^CP^59^You can use your burst racial trait to gain an extra attack.
2596 Dorje Mastery^CP^59^Psionic dorjes are more potent in your hands.
2597 Dual Dorje^CP^59^You can fight with two dorjes at the same time.
2598 Hostile Mind, Improved^CP^59^You have mental defenses erected against telepathic attacks.
2599 Psionic Mastery^CP^59^You are quick and certain in your efforts to defeat the psionic defenses and powers of others.
2600 Aggressive Mind^CP^60^The psionic entity you host gives you access to psi-like abilities capable of disrupting the mind of your enemy.
2601 Antagonist^CP^60^The psionic entity you host seeks to cause damage and mayhem, and you have powers to further that end.
2602 Defensive Shell^CP^60^The psionic entity living in your mind enables you to better resist attacks.
2603 Host Focus^CP^60^You can use a psi-like ability granted by a host feat an extra time each day.
2604 Pacifist^CP^60^You host a psionic entity that dislikes combat and provides you psi-like abilities to help you avoid a fight.
2605 Spiritual Force^CP^60^Your mind blade is an expression of your inner spirit.
2606 Strength of Two^CP^60^As the host of a formless psionic entity, you possess immense willpower.
2607 Telepathic Affinity^CP^60^The entity you host gives you the ability to better communicate with other creatures.
2608 Illithid Blast^CP^61^You can convert your pisonic energy into amind blast.
2609 Illithid Compulsion^CP^61^You can call upon your heritage and enhance your ability to manipulate the minds of other creatures.
2610 Illithid Enthusiast^CP^61^When you manipulate the minds of other creatures, you are heartened and emboldened by your success.
2611 Illithid Extraction^CP^61^Your acceptance of your illithid heritage is so encompassing that you have learned how to extract the brain of a helpless victim.
2612 Illithid Grapple^CP^61^You embrace more of your illithid heritage, and grow at least one long purplish tentacle that you can reveal and unfurl when you open your mouth.
2613 Illithid Heritage^CP^62^Somewhere in the deeps of time, your bloodline was polluted with illithid influence.
2614 Illithid Legacy^CP^62^You have realized greater psionic power through your illithid heritage.
2615 Illithid Legacy, Greater^CP^62^Your knowledge of psionic power has grown even further due to your illithid heritage.
2616 Illithid Skin^CP^62^Your skin takes on the glistening, rubbery, green-mauve consistency of your illithid parentage.
2617 Knockdown Power^CP^62^You can manifest powers that knock creatures off their feet.
2618 Linked Power^CP^62^You can link a power to the power you manifest in this round so that it goes off next round.
2619 Metapower^CP^63^You can permanently modify a psionic power you know with a metapsionic feat.
2620 Paraelemental Power^CP^63^When using a power that allows you to choose a type of energy, you have a wider range of possible choices owing to your ability to mix energy with matter.
2621 Phrenic Leech^CP^63^Psionic foes damaged by your power are also mentally drained.
2622 Stygian Power^CP^64^Psionic powers you manifest that utilize negative energy are branded with an imprint of fear.
2623 Transdimensional Power^CP^64^You can manifest powers that affect targets lurking in coexistent planes and extradimensional spaces whose entrances fall within the power's area.
2624 Acrobatic Strike^PH2^71^Your dexterous maneuvers and skilled acrobatics allow you to slip past a foe's defenses and deliver an accurate strike against him.
2625 Active Shield Defense^PH2^71^Your expert use of your shield allows you to strike at vulnerable foes even when you forgo your own attacks in favor of defense.
2626 Adaptable Flanker^PH2^71^When you and an ally team up against a foe, you know how to maximize the threat your ally poses to ruin your target's defenses.
2627 Agile Shield Fighter^PH2^74^You are skilled in combining your shield bash attack with an armed strike. When you use your shield in unison with a weapon, your training allows you to score telling blows with both.
2628 Arcane Accompaniment^PH2^74^You infuse your performance with magical energy, allowing its effects to continue even as you attend to other tasks.
2629 Arcane Consumption^PH2^74^You can sacrifice your physical health to strengthen a spell. This process leaves you wracked with pain, but the enhanced energy you draw from the spell might provide the margin between victory and defeat.
2630 Arcane Flourish^PH2^74^You use your magical abilities to improve your performance talents.
2631 Arcane Thesis^PH2^74^You have studied a single spell in-depth.
2632 Arcane Toughness^PH2^75^You draw upon the power of your magic to sustain yourself, allowing you to continue fighting long after your physical body has failed you.
2633 Armor Specialization^PH2^75^Through long wear and hours of combat, you have trained your body to believe in its armor.
2634 Battle Dancer^PH2^75^You strike at your foes in time with the music you sing or in cadence with an oration you deliver.
2635 Bonded Familiar^PH2^75^You enjoy a stronger than normal magical bond with your familiar, granting you access to two special abilities.
2636 Bounding Assault^PH2^75^You can move and attack with superior speed and power.
2637 Brutal Strike^PH2^76^You can batter foes senseless with your mace, morningstar, quarterstaff, or flail.
2638 Combat Acrobat^PH2^76^Your acrobatics and agility in combat allow you to maneuver across the battlefield with ease.
2639 Combat Familiar^PH2^76^Your familiar is skilled in delivering attack spells againstyour foes.
2640 Combat Tactician^PH2^77^You excel at approaching an opponent from an unexpected direction to deliver deadly attacks.
