view sqlpython/ @ 497:128aa57c4b8d

first try at switching postgres query to dbapiext form
author Catherine Devlin <>
date Wed, 27 Oct 2010 10:04:31 -0400
parents 30e314597285
children 17f5d69307a9 2b3974b0a584
line wrap: on
line source

"""sqlpyPlus - extra features (inspired	 by Oracle SQL*Plus) for Luca Canali's

Features include:
 - SQL*Plus-style bind variables
 - `set autobind on` stores single-line result sets in bind variables automatically
 - SQL buffer with list, run, ed, get, etc.; unlike SQL*Plus, buffer stores session's full history
 - @script.sql loads and runs (like SQL*Plus)
 - ! runs operating-system command
 - show and set to control sqlpython parameters
 - SQL*Plus-style describe, spool
 - write sends query result directly to file
 - comments shows table and column comments
 - compare ... to ... graphically compares results of two queries
 - commands are case-insensitive
 - context-sensitive tab-completion for table names, column names, etc.

Use 'help' within sqlpython for details.

Set bind variables the hard (SQL*Plus) way
exec :b = 3
or with a python-like shorthand
:b = 3

-  May 31, 2006
import sys, os, re, sqlpython, pyparsing, re, completion
import datetime, pickle, binascii, subprocess, time, itertools, hashlib
import traceback, operator
from cmd2 import Cmd, make_option, options, Statekeeper, Cmd2TestCase, options_defined
import operator
from output_templates import output_templates
from metadata import metaqueries
from plothandler import Plot
from sqlpython import Parser, cx_Oracle, psycopg2
    import psycopg2.extensions
except ImportError:
import imagedetect
import warnings
warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', 'BaseException.message', DeprecationWarning)
    import pylab
except (RuntimeError, ImportError):

queries = {
'resolve': """
SELECT object_type, object_name, owner FROM (
SELECT object_type, object_name, user AS owner, 1 priority
FROM   user_objects
WHERE object_name = :objName
SELECT ao.object_type, ao.object_name, ao.owner, 2 priority
FROM    all_objects ao
JOIN      user_synonyms us ON (us.table_owner = ao.owner AND us.table_name = ao.object_name)
WHERE us.synonym_name = :objName
AND   ao.object_type != 'SYNONYM'
SELECT ao.object_type, ao.object_name, ao.owner, 3 priority
FROM    all_objects ao
JOIN      all_synonyms asyn ON (asyn.table_owner = ao.owner AND asyn.table_name = ao.object_name)
WHERE asyn.synonym_name = :objName
AND   ao.object_type != 'SYNONYM'
AND      asyn.owner = 'PUBLIC'
SELECT 'DIRECTORY' object_type, dir.directory_name, dir.owner, 6 priority
FROM   all_directories dir
WHERE  dir.directory_name = :objName
SELECT 'DATABASE LINK' object_type, db_link, owner, 7 priority
FROM   all_db_links dbl
WHERE  dbl.db_link = :objName
) ORDER BY priority ASC,
           length(object_type) ASC,
           object_type DESC""", # preference: PACKAGE before PACKAGE BODY, TABLE before INDEX
'tabComments': """
SELECT comments
FROM    all_tab_comments
WHERE owner = :owner
AND      table_name = :table_name""",
'colComments': """
FROM all_tab_columns atc
JOIN all_col_comments acc ON (atc.owner = acc.owner and atc.table_name = acc.table_name and atc.column_name = acc.column_name)
WHERE atc.table_name = :object_name
AND      atc.owner = :owner
ORDER BY atc.column_id;""",
'oneColComments': """
SELECT atc.column_name,
FROM all_tab_columns atc
JOIN all_col_comments acc ON (atc.owner = acc.owner and atc.table_name = acc.table_name and atc.column_name = acc.column_name)
WHERE atc.table_name = :object_name
AND      atc.owner = :owner
AND      acc.column_name = :column_name
ORDER BY atc.column_id;""",
#thanks to for "refs"
'refs': """
NULL               referenced_by, 
c2.table_name      references, 
c1.constraint_name constraint
user_constraints c1,
user_constraints c2
c1.table_name = :object_name
and c1.constraint_type ='R'
and c1.r_constraint_name = c2.constraint_name
and c1.r_owner = c2.owner
and c1.owner = :owner
SELECT c1.table_name      referenced_by, 
NULL               references, 
c1.constraint_name constraint
user_constraints c1,
user_constraints c2
c2.table_name = :object_name
and c1.constraint_type ='R'
and c1.r_constraint_name = c2.constraint_name
and c1.r_owner = c2.owner
and c1.owner = :owner       

class SoftwareSearcher(object):
    def __init__(self, softwareList, purpose):
        self.softwareList = softwareList
        self.purpose = purpose = None
    def invoke(self, *args):
        if not
            (, self.invokeString) = self.find()            
        argTuple = tuple([] + list(args))
        os.system(self.invokeString % argTuple)
    def find(self):
        if self.purpose == 'text editor':
            software = os.environ.get('EDITOR')
            if software:
                return (software, '%s %s')
        for (n, (software, invokeString)) in enumerate(self.softwareList):
            if os.path.exists(software):
                if n > (len(self.softwareList) * 0.7):
                    print """

                          Using %s.  Note that there are better options available for %s,
                          but %s couldn't find a better one in your PATH.
                          Feel free to open up %s
                          and customize it to find your favorite %s program.

                          """ % (software, self.purpose, __file__, __file__, self.purpose)
                return (software, invokeString)
            stem = os.path.split(software)[1]
            for p in os.environ['PATH'].split(os.pathsep):
                if os.path.exists(os.sep.join([p, stem])):
                    return (stem, invokeString)
        raise (OSError, """Could not find any %s programs.  You will need to install one,
               or customize %s to make it aware of yours.
Looked for these programs:
%s""" % (self.purpose, __file__, "\n".join([s[0] for s in self.softwareList])))

softwareLists = {
    'diff/merge': [  
        ('/usr/bin/meld',"%s %s %s"),
        ('/usr/bin/kdiff3',"%s %s %s"),
        (r'C:\Program Files\Araxis\Araxis Merge v6.5\Merge.exe','"%s" %s %s'),                
        (r'C:\Program Files\TortoiseSVN\bin\TortoiseMerge.exe', '"%s" /base:"%s" /mine:"%s"'),
        ('FileMerge','%s %s %s'),        
        ('kompare','%s %s %s'),   
        ('WinMerge','%s %s %s'),         
        ('xxdiff','%s %s %s'),        
        ('fldiff','%s %s %s'),
        ('gtkdiff','%s %s %s'),        
        ('tkdiff','%s %s %s'),         
        ('gvimdiff','%s %s %s'),        
        ('diff',"%s %s %s"),
        (r'c:\windows\system32\comp.exe',"%s %s %s")],
        'text editor': [
            ('gedit', '%s %s'),
            ('textpad', '%s %s'),
            ('notepad.exe', '%s %s'),
            ('pico', '%s %s'),
            ('emacs', '%s %s'),
            ('vim', '%s %s'),
            ('vi', '%s %s'),
            ('ed', '%s %s'),
            ('edlin', '%s %s')

diffMergeSearcher = SoftwareSearcher(softwareLists['diff/merge'],'diff/merge')
editSearcher = SoftwareSearcher(softwareLists['text editor'], 'text editor')
editor = os.environ.get('EDITOR')
if editor:
    editSearcher.find = lambda: (editor, "%s %s")
class CaselessDict(dict):
    """dict with case-insensitive keys.

