diff sqlpython/README.txt @ 189:c5398d87498e

cat bug
author catherine@dellzilla
date Mon, 17 Nov 2008 14:26:53 -0500
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/sqlpython/README.txt	Mon Nov 17 14:26:53 2008 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+SQLPython is an open-source command-line environment for interacting with an
+Oracle database.  It is designed as an alternative to Oracle's SQL\*Plus.
+  $ sudo apt-get install python python-dev python-setuptools
+  $ sudo easy_install cx_Oracle 
+  $ sudo easy_install -UZ sqlpython
+Download and run executable installers from::
+  http://www.python.org (Python language)
+  http://cx-oracle.sourceforge.net/ (cx_Oracle)
+  http://pypi.python.org/pypi/sqlpython (sqlpython) 
+Python is typically already installed.  You'll need its
+development package (python-dev); then easy_install
+cx_Oracle and sqlpython as per Debian.
+Use sqlpython more or less as you would use SQL\*Plus.  
+Read the help.  Experiment with UNIX-style and postgresql-style
+Special output (inspired by YASQL)
+An integer following a command terminator limits output to that number of rows, like SQL's LIMIT keyword::
+  hr@xe> SELECT * FROM jobs;2
+If `;` is replaced by one of these special characters, the output will be formatted as such::
+----------  ----------------------
+terminator  format
+----------  ----------------------
+;           standard Oracle format
+\c          CSV (with headings)
+\C          CSV (no headings)
+\g          list
+\G          aligned list
+\h          HTML table
+\i          INSERT statements
+\s          CSV (with headings)
+\S          CSV (no headings)
+\t          transposed
+\x          XML
+----------  ----------------------
+Special terminators can also be combined with row limits::
+  hr@xe> SELECT * FROM jobs\h5  
+Redirecting output
+`>` and `>>` write or append the output of a command.  If a 
+filename is given, that will be the destination of the output.
+If no filename is given, the output will go into the paste buffer and
+can immediately pasted to any program.  This requires `xclip` (*nix) or
+`pywin32` (Windows) to be installed on the operating system.
+sqlpython supports every version of connecting that SQL*Plus does, including EZCONNECT::
+  $ > sqlpython
+  $ > sqlpython hr/hr@xe  
+  $ > sqlpython hr      (uses ORACLE_SID, prompts for password)
+  $ > sqlpython hr/hr@hostmachine.somewhere.com/xe
+  $ > sqlpython hr/hr@hostmachine.somewhere.com:1521/xe
+  $ > sqlpython sys@xe as sysdba
+You may also supply commands that will be run immediately after connection::
+  $ > sqlpython hr/hr@xe @myscript.sql @another_script.sql quit
+Multi-word commands must be enclosed in double-quotes::
+  $ > sqlpython hr/hr@xe "cat jobs" "select * from employees;" 
+Combining special output terminators with redirectors and command-line arguments
+can produce powerful one-line programs.  For instance, this generates an HTML
+report and exits::
+  $ > sqlpython hr/hr@xe "select * from jobs\h > jobs.html" quit
+Modify mysqlpy.py; add `do_mycommand(self, arg)` 
+methods to the mysqlpy class to add your own commands.
+Use `self.stdout.write(txt)` in place of `print txt` 
+to make sure your output can be redirected into text 
+files or the paste buffer with `>` and `>>`.
+Development trunk is available from::
+  http://www.assembla.com/wiki/show/sqlpython
+Bugs and suggestions can be filed at::
+  http://www.assembla.com/spaces/sqlpython/tickets