Mercurial > sqlpython
view @ 85:b336d049cac7
bugs found during gcoug talk prep
author | catherine@localhost |
date | Mon, 19 May 2008 16:45:24 -0400 |
parents | a7be838c4ad5 |
children | ca5d615d8207 |
line wrap: on
line source
"""sqlpyPlus - extra features (inspired by Oracle SQL*Plus) for Luca Canali's Features include: - SQL*Plus-style bind variables - Query result stored in special bind variable ":_" if one row, one item - SQL buffer with list, run, ed, get, etc.; unlike SQL*Plus, buffer stores session's full history - @script.sql loads and runs (like SQL*Plus) - ! runs operating-system command - show and set to control sqlpython parameters - SQL*Plus-style describe, spool - write sends query result directly to file - comments shows table and column comments - compare ... to ... graphically compares results of two queries - commands are case-insensitive Use 'help' within sqlpython for details. Compatible with sqlpython v1.3 Set bind variables the hard (SQL*Plus) way exec :b = 3 or with a python-like shorthand :b = 3 - May 31, 2006 """ # note in cmd.cmd about supporting emacs commands? descQueries = { 'TABLE': (""" atc.column_name, CASE atc.nullable WHEN 'Y' THEN 'NULL' ELSE 'NOT NULL' END "Null?", atc.data_type || CASE atc.data_type WHEN 'DATE' THEN '' ELSE '(' || CASE atc.data_type WHEN 'NUMBER' THEN TO_CHAR(atc.data_precision) || CASE atc.data_scale WHEN 0 THEN '' ELSE ',' || TO_CHAR(atc.data_scale) END ELSE TO_CHAR(atc.data_length) END END || CASE atc.data_type WHEN 'DATE' THEN '' ELSE ')' END data_type FROM all_tab_columns atc WHERE atc.table_name = :object_name AND atc.owner = :owner ORDER BY atc.column_id;""",), 'PROCEDURE': (""" argument_name, data_type, in_out, default_value FROM all_arguments WHERE object_name = :object_name AND owner = :owner AND package_name IS NULL AND argument_name IS NOT NULL ORDER BY sequence;""",), 'PackageObjects':(""" SELECT DISTINCT object_name FROM all_arguments WHERE package_name = :package_name AND owner = :owner""",), 'PackageObjArgs':(""" object_name, argument_name, data_type, in_out, default_value FROM all_arguments WHERE package_name = :package_name AND object_name = :object_name AND owner = :owner AND argument_name IS NOT NULL ORDER BY sequence""",), 'TRIGGER':(""" description FROM all_triggers WHERE owner = :owner AND trigger_name = :object_name """, """ table_owner, base_object_type, table_name, column_name, when_clause, status, action_type, crossedition FROM all_triggers WHERE owner = :owner AND trigger_name = :object_name \\t """, ), 'INDEX':(""" index_type, table_owner, table_name, table_type, uniqueness, compression, partitioned, temporary, generated, secondary, dropped, visibility FROM all_indexes WHERE owner = :owner AND index_name = :object_name \\t """,) } descQueries['VIEW'] = descQueries['TABLE'] descQueries['FUNCTION'] = descQueries['PROCEDURE'] queries = { 'resolve': """ SELECT object_type, object_name, owner FROM ( SELECT object_type, object_name, user owner, 1 priority FROM user_objects WHERE object_name = :objName UNION ALL SELECT ao.object_type, ao.object_name, ao.owner, 2 priority FROM all_objects ao JOIN user_synonyms us ON (us.table_owner = ao.owner AND us.table_name = ao.object_name) WHERE us.synonym_name = :objName AND ao.object_type != 'SYNONYM' UNION ALL SELECT ao.object_type, ao.object_name, ao.owner, 3 priority FROM all_objects ao JOIN all_synonyms asyn ON (asyn.table_owner = ao.owner AND asyn.table_name = ao.object_name) WHERE asyn.synonym_name = :objName AND ao.object_type != 'SYNONYM' AND asyn.owner = 'PUBLIC' UNION ALL SELECT 'DIRECTORY' object_type, dir.directory_name, dir.owner, 6 priority FROM all_directories dir WHERE dir.directory_name = :objName UNION ALL SELECT 'DATABASE LINK' object_type, db_link, owner, 7 priority FROM all_db_links dbl WHERE dbl.db_link = :objName ) ORDER BY priority ASC""", 'tabComments': """ SELECT comments FROM all_tab_comments