    Posted to ASPN Python Cookbook by Jeff Donner -"""
    def __init__(self, other=None):
        if other:
            # Doesn't do keyword args
            if isinstance(other, dict):
                for k,v in other.items():
                    dict.__setitem__(self, k.lower(), v)
                for k,v in other:
                    dict.__setitem__(self, k.lower(), v)
    def __getitem__(self, key):
        return dict.__getitem__(self, key.lower())
    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
            key = key.lower()
        except AttributeError:
        dict.__setitem__(self, key, value)
    def __contains__(self, key):
        return dict.__contains__(self, key.lower())
    def has_key(self, key):
        return dict.has_key(self, key.lower())
    def get(self, key, def_val=None):
        return dict.get(self, key.lower(), def_val)
    def setdefault(self, key, def_val=None):
        return dict.setdefault(self, key.lower(), def_val)
    def update(self, other):
        for k,v in other.items():
            dict.__setitem__(self, k.lower(), v)
    def fromkeys(self, iterable, value=None):
        d = CaselessDict()
        for k in iterable:
            dict.__setitem__(d, k.lower(), value)
        return d
    def pop(self, key, def_val=None):
        return dict.pop(self, key.lower(), def_val)

class ResultSet(list):

class Result(tuple):
    def __str__(self):
        return '\n'.join('%s: %s' % (colname, self[idx]) 
                         for (idx, colname) in enumerate(self.resultset.colnames))
    def __getattr__(self, attr):
        attr = attr.lower()
            return self[self.resultset.colnames.index(attr)]
        except ValueError:
            if attr in ('colnames', 'statement', 'bindvars', 'resultset'):
                return getattr(self.resultset, attr)
                raise AttributeError, "available columns are: " + ", ".join(self.resultset.colnames)      
    def bind(self):
        for (idx, colname) in enumerate(self.resultset.colnames):
            self.resultset.pystate['binds'][colname] = self[idx]
            self.resultset.pystate['binds'][str(idx+1)] = self[idx]
def centeredSlice(lst, center=0, width=1):
    width = max(width, -1)
    if center < 0:
        end = center + width + 1
        if end >= 0:
            end = None
        return lst[center-width:end]
        return lst[max(center-width,0):center+width+1] 

def offset_to_line(instring, offset):
    >>> offset_to_line('abcdefghijkl', 5)
    (0, 'abcdefghijkl', 5)
    >>> offset_to_line('ab\ncd\nefg', 6)
    (2, 'efg', 0)
    >>> offset_to_line('ab\ncd\nefg', 5)
    (1, 'cd\n', 2)
    >>> offset_to_line('abcdefghi\njkl', 5)
    (0, 'abcdefghi\n', 5)
    >>> offset_to_line('abcdefghi\njkl', 700)
    lineNum = 0
    for line in instring.splitlines(True):
        if offset < len(line):
            return lineNum, line, offset
        lineNum += 1
        offset -= len(line)

class BlobDisplayer(object):
    folder_name = 'sqlpython_blob_store'
    imgwidth = 400
    def folder_ok(self):
        if not os.access(self.folder_name, os.F_OK):
                readme = open(os.path.join(self.folder_name, 'README.txt'),'w')
                                Temporary files for display of BLOBs from within
                                sqlpython.  Delete when sqlpython is closed.''')
                return False
        return True
    def __init__(self, blob, under_limit):
        self.url = ''
        if under_limit:
            self.blob =
            self.hashed = hashlib.md5(self.blob).hexdigest()
            self.extension = imagedetect.extension_from_data(self.blob)
            if self.folder_ok():
                self.file_name = '%s/%s%s' % (
                    os.path.join(os.getcwd(), self.folder_name), 
                    self.hashed, self.extension)
                self.url = 'file://%s' % self.file_name
                if not os.access(self.file_name, os.F_OK):
                    outfile = open(self.file_name, 'wb')
    def __str__(self):
        if self.url:
            return '(BLOB at %s)' % self.url
            return '(BLOB)'
    def html(self):
        if self.url:
            return '<a href="%s"><img src="%s" width="%d" /></a>' % (
                self.url, self.url, self.imgwidth)
            return '(BLOB not saved, check bloblimit)'

class BlobDisplayer_postgresql(BlobDisplayer):
    imgwidth = 400
    def __init__(self, blob_oid, under_limit, sqlpython_instance):
        self.url = ''
        if under_limit:
            if self.folder_ok():
                self.lobject = psycopg2.extensions.lobject(conn=sqlpython_instance.current_instance.connection, oid=blob_oid)
                self.blob =
                self.extension = imagedetect.extension_from_data(self.blob)
                self.file_name = '%s/%d%s' % (
                    os.path.join(os.getcwd(), self.folder_name), 
                    blob_oid, self.extension)
                self.url = 'file://%s' % self.file_name     
class Abbreviatable_List(list):
    def match(self, target):
        target = target.lower()
        result = [i for i in self if i.startswith(target)]
        if len(result) == 0:
            raise ValueError, 'None of %s start with %s' % (str(self), target)
        elif len(result) > 1:
            raise ValueError, 'Too many matches: %s' % str(result)
        return result[0]
# TODO: read comments in psql
# ls -l

class sqlpyPlus(sqlpython.sqlpython):
    defaultExtension = 'sql'
    abbrev = True    
    sqlpython.sqlpython.shortcuts.update({':': 'setbind', 
                                          '\\': 'psql', 
                                          '@': 'get'})
    multilineCommands = '''select insert update delete tselect
                      create drop alter _multiline_comment'''.split()
    prefixParser = pyparsing.Optional(pyparsing.Word(pyparsing.nums)('instance_number') 
                                      + ':')
    reserved_words = [
            'alter', 'begin', 'comment', 'create', 'delete', 'drop', 'end', 'for', 'grant', 
            'insert', 'intersect', 'lock', 'minus', 'on', 'order', 'rename', 
            'resource', 'revoke', 'select', 'share', 'start', 'union', 'update', 
            'where', 'with']    
    default_file_name = 'afiedt.buf'
    settable = sqlpython.sqlpython.settable + '''
        autobind         Always fill bind variables from final row
        bloblimit        Max # of BLOBs to copy to disk for each query
        colors           colorize query results (*nix only)
        commit_on_exit   automatically COMMIT when exiting program
        maxfetch         limit # of rows fetched
        maxtselctrows    max # rows in transposed results
        rows_remembered  # rows stored in ``r`` for python access
        scan             interpolate substitution variables
        serveroutput     send dbms_output.put_line to screen (Oracle)
        sql_echo         echo SQL commands
        wildsql          Accept wildcards, position #s in column names
    def __init__(self):
        # override commentGrammars before top-level __init__, or they won't affect self.parser
        self.doubleDashComment = pyparsing.NotAny(pyparsing.Or(options_defined)) + pyparsing.Literal('--') + pyparsing.restOfLine        
        self.commentGrammars = pyparsing.Or([pyparsing.cStyleComment, self.doubleDashComment])
        self.binds = CaselessDict()
        if self.settable.has_key('case_insensitive'):
        self.stdoutBeforeSpool = sys.stdout
        self.sql_echo = False
        self.spoolFile = None
        self.autobind = False
        self.heading = True
        self.wildsql = False
        self.serveroutput = True
        self.scan = True
        self.substvars = {}
        self.result_history = []
        self.rows_remembered = 10000
        self.bloblimit = 5
        self.default_rdbms = 'oracle'
        self.rdbms_supported = Abbreviatable_List('oracle postgres mysql'.split())
        self.version = 'SQLPython %s' % sqlpython.__version__
        self.pystate = {'r': [], 'binds': self.binds, 'substs': self.substvars}
    # overrides cmd's parseline
    def parseline(self, line):
        """Parse the line into a command name and a string containing
        the arguments.  Returns a tuple containing (command, args, line).
        'command' and 'args' may be None if the line couldn't be parsed.        
        Overrides cmd.cmd.parseline to accept variety of shortcuts.."""

