1 <?xml version="1.0"?>
2 <doc>
3 <assembly>
4 <name>xunit</name>
5 </assembly>
6 <members>
7 <member name="T:Xunit.Assert">
8 <summary>
9 Contains various static methods that are used to verify that conditions are met during the
10 process of running tests.
11 </summary>
12 </member>
13 <member name="M:Xunit.Assert.#ctor">
14 <summary>
15 Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Xunit.Assert"/> class.
16 </summary>
17 </member>
18 <member name="M:Xunit.Assert.Contains``1(``0,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{``0})">
19 <summary>
20 Verifies that a collection contains a given object.
21 </summary>
22 <typeparam name="T">The type of the object to be verified</typeparam>
23 <param name="expected">The object expected to be in the collection</param>
24 <param name="collection">The collection to be inspected</param>
25 <exception cref="T:Xunit.Sdk.ContainsException">Thrown when the object is not present in the collection</exception>
26 </member>
27 <member name="M:Xunit.Assert.Contains``1(``0,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{``0},System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer{``0})">
28 <summary>
29 Verifies that a collection contains a given object, using an equality comparer.
30 </summary>
31 <typeparam name="T">The type of the object to be verified</typeparam>
32 <param name="expected">The object expected to be in the collection</param>
33 <param name="collection">The collection to be inspected</param>
34 <param name="comparer">The comparer used to equate objects in the collection with the expected object</param>
35 <exception cref="T:Xunit.Sdk.ContainsException">Thrown when the object is not present in the collection</exception>
36 </member>
37 <member name="M:Xunit.Assert.Contains(System.String,System.String)">
38 <summary>
39 Verifies that a string contains a given sub-string, using the current culture.
40 </summary>
41 <param name="expectedSubstring">The sub-string expected to be in the string</param>
42 <param name="actualString">The string to be inspected</param>
43 <exception cref="T:Xunit.Sdk.ContainsException">Thrown when the sub-string is not present inside the string</exception>
44 </member>
45 <member name="M:Xunit.Assert.Contains(System.String,System.String,System.StringComparison)">
46 <summary>
47 Verifies that a string contains a given sub-string, using the given comparison type.
48 </summary>
49 <param name="expectedSubstring">The sub-string expected to be in the string</param>
50 <param name="actualString">The string to be inspected</param>
51 <param name="comparisonType">The type of string comparison to perform</param>
52 <exception cref="T:Xunit.Sdk.ContainsException">Thrown when the sub-string is not present inside the string</exception>
53 </member>
54 <member name="M:Xunit.Assert.DoesNotContain``1(``0,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{``0})">
55 <summary>
56 Verifies that a collection does not contain a given object.
57 </summary>
58 <typeparam name="T">The type of the object to be compared</typeparam>
59 <param name="expected">The object that is expected not to be in the collection</param>
60 <param name="collection">The collection to be inspected</param>
61 <exception cref="T:Xunit.Sdk.DoesNotContainException">Thrown when the object is present inside the container</exception>
62 </member>
63 <member name="M:Xunit.Assert.DoesNotContain``1(``0,System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{``0},System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer{``0})">
64 <summary>
65 Verifies that a collection does not contain a given object, using an equality comparer.
66 </summary>
67 <typeparam name="T">The type of the object to be compared</typeparam>
68 <param name="expected">The object that is expected not to be in the collection</param>
69 <param name="collection">The collection to be inspected</param>
70 <param name="comparer">The comparer used to equate objects in the collection with the expected object</param>
71 <exception cref="T:Xunit.Sdk.DoesNotContainException">Thrown when the object is present inside the container</exception>
72 </member>
73 <member name="M:Xunit.Assert.DoesNotContain(System.String,System.String)">
74 <summary>
75 Verifies that a string does not contain a given sub-string, using the current culture.
76 </summary>
77 <param name="expectedSubstring">The sub-string which is expected not to be in the string</param>
78 <param name="actualString">The string to be inspected</param>
79 <exception cref="T:Xunit.Sdk.DoesNotContainException">Thrown when the sub-string is present inside the string</exception>
80 </member>
81 <member name="M:Xunit.Assert.DoesNotContain(System.String,System.String,System.StringComparison)">
82 <summary>
83 Verifies that a string does not contain a given sub-string, using the current culture.
84 </summary>
85 <param name="expectedSubstring">The sub-string which is expected not to be in the string</param>
86 <param name="actualString">The string to be inspected</param>
87 <param name="comparisonType">The type of string comparison to perform</param>
88 <exception cref="T:Xunit.Sdk.DoesNotContainException">Thrown when the sub-string is present inside the given string</exception>
89 </member>
90 <member name="M:Xunit.Assert.DoesNotThrow(Xunit.Assert.ThrowsDelegate)">
91 <summary>
92 Verifies that a block of code does not throw any exceptions.
93 </summary>
94 <param name="testCode">A delegate to the code to be tested</param>
95 </member>
96 <member name="M:Xunit.Assert.Empty(System.Collections.IEnumerable)">
97 <summary>
98 Verifies that a collection is empty.
99 </summary>
100 <param name="collection">The collection to be inspected</param>
101 <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Thrown when the collection is null</exception>
102 <exception cref="T:Xunit.Sdk.EmptyException">Thrown when the collection is not empty</exception>
103 </member>
104 <member name="M:Xunit.Assert.Equal``1(``0,``0)">
105 <summary>
106 Verifies that two objects are equal, using a default comparer.
107 </summary>
108 <typeparam name="T">The type of the objects to be compared</typeparam>
109 <param name="expected">The expected value</param>
110 <param name="actual">The value to be compared against</param>
111 <exception cref="T:Xunit.Sdk.EqualException">Thrown when the objects are not equal</exception>
112 </member>
113 <member name="M:Xunit.Assert.Equal``1(``0,``0,System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer{``0})">
114 <summary>
115 Verifies that two objects are equal, using a custom equatable comparer.
116 </summary>
117 <typeparam name="T">The type of the objects to be compared</typeparam>
118 <param name="expected">The expected value</param>
119 <param name="actual">The value to be compared against</param>
120 <param name="comparer">The comparer used to compare the two objects</param>
121 <exception cref="T:Xunit.Sdk.EqualException">Thrown when the objects are not equal</exception>
122 </member>
123 <member name="M:Xunit.Assert.Equal(System.Double,System.Double,System.Int32)">
124 <summary>
125 Verifies that two <see cref="T:System.Double"/> values are equal, within the number of decimal
126 places given by <paramref name="precision"/>.
127 </summary>
128 <param name="expected">The expected value</param>
129 <param name="actual">The value to be compared against</param>
130 <param name="precision">The number of decimal places (valid values: 0-15)</param>
131 <exception cref="T:Xunit.Sdk.EqualException">Thrown when the values are not equal</exception>
132 </member>
133 <member name="M:Xunit.Assert.Equal(System.Decimal,System.Decimal,System.Int32)">
134 <summary>
135 Verifies that two <see cref="T:System.Decimal"/> values are equal, within the number of decimal
136 places given by <paramref name="precision"/>.
137 </summary>
138 <param name="expected">The expected value</param>
139 <param name="actual">The value to be compared against</param>
140 <param name="precision">The number of decimal places (valid values: 0-15)</param>
141 <exception cref="T:Xunit.Sdk.EqualException">Thrown when the values are not equal</exception>
142 </member>
143 <member name="M:Xunit.Assert.Equal``1(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{``0},System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{``0})">
144 <summary>
145 Verifies that two sequences are equivalent, using a default comparer.
146 </summary>
147 <typeparam name="T">The type of the objects to be compared</typeparam>
148 <param name="expected">The expected value</param>
149 <param name="actual">The value to be compared against</param>
150 <exception cref="T:Xunit.Sdk.EqualException">Thrown when the objects are not equal</exception>
151 </member>
152 <member name="M:Xunit.Assert.Equal``1(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{``0},System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{``0},System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer{``0})">
153 <summary>
154 Verifies that two sequences are equivalent, using a custom equatable comparer.
155 </summary>
156 <typeparam name="T">The type of the objects to be compared</typeparam>
157 <param name="expected">The expected value</param>
158 <param name="actual">The value to be compared against</param>
159 <param name="comparer">The comparer used to compare the two objects</param>
160 <exception cref="T:Xunit.Sdk.EqualException">Thrown when the objects are not equal</exception>
161 </member>
162 <member name="M:Xunit.Assert.Equals(System.Object,System.Object)">
163 <summary>Do not call this method.</summary>
164 </member>
165 <member name="M:Xunit.Assert.False(System.Boolean)">
166 <summary>
167 Verifies that the condition is false.
168 </summary>
169 <param name="condition">The condition to be tested</param>
170 <exception cref="T:Xunit.Sdk.FalseException">Thrown if the condition is not false</exception>
171 </member>
172 <member name="M:Xunit.Assert.False(System.Boolean,System.String)">
173 <summary>
174 Verifies that the condition is false.
175 </summary>
176 <param name="condition">The condition to be tested</param>
177 <param name="userMessage">The message to show when the condition is not false</param>
178 <exception cref="T:Xunit.Sdk.FalseException">Thrown if the condition is not false</exception>
179 </member>
180 <member name="M:Xunit.Assert.InRange``1(``0,``0,``0)">
181 <summary>
182 Verifies that a value is within a given range.
183 </summary>
184 <typeparam name="T">The type of the value to be compared</typeparam>
185 <param name="actual">The actual value to be evaluated</param>
186 <param name="low">The (inclusive) low value of the range</param>
187 <param name="high">The (inclusive) high value of the range</param>
188 <exception cref="T:Xunit.Sdk.InRangeException">Thrown when the value is not in the given range</exception>
189 </member>
190 <member name="M:Xunit.Assert.InRange``1(``0,``0,``0,System.Collections.Generic.IComparer{``0})">
