comparison Messaging/Libs/Elysium.Theme.1.3/Microsoft.Windows.Shell.xml @ 26:045dac571339

Working on data binding to a user control
author adminsh@apollo
date Wed, 21 Mar 2012 15:39:53 +0000
equal deleted inserted replaced
25:81f9b72a44ce 26:045dac571339
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
2 <doc>
3 <assembly>
4 <name>Microsoft.Windows.Shell</name>
5 </assembly>
6 <members>
7 <member name="T:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.JumpItem">
8 <summary>Represents the base class for the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.JumpPath" /> and <see cref="T:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.JumpTask" /> classes.</summary>
9 </member>
10 <member name="P:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.JumpItem.CustomCategory">
11 <summary>Gets or sets the name of the category the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.JumpItem" /> is grouped with in the Windows 7 taskbar Jump List.</summary>
12 <returns>The name of the category the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.JumpItem" /> is grouped with. The default is null.</returns>
13 </member>
14 <member name="T:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.JumpItemRejectionReason">
15 <summary>Describes why a <see cref="T:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.JumpItem" /> could not be added to the Jump List by the Windows shell.</summary>
16 </member>
17 <member name="F:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.JumpItemRejectionReason.None">
18 <summary>The reason is not specified.</summary>
19 </member>
20 <member name="F:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.JumpItemRejectionReason.InvalidItem">
21 <summary>The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.JumpItem" /> references an invalid file path, or the operating system does not support Jump Lists.</summary>
22 </member>
23 <member name="F:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.JumpItemRejectionReason.NoRegisteredHandler">
24 <summary>The application is not registered to handle the file name extension of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.JumpItem" />.</summary>
25 </member>
26 <member name="F:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.JumpItemRejectionReason.RemovedByUser">
27 <summary>The item was previously in the Jump List but was removed by the user.</summary>
28 </member>
29 <member name="T:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.JumpItemsRejectedEventArgs">
30 <summary>Provides data for the <see cref="E:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.JumpList.JumpItemsRejected" /> event.</summary>
31 </member>
32 <member name="M:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.JumpItemsRejectedEventArgs.#ctor">
33 <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.JumpItemsRejectedEventArgs" /> class.</summary>
34 </member>
35 <member name="M:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.JumpItemsRejectedEventArgs.#ctor(System.Collections.Generic.IList{Microsoft.Windows.Shell.JumpItem},System.Collections.Generic.IList{Microsoft.Windows.Shell.JumpItemRejectionReason})">
36 <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.JumpItemsRejectedEventArgs" /> class that has the specified parameters.</summary>
37 <param name="rejectedItems">The list of Jump List items that could not be added to the Jump List by the Windows shell.</param>
38 <param name="reasons">The list of reasons why the rejected Jump List items could not be added to the Jump List.</param>
39 <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">The count of <paramref name="rejectedItems " />does not equal the count of rejection <paramref name="reasons" />.</exception>
40 </member>
41 <member name="P:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.JumpItemsRejectedEventArgs.RejectedItems">
42 <summary>Gets the list of Jump List items that could not be added to the Jump List by the Windows shell.</summary>
43 <returns>The list of Jump List items that could not be added to the Jump List by the Windows shell.</returns>
44 </member>
45 <member name="P:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.JumpItemsRejectedEventArgs.RejectionReasons">
46 <summary>Gets the list of reasons why the rejected Jump List items could not be added to the Jump List.</summary>
47 <returns>The list of reasons why the rejected Jump List items could not be added to the Jump List.</returns>
48 </member>
49 <member name="T:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.JumpItemsRemovedEventArgs">
50 <summary>Provides data for the <see cref="E:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.JumpList.JumpItemsRemovedByUser" /> event.</summary>
51 </member>
52 <member name="M:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.JumpItemsRemovedEventArgs.#ctor">
53 <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.JumpItemsRemovedEventArgs" /> class.</summary>
54 </member>
55 <member name="M:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.JumpItemsRemovedEventArgs.#ctor(System.Collections.Generic.IList{Microsoft.Windows.Shell.JumpItem})">
56 <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.JumpItemsRemovedEventArgs" /> class that has the specified parameters.</summary>
57 <param name="removedItems">The list of Jump List items that were removed by the user since <see cref="M:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.JumpList.Apply" /> was last called.</param>
58 </member>
59 <member name="P:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.JumpItemsRemovedEventArgs.RemovedItems">
60 <summary>Gets the list of Jump List items that have been removed by the user since the <see cref="M:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.JumpList.Apply" /> method was last called.</summary>
61 <returns>The list of Jump List items that have been removed by the user since the <see cref="M:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.JumpList.Apply" /> method was last called.</returns>
62 </member>
63 <member name="T:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.JumpList">
64 <summary>Represents a list of items and tasks displayed as a menu on a Windows 7 taskbar button.</summary>
65 </member>
66 <member name="M:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.JumpList.#ctor">
67 <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.JumpList" /> class.</summary>
68 </member>
69 <member name="M:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.JumpList.#ctor(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{Microsoft.Windows.Shell.JumpItem},System.Boolean,System.Boolean)">
70 <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.JumpList" /> class with the specified parameters.</summary>
71 <param name="items">The collection of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.JumpItem" /> objects that are displayed in the Jump List.</param>
72 <param name="showFrequent">A value that indicates whether frequently used items are displayed in the Jump List.</param>
73 <param name="showRecent">A value that indicates whether recently used items are displayed in the Jump List.</param>
74 </member>
75 <member name="M:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.JumpList.AddToRecentCategory(Microsoft.Windows.Shell.JumpPath)">