        cmd, arg, line = sqlpython.sqlpython.parseline(self, line)
        if cmd in ('select', 'sleect', 'insert', 'update', 'delete', 'describe',
                   'desc', 'comments', 'pull', 'refs', 'desc', 'triggers', 'find') \
           and not hasattr(self, 'curs'):
            self.perror('Not connected.')
            return '', '', ''
        return cmd, arg, line

    def perror(self, err, statement=None):
        if self.debug:
            linenum, line, offset = offset_to_line(statement.parsed.raw, err.message.offset)
            print line.strip()
            print '%s*' % (' ' * offset)
            print 'ERROR at line %d:' % (linenum + 1)
        except AttributeError:
        print str(err)
    def dbms_output(self):
        "Dumps contents of Oracle's DBMS_OUTPUT buffer (where PUT_LINE goes)"
            line = self.curs.var(cx_Oracle.STRING) 
            status = self.curs.var(cx_Oracle.NUMBER)
            self.curs.callproc('dbms_output.get_line', [line, status])
            while not status.getvalue():
                self.curs.callproc('dbms_output.get_line', [line, status])
        except AttributeError:
    def postcmd(self, stop, line):
        """Hook method executed just after a command dispatch is finished."""        
        if (    hasattr(self, 'rdbms') 
            and (self.rdbms == 'oracle') 
            and self.serveroutput):
        return stop
    def do_remark(self, line):
        REMARK is one way to denote a comment in SQL*Plus.
        Wrapping a *single* SQL or PL/SQL statement in `REMARK BEGIN` and `REMARK END`
        tells sqlpython to submit the enclosed code directly to Oracle as a single
        unit of code.  
        Without these markers, sqlpython fails to properly distinguish the beginning
        and end of all but the simplest PL/SQL blocks, causing errors.  sqlpython also
        slows down when parsing long SQL statements as it tries to determine whether
        the statement has ended yet; `REMARK BEGIN` and `REMARK END` allow it to skip this
        Standard SQL*Plus interprets REMARK BEGIN and REMARK END as comments, so it is
        safe to include them in SQL*Plus scripts.
        if not line.lower().strip().startswith('begin'):
        statement = []
        next = self.pseudo_raw_input(self.continuation_prompt)
        while next.lower().split()[:2] != ['remark','end']:
            next = self.pseudo_raw_input(self.continuation_prompt)
        return self.onecmd_plus_hooks('\n'.join(statement))        

    def do_py(self, arg):
        py <command>: Executes a Python command.
        py: Enters interactive Python mode.
        End with `Ctrl-D` (Unix) / `Ctrl-Z` (Windows), `quit()`, 'exit()`.        
        Past SELECT results are exposed as list `r`; 
            most recent resultset is `r[-1]`.
        SQL bind, substitution variables are exposed as `binds`, `substs`.
        SQL and sqlpython commands can be issued with `sql("your command")`.
        Run python code from external files with ``run("")``
        return Cmd.do_py(self, arg)

    def do_get(self, args):
        `get {script.sql}` or `@{script.sql}` runs the command(s) in {script.sql}.
        If additional arguments are supplied, they are assigned to &1, &2, etc.
        fname, args = args.split()[0], args.split()[1:]
        for (idx, arg) in enumerate(args):
            self.substvars[str(idx+1)] = arg
        return Cmd.do__load(self, fname)
    def _onchange_serveroutput(self, old, new):
        if (self.rdbms == 'oracle'):
            if new:
                self.curs.callproc('dbms_output.enable', [])        
                self.curs.callproc('dbms_output.disable', [])        
    def do_shortcuts(self,arg):
        """Lists available first-character shortcuts
        (i.e. '!dir' is equivalent to 'shell dir')"""
        for (scchar, scto) in self.shortcuts:
            self.poutput('%s: %s' % (scchar, scto))

    tableNameFinder = re.compile(r'from\s+([\w$#_"]+)', re.IGNORECASE | re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL)          
    def formattedForSql(self, datum):
        if datum is None:
            return 'NULL'
        elif isinstance(datum, basestring):
            return "'%s'" % datum.replace("'","''")
            return datum.strftime("TO_DATE('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')")
        except AttributeError:
            return str(datum)
    def tabular_output(self, outformat, tblname=None):
        if tblname:
            self.tblname = tblname
                self.tblname =
            except AttributeError:
                self.tblname = ''
        if outformat in output_templates:
            self.colnamelen = max(len(colname) for colname in self.colnames)
            result = output_templates[outformat].generate(formattedForSql=self.formattedForSql, **self.__dict__)        
        elif outformat == '\\t': # transposed
            rows = [self.colnames]
            transpr = [[rows[y][x] for y in range(len(rows))]for x in range(len(rows[0]))] # matrix transpose
            newdesc = [['ROW N.'+str(y),10] for y in range(len(rows))]
            for x in range(len(self.coltypes)):
                if str(self.coltypes[x]) == "<type 'cx_Oracle.BINARY'>":  # handles RAW columns
                    rname = transpr[x][0]
                    transpr[x] = map(binascii.b2a_hex, transpr[x])
                    transpr[x][0] = rname
            self.colnames = ['ROW N.%d' % y for y in range(len(rows))]                    
            self.colnames[0] = 'COLUMN NAME'
            self.coltypes = [str] * len(self.colnames)
            result = '\n' + self.pmatrix(transpr)            
        elif outformat in ('\\l', '\\L', '\\p', '\\b'):
            plot = Plot()
  , outformat)
            return ''
            result = self.pmatrix(self.rows, 
                                  self.maxfetch, heading=self.heading, 
                                  restructuredtext = (outformat == '\\r'))
        return result
    legalOracle = re.compile('[a-zA-Z_$#]')

    def select_scalar_list(self, sql, binds={}):
        self._execute(sql, binds)
        return [r[0] for r in self.curs.fetchall()]
    columnNameRegex = re.compile(
        re.IGNORECASE | re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE)        
    def completedefault(self, text, line, begidx, endidx):
        (username, gerald_schema) = self.metadata()
        segment = completion.whichSegment(line)        
        text = text.upper()
        if segment in ('select', 'where', 'having', 'set', 'order by', 'group by'):
            completions = [c for c in schemas[username].column_names if c.startswith(text)] \
                          or [c for c in schemas.qual_column_names if c.startswith(text)]
                          # TODO: the latter not working
        elif segment in ('from', 'update', 'insert into'):
            # print schemas[username].table_names
            # TODO: from postgres, these table names are jrrt.fishies, etc.
            completions = [t for t in schemas[username].table_names if t.startswith(text)]
        elif segment == 'beginning':
            completions = [n for n in self.get_names() if n.startswith('do_')] + [
                           'insert', 'update', 'delete', 'drop', 'alter', 'begin', 'declare', 'create']
            completions = [c for c in completions if c.startswith(text)]     
        elif segment:
            completions = [t for t in schemas[username].table_names if t.startswith(text)]
            completions = [r for r in completion.reserved if r.startswith(text)]
        return completions
    columnlistPattern = pyparsing.SkipTo(pyparsing.CaselessKeyword('from'))('columns') + \