191 <summary>
192 Verifies that a value is within a given range, using a comparer.
193 </summary>
194 <typeparam name="T">The type of the value to be compared</typeparam>
195 <param name="actual">The actual value to be evaluated</param>
196 <param name="low">The (inclusive) low value of the range</param>
197 <param name="high">The (inclusive) high value of the range</param>
198 <param name="comparer">The comparer used to evaluate the value's range</param>
199 <exception cref="T:Xunit.Sdk.InRangeException">Thrown when the value is not in the given range</exception>
200 </member>
201 <member name="M:Xunit.Assert.IsAssignableFrom``1(System.Object)">
202 <summary>
203 Verifies that an object is of the given type or a derived type.
204 </summary>
205 <typeparam name="T">The type the object should be</typeparam>
206 <param name="object">The object to be evaluated</param>
207 <returns>The object, casted to type T when successful</returns>
208 <exception cref="T:Xunit.Sdk.IsAssignableFromException">Thrown when the object is not the given type</exception>
209 </member>
210 <member name="M:Xunit.Assert.IsAssignableFrom(System.Type,System.Object)">
211 <summary>
212 Verifies that an object is of the given type or a derived type.
213 </summary>
214 <param name="expectedType">The type the object should be</param>
215 <param name="object">The object to be evaluated</param>
216 <exception cref="T:Xunit.Sdk.IsAssignableFromException">Thrown when the object is not the given type</exception>
217 </member>
218 <member name="M:Xunit.Assert.IsNotType``1(System.Object)">
219 <summary>
220 Verifies that an object is not exactly the given type.
221 </summary>
222 <typeparam name="T">The type the object should not be</typeparam>
223 <param name="object">The object to be evaluated</param>
224 <exception cref="T:Xunit.Sdk.IsNotTypeException">Thrown when the object is the given type</exception>
225 </member>
226 <member name="M:Xunit.Assert.IsNotType(System.Type,System.Object)">
227 <summary>
228 Verifies that an object is not exactly the given type.
229 </summary>
230 <param name="expectedType">The type the object should not be</param>
231 <param name="object">The object to be evaluated</param>
232 <exception cref="T:Xunit.Sdk.IsNotTypeException">Thrown when the object is the given type</exception>
233 </member>
234 <member name="M:Xunit.Assert.IsType``1(System.Object)">
235 <summary>
236 Verifies that an object is exactly the given type (and not a derived type).
237 </summary>
238 <typeparam name="T">The type the object should be</typeparam>
239 <param name="object">The object to be evaluated</param>
240 <returns>The object, casted to type T when successful</returns>
241 <exception cref="T:Xunit.Sdk.IsTypeException">Thrown when the object is not the given type</exception>
242 </member>
243 <member name="M:Xunit.Assert.IsType(System.Type,System.Object)">
244 <summary>
245 Verifies that an object is exactly the given type (and not a derived type).
246 </summary>
247 <param name="expectedType">The type the object should be</param>
248 <param name="object">The object to be evaluated</param>
249 <exception cref="T:Xunit.Sdk.IsTypeException">Thrown when the object is not the given type</exception>
250 </member>
251 <member name="M:Xunit.Assert.NotEmpty(System.Collections.IEnumerable)">
252 <summary>
253 Verifies that a collection is not empty.
254 </summary>
255 <param name="collection">The collection to be inspected</param>
256 <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Thrown when a null collection is passed</exception>
257 <exception cref="T:Xunit.Sdk.NotEmptyException">Thrown when the collection is empty</exception>
258 </member>
259 <member name="M:Xunit.Assert.NotEqual``1(``0,``0)">
260 <summary>
261 Verifies that two objects are not equal, using a default comparer.
262 </summary>
263 <typeparam name="T">The type of the objects to be compared</typeparam>
264 <param name="expected">The expected object</param>
265 <param name="actual">The actual object</param>
266 <exception cref="T:Xunit.Sdk.NotEqualException">Thrown when the objects are equal</exception>
267 </member>
268 <member name="M:Xunit.Assert.NotEqual``1(``0,``0,System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer{``0})">
269 <summary>
270 Verifies that two objects are not equal, using a custom equality comparer.
271 </summary>
272 <typeparam name="T">The type of the objects to be compared</typeparam>
273 <param name="expected">The expected object</param>
274 <param name="actual">The actual object</param>
275 <param name="comparer">The comparer used to examine the objects</param>
276 <exception cref="T:Xunit.Sdk.NotEqualException">Thrown when the objects are equal</exception>
277 </member>
278 <member name="M:Xunit.Assert.NotEqual``1(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{``0},System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{``0})">
279 <summary>
280 Verifies that two sequences are not equivalent, using a default comparer.
281 </summary>
282 <typeparam name="T">The type of the objects to be compared</typeparam>
283 <param name="expected">The expected object</param>
284 <param name="actual">The actual object</param>
285 <exception cref="T:Xunit.Sdk.NotEqualException">Thrown when the objects are equal</exception>
286 </member>
287 <member name="M:Xunit.Assert.NotEqual``1(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{``0},System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{``0},System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer{``0})">
288 <summary>
289 Verifies that two sequences are not equivalent, using a custom equality comparer.
290 </summary>
291 <typeparam name="T">The type of the objects to be compared</typeparam>
292 <param name="expected">The expected object</param>
293 <param name="actual">The actual object</param>
294 <param name="comparer">The comparer used to compare the two objects</param>
295 <exception cref="T:Xunit.Sdk.NotEqualException">Thrown when the objects are equal</exception>
296 </member>
297 <member name="M:Xunit.Assert.NotInRange``1(``0,``0,``0)">
298 <summary>
299 Verifies that a value is not within a given range, using the default comparer.
300 </summary>
301 <typeparam name="T">The type of the value to be compared</typeparam>
302 <param name="actual">The actual value to be evaluated</param>
303 <param name="low">The (inclusive) low value of the range</param>
304 <param name="high">The (inclusive) high value of the range</param>
305 <exception cref="T:Xunit.Sdk.NotInRangeException">Thrown when the value is in the given range</exception>
306 </member>
307 <member name="M:Xunit.Assert.NotInRange``1(``0,``0,``0,System.Collections.Generic.IComparer{``0})">
308 <summary>
309 Verifies that a value is not within a given range, using a comparer.
310 </summary>
311 <typeparam name="T">The type of the value to be compared</typeparam>
312 <param name="actual">The actual value to be evaluated</param>
313 <param name="low">The (inclusive) low value of the range</param>
314 <param name="high">The (inclusive) high value of the range</param>
315 <param name="comparer">The comparer used to evaluate the value's range</param>
316 <exception cref="T:Xunit.Sdk.NotInRangeException">Thrown when the value is in the given range</exception>
317 </member>
318 <member name="M:Xunit.Assert.NotNull(System.Object)">
319 <summary>
320 Verifies that an object reference is not null.
321 </summary>
322 <param name="object">The object to be validated</param>
323 <exception cref="T:Xunit.Sdk.NotNullException">Thrown when the object is not null</exception>
324 </member>
325 <member name="M:Xunit.Assert.NotSame(System.Object,System.Object)">
326 <summary>
327 Verifies that two objects are not the same instance.
328 </summary>
329 <param name="expected">The expected object instance</param>
330 <param name="actual">The actual object instance</param>
331 <exception cref="T:Xunit.Sdk.NotSameException">Thrown when the objects are the same instance</exception>
332 </member>
333 <member name="M:Xunit.Assert.Null(System.Object)">
334 <summary>
335 Verifies that an object reference is null.
336 </summary>
337 <param name="object">The object to be inspected</param>
338 <exception cref="T:Xunit.Sdk.NullException">Thrown when the object reference is not null</exception>
339 </member>
340 <member name="M:Xunit.Assert.PropertyChanged(System.ComponentModel.INotifyPropertyChanged,System.String,Xunit.Assert.PropertyChangedDelegate)">
341 <summary>
342 Verifies that the provided object raised INotifyPropertyChanged.PropertyChanged
343 as a result of executing the given test code.
344 </summary>
345 <param name="object">The object which should raise the notification</param>
346 <param name="propertyName">The property name for which the notification should be raised</param>
347 <param name="testCode">The test code which should cause the notification to be raised</param>
348 <exception cref="T:Xunit.Sdk.PropertyChangedException">Thrown when the notification is not raised</exception>
349 </member>
350 <member name="M:Xunit.Assert.Same(System.Object,System.Object)">
351 <summary>
352 Verifies that two objects are the same instance.
353 </summary>
354 <param name="expected">The expected object instance</param>
355 <param name="actual">The actual object instance</param>
356 <exception cref="T:Xunit.Sdk.SameException">Thrown when the objects are not the same instance</exception>
357 </member>
358 <member name="M:Xunit.Assert.Single(System.Collections.IEnumerable)">
359 <summary>
360 Verifies that the given collection contains only a single
361 element of the given type.
362 </summary>
363 <param name="collection">The collection.</param>
364 <returns>The single item in the collection.</returns>
365 <exception cref="T:Xunit.Sdk.SingleException">Thrown when the collection does not contain
366 exactly one element.</exception>
367 </member>
368 <member name="M:Xunit.Assert.Single(System.Collections.IEnumerable,System.Object)">
369 <summary>
370 Verifies that the given collection contains only a single
371 element of the given value. The collection may or may not
372 contain other values.
