diff sqlpython/plothandler.py @ 189:c5398d87498e

cat bug
author catherine@dellzilla
date Mon, 17 Nov 2008 14:26:53 -0500
children 4ea2d2599dd4
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/sqlpython/plothandler.py	Mon Nov 17 14:26:53 2008 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+import shelve, pickle, cx_Oracle, datetime, sys, itertools
+shelvename = 'plot.shelve'
+    import pylab
+    class Plot(object):
+        plottable_types = (cx_Oracle.NUMBER, datetime.datetime)    
+        def __init__(self):
+            self.legends = []
+            self.yserieslists = []
+            self.xticks = []
+        def build(self, sqlSession, outformat):
+            self.outformat = outformat
+            self.title = sqlSession.tblname
+            self.xlabel = sqlSession.curs.description[0][0]
+            self.datatypes = [d[1] for d in sqlSession.curs.description]
+            plottableSeries = [dt in self.plottable_types for dt in self.datatypes]
+            if plottableSeries.count(True) == 0:
+                raise ValueError, 'At least one quantitative column needed to plot.'
+            elif len(plottableSeries) == 1: # only one column, but it is plottable
+                idx = plottableSeries.index(True)
+                self.yserieslists = [[row[0] for row in sqlSession.rows]]
+                self.legends = [sqlSession.curs.description[0][0]]                
+                self.xvalues = range(len(sqlSession.rows))
+                self.xticks = [row[0] for row in sqlSession.rows]
+            else:
+                for (colNum, plottable) in enumerate(plottableSeries):
+                    if colNum > 0 and plottable:
+                        yseries = [row[colNum] for row in sqlSession.rows]
+                        self.yserieslists.append(yseries)
+                        self.legends.append(sqlSession.curs.description[colNum][0])
+                if plottableSeries[0]:
+                    self.xvalues = [r[0] for r in sqlSession.rows]
+                else:
+                    self.xvalues = range(sqlSession.curs.rowcount)
+                    self.xticks = [r[0] for r in sqlSession.rows]
+        def shelve(self):
+            s = shelve.open(shelvename,'c')
+            for k in ('xvalues xticks yserieslists title legends xlabel outformat'.split()):
+                s[k] = getattr(self, k)
+            s.close()
+            # reading pickles fails with EOF error, don't understand
+        def unshelve(self):
+            s = shelve.open(shelvename)
+            self.__dict__.update(s)
+            s.close()
+            self.draw()
+        def bar(self):
+            barEdges = pylab.arange(len(self.xvalues))
+            width = 0.6 / len(self.yserieslists)
+            colorcycler = itertools.cycle('rgb')
+            for (offset, yseries) in enumerate(self.yserieslists):
+                self.yplots.append(pylab.bar(barEdges + (offset*width), yseries, width=width, color=colorcycler.next()))
+            pylab.xticks(barEdges + 0.3, self.xticks or self.xvalues)            
+        def line(self, markers):
+            for yseries in self.yserieslists:
+                self.yplots.append(pylab.plot(self.xvalues, yseries, markers))
+            if self.xticks:
+                pylab.xticks(self.xvalues, self.xticks)
+        def pie(self):
+            self.yplots.append(pylab.pie(self.yserieslists[0], labels=self.xticks or self.xvalues))
+            self.legends = [self.legends[0]]
+        def draw(self):
+            if not self.yserieslists:
+                print 'At least one quantitative column needed to plot.'
+                return None
+            self.yplots = []
+            if self.outformat == '\\l':
+                self.line('-o')
+            elif self.outformat == '\\L':
+                self.line('o')
+            elif self.outformat == '\\p':
+                self.pie()
+            else:
+                self.bar()
+            pylab.xlabel(self.xlabel)
+            pylab.title(self.title)
+            pylab.legend([p[0] for p in self.yplots], self.legends, shadow=True)
+            pylab.show()
+            print 'You can edit this plot from the command prompt (outside sqlpython) by running'
+            print "ipython -pylab -c 'import sqlpython.plothandler; sqlpython.plothandler.Plot().unshelve()'"
+            print "See matplotlib documentation for editing instructions: http://matplotlib.sourceforge.net/"
+            # there's got to be a way to install a shell script like that through setuptools... but how?
+except ImportError:
+    class Plot(object):
+        def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+            raise ImportError, 'Must install python-matplotlib and pytyon-numpy to draw plots'
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