changeset 520:d7eaa2b0c25f

need to track dbapiext
date Wed, 10 Nov 2010 07:01:28 -0500
parents e28767423d4b
children 1dd6c8077bc7
files sqlpython/
diffstat 1 files changed, 787 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/sqlpython/	Wed Nov 10 07:01:28 2010 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,787 @@
+An extention to DBAPI-2.0 for more easily building SQL statements.
+This extension allows you to call a DBAPI Cursor's execute method with a string
+that contains format specifiers for escaped and/or unescaped arguments.  Escaped
+arguments are specified using `` %X `` or `` %S `` (capital X or capital S).
+You can also mix positional and keyword arguments in the call, and this takes
+advantage of the Python call syntax niceties.  Also, lists passed in as
+parameters to be formatted are automatically detected and joined by commas (this
+works for both unescaped and escaped parameters-- lists to be escaped have their
+elements escaped individually).  In addition, if you pass in a dictionary
+corresponding to an escaped formatting specifier, the dictionary is rendered as
+a list of comma-separated <key> = <value> pairs, such as are suitable for an
+INSERT statement.
+For performance, the results of analysing and preparing the query is kept in a
+cache and reused on subsequence calls, similarly to the re or struct library.
+(This is intended to become a reference implementation for a proposal for an
+extension to tbe DBAPI-2.0.)
+.. note:: for now the transformation only works with DBAPIs that supports
+          parametric arguments in the form of Python's syntax for now
+          (e.g. psycopg2).  It could easily be extended to support other DBAPI
+          syntaxes.
+For more details and motivation, see the accompanying explanation document at
+5-minute usage instructions:
+  Run execute_f() with a cursor object and appropriate arguments::
+    execute_f(cursor, ' SELECT %s FROM %(t)s WHERE id = %S ', cols, id, t=table)
+  Ideally, we should be able to monkey-patch this method onto the cursor class
+  of the DBAPI library (this may not be possible if it is an extension module).
+  By default, the result of analyzing each query is cached automatically and
+  reused on further invocations, to minimize the amount of analysis to be
+  performed at runtime.  If you want to do this explicitly, first compile your
+  query, and execute it later with the resulting object, e.g.::
+    analq = qcompile(' SELECT %s FROM %(t)s WHERE id = %S ')
+    ...
+    analq.execute(cursor, cols, id, t=table)
+**Note to developers: this module contains tests, if you make any changes,
+please make sure to run and fix the tests.**
+Also, a formatting specifier is provided for where clauses: ``%A``, which joins
+its contained entries with ``AND``. The only accepted data types are list of
+pairs or a dictionary. Maybe we could provide an OR version (``%A`` and
+Future Work
+- We could provide a reduce() method on the QueryAnalyzer, that will apply the
+  given parameters and save the calculated arguments for later use; This would
+  allow us to apply queries using multiple calls, to fill in only certain
+  parameters at a time.  This method would return a new QueryAnalyzer, albeit
+  one that would contain some pre-cooked apply_kwds and delay_kwds to be
+  accumulated to in the apply call.
+- Provide a simple test function that would allow people to test their queries
+  without having to create a TestCursor.
+# stdlib imports
+import re
+from itertools import starmap, imap
+from StringIO import StringIO
+from datetime import date, datetime
+from itertools import izip, count
+from pprint import pprint
+__all__ = ('execute_f', 'qcompile', 'set_paramstyle', 'execute_obj')
+class QueryAnalyzer(object):
+    """
+    Analyze and contain a query string in a way that we can quickly put it back
+    together when given the actual arguments.  This object contains knowledge of
+    which arguments are positional and keyword, and is able to conditionally
+    apply escaping when necessary, and expand lists as well.
+    This is meant to be kept around or cached for efficiency.
+    """
+    # Note: the last few formatting characters are extra, from us.
+    re_fmt = '[#0 +-]?([0-9]+|\\*)?(\\.[0-9]*)?[hlL]?[diouxXeEfFgGcrsSAO]'
+    regexp = re.compile('%%(\\(([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\\))?(%s)' % re_fmt)
+    def __init__(self, query, paramstyle=None):
+        self.orig_query = query
+        self.positional = []
+        """List of positional arguments to be consumed later.  The list consists
+        of keynames."""
+        self.components = None
+        "A sequence of strings or match objects."
+        if paramstyle is None:
+            paramstyle = _def_paramstyle
+        self.paramstyle = paramstyle
+        self.init_style(paramstyle)
+        "The parameter style supported by the underlying DBAPI."
