changeset 281:701f0aae837a

got maxtselctrows working again
author catherine@dellzilla
date Thu, 19 Mar 2009 16:45:45 -0400
parents 8ea39093ddf2
children 4eef08cfaf25
files docs/source/capabilities.rst sqlpython/ sqlpython/
diffstat 3 files changed, 236 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/docs/source/capabilities.rst	Thu Mar 19 13:14:39 2009 -0400
+++ b/docs/source/capabilities.rst	Thu Mar 19 16:45:45 2009 -0400
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
 SQLPython's extra capabilities
@@ -66,6 +67,55 @@
     Run command matching <str> or <regex> (as for `history`) - 
     if multiple items would match, run most recent
+Special I/O destinations
+Much as in a UNIX shell, you can follow a command with a special output destination.
+`> {filename}` sends the output to a file.  This is more convenient than SQL\*Plus's 
+SPOOL {filename}... SPOOL OFF (though you can use those as well).
+`>` alone (no filename) sends the output to the paste buffer.
+`|` pipes the output to an operating-system command.
+When `< {filename}` is included in your command, it is replaced with the contents of
+{filename} before the command is run.
+Special output formats
+By replacing the `;` that terminates a SELECT statement with a backslash-character
+sequence, you can get output in a number of useful formats.  The `terminators`
+command lists them, for your convenience::
+===  ======================== ================================
+                              Especially useful for
+===  ======================== ================================
+;    standard Oracle format
+\c   CSV (with headings)      sending to spreadsheets   
+\C   CSV (no headings)
+\g   list                     wide output with linewraps
+\G   aligned list
+\h   HTML table               web reports
+\i   INSERT statements        copying to other instances
+\j   JSON
+\s   CSV (with headings)
+\S   CSV (no headings)
+\t   transposed               "narrow" tables like v$database
+\x   XML
+\l   line plot, with markers
+\L   scatter plot (no lines)
+\b   bar graph
+\p   pie chart
+===  ======================== ================================
+Most of these output formats are even more useful when combined with special output
+destinations.  For example, `SELECT * FROM party\h > /var/www/party_report.html`
+could create an HTML report in the webserver's documents directory, ready to serve.
 UNIX-like commands
@@ -73,14 +123,41 @@
 were files in a UNIX filesystem.  Many of the commands also accept flags
 to modify their behavior.
-   Lists objects from the data dictionaries, as though they were in a 
-   *object_type*/*object_name* directory structure.  Thus, `ls view/\*`
-   lists all the user's views.
+ls {object type/object name, with wildcards}
+  Lists objects from the data dictionaries, as though they were in a 
+  *object_type*/*object_name* directory structure.  Thus, `ls view/\*`
+  lists all the user's views.  Calling with no argument is equivalent
+  to `ls *`.
+  Options::
+    -l, --long      long descriptions 
+    -a, --all       all schemas' objects (otherwise, you only get your own)
+    -t, --timesort  Sort by last_ddl_time
+    -r, --reverse   Reverse order while sorting   
-   Shorthand for "SELECT * FROM"
+  `ls -lt *;10` lists the ten items with the most recent last_ddl_time;
+  this can be a good way to answer the question, "What was I working on?"
+cat {remainder of query}
+   Shorthand for "SELECT * FROM".  Can be combined with anything else
+   that fits into a SELECT statement (WHERE, ORDER BY, etc.)
+grep {grep {target} {table} [{table2,...}]
+   Equivalent to SELECT * FROM {table} WHERE *any column* LIKE '%{target}%'
+   Useful when you don't know, don't remember, or don't care which column
+   a value may be found in.
+  Options::
+    -i, --ignore-case  Case-insensitive search   
+find -c {target}, find -t {column}
+  Lists all tables or columns whose names contain {target}.  More convenient than
+  querying user_tab_columns/all_tab_columns or user_tables/all_tables.
+  Options::
+    -a           Find all objects (not just my own)  
 PostgreSQL-like shortcuts
@@ -106,6 +183,62 @@
 \\?   help psql
 ----- ------------------
+PL/SQL source code
+pull {object_name}
+  Displays the PL/SQL source code for {object_name}.
+  Options:
+    -d, --dump   dump results to files (object_type/object_name.sql)
+    -f, --full   get dependent objects as well
+    -a, --all    all schemas' objects
+bzr, git, hg {object_name}
+  Dump source code to files, as `pull -f`, but also creates or commits to a
+  repository of the appropriate distributed version control system
+  (Bazaar, Git, or Mercurial, respectively).  
+find {target}
+  Lists all PL/SQL objects whose source code contains the {target} string.  
+  Always case-insensitive.
+  Options::
+    -a           Search all PL/SQL objects (not just my own)    
+Bind variables
+Bind variables work in sqlpython as they do in SQL\*Plus, but they are set dynamically; there
+is no need to declare them before use.  The syntax for setting them is more permissive than
+in SQL\*Plus; all these are recognized::
+  exec :mybind := 'value'
+  exec :mybind = 'value'
+  :mybind := 'value'
+  :mybind = 'value'
+The current values of all bind variables can be viewed with the `print` command.