2641 Cometary Collision^PH2^77^You are a thunderbolt of destruction on the battlefield.
2642 Companion Spellbond^PH2^77^You form a special magical link with your animal companion, allowing you to share spells with it over a greater distance.
2643 Crossbow Sniper^PH2^77^You are skilled in lining up accurate, deadly shots with your crossbow.
2644 Crushing Strike^PH2^78^You wield a bludgeoning weapon with superior power, allowing you to batter aside an opponent's defenses.
2645 Cunning Evasion^PH2^78^When an area attack detonates around you, you use the chaos and flash of energy to duck out of sight.
2646 Dampen Spell^PH2^78^From the lowliest prestidigitator to the most august hierophant, spellcasters both arcane and divine recognize the power of counterspelling.
2647 Deadeye Shot^PH2^78^You carefully line up a ranged attack, timing it precisely so that you hit your opponent when his guard is down.
2648 Defensive Sweep^PH2^78^You sweep your weapon through the area you threaten, warding away opponents and forcing them to move away or suffer a fearsome blow.
2649 Driving Attack^PH2^78^When you strike an opponent with a piercing weapon, the brutal impact of your strike sends him sprawling.
2650 Elven Spell Lore^PH2^78^You have studied the mighty arcane traditions of the elven, granting you insight into the intricate workings of magic and the theoretical structures behind spells.
2651 Fade into Violence^PH2^79^While the chaos of battle swirls around you, you rely on your ability to slip into the background to avoid your enemy's notice.
2652 Fiery Fist^PH2^79^By channeling your kienergy, you sheathe your limbs in magical fire.
2653 Fiery KiDefense^PH2^79^You channel your kienergy into a cloak of flame that injures any who attempt to strike you.
2654 Flay^PH2^79^When fighting unarmored opponents, you excel at twisting your weapon just before impact.
2655 Grenadier^PH2^79^You are skilled in using grenadelike weapons.
2656 Hindering Opportunist^PH2^79^When you have a chance to strike a distracted foe, you instead use that opportunity to aid or protect an ally against him.
2657 Intimidating Strike^PH2^79^You make a display of your combat prowess designed to strike terror in your foe.
2658 Indomitable Soul^PH2^80^Your physical toughness translates into greater mental resiliency.
2659 Keen-Eared Scout^PH2^80^Your sharp sense of hearing allows you to determine much more about your surroundings.
2660 KiBlast^PH2^80^You focus your kiinto a ball of energy that you can hurl at an opponent.
2661 Leap of the Heavens^PH2^80^Your excellent athletic ability and superior conditioning allow you to make near-superhuman leaps.
2662 Lunging Strike^PH2^80^You make a single attack against a foe who stands just beyond your reach.
2663 Lurking Familiar^PH2^80^Your familiar hides within the folds of your robe or takes cover behind you as your opponents close in.
2664 Mad Foam Rager^PH2^80^You fight with the rage that only a rabid badger or a beer-addled dwarf can bring to bear.
2665 Master Manipulator^PH2^80^Your words are your weapons.
2666 Melee Evasion^PH2^81^Your speed, agility, and talent for intelligent fighting allow you to avoid your opponent's blows.
2667 Melee Weapon Mastery^PH2^81^You have mastered a wide range of weapons.
2668 Overwhelming Assault^PH2^81^If you attack a foe who does nothing to turn aside your attack, you press forward with an indomitable strike.
2669 Penetrating Shot^PH2^81^You send a powerful shot cleaving through your enemies.
2670 Ranged Weapon Mastery^PH2^82^You have mastered a wide range of weapons.
2671 Rapid Blitz^PH2^82^You charge across the battlefield, combining your speed and fighting ability to move and attack with unmatched skill.
2672 Robilar's Gambit^PH2^82^By offering Robilar's Gambit, you absorb damage to place yourself in an advantageous position.
2673 Shield Sling^PH2^82^You can hurl your shield as a deadly missile, turning it from a defensive item to a crushing, thrown weapon.
2674 Shield Specialization^PH2^82^You are skilled in using a shield, allowing you to gain greater defensive benefits from it.
2675 Shield Ward^PH2^82^You use your shield like a wall of steel and wood.
2676 Short Haft^PH2^82^You have trained in polearm fighting alongside your comrades in arms, sometimes reaching past them while they shield you, and sometimes shielding them while they attack from behind you.
2677 Slashing Flurry^PH2^82^You swing your weapon with uncanny speed, slicing apart a foe in the blink of an eye.
2678 Spectral Skirmisher^PH2^83^You have trained extensively in the use of magic that renders you invisible.
2679 Spell-Linked Familiar^PH2^83^You and your familiar can share spell energy, allowing your familir to cast a limited number of spells each day.
2680 Stalwart Defense^PH2^83^You excel at aiding your allies in battle. When an opponent attempts to strike one of them, you make a quick, distracting motion to ruin the foe's efforts.
2681 Steadfast Determination^PH2^83^Your physical durability allows you to shrug off attacks that would cripple a lesser person.
2682 Telling Blow^PH2^83^When you strike an opponent's vital areas, you draw on your ability to land crippling blows to make the most of your attack.