+        self.analyze() # Initialize.
+    def init_style(self, paramstyle):
+        "Pre-calculate style-specific constants."
+        if paramstyle == 'pyformat':
+            self.style_fmt = '%%%%(%(name)s)s'
+            self.style_argstype = dict
+        elif paramstyle == 'named':
+            self.style_fmt = ':%(name)s'
+            self.style_argstype = dict
+        elif paramstyle == 'qmark':
+            self.style_fmt = '?'
+            self.style_argstype = list
+        elif paramstyle == 'format':
+            self.style_fmt = '%%%%s'
+            self.style_argstype = list
+        elif paramstyle == 'numeric':
+            self.style_fmt = ':%(no)d'
+            self.style_argstype = list
+        # Non-standard. For our modified Sybase (from 0.37).
+        elif paramstyle == 'atnamed':
+            self.style_fmt = '@%(name)s'
+            self.style_argstype = dict
+        else:
+            raise ValueError(
+                "Parameter style '%s' is not supported." % paramstyle)
+    def analyze(self):
+        query = self.orig_query
+        poscount = count(1)
+        comps = self.components = []
+        for x in gensplit(self.regexp, query):
+            if isinstance(x, (str, unicode)):
+                comps.append(x)
+            else:
+                keyname, fmt =, 3)
+                if keyname is None:
+                    keyname = '__p%d' %
+                    self.positional.append(keyname)
+                sep = ', '
+                if fmt in 'XS':
+                    fmt = 's'
+                    escaped = True
+                elif fmt in 'A':
+                    fmt = 's'
+                    escaped = True
+                    sep = ' AND '
+                elif fmt in 'O':
+                    fmt = 's'
+                    escaped = True
+                    sep = ' OR '
+                else:
+                    escaped = False
+                comps.append( (keyname, escaped, sep, fmt) )
+    def __str__(self):
+        """
+        Return the string that would be used before application of the
+        positional and keyword arguments.
+        """
+        style_fmt = self.style_fmt
+        oss = StringIO()
+        no = count(1)
+        for x in self.components:
+            if isinstance(x, (str, unicode)):
+                oss.write(x)
+            else:
+                keyname, escaped, sep, fmt = x
+                if escaped:
+                    oss.write(style_fmt % {'name': keyname,
+                                           'no':})
+                else:
+                    oss.write('%%(%s)%s' % (keyname, fmt))
+        return oss.getvalue()
+    def apply(self, *args, **kwds):
+        if len(args) != len(self.positional):
+            raise TypeError('not enough arguments for format string')
+        # Merge the positional arguments in the keywords dict.
+        for name, value in izip(self.positional, args):
+            assert name not in kwds
+            kwds[name] = value
+        # Patch up the components into a string.
+        listexpans = {} # cached list expansions.
+        apply_kwds, delay_kwds = {}, self.style_argstype()
+        no = count(1)
+        style_fmt = self.style_fmt
+        dict_fmt = '%%(key)s = %s' % style_fmt
+        output = []
+        for x in self.components:
+            if isinstance(x, (str, unicode)):
+                out = x
+            else:
+                keyname, escaped, sep, fmt = x
+                # Split keyword lists.
+                # Expand into lists of words.
+                value = kwds[keyname]
+                if isinstance(value, (tuple, list, set)):
+                    try:
+                        words = listexpans[keyname] # Try cache.
+                    except KeyError:
+                        # Compute list expansion.
+                        words = ['%s_l%d__' % (keyname, x)
+                                 for x in xrange(len(value))]
+                        listexpans[keyname] = words
+                    if escaped:
+                        outfmt = [style_fmt %
+                                  {'name': x, 'no':} for x in words]
+                    else:
+                        outfmt = ['%%(%s)%s' % (x, fmt) for x in words]
+                elif isinstance(value, dict):
+                    # If a dict is passed in, the format specified *must* be for
+                    # escape; we detect this and raise an appropriate error.
+                    if not escaped:
+                        raise ValueError("Attempting to format a dict in "
+                                         "an SQL statement without escaping.")
+                    # Convert dict in a list of comma-separated 'name=value' pairs.