373 </summary>
374 <param name="collection">The collection.</param>
375 <param name="expected">The value to find in the collection.</param>
376 <returns>The single item in the collection.</returns>
377 <exception cref="T:Xunit.Sdk.SingleException">Thrown when the collection does not contain
378 exactly one element.</exception>
379 </member>
380 <member name="M:Xunit.Assert.Single``1(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{``0})">
381 <summary>
382 Verifies that the given collection contains only a single
383 element of the given type.
384 </summary>
385 <typeparam name="T">The collection type.</typeparam>
386 <param name="collection">The collection.</param>
387 <returns>The single item in the collection.</returns>
388 <exception cref="T:Xunit.Sdk.SingleException">Thrown when the collection does not contain
389 exactly one element.</exception>
390 </member>
391 <member name="M:Xunit.Assert.Single``1(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{``0},System.Predicate{``0})">
392 <summary>
393 Verifies that the given collection contains only a single
394 element of the given type which matches the given predicate. The
395 collection may or may not contain other values which do not
396 match the given predicate.
397 </summary>
398 <typeparam name="T">The collection type.</typeparam>
399 <param name="collection">The collection.</param>
400 <param name="predicate">The item matching predicate.</param>
401 <returns>The single item in the filtered collection.</returns>
402 <exception cref="T:Xunit.Sdk.SingleException">Thrown when the filtered collection does
403 not contain exactly one element.</exception>
404 </member>
405 <member name="M:Xunit.Assert.Throws``1(Xunit.Assert.ThrowsDelegate)">
406 <summary>
407 Verifies that the exact exception is thrown (and not a derived exception type).
408 </summary>
409 <typeparam name="T">The type of the exception expected to be thrown</typeparam>
410 <param name="testCode">A delegate to the code to be tested</param>
411 <returns>The exception that was thrown, when successful</returns>
412 <exception cref="T:Xunit.Sdk.ThrowsException">Thrown when an exception was not thrown, or when an exception of the incorrect type is thrown</exception>
413 </member>
414 <member name="M:Xunit.Assert.Throws``1(Xunit.Assert.ThrowsDelegateWithReturn)">
415 <summary>
416 Verifies that the exact exception is thrown (and not a derived exception type).
417 Generally used to test property accessors.
418 </summary>
419 <typeparam name="T">The type of the exception expected to be thrown</typeparam>
420 <param name="testCode">A delegate to the code to be tested</param>
421 <returns>The exception that was thrown, when successful</returns>
422 <exception cref="T:Xunit.Sdk.ThrowsException">Thrown when an exception was not thrown, or when an exception of the incorrect type is thrown</exception>
423 </member>
424 <member name="M:Xunit.Assert.Throws(System.Type,Xunit.Assert.ThrowsDelegate)">
425 <summary>
426 Verifies that the exact exception is thrown (and not a derived exception type).
427 </summary>
428 <param name="exceptionType">The type of the exception expected to be thrown</param>
429 <param name="testCode">A delegate to the code to be tested</param>
430 <returns>The exception that was thrown, when successful</returns>
431 <exception cref="T:Xunit.Sdk.ThrowsException">Thrown when an exception was not thrown, or when an exception of the incorrect type is thrown</exception>
432 </member>
433 <member name="M:Xunit.Assert.Throws(System.Type,Xunit.Assert.ThrowsDelegateWithReturn)">
434 <summary>
435 Verifies that the exact exception is thrown (and not a derived exception type).
436 Generally used to test property accessors.
437 </summary>
438 <param name="exceptionType">The type of the exception expected to be thrown</param>
439 <param name="testCode">A delegate to the code to be tested</param>
440 <returns>The exception that was thrown, when successful</returns>
441 <exception cref="T:Xunit.Sdk.ThrowsException">Thrown when an exception was not thrown, or when an exception of the incorrect type is thrown</exception>
442 </member>
443 <member name="M:Xunit.Assert.True(System.Boolean)">
444 <summary>
445 Verifies that an expression is true.
446 </summary>
447 <param name="condition">The condition to be inspected</param>
448 <exception cref="T:Xunit.Sdk.TrueException">Thrown when the condition is false</exception>
449 </member>
450 <member name="M:Xunit.Assert.True(System.Boolean,System.String)">
451 <summary>
452 Verifies that an expression is true.
453 </summary>
454 <param name="condition">The condition to be inspected</param>
455 <param name="userMessage">The message to be shown when the condition is false</param>
456 <exception cref="T:Xunit.Sdk.TrueException">Thrown when the condition is false</exception>
457 </member>
458 <member name="T:Xunit.Assert.PropertyChangedDelegate">
459 <summary>
460 Used by the PropertyChanged.
461 </summary>
462 </member>
463 <member name="T:Xunit.Assert.ThrowsDelegate">
464 <summary>
465 Used by the Throws and DoesNotThrow methods.
466 </summary>
467 </member>
468 <member name="T:Xunit.Assert.ThrowsDelegateWithReturn">
469 <summary>
470 Used by the Throws and DoesNotThrow methods.
471 </summary>
472 </member>
473 <member name="T:Xunit.Sdk.ExceptionAndOutputCaptureCommand">
474 <summary>
475 This command sets up the necessary trace listeners and standard
476 output/error listeners to capture Assert/Debug.Trace failures,
477 output to stdout/stderr, and Assert/Debug.Write text. It also
478 captures any exceptions that are thrown and packages them as
479 FailedResults, including the possibility that the configuration
480 file is messed up (which is exposed when we attempt to manipulate
481 the trace listener list).
482 </summary>
483 </member>
484 <member name="T:Xunit.Sdk.DelegatingTestCommand">
485 <summary>
486 Base class used by commands which delegate to inner commands.
487 </summary>
488 </member>
489 <member name="T:Xunit.Sdk.ITestCommand">
490 <summary>
491 Interface which represents the ability to invoke of a test method.
492 </summary>
493 </member>
494 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.ITestCommand.Execute(System.Object)">
495 <summary>
496 Executes the test method.
497 </summary>
498 <param name="testClass">The instance of the test class</param>
499 <returns>Returns information about the test run</returns>
500 </member>
501 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.ITestCommand.ToStartXml">
502 <summary>
503 Creates the start XML to be sent to the callback when the test is about to start
504 running.
505 </summary>
506 <returns>Return the <see cref="T:System.Xml.XmlNode"/> of the start node, or null if the test
507 is known that it will not be running.</returns>
508 </member>
509 <member name="P:Xunit.Sdk.ITestCommand.DisplayName">
510 <summary>
511 Gets the display name of the test method.
512 </summary>
513 </member>
514 <member name="P:Xunit.Sdk.ITestCommand.ShouldCreateInstance">
515 <summary>
516 Determines if the test runner infrastructure should create a new instance of the
517 test class before running the test.
518 </summary>
519 </member>
520 <member name="P:Xunit.Sdk.ITestCommand.Timeout">
521 <summary>
522 Determines if the test should be limited to running a specific amount of time
523 before automatically failing.
524 </summary>
525 <returns>The timeout value, in milliseconds; if zero, the test will not have
526 a timeout.</returns>
527 </member>
528 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.DelegatingTestCommand.#ctor(Xunit.Sdk.ITestCommand)">
529 <summary>
530 Creates a new instance of the <see cref="T:Xunit.Sdk.DelegatingTestCommand"/> class.
531 </summary>
532 <param name="innerCommand">The inner command to delegate to.</param>
533 </member>
534 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.DelegatingTestCommand.Execute(System.Object)">
535 <inheritdoc/>
536 </member>
537 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.DelegatingTestCommand.ToStartXml">
538 <inheritdoc/>
539 </member>
540 <member name="P:Xunit.Sdk.DelegatingTestCommand.InnerCommand">
541 <inheritdoc/>
542 </member>
543 <member name="P:Xunit.Sdk.DelegatingTestCommand.DisplayName">
544 <inheritdoc/>
545 </member>
546 <member name="P:Xunit.Sdk.DelegatingTestCommand.ShouldCreateInstance">
547 <inheritdoc/>
548 </member>
549 <member name="P:Xunit.Sdk.DelegatingTestCommand.Timeout">
550 <inheritdoc/>
551 </member>
552 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.ExceptionAndOutputCaptureCommand.#ctor(Xunit.Sdk.ITestCommand,Xunit.Sdk.IMethodInfo)">
553 <summary>
554 Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Xunit.Sdk.ExceptionAndOutputCaptureCommand"/>
555 class.
556 </summary>
557 <param name="innerCommand">The command that will be wrapped.</param>
558 <param name="method">The test method.</param>
559 </member>
560 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.ExceptionAndOutputCaptureCommand.Execute(System.Object)">
561 <inheritdoc/>
562 </member>
563 <member name="T:Xunit.Sdk.FactCommand">
564 <summary>
565 Represents an implementation of <see cref="T:Xunit.Sdk.ITestCommand"/> to be used with
566 tests which are decorated with the <see cref="T:Xunit.FactAttribute"/>.
567 </summary>
568 </member>
569 <member name="T:Xunit.Sdk.TestCommand">
570 <summary>
571 Represents an xUnit.net test command.
572 </summary>
573 </member>
574 <member name="F:Xunit.Sdk.TestCommand.testMethod">
575 <summary>
576 The method under test.
577 </summary>
578 </member>
579 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.TestCommand.#ctor(Xunit.Sdk.IMethodInfo,System.String,System.Int32)">
580 <summary>
581 Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Xunit.Sdk.TestCommand"/> class.