76 <summary>Adds the specified jump path to the Recent category of the Jump List.</summary>
77 <param name="jumpPath">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.JumpPath" /> to add to the Jump List.</param>
78 </member>
79 <member name="M:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.JumpList.AddToRecentCategory(Microsoft.Windows.Shell.JumpTask)">
80 <summary>Adds the specified jump task to the Recent category of the Jump List.</summary>
81 <param name="jumpTask">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.JumpTask" /> to add to the Jump List.</param>
82 </member>
83 <member name="M:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.JumpList.AddToRecentCategory(System.String)">
84 <summary>Adds the specified item path to the Recent category of the Jump List.</summary>
85 <param name="itemPath">The path to add to the Jump List.</param>
86 </member>
87 <member name="M:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.JumpList.Apply">
88 <summary>Sends the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.JumpList" /> to the Windows shell in its current state.</summary>
89 <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.JumpList" /> is not completely initialized.</exception>
90 </member>
91 <member name="M:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.JumpList.BeginInit">
92 <summary>Signals the start of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.JumpList" /> initialization.</summary>
93 <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">This call to <see cref="M:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.JumpList.BeginInit" /> is nested in a previous call to <see cref="M:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.JumpList.BeginInit" />.</exception>
94 </member>
95 <member name="M:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.JumpList.EndInit">
96 <summary>Signals the end of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.JumpList" /> initialization.</summary>
97 <exception cref="T:System.NotSupportedException">This call to <see cref="M:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.JumpList.EndInit" /> is not paired with a call to <see cref="M:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.JumpList.BeginInit" />.</exception>
98 </member>
99 <member name="M:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.JumpList.GetJumpList(System.Windows.Application)">
100 <summary>Returns the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.JumpList" /> object associated with an application.</summary>
101 <returns>The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.JumpList" /> object associated with the specified application.</returns>
102 <param name="application">The application associated with the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.JumpList" />.</param>
103 </member>
104 <member name="P:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.JumpList.JumpItems">
105 <summary>Gets the collection of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.JumpItem" /> objects that are displayed in the Jump List.</summary>
106 <returns>The collection of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.JumpItem" /> objects displayed in the Jump List. The default is an empty collection.</returns>
107 </member>
108 <member name="E:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.JumpList.JumpItemsRejected">
109 <summary>Occurs when jump items are not successfully added to the Jump List by the Windows shell.</summary>
110 </member>
111 <member name="E:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.JumpList.JumpItemsRemovedByUser">
112 <summary>Occurs when jump items previously in the Jump List are removed from the list by the user.</summary>
113 </member>
114 <member name="M:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.JumpList.SetJumpList(System.Windows.Application,Microsoft.Windows.Shell.JumpList)">
115 <summary>Sets the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.JumpList" /> object associated with an application.</summary>
116 <param name="application">The application associated with the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.JumpList" />.</param>
117 <param name="value">The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.JumpList" /> to associate with the application.</param>
118 </member>
119 <member name="P:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.JumpList.ShowFrequentCategory">
120 <summary>Gets or sets a value that indicates whether frequently used items are displayed in the Jump List.</summary>
121 <returns>true if frequently used items are displayed in the Jump List; otherwise, false. The default is false.</returns>
122 </member>
123 <member name="P:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.JumpList.ShowRecentCategory">
124 <summary>Gets or sets a value that indicates whether recently used items are displayed in the Jump List.</summary>
125 <returns>true if recently used items are displayed in the Jump List; otherwise, false. The default is false.</returns>
126 </member>
127 <member name="T:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.JumpPath">
128 <summary>Represents a link to a file that is displayed in a Windows 7 taskbar Jump List.</summary>
129 </member>
130 <member name="M:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.JumpPath.#ctor">
131 <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.JumpPath" /> class.</summary>
132 </member>
133 <member name="P:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.JumpPath.Path">
134 <summary>Gets or sets the path to the file to be included in the Jump List.</summary>
135 <returns>The path to the file to be included in the Jump List.</returns>
136 </member>
137 <member name="T:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.JumpTask">
138 <summary>Represents a shortcut to an application in the Windows 7 taskbar Jump List.</summary>
139 </member>
140 <member name="M:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.JumpTask.#ctor">
141 <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.JumpTask" /> class.</summary>
142 </member>
143 <member name="P:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.JumpTask.ApplicationPath">
144 <summary>Gets or sets the path to the application.</summary>
145 <returns>The path to the application. The default is null.</returns>
146 </member>
147 <member name="P:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.JumpTask.Arguments">
148 <summary>Gets or sets the arguments passed to the application on startup.</summary>
149 <returns>The arguments passed to the application on startup. The default is null.</returns>
150 </member>
151 <member name="P:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.JumpTask.Description">
152 <summary>Gets or sets the text displayed in the tooltip for the task in the Jump List.</summary>
153 <returns>The text displayed in the tooltip for the task. The default is null.</returns>
154 </member>
155 <member name="P:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.JumpTask.IconResourceIndex">
156 <summary>Gets or sets the zero-based index of an icon embedded in a resource.</summary>
157 <returns>The zero-based index of the icon, or -1 if no icon is used. The default is 0.</returns>
