view sqlpython/ @ 495:490ede56f348

starting logontests
author Catherine Devlin <>
date Tue, 14 Sep 2010 23:21:57 -0400
parents 99734f5dded5
children 69997c324eb9
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# MySqlPy V1.6.8
# Author:
# Companion of SqlPython, a python module that reproduces Oracle's command line within python
# 'sqlplus inside python'
# See also:

from sqlpyPlus import *
import sys, tempfile, optparse, unittest

class mysqlpy(sqlpyPlus):
MySqlPy V1.7.0 - 'sqlplus in python'
Rev: 1.7.0, 06-Feb-10

Companion of SqlPython, a python module that reproduces Oracle's command line within python
and sqlpyPlus. Major contributions by Catherine Devlin,

Usage: sqlpython [connect string] [single-word command] ["multi-word command"]...

Quick start command list:

- top     -> executes a query to list all active sessions in (Oracle 10g and RAC)
             (use: instance activity monitoring, a DBA tool)
- tselect -> prints the result set in trasposed form, useful to print result sets with
             many columns such as dba_ or v$ views (ex: dba_tables or v$instance)
- py      -> execute a python command (C.D.) 
- db      -> quick connect using credentials in pass.txt file
             (Ex: write username and pass in pass.txt and then "db db_alias" to connect)
- sql     -> prints the sql text from the cache. parameter: sql_id of the statement
             (Ex: sql fzqa1qj65nagki)
- explain -> prints the execution plan from the cache. parameter: sql_id of the statement 
- sessinfo-> prints session information. 1 parameter sid (Ex: sql 101 print info for sid 101)
- longops -> prints from gv$session_longops (running full scans, etc)
- load    -> prints the OS load on all cluster nodes (10g RAC)
- sleect,slect  -> alias for select (I mistyped select this way too many times...)
- top9i   -> 9i (and single instance) version of top
- describe, @, !, spool, show, set, list, get, write -> sql*plus-like, from sqlpyPlus (C.D.)
- shortcuts: \c (connect), \d (describe), etc, from sqlpyPlus (C.D.)
- :myvarname = xx, set autobind 1, print -> bind variables management extension, to sqlplus (C.D.)

 SQL> connect username@dbalias or username/pass@dbalias
 SQL> select sysdate from dual;
 SQL> exit

    def __init__(self):
        self.maxtselctrows = 10
        self.query_load10g = '''
	  ins.instance_name,ins.host_name,round(os.value,2) load
	  from gv$osstat os, gv$instance ins
	  where os.inst_id=ins.inst_id and os.stat_name='LOAD'
	  order by 3 desc
        self.query_top9i = '''SELECT
          sid,username,osuser||'@'||terminal "Server User@terminal",program,taddr, status,
	  module, sql_hash_value hash, fixed_table_sequence seq, last_call_et elaps 
          from v$session 
          where username is not null and program not like 'emagent%' and status='ACTIVE'
                and audsid !=sys_context('USERENV','SESSIONID') ;
        self.query_ractop = '''SELECT 
 	inst_id||'_'||sid inst_sid,username,osuser||'@'||terminal "User@Term",program, decode(taddr,null,null,'NN') tr,  
	sql_id, '.'||mod(fixed_table_sequence,1000) seq, state||': '||event event,
	case state when 'WAITING' then seconds_in_wait else wait_time end w_tim, last_call_et elaps
        from gv$session 
        where status='ACTIVE' and username is not null 
	      and not (event like '% waiting for messages in the queue' and state='WAITING')
              and audsid !=sys_context('USERENV','SESSIONID');
        self.query_longops = '''SELECT
        inst_id,sid,username,time_remaining remaining, elapsed_seconds elapsed, sql_hash_value hash, opname,message
        from gv$session_longops
        where time_remaining>0;
    def do_top9i(self,args):
        '''Runs query_top9i defined above, to display active sessions in Oracle 9i
           (Availability: Oracle)'''        
    def do_top(self,args): 
        '''Runs query_ractop defined above, to display active sessions in Oracle 10g (and RAC)
           (Availability: Oracle)'''

    def do_longops(self,args):
        '''Runs query_longops defined above, to display long running operations (full scans, etc)
           (Availability: Oracle)'''        
    def do_load(self,args):
        '''Runs query_load10g defined above, to display OS load on cluster nodes (10gRAC)
Do not confuse with `GET myfile.sql` and `@myfile.sql`,
which get and run SQL scripts from disk.
           (Availability: Oracle)'''
    def do_db(self,args,filepath='pass.txt'): 
        '''Exec do_connect to db_alias in args (credentials form the file pass.txt) '''
            f = open(filepath,'r')
        except IOError:
            self.perror('Need a file %s containing username/password' % filepath)
        connectstr = f.readline().strip()
        if args:
            connectstr += '@'+args

    def do_tselect(self, arg):  
        Executes a query and prints the result in trasposed form;
        equivalent to terminating query with `\\t` instead of `;`.
        Useful when querying tables with many columns and few rows.'''  
        self.do_select(self.parsed(arg, terminator='\\t'))

    def do_sql(self,args):
        '''prints sql statement give the sql_id (Oracle 10gR2)'''
        self.query = "select inst_id, sql_fulltext from gv$sqlstats where sql_id='"+args+"'"
            row = self.curs.fetchone()
            self.poutput("\nSQL statement from cache")
            while row:
                self.poutput("\nINST_ID = "+str(row[0])+" - SQL TEXT:\n" + row[1].read())
                row =
        except Exception, e:

    def do_explain(self,args):
        '''prints the plan of a given statement from the sql cache. 1 parameter: sql_id, see also do_sql
           (Availability: Oracle)'''        
        words = args.split()
        if len(words) > 2 and words[0].lower() == 'plan' and words[1].lower() == 'for':
            self.curs.execute('explain %s' % args)
            self.pfeedback('Explained.  (see plan table)')
        self.query = "select * from table(dbms_xplan.display_cursor('"+args+"'))"
            rows = self.curs.fetchall()
            desc = self.curs.description
            self.rc = self.curs.rowcount
            if self.rc > 0:
                self.poutput('\n' + self.pmatrix(rows,desc,200))
        except Exception, e:

    if cx_Oracle:
        def do_sessinfo(self,args):
            '''Reports session info for the given sid, extended to RAC with gv$'''
                if not args:
                    self.curs.execute('SELECT sid FROM v$mystat')
                    args = self.curs.fetchone()[0]
                self.onecmd('SELECT * from gv$session where sid=%s\\t' % args)
            except cx_Oracle.DatabaseError, e:
                if 'table or view does not exist' in str(e):
                    self.perror('This account has not been granted SELECT privileges to v$mystat or gv$session.')

    def do_sleect(self,args):    
        '''implements sleect = select, a common typo'''

    do_slect = do_sleect

def run():
if __name__ == '__main__':    