+                    items = value.items()
+                    words = ['%s_key_%s__' % (keyname, x[0]) for x in items]
+                    value = [x[1] for x in items]
+                    outfmt = [dict_fmt % {'key': k, 'name': word}
+                              for word, (k, v) in izip(words, items)]
+                else:
+                    words, value = (keyname,), (value,)
+                    if escaped:
+                        outfmt = [style_fmt % {'name': keyname, 'no':}]
+                    else:
+                        outfmt = ['%%(%s)%s' % (keyname, fmt)]
+                if escaped:
+                    okwds = delay_kwds
+                else:
+                    okwds = apply_kwds
+                # Dispatch values on the appropriate output dictionary.
+                assert len(words) == len(value)
+                if isinstance(okwds, dict):
+                    okwds.update(izip(words, value))
+                else:
+                    okwds.extend(value)
+                # Create formatting string.
+                out = sep.join(outfmt)
+            output.append(out)
+        # Apply positional arguments, here, now.
+        newquery = ''.join(output)
+        # Return the string with the delayed arguments as formatting specifiers,
+        # to be formatted by DBAPI, and the delayed arguments.
+        return newquery % apply_kwds, delay_kwds
+    def execute(self, cursor_, *args, **kwds):
+        """
+        Execute the analyzed query on the given cursor, with the given arguments
+        and keywords.
+        """
+        # Translate this call into a compatible call to execute().
+        cquery, ckwds = self.apply(*args, **kwds)
+        # Execute the transformed query.
+        return cursor_.execute(cquery, ckwds)
+def gensplit(regexp, s):
+    """
+    Regexp-splitter generator.  Generates strings and match objects.
+    """
+    c = 0
+    for mo in regexp.finditer(s):
+        yield s[c:mo.start()]
+        yield mo
+        c = mo.end()
+    yield s[c:]
+_def_paramstyle = 'pyformat'
+def set_paramstyle(style_or_dbapi):
+    """
+    Sets the default paramstyle to be used by the underlying DBAPI.
+    You can pass in a DBAPI module object or a string. See PEP249 for details.
+    """
+    global _def_paramstyle
+    if isinstance(style_or_dbapi, str):
+        _def_paramstyle = style_or_dbapi
+    else:
+        _def_paramstyle = style_or_dbapi.paramstyle
+    assert _def_paramstyle in ('qmark', 'numeric',
+                               'named', 'format', 'pyformat')
+qcompile = QueryAnalyzer
+Compile a query in a compatible query analyzer.
+# Query cache used to avoid having to analyze the same queries multiple times.
+# Hashed on the query string.
+_query_cache = {}
+# Note: we use cursor_ and query_ because we often call this function with
+# vars() which include those names on the caller side.
+def execute_f(cursor_, query_, *args, **kwds):
+    """
+    Fancy execute method for a cursor.  (Note: this is implemented as a function
+    but is really meant to be a method to replace or complement the standard
+    method Cursor.execute() from DBAPI-2.0.)
+    Convert fancy query arguments into a DBAPI-compatible set of arguments and
+    execute.
+    This method supports a different syntax than the DBAPI execute() method:
+    - By default, %s placeholders are not escaped.
+    - Use the %S or %(name)S placeholder to specify escaped strings.
+    - You can specify positional arguments without having to place them in an
+      extra tuple.
+    - Keyword arguments are used as expected to fill in missing values.
+      Positional arguments are used to fill non-keyword placeholders.
+    - Arguments that are tuples, lists or sets will be automatically joined by colons.
+      If the corresponding formatting is %S or %(name)S, the members of the
+      sequence will be escaped individually.
+    See qcompile() for details.
+    Note that this function accepts a '_paramstyle' optional argument, to set
+    which parameter style to use.
+    """
+    debug = debug_convert or kwds.pop('__debug__', None)
+    if debug:
+        print '\n' + '=' * 80
+        print '\noriginal ='
+        print query_
+        print '\nargs ='
+        pprint(args)
+        print '\nkwds ='
+        pprint(kwds)
+    # Get the cached query analyzer or create one.
+    try:
+        q = _query_cache[query_]
+    except KeyError:
+        _query_cache[query_] = q = qcompile(
+            query_,
+            paramstyle=kwds.pop('paramstyle', None))
+    if debug:
+        print '\nquery analyzer =', str(q)
+    # Translate this call into a compatible call to execute().
+    cquery, ckwds = q.apply(*args, **kwds)
+    if debug:
+        print '\ntransformed ='
+        print cquery
+        print '\nnewkwds ='
+        pprint(ckwds)
+    # Execute the transformed query.
+    return cursor_.execute(cquery, ckwds)
+# Add support for ntuple wrapping (std in 2.6).