582 </summary>
583 <param name="method">The method under test.</param>
584 <param name="displayName">The display name of the test.</param>
585 <param name="timeout">The timeout, in milliseconds.</param>
586 </member>
587 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.TestCommand.Execute(System.Object)">
588 <inheritdoc/>
589 </member>
590 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.TestCommand.ToStartXml">
591 <inheritdoc/>
592 </member>
593 <member name="P:Xunit.Sdk.TestCommand.DisplayName">
594 <inheritdoc/>
595 </member>
596 <member name="P:Xunit.Sdk.TestCommand.MethodName">
597 <summary>
598 Gets the name of the method under test.
599 </summary>
600 </member>
601 <member name="P:Xunit.Sdk.TestCommand.ShouldCreateInstance">
602 <inheritdoc/>
603 </member>
604 <member name="P:Xunit.Sdk.TestCommand.Timeout">
605 <inheritdoc/>
606 </member>
607 <member name="P:Xunit.Sdk.TestCommand.TypeName">
608 <summary>
609 Gets the name of the type under test.
610 </summary>
611 </member>
612 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.FactCommand.#ctor(Xunit.Sdk.IMethodInfo)">
613 <summary>
614 Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Xunit.Sdk.FactCommand"/> class.
615 </summary>
616 <param name="method">The test method.</param>
617 </member>
618 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.FactCommand.Execute(System.Object)">
619 <inheritdoc/>
620 </member>
621 <member name="T:Xunit.Sdk.AssertActualExpectedException">
622 <summary>
623 Base class for exceptions that have actual and expected values
624 </summary>
625 </member>
626 <member name="T:Xunit.Sdk.AssertException">
627 <summary>
628 The base assert exception class
629 </summary>
630 </member>
631 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.AssertException.#ctor">
632 <summary>
633 Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Xunit.Sdk.AssertException"/> class.
634 </summary>
635 </member>
636 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.AssertException.#ctor(System.String)">
637 <summary>
638 Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Xunit.Sdk.AssertException"/> class.
639 </summary>
640 <param name="userMessage">The user message to be displayed</param>
641 </member>
642 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.AssertException.#ctor(System.String,System.Exception)">
643 <summary>
644 Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Xunit.Sdk.AssertException"/> class.
645 </summary>
646 <param name="userMessage">The user message to be displayed</param>
647 <param name="innerException">The inner exception</param>
648 </member>
649 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.AssertException.#ctor(System.String,System.String)">
650 <summary>
651 Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Xunit.Sdk.AssertException"/> class.
652 </summary>
653 <param name="userMessage">The user message to be displayed</param>
654 <param name="stackTrace">The stack trace to be displayed</param>
655 </member>
656 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.AssertException.#ctor(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo,System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext)">
657 <inheritdoc/>
658 </member>
659 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.AssertException.ExcludeStackFrame(System.String)">
660 <summary>
661 Determines whether to exclude a line from the stack frame. By default, this method
662 removes all stack frames from methods beginning with Xunit.Assert or Xunit.Sdk.
663 </summary>
664 <param name="stackFrame">The stack frame to be filtered.</param>
665 <returns>Return true to exclude the line from the stack frame; false, otherwise.</returns>
666 </member>
667 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.AssertException.FilterStackTrace(System.String)">
668 <summary>
669 Filters the stack trace to remove all lines that occur within the testing framework.
670 </summary>
671 <param name="stack">The original stack trace</param>
672 <returns>The filtered stack trace</returns>
673 </member>
674 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.AssertException.GetObjectData(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo,System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext)">
675 <inheritdoc/>
676 </member>
677 <member name="P:Xunit.Sdk.AssertException.StackTrace">
678 <summary>
679 Gets a string representation of the frames on the call stack at the time the current exception was thrown.
680 </summary>
681 <returns>A string that describes the contents of the call stack, with the most recent method call appearing first.</returns>
682 </member>
683 <member name="P:Xunit.Sdk.AssertException.UserMessage">
684 <summary>
685 Gets the user message
686 </summary>
687 </member>
688 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.AssertActualExpectedException.#ctor(System.Object,System.Object,System.String)">
689 <summary>
690 Creates a new instance of the <see href="AssertActualExpectedException"/> class.
691 </summary>
692 <param name="expected">The expected value</param>
693 <param name="actual">The actual value</param>
694 <param name="userMessage">The user message to be shown</param>
695 </member>
696 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.AssertActualExpectedException.#ctor(System.Object,System.Object,System.String,System.Boolean)">
697 <summary>
698 Creates a new instance of the <see href="AssertActualExpectedException"/> class.
699 </summary>
700 <param name="expected">The expected value</param>
701 <param name="actual">The actual value</param>
702 <param name="userMessage">The user message to be shown</param>
703 <param name="skipPositionCheck">Set to true to skip the check for difference position</param>
704 </member>
705 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.AssertActualExpectedException.#ctor(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo,System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext)">
706 <inheritdoc/>
707 </member>
708 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.AssertActualExpectedException.GetObjectData(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo,System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext)">
709 <inheritdoc/>
710 </member>
711 <member name="P:Xunit.Sdk.AssertActualExpectedException.Actual">
712 <summary>
713 Gets the actual value.
714 </summary>
715 </member>
716 <member name="P:Xunit.Sdk.AssertActualExpectedException.Expected">
717 <summary>
718 Gets the expected value.
719 </summary>
720 </member>
721 <member name="P:Xunit.Sdk.AssertActualExpectedException.Message">
722 <summary>
723 Gets a message that describes the current exception. Includes the expected and actual values.
724 </summary>
725 <returns>The error message that explains the reason for the exception, or an empty string("").</returns>
726 <filterpriority>1</filterpriority>
727 </member>
728 <member name="T:Xunit.Sdk.ContainsException">
729 <summary>
730 Exception thrown when a collection unexpectedly does not contain the expected value.
731 </summary>
732 </member>
733 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.ContainsException.#ctor(System.Object)">
734 <summary>
735 Creates a new instance of the <see cref="T:Xunit.Sdk.ContainsException"/> class.
736 </summary>
737 <param name="expected">The expected object value</param>
738 </member>
739 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.ContainsException.#ctor(System.Object,System.Object)">
740 <summary>
741 Creates a new instance of the <see cref="T:Xunit.Sdk.ContainsException"/> class.
742 </summary>
743 <param name="expected">The expected object value</param>
744 <param name="actual">The actual value</param>
745 </member>
746 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.ContainsException.#ctor(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo,System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext)">
747 <inheritdoc/>
748 </member>
749 <member name="T:Xunit.Sdk.ParameterCountMismatchException">
750 <summary>
751 Exception to be thrown from <see cref="M:Xunit.Sdk.IMethodInfo.Invoke(System.Object,System.Object[])"/> when the number of
752 parameter values does not the test method signature.
753 </summary>
754 </member>
755 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.ParameterCountMismatchException.#ctor">
756 <summary/>
757 </member>
758 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.ParameterCountMismatchException.#ctor(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo,System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext)">
759 <summary/>
760 </member>
761 <member name="T:Xunit.Sdk.PropertyChangedException">
762 <summary>
763 Exception thrown when code unexpectedly fails change a property.
764 </summary>
765 </member>
766 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.PropertyChangedException.#ctor(System.String)">
767 <summary>
768 Creates a new instance of the <see cref="T:Xunit.Sdk.PropertyChangedException"/> class. Call this constructor
769 when no exception was thrown.
770 </summary>
771 <param name="propertyName">The name of the property that was expected.</param>
772 </member>
773 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.PropertyChangedException.#ctor(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo,System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext)">
774 <inheritdoc/>
775 </member>
776 <member name="T:Xunit.Sdk.SingleException">
777 <summary>
778 Exception thrown when the collection did not contain exactly one element.
779 </summary>
780 </member>
781 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.SingleException.#ctor(System.Int32)">
782 <summary>
783 Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Xunit.Sdk.SingleException"/> class.
784 </summary>
785 <param name="count">The numbers of items in the collection.</param>
786 </member>
787 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.SingleException.#ctor(System.Int32,System.Object)">
788 <summary>
789 Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Xunit.Sdk.SingleException"/> class.
790 </summary>
791 <param name="count">The numbers of items in the collection.</param>
792 <param name="expected">The object expected to be in the collection.</param>
793 </member>
794 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.SingleException.#ctor(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo,System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext)">
795 <inheritdoc/>
796 </member>
797 <member name="T:Xunit.Sdk.Executor">
798 <summary>
799 Internal class used for version-resilient test runners. DO NOT CALL DIRECTLY.
800 Version-resilient runners should link against xunit.runner.utility.dll and use
801 ExecutorWrapper instead.
802 </summary>
803 </member>
804 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.Executor.#ctor(System.String)">
805 <summary/>
806 </member>
807 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.Executor.InitializeLifetimeService">
808 <summary/>
809 </member>
810 <member name="T:Xunit.Sdk.Executor.AssemblyTestCount">
811 <summary/>
812 </member>
813 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.Executor.AssemblyTestCount.#ctor(Xunit.Sdk.Executor,System.Object)">
814 <summary/>
815 </member>
816 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.Executor.AssemblyTestCount.InitializeLifetimeService">
817 <summary/>
818 </member>
819 <member name="T:Xunit.Sdk.Executor.EnumerateTests">
820 <summary/>
821 </member>
822 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.Executor.EnumerateTests.#ctor(Xunit.Sdk.Executor,System.Object)">
823 <summary/>
824 </member>
825 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.Executor.EnumerateTests.InitializeLifetimeService">
826 <summary/>
827 </member>
828 <member name="T:Xunit.Sdk.Executor.RunAssembly">
829 <summary/>
830 </member>
831 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.Executor.RunAssembly.#ctor(Xunit.Sdk.Executor,System.Object)">
832 <summary/>
833 </member>
834 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.Executor.RunAssembly.InitializeLifetimeService">
835 <summary/>
836 </member>
837 <member name="T:Xunit.Sdk.Executor.RunClass">
838 <summary/>
839 </member>
840 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.Executor.RunClass.#ctor(Xunit.Sdk.Executor,System.String,System.Object)">
841 <summary/>
842 </member>
843 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.Executor.RunClass.InitializeLifetimeService">
844 <summary/>
845 </member>
846 <member name="T:Xunit.Sdk.Executor.RunTest">
847 <summary/>
848 </member>
849 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.Executor.RunTest.#ctor(Xunit.Sdk.Executor,System.String,System.String,System.Object)">
850 <summary/>
851 </member>
852 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.Executor.RunTest.InitializeLifetimeService">
853 <summary/>
854 </member>
855 <member name="T:Xunit.Sdk.Executor.RunTests">
856 <summary/>
857 </member>
858 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.Executor.RunTests.#ctor(Xunit.Sdk.Executor,System.String,System.Collections.Generic.List{System.String},System.Object)">
859 <summary/>
860 </member>
861 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.Executor.RunTests.InitializeLifetimeService">