WHERE owner = :owner AND table_name = :table_name""", 'colComments': """ atc.column_name, acc.comments FROM all_tab_columns atc JOIN all_col_comments acc ON (atc.owner = acc.owner and atc.table_name = acc.table_name and atc.column_name = acc.column_name) WHERE atc.table_name = :object_name AND atc.owner = :owner ORDER BY atc.column_id;""", #thanks to for "refs" 'refs': """ NULL referenced_by, c2.table_name references, c1.constraint_name constraint FROM user_constraints c1, user_constraints c2 WHERE c1.table_name = :object_name and c1.constraint_type ='R' and c1.r_constraint_name = c2.constraint_name and c1.r_owner = c2.owner and c1.owner = :owner UNION SELECT c1.table_name referenced_by, NULL references, c1.constraint_name constraint FROM user_constraints c1, user_constraints c2 WHERE c2.table_name = :object_name and c1.constraint_type ='R' and c1.r_constraint_name = c2.constraint_name and c1.r_owner = c2.owner and c1.owner = :owner """ } import sys, os, re, sqlpython, cx_Oracle, pyparsing from cmd2 import Cmd, make_option, options if float(sys.version[:3]) < 2.3: def enumerate(lst): return zip(range(len(lst)), lst) class SoftwareSearcher(object): def __init__(self, softwareList, purpose): self.softwareList = softwareList self.purpose = purpose = None def invoke(self, *args): if not (, self.invokeString) = self.find() argTuple = tuple([] + list(args)) os.system(self.invokeString % argTuple) def find(self): if self.purpose == 'text editor': software = os.environ.get('EDITOR') if software: return (software, '%s %s') for (n, (software, invokeString)) in enumerate(self.softwareList): if os.path.exists(software): if n > (len(self.softwareList) * 0.7): print """ Using %s. Note that there are better options available for %s, but %s couldn't find a better one in your PATH. Feel free to open up %s and customize it to find your favorite %s program. """ % (software, self.purpose, __file__, __file__, self.purpose) return (software, invokeString) stem = os.path.split(software)[1] for p in os.environ['PATH'].split(os.pathsep): if os.path.exists(os.sep.join([p, stem])): return (stem, invokeString) raise (OSError, """Could not find any %s programs. You will need to install one, or customize %s to make it aware of yours. Looked for these programs: %s""" % (self.purpose, __file__, "\n".join([s[0] for s in self.softwareList]))) #v2.4: %s""" % (self.purpose, __file__, "\n".join(s[0] for s in self.softwareList))) softwareLists = { 'diff/merge': [ ('/usr/bin/meld',"%s %s %s"), ('/usr/bin/kdiff3',"%s %s %s"), (r'C:\Program Files\Araxis\Araxis Merge v6.5\Merge.exe','"%s" %s %s'), (r'C:\Program Files\TortoiseSVN\bin\TortoiseMerge.exe', '"%s" /base:"%s" /mine:"%s"'), ('FileMerge','%s %s %s'), ('kompare','%s %s %s'), ('WinMerge','%s %s %s'), ('xxdiff','%s %s %s'), ('fldiff','%s %s %s'), ('gtkdiff','%s %s %s'), ('tkdiff','%s %s %s'), ('gvimdiff','%s %s %s'), ('diff',"%s %s %s"), (r'c:\windows\system32\comp.exe',"%s %s %s")], 'text editor': [ ('gedit', '%s %s'), ('textpad', '%s %s'), ('notepad.exe', '%s %s'), ('pico', '%s %s'), ('emacs', '%s %s'), ('vim', '%s %s'), ('vi', '%s %s'), ('ed', '%s %s'), ('edlin', '%s %s') ] } diffMergeSearcher = SoftwareSearcher(softwareLists['diff/merge'],'diff/merge') editSearcher = SoftwareSearcher(softwareLists['text editor'], 'text editor') editor = os.environ.get('EDITOR') if editor: editSearcher.find = lambda: (editor, "%s %s") class CaselessDict(dict): """dict with case-insensitive keys. Posted to ASPN Python Cookbook by Jeff Donner -""" def __init__(self, other=None): if other: # Doesn't do keyword args if isinstance(other, dict): for k,v in other.items(): dict.__setitem__(self, k.lower(), v) else: for k,v in other: dict.__setitem__(self, k.lower(), v) def __getitem__(self, key): return dict.__getitem__(self, key.lower()) def __setitem__(self, key, value): dict.__setitem__(self, key.lower(), value) def __contains__(self, key): return dict.