2683 Trophy Collector^PH2^83^A belt of minotaur fur, a hood of cloaker wing-skin, and an amulet fashioned from a petrified dragon's eye -- these are the intimidating symbols of your trade.
2684 Tumbling Feint^PH2^84^When you move near an opponent, your acrobatic maneuvers leave him confused and unable to properly defend himself.
2685 Two-Weapon Pounce^PH2^84^When you charge an opponent while wielding two weapons, you can make two quick attacks.
2686 Two-Weapon Rend^PH2^84^You wield two weapons with an artisan's precision.
2687 Vatic Gaze^PH2^85^Your arcane studies have brought forth your nascent talent to sense magical auras and the power that others are capable of wielding.
2688 Versatile Unarmed Strike^PH2^85^You employ a variety of unarmed fighting styles, allowing you to alter the type of damage your attacks deal.
2689 Vexing Flanker^PH2^85^You excel at picking apart an opponent's defenses when your allies also threaten them.
2690 Wanderer's Diplomacy^PH2^85^Many halflings journey far and wide across the world, spending no more than a few months in one place.
2691 Water Splitting Stone^PH2^85^You channel your kienergy to splinter the defenses of creatures whose tough hides or magical natures normally allow them to shrug off your blows.
2692 Weapon Supremacy^PH2^85^You are a grandmaster in the use of your chosen weapon.
2693 Ritual Blessing^PH2^86^You call upon the powers of goodness and light to bless your allies.
2694 Ritual Blood Bonds^PH2^86^You invest your allies with the mighty power of your toten, god, or similar divine entity.
2695 Combat Awareness^PH2^86^When you maintain your combat focus, you have an uncanny ability to sense the ebb and flow of your opponents' vitality.
2696 Combat Defense^PH2^87^The state of keen focus and mental discipline you attain in combat allows you to shift the focus of yoru defense from one opponent to another with careful, precise maneuvers.
2697 Combat Focus^PH2^87^The way of the warrior requires more than simple, brute strength.
2698 Combat Stability^PH2^87^When you maintain your combat focus, you become difficult to dislodge.
2699 Combat Strike^PH2^87^Your intense, focused state allows you to see the one critical moment in a battle when you hang suspended between victory and defeat.
2700 Combat Vigor^PH2^88^When you maintain your combat focus, your clarity of purpose and relentless drive allow you to overcome your body's frailties.
2701 Divine Armor^PH2^88^You call upon your deity to protect you in your hour of need by wreathing you in divine power that wards off your enemies' attacks.
2702 Divine Fortune^PH2^88^With a quick prayer, you channel divine energy to help resist a spell, poison, or other deadly effect.
2703 Divine Justice^PH2^88^You can channel divine energy to turn your foe's strength against him, striking him with the same force that he used against you.
2704 Divine Ward^PH2^88^You create a channel of divine energy between yourself and a willing ally.
2705 Profane Aura^PH2^89^You call upon the dark powers you worship to fill the area around you with a dreadful mist that obscures sight.
2706 Sacred Healing^PH2^89^You can channel divine energy to aid in your efforts to tend to a comrade's injuries, sickness, or other conditions.
2707 Sacred Purification^PH2^89^You serve as a conduit of divine energy, filling the area around you with power that aids the living and saps the undead.
2708 Sacred Radiance^PH2^89^You channel divine energy to fill the area around you with a soothing, gentle radiance.
2709 Celestial Sorcerer Aura^PH2^90^The power of your sorcerous heritage shines through, allowing you to infuse the area around you with a menacing aura.
2710 Celestial Sorcerer Heritage^PH2^90^Your ancestry manifests in the form of several special abilities.
2711 Celestial Sorcerer Lance^PH2^90^You can channel your arcane energy into a bolt of power that is baneful to evil creatures.
2712 Celestial Sorcerer Lore^PH2^90^The power of your ancestry grants you access to a variety of new spells.
2713 Celestial Sorcerer Wings^PH2^91^You channel your inborn magical abilities to spawn a pair of spectral, magical wings that glow with majestic power.
2714 Infernal Sorcerer Eyes^PH2^91^Your eyes glow with infernal fire, allowing you to see through magical darkness.
2715 Infernal Sorcerer Heritage^PH2^91^Your innate magic derives from infernal ancestors.
2716 Infernal Sorcerer Howl^PH2^91^You channel the fury of your infernal ancesters into a thunderous roar that blasts your enemies with sonic power.
2717 Infernal Sorcerer Resistance^PH2^91^You are as tough and resilient as an infernal monstrosity, allowing you to shrug off acid and cold damage.
2718 Blistering Spell^PH2^91^Your fire spells sear the flesh from your enemies' bones, leaving them wracked with pain.
2719 Earthbound Spell^PH2^91^You bind a spell into the rock and soil, leaving it there until an opponent stumbles across it.
2720 Flash Frost Spell^PH2^91^Your spells that use cold and ice to damage your foes leave behind a thin layer of slippery frost.
2721 Imbued Summoning^PH2^92^Your summoning spells gain an element of surprise.
2722 Smiting Spell^PH2^92^You can channel the energy of a touch spell into a weapon, causing the spell to discharge when you strike an opponent.
2723 Blood-Spiked Charger^PH2^92^You throw yourself into the fray, using your spiked armor and spiked shield to tear your opponents to pieces.