158 </member>
159 <member name="P:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.JumpTask.IconResourcePath">
160 <summary>Gets or sets the path to a resource that contains the icon to display in the Jump List.</summary>
161 <returns>The path to a resource that contains the icon. The default is null.</returns>
162 </member>
163 <member name="P:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.JumpTask.Title">
164 <summary>Gets or sets the text displayed for the task in the Jump List.</summary>
165 <returns>The text displayed for the task in the Jump List. The default is null.</returns>
166 </member>
167 <member name="P:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.JumpTask.WorkingDirectory">
168 <summary>Gets or sets the working directory of the application on startup.</summary>
169 <returns>The working directory of the application on startup. The default is null.</returns>
170 </member>
171 <member name="T:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.NonClientFrameEdges">
172 <summary>Specifies constants that indicate which edges of the window frame are not owned by the client.</summary>
173 </member>
174 <member name="F:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.NonClientFrameEdges.None">
175 <summary>All edges are owned by the client (value = 0).</summary>
176 </member>
177 <member name="F:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.NonClientFrameEdges.Left">
178 <summary>The left edge is not owned by the client (value = 1).</summary>
179 </member>
180 <member name="F:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.NonClientFrameEdges.Top">
181 <summary>The top edge is not owned by the client (value = 2).</summary>
182 </member>
183 <member name="F:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.NonClientFrameEdges.Right">
184 <summary>The right edge is not owned by the client (value = 4).</summary>
185 </member>
186 <member name="F:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.NonClientFrameEdges.Bottom">
187 <summary>The bottom edge is not owned by the client (value = 8).</summary>
188 </member>
189 <member name="T:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.ResizeGripDirection">
190 <summary>Specifies constants that indicate the direction of the resize grip behavior on an input element.</summary>
191 </member>
192 <member name="F:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.ResizeGripDirection.None">
193 <summary>No resize behavior is specified.</summary>
194 </member>
195 <member name="F:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.ResizeGripDirection.TopLeft">
196 <summary>The window resizes from its top-left corner.</summary>
197 </member>
198 <member name="F:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.ResizeGripDirection.Top">
199 <summary>The window resizes from its top edge.</summary>
200 </member>
201 <member name="F:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.ResizeGripDirection.TopRight">
202 <summary>The window resizes from its top-right corner.</summary>
203 </member>
204 <member name="F:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.ResizeGripDirection.Right">
205 <summary>The window resizes from its right edge.</summary>
206 </member>
207 <member name="F:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.ResizeGripDirection.BottomRight">
208 <summary>The window resizes from its bottom-right corner.</summary>
209 </member>
210 <member name="F:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.ResizeGripDirection.Bottom">
211 <summary>The window resizes from its bottom edge.</summary>
212 </member>
213 <member name="F:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.ResizeGripDirection.BottomLeft">
214 <summary>The window resizes from its bottom-left corner.</summary>
215 </member>
216 <member name="F:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.ResizeGripDirection.Left">
217 <summary>The windows resizes from its left edge.</summary>
218 </member>
219 <member name="T:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.SystemCommands">
220 <summary>Defines routed commands that are common to window management.</summary>
221 </member>
222 <member name="M:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.SystemCommands.CloseWindow(System.Windows.Window)">
223 <summary>Closes the specified window.</summary>
224 <param name="window">The window to close.</param>
225 </member>
226 <member name="P:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.SystemCommands.CloseWindowCommand">
227 <summary>Gets a command that closes a window.</summary>
228 <returns>A command that closes a window.</returns>
229 </member>
230 <member name="M:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.SystemCommands.MaximizeWindow(System.Windows.Window)">
231 <summary>Maximizes the specified window.</summary>
232 <param name="window">The window to maximize.</param>
233 </member>
234 <member name="P:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.SystemCommands.MaximizeWindowCommand">
235 <summary>Gets a command that maximizes a window.</summary>
236 <returns>A command that maximizes a window.</returns>
237 </member>
238 <member name="M:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.SystemCommands.MinimizeWindow(System.Windows.Window)">
239 <summary>Minimizes the specified window.</summary>
240 <param name="window">The window to minimize.</param>
241 </member>
242 <member name="P:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.SystemCommands.MinimizeWindowCommand">
243 <summary>Gets a command that maximizes a window.</summary>
244 <returns>A command that maximizes a window.</returns>
245 </member>
246 <member name="M:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.SystemCommands.RestoreWindow(System.Windows.Window)">
247 <summary>Restores the specified widow.</summary>
248 <param name="window">The window to restore.</param>
249 </member>
250 <member name="P:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.SystemCommands.RestoreWindowCommand">
251 <summary>Gets a command that restores a window.</summary>
252 <returns>A command that restores a window.</returns>
253 </member>
254 <member name="M:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.SystemCommands.ShowSystemMenu(System.Windows.Window,System.Windows.Point)">
255 <summary>Displays the system menu for the specified window.</summary>
256 <param name="window">The window to have its system menu displayed.</param>
257 <param name="screenLocation">The location of the system menu.</param>
258 </member>
259 <member name="P:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.SystemCommands.ShowSystemMenuCommand">
260 <summary>Gets a command that displays the system menu.</summary>
261 <returns>A command that displays the system menu.</returns>
262 </member>
263 <member name="T:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.SystemParameters2">
264 <summary>Contains properties that you can use to query system settings of the non-client area of a window.</summary>
265 </member>
266 <member name="P:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.SystemParameters2.Current">
267 <summary>Gets an instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.SystemParameters2" /> class.</summary>