__contains__(self, key.lower()) def has_key(self, key): return dict.has_key(self, key.lower()) def get(self, key, def_val=None): return dict.get(self, key.lower(), def_val) def setdefault(self, key, def_val=None): return dict.setdefault(self, key.lower(), def_val) def update(self, other): for k,v in other.items(): dict.__setitem__(self, k.lower(), v) def fromkeys(self, iterable, value=None): d = CaselessDict() for k in iterable: dict.__setitem__(d, k.lower(), value) return d def pop(self, key, def_val=None): return dict.pop(self, key.lower(), def_val) class Parser(object): comment_def = "--" + pyparsing.ZeroOrMore(pyparsing.CharsNotIn("\n")) def __init__(self, scanner, retainSeparator=True): self.scanner = scanner self.scanner.ignore(pyparsing.sglQuotedString) self.scanner.ignore(pyparsing.dblQuotedString) self.scanner.ignore(self.comment_def) self.scanner.ignore(pyparsing.cStyleComment) self.retainSeparator = retainSeparator def separate(self, txt): itms = [] for (sqlcommand, start, end) in self.scanner.scanString(txt): if sqlcommand: if type(sqlcommand[0]) == pyparsing.ParseResults: if self.retainSeparator: itms.append("".join(sqlcommand[0])) else: itms.append(sqlcommand[0][0]) else: if sqlcommand[0]: itms.append(sqlcommand[0]) return itms pipeSeparator = Parser(pyparsing.SkipTo((pyparsing.Literal('|') ^ pyparsing.StringEnd()), include=True), retainSeparator=False) bindScanner = Parser(pyparsing.Literal(':') + pyparsing.Word( pyparsing.alphanums + "_$#" )) commandSeparator = Parser(pyparsing.SkipTo((pyparsing.Literal(';') ^ pyparsing.StringEnd()), include=True)) def findBinds(target, existingBinds, givenBindVars = {}): result = givenBindVars for finding, startat, endat in bindScanner.scanner.scanString(target): varname = finding[1] try: result[varname] = existingBinds[varname] except KeyError: if not givenBindVars.has_key(varname): print 'Bind variable %s not defined.' % (varname) return result class sqlpyPlus(sqlpython.sqlpython): defaultExtension = 'sql' shortcuts = {'?': 'help', '@': 'getrun', '!': 'shell', ':': 'setbind', '\\': 'psql'} multilineCommands = '''select insert update delete tselect create drop alter'''.split() defaultFileName = 'afiedt.buf' def __init__(self): sqlpython.sqlpython.__init__(self) self.binds = CaselessDict() self.sqlBuffer = [] self.settable = ['maxtselctrows', 'maxfetch', 'autobind', 'failover', 'timeout'] # settables must be lowercase self.stdoutBeforeSpool = sys.stdout self.spoolFile = None self.autobind = False self.failover = False def default(self, arg, do_everywhere=False): sqlpython.sqlpython.default(self, arg, do_everywhere) self.sqlBuffer.append(self.query) # overrides cmd's parseline def parseline(self, line): """Parse the line into a command name and a string containing the arguments. Returns a tuple containing (command, args, line). 'command' and 'args' may be None if the line couldn't be parsed. Overrides cmd.cmd.parseline to accept variety of shortcuts..""" cmd, arg, line = sqlpython.sqlpython.parseline(self, line) if cmd in ('select', 'sleect', 'insert', 'update', 'delete', 'describe', 'desc', 'comments', 'pull', 'refs', 'desc', 'triggers', 'find') \ and not hasattr(self, 'curs'): print 'Not connected.' return '', '', '' return cmd, arg, line def onecmd_plus_hooks(self, line): line = self.precmd(line) stop = self.onecmd(line) stop = self.postcmd(stop, line) def do_shortcuts(self,arg): """Lists available first-character shortcuts (i.e. '!dir' is equivalent to 'shell dir')""" for (scchar, scto) in self.shortcuts.items(): print '%s: %s' % (scchar, scto) def colnames(self): return [d[0] for d in curs.description] def sql_format_itm(self, itm, needsquotes): if itm is None: return 'NULL' if needsquotes: return "'%s'" % str(itm) return str(itm) def output_as_insert_statements(self): usequotes = [d[1] != cx_Oracle.NUMBER for d in self.curs.description] def formatRow(row): return ','.join(self.sql_format_itm(itm, useq) for (itm, useq) in zip(row, usequotes)) result = ['INSERT INTO %s (%s) VALUES (%s);' % (self.tblname, ','.join(self.colnames), formatRow(row)) for row in self.rows] return '\n'.join(result) def output_row_as_xml(self, row): result = [' <%s>\n %s\n </%s>' % (colname.lower(), str('' if (itm is None) else itm), colname.lower()) for (itm, colname) in zip(row, self.colnames)] return '\n'.join(result) def output_as_xml(self): result = ['<%s>\n%s\n</%s>' % (self.tblname, self.output_row_as_xml(row), self.tblname) for row in self.rows] return '\n'.join(result) def output_as_html_table(self): result = ''.join('<th>%s</th>' % c for c in self.colnames) result = [' <tr>\n %s\n </tr>' % result] for row in self.rows: result.append(' <tr>\n %s\n </tr>' % (''.join('<td>%s</td>' % str('' if (itm is None) else itm) for itm in row))) result = '''<table id="%s"> %s </table>''' % (self.tblname, '\n'.join(result)) return result def output_as_list(self, align): result = [] colnamelen = max(len(colname) for colname in self.colnames) + 1 for (idx, row) in enumerate(self.rows): result.append('\n**** Row: %d' % (idx+1)) for (itm, colname) in zip(row, self.colnames): if align: colname = colname.ljust(colnamelen) result.append('%s: %s' % (colname, itm)) return '\n'.join(result) tableNameFinder = re.compile(r'from\s+([\w$#_"]+)', re.IGNORECASE | re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL) def output(self, outformat, rowlimit): self.tblname = self.colnames = [d[0] for d in self.curs.description] if outformat == '\\i': result = self.output_as_insert_statements() elif outformat == '\\x': result = self.output_as_xml() elif outformat == '\\g': result = self.output_as_list(align=False) elif outformat == '\\G': result = self.output_as_list(align=True) elif outformat in ('\\s', '\\S', '\\c', '\\C'): #csv result = [] if outformat in ('\\s', '\\c'): result.append(','.join('"%s"' % colname for colname in self.colnames)) for row in self.rows: result.append(','.join('"%s"' % ('' if itm is None else itm) for itm in row)) result = '\n'.join(result) elif outformat == '\\h': result = self.output_as_html_table() elif outformat == '\\t': rows = [self.colnames] rows.extend(list(self.rows)) transpr = [[rows[y][x] for y in range(len(rows))]for x in range(len(rows[0]))] # matrix transpose newdesc = [['ROW N.'+str(y),10] for y in range(len(rows))] for x in range(len(self.curs.description)): if str(self.curs.description[x][1]) == "<type 'cx_Oracle.BINARY'>": # handles RAW columns rname = transpr[x][0] transpr[x] = map(binascii.b2a_hex, transpr[x]) transpr[x][0] = rname newdesc[0][0] = 'COLUMN NAME' result = '\n' + sqlpython.pmatrix(transpr,newdesc) else: result = sqlpython.pmatrix(self.rows, self.curs.description, self.maxfetch) return result statementEndPattern = re.compile(r'(.*)(;|\\[gGhtxicCsS])\s*(\d*)$', re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE) # what about quote-enclosed? def findTerminator(self, statement): m = if m: return m.groups() else: return statement, None, None legalOracle = re.compile('[a-zA-Z_$#]') def do_select(self, arg, bindVarsIn=None, override_terminator=None): """Fetch rows from a table. Limit the number of rows retrieved by appending an integer after the terminator (example: SELECT * FROM mytable;10 ) Output may be formatted by choosing an alternative terminator ("help terminators" for details) """ bindVarsIn = bindVarsIn or {} self.query = 'select ' + arg (self.query, terminator, rowlimit) = self.findTerminator(self.query) if override_terminator: terminator = override_terminator rowlimit = int(rowlimit or 0) try: self.varsUsed = findBinds(self.query, self.binds, bindVarsIn) self.curs.execute(self.query, self.varsUsed) self.rows = self.curs.fetchmany(min(self.maxfetch, (rowlimit or self.maxfetch))) self.desc = self.curs.description self.rc = self.curs.rowcount if self.rc > 0: self.stdout.write('\n%s\n' % (self.output(terminator, rowlimit))) if self.rc == 0: print '\nNo rows Selected.