2724 Combat Cloak Expert^PH2^93^You are adept at turning your cloak into a vital part of your combat repertoire.
2725 Combat Panache^PH2^93^Your glowing personality and sharp performance abilities allow you to navigate the battlefield on sheer chutzpah alone.
2726 Einhander^PH2^94^You excel at wielding a one-handed weapon while carrying nothing in your off hand.
2727 Mad Alchemist^PH2^94^You are an expert at using alchemical items.
2728 Shadow Striker^PH2^94^You melt into the shadows, hiding from your enemies until the time is right.
2729 Abyss-Bound Soul [Vile]^FCI^83^You have pledged your immortal soul to a particular demon lord in return for a gift that aids your evil works in life.
2730 Blood War Conscript [Vile]^FCI^83^Your evil brand indicates your rank in the armies of the Blood War and infuses you with fury.
2731 Chaotic Spell Recall [Abyssal Heritor]^FCI^84^A few choice spells never stray far from your mind.
2732 Claws of the Beast [Abyssal Heritor]^FCI^84^Your hands are twisted like claws. This deformity allows you to deal more damage than usual with your unarmed strikes and sneak attacks.
2733 Cloak of the Obyrith [Abyssal Heritor]^FCI^85^The chaos of the Abyss suffuses your being, as it does the ancient obyriths.
2734 Dark Speech [Vile]^FCI^85^You learn a smattering of the language of truly dark power.
2735 Demonic Conduit [Vile]^FCI^85^Your evil brand incorporates blasphemous runes and sigils that augment magical attacks you make against lawful and/or good targets.
2736 Demonic Skin [Abyssal Heritor]^FCI^85^Your skin has rough, scaly patches that enhance your natural armor.
2737 Demonic Sneak Attack [Abyssal Heritor]^FCI^85^You know exactly how to twist the blade to get the most out of your sneak attacks.
2738 Demon Mastery^FCI^85^You are particularly skilled at summoning demons and convincing them to serve you.
2739 Evil Brand [Vile]^FCI^85^You are physically marked forever as the servant of an evil power greater than yourself -- in this case, a demon lord. The symbols is unquestionable in its perversity, depicting a depravity so unthinkable that all who see it know beyond a doubt that you serve the lords of the Abyss.
2740 Extract Demonic Essence^FCI^86^You can draw upon the living essence of a willing or captured demon to fuel the creation of items or the casting of potent spells.
2741 Eyes of the Abyss [Abyssal Heritor]^FCI^86^Your eyes glow with an inner fire of some unusual color. This glow increases your perception and allows you to see in the dark.
2742 Heart of the Nabassu^FCI^86^Your ancestry traces back to a place where the Abyss meets the Negative Energy Plane.
2743 Keeper of Forbidden Lore [Abyssal Heritor]^FCI^86^A shred of demonic racial memory grants you knowledge of numerous ancient magical secrets.
2744 Ordered Chaos^FCI^86^You are an unusually lawful Abyssal heritor.
2745 Otherworldly Countenance [Abyssal Heritor]^FCI^87^You are either stunningly beautiful or wretchedly hideous. Either way, your appearance can be terribly unsettling to others upon whom you focus your attentions.
2746 Poison Healer^FCI^87^Poison isn't always bad for you.
2747 Poison Talons [Abyssal Heritor]^FCI^87^Your claws drip with poison.
2748 Precognitive Visions [Abyssal Heritor]^FCI^87^You periodically experience visions from the near future.
2749 Primordial Scion [Abyssal Heritor]^FCI^87^The Abyss beckons. . . .
2750 Thrall to Demon [Vile]^FCI^87^You formally become a supplicant to a demon lord. In return for your obedience, you gain a small measure of that demon lord's power.
2751 Vestigial Wings [Abyssal Heritor]^FCI^87^A pair of vestigial wings sprouts from your shoulders.
2752 Ability Focus^MM4^202^A particular special ability of a creature with this feat is more potent than normal.
2753 Awesome Blow^MM4^202^A creature with this feat can choose to deliver blows that send its smaller opponents flying like bowling pins.
2754 Clinging Breath^MM4^202^This feat enables a creature's breath weapon to cling to creatures and continue to affect them after it has breathed.
2755 Craft Construct [Item Creation]^MM4^202^A creature with this feat can create golems and other magic automatons that obey its orders.
2756 Flyby Attack^MM4^202^A creature with this feat can attack on the wing.
2757 Githyanki Battlecaster^MM4^202^A creature with this feat ignores arcane spell failure chances when wearing light armor.
2758 Githyanki Dragonrider [Racial]^MM4^202^A creature with this feat has a knack for getting along with red dragons.
2759 Improved Natural Attack^MM4^203^The natural attacks of a creature with this feat are more dangerous than its size and type would otherwise dictate.
2760 Improved Toughness^MM4^203^A creature with this feat is significantly tougher than normal.
2761 Lingering Breath^MM4^203^The breath weapon of a creature with this feat forms a lingering cloud.
2762 Multiattack^MM4^203^A creature with this feat is adept at using all its natural weapons at once.
2763 Powerful Charge^MM4^203^A creature with this feat can charge with extra force.
2764 Quicken Spell-Like Ability^MM4^203^A creature with this feat can employ a spell-like ability with a moment's thought.