    negator = pyparsing.Literal('!')('exclude')
    colNumber = pyparsing.Optional(negator) + pyparsing.Literal('#') + pyparsing.Word('-' + pyparsing.nums, pyparsing.nums)('column_number')
    colName = negator + pyparsing.Word('$_#' + pyparsing.alphas, '$_#' + pyparsing.alphanums)('column_name')
    wildColName = pyparsing.Optional(negator) + pyparsing.Word('?*%$_#' + pyparsing.alphas, '?*%$_#' + pyparsing.alphanums, min=2)('column_name')
    colNumber.ignore(pyparsing.cStyleComment).ignore(Parser.comment_def). \
    wildSqlParser = colNumber ^ colName ^ wildColName
    wildSqlParser.ignore(pyparsing.cStyleComment).ignore(Parser.comment_def). \
    emptyCommaRegex = re.compile(',\s*,', re.DOTALL)
    deadStarterCommaRegex = re.compile('^\s*,', re.DOTALL)
    deadEnderCommaRegex = re.compile(',\s*$', re.DOTALL)    
    def expandWildSql(self, arg):
            columnlist = self.columnlistPattern.parseString(arg)
        except pyparsing.ParseException:
            return arg
        parseresults = list(self.wildSqlParser.scanString(columnlist.columns))
        # I would rather exclude non-wild column names in the grammar,
        # but can't figure out how
        parseresults = [p for p in parseresults if 
                        p[0].column_number or 
                        '*' in p[0].column_name or
                        '%' in p[0].column_name or
                        '?' in p[0].column_name or                        
        if not parseresults:
            return arg       
        self.curs.execute('select * ' + columnlist.remainder, self.varsUsed)
        columns_available = [d[0] for d in self.curs.description]        
        replacers = {}
        included = set()
        excluded = set()        
        for (col, startpos, endpos) in parseresults:
            replacers[arg[startpos:endpos]] = []            
            if col.column_name:
                finder = col.column_name.replace('*','.*')
                finder = finder.replace('%','.*')
                finder = finder.replace('?','.')
                colnames = [c for c in columns_available if re.match(finder + '$', c, re.IGNORECASE)]
            elif col.column_number:
                idx = int(col.column_number)
                if idx > 0:
                    idx -= 1                
                colnames = [columns_available[idx]]
            if not colnames:
                self.pfeedback('No columns found matching criteria.')
                return 'null from dual'
            for colname in colnames:
                if col.exclude:
                    include_here = columns_available[:]
                    replacers[arg[startpos:endpos]].extend(i for i in include_here if i not in replacers[arg[startpos:endpos]])
        replacers = sorted(replacers.items(), key=len, reverse=True)
        result = columnlist.columns
        for (target, replacement) in replacers:
            cols = [r for r in replacement if r not in excluded and r not in included]            
            replacement = ', '.join(cols)
            result = result.replace(target, replacement)
        # some column names could get wiped out completely, so we fix their dangling commas
        result = self.emptyCommaRegex.sub(',', result)
        result = self.deadStarterCommaRegex.sub('', result)
        result = self.deadEnderCommaRegex.sub('', result)
        if not result.strip():
            self.pfeedback('No columns found matching criteria.')
            return 'null from dual'        
        return result + ' ' + columnlist.remainder

    do_prompt = Cmd.poutput
    def do_accept(self, args):
            prompt = args[args.lower().index('prompt ')+7:]
        except ValueError:
            prompt = ''
        varname = args.lower().split()[0]
        self.substvars[varname] = self.pseudo_raw_input(prompt)

    def ampersand_substitution(self, raw, regexpr, isglobal):
        subst =
        while subst:
            fullexpr, var =,
            self.pfeedback('Substitution variable %s found in:' % fullexpr)
            self.pfeedback(raw[max(subst.start()-20, 0):subst.end()+20])
            if var in self.substvars:
                val = self.substvars[var]
                val = raw_input('Substitution for %s (SET SCAN OFF to halt substitution): ' % fullexpr)
                if val.lower().split() == ['set','scan','off']:
                    self.scan = False
                    return raw
                if isglobal:
                    self.substvars[var] = val                
            raw = raw.replace(fullexpr, val)
            self.pfeedback('Substituted %s for %s' % (val, fullexpr))
            subst = # do not FINDALL b/c we don't want to ask twice
        return raw

    doublenumericampre = re.compile('(&&(\d+))')  
    numericampre = re.compile('(&(\d+))')        
    doubleampre = re.compile('(&&([a-zA-Z\d_$#]+))', re.IGNORECASE)
    singleampre = re.compile( '(&([a-zA-Z\d_$#]+))', re.IGNORECASE)
    def preparse(self, raw, **kwargs):
        if self.scan:
            raw = self.ampersand_substitution(raw, regexpr=self.doublenumericampre, isglobal=True)            
        if self.scan:
            raw = self.ampersand_substitution(raw, regexpr=self.numericampre, isglobal=False)
        if self.scan:
            raw = self.ampersand_substitution(raw, regexpr=self.doubleampre, isglobal=True)
        if self.scan:
            raw = self.ampersand_substitution(raw, regexpr=self.singleampre, isglobal=False)
        return raw
    rowlimitPattern = pyparsing.Word(pyparsing.nums)('rowlimit')
    terminators = '; \\C \\t \\i \\p \\l \\L \\b \\r'.split() + output_templates.keys()

    @options([make_option('-r', '--row', type="int", default=-1,
                          help='Bind row #ROW instead of final row (zero-based)')])    
    def do_bind(self, arg, opts):
        Inserts the results from the final row in the last completed
        SELECT statement into bind variables with names corresponding 
        to the column names.  When the optional `autobind` setting is
        on, this will be issued automatically after every query that 
        returns exactly one row.
        except IndexError:
    def age_out_resultsets(self):
        total_len = sum(len(rs) for rs in self.pystate['r'])
        for (i, rset) in enumerate(self.pystate['r'][:-1]):
            if total_len <= self.rows_remembered:
            total_len -= len(rset)
            self.pystate['r'][i] = []
    def rowlimit(self, arg):
            rowlimit = int(arg.parsed.suffix)
        except (TypeError, ValueError):
            rowlimit = None
        if arg.parsed.terminator == '\\t':
            rowlimit = rowlimit or self.maxtselctrows
        return rowlimit
    def do_select(self, arg, bindVarsIn=None, terminator=None):
        """Fetch rows from a table.