\n' elif self.rc == 1: print '\n1 row selected.\n' if self.autobind: self.binds.update(dict(zip([''.join(l for l in d[0] if l.isalnum()) for d in self.desc], self.rows[0]))) if len(self.desc) == 1: self.binds['_'] = self.rows[0][0] elif self.rc < self.maxfetch: print '\n%d rows selected.\n' % self.rc else: print '\nSelected Max Num rows (%d)' % self.rc except Exception, e: print e import traceback traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) self.sqlBuffer.append(self.query) @options([make_option('-f', '--full', action='store_true', help='get dependent objects as well')]) def do_pull(self, arg, opts): """Displays source code.""" object_type, owner, object_name = self.resolve(arg.strip(self.terminator).upper()) if not object_type: return self.stdout.write("%s %s.%s\n" % (object_type, owner, object_name)) self.stdout.write(str(self.curs.callfunc('DBMS_METADATA.GET_DDL', cx_Oracle.CLOB, [object_type, object_name, owner]))) if opts.full: for dependent_type in ('OBJECT_GRANT', 'CONSTRAINT', 'TRIGGER'): try: self.stdout.write(str(self.curs.callfunc('DBMS_METADATA.GET_DEPENDENT_DDL', cx_Oracle.CLOB, [dependent_type, object_name, owner]))) except cx_Oracle.DatabaseError: pass @options([make_option('-i', '--insensitive', action='store_true', help='case-insensitive search')]) def do_find(self, arg, opts): """Finds argument in source code.""" if opts.insensitive: searchfor = "LOWER(text)" arg = arg.lower() else: searchfor = "text" self.do_select("* from all_source where %s like '%%%s%%'" % (searchfor, arg)) @options([make_option('-a','--all',action='store_true', help='Describe all objects (not just my own)')]) def do_describe(self, arg, opts): "emulates SQL*Plus's DESCRIBE" if opts.all: which_view = (', owner', 'all') else: which_view = ('', 'user') if not arg: self.do_select("""object_name, object_type%s FROM %s_objects WHERE object_type IN ('TABLE','VIEW','INDEX') ORDER BY object_name""" % which_view) return object_type, owner, object_name = self.resolve(arg.strip(self.terminator).upper()) if not object_type: if opts.all: self.do_select("""object_name, object_type%s FROM %s_objects WHERE object_type IN ('TABLE','VIEW','INDEX') AND object_name LIKE '%%%s%%' ORDER BY object_name""" % (which_view[0], which_view[1], arg.upper()) ) return self.stdout.write("%s %s.%s\n" % (object_type, owner, object_name)) descQ = descQueries.get(object_type) if descQ: for q in descQ: self.do_select(q,bindVarsIn={'object_name':object_name, 'owner':owner}) elif object_type == 'PACKAGE': self.curs.execute(descQueries['PackageObjects'][0], {'package_name':object_name, 'owner':owner}) packageContents = self.curs.fetchall() for (packageObj_name,) in packageContents: print packageObj_name self.do_select(descQueries['PackageObjArgs'][0],bindVarsIn={'package_name':object_name, 'owner':owner, 'object_name':packageObj_name}) do_desc = do_describe def do_deps(self, arg): object_type, owner, object_name = self.resolve(arg.strip(self.terminator).upper()) if object_type == 'PACKAGE BODY': q = "and (type != 'PACKAGE BODY' or name != :object_name)'" object_type = 'PACKAGE' else: q = "" q = """ name, type from user_dependencies where referenced_name like :object_name and referenced_type like :object_type and referenced_owner like :owner %s""" % (q) self.do_select(q, {'object_name':object_name, 'object_type':object_type, 'owner':owner}) def do_comments(self, arg): 'Prints comments on a table and its columns.' object_type, owner, object_name = self.resolve(arg.strip(self.terminator).upper()) if object_type: self.curs.execute(queries['tabComments'],{'table_name':object_name, 'owner':owner}) self.stdout.write("%s %s.