2765 Blessed of Vulkoor [Racial]^SX^134^A scorpion-shaped birthmark denotes you as one of the chosen of Vulkoor.
2766 Drow Scorpion Warrior [Racial, Tactical]^SX^134^Your study of the ways of the scorpion grants you special tactics.
2767 Drow Skirmisher [Racial]^SX^134^Your experience with the guerrilla-style combat of the deep jungle grants you mastery of the weapons of the drow.
2768 Earthquake Stomp^SX^134^Your thunderous steps allow you to knock smaller enemies off their feet.
2769 Echoing Spell [Metamagic]^SX^134^Your spells return after you cast them, although with lessened effects.
2770 Elder Giant Magic^SX^135^You have learned a technique developed by ancient giant spellcasters, allowing you to channel additional power in your spells.
2771 Giant Banemagic^SX^135^You can cast spells that deal additional damage to giants.
2772 Jungle Veteran^SX^135^You have a knack for surviving in harsh environments and avoiding the deadly ambushes of natives.
2773 Mysterious Magic^SX^135^Your study of unconventional magic gives your spells an odd appearance and makes them difficult to identify.
2774 Rending Claws^SX^135^Your expertise with scorpion claw gauntlets allows you to tear apart your opponents with deadly precision.
2775 Breath of Unlife [Metabreath]^DrF^47^Your breath weapon contains the chill of undeath.
2776 Transdimensional Breath [Psionic]^DrF^50^Your breath weapon affects bordering planes.
2777 Follower of the Scaly Way^DrF^57^You are an adherent of Sammaster's teachings.
2778 Servant of a Dragon Ascendant^DrF^92^You formally supplicate yourself to an immortal dragon quasi-deity.
2779 Initiate of Tchazzar^DrF^92^You have been initiated into the greatest mysteries of Tchazzar's church.
2780 Adaptive Style^ToB^28^With just a short period of meditation, you can change your maneuvers and tactics to meet the threat you currently face.
2781 Avenging Strike^ToB^28^Your strength of will and strong sense of justice allow you to smite your foes.
2782 Blade Meditation^ToB^28^You have learned a meditation that grants you insight into the martial disciplines you have studied.
2783 Desert Fire^ToB^29^The power of the Desert Wind surges through you, and you find power in the motion of the hot winds and shifting sands that you can channel into your Desert Wind strikes.
2784 Desert Wind Dodge^ToB^29^Your training in the Desert Wind discipline allows you to dance across the battlefield like a blistering sirocco.
2785 Devoted Bulwark^ToB^29^Because of your staunch devotion to your cause and your Devoted Spirit training, you can stand your ground even in the face of an enemy's resounding attack.
2786 Divine Spirit [Divine]^ToB^29^The fervor and dedication of the Devoted Spirit discipline, combined with your fanatical adherence to a divine power, turns you into a font of spiritual energy.
2787 Evasive Reflexes^ToB^30^When an opponent gives you an opening in combat, you know exactly what to do: slip away.
2788 Extra Granted Maneuver^ToB^30^You are especially devout or insightful, and you have more control over which of your martial maneuvers are currently granted than other crusaders.
2789 Extra Readied Maneuver^ToB^30^You are an unusually perspicacious student of the Sublime Way, and you find it easy to keep a large number of maneuvers ready for use.
2790 Falling Sun Attack^ToB^31^The discipline of the Setting Sun teaches you how to turn an opponent's strengths into weaknesses.
2791 Instant Clarity [ Psionic]^ToB^31^You have sharpened your concentration to the point that you can focus your psionic abilities with just an instant's thought.
2792 Ironheart Aura^ToB^31^Your strength of spirit and martial training inspires those around you.
2793 Martial Stance^ToB^31^You have mastered the fundamentals of a martial discipline, and you are now able to master one of its stances.
2794 Martial Study^ToB^31^By studying the basics of a martial discipline, you learn to focus you kiand perfect the form needed to use a maneuver.
2795 Psychic Renewal [Psionic]^ToB^32^Your mental strength and psionic abilities allow you to focus your mind on combat and use your most devastating maneuvers more frequently.
2796 Rapid Assault^ToB^32^Your fighting style emphasizes taking foes down with quick, powerful blows.
2797 Scribe Martial Script [Item Creation]^ToB^32^You know the secret of creating martial scripts -- small slips of paper into which you infuse your own martial power and skill.
2798 Shadow Blade^ToB^32^In the course of your training in the Shadow Hand discipline, you learn to use your natural agility and speed to augment your attacks with certain weapons.
2799 Shadow Trickster^ToB^32^Your mastery of the Shadow Hand discipline lets you augment your illusion spells with the stuff of shadow.
2800 Song of the White Raven^ToB^32^The White Raven discipline shows you how to rouse dedication and fervor within your allies' hearts.
2801 Snap Kick^ToB^32^You have continued to hone your unarmed combat skills, and you deal more damage with your unarmed strikes.
2802 Stone Power^ToB^32^The principles of the Stone Dragon discipline teach you how to gather and focus your raw, physical strength into an attack.
2803 Sudden Recovery^ToB^33^You can instantly recover your focus, balance, and personal energy after using a martial maneuver.
2804 Superior Unarmed Strike^ToB^33^Your unarmed strikes have become increasingly deadly, enabling you to strike your foes in their most vulnerable areas.
2805 Tiger Blooded^ToB^33^The Tiger Claw discipline teaches students to mimic the rampant, feral qualities of a wild animal.