862 <summary/>
863 </member>
864 <member name="T:Xunit.Sdk.IsAssignableFromException">
865 <summary>
866 Exception thrown when the value is unexpectedly not of the given type or a derived type.
867 </summary>
868 </member>
869 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.IsAssignableFromException.#ctor(System.Type,System.Object)">
870 <summary>
871 Creates a new instance of the <see cref="T:Xunit.Sdk.IsTypeException"/> class.
872 </summary>
873 <param name="expected">The expected type</param>
874 <param name="actual">The actual object value</param>
875 </member>
876 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.IsAssignableFromException.#ctor(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo,System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext)">
877 <inheritdoc/>
878 </member>
879 <member name="T:Xunit.Record">
880 <summary>
881 Allows the user to record actions for a test.
882 </summary>
883 </member>
884 <member name="M:Xunit.Record.Exception(Xunit.Assert.ThrowsDelegate)">
885 <summary>
886 Records any exception which is thrown by the given code.
887 </summary>
888 <param name="code">The code which may thrown an exception.</param>
889 <returns>Returns the exception that was thrown by the code; null, otherwise.</returns>
890 </member>
891 <member name="M:Xunit.Record.Exception(Xunit.Assert.ThrowsDelegateWithReturn)">
892 <summary>
893 Records any exception which is thrown by the given code that has
894 a return value. Generally used for testing property accessors.
895 </summary>
896 <param name="code">The code which may thrown an exception.</param>
897 <returns>Returns the exception that was thrown by the code; null, otherwise.</returns>
898 </member>
899 <member name="T:Xunit.Sdk.AfterTestException">
900 <summary>
901 Exception that is thrown when one or more exceptions are thrown from
902 the After method of a <see cref="T:Xunit.BeforeAfterTestAttribute"/>.
903 </summary>
904 </member>
905 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.AfterTestException.#ctor(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{System.Exception})">
906 <summary>
907 Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Xunit.Sdk.AfterTestException"/> class.
908 </summary>
909 <param name="exceptions">The exceptions.</param>
910 </member>
911 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.AfterTestException.#ctor(System.Exception[])">
912 <summary>
913 Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Xunit.Sdk.AfterTestException"/> class.
914 </summary>
915 <param name="exceptions">The exceptions.</param>
916 </member>
917 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.AfterTestException.#ctor(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo,System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext)">
918 <inheritdoc/>
919 </member>
920 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.AfterTestException.GetObjectData(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo,System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext)">
921 <inheritdoc/>
922 </member>
923 <member name="P:Xunit.Sdk.AfterTestException.AfterExceptions">
924 <summary>
925 Gets the list of exceptions thrown in the After method.
926 </summary>
927 </member>
928 <member name="P:Xunit.Sdk.AfterTestException.Message">
929 <summary>
930 Gets a message that describes the current exception.
931 </summary>
932 </member>
933 <member name="P:Xunit.Sdk.AfterTestException.StackTrace">
934 <summary>
935 Gets a string representation of the frames on the call stack at the time the current exception was thrown.
936 </summary>
937 </member>
938 <member name="T:Xunit.Sdk.BeforeAfterCommand">
939 <summary>
940 Implementation of <see cref="T:Xunit.Sdk.ITestCommand"/> which executes the
941 <see cref="T:Xunit.BeforeAfterTestAttribute"/> instances attached to a test method.
942 </summary>
943 </member>
944 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.BeforeAfterCommand.#ctor(Xunit.Sdk.ITestCommand,System.Reflection.MethodInfo)">
945 <summary>
946 Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Xunit.Sdk.BeforeAfterCommand"/> class.
947 </summary>
948 <param name="innerCommand">The inner command.</param>
949 <param name="testMethod">The method.</param>
950 </member>
951 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.BeforeAfterCommand.Execute(System.Object)">
952 <summary>
953 Executes the test method.
954 </summary>
955 <param name="testClass">The instance of the test class</param>
956 <returns>Returns information about the test run</returns>
957 </member>
958 <member name="T:Xunit.Sdk.ExecutorCallback">
959 <summary>
960 This class supports the xUnit.net infrastructure and is not intended to be used
961 directly from your code.
962 </summary>
963 </member>
964 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.ExecutorCallback.Wrap(System.Object)">
965 <summary>
966 This API supports the xUnit.net infrastructure and is not intended to be used
967 directly from your code.
968 </summary>
969 </member>
970 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.ExecutorCallback.Notify(System.String)">
971 <summary>
972 This API supports the xUnit.net infrastructure and is not intended to be used
973 directly from your code.
974 </summary>
975 </member>
976 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.ExecutorCallback.ShouldContinue">
977 <summary>
978 This API supports the xUnit.net infrastructure and is not intended to be used
979 directly from your code.
980 </summary>
981 </member>
982 <member name="T:Xunit.Sdk.Guard">
983 <summary>
984 Guard class, used for guard clauses and argument validation
985 </summary>
986 </member>
987 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.Guard.ArgumentNotNull(System.String,System.Object)">
988 <summary/>
989 </member>
990 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.Guard.ArgumentNotNullOrEmpty(System.String,System.Collections.IEnumerable)">
991 <summary/>
992 </member>
993 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.Guard.ArgumentValid(System.String,System.String,System.Boolean)">
994 <summary/>
995 </member>
996 <member name="T:Xunit.Sdk.TestResult">
997 <summary>
998 Base class which contains XML manipulation helper methods
999 </summary>
1000 </member>
1001 <member name="T:Xunit.Sdk.ITestResult">
1002 <summary>
1003 Interface that represents a single test result.
1004 </summary>
1005 </member>
1006 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.ITestResult.ToXml(System.Xml.XmlNode)">
1007 <summary>
1008 Converts the test result into XML that is consumed by the test runners.
1009 </summary>
1010 <param name="parentNode">The parent node.</param>
1011 <returns>The newly created XML node.</returns>
1012 </member>
1013 <member name="P:Xunit.Sdk.ITestResult.ExecutionTime">
1014 <summary>
1015 The amount of time spent in execution
1016 </summary>
1017 </member>
1018 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.TestResult.AddTime(System.Xml.XmlNode)">
1019 <summary>
1020 Adds the test execution time to the XML node.
1021 </summary>
1022 <param name="testNode">The XML node.</param>
1023 </member>
1024 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.TestResult.ToXml(System.Xml.XmlNode)">
1025 <inheritdoc/>
1026 </member>
1027 <member name="P:Xunit.Sdk.TestResult.ExecutionTime">
1028 <inheritdoc/>
1029 </member>
1030 <member name="T:Xunit.Sdk.ExceptionUtility">
1031 <summary>
1032 Utility methods for dealing with exceptions.
1033 </summary>
1034 </member>
1035 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.ExceptionUtility.GetMessage(System.Exception)">
1036 <summary>
1037 Gets the message for the exception, including any inner exception messages.
1038 </summary>
1039 <param name="ex">The exception</param>
1040 <returns>The formatted message</returns>
1041 </member>
1042 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.ExceptionUtility.GetStackTrace(System.Exception)">
1043 <summary>
1044 Gets the stack trace for the exception, including any inner exceptions.
1045 </summary>
1046 <param name="ex">The exception</param>
1047 <returns>The formatted stack trace</returns>
1048 </member>
1049 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.ExceptionUtility.RethrowWithNoStackTraceLoss(System.Exception)">
1050 <summary>
1051 Rethrows an exception object without losing the existing stack trace information
1052 </summary>
1053 <param name="ex">The exception to re-throw.</param>
1054 <remarks>
1055 For more information on this technique, see
1056 http://www.dotnetjunkies.com/WebLog/chris.taylor/archive/2004/03/03/8353.aspx
1057 </remarks>
1058 </member>
1059 <member name="T:Xunit.Sdk.MultiValueDictionary`2">
1060 <summary>
1061 A dictionary which contains multiple unique values for each key.
1062 </summary>
1063 <typeparam name="TKey">The type of the key.</typeparam>
1064 <typeparam name="TValue">The type of the value.</typeparam>
1065 </member>
1066 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.MultiValueDictionary`2.AddValue(`0,`1)">
1067 <summary>
1068 Adds the value for the given key. If the key does not exist in the
1069 dictionary yet, it will add it.
1070 </summary>
1071 <param name="key">The key.</param>
1072 <param name="value">The value.</param>
1073 </member>
1074 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.MultiValueDictionary`2.Clear">
1075 <summary>
1076 Removes all keys and values from the dictionary.
1077 </summary>
1078 </member>
1079 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.MultiValueDictionary`2.Contains(`0,`1)">
1080 <summary>
1081 Determines whether the dictionary contains to specified key and value.
1082 </summary>
1083 <param name="key">The key.</param>
1084 <param name="value">The value.</param>
1085 </member>
1086 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.MultiValueDictionary`2.ForEach(Xunit.Sdk.MultiValueDictionary{`0,`1}.ForEachDelegate)">
1087 <summary>
1088 Calls the delegate once for each key/value pair in the dictionary.
1089 </summary>
1090 </member>
1091 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.MultiValueDictionary`2.Remove(`0)">
1092 <summary>
1093 Removes the given key and all of its values.
1094 </summary>
1095 </member>
1096 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.MultiValueDictionary`2.RemoveValue(`0,`1)">
1097 <summary>
1098 Removes the given value from the given key. If this was the
1099 last value for the key, then the key is removed as well.