268 <returns>An instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.SystemParameters2" /> class.</returns>
269 </member>
270 <member name="P:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.SystemParameters2.HighContrast">
271 <summary>Gets a value that indicates whether the high contrast feature is being used. </summary>
272 <returns>true if the high contrast feature is being used; otherwise, false.</returns>
273 </member>
274 <member name="P:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.SystemParameters2.IsGlassEnabled">
275 <summary>Gets a value that indicates whether glass window frames are being used.</summary>
276 <returns>true if glass window frames are being used; otherwise, false.</returns>
277 </member>
278 <member name="E:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.SystemParameters2.PropertyChanged">
279 <summary>Occurs when one of the properties changes.</summary>
280 </member>
281 <member name="P:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.SystemParameters2.SmallIconSize">
282 <summary>Gets the recommended size, in pixels, of a small icon. </summary>
283 <returns>The recommended size, in pixels, of a small icon. </returns>
284 </member>
285 <member name="P:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.SystemParameters2.UxThemeColor">
286 <summary>Gets the color theme name.</summary>
287 <returns>The color theme name.</returns>
288 </member>
289 <member name="P:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.SystemParameters2.UxThemeName">
290 <summary>Gets the theme name.</summary>
291 <returns>The theme name.</returns>
292 </member>
293 <member name="P:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.SystemParameters2.WindowCaptionButtonsLocation">
294 <summary>Gets a <see cref="T:System.Windows.Rect" /> that indicates the default location of the minimize, maximize, and close buttons.</summary>
295 <returns>An object that indicates the default location of the minimize, maximize, and close buttons.</returns>
296 </member>
297 <member name="P:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.SystemParameters2.WindowCaptionHeight">
298 <summary>Gets the height of the area that contains the minimize, maximize, and close buttons.</summary>
299 <returns>The height of the area that contains the minimize, maximize, and close buttons.</returns>
300 </member>
301 <member name="P:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.SystemParameters2.WindowCornerRadius">
302 <summary>Gets the degree to which the corners of a window are rounded.</summary>
303 <returns>The degree to which the corners of a window are rounded.</returns>
304 </member>
305 <member name="P:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.SystemParameters2.WindowGlassBrush">
306 <summary>Gets the brush that paints the glass window frame.</summary>
307 <returns>The brush that paints the glass window frame.</returns>
308 </member>
309 <member name="P:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.SystemParameters2.WindowGlassColor">
310 <summary>Gets the color that is used to paint the glass window frame.</summary>
311 <returns>The color that is used to paint the glass window frame.</returns>
312 </member>
313 <member name="P:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.SystemParameters2.WindowNonClientFrameThickness">
314 <summary>Gets the size of the non-client area of the window.</summary>
315 <returns>The size of the non-client area of the window, in device-independent pixels (1/96th of an inch).</returns>
316 </member>
317 <member name="P:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.SystemParameters2.WindowResizeBorderThickness">
318 <summary>Gets the size of the resizing border around the window.</summary>
319 <returns>The size of the resizing border around the window, in device-independent pixels (1/96th of an inch).</returns>
320 </member>
321 <member name="T:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.TaskbarItemInfo">
322 <summary>Represents information about how the taskbar thumbnail is displayed.</summary>
323 </member>
324 <member name="M:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.TaskbarItemInfo.#ctor">
325 <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.TaskbarItemInfo" /> class.</summary>
326 </member>
327 <member name="P:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.TaskbarItemInfo.Description">
328 <summary>Gets or sets the text for the taskbar item tooltip.</summary>
329 <returns>The text for the taskbar item tooltip. The default is an empty string.</returns>
330 </member>
331 <member name="F:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.TaskbarItemInfo.DescriptionProperty">
332 <summary>Identifies the <see cref="P:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.TaskbarItemInfo.Description" /> dependency property. </summary>
333 <returns>The identifier for the <see cref="P:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.TaskbarItemInfo.Description" /> dependency property.</returns>
334 </member>
335 <member name="M:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.TaskbarItemInfo.GetTaskbarItemInfo(System.Windows.Window)">
336 <summary>Gets the value of the <see cref="P:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.TaskbarItemInfo.TaskbarItemInfo" /> attached property for an object.</summary>
337 <returns>The object’s <see cref="P:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.TaskbarItemInfo.TaskbarItemInfo" /> property value.</returns>
338 <param name="window">The object from which the property value is read.</param>
339 </member>
340 <member name="P:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.TaskbarItemInfo.Overlay">
341 <summary>Gets or sets the image that is displayed over the program icon in the taskbar button.</summary>
342 <returns>The image that is displayed over the program icon in the taskbar button. The default is null.</returns>
343 </member>
344 <member name="F:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.TaskbarItemInfo.OverlayProperty">
345 <summary>Identifies the <see cref="P:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.TaskbarItemInfo.Overlay" /> dependency property. </summary>
346 <returns>The identifier for the <see cref="P:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.TaskbarItemInfo.Overlay" /> dependency property.</returns>
347 </member>
348 <member name="P:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.TaskbarItemInfo.ProgressState">
349 <summary>Gets or sets a value that indicates how the progress indicator is displayed in the taskbar button.</summary>
350 <returns>An enumeration value that indicates how the progress indicator is displayed in the taskbar button. The default is <see cref="F:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.TaskbarItemProgressState.None" />.</returns>
351 </member>
352 <member name="F:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.TaskbarItemInfo.ProgressStateProperty">
353 <summary>Identifies the <see cref="P:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.TaskbarItemInfo.ProgressState" /> dependency property. </summary>
354 <returns>The identifier for the <see cref="P:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.TaskbarItemInfo.ProgressState" /> dependency property.</returns>
355 </member>