+    from collections import namedtuple
+    # Patch from Catherine Devlin <catherine dot devlin at gmail dot com>:
+    #
+    #   "Column names with ``$`` and ``#`` are legal in SQL, but not in
+    #   namedtuple field names. This throws exceptions when you try to
+    #   execute_obj on queries with such column names. For the apps I write
+    #   (rooting around in Oracle data dictionary views), there's no avoiding
+    #   the ``$`` and ``#`` characters. Therefore, I added code to munge column
+    #   names until they are namedtuple-legal. Another alternative would be to
+    #   simply change the error message raised into something that would suggest
+    #   that the user use column aliases in the SQL statement to change column
+    #   names into something namedtuple-legal."  (2010-05-25)
+    from collections import _iskeyword
+    not_alphanumeric = re.compile('[^a-zA-Z0-9]')
+    def rename_duplicates(lst, append_char = '_'):
+        newlist = []
+        for itm in lst:
+            while itm in newlist:
+                itm += append_char
+            newlist.append(itm)
+        return newlist
+    def _fix_fieldname(fieldname):
+        "Ensure that a field name will pass collection.namedtuple's criteria."
+        fieldname = not_alphanumeric.sub('_', fieldname)
+        while _iskeyword(fieldname):
+            fieldname = fieldname + '_'
+        return fieldname
+    def ntuple(typename, field_names, verbose=False):
+        field_names = [_fix_fieldname(fn) for fn in field_names.split()]
+        field_names = rename_duplicates(field_names)
+        return namedtuple(typename, ' '.join(field_names), verbose)
+except ImportError:
+    ntuple = None
+if ntuple:
+    from operator import itemgetter
+    def execute_obj(conn, *args, **kwds):
+        """
+        Run a query on the given connection or cursor and yield ntuples of the
+        results.  'curs' can be either a Connection or a Cursor object.
+        """
+        # Convert to a cursor if necessary.
+        if'Cursor', conn.__class__.__name__, re.I):
+            curs = conn
+        else:
+            curs = conn.cursor()
+        # Execute the query.
+        execute_f(curs, *args, **kwds)
+        # Yield all the results wrapped up in an ntuple.
+        names = map(itemgetter(0), curs.description)
+        TupleCls = ntuple('Row', ' '.join(names))
+        return starmap(TupleCls, imap(tuple, curs))
+    execute_obj = None
+class _TestCursor(object):
+    """
+    Fake cursor that fakes the escaped replacments like a real DBAPI cursor, but
+    simply returns the final string.
+    """
+    execute_f = execute_f
+    def execute(self, query, args):
+        return self.render_fake(query, args).strip()
+    @staticmethod
+    def render_fake(query, kwds):
+        """
+        Take arguments as the DBAPI of execute() accepts and fake escaping the
+        arguments as the DBAPI implementation would and return the resulting
+        string.  This is used only for testing, to make testing easier and more
+        intuitive, to view the completed queries without the replacement
+        variables.
+        """
+        for key, value in kwds.items():
+            if isinstance(value, type(None)):
+                kwds[key] = 'NULL'
+            elif isinstance(value, str):
+                kwds[key] = repr(value)
+            elif isinstance(value, unicode):
+                kwds[key] = repr(value.encode('utf-8'))
+            elif isinstance(value, (date, datetime)):
+                kwds[key] = repr(value.isoformat())
+        result = query % kwds
+        if debug_convert:
+            print '\n--- 5. after full replacement (fake dbapi application)'
+            print result
+        return result
+def _multi2one(s):
+    "Join a multi-line string in a single line."
+    s = re.sub('[ \n]+', ' ', s).strip()
+    return re.sub(', ', ',', s)
+import unittest
+class TestExtension(unittest.TestCase):
+    """
+    Tests for the extention functions.
+    """
+    def compare_nows(self, s1, s2):
+        """
+        Compare two strings without considering the whitespace.
+        """
+        s1 = _multi2one(s1)
+        s2 = _multi2one(s2)
+        self.assertEquals(s1, s2)
+    def test_basic(self):
+        "Basic replacement tests."
+        cursor = _TestCursor()
+        simple, isimple, seq = 'SIMPLE', 42, ('L1', 'L2', 'L3')
+        for query, args, kwds, expect in (
+            # With simple arguments.