1100 </summary>
1101 <param name="key">The key.</param>
1102 <param name="value">The value.</param>
1103 </member>
1104 <member name="P:Xunit.Sdk.MultiValueDictionary`2.Item(`0)">
1105 <summary>
1106 Gets the values for the given key.
1107 </summary>
1108 </member>
1109 <member name="P:Xunit.Sdk.MultiValueDictionary`2.Count">
1110 <summary>
1111 Gets the count of the keys in the dictionary.
1112 </summary>
1113 </member>
1114 <member name="P:Xunit.Sdk.MultiValueDictionary`2.Keys">
1115 <summary>
1116 Gets the keys.
1117 </summary>
1118 </member>
1119 <member name="T:Xunit.Sdk.MultiValueDictionary`2.ForEachDelegate">
1120 <summary/>
1121 </member>
1122 <member name="T:Xunit.Sdk.XmlUtility">
1123 <summary>
1124 XML utility methods
1125 </summary>
1126 </member>
1127 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.XmlUtility.AddAttribute(System.Xml.XmlNode,System.String,System.Object)">
1128 <summary>
1129 Adds an attribute to an XML node.
1130 </summary>
1131 <param name="node">The XML node.</param>
1132 <param name="name">The attribute name.</param>
1133 <param name="value">The attribute value.</param>
1134 </member>
1135 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.XmlUtility.AddElement(System.Xml.XmlNode,System.String)">
1136 <summary>
1137 Adds a child element to an XML node.
1138 </summary>
1139 <param name="parentNode">The parent XML node.</param>
1140 <param name="name">The child element name.</param>
1141 <returns>The new child XML element.</returns>
1142 </member>
1143 <member name="T:Xunit.Sdk.TraceAssertException">
1144 <summary>
1145 Exception that is thrown when a call to Debug.Assert() fails.
1146 </summary>
1147 </member>
1148 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.TraceAssertException.#ctor(System.String)">
1149 <summary>
1150 Creates a new instance of the <see cref="T:Xunit.Sdk.TraceAssertException"/> class.
1151 </summary>
1152 <param name="assertMessage">The original assert message</param>
1153 </member>
1154 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.TraceAssertException.#ctor(System.String,System.String)">
1155 <summary>
1156 Creates a new instance of the <see cref="T:Xunit.Sdk.TraceAssertException"/> class.
1157 </summary>
1158 <param name="assertMessage">The original assert message</param>
1159 <param name="assertDetailedMessage">The original assert detailed message</param>
1160 </member>
1161 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.TraceAssertException.#ctor(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo,System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext)">
1162 <inheritdoc/>
1163 </member>
1164 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.TraceAssertException.GetObjectData(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo,System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext)">
1165 <inheritdoc/>
1166 </member>
1167 <member name="P:Xunit.Sdk.TraceAssertException.AssertDetailedMessage">
1168 <summary>
1169 Gets the original assert detailed message.
1170 </summary>
1171 </member>
1172 <member name="P:Xunit.Sdk.TraceAssertException.AssertMessage">
1173 <summary>
1174 Gets the original assert message.
1175 </summary>
1176 </member>
1177 <member name="P:Xunit.Sdk.TraceAssertException.Message">
1178 <summary>
1179 Gets a message that describes the current exception.
1180 </summary>
1181 </member>
1182 <member name="T:Xunit.Sdk.DoesNotContainException">
1183 <summary>
1184 Exception thrown when a collection unexpectedly contains the expected value.
1185 </summary>
1186 </member>
1187 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.DoesNotContainException.#ctor(System.Object)">
1188 <summary>
1189 Creates a new instance of the <see cref="T:Xunit.Sdk.DoesNotContainException"/> class.
1190 </summary>
1191 <param name="expected">The expected object value</param>
1192 </member>
1193 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.DoesNotContainException.#ctor(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo,System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext)">
1194 <inheritdoc/>
1195 </member>
1196 <member name="T:Xunit.Sdk.DoesNotThrowException">
1197 <summary>
1198 Exception thrown when code unexpectedly throws an exception.
1199 </summary>
1200 </member>
1201 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.DoesNotThrowException.#ctor(System.Exception)">
1202 <summary>
1203 Creates a new instance of the <see cref="T:Xunit.Sdk.DoesNotThrowException"/> class.
1204 </summary>
1205 <param name="actual">Actual exception</param>
1206 </member>
1207 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.DoesNotThrowException.#ctor(System.String)">
1208 <summary>
1210 </summary>
1211 </member>
1212 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.DoesNotThrowException.#ctor(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo,System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext)">
1213 <inheritdoc/>
1214 </member>
1215 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.DoesNotThrowException.GetObjectData(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo,System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext)">
1216 <inheritdoc/>
1217 </member>
1218 <member name="P:Xunit.Sdk.DoesNotThrowException.StackTrace">
1219 <summary>
1220 Gets a string representation of the frames on the call stack at the time the current exception was thrown.
1221 </summary>
1222 <returns>A string that describes the contents of the call stack, with the most recent method call appearing first.</returns>
1223 </member>
1224 <member name="T:Xunit.Sdk.EmptyException">
1225 <summary>
1226 Exception thrown when a collection is unexpectedly not empty.
1227 </summary>
1228 </member>
1229 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.EmptyException.#ctor">
1230 <summary>
1231 Creates a new instance of the <see cref="T:Xunit.Sdk.EmptyException"/> class.
1232 </summary>
1233 </member>
1234 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.EmptyException.#ctor(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo,System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext)">
1235 <inheritdoc/>
1236 </member>
1237 <member name="T:Xunit.Sdk.EqualException">
1238 <summary>
1239 Exception thrown when two values are unexpectedly not equal.
1240 </summary>
1241 </member>
1242 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.EqualException.#ctor(System.Object,System.Object)">
1243 <summary>
1244 Creates a new instance of the <see cref="T:Xunit.Sdk.EqualException"/> class.
1245 </summary>
1246 <param name="expected">The expected object value</param>
1247 <param name="actual">The actual object value</param>
1248 </member>
1249 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.EqualException.#ctor(System.Object,System.Object,System.Boolean)">
1250 <summary>
1251 Creates a new instance of the <see cref="T:Xunit.Sdk.EqualException"/> class.
1252 </summary>
1253 <param name="expected">The expected object value</param>
1254 <param name="actual">The actual object value</param>
1255 <param name="skipPositionCheck">Set to true to skip the check for difference position</param>
1256 </member>
1257 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.EqualException.#ctor(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo,System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext)">
1258 <inheritdoc/>
1259 </member>
1260 <member name="T:Xunit.Sdk.FalseException">
1261 <summary>
1262 Exception thrown when a value is unexpectedly true.
1263 </summary>
1264 </member>
1265 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.FalseException.#ctor(System.String)">
1266 <summary>
1267 Creates a new instance of the <see cref="T:Xunit.Sdk.FalseException"/> class.
1268 </summary>
1269 <param name="userMessage">The user message to be display, or null for the default message</param>
1270 </member>
1271 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.FalseException.#ctor(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo,System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext)">
1272 <inheritdoc/>
1273 </member>
1274 <member name="T:Xunit.Sdk.InRangeException">
1275 <summary>
1276 Exception thrown when a value is unexpectedly not in the given range.
1277 </summary>
1278 </member>
1279 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.InRangeException.#ctor(System.Object,System.Object,System.Object)">
1280 <summary>
1281 Creates a new instance of the <see cref="T:Xunit.Sdk.InRangeException"/> class.
1282 </summary>
1283 <param name="actual">The actual object value</param>
1284 <param name="low">The low value of the range</param>
1285 <param name="high">The high value of the range</param>
1286 </member>
1287 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.InRangeException.#ctor(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo,System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext)">
1288 <inheritdoc/>
1289 </member>
1290 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.InRangeException.GetObjectData(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo,System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext)">
1291 <inheritdoc/>
1292 </member>
1293 <member name="P:Xunit.Sdk.InRangeException.Actual">
1294 <summary>
1295 Gets the actual object value
1296 </summary>
1297 </member>
1298 <member name="P:Xunit.Sdk.InRangeException.High">
1299 <summary>
1300 Gets the high value of the range
1301 </summary>
1302 </member>
1303 <member name="P:Xunit.Sdk.InRangeException.Low">
1304 <summary>
1305 Gets the low value of the range
1306 </summary>
1307 </member>
1308 <member name="P:Xunit.Sdk.InRangeException.Message">
1309 <summary>
1310 Gets a message that describes the current exception.
1311 </summary>
1312 <returns>The error message that explains the reason for the exception, or an empty string("").</returns>
1313 </member>
1314 <member name="T:Xunit.Sdk.IsNotTypeException">
1315 <summary>
1316 Exception thrown when the value is unexpectedly of the exact given type.
1317 </summary>
1318 </member>
1319 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.IsNotTypeException.#ctor(System.Type,System.Object)">
1320 <summary>
1321 Creates a new instance of the <see cref="T:Xunit.Sdk.IsNotTypeException"/> class.
1322 </summary>
1323 <param name="expected">The expected type</param>
1324 <param name="actual">The actual object value</param>
1325 </member>
1326 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.IsNotTypeException.#ctor(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo,System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext)">
1327 <inheritdoc/>
1328 </member>
1329 <member name="T:Xunit.Sdk.IsTypeException">
1330 <summary>
1331 Exception thrown when the value is unexpectedly not of the exact given type.
1332 </summary>
1333 </member>
1334 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.IsTypeException.#ctor(System.Type,System.Object)">
1335 <summary>
1336 Creates a new instance of the <see cref="T:Xunit.Sdk.IsTypeException"/> class.
1337 </summary>
1338 <param name="expected">The expected type</param>
1339 <param name="actual">The actual object value</param>
1340 </member>
1341 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.IsTypeException.#ctor(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo,System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext)">
1342 <inheritdoc/>
1343 </member>
1344 <member name="T:Xunit.IUseFixture`1">
1345 <summary>
1346 Used to decorate xUnit.net test classes that utilize fixture classes.
1347 An instance of the fixture data is initialized just before the first
1348 test in the class is run, and if it implements IDisposable, is disposed
1349 after the last test in the class is run.