356 <member name="P:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.TaskbarItemInfo.ProgressValue">
357 <summary>Gets or sets a value that indicates the fullness of the progress indicator in the taskbar button.</summary>
358 <returns>A value that indicates the fullness of the progress indicator in the taskbar button. The default is 0.</returns>
359 </member>
360 <member name="F:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.TaskbarItemInfo.ProgressValueProperty">
361 <summary>Identifies the <see cref="P:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.TaskbarItemInfo.ProgressValue" /> dependency property. </summary>
362 <returns>The identifier for the <see cref="P:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.TaskbarItemInfo.ProgressValue" /> dependency property.</returns>
363 </member>
364 <member name="M:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.TaskbarItemInfo.SetTaskbarItemInfo(System.Windows.Window,Microsoft.Windows.Shell.TaskbarItemInfo)">
365 <summary>Sets the value of the <see cref="P:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.TaskbarItemInfo.TaskbarItemInfo" /> attached property for an object.</summary>
366 <param name="window">The object to which the attached property is written.</param>
367 <param name="value">The value to set.</param>
368 </member>
369 <member name="P:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.TaskbarItemInfo.TaskbarItemInfo">
370 <summary>Gets or sets a <see cref="T:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.TaskbarItemInfo" /> that is attached to a window.</summary>
371 <returns>The <see cref="T:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.TaskbarItemInfo" /> that is attached to the window.</returns>
372 </member>
373 <member name="F:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.TaskbarItemInfo.TaskbarItemInfoProperty">
374 <summary>Identifies the <see cref="P:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.TaskbarItemInfo.TaskbarItemInfo" /> dependency property.</summary>
375 <returns>The identifier for the <see cref="P:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.TaskbarItemInfo.TaskbarItemInfo" /> dependency property.</returns>
376 </member>
377 <member name="P:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.TaskbarItemInfo.ThumbButtonInfos">
378 <summary>Gets or sets the collection of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.ThumbButtonInfo" /> objects that are associated with the <see cref="T:System.Windows.Window" />.</summary>
379 <returns>The collection of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.ThumbButtonInfo" /> objects that are associated with the <see cref="T:System.Windows.Window" />. The default is an empty collection.</returns>
380 </member>
381 <member name="F:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.TaskbarItemInfo.ThumbButtonInfosProperty">
382 <summary>Identifies the <see cref="P:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.TaskbarItemInfo.ThumbButtonInfos" /> dependency property. </summary>
383 <returns>The identifier for the <see cref="P:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.TaskbarItemInfo.ThumbButtonInfos" /> dependency property.</returns>
384 </member>
385 <member name="P:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.TaskbarItemInfo.ThumbnailClipMargin">
386 <summary>Gets or sets a value that specifies the part of the application window's client area that is displayed in the taskbar thumbnail.</summary>
387 <returns>A value that specifies the part of the application window's client area that is displayed in the taskbar thumbnail. The default is an empty <see cref="T:System.Windows.Thickness" />.</returns>
388 </member>
389 <member name="F:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.TaskbarItemInfo.ThumbnailClipMarginProperty">
390 <summary>Identifies the <see cref="P:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.TaskbarItemInfo.ThumbnailClipMargin" /> dependency property. </summary>
391 <returns>The identifier for the <see cref="P:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.TaskbarItemInfo.ThumbnailClipMargin" /> dependency property.</returns>
392 </member>
393 <member name="T:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.TaskbarItemProgressState">
394 <summary>Specifies the state of the progress indicator in the Windows taskbar.</summary>
395 </member>
396 <member name="F:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.TaskbarItemProgressState.None">
397 <summary>No progress indicator is displayed in the taskbar button.</summary>
398 </member>
399 <member name="F:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.TaskbarItemProgressState.Indeterminate">
400 <summary>A pulsing green indicator is displayed in the taskbar button.</summary>
401 </member>
402 <member name="F:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.TaskbarItemProgressState.Normal">
403 <summary>A green progress indicator is displayed in the taskbar button.</summary>
404 </member>
405 <member name="F:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.TaskbarItemProgressState.Error">
406 <summary>A red progress indicator is displayed in the taskbar button.</summary>
407 </member>
408 <member name="F:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.TaskbarItemProgressState.Paused">
409 <summary>A yellow progress indicator is displayed in the taskbar button.</summary>
410 </member>
411 <member name="T:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.ThumbButtonInfo">
412 <summary>Represents information about how to display a button in the Windows 7 taskbar thumbnail.</summary>
413 </member>
414 <member name="M:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.ThumbButtonInfo.#ctor">
415 <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.ThumbButtonInfo" /> class.</summary>
416 </member>
417 <member name="E:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.ThumbButtonInfo.Click">
418 <summary>Occurs when the thumbnail button is clicked.</summary>
419 </member>
420 <member name="P:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.ThumbButtonInfo.Command">
421 <summary>Gets or sets the command to invoke when this thumbnail button is clicked.</summary>
422 <returns>The command to invoke when this thumbnail button is clicked. The default is null.</returns>
423 </member>
424 <member name="P:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.ThumbButtonInfo.CommandParameter">
425 <summary>Gets or sets the parameter to pass to the <see cref="P:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.ThumbButtonInfo.Command" /> property.</summary>
426 <returns>The parameter to pass to the <see cref="P:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.ThumbButtonInfo.Command" /> property. The default is null.</returns>
427 </member>
428 <member name="F:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.ThumbButtonInfo.CommandParameterProperty">
429 <summary>Identifies the <see cref="P:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.ThumbButtonInfo.CommandParameter" /> dependency property. </summary>
430 <returns>The identifier for the <see cref="P:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.ThumbButtonInfo.CommandParameter" /> dependency property.</returns>
431 </member>