+            (' %s ', (simple,), dict(), " SIMPLE "),
+            (' %S ', (simple,), dict(), " 'SIMPLE' "),
+            (' %X ', (simple,), dict(), " 'SIMPLE' "),
+            (' %d ', (isimple,), dict(), " 42 "),
+            (' %(k)s ', (), dict(k=simple), " SIMPLE "),
+            (' %(k)d ', (), dict(k=isimple), " 42 "),
+            (' %(k)S ', (), dict(k=simple), " 'SIMPLE' "),
+            (' %(k)X ', (), dict(k=simple), " 'SIMPLE' "),
+            # Same but with lists.
+            (' %s ', (seq,), dict(), " L1,L2,L3 "),
+            (' %S ', (seq,), dict(), " 'L1','L2','L3' "),
+            (' %X ', (seq,), dict(), " 'L1','L2','L3' "),
+            (' %(k)s ', (), dict(k=seq), " L1,L2,L3 "),
+            (' %(k)S ', (), dict(k=seq), " 'L1','L2','L3' "),
+            (' %(k)X ', (), dict(k=seq), " 'L1','L2','L3' "),
+            ):
+            # Normal invocation.
+            self.compare_nows(
+                cursor.execute_f(query, *args, **kwds),
+                expect)
+            # Repeated destination formatting string.
+            self.compare_nows(
+                cursor.execute_f(query + query, *(args + args) , **kwds),
+                expect + expect)
+    def test_misc(self):
+        d = date(2006, 07, 28)
+        cursor = _TestCursor()
+        self.compare_nows(
+            cursor.execute_f('''
+              INSERT INTO %(table)s (%s)
+                SET VALUES (%S)
+                WHERE id = %(id)S
+                  AND name IN (%(name)S)
+                  AND name NOT IN (%(name)S)
+            ''',
+                         ('col1', 'col2'),
+                         (42, "bli"),
+                         id="02351440-7b7e-4260",
+                         name=[45, 56, 67, 78],
+                         table='table'),
+              """
+              INSERT INTO table (col1, col2)
+                SET VALUES (42, 'bli')
+                WHERE id = '02351440-7b7e-4260'
+                  AND name IN (45, 56, 67, 78)
+                  AND name NOT IN (45, 56, 67, 78)
+              """)
+        # Note: this should fail in the old text.
+        self.compare_nows(
+            cursor.execute_f(''' %(id)s AND %(id)S ''',
+                         id=['fulano', 'mengano']),
+              """ fulano,mengano AND 'fulano','mengano' """)
+        self.compare_nows(
+            cursor.execute_f('''
+              SELECT %s FROM %s WHERE id = %S
+            ''',
+                         ('id', 'name', 'title'), 'books',
+                         '02351440-7b7e-4260'),
+            """SELECT id,name,title FROM books
+               WHERE id = '02351440-7b7e-4260'""")
+        self.compare_nows(
+            cursor.execute_f('''
+           SELECT %s FROM %s WHERE id = %(id)S %(id)S
+        ''', ('id', 'name', 'title'), 'books', id=d),
+            """SELECT id,name,title FROM books
+               WHERE id = '2006-07-28' '2006-07-28'""")
+        self.compare_nows(
+            cursor.execute_f(''' %(id)S %(id)S ''', id='02351440-7b7e-4260'),
+            " '02351440-7b7e-4260' '02351440-7b7e-4260' ")
+        self.compare_nows(
+            cursor.execute_f(''' %s %(id)S %(id)s ''',
+                         'books',
+                         id='02351440-7b7e-4260'),
+            "  books '02351440-7b7e-4260' 02351440-7b7e-4260  ")
+        self.compare_nows(
+            cursor.execute_f('''
+              SELECT %s FROM %(table)s WHERE col1 = %S AND col2 < %(val)S
+            ''', ('col1', 'col2', 'col3'), 'value1', table='my-table', val=42),
+            """ SELECT col1,col2,col3 FROM my-table
+                WHERE col1 = 'value1' AND col2 < 42 """)
+        self.compare_nows(
+            cursor.execute_f("""
+              INSERT INTO thumbnails
+                (basename, photo1, photo2, photo3)
+                VALUES (%S, %S)
+                """, 'PHOTONAME', ('BIN1', 'BIN2', 'BIN3')),
+            """
+              INSERT INTO thumbnails
+                (basename, photo1, photo2, photo3)
+                VALUES ('PHOTONAME', 'BIN1', 'BIN2', 'BIN3')
+                """)
+    def test_null(self):
+        cursor = _TestCursor()
+        self.compare_nows(
+            cursor.execute_f('''
+              INSERT INTO poodle (hair)
+                SET VALUES (%S)
+            ''', None),
+              """
+              INSERT INTO poodle (hair)
+                SET VALUES (NULL)
+              """)
+    def test_paramstyles(self):
+        d = date(2006, 07, 28)
+        cursor = _TestCursor()
+        query = '''
+              Simple: %s  Escaped: %S
+              Kwd: %(bli)s KwdEscaped: %(bli)S
+            '''
+        args = ('hansel', 'gretel')
+        kwds = dict(bli='bethel')
+        test_data = {
+            'pyformat': ("""
+              Simple: hansel  Escaped: %(__p2)s
+              Kwd: bethel KwdEscaped: %(bli)s
+            """, {'__p2': 'gretel', 'bli': 'bethel'}),
+            'named': ("""
+              Simple: hansel  Escaped: :__p2
+              Kwd: bethel KwdEscaped: :bli
+            """, {'__p2': 'gretel', 'bli': 'bethel'}),
+            'qmark': ("""
+              Simple: hansel  Escaped: ?
