view @ 123:898ed97bec38

fixed bug in setting parameters
date Wed, 30 Jul 2008 11:06:10 -0400
parents e11bbeb3f34c
children 2b42b7bc29cb
line wrap: on
line source

# SqlPython V1.4.6.1
# Author:, Apr 2006
# Rev 29-May-08
# A python module to reproduce Oracle's command line 'sqlplus-like' within python
# Intended to allow easy customizations and extentions 
# Best used with the companion modules sqlpyPlus and mysqlpy 
# See also

import cmd2,getpass,binascii,cx_Oracle,re,os
import pexpecter, sqlpyPlus
    # complication! separate sessions ->
    # separate transactions !!!!!
    # also: timeouts, other session failures

class sqlpython(cmd2.Cmd):
    '''A python module to reproduce Oracle's command line with focus on customization and extention'''

    def __init__(self):
        self.prompt = 'SQL.No_Connection> '
        self.maxfetch = 1000
        self.failoverSessions = []
        self.terminator = ';'
        self.timeout = 30
        self.commit_on_exit = True
    connection_modes = {re.compile(' AS SYSDBA', re.IGNORECASE): cx_Oracle.SYSDBA, 
                        re.compile(' AS SYSOPER', re.IGNORECASE): cx_Oracle.SYSOPER}
    def do_connect(self, arg):
        '''Opens the DB connection'''
        modeval = 0
        for modere, modevalue in self.connection_modes.items():
                arg = modere.sub('', arg)
                modeval = modevalue
            orauser, oraserv = arg.split('@')
        except ValueError:
                oraserv = os.environ['ORACLE_SID']
            except KeyError:
                print 'instance not specified and environment variable ORACLE_SID not set'
            orauser = arg
        sid = oraserv
            host, sid = oraserv.split('/')
                host, port = host.split(':')
                port = int(port)
            except ValueError:
                port = 1521
            oraserv = cx_Oracle.makedsn(host, port, sid)
        except ValueError:
            orauser, orapass = orauser.split('/')
        except ValueError:
            orapass = getpass.getpass('Password: ')
        if orauser.upper() == 'SYS' and not modeval:
            print 'Privilege not specified for SYS, assuming SYSOPER'
            modeval = cx_Oracle.SYSOPER
            self.orcl = cx_Oracle.connect(orauser,orapass,oraserv,modeval)
            self.curs = self.orcl.cursor()
            self.prompt = '%s@%s> ' % (orauser, sid)
            self.failoverSessions = [f for f in [fbs(arg) for fbs in pexpecter.available] if f.available]
        except Exception, e:
            print e
    def emptyline(self):
    def fail(self, arg, do_everywhere=False):
        if self.failover:
            success, result = False, ''
            for fbs in self.failoverSessions:
                success, result = fbs.attempt(arg)
                if success:
                    print result
                    if not do_everywhere:
                        return True
            print result 
        return False
    def designated_session(self, arg, sesstype):
        for fbs in self.failoverSessions:
            if fbs.valid and fbs.__class__ == sesstype:
                success, result = fbs.attempt(arg)
                print result
        print 'Valid %s not found' % (sesstype.__name__)
    def do_terminators(self, arg):
        """;    standard Oracle format
\\c   CSV (with headings)
\\C   CSV (no headings)
\\g   list
\\G   aligned list
\\h   HTML table
\\i   INSERT statements
\\s   CSV (with headings)
\\S   CSV (no headings)
\\t   transposed
\\x   XML"""
        print self.do_terminators.__doc__
    terminatorSearchString = '|'.join('\\' + d.split()[0] for d in do_terminators.__doc__.splitlines())
    def do_yasql(self, arg):
        '''Sends a command to a YASQL session ('''
        self.designated_session(arg, pexpecter.YASQLSession)
    do_y = do_yasql
    def do_sqlplus(self, arg):
        '''Sends a command to a SQL*Plus session'''
        self.designated_session(arg, pexpecter.SqlPlusSession)
    do_sqlp = do_sqlplus
    def do_senora(self, arg):
        '''Sends a command to a Senora session ('''
        self.designated_session(arg, pexpecter.SenoraSession)
    do_sen = do_senora       

    def default(self, arg, do_everywhere = False):
        statement = self.parsed(arg)
        self.query = statement.unterminated
            self.varsUsed = sqlpyPlus.findBinds(self.query, self.binds, givenBindVars={})
            self.curs.execute(self.query, self.varsUsed)            
            print '\nExecuted%s\n' % ((self.curs.rowcount > 0) and ' (%d rows)' % self.curs.rowcount or '')
            if do_everywhere:
      , do_everywhere = True )
        except Exception, e:
            result =
            if not result:
                print str(e)
    def do_commit(self, arg):
        self.default('commit %s;' % (arg), do_everywhere=True)
    def do_rollback(self, arg):
        self.default('rollback %s;' % (arg), do_everywhere=True)        
    def do_quit(self, arg):
        if self.commit_on_exit:
    do_exit = do_quit
    do_q = do_quit
def pmatrix(rows,desc,maxlen=30):
    '''prints a matrix, used by sqlpython to print queries' result sets'''
    names = []
    maxen = []
    toprint = []
    for d in desc:
        n = d[0]
        names.append(n)      # list col names
        maxen.append(len(n)) # col length
    rcols = range(len(desc))
    rrows = range(len(rows))
    for i in rrows:          # loops for all rows
        rowsi = map(str, rows[i]) # current row to process
        split = []                # service var is row split is needed
        mustsplit = 0             # flag 
        for j in rcols:
            if str(desc[j][1]) == "<type 'cx_Oracle.BINARY'>":  # handles RAW columns
                rowsi[j] = binascii.b2a_hex(rowsi[j])
            maxen[j] = max(maxen[j], len(rowsi[j]))    # computes max field length
            if maxen[j] <= maxlen:
            else:                    # split the line is 2 because field is too long
                mustsplit = 1   
                maxen[j] = maxlen
                rowsi[j] = rowsi[j][0:maxlen-1] # this implem. truncates after maxlen*2
        toprint.append(rowsi)        # 'toprint' is a printable copy of rows
        if mustsplit != 0:
    sepcols = []
    for i in rcols:
        maxcol = maxen[i]
        name = names[i]
        sepcols.append("-" * maxcol)  # formats column names (header)
        names[i] = name + (" " * (maxcol-len(name))) # formats separ line with --
        rrows2 = range(len(toprint))
        for j in rrows2:
            val = toprint[j][i]
            if str(desc[i][1]) == "<type 'cx_Oracle.NUMBER'>":  # right align numbers
                toprint[j][i] = (" " * (maxcol-len(val))) + val
                toprint[j][i] = val + (" " * (maxcol-len(val)))
    for j in rrows2:
        toprint[j] = ' '.join(toprint[j])
    names = ' '.join(names)
    sepcols = ' '.join(sepcols)
    toprint.insert(0, sepcols)
    toprint.insert(0, names)
    return '\n'.join(toprint)