432 <member name="F:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.ThumbButtonInfo.CommandProperty">
433 <summary>Identifies the <see cref="P:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.ThumbButtonInfo.Command" /> dependency property. </summary>
434 <returns>The identifier for the <see cref="P:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.ThumbButtonInfo.Command" /> dependency property.</returns>
435 </member>
436 <member name="P:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.ThumbButtonInfo.CommandTarget">
437 <summary>Gets or sets the element on which to raise the specified command.</summary>
438 <returns>The element on which to raise the specified command. The default is null.</returns>
439 </member>
440 <member name="F:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.ThumbButtonInfo.CommandTargetProperty">
441 <summary>Identifies the <see cref="P:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.ThumbButtonInfo.CommandTarget" /> dependency property. </summary>
442 <returns>The identifier for the <see cref="P:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.ThumbButtonInfo.CommandTarget" /> dependency property.</returns>
443 </member>
444 <member name="P:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.ThumbButtonInfo.Description">
445 <summary>Gets or sets the text to display for the thumbnail button tooltip.</summary>
446 <returns>The text to display for the thumbnail button tooltip. The default is an empty string.</returns>
447 </member>
448 <member name="F:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.ThumbButtonInfo.DescriptionProperty">
449 <summary>Identifies the <see cref="P:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.ThumbButtonInfo.Description" /> dependency property. </summary>
450 <returns>The identifier for the <see cref="P:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.ThumbButtonInfo.Description" /> dependency property.</returns>
451 </member>
452 <member name="P:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.ThumbButtonInfo.DismissWhenClicked">
453 <summary>Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the taskbar thumbnail closes when the thumbnail button is clicked.</summary>
454 <returns>true if the thumbnail closes; otherwise, false. The default is false.</returns>
455 </member>
456 <member name="F:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.ThumbButtonInfo.DismissWhenClickedProperty">
457 <summary>Identifies the <see cref="P:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.ThumbButtonInfo.DismissWhenClicked" /> dependency property. </summary>
458 <returns>The identifier for the <see cref="P:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.ThumbButtonInfo.DismissWhenClicked" /> dependency property.</returns>
459 </member>
460 <member name="P:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.ThumbButtonInfo.ImageSource">
461 <summary>Gets or sets the image that is displayed on the thumbnail button.</summary>
462 <returns>The image that is displayed on the thumbnail button. The default is null.</returns>
463 </member>
464 <member name="F:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.ThumbButtonInfo.ImageSourceProperty">
465 <summary>Identifies the <see cref="P:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.ThumbButtonInfo.ImageSource" /> dependency property. </summary>
466 <returns>The identifier for the <see cref="P:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.ThumbButtonInfo.ImageSource" /> dependency property.</returns>
467 </member>
468 <member name="P:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.ThumbButtonInfo.IsBackgroundVisible">
469 <summary>Gets or sets a value that indicates whether a border and highlight is displayed around the thumbnail button.</summary>
470 <returns>true if a border and highlight is displayed around the thumbnail button; otherwise, false. The default is true.</returns>
471 </member>
472 <member name="F:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.ThumbButtonInfo.IsBackgroundVisibleProperty">
473 <summary>Identifies the <see cref="P:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.ThumbButtonInfo.IsBackgroundVisible" /> dependency property. </summary>
474 <returns>The identifier for the <see cref="P:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.ThumbButtonInfo.IsBackgroundVisible" /> dependency property.</returns>
475 </member>
476 <member name="P:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.ThumbButtonInfo.IsEnabled">
477 <summary>Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the thumbnail button is enabled.</summary>
478 <returns>true if the thumbnail button is enabled; otherwise, false. The default is true.</returns>
479 </member>
480 <member name="F:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.ThumbButtonInfo.IsEnabledProperty">
481 <summary>Identifies the <see cref="P:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.ThumbButtonInfo.IsEnabled" /> dependency property. </summary>
482 <returns>The identifier for the <see cref="P:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.ThumbButtonInfo.IsEnabled" /> dependency property.</returns>
483 </member>
484 <member name="P:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.ThumbButtonInfo.IsInteractive">
485 <summary>Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the user can interact with the thumbnail button.</summary>
486 <returns>true if the user can interact with the thumbnail button; otherwise, false. The default is true.</returns>
487 </member>
488 <member name="F:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.ThumbButtonInfo.IsInteractiveProperty">
489 <summary>Identifies the <see cref="P:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.ThumbButtonInfo.IsInteractive" /> dependency property. </summary>
490 <returns>The identifier for the <see cref="P:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.ThumbButtonInfo.IsInteractive" /> dependency property.</returns>
491 </member>
492 <member name="P:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.ThumbButtonInfo.Visibility">
493 <summary>Gets or sets a value that specifies the display state of the thumbnail button.</summary>
494 <returns>An enumeration value that specifies the display state of the thumbnail button. The default is <see cref="F:System.Windows.Visibility.Visible" />.</returns>
495 </member>
496 <member name="F:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.ThumbButtonInfo.VisibilityProperty">
497 <summary>Identifies the <see cref="P:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.ThumbButtonInfo.Visibility" /> dependency property. </summary>
498 <returns>The identifier for the <see cref="P:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.ThumbButtonInfo.Visibility" /> dependency property.</returns>
499 </member>
500 <member name="T:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.ThumbButtonInfoCollection">
501 <summary>Represents a collection of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.ThumbButtonInfo" /> objects that are associated with a <see cref="T:System.Windows.Window" />.</summary>
502 </member>
503 <member name="M:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.ThumbButtonInfoCollection.#ctor">