        Limit the number of rows retrieved by appending
        an integer after the terminator
        (example: SELECT * FROM mytable;10 )

        Output may be formatted by choosing an alternative terminator
        ("help terminators" for details)
        bindVarsIn = bindVarsIn or {}
        rowlimit = self.rowlimit(arg)
        self.varsUsed = self.findBinds(arg, bindVarsIn)
        if self.wildsql:
            selecttext = self.expandWildSql(arg)
            selecttext = arg
        self.querytext = 'select ' + selecttext
        if self.varsUsed:
            self.curs.execute(self.querytext, self.varsUsed)
        else: # this is an ugly workaround for the evil paramstyle curse upon DB-API2
        self.rows = self.curs.fetchmany(min(self.maxfetch, (rowlimit or self.maxfetch)))
        self.colnames = [d[0] for d in self.curs.description]
        self.coltypes = [d[1] for d in self.curs.description]
        #TODO: Other databases can have BLOBs, too
        if cx_Oracle and (cx_Oracle.BLOB in self.coltypes):
            self.rows = [
                 [(    (coltype == cx_Oracle.BLOB) 
                   and BlobDisplayer(datum, (rownum < self.bloblimit)))
                   or datum
                   for (datum, coltype) in zip(row, self.coltypes)]
                 for (rownum, row) in enumerate(self.rows)]
        TODO: Segfault!  Drat!
        elif psycopg2 and set(psycopg2.ROWID.values).intersection(set(self.coltypes)):
            self.rows = [
                 [(    (coltype in psycopg2.ROWID.values) 
                   and BlobDisplayer_postgresql(datum, (rownum < self.bloblimit), self))
                   or datum
                   for (datum, coltype) in zip(row, self.coltypes)]
                 for (rownum, row) in enumerate(self.rows)]        '''        
        self.rc = len(self.rows)
        if self.rc != 0:
            resultset = ResultSet()
            resultset.colnames = [d[0].lower() for d in self.curs.description]
            resultset.pystate = self.pystate
            resultset.statement = 'select ' + selecttext
            resultset.varsUsed = self.varsUsed
            resultset.extend([Result(r) for r in self.rows])
            for row in resultset:
                row.resultset = resultset
            self.poutput('\n%s\n' % (self.tabular_output(arg.parsed.terminator)))
        if self.rc == 0:
            self.pfeedback('\nNo rows Selected.\n')
        elif self.rc == 1: 
            self.pfeedback('\n1 row selected.\n')
            if self.autobind:
        elif (self.rc < self.maxfetch and self.rc > 0):
            self.pfeedback('\n%d rows selected.\n' % self.rc)
            self.pfeedback('\nSelected Max Num rows (%d)' % self.rc)
    def do_cat(self, arg):
        '''Shortcut for SELECT * FROM
        return self.do_select(self.parsed('SELECT * FROM %s;' % arg, 
                                          terminator = arg.parsed.terminator or ';', 
                                          suffix = arg.parsed.suffix))'''
        statement = 'SELECT * FROM %s%s%s' % (arg, arg.parsed.terminator or ';',
                                              arg.parsed.suffix or '')
        return self.onecmd(self.parsed(statement))

    @options([make_option('-d', '--dump', action='store_true', help='dump results to files'),
              make_option('-f', '--full', action='store_true', help='get dependent objects as well'),
              make_option('-l', '--lines', action='store_true', help='print line numbers'),
              make_option('-n', '--num', type='int', help='only code near line #num'),
              make_option('-w', '--width', type='int', default=5, 
                          help='# of lines before and after --lineNo'),
              make_option('-a', '--all', action='store_true', help="all schemas' objects"),
              #make_option('-x', '--exact', action='store_true', help="match object name exactly")
    def do_pull(self, arg, opts):        
        """Displays source code."""
        self._pull(arg, opts)

    def _pull(self, arg, opts, vc=None):  
        statekeeper = Statekeeper(opts.dump and self, ('stdout',))
            for (owner, object_type, name) in self.current_instance.objects(arg, opts):
                obj = self.current_instance.object_metadata(owner, object_type, name)
                txt = obj.get_ddl()
                if opts.get('lines'):
                    txt = self._with_line_numbers(txt)    
                if opts.dump:
                    path = os.path.join(owner.lower(), object_type.lower()).replace(' ', '_')
                    except OSError:
                    filename = os.path.join(path, '%s.sql' % name.lower())
                    self.stdout = open(filename, 'w')
                if opts.get('num') is not None:
                    txt = txt.splitlines()
                    txt = centeredSlice(txt, center=opts.num+1, width=opts.width)
                    txt = '\n'.join(txt)
                    txt = 'REMARK BEGIN %s/%s/%s\n%s\nREMARK END\n' % (owner, object_type, name, txt)
                if opts.dump:
                    if vc:
               + [filename])                    
    def _with_line_numbers(self, txt):
        txt = txt.splitlines()
        template = "%%-%dd:%%s" % len(str(len(txt)))
        txt = '\n'.join(template % (n+1, line) for (n, line) in 
        return txt
    def _show_shortcut(self, shortcut, argpieces):
            newarg = argpieces[1]
            if newarg == 'on':
                    newarg = argpieces[2]
                except IndexError:
        except IndexError:
            newarg = ''
        return self.onecmd(self.parsed(shortcut + ' ' + newarg))
    def do_show(self, arg):
        show                  - display value of all sqlpython parameters
        show (parameter name) - display value of a sqlpython parameter
        show parameter (parameter name) - display value of an ORACLE parameter
        show err (object type/name)     - errors from latest PL/SQL object compilation.
        show all err (type/name)        - all compilation errors from the user's PL/SQL objects.
        show (index/schema/tablespace/trigger/view/constraint/comment) on (table)
        if arg.startswith('param') and self.rdbms == 'oracle':
                paramname = arg.split()[1].lower()
            except IndexError:
                paramname = ''
            self.onecmd(self.parsed("""SELECT name, 
                                              CASE type WHEN 1 THEN 'BOOLEAN'
                                                        WHEN 2 THEN 'STRING'
                                                        WHEN 3 THEN 'INTEGER'
                                                        WHEN 4 THEN 'PARAMETER FILE'
                                                        WHEN 5 THEN 'RESERVED'
                                                        WHEN 6 THEN 'BIG INTEGER' END type, 
                                       FROM v$parameter 
                                       WHERE name LIKE '%%%s%%';""" % paramname))
            argpieces = arg.lower().split()
            argpieces = [a for a in argpieces if not a.startswith('-')]
                for (kwd, shortcut) in (
                        ('ind', '\\di'), ('schema', '\\dn'), 
                        ('tablesp', '\\db'), ('trig', '\\dg'), 
                        ('view', '\\dv'), ('cons', '\\dc'),
                        ('comm', '\\dd'), ('ref', 'ref')):
                    if argpieces[0].lower().startswith(kwd):
                        return self._show_shortcut(shortcut, argpieces)
                if argpieces[0][:3] == 'err':
                    return self._show_errors(all_users=False, limit=1, targets=argpieces[1:])
                elif argpieces[0][:3] == 'tab':
                    return self.do_ls('table/*')
                elif (argpieces[0], argpieces[1][:3]) == ('all','err'):
                    return self._show_errors(all_users=False, limit=None, targets=argpieces[2:])
            except IndexError:
            return Cmd.do_show(self, arg)
    def _vc(self, arg, opts, program):
        if not os.path.exists('.%s' % program):
            create = raw_input('%s repository not yet in current directory (%s).  Create (y/N)? ' % 
                               (program, os.getcwd()))
            if not create.strip().lower().startswith('y'):
  [program, 'init'])
        except OSError:
            self.perror('Call to %s failed; is it installed and in PATH?' % program)
        opts.dump = True
        self._pull(arg, opts, vc=[program, 'add'])[program, 'commit', '-m', '"%s"' % opts.message or 'committed from sqlpython'])        
              make_option('-f', '--full', action='store_true', help='get dependent objects as well'),
              make_option('-a', '--all', action='store_true', help="all schemas' objects"),
              make_option('-x', '--exact', action='store_true', help="match object name exactly"),
              make_option('-m', '--message', action='store', type='string', dest='message', help="message to save to hg log during commit")])
    def do_hg(self, arg, opts):
        '''hg (opts) (objects):
        Stores DDL on disk and puts files under Mercurial version control.
        Args specify which objects to store, same format as `ls`.'''
        self._vc(arg, opts, 'hg')        