%s: %s\n" % (object_type, owner, object_name, self.curs.fetchone()[0])) self.do_select(queries['colComments'],bindVarsIn={'owner':owner, 'object_name': object_name}) def resolve(self, identifier): """Checks (my objects).name, (my synonyms).name, (public synonyms).name to resolve a database object's name. """ parts = identifier.split('.') try: if len(parts) == 2: owner, object_name = parts self.curs.execute('SELECT object_type FROM all_objects WHERE owner = :owner AND object_name = :object_name', {'owner': owner, 'object_name': object_name}) object_type = self.curs.fetchone()[0] elif len(parts) == 1: object_name = parts[0] self.curs.execute(queries['resolve'], {'objName':object_name}) object_type, object_name, owner = self.curs.fetchone() except TypeError: print 'Could not resolve object %s.' % identifier object_type, owner, object_name = '', '', '' return object_type, owner, object_name def do_resolve(self, arg): self.stdout.write(self.resolve(arg)+'\n') def spoolstop(self): if self.spoolFile: sys.stdout = self.stdoutBeforeSpool print 'Finished spooling to ', self.spoolFile.close() self.spoolFile = None def do_spool(self, arg): """spool [filename] - begins redirecting output to FILENAME.""" self.spoolstop() arg = arg.strip() if not arg: arg = 'output.lst' if arg.lower() != 'off': if '.' not in arg: arg = '%s.lst' % arg print 'Sending output to %s (until SPOOL OFF received)' % (arg) self.spoolFile = open(arg, 'w') sys.stdout = self.spoolFile def write(self, arg, fname): originalOut = sys.stdout f = open(fname, 'w') sys.stdout = f self.onecmd_plus_hooks(arg) f.close() sys.stdout = originalOut def do_write(self, args): 'write [filename.extension] query - writes result to a file' words = args.split(None, 1) if len(words) > 1 and '.' in words[0]: fname, command = words else: fname, command = 'output.txt', args self.write(command, fname) print 'Results written to %s' % os.path.join(os.getcwd(), fname) def do_compare(self, args): """COMPARE query1 TO query2 - uses external tool to display differences. Sorting is recommended to avoid false hits. Will attempt to use a graphical diff/merge tool like kdiff3, meld, or Araxis Merge, if they are installed.""" fnames = [] args2 = args.split(' to ') for n in range(len(args2)): query = args2[n] fnames.append('compare%s.txt' % n) if query.rstrip()[-1] != self.terminator: query = '%s%s' % (query, self.terminator) self.write(query, fnames[n]) diffMergeSearcher.invoke(fnames[0], fnames[1]) bufferPosPattern = re.compile('\d+') rangeIndicators = ('-',':') def do_getrun(self, fname): 'Brings SQL commands from a file to the in-memory SQL buffer, and executes them.' Cmd.do_load(self, fname) def do_psql(self, arg): '''Shortcut commands emulating psql's backslash commands. \c connect \d desc \e edit \g run \h help \i getrun \o spool \p list \q quit \w save \db _dir_tablespaces \dd comments \dn _dir_schemas \dt _dir_tables \dv _dir_views \di _dir_indexes \? help psql''' commands = {} for c in self.do_psql.__doc__.splitlines()[2:]: (abbrev, command) = c.split(None, 1) commands[abbrev[1:]] = command words = arg.split(None,1) try: abbrev = words[0] except IndexError: return try: args = words[1] except IndexError: args = '' try: return self.onecmd('%s %s' % (commands[abbrev], args)) except KeyError: print 'psql command \%s not yet supported.' % abbrev @options([make_option('-a','--all',action='store_true', help='Describe all objects (not just my own)')]) def do__dir_tables(self, arg, opts): if opts.all: which_view = (', owner', 'all') else: which_view = ('', 'user') self.do_select("""table_name, 'TABLE' as type%s FROM %s_tables WHERE table_name LIKE '%%%s%%'""" % (which_view[0], which_view[1], arg.upper())) @options([make_option('-a','--all',action='store_true', help='Describe all objects (not just my own)')]) def do__dir_views(self, arg, opts): if opts.all: which_view = (', owner', 'all') else: which_view = ('', 'user') self.do_select("""view_name, 'VIEW' as type%s FROM %s_views WHERE view_name LIKE '%%%s%%'""" % (which_view[0], which_view[1], arg.upper())) @options([make_option('-a','--all',action='store_true', help='Describe