+The `bind` command creates and populates bind variables for the final row of the most recent
+SELECT statement executed; each column name is used as a bind variable, which is filled with
+the value.  `bind -r {rownumber}` does the same, but fills from row {rownumber} instead of
+from the final row (row numbers begin at 0 for this command).
+When the `autobind` sqlpython parameter is True, a `bind` statement is issued automatically
+after every query that returns exactly one row.
+Bind variables are available from within Python as a dictionary named `binds` (see Python).
+Substitution variables
+Substitution variables ("&" variables) work much as they do in SQL\*Plus.  As in SQL\*Plus,
+the `scan` parameter determines whether queries are scanned to replace substitution 
+variables.  Unlike SQL\*Plus, sqlpython knows how annoying it is to hit a substitution
+variable you didn't expect, so entering "SET SCAN OFF" when prompted for a substitution
+variable actually aborts the substitution process.
 Wild SQL
@@ -120,3 +253,63 @@
 Wild SQL can only be used in the primary column list of straightforward SELECT statements, 
 not in subqueries, `UNION`ed queries, etc.
+Several parameters control the behavior of sqlpython itself.  
+===================== ==================================================  ===============
+                                                                          default
+===================== ==================================================  ===============
+autobind              When True, single-row queries automatically `bind`  False
+commit_on_exit        Automatically commits work at end of session        True
+continuation_prompt   Prompt for second line and onward of long statement >
+default_file_name     The file opened by `edit`, if not specified         afiedt.buf
+echo                  Echo command entered before executing               False
+editor                Text editor invoked by `edit`.                      varies
+heading               Print column names                                  True
+maxfetch              Maximum number of rows to return from any query     1000
+maxtselctrows         Maximum # of rows from a tselect or \\n query       10
+prompt                Probably unwise to change                           user@instance>
+scan                  Interpret & as indicating substitution variables    True
+serveroutput          Print DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE results                  True
+sql_echo              Print text of "behind-the-scenes" queries           False
+timeout               In seconds                                          30
+timing                Print time for each command to execute              False
+wildsql               Accept *, %, #, and ! in column names               False
+===================== ==================================================  ===============
+The user can change these with the `set {paramname} {new-value}` statement.  
+The True/False parameters accept new
+values permissively, recognizing "True", "False", "T", "F", "yes", "no", "on", "off"...
+`set` and `show` both list the current values of the sqlpython parameters.
+`show parameter {param}` shows current Oracle parameters (from v$parameter), as it does
+in SQL\*Plus.
+In sqlpython, `explain {SQL ID}` shows the execution plan for the SQL statement with the
+given ID.  If SQL ID is omitted, it defaults to the most recent SQL executed.
+(This is not necessarily the last statement `EXPLAIN PLAN` was issued against.)
+Other specialized sqlpython tuning commands include:
+  Displays OS load on cluster nodes (10gRAC)
+  Displays long-running operations
+  Reports session info for the given sid, extended to RAC with gv$  
+top, top9i
+  Displays active sessions
--- a/sqlpython/	Thu Mar 19 13:14:39 2009 -0400
+++ b/sqlpython/	Thu Mar 19 16:45:45 2009 -0400
@@ -123,7 +123,10 @@
     def do_tselect(self, arg):  
-        '''executes a query and prints the result in trasposed form. Useful when querying tables with many columns'''  
+        '''
+        Executes a query and prints the result in trasposed form;
+        equivalent to terminating query with `\\t` instead of `;`.
+        Useful when querying tables with many columns and few rows.'''  
