diff sqlpython.py @ 0:9c87fa772ec1

before big refactor
author catherine@serenity.wpafb.af.mil
date Fri, 30 Nov 2007 13:04:51 -0500
children 8fa146b9a2d7
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/sqlpython.py	Fri Nov 30 13:04:51 2007 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+# SqlPython V1.3
+# Author: Luca.Canali@cern.ch, Apr 2006
+# Rev 18-Oct-07
+# A python module to reproduce Oracle's command line 'sqlplus-like' within python
+# Intended to allow easy customizations and extentions 
+# Best used with the companion modules sqlpyPlus and mysqlpy 
+# See also http://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/PSSGroup/SqlPython
+import cmd,getpass,binascii,cx_Oracle,re
+import pexpecter
+    # complication! separate sessions ->
+    # separate transactions !!!!!
+    # also: timeouts, other session failures
+class sqlpython(cmd.Cmd):
+    '''A python module to reproduce Oracle's command line with focus on customization and extention'''
+    def __init__(self):
+        cmd.Cmd.__init__(self)
+        self.prompt = 'SQL.No_Connection> '
+        self.maxfetch = 1000
+        self.failoverSessions = []
+        self.terminator = ';'
+        self.timeout = 30
+    def do_connect(self, arg):
+        '''Opens the DB connection'''
+        try:
+            if arg.find('/') == -1:
+                orapass = getpass.getpass('Password: ')
+                orauser = arg.split('@')[0]
+                oraserv = arg.split('@')[1]
+                self.orcl = cx_Oracle.connect(orauser,orapass,oraserv)
+                arg = '%s/%s@%s' % (orauser, orapass, oraserv)
+            else:
+                self.orcl = cx_Oracle.connect(arg)
+            self.curs = self.orcl.cursor()
+            self.prompt = 'SQL.'+self.orcl.tnsentry+'> '
+            self.failoverSessions = [f for f in [fbs(arg) for fbs in pexpecter.available] if f.available]
+        except Exception, e:
+            print e
+    def emptyline(self):
+        pass
+    def do_quit(self, arg):
+        return 1
+    def fail(self, arg, do_everywhere=False):
+        if self.failover:
+            success, result = False, ''
+            for fbs in self.failoverSessions:
+                success, result = fbs.attempt(arg)
+                if success:
+                    print result
+                    if not do_everywhere:
+                        return True
+            print result 
+        return False
+    def designated_session(self, arg, sesstype):
+        for fbs in self.failoverSessions:
+            if fbs.valid and fbs.__class__ == sesstype:
+                success, result = fbs.attempt(arg)
+                print result
+                return
+        print 'Valid %s not found' % (sesstype.__name__)
+    def do_terminators(self, arg):
+        """;    standard Oracle format
+\\c   CSV (with headings)
+\\C   CSV (no headings)
+\\g   list
+\\G   aligned list
+\\h   HTML table
+\\i   INSERT statements
+\\s   CSV (with headings)
+\\S   CSV (no headings)
+\\t   transposed
+\\x   XML"""
+        print self.do_terminators.__doc__
+    terminatorSearchString = '|'.join('\\' + d.split()[0] for d in do_terminators.__doc__.splitlines())
+    def do_yasql(self, arg):
+        '''Sends a command to a YASQL session (http://sourceforge.net/projects/yasql/)'''
+        self.designated_session(arg, pexpecter.YASQLSession)
+    do_y = do_yasql
+    def do_sqlplus(self, arg):
+        '''Sends a command to a SQL*Plus session'''
+        self.designated_session(arg, pexpecter.SqlPlusSession)
+    do_sqlp = do_sqlplus
+    def do_senora(self, arg):
+        '''Sends a command to a Senora session (http://senora.sourceforge.net/)'''
+        self.designated_session(arg, pexpecter.SenoraSession)
+    do_sen = do_senora       
+    def default(self, arg, do_everywhere = False):
+        self.query = Statement(arg).query
+        try:
+            self.curs.execute(self.query)
+            print '\nExecuted\n'
+            if do_everywhere:
+                self.fail(arg, do_everywhere = True )
+        except Exception, e:
+            result = self.fail(arg)
+            if not result:
+                print str(e)
+    def do_commit(self, arg):
+        self.default('commit %s' % (arg), do_everywhere=True)
+    def do_rollback(self, arg):
+        self.default('rollback %s' % (arg), do_everywhere=True)        
+    # shortcuts
+    do_q = do_quit
+    do_exit = do_quit
+class Statement(object):
+    prompt2 = ' > '
+    stmtEndSearchString = r'(.*)(%s)\s*(\d+)?\s*$' % sqlpython.terminatorSearchString
+    stmtEnd = re.compile(stmtEndSearchString, re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL)
+    def __init__(self, firstline):
+        v_Lines = []
+        v_Line = firstline
+        while 1:
+            m = self.stmtEnd.search(v_Line)
+            if m:
+                v_Line, self.outformat, suffix = m.groups()
+                v_Lines.append(v_Line) 
+                self.query = '\n'.join(v_Lines)
+                self.rowlimit = int(suffix or 0)
+                return
+            v_Lines.append(v_Line)
+            v_Line = raw_input(self.prompt2)
+        self.query = '\n'.join(v_Lines)
+def pmatrix(rows,desc,maxlen=30):
+    '''prints a matrix, used by sqlpython to print queries' result sets'''
+    names = []
+    maxen = []
+    toprint = []
+    for d in desc:
+        n = d[0]
+        names.append(n)      # list col names
+        maxen.append(len(n)) # col length
+    rcols = range(len(desc))
+    rrows = range(len(rows))
+    for i in rrows:          # loops for all rows
+        rowsi = map(str, rows[i]) # current row to process
+        split = []                # service var is row split is needed
+        mustsplit = 0             # flag 
+        for j in rcols:
+            if str(desc[j][1]) == "<type 'cx_Oracle.BINARY'>":  # handles RAW columns
+                 rowsi[j] = binascii.b2a_hex(rowsi[j])
+            maxen[j] = max(maxen[j], len(rowsi[j]))    # computes max field length
+            if maxen[j] <= maxlen:
+                split.append('')
+            else:                    # split the line is 2 because field is too long
+                mustsplit = 1   
+                maxen[j] = maxlen
+                split.append(rowsi[j][maxlen-1:2*maxlen-1])
+                rowsi[j] = rowsi[j][0:maxlen-1] # this implem. truncates after maxlen*2
+        toprint.append(rowsi)        # 'toprint' is a printable copy of rows
+        if mustsplit != 0:
+            toprint.append(split)
+    sepcols = []
+    for i in rcols:
+        maxcol = maxen[i]
+        name = names[i]
+        sepcols.append("-" * maxcol)  # formats column names (header)
+        names[i] = name + (" " * (maxcol-len(name))) # formats separ line with --
+        rrows2 = range(len(toprint))
+        for j in rrows2:
+            val = toprint[j][i]
+            if str(desc[i][1]) == "<type 'cx_Oracle.NUMBER'>":  # right align numbers
+                toprint[j][i] = (" " * (maxcol-len(val))) + val
+            else:
+                toprint[j][i] = val + (" " * (maxcol-len(val)))
+    for j in rrows2:
+        toprint[j] = ' '.join(toprint[j])
+    names = ' '.join(names)
+    sepcols = ' '.join(sepcols)
+    toprint.insert(0, sepcols)
+    toprint.insert(0, names)
+    return '\n'.join(toprint)