1350 </summary>
1351 <typeparam name="T">The type of the fixture</typeparam>
1352 </member>
1353 <member name="M:Xunit.IUseFixture`1.SetFixture(`0)">
1354 <summary>
1355 Called on the test class just before each test method is run,
1356 passing the fixture data so that it can be used for the test.
1357 All test runs share the same instance of fixture data.
1358 </summary>
1359 <param name="data">The fixture data</param>
1360 </member>
1361 <member name="T:Xunit.Sdk.NotInRangeException">
1362 <summary>
1363 Exception thrown when a value is unexpectedly in the given range.
1364 </summary>
1365 </member>
1366 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.NotInRangeException.#ctor(System.Object,System.Object,System.Object)">
1367 <summary>
1368 Creates a new instance of the <see cref="T:Xunit.Sdk.NotInRangeException"/> class.
1369 </summary>
1370 <param name="actual">The actual object value</param>
1371 <param name="low">The low value of the range</param>
1372 <param name="high">The high value of the range</param>
1373 </member>
1374 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.NotInRangeException.#ctor(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo,System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext)">
1375 <inheritdoc/>
1376 </member>
1377 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.NotInRangeException.GetObjectData(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo,System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext)">
1378 <inheritdoc/>
1379 </member>
1380 <member name="P:Xunit.Sdk.NotInRangeException.Actual">
1381 <summary>
1382 Gets the actual object value
1383 </summary>
1384 </member>
1385 <member name="P:Xunit.Sdk.NotInRangeException.High">
1386 <summary>
1387 Gets the high value of the range
1388 </summary>
1389 </member>
1390 <member name="P:Xunit.Sdk.NotInRangeException.Low">
1391 <summary>
1392 Gets the low value of the range
1393 </summary>
1394 </member>
1395 <member name="P:Xunit.Sdk.NotInRangeException.Message">
1396 <summary>
1397 Gets a message that describes the current exception.
1398 </summary>
1399 <returns>The error message that explains the reason for the exception, or an empty string("").</returns>
1400 </member>
1401 <member name="T:Xunit.BeforeAfterTestAttribute">
1402 <summary>
1403 Base attribute which indicates a test method interception (allows code to be run before and
1404 after the test is run).
1405 </summary>
1406 </member>
1407 <member name="M:Xunit.BeforeAfterTestAttribute.After(System.Reflection.MethodInfo)">
1408 <summary>
1409 This method is called after the test method is executed.
1410 </summary>
1411 <param name="methodUnderTest">The method under test</param>
1412 </member>
1413 <member name="M:Xunit.BeforeAfterTestAttribute.Before(System.Reflection.MethodInfo)">
1414 <summary>
1415 This method is called before the test method is executed.
1416 </summary>
1417 <param name="methodUnderTest">The method under test</param>
1418 </member>
1419 <member name="P:Xunit.BeforeAfterTestAttribute.TypeId">
1420 <inheritdoc/>
1421 </member>
1422 <member name="T:Xunit.Sdk.NotEmptyException">
1423 <summary>
1424 Exception thrown when a collection is unexpectedly empty.
1425 </summary>
1426 </member>
1427 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.NotEmptyException.#ctor">
1428 <summary>
1429 Creates a new instance of the <see cref="T:Xunit.Sdk.NotEmptyException"/> class.
1430 </summary>
1431 </member>
1432 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.NotEmptyException.#ctor(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo,System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext)">
1433 <inheritdoc/>
1434 </member>
1435 <member name="T:Xunit.Sdk.NotEqualException">
1436 <summary>
1437 Exception thrown when two values are unexpectedly equal.
1438 </summary>
1439 </member>
1440 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.NotEqualException.#ctor">
1441 <summary>
1442 Creates a new instance of the <see cref="T:Xunit.Sdk.NotEqualException"/> class.
1443 </summary>
1444 </member>
1445 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.NotEqualException.#ctor(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo,System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext)">
1446 <inheritdoc/>
1447 </member>
1448 <member name="T:Xunit.Sdk.NotNullException">
1449 <summary>
1450 Exception thrown when an object is unexpectedly null.
1451 </summary>
1452 </member>
1453 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.NotNullException.#ctor">
1454 <summary>
1455 Creates a new instance of the <see cref="T:Xunit.Sdk.NotNullException"/> class.
1456 </summary>
1457 </member>
1458 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.NotNullException.#ctor(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo,System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext)">
1459 <inheritdoc/>
1460 </member>
1461 <member name="T:Xunit.Sdk.NotSameException">
1462 <summary>
1463 Exception thrown when two values are unexpected the same instance.
1464 </summary>
1465 </member>
1466 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.NotSameException.#ctor">
1467 <summary>
1468 Creates a new instance of the <see cref="T:Xunit.Sdk.NotSameException"/> class.
1469 </summary>
1470 </member>
1471 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.NotSameException.#ctor(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo,System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext)">
1472 <inheritdoc/>
1473 </member>
1474 <member name="T:Xunit.Sdk.NullException">
1475 <summary>
1476 Exception thrown when an object reference is unexpectedly not null.
1477 </summary>
1478 </member>
1479 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.NullException.#ctor(System.Object)">
1480 <summary>
1481 Creates a new instance of the <see cref="T:Xunit.Sdk.NullException"/> class.
1482 </summary>
1483 <param name="actual"></param>
1484 </member>
1485 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.NullException.#ctor(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo,System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext)">
1486 <inheritdoc/>
1487 </member>
1488 <member name="T:Xunit.Sdk.LifetimeCommand">
1489 <summary>
1490 Command that automatically creates the instance of the test class
1491 and disposes it (if it implements <see cref="T:System.IDisposable"/>).
1492 </summary>
1493 </member>
1494 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.LifetimeCommand.#ctor(Xunit.Sdk.ITestCommand,Xunit.Sdk.IMethodInfo)">
1495 <summary>
1496 Creates a new instance of the <see cref="T:Xunit.Sdk.LifetimeCommand"/> object.
1497 </summary>
1498 <param name="innerCommand">The command that is bring wrapped</param>
1499 <param name="method">The method under test</param>
1500 </member>
1501 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.LifetimeCommand.Execute(System.Object)">
1502 <summary>
1503 Executes the test method. Creates a new instance of the class
1504 under tests and passes it to the inner command. Also catches
1505 any exceptions and converts them into <see cref="T:Xunit.Sdk.FailedResult"/>s.
1506 </summary>
1507 <param name="testClass">The instance of the test class</param>
1508 <returns>Returns information about the test run</returns>
1509 </member>
1510 <member name="T:Xunit.Sdk.FixtureCommand">
1511 <summary>
1512 Command used to wrap a <see cref="T:Xunit.Sdk.ITestCommand"/> which has associated
1513 fixture data.
1514 </summary>
1515 </member>
1516 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.FixtureCommand.#ctor(Xunit.Sdk.ITestCommand,System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.Reflection.MethodInfo,System.Object})">
1517 <summary>
1518 Creates a new instance of the <see cref="T:Xunit.Sdk.FixtureCommand"/> class.
1519 </summary>
1520 <param name="innerCommand">The inner command</param>
1521 <param name="fixtures">The fixtures to be set on the test class</param>
1522 </member>
1523 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.FixtureCommand.Execute(System.Object)">
1524 <summary>
1525 Sets the fixtures on the test class by calling SetFixture, then
1526 calls the inner command.
1527 </summary>
1528 <param name="testClass">The instance of the test class</param>
1529 <returns>Returns information about the test run</returns>
1530 </member>
1531 <member name="T:Xunit.Sdk.TestTimer">
1532 <summary>
1533 A timer class used to figure out how long tests take to run. On most .NET implementations
1534 this will use the <see cref="T:System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch"/> class because it's a high
1535 resolution timer; however, on Silverlight/CoreCLR, it will use <see cref="T:System.DateTime"/>
1536 (which will provide lower resolution results).
1537 </summary>
1538 </member>
1539 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.TestTimer.#ctor">
1540 <summary>
1541 Creates a new instance of the <see cref="T:Xunit.Sdk.TestTimer"/> class.
1542 </summary>
1543 </member>
1544 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.TestTimer.Start">
1545 <summary>
1546 Starts timing.
1547 </summary>
1548 </member>
1549 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.TestTimer.Stop">
1550 <summary>
1551 Stops timing.
1552 </summary>
1553 </member>
1554 <member name="P:Xunit.Sdk.TestTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds">
1555 <summary>
1556 Gets how long the timer ran, in milliseconds. In order for this to be valid,
1557 both <see cref="M:Xunit.Sdk.TestTimer.Start"/> and <see cref="M:Xunit.Sdk.TestTimer.Stop"/> must have been called.