2806 Unnerving Calm^ToB^33^You know that the secret to defeating your enemies lies within the still center of your own mind.
2807 Vital Recovery^ToB^33^Preparing yourself to execute more of your maneuvers gives you the chance to catch a quick second wind and recover from damage you have sustained in the fight.
2808 White Raven Defense^ToB^33^The White Raven discipline has taught you to shine as a gleaming beacon of hope and endurance amid the chaos of battle.
2809 Clarion Commander^ToB^34^On the battlefield, you are a natural leader.
2810 Distant Horizon^ToB^34^An initiate of the Setting Sun sometimes learns a set of combat maneuvers to create the Distant Horizon fighting form.
2811 Faith Unswerving^ToB^34^The initiate of the Devoted Spirit knows that his fanaticism and devotion to a cause are enough to carry him through almost anything.
2812 Gloom Razor^ToB^35^The teachings of the Shadow Hand discipline allow you to confuse your enemies.
2813 Perfect Clarity of Mind and Body^ToB^35^Your mastery of the Diamond Mind discipline allows you to tap into reserves of spiritual and physical strength that other warriors cannot imagine using.
2814 Reaping Talons^ToB^35^When fighting with the Tiger Claw discipline's preferred weapons, you can use a variety of combat options that maximize the benefits of wielding two weapons.
2815 Scorching Sirocco^ToB^35^As a student of the Desert Wind, the burning fury of the desert sirocco is at your command.
2816 Shards of Granite^ToB^36^Like the great Stone Dragon, you hammer through your opponents' defenses using raw, brutal strength.
2817 Stormguard Warrior^ToB^36^The Stormguard Warrior feat encompasses a number of the more advanced tactics and techniques you would use as a student of the Iron Heart school.
2818 Armor of Scales [Ceremony]^DM^15^You imbue a target with the protection of a dragon's blade.
2819 Black Dragon Lineage [Draconic]^DM^15^You have attuned yourself to your black dragon ancestry and can poison foes with your touch.
2820 Blue Dragon Lineage [Draconic]^DM^15^You have learned to harness the power of your blue dragon ancestry and can hurl orbs of lightning.
2821 Brass Dragon Lineage [Draconic]^DM^16^You have unlocked the power of your brass dragon ancestry and can put foes to sleep with ease.
2822 Bronze Dragon Lineage [Draconic]^DM^16^You have tapped into your bronze dragon blood and can channel arcane energy to repel foes.
2823 Copper Dragon Lineage [Draconic]^DM^16^You have learned to channel the powers of your copper dragon ancestry to hinder your enemies' mobility.
2824 Double Draconic Aura^DM^16^You can project two draconic auras simultaneously.
2825 Draconic Armor [Draconic]^DM^16^You learn to block damage from successful attacks, lessening the blows with spell energy.
2826 Draconic Aura^DM^16^You can tap into the raw power of dragons to create a variety of potent auras around you.
2827 Draconic Heritage [Draconic]^DM^17^You have a greater connection with your draconic bloodline than others of your kind.
2828 Draconic Knowledge [Draconic]^DM^17^Your draconic blood lets you access ancient draconic knowledge.
2829 Draconic Senses [Draconic]^DM^17^Your draconic blood grants you great sensory powers.
2830 Draconic Vigor [Draconic]^DM^17^You gain some of the vitality of your draconic ancestry when casting spells.
2831 Dragonfire Assault [Draconic]^DM^17^You can augment your most powerful melee attacks with draconic power.
2832 Dragonfire Channeling [Draconic]^DM^17^You channel draconic fire through your holy symbol.
2833 Dragonfire Inspiration [Draconic]^DM^17^You can channel the power of your draconic ancestry into the attacks of your allies.
2834 Dragonfire Strike [Draconic]^DM^18^You can call upon your innate draconic powers to augment certain weapon attacks.
2835 Dragontouched [Draconic]^DM^18^You have a trace of draconic power, a result of dragons in your ancestry or a spiritual connection between you and the forces of dragonkind.
2836 Gold Dragon Lineage [Draconic]^DM^19^You can harness the legacy of your gold dragon ancestry to protect your allies.
2837 Heart of Dragons [Ceremony]^DM^19^You imbue your allies with draconic power.
2838 Initiate of Aasterinian [Initiate]^DM^20^You live for the moment, reveling in new experiences without fear of consequence.
2839 Initiate of Astilabor [Initiate]^DM^20^You share your deity's desire to acquire and protect treasure, and she has recognized this by granting you an edge in achieving these goals.
2840 Initiate of Bahamut [Initiate]^DM^20^The Platinum Dragon has entrusted you with great power in the battle against evil.
2841 Initiate of Falazure [Initiate]^DM^20^Your celebration of death and decay has opened up new magical secrets involving the living and undead.
2842 Initiate of Garyx [Initiate]^DM^20^You channel the cleansing fire of destruction, as wielded by your deity.
2843 Initiate of Hlal [Initiate]^DM^21^Fueled by faith in your deity, your audacity and bravery truly know no bounds.
2844 Initiate of Io [Initiate]^DM^21^Your deity has entrusted you with the responsibility of tending to dragonkind.
2845 Initiate of Lendys [Initiate]^DM^21^Your dedication to justice grants you the ability to ferret out and punish wrongdoers.