         self.do_select(self.parsed(arg, terminator='\\t'))
     def do_sql(self,args):
--- a/sqlpython/	Thu Mar 19 13:14:39 2009 -0400
+++ b/sqlpython/	Thu Mar 19 16:45:45 2009 -0400
@@ -387,7 +387,7 @@
     def __init__(self):
         self.binds = CaselessDict()
-        self.settable += 'autobind commit_on_exit maxfetch maxtselctrows result_history_max_mbytes scan serveroutput sql_echo timeout heading wildsql'.split()
+        self.settable += 'autobind commit_on_exit maxfetch maxtselctrows scan serveroutput sql_echo store_results timeout heading wildsql'.split()
         self.stdoutBeforeSpool = sys.stdout
@@ -400,7 +400,7 @@
         self.scan = True
         self.substvars = {}
         self.result_history = []
-        self.result_history_max_mbytes = 10
+        self.store_results = True
         self.pystate = {'r': [], 'binds': self.binds}
     # overrides cmd's parseline
@@ -655,7 +655,7 @@
             return 'null from dual'        
         return result + ' ' + columnlist.remainder
-    def do_ampersand_substitution(self, raw, regexpr, isglobal):
+    def ampersand_substitution(self, raw, regexpr, isglobal):
         subst =
         while subst:
             fullexpr, var =,
@@ -679,16 +679,27 @@
     singleampre = re.compile( '(&([a-zA-Z\d_$#]+))')
     def preparse(self, raw, **kwargs):
         if self.scan:
-            raw = self.do_ampersand_substitution(raw, regexpr=self.doubleampre, isglobal=True)
+            raw = self.ampersand_substitution(raw, regexpr=self.doubleampre, isglobal=True)
         if self.scan:
-            raw = self.do_ampersand_substitution(raw, regexpr=self.singleampre, isglobal=False)
+            raw = self.ampersand_substitution(raw, regexpr=self.singleampre, isglobal=False)
         return raw
     rowlimitPattern = pyparsing.Word(pyparsing.nums)('rowlimit')
     terminators = '; \\C \\t \\i \\p \\l \\L \\b '.split() + output_templates.keys()
-    def do_bind(self, arg):
-        self.pystate['r'][-1][-1].bind()
+    @options([make_option('-r', '--row', type="int", default=-1,
+                          help='Bind row #ROW instead of final row (zero-based)')])    
+    def do_bind(self, arg=None, opts={}):
+        '''
+        Inserts the results from the final row in the last completed SELECT statement
+        into bind variables with names corresponding to the column names.  When the optional 
+        `autobind` setting is on, this will be issued automatically after every query that 
+        returns exactly one row.
+        '''
+        try:
+            self.pystate['r'][-1][opts.row].bind()
+        except IndexError:
+            print self.do_bind.__doc__
     def do_select(self, arg, bindVarsIn=None, terminator=None):
         """Fetch rows from a table.
@@ -706,6 +717,8 @@
         except ValueError:
             rowlimit = 0
             print "Specify desired number of rows after terminator (not '%s')" % arg.parsed.suffix
+        if arg.parsed.terminator == '\\t':
+            rowlimit = rowlimit or self.maxtselctrows
         self.varsUsed = findBinds(arg, self.binds, bindVarsIn)
         if self.wildsql:
             selecttext = self.expandWildSql(arg)
@@ -717,20 +730,20 @@
         if self.rc > 0:
             resultset = ResultSet()
             resultset.colnames = [d[0].lower() for d in self.curs.description]
+            resultset.pystate = self.pystate
             resultset.statement = 'select ' + selecttext
             resultset.varsUsed = self.varsUsed
-            resultset.pystate = self.pystate
             resultset.extend([Result(r) for r in self.rows])
             for row in resultset:
                 row.resultset = resultset
+            self.pystate['r'].append(resultset)
             self.stdout.write('\n%s\n' % (self.output(arg.parsed.terminator, rowlimit)))
-            self.pystate['r'].append(resultset)
         if self.rc == 0:
             print '\nNo rows Selected.\n'
         elif self.rc == 1: 
             print '\n1 row selected.\n'
             if self.autobind:
-                self.do_bind(None)
+                self.do_bind()
         elif self.rc < self.maxfetch:
             print '\n%d rows selected.\n' % self.rc
@@ -1029,7 +1042,8 @@
             self.stdout = self.spoolFile
     def do_write(self, args):
-        print 'Use (query) > outfilename instead.'
+        'Obsolete command.  Use (query) > outfilename instead.'
+        print self.do_write.__doc__
     def do_compare(self, args):
@@ -1226,6 +1240,9 @@
     def do_begin(self, arg):
+        '''
+        PL/SQL blocks can be used normally in sqlpython, though enclosing statements in
+        REMARK BEGIN... REMARK END statements can help with parsing speed.'''
         self.anon_plsql('begin ' + arg)
     def do_declare(self, arg):
@@ -1275,6 +1292,10 @@
               make_option('-t', '--timesort', action='store_true', help="Sort by last_ddl_time"),              
               make_option('-r', '--reverse', action='store_true', help="Reverse order while sorting")])        
     def do_ls(self, arg, opts):
+        '''
+        Lists objects as through they were in an {object_type}/{object_name} UNIX
+        directory structure.  `*` and `%` may be used as wildcards.
+        '''
         statement = '''SELECT object_type || '/' || %(objname)s AS name %(moreColumns)s 
                   FROM   %(whose)s_objects %(where)s
                   ORDER BY %(orderby)s;''' % self._ls_statement(arg, opts)
@@ -1282,7 +1303,7 @@
     @options([make_option('-i', '--ignore-case', dest='ignorecase', action='store_true', help='Case-insensitive search')])        
     def do_grep(self, arg, opts):
-        """grep PATTERN TABLE - search for term in any of TABLE's fields"""    
+        """grep {target} {table} [{table2,...}] - search for {target} in any of {table}'s fields"""    
         targetnames = arg.split()
         pattern = targetnames.pop(0)