504 <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.ThumbButtonInfoCollection" /> class.</summary>
505 </member>
506 <member name="M:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.ThumbButtonInfoCollection.CreateInstanceCore">
507 <summary>Creates a new instance of the collection.</summary>
508 <returns>The new instance of the collection.</returns>
509 </member>
510 <member name="T:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.WindowChrome">
511 <summary>Represents an object that describes the customizations to the non-client area of a window.</summary>
512 </member>
513 <member name="M:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.WindowChrome.#ctor">
514 <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.WindowChrome" /> class.</summary>
515 </member>
516 <member name="P:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.WindowChrome.CaptionHeight">
517 <summary>Gets or sets the height of the caption area at the top of a window.</summary>
518 <returns>The height of the caption area.</returns>
519 </member>
520 <member name="F:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.WindowChrome.CaptionHeightProperty">
521 <summary>Identifies the <see cref="P:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.WindowChrome.CaptionHeight" /> dependency property.</summary>
522 <returns>The identifier for the <see cref="P:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.WindowChrome.CaptionHeight" /> dependency property.</returns>
523 </member>
524 <member name="P:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.WindowChrome.CornerRadius">
525 <summary>Gets or sets a value that indicates the amount that the corners of a window are rounded.</summary>
526 <returns>A value that describes the amount that corners are rounded.</returns>
527 </member>
528 <member name="F:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.WindowChrome.CornerRadiusProperty">
529 <summary>Identifies the <see cref="P:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.WindowChrome.CornerRadius" /> dependency property.</summary>
530 <returns>The identifier for the <see cref="P:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.WindowChrome.CornerRadius" /> dependency property.</returns>
531 </member>
532 <member name="M:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.WindowChrome.CreateInstanceCore">
533 <summary>Creates a new instance of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.WindowChrome" /> class.</summary>
534 <returns>The new instance of this class.</returns>
535 </member>
536 <member name="M:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.WindowChrome.GetIsHitTestVisibleInChrome(System.Windows.IInputElement)">
537 <summary>Gets the value of the <see cref="P:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.WindowChrome.IsHitTestVisibleInChrome" /> attached property from the specified input element.</summary>
538 <returns>The value of the <see cref="P:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.WindowChrome.IsHitTestVisibleInChrome" /> attached property.</returns>
539 <param name="inputElement">The input element from which to read the property value.</param>
540 <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
541 <paramref name="inputElement" /> is null.</exception>
542 <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
543 <paramref name="inputElement" /> is not a <see cref="T:System.Windows.DependencyObject" />.</exception>
544 </member>
545 <member name="M:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.WindowChrome.GetResizeGripDirection(System.Windows.IInputElement)">
546 <summary>Gets the value of the <see cref="P:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.WindowChrome.ResizeGripDirection" /> attached property from the specified input element.</summary>
547 <returns>The value of the <see cref="P:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.WindowChrome.ResizeGripDirection" /> attached property.</returns>
548 <param name="inputElement">The input element from which to read the property value.</param>
549 <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
550 <paramref name="inputElement" /> is null.</exception>
551 <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
552 <paramref name="inputElement" /> is not a <see cref="T:System.Windows.DependencyObject" />.</exception>
553 </member>
554 <member name="M:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.WindowChrome.GetWindowChrome(System.Windows.Window)">
555 <summary>Gets the value of the <see cref="P:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.WindowChrome.WindowChrome" /> attached property from the specified <see cref="T:System.Windows.Window" />.</summary>
556 <returns>The instance of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.WindowChrome" /> that is attached to the specified <see cref="T:System.Windows.Window" />.</returns>
557 <param name="window">The <see cref="T:System.Windows.Window" /> from which to read the property value.</param>
558 <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
559 <paramref name="window" /> is null.</exception>
560 </member>
561 <member name="P:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.WindowChrome.GlassFrameCompleteThickness">
562 <summary>Gets a uniform thickness of -1.</summary>
563 <returns>A uniform thickness of -1 in all cases.</returns>
564 </member>
565 <member name="P:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.WindowChrome.GlassFrameThickness">
566 <summary>Gets or sets a value that indicates the width of the glass border around a window.</summary>
567 <returns>The width of the glass border around a window.</returns>
568 </member>
569 <member name="F:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.WindowChrome.GlassFrameThicknessProperty">
570 <summary>Identifies the <see cref="P:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.WindowChrome.GlassFrameThickness" /> dependency property.</summary>
571 <returns>The identifier for the <see cref="P:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.WindowChrome.GlassFrameThickness" /> dependency property.</returns>
572 </member>
573 <member name="P:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.WindowChrome.IsHitTestVisibleInChrome">
574 <summary>Gets or sets a value that indicates whether WPF hit-testing is enabled on the part of an element that is in the non-client area of a window.</summary>
575 <returns>true if hit testing is enabled in the non-client area; otherwise, false. The registered default is false. For more information about what can influence the value, see Dependency Property Value Precedence.</returns>
576 </member>
577 <member name="F:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.WindowChrome.IsHitTestVisibleInChromeProperty">
578 <summary>Identifies the <see cref="P:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.WindowChrome.IsHitTestVisibleInChrome" /> dependency property.</summary>
579 <returns>The identifier for the <see cref="P:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.WindowChrome.IsHitTestVisibleInChrome" /> dependency property.</returns>
580 </member>
581 <member name="P:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.WindowChrome.NonClientFrameEdges">