              make_option('-f', '--full', action='store_true', help='get dependent objects as well'),
              make_option('-a', '--all', action='store_true', help="all schemas' objects"),
              make_option('-x', '--exact', action='store_true', help="match object name exactly"),
              make_option('-m', '--message', action='store', type='string', dest='message', help="message to save to hg log during commit")])
    def do_bzr(self, arg, opts):
        '''bzr (opts) (objects):
        Stores DDL on disk and puts files under Bazaar version control.
        Args specify which objects to store, same format as `ls`.'''
        self._vc(arg, opts, 'bzr')        

              make_option('-f', '--full', action='store_true', help='get dependent objects as well'),
              make_option('-a', '--all', action='store_true', help="all schemas' objects"),
              make_option('-x', '--exact', action='store_true', help="match object name exactly"),
              make_option('-m', '--message', action='store', type='string', dest='message', help="message to save to hg log during commit")])
    def do_git(self, arg, opts):
        '''git (opts) (objects):
        Stores DDL on disk and puts files under git version control.
        Args specify which objects to store, same format as `ls`.'''
        self._vc(arg, opts, 'git')        
    all_users_option = make_option('-a', '--all', action='store_const', dest="scope",
                                         default={'col':'', 'view':'user', 'schemas':'user', 'firstcol': ''}, 
                                         const={'col':', owner', 'view':'all', 'schemas':'all', 'firstcol': 'owner, '},
    all_users_option = make_option('-a', '--all', action='store_true', help='Describe all objects (not just my own)')
              make_option('-c', '--col', action='store_true', help='find column'),
    def do_find(self, arg, opts):
        """Finds argument in source code or (with -c) in column definitions."""
        if opts.col:
            for (owner, object_type, table_name, column_name) in self.current_instance.columns(arg, opts):
                self.poutput('%s %s.%s.%s' % (object_type, owner, table_name, column_name))
            for (owner, object_type, name, line_number, txt) in self.current_instance.source(arg, opts):
                self.poutput('%s %s.%s %d: %s' % (object_type, owner, name, line_number, txt))
    def _col_type_descriptor(self, col):
        #if col['type'] in ('integer',):
        #    return col['type']
        if ('length' in col) and (col['length'] is not None):
            if ('precision' in col) and (col['precision'] is not None):
                return '%s(%d,%d)' % (col['type'], col['length'], col['precision'])
                return '%s(%d)' % (col['type'], col['length'])
            return col['type']
    def _key_columns(self, tbl, type):
        columns = [c['columns'] for c in tbl.constraints.values() if c['type'] == type]
        if columns:
            return reduce(list.extend, columns)
                    #TODO: in postgres, _key_columns returns 'fishies_pkey' instead of 'n'        
            return []

    standard_options = [
              make_option('-l', '--long', action='store_true', help='long descriptions'),
              make_option('-r', '--reverse', action='store_true', help="Reverse order while sorting")]
    @options(standard_options + [
              make_option('-A', '--alpha', action='store_true', help='List columns alphabetically')])
    def do_describe(self, arg, opts):
        rowlimit = self.rowlimit(arg)
        if opts.alpha:
            sortkey = operator.itemgetter('name')
            sortkey = operator.itemgetter('sequence')
        for (owner, object_type, name) in self.current_instance.objects(arg, opts):
            obj = self.current_instance.object_metadata(owner, object_type, name)
            self.tblname = '%s %s.%s' % (object_type, owner, name)
            if opts.long and hasattr(obj, 'comments') and obj.comments:
            if hasattr(obj, 'columns'):
                cols = sorted(obj.columns.values(), key=sortkey, reverse=bool(opts.reverse))[:rowlimit]
                if opts.long and hasattr(obj, 'constraints'):
                    primary_key_columns = self._key_columns(obj, 'Primary')
                    unique_key_columns = self._key_columns(obj, 'Unique')
                    self.colnames = 'N Name Nullable Type Key Default Comments'.split()
                    self.rows = [(col['sequence'], col['name'], (col['nullable'] and 'NULL') or 'NOT NULL',
                                  ((col['name'] in primary_key_columns) and 'P') or
                                  ((col['name'] in unique_key_columns) and 'U') or '',
                                  col.get('default') or '', col.get('comment') or '')
                                 for col in cols]
                    self.colnames = 'Name Nullable Type'.split()
                    self.rows = [(col['name'], (col['nullable'] and 'NULL') or 'NOT NULL', self._col_type_descriptor(col)) 
                                 for col in cols]
                self.coltypes = [str] * len(self.colnames)
                self.poutput('%s\n\n' % self.tabular_output(arg.parsed.terminator, self.tblname))
            elif hasattr(obj, 'increment_by'):
                self.colnames = 'name min_value max_value increment_by'.split()
                self.coltypes = [str, int, int, int]
                self.rows = [(getattr(obj, p) for p in self.colnames)]
                self.poutput('%s\n\n' % self.tabular_output(arg.parsed.terminator, self.tblname))
            elif hasattr(obj, 'source'):
                end_heading = re.compile(r'\bDECLARE|BEGIN\b', re.IGNORECASE)
                for (index, (ln, line)) in enumerate(obj.source):
                self.poutput(''.join(l for (ln, l) in obj.source[:index]))
    def do_deps(self, arg, opts):
        '''Lists indexes, constraints, and triggers depending on an object'''
        #TODO: doesn't account for views; don't know about primary keys
        for (owner, object_type, name) in self.current_instance.objects(arg, opts):
            obj = self.current_instance.object_metadata(owner, object_type, name)
            for deptype in ('indexes', 'constraints', 'triggers'):
                if hasattr(obj, deptype):
                    for (depname, depobj) in getattr(obj, deptype).items():
                        self.poutput('%s %s' % (deptype, depname))
    def do_comments(self, arg, opts):
        'Prints comments on a table and its columns.'
        for (owner, object_type, name) in self.current_instance.objects(arg, opts):
            obj = self.current_instance.object_metadata(owner, object_type, name)
            if hasattr(obj, 'comments'):
                self.poutput('%s %s.%s' % object_type, owner, name)
                if hasattr(obj, 'columns'):
                    columns = obj.columns.values()
                    for col in columns:
                        comment = col.get('comment')
                        if comment:
                            self.poutput('%s: %s' % (col['name'], comment))

    def _resolve(self, identifier):
        parts = identifier.split('.')
        if len(parts) == 2:
            owner, object_name = parts
            object_type = self.select_scalar_list('SELECT object_type FROM all_objects WHERE owner = :owner AND object_name = :object_name',
                              {'owner': owner, 'object_name': object_name.upper()}
        elif len(parts) == 1:
            object_name = parts[0]
            self._execute(queries['resolve'], {'objName':object_name.upper()})
            object_type, object_name, owner = self.curs.fetchone()
        return object_type, owner, object_name
    def resolve(self, identifier):
        """Checks (my objects).name, (my synonyms).name, (public synonyms).name
        to resolve a database object's name. """
            return self._resolve(identifier)
        except (TypeError, IndexError):
            self.pfeedback('Could not resolve object %s.' % identifier)
            return '', '', ''
    def spoolstop(self):
        if self.spoolFile:
            self.stdout = self.stdoutBeforeSpool
            self.pfeedback('Finished spooling to ',
            self.spoolFile = None

    def do_spool(self, arg):
        """spool [filename] - begins redirecting output to FILENAME."""
        arg = arg.strip()
        if not arg:
            arg = 'output.lst'
        if arg.lower() != 'off':
            if '.' not in arg:
                arg = '%s.lst' % arg
            self.pfeedback('Sending output to %s (until SPOOL OFF received)' % (arg))
            self.spoolFile = open(arg, 'w')
            self.stdout = self.spoolFile

    def sqlfeedback(self, arg):
        if self.sql_echo:
    def do_write(self, args):
        'Obsolete command.  Use (query) > outfilename instead.'

    def do_compare(self, args):
        """COMPARE query1 TO query2 - uses external tool to display differences.

