diff pexpecter.py @ 0:9c87fa772ec1

before big refactor
author catherine@serenity.wpafb.af.mil
date Fri, 30 Nov 2007 13:04:51 -0500
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/pexpecter.py	Fri Nov 30 13:04:51 2007 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+Uses pexpect to handle interactive sessions
+Create subclass of Session for each type of program to be used
+import re, os
+    import pexpect
+    class Session(object):
+        available = True
+        call = 'theprogram %s'
+        errPattern = re.compile('.')
+        validPattern = re.compile('Connected to:')
+        promptstub = '>'
+        def __init__(self, argstring):
+            self.argstring = argstring
+            self.sess = pexpect.spawn("%s %s" % (self.call, self.argstring))
+            try:
+                self.sess.expect(self.promptstub)
+                self.valid = self.validPattern.search(self.sess.before)
+                self.prompt = '[\r\n]%s%s' % (self.sess.before.splitlines()[-1], self.promptstub)
+	    except:
+                self.valid = False        
+        def success(self, result):
+            return not self.errPattern.search(result)
+        def attempt(self, command, timeout=30):
+            self.sess.sendline(self._pre_attempt(command))
+            try:
+                self.sess.expect(self.prompt, timeout=timeout)
+            except pexpect.TIMEOUT:
+                return (False, """Errror: Waited %d seconds with no response from %s.
+                To wait longer, set timeout.""" % (timeout, str(self.__class__)))
+            result = self.sess.before
+            success = self.success(result)
+            if success:
+                print 'Executed through %s' % (str(self.__class__))
+            return (success, result)
+        def _pre_attempt(self, command):
+            return command
+    class YASQLSession(Session):
+        errPattern = re.compile('\n[A-Z2]{3,4}-\d{4}:\s')
+        terminatorPattern = re.compile('(;|\\g|\\i|\/|\\G|\\s|\\S)\s*\d*\s*$')
+        call = os.popen('locate -r /yasql$').readline().strip()
+        if not call:
+            print 'yasql not found; commands cannot failover to YASQL'
+            available = False
+        def _pre_attempt(self, command):
+            if not self.terminatorPattern.search(command):
+                return '%s;' % (command)
+            return command
+    class SQLSession(Session):
+        def _pre_attempt(self, command):
+            if command.strip()[-1] != ';':
+                return '%s;' % (command)
+            return command
+    class SqlPlusSession(SQLSession):
+        call = r'sqlplus'
+        errPattern = re.compile('\n[A-Z2]{3,4}-\d{4}:\s')
+        """        def _pre_attempt(self, command):
+            if command.strip()[-1] != ';':
+                return '%s;' % (command)
+            return command"""
+        # can still trip on: apparent error messages listed as data
+    class SenoraSession(SQLSession):
+        errPattern = re.compile('(\n[A-Z2]{3,4}-\d{4}:\s)|(\nwhat ? )')
+        call = os.popen('locate -r Senora\.pm$').readline().strip()
+        if call:
+            call = 'perl %s' % (call)
+        else:
+            print 'Senora.pm not found; commands cannot failover to Senora'
+            available = False        
+except ImportError:
+    print '''Python's pexpect module is not installed; cannot pass
+    commands through to sqlplus, etc.'''    
+    class Session(object):
+        valid = False    
+        available = False
+    class YASQLSession(Session):
+        pass
+    class SqlPlusSession(Session):
+        pass
+    class SenoraSession(Session):
+        pass
+available = [s for s in [SenoraSession, YASQLSession, SqlPlusSession] if s.available]