582 <summary>Gets or sets a value that indicates which edges of the window frame are not owned by the client.</summary>
583 <returns>A bitwise combination of the enumeration values that specify which edges of the frame are not owned by the client.The registered default is <see cref="F:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.NonClientFrameEdges.None" />. For more information about what can influence the value, see Dependency Property Value Precedence.</returns>
584 </member>
585 <member name="F:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.WindowChrome.NonClientFrameEdgesProperty">
586 <summary>Identifies the <see cref="P:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.WindowChrome.NonClientFrameEdges" /> dependency property.</summary>
587 <returns>The identifier for the <see cref="P:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.WindowChrome.NonClientFrameEdges" /> dependency property.</returns>
588 </member>
589 <member name="P:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.WindowChrome.ResizeBorderThickness">
590 <summary>Gets or sets a value that indicates the width of the border that is used to resize a window.</summary>
591 <returns>The width of the border that is used to resize a window.</returns>
592 </member>
593 <member name="F:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.WindowChrome.ResizeBorderThicknessProperty">
594 <summary>Identifies the <see cref="P:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.WindowChrome.ResizeBorderThickness" /> dependency property.</summary>
595 <returns>The identifier for the <see cref="P:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.WindowChrome.ResizeBorderThickness" /> dependency property.</returns>
596 </member>
597 <member name="P:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.WindowChrome.ResizeGripDirection">
598 <summary>Gets or sets a value that indicates the direction of the resize grip behavior on an input element.</summary>
599 <returns>One of the enumeration values that indicates the direction of the resize grip. The registered default is <see cref="F:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.ResizeGripDirection.None" />. For more information about what can influence the value, see Dependency Property Value Precedence.</returns>
600 </member>
601 <member name="F:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.WindowChrome.ResizeGripDirectionProperty">
602 <summary>Identifies the <see cref="P:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.WindowChrome.ResizeGripDirection" /> dependency property.</summary>
603 <returns>The identifier for the <see cref="P:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.WindowChrome.ResizeGripDirection" /> dependency property.</returns>
604 </member>
605 <member name="M:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.WindowChrome.SetIsHitTestVisibleInChrome(System.Windows.IInputElement,System.Boolean)">
606 <summary>Sets the value of the <see cref="P:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.WindowChrome.IsHitTestVisibleInChrome" /> attached property on the specified input element.</summary>
607 <param name="inputElement">The element on which to set the <see cref="P:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.WindowChrome.IsHitTestVisibleInChrome" /> attached property.</param>
608 <param name="hitTestVisible">The property value to set.</param>
609 <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
610 <paramref name="inputElement" /> is null.</exception>
611 <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
612 <paramref name="inputElement" /> is not a <see cref="T:System.Windows.DependencyObject" />.</exception>
613 </member>
614 <member name="M:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.WindowChrome.SetResizeGripDirection(System.Windows.IInputElement,Microsoft.Windows.Shell.ResizeGripDirection)">
615 <summary>Sets the value of the <see cref="P:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.WindowChrome.ResizeGripDirection" /> attached property on the specified input element.</summary>
616 <param name="inputElement">The element on which to set the <see cref="P:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.WindowChrome.ResizeGripDirection" /> attached property.</param>
617 <param name="direction">The property value to set.</param>
618 <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
619 <paramref name="inputElement" /> is null.</exception>
620 <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
621 <paramref name="inputElement" /> is not a <see cref="T:System.Windows.DependencyObject" />.</exception>
622 </member>
623 <member name="M:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.WindowChrome.SetWindowChrome(System.Windows.Window,Microsoft.Windows.Shell.WindowChrome)">
624 <summary>Sets the value of the <see cref="P:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.WindowChrome.WindowChrome" /> attached property on the specified <see cref="T:System.Windows.Window" />.</summary>
625 <param name="window">The <see cref="T:System.Windows.Window" /> on which to set the <see cref="P:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.WindowChrome.WindowChrome" /> attached property.</param>
626 <param name="chrome">The instance of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.WindowChrome" /> to set.</param>
627 <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
628 <paramref name="window" /> is null.</exception>
629 </member>
630 <member name="P:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.WindowChrome.UseAeroCaptionButtons">
631 <summary>Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the Windows Aero caption buttons are shown.</summary>
632 <returns>The registered default is true. For more information about what can influence the value, see Dependency Property Value Precedence.</returns>
633 </member>
634 <member name="F:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.WindowChrome.UseAeroCaptionButtonsProperty">
635 <summary>Identifies the <see cref="P:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.WindowChrome.UseAeroCaptionButtons" /> dependency property.</summary>
636 <returns>The identifier for the <see cref="P:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.WindowChrome.UseAeroCaptionButtons" /> dependency property.</returns>
637 </member>
638 <member name="P:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.WindowChrome.WindowChrome">
639 <summary>Gets or sets the instance of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.WindowChrome" /> that is attached to a window.</summary>
640 <returns>The instance of <see cref="T:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.WindowChrome" /> attached to window. The registered default is null. For more information about what can influence the value, see Dependency Property Value Precedence.</returns>
641 </member>
642 <member name="F:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.WindowChrome.WindowChromeProperty">
643 <summary>Identifies the <see cref="P:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.WindowChrome.WindowChrome" /> dependency property.</summary>
644 <returns>The identifier for the <see cref="P:Microsoft.Windows.Shell.WindowChrome.WindowChrome" /> dependency property.</returns>
645 </member>
646 </members>
647 </doc>