        Sorting is recommended to avoid false hits.
        Will attempt to use a graphical diff/merge tool like kdiff3, meld, or Araxis Merge, 
        if they are installed."""
        #TODO: Update this to use pyparsing
        fnames = []
        args2 = args.split(' to ')
        if len(args2) < 2:
        for n in range(len(args2)):
            query = args2[n]
            fnames.append('compare%s.txt' % n)
            #TODO: update this terminator-stripping
            if query.rstrip()[-1] != self.terminator: 
                query = '%s%s' % (query, self.terminator)
            self.onecmd_plus_hooks('%s > %s' % (query, fnames[n]))
            #TODO: Does this stumble on output redirection?
        diffMergeSearcher.invoke(fnames[0], fnames[1])

    bufferPosPattern = re.compile('\d+')
    rangeIndicators = ('-',':')

    def do_psql(self, arg):
        '''Shortcut commands emulating psql's backslash commands.

        \c connect
        \d desc
        \e edit
        \g run
        \h help
        \i load
        \o spool
        \p list
        \q quit
        \w save
        \db _dir_tablespaces
        \dc _dir_constraints
        \dd comments
        \dg _dir_triggers
        \dn _dir_schemas
        \dt _dir_tables
        \dv _dir_views
        \di _dir_indexes
        \? help psql'''
        commands = {}
        for c in self.do_psql.__doc__.splitlines()[2:]:
            (abbrev, command) = c.split(None, 1)
            commands[abbrev] = command
        parts = arg.parsed.raw.split(None,1)
        abbrev = parts[0]
            remainder = parts[1]
        except IndexError:
            remainder = ''
        if abbrev in commands:
            newcommand = '%s %s' % (commands[abbrev], remainder)
            return self.onecmd(self.parsed(newcommand))
            self.perror('No abbreviated command for %s' % abbrev)
    def _do_dir(self, type, arg, opts):
        self._do_ls("%s/%s%s%s" % (type, str(arg), arg.parsed.terminator, arg.parsed.suffix), opts)

    def do__dir_tables(self, arg, opts):
        'Shortcut for ``ls table/``'
        self._do_dir('table', arg, opts)

    def do__dir_views(self, arg, opts):
        'Shortcut for ``ls table/``'
        self._do_dir('view', arg, opts)

    def do__dir_(self, arg, opts):
        'Shortcut for ``ls table/``'
        self._do_dir('', arg, opts)

    def do__dir_(self, arg, opts):
        'Shortcut for ``ls table/``'
        self._do_dir('', arg, opts)
    def _str_index(self, idx, long=False):
        return '%s (%s) %s %s' % (idx['name'], ','.join(idx['columns']),
                                  idx['type'], (idx['unique'] and 'unique') or '')

    def _str_constraint(self, cons, long=False):
        #TODO: this is way too unclear right now
        if 'condition' in cons:
            details = '(%s)' % cons['condition']
        elif 'reftable' in cons:
            details = 'columns (%s) in table "%s"' % (','.join(cons['columns']), cons['reftable'])
        elif 'columns' in cons:
            details = '(%s)' % ','.join(cons['columns'])
            details = ''
        return '%7s key "%s": %s %s' % (cons['type'], cons['name'], details,
                                  ((not cons['enabled']) and 'DISABLED') or '')

    def _str_trigger(self, trig, long=False):
        result = 'Trigger %s %s %s for each %s' % (, trig.scope, ','.join(, trig.level)
        if long:
            result = '%s\n\n%s\n\n' % (result, trig.sql)
        return result
    def do__dir_(self, arg, opts, plural_name, str_function):
        long = opts.get('long')
        for (owner, object_type, name) in self.current_instance.objects(arg, opts):
            obj = self.current_instance.object_metadata(owner, object_type, name)
            if hasattr(obj, plural_name):
                self.pfeedback('%s on %s' % (plural_name.title(), '%s %s.%s' % (object_type, owner, name)))
                result = [str_function(depobj, long) for depobj in getattr(obj, plural_name).values()]
    def do__dir_indexes(self, arg, opts):
        Called with an exact table name, lists the indexes of that table.
        Otherwise, acts as shortcut for `ls index/*(arg)*`
        self.do__dir_(arg, opts, 'indexes', self._str_index)

    def do__dir_constraints(self, arg, opts):
        Lists constaints of a table.
        self.do__dir_(arg, opts, 'constraints', self._str_constraint)

    def do__dir_triggers(self, arg, opts):
        Called with an exact table name, lists the triggers of that table.
        self.do__dir_(arg, opts, 'triggers', self._str_trigger)
    def do__dir_tablespaces(self, arg):
        Lists all tablespaces.
        sql = """SELECT tablespace_name, file_name from dba_data_files;"""
        self.do_select(self.parsed(sql, terminator=arg.parsed.terminator or ';', suffix=arg.parsed.suffix))

    def do__dir_schemas(self, arg):
        Lists all object owners, together with the number of objects they own.
        sql = """SELECT owner, count(*) AS objects FROM all_objects GROUP BY owner ORDER BY owner;"""
        self.do_select(self.parsed(sql, terminator=arg.parsed.terminator or ';', suffix=arg.parsed.suffix))

    def do_head(self, arg):
        '''Shortcut for SELECT * FROM <arg>;10
        The terminator (\\t, \\g, \\x, etc.) and number of rows can
        be changed as for any other SELECT statement.'''
        sql = self.parsed('SELECT * FROM %s;' % arg, terminator=arg.parsed.terminator or ';', suffix=arg.parsed.suffix)
        sql.parsed['suffix'] = sql.parsed.suffix or '10'

    def do_print(self, arg):
        'print VARNAME: Show current value of bind variable VARNAME.'
        if arg:
            if arg[0] == ':':
                arg = arg[1:]
            except KeyError:
                self.poutput('No bind variable %s\n' % arg)
            for (var, val) in sorted(self.binds.items()):
                self.poutput(':%s = %s' % (var, val))

    def split_on_parser(self, parser, arg):
            assigner, startat, endat = parser.scanner.scanString(arg).next()
            return (arg[:startat].strip(), arg[endat:].strip())
        except StopIteration:
            return ''.join(arg.split()[:1]), ''
    assignmentSplitter = re.compile(':?=')
    def interpret_variable_assignment(self, arg):
        Accepts strings like `foo = 'bar'` or `baz := 22`, 
        returns (assigned? (T/F), variable, new-value)