+              Kwd: bethel KwdEscaped: ?
+            """, ['gretel', 'bethel']),
+            'format': ("""
+              Simple: hansel  Escaped: %s
+              Kwd: bethel KwdEscaped: %s
+            """, ['gretel', 'bethel']),
+            'numeric': ("""
+              Simple: hansel  Escaped: :1
+              Kwd: bethel KwdEscaped: :2
+            """, ['gretel', 'bethel']),
+            }
+        for style, (estr, eargs) in test_data.iteritems():
+            qstr, qargs = qcompile(query, paramstyle=style).apply(
+                *args, **kwds)
+            self.compare_nows(qstr, estr)
+            self.assertEquals(qargs, eargs)
+        # Visual debugging.
+        print_it = 0
+        for style in test_data.iterkeys():
+            qanal = qcompile("""
+              %S %(c1)S %S %S %(c2)S
+            """, paramstyle=style)
+            qstr, qargs = qanal.apply(1, 2, 3, c1='CC1', c2='CC2')
+            if print_it:
+                print qstr
+                print qargs
+    def test_dict(self):
+        "Tests for passing in a dictionary argument."
+        cursor = _TestCursor()
+        data = {'brazil': 'portuguese',
+                'peru': 'spanish',
+                'japan': 'japanese',
+                'philipines': 'tagalog'}
+        self.assertRaises(ValueError, execute_f,
+                          cursor, ' unescaped: %s ', data)
+        res = execute_f(cursor, ' UPDATE %s SET %S; ', 'mytable', data)
+        self.compare_nows(res, """
+           UPDATE mytable
+             SET brazil = 'portuguese',
+                 japan = 'japanese',
+                 philipines = 'tagalog',
+                 peru = 'spanish';       """)
+    def test_and(self):
+        "Tests for passing in a dictionary argument."
+        cursor = _TestCursor()
+        keydata = {'udid': '11111111111111111111',
+                   'imgid': 17}
+        valuedata = {'rating': 9}
+        self.assertRaises(ValueError, execute_f,
+                          cursor, ' unescaped: %s ', keydata)
+        res = execute_f(cursor, ' UPDATE %s SET %S WHERE %A; ', 'mytable',
+                        valuedata, keydata)
+        self.compare_nows(res, """
+           UPDATE mytable
+             SET rating = 9
+             WHERE udid = '11111111111111111111' AND imgid = 17;
+        """)
+        res = execute_f(cursor, ' UPDATE %s SET %S WHERE %O; ', 'mytable',
+                        valuedata, keydata)
+        self.compare_nows(res, """
+           UPDATE mytable
+             SET rating = 9
+             WHERE udid = '11111111111111111111' OR imgid = 17;
+        """)
+    def test_sqlite3(self):
+        import sqlite3 as dbapi
+        set_paramstyle(dbapi)
+        conn = dbapi.connect(':memory:')
+        curs = conn.cursor()
+        execute_f(curs, """
+           CREATE TABLE books (
+              author TEXT,
+              title TEXT,
+              PRIMARY KEY (title)
+           );
+        """)
+        execute_f(curs, """
+           INSERT INTO books VALUES (%S);
+        """, ("Tolstoy", "War and Peace"))
+        execute_f(curs, """
+           INSERT INTO books (author) VALUES (%S);
+        """, "Dostoyesvki")
+debug_convert = 0
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    unittest.main() # or use nosetests