all objects (not just my own)')]) def do__dir_indexes(self, arg, opts): if opts.all: which_view = (', owner', 'all') else: which_view = ('', 'user') self.do_select("""index_name, index_type%s FROM %s_indexes WHERE index_name LIKE '%%%s%%' OR table_name LIKE '%%%s%%'""" % (which_view[0], which_view[1], arg.upper(), arg.upper())) def do__dir_tablespaces(self, arg): self.do_select("""tablespace_name, file_name from dba_data_files""") def do__dir_schemas(self, arg): self.do_select("""owner, count(*) AS objects FROM all_objects GROUP BY owner ORDER BY owner""") def do_head(self, arg): nrows = 10 args = arg.split() if len(args) > 1: for a in args: if a[0] == '-': try: nrows = int(a[1:]) args.remove(a) except: pass arg = ' '.join(args) self.do_select('* from %s;%d' % (arg, nrows)) def do_print(self, arg): 'print VARNAME: Show current value of bind variable VARNAME.' if arg: if arg[0] == ':': arg = arg[1:] try: self.stdout.write(self.binds[arg]+'\n') except KeyError: self.stdout.write('No bind variable %s\n' % arg) else: for (var, val) in self.binds.items(): print ':%s = %s' % (var, val) def do_setbind(self, arg): args = arg.split(None, 2) if len(args) < 2: self.do_print(arg) elif len(args) > 2 and args[1] in ('=',':='): var, val = args[0], args[2] if val[0] == val[-1] == "'" and len(val) > 1: self.binds[var] = val[1:-1] return try: self.binds[var] = int(val) return except ValueError: try: self.binds[var] = float(val) return except ValueError: try: self.binds[var] = self.curs.callfunc(val, []) return except: pass # TODO: fix print 'Could not parse ', args def do_exec(self, arg): if arg[0] == ':': self.do_setbind(arg[1:]) else: try: self.curs.execute('begin\n%s;end;' % arg) except Exception, e: print e ''' exec :x := 'box' exec :y := sysdate ''' def anon_plsql(self, line1): lines = [line1] while True: line = self.pseudo_raw_input(self.continuationPrompt) if line.strip() == '/': try: self.curs.execute('\n'.join(lines)) except Exception, e: print e return lines.append(line) def do_begin(self, arg): self.anon_plsql('begin ' + arg) def do_declare(self, arg): self.anon_plsql('declare ' + arg) def do_create(self, arg): self.anon_plsql('create ' + arg) @options([make_option('-l', '--long', action='store_true', help='long descriptions')]) def do_ls(self, arg, opts): where = '' if arg: where = """\nWHERE object_type || '/' || object_name LIKE '%%%s%%'""" % (arg.upper().replace('*','%')) else: where = '' result = [] statement = '''SELECT object_type, object_name, status, last_ddl_time FROM user_objects %s ORDER BY object_type, object_name''' % (where) self.curs.execute(statement) for (object_type, object_name, status, last_ddl_time) in self.curs.fetchall(): if opts.long: result.append('%s\t%s\t%s/%s' % (status, last_ddl_time, object_type, object_name)) else: result.append('%s/%s' % (object_type, object_name)) self.stdout.write('\n'.join(result) + '\n') def do_cat(self, arg): targets = arg.split() for target in targets: self.do_select('* from %s' % target) def do_grep(self, arg): """grep PATTERN TABLE - search for term in any of TABLE's fields""" targets = arg.split() pattern = targets.pop(0) for target in targets: target = target.rstrip(';') sql = [] try: self.curs.execute('select * from %s where 1=0' % target) sql = ' or '.join("%s LIKE '%%%s%%'" % (d[0], pattern) for d in self.curs.description) sql = '* FROM %s WHERE %s' % (target, sql) self.do_select(sql) except Exception, e: print e import traceback traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) def do_refs(self, arg): object_type, owner, object_name = self.resolve(arg.strip(self.terminator).upper()) if object_type == 'TABLE': self.do_select(queries['refs'],bindVarsIn={'object_name':object_name, 'owner':owner}) def _test(): import doctest doctest.testmod() if __name__ == "__main__": "Silent return implies that all unit tests succeeded. Use -v to see details." _test()