        #TODO: quoted assignments currently failing?
        #arg = self.parsed(arg)
        if hasattr(arg, 'parsed'):
            arg = arg.parsed.raw
        arg = arg.strip('\n;').lstrip(':')
            var, val = self.assignmentSplitter.split(arg, maxsplit=1)
        except ValueError:
            return False, str(arg).split()[-1] or None, None
        var = var.split()[-1]
        val = val.strip()
        if (len(val) > 1) and ((val[0] == val[-1] == "'") or (val[0] == val[-1] == '"')):
            return True, var, val[1:-1]
            return True, var, int(val)
        except ValueError:
                return True, var, float(val)
            except ValueError:
                # use the conversions implicit in cx_Oracle's select to 
                # cast the value into an appropriate type (dates, for instance)
                    if self.rdbms == 'oracle':
                        sql = 'SELECT %s FROM dual'
                        sql = 'SELECT %s'
                    self.curs.execute(sql % val)
                    return True, var, self.curs.fetchone()[0]
                except:   # TODO: should not be bare - should catch cx_Oracle.DatabaseError, etc.
                    return True, var, val  # we give up and assume it's a string
    def do_setbind(self, arg):
        '''Sets or shows values of bind (`:`) variables.'''        
        if not arg:
            return self.do_print(arg)
        assigned, var, val = self.interpret_variable_assignment(arg)
        if not assigned:
            return self.do_print(var)
            self.binds[var] = val

    def do_define(self, arg):
        '''Sets or shows values of substitution (`&`) variables.'''
        if not arg:
            for (substvar, val) in sorted(self.substvars.items()):
                self.poutput('DEFINE %s = "%s" (%s)' % (substvar, val, type(val)))
        assigned, var, val = self.interpret_variable_assignment(arg)
        if assigned:
            self.substvars[var] = val
            if var in self.substvars:
                self.poutput('DEFINE %s = "%s" (%s)' % (var, self.substvars[var], type(self.substvars[var])))
    def do_exec(self, arg):
        if arg.startswith(':'):
            varsUsed = self.findBinds(arg, {})
                self.curs.execute('begin\n%s;end;' % arg, varsUsed)
            except Exception, e:

    select n into :n from test;'''
    def anon_plsql(self, line1):
        lines = [line1]
        while True:
            line = self.pseudo_raw_input(self.continuation_prompt)
            self.history[-1] = '%s\n%s' % (self.history[-1], line)
            if line == 'EOF':
            if line.strip() == '/':
                except Exception, e:

    def do_begin(self, arg):
        PL/SQL blocks can be used normally in sqlpython, though enclosing statements in
        REMARK BEGIN... REMARK END statements can help with parsing speed.'''
        self.anon_plsql('begin ' + arg)

    def do_declare(self, arg):
        self.anon_plsql('declare ' + arg)
    def ls_where_clause(self, arg, opts):
        where = ['WHERE (1=1) ']
        if arg:
            target = arg.upper().replace('*','%')
            if target in self.object_types:
                target += '/%'
                AND(   UPPER(object_type) || '/' || UPPER(object_name) LIKE '%s'
                       OR UPPER(object_name) LIKE '%s')""" % (target, target))
        if not opts.all:
            where.append("AND owner = my_own")
        return '\n'.join(where)
    def resolve_many(self, arg, opts):
        statement = """SELECT owner, object_name, object_type FROM (%s)
            %s""" % (metaqueries['ls'][self.rdbms], self.ls_where_clause(arg, opts))
        return self.curs.fetchall()

    object_types = (
        'BASE TABLE',
        'CONSUMER GROUP',       
        'INDEX PARTITION',      
        'JAVA CLASS',           
        'JAVA DATA',            
        'JAVA RESOURCE',        
        'JOB CLASS',            
        'MATERIALIZED VIEW',    
        'PACKAGE BODY',         
        'RULE SET',             
        'TABLE PARTITION',      
        'TYPE BODY',            
        'WINDOW GROUP',         
        'XML SCHEMA')
    def _to_sql_wildcards(self, original):
        return original.replace('*','%').replace('?','_')
        #hmm... but these should be escape-able?
    def _to_re_wildcards(self, original):
        result = re.escape(original)
        return result.replace('\\*','.*').replace('\\?','.')

    def _do_ls(self, arg, opts):
        'Functional core of ``do_ls``, split out into an undecorated version to be callable from other methods'
        for row in self.current_instance.objects(arg, opts):
            self.poutput('%s/%s/%s' % row)
    def do_ls(self, arg, opts):
        Lists objects as through they were in an {object_type}/{object_name} UNIX
        directory structure.  `*` and `%` may be used as wildcards.
        return self._do_ls(arg, opts)
    @options([make_option('-i', '--ignore-case', dest='ignorecase', action='store_true', help='Case-insensitive search'),
              make_option('-a', '--all', action='store_true', help="all schemas' objects")])     
    def do_grep(self, arg, opts):
        """grep {target} {table} [{table2,...}]
        search for {target} in any of {table}'s fields"""    
        # TODO: permit regex
        arg = self.parsed(arg)
        args = arg.split()
        if len(args) < 2:
        pattern, targets = args[0], args[1:]
        if opts.ignorecase:
            pattern = pattern.lower()
            comparitor = "OR LOWER(%s) LIKE '%%%%%%s%%%%'" % self._cast_as_char()
            comparitor = "OR %s LIKE '%%%%%%s%%%%'" % self._cast_as_char()
        sql_pattern = self._to_sql_wildcards(pattern)
        re_pattern = re.compile(self._to_re_wildcards(pattern), 
                                (opts.ignorecase and re.IGNORECASE) or 0)
        for target in targets:
            for (owner, object_type, name) in self.current_instance.objects(target, opts):
                obj = self.current_instance.object_metadata(owner, object_type, name)
                self.pfeedback('%s %s.%s' % (object_type, owner, name))
                if hasattr(obj, 'columns'):
                    clauses = []
                    for col in obj.columns:
                        clauses.append(comparitor % (col, sql_pattern))
                    sql = "SELECT * FROM %s.%s WHERE 1=0\n%s;" % (owner, name, ' '.join(clauses))
                    sql = self.parsed(sql, terminator=arg.parsed.terminator or ';',
                elif hasattr(obj, 'source'):
                    for (line_num, line) in obj.source:
                            self.poutput('%4d: %s' % (line_num, line))

    def _cast_as_char(self):
        'self._cast_as_char() => Returns the RDBMS-equivalent "CAST(%s AS VARCHAR) expression.' 
        converter = {'oracle': 'TO_CHAR(%s)'}.get(self.rdbms, 'CAST(%s AS VARCHAR)')
        return converter
    def _execute(self, sql, bindvars={}):
        self.curs.execute(sql, bindvars)

    #@options([make_option('-l', '--long', action='store_true', 
    #                      help='Wordy, easy-to-understand form'),])                
    def do_refs(self, arg):
        '''Lists referential integrity (foreign key constraints) on an object or referring to it.'''
        # TODO: needs much polish
        return self.do__dir_constraints(arg)

    def run_commands_at_invocation(self, callargs):
        connection_args = []
        while True:
                arg = callargs.pop(0)
                if ';' in arg:
            except IndexError:
        if connection_args:
            self.do_connect(' '.join(connection_args))
            sqlpython.sqlpython.run_commands_at_invocation(self, callargs)
        for arg in callargs:
        for initial_command in callargs:
            if self.onecmd_plus_hooks(initial_command + '\n') == app._STOP_AND_EXIT:

    def cmdloop(self):
        # TODO: args past ; don't even get into sys.argv
        if (len(sys.argv) > 1) and sys.argv[1] in ('--test', '-t'):

def _test():
    import doctest
if __name__ == "__main__":
    "Silent return implies that all unit tests succeeded.  Use -v to see details."