2846 Initiate of Tamara [Initiate]^DM^21^You wield the twin powers of mercy and death in service to your draconic patron.
2847 Initiate of Tiamat [Initiate]^DM^21^Your homage to the creator of evil dragonkind has been rewarded with physical and mental power.
2848 Red Dragon Lineage [Draconic]^DM^21^The fiery blood of red dragons runs within your veins, allowing you to produce flames from thin air.
2849 Silver Dragon Lineage [Draconic]^DM^22^You are the descendant of silver dragons and can harness your ancestors' power to paralyze your opponents.
2850 Slayer of Dragons [Ceremony]^DM^22^You protect your allies from the ravages they are sure to face while hunting dragons.
2851 White Dragon Lineage [Draconic]^DM^22^Your veins run with the savage blood of white dragons, allowing you to whyp yourself into a ragelike state.
2852 Words of Draconic Power [Ceremony]^DM^22^You tap into the great tradition of draconic magic to enhance the words of your allies.
2853 Action Healing^FE^145^You can spend an action point to enhance your healing power.
2854 Ancestral Whispers^FE^145^Through intense focus and divine energies, you can hear the advice of past ancestors.
2855 Ceremonial Empowerment^FE^145^Your divine might increases on your patron's holy days.
2856 Construct Grafter [Item Creation]^FE^145^You can apply construct grafts to other living creatures or to yourself.
2857 Divine Alacrity [Divine]^FE^145^You can channel divine energies into your own body, increasing your speed.
2858 Divine Countermagic [Divine]^FE^146^You channel divine energies to counter spells.
2859 Divine Warrior [Divine]^FE^146^Through divine power, you wield your deity's favored weapon to devastating effect.
2860 Domain Spontaneity [Divine]^FE^147^You are so familiar with one of your domains that you can convert other prepared spells into spells from that domain.
2861 Frantic Rage^FE^147^Your divine madness allows you to channel your fury into frenetic agility rather than might.
2862 Heroic Channeling [Divine]^FE^147^You can call on your personal strength of will to channel positive or negative energy into divine feats.
2863 Heroic Devotion [Divine]^FE^147^Your devotion to your faith allows you to manipulate fate at the expense of some spellcasting ability.
2864 Lucid Channeling^FE^147^When you invite a celestial into your body, you open your mind completely to the divine spirit.
2865 Nightbringer Initiate^FE^147^You have been trained in the ways of the Nightbringers, a new offshoot of the Children of Winter.
2866 Sacred Resilience^FE^147^You can channel divine energies to protect your allies from harm.
2867 Touch of Silver^FE^148^Your devotion to the Silver Flame allows you to burn the Church's foes with holy energies.
2868 Unquenchable Flame of Life^FE^148^You are hardened to the attacks of the undead.
2869 Unyielding Bond of Soul^FE^148^You are hardened to the attacks of the beings of other worlds.
2870 Worldly Focus^FE^148^Your belief in the omnipresence of the gods is so strong, you can channel your spells through the environment rather than a holy symbol.
2871 Wrest Possession^FE^148^If you resist control by a possessing fiend, you can attempt to seize control of its abilities.
2872 Enduring Life^Rav^200^You can ignore the effect of negative levels for a short time.
2873 Lasting Life^Rav^200^You can shed negative levels with an act of will.
2874 Favored in Guild^Rav^205^You are an active and valued member of your guild.
2875 Acidic Splatter^CM^37^You can channel magical energy into orbs of acid.
2876 Alacritous Cogitation^CM^37^You can leave a prepared spell slot open to spontaneously cast a spell.
2877 Aquatic Breath [Reserve]^CM^39^Your reservoir of magic allows you to breathe normally even underwater.
2878 Battlecaster Defense [Tactical]^CM^39^You have mastered techniques for taking full advantage of spells in melee while remaining unharmed.
2879 Battlecaster Offense [Tactical]^CM^40^You cunningly mix melee combat and spellcasting to increase the potency of both.
2880 Blade of Force [Reserve]^CM^40^You can surround a weapon with a short-lived aura of force.
2881 Borne Aloft [Reserve]^CM^40^You can channel the magic of the winds to briefly grant you flight.
2882 Captivating Melody^CM^40^You can expend some of your musical abilities to increase the potency of your enchantment or illusion spells.
2883 Clap of Thunder [Reserve]^CM^40^You can deliver a thunderous roar with a touch.
2884 Cloudy Conjuration^CM^40^Your conjured creations and summoned beings appear in a puff of sickening black smoke, and you vanish in a cloud of the same when you teleport.
2885 Clutch of Earth [Reserve]^CM^40^You briefly increase the earth's pull on the target creature.
2886 Dazzling Illusion^CM^41^Casting illusions causes the air about you to be filled with flashing colors that dazzle your foes.
2887 Defending Spirit^CM^41^Your watchful spirit helps keep you safe in combat.
2888 Delay Potion^CM^41^You can drink a potion and postpone its effects.
2889 Dimensional Jaunt^CM^41^With a single step, you can cross an entire room.
2890 Dimensional Reach [Reserve]^CM^41^You can transport small objects to you with an act of will.
2891 Drowning Glance [Reserve]^CM^41^With a look, you create a small but incapacitating amount of water in the subject's lungs.
2892 Elemental Adept^CM^42^You can spontaneously cast a spell of the element you have mastered.
2893 Energy Abjuration^CM^42^Casting an abjuration spell grants you protection from energy damage.
2894 Energy Gestalt [Tactical]^CM^42^You have learned to combine multiple energy effects to great advantage.
2895 Face-Changer [Reserve]^CM^42^Your mastery of illusions allows you to subtly alter your appearance at whim.
2896 Favored Magic Foe^CM^42^Through study, you have learned how best to defend yourself against your favored enemies' spells and how to best affect them with your own.
2897 Fearsome Necromancy^CM^42^Creatures subjected to your necromantic spells feel the chill of fear.
2898 Fey Heritage [Heritage]^CM^43^You are descended from creatures native to the fey realms. You are naturally resistant to the most common effects produced by
2899 Fey Legacy [Heritage]^CM^43^The magical powers of your ancestors manifest in you.
2900 Fey Power [Heritage]^CM^43^Your fey heritage augments the power of certain types of magic.
2901 Fey Presence [Heritage]^CM^43^You share your ancestor's knack for playing tricks on the minds of others.
2902 Fey Skin [Heritage]^CM^43^Your fey heritage guards you against all weapons except those crafted from the dreaded cold iron.
2903 Fiendish Heritage [Heritage]^CM^43^You are descended from creatures native to the Lower Planes.
2904 Fiendish Legacy [Heritage]^CM^43^The magical powers of your ancestors manifest in you.
2905 Fiendish Power [Heritage]^CM^43^Your fiendish heritage augments the power of certain types of magic.
2906 Fiendish Presence [Heritage]^CM^43^You share your ancestors' ability to tamper with the minds of weak-minded fools.
2907 Fiendish Resistance [Heritage]^CM^43^Your bloodline inures you against corrosion and fire.
2908 Fiery Burst [Reserve]^CM^43^You channel your magical talent into a blast of fire.
2909 Hasty Spirit^CM^44^Your watchful spirit lends you a burst of speed in times of great need.
2910 Hurricane Breath [Reserve]^CM^44^The power of elemental air you hold in your mind allows you to exhale the wind.
2911 Insightful Divination^CM^44^Casting a divination spell grants you an uncanny insight into danger.
2912 Invisible Needle [Reserve]^CM^44^You can create tiny darts of force.
2913 Magic Device Attunement^CM^44^You have a knack for activating familiar magic items.
2914 Magic Disruption [Reserve]^CM^44^You can use your powers of abjuration to interfere with other casters' spells.
2915 Magic Sensitive [Reserve]^CM^44^You literally see the emanations of magic around you.
2916 Master of Undeath^CM^44^You can control an undead that you create . . . for a time.
2917 Melodic Casting^CM^44^You can weave your music and magic together into a single perfect voice.
2918 Metamagic School Focus^CM^45^You are unusually skilled at modifying the effects of a particular school of magic.
2919 Metamagic Spell Trigger^CM^45^You can apply metamagic feats you know to spell effects from magic items you activate with a spell trigger.
2920 Metamagic Vigor [Tactical]^CM^45^The energy you pour into increasing the power of your spells feeds back upon itself in an ever-increasing cycle.
2921 Minor Shapeshift [Reserve]^CM^45^Your mastery of shapeshifting magic allows you to reshape your flesh in small but significant ways.
2922 Mystic Backlash [Reserve]^CM^45^With a touch, your magic corrupts the spells of your enemy.
2923 Piercing Evocation^CM^46^Your evocation spells ignore an amount of energy resistance.
2924 Ranged Recall^CM^46^Your magical ranged attacks rarely miss.
2925 Rapid Metamagic^CM^46^You possess an uncanny mastery of your magic, enabling you to modify spells on the fly much faster than others can.
2926 Residual Magic [Tactical]^CM^46^You can use the lingering energy from a spell you cast to boost the effect of a later spell.
2927 Retributive Spell [Metamagic]^CM^47^You can keep a spell in reserve to use when a foe causes you harm.
2928 Shadow Veil [Reserve]^CM^47^You draw wisps of darkness across your enemy's eyes, obscuring the world around him.
2929 Sickening Grasp [Reserve]^CM^47^You wreak havoc with the inner organs of a target, causing it to grow ill.
2930 Somatic Weaponry^CM^47^You are adept at performing somatic spell components while your hands are occupied.
2931 Storm Bolt [Reserve]^CM^47^The electrical energy contained within your magic rages inside you, begging to be released.
2932 Summon Elemental [Reserve]^CM^47^You can channel the summoning power you hold to briefly bring forth an elemental servant.
2933 Sunlight Eyes [Reserve]^CM^48^The bright magic within you allows you to see through the darkest shadow.
2934 Touch of Distraction [Reserve]^CM^48^Your touch briefly clouds the mind of a foe, impeding its efforts.
2935 Toughening Transmutation^CM^48^Casting a transmutation spell briefly transforms your skin or that of an ally into sterner stuff.
2936 Unsettling Enchantment^CM^48^Your enchantment spells cloud the minds of even those who would otherwise resist their effects.
2937 Vengeful Spirit^CM^48^Your watchful spirit takes revenge on foes that have harmed you.
2938 Wind-Guided Arrows [Reserve]^CM^48^Your mastery of the wind allows you to alter the flight of a ranged weapon.
2939 Winter's Blast [Reserve]^CM^48^The frozen magic within you can burst forth in a hail of frost.