1558 </summary>
1559 </member>
1560 <member name="T:Xunit.TraitAttribute">
1561 <summary>
1562 Attribute used to decorate a test method with arbitrary name/value pairs ("traits").
1563 </summary>
1564 </member>
1565 <member name="M:Xunit.TraitAttribute.#ctor(System.String,System.String)">
1566 <summary>
1567 Creates a new instance of the <see cref="T:Xunit.TraitAttribute"/> class.
1568 </summary>
1569 <param name="name">The trait name</param>
1570 <param name="value">The trait value</param>
1571 </member>
1572 <member name="P:Xunit.TraitAttribute.Name">
1573 <summary>
1574 Gets the trait name.
1575 </summary>
1576 </member>
1577 <member name="P:Xunit.TraitAttribute.TypeId">
1578 <inheritdoc/>
1579 </member>
1580 <member name="P:Xunit.TraitAttribute.Value">
1581 <summary>
1582 Gets the trait value.
1583 </summary>
1584 </member>
1585 <member name="T:Xunit.Sdk.TestClassCommandRunner">
1586 <summary>
1587 Runner that executes an <see cref="T:Xunit.Sdk.ITestClassCommand"/> synchronously.
1588 </summary>
1589 </member>
1590 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.TestClassCommandRunner.Execute(Xunit.Sdk.ITestClassCommand,System.Collections.Generic.List{Xunit.Sdk.IMethodInfo},System.Predicate{Xunit.Sdk.ITestCommand},System.Predicate{Xunit.Sdk.ITestResult})">
1591 <summary>
1592 Execute the <see cref="T:Xunit.Sdk.ITestClassCommand"/>.
1593 </summary>
1594 <param name="testClassCommand">The test class command to execute</param>
1595 <param name="methods">The methods to execute; if null or empty, all methods will be executed</param>
1596 <param name="startCallback">The start run callback</param>
1597 <param name="resultCallback">The end run result callback</param>
1598 <returns>A <see cref="T:Xunit.Sdk.ClassResult"/> with the results of the test run</returns>
1599 </member>
1600 <member name="T:Xunit.Sdk.TestClassCommandFactory">
1601 <summary>
1602 Factory for <see cref="T:Xunit.Sdk.ITestClassCommand"/> objects, based on the type under test.
1603 </summary>
1604 </member>
1605 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.TestClassCommandFactory.Make(System.Type)">
1606 <summary>
1607 Creates the test class command, which implements <see cref="T:Xunit.Sdk.ITestClassCommand"/>, for a given type.
1608 </summary>
1609 <param name="type">The type under test</param>
1610 <returns>The test class command, if the class is a test class; null, otherwise</returns>
1611 </member>
1612 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.TestClassCommandFactory.Make(Xunit.Sdk.ITypeInfo)">
1613 <summary>
1614 Creates the test class command, which implements <see cref="T:Xunit.Sdk.ITestClassCommand"/>, for a given type.
1615 </summary>
1616 <param name="typeInfo">The type under test</param>
1617 <returns>The test class command, if the class is a test class; null, otherwise</returns>
1618 </member>
1619 <member name="T:Xunit.Sdk.TestClassCommand">
1620 <summary>
1621 Represents an xUnit.net test class
1622 </summary>
1623 </member>
1624 <member name="T:Xunit.Sdk.ITestClassCommand">
1625 <summary>
1626 Interface which describes the ability to executes all the tests in a test class.
1627 </summary>
1628 </member>
1629 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.ITestClassCommand.ChooseNextTest(System.Collections.Generic.ICollection{Xunit.Sdk.IMethodInfo})">
1630 <summary>
1631 Allows the test class command to choose the next test to be run from the list of
1632 tests that have not yet been run, thereby allowing it to choose the run order.
1633 </summary>
1634 <param name="testsLeftToRun">The tests remaining to be run</param>
1635 <returns>The index of the test that should be run</returns>
1636 </member>
1637 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.ITestClassCommand.ClassFinish">
1638 <summary>
1639 Execute actions to be run after all the test methods of this test class are run.
1640 </summary>
1641 <returns>Returns the <see cref="T:System.Exception"/> thrown during execution, if any; null, otherwise</returns>
1642 </member>
1643 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.ITestClassCommand.ClassStart">
1644 <summary>
1645 Execute actions to be run before any of the test methods of this test class are run.
1646 </summary>
1647 <returns>Returns the <see cref="T:System.Exception"/> thrown during execution, if any; null, otherwise</returns>
1648 </member>
1649 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.ITestClassCommand.EnumerateTestCommands(Xunit.Sdk.IMethodInfo)">
1650 <summary>
1651 Enumerates the test commands for a given test method in this test class.
1652 </summary>
1653 <param name="testMethod">The method under test</param>
1654 <returns>The test commands for the given test method</returns>
1655 </member>
1656 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.ITestClassCommand.EnumerateTestMethods">
1657 <summary>
1658 Enumerates the methods which are test methods in this test class.
1659 </summary>
1660 <returns>The test methods</returns>
1661 </member>
1662 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.ITestClassCommand.IsTestMethod(Xunit.Sdk.IMethodInfo)">
1663 <summary>
1664 Determines if a given <see cref="T:Xunit.Sdk.IMethodInfo"/> refers to a test method.
1665 </summary>
1666 <param name="testMethod">The test method to validate</param>
1667 <returns>True if the method is a test method; false, otherwise</returns>
1668 </member>
1669 <member name="P:Xunit.Sdk.ITestClassCommand.ObjectUnderTest">
1670 <summary>
1671 Gets the object instance that is under test. May return null if you wish
1672 the test framework to create a new object instance for each test method.
1673 </summary>
1674 </member>
1675 <member name="P:Xunit.Sdk.ITestClassCommand.TypeUnderTest">
1676 <summary>
1677 Gets or sets the type that is being tested
1678 </summary>
1679 </member>
1680 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.TestClassCommand.#ctor">
1681 <summary>
1682 Creates a new instance of the <see cref="T:Xunit.Sdk.TestClassCommand"/> class.
1683 </summary>
1684 </member>
1685 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.TestClassCommand.#ctor(System.Type)">
1686 <summary>
1687 Creates a new instance of the <see cref="T:Xunit.Sdk.TestClassCommand"/> class.
1688 </summary>
1689 <param name="typeUnderTest">The type under test</param>
1690 </member>
1691 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.TestClassCommand.#ctor(Xunit.Sdk.ITypeInfo)">
1692 <summary>
1693 Creates a new instance of the <see cref="T:Xunit.Sdk.TestClassCommand"/> class.
1694 </summary>
1695 <param name="typeUnderTest">The type under test</param>
1696 </member>
1697 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.TestClassCommand.ChooseNextTest(System.Collections.Generic.ICollection{Xunit.Sdk.IMethodInfo})">
1698 <summary>
1699 Chooses the next test to run, randomly, using the <see cref="P:Xunit.Sdk.TestClassCommand.Randomizer"/>.
1700 </summary>
1701 <param name="testsLeftToRun">The tests remaining to be run</param>
1702 <returns>The index of the test that should be run</returns>
1703 </member>
1704 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.TestClassCommand.ClassFinish">
1705 <summary>
1706 Execute actions to be run after all the test methods of this test class are run.
1707 </summary>
1708 <returns>Returns the <see cref="T:System.Exception"/> thrown during execution, if any; null, otherwise</returns>
1709 </member>
1710 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.TestClassCommand.ClassStart">
1711 <summary>
1712 Execute actions to be run before any of the test methods of this test class are run.
1713 </summary>
1714 <returns>Returns the <see cref="T:System.Exception"/> thrown during execution, if any; null, otherwise</returns>
1715 </member>
1716 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.TestClassCommand.EnumerateTestCommands(Xunit.Sdk.IMethodInfo)">
1717 <summary>
1718 Enumerates the test commands for a given test method in this test class.
1719 </summary>
1720 <param name="testMethod">The method under test</param>
1721 <returns>The test commands for the given test method</returns>
1722 </member>
1723 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.TestClassCommand.EnumerateTestMethods">
1724 <summary>
1725 Enumerates the methods which are test methods in this test class.
1726 </summary>
1727 <returns>The test methods</returns>
1728 </member>
1729 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.TestClassCommand.IsTestMethod(Xunit.Sdk.IMethodInfo)">
1730 <summary>
1731 Determines if a given <see cref="T:Xunit.Sdk.IMethodInfo"/> refers to a test method.
1732 </summary>
1733 <param name="testMethod">The test method to validate</param>
1734 <returns>True if the method is a test method; false, otherwise</returns>
1735 </member>
1736 <member name="P:Xunit.Sdk.TestClassCommand.ObjectUnderTest">
1737 <summary>
1738 Gets the object instance that is under test. May return null if you wish
1739 the test framework to create a new object instance for each test method.
1740 </summary>
1741 </member>
1742 <member name="P:Xunit.Sdk.TestClassCommand.Randomizer">
1743 <summary>
1744 Gets or sets the randomizer used to determine the order in which tests are run.
1745 </summary>
1746 </member>
1747 <member name="P:Xunit.Sdk.TestClassCommand.TypeUnderTest">
1748 <summary>
1749 Sets the type that is being tested
1750 </summary>
1751 </member>
1752 <member name="T:Xunit.Sdk.SkipCommand">
1753 <summary>
1754 Implementation of <see cref="T:Xunit.Sdk.ITestCommand"/> that represents a skipped test.
1755 </summary>
1756 </member>
1757 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.SkipCommand.#ctor(Xunit.Sdk.IMethodInfo,System.String,System.String)">
1758 <summary>
1759 Creates a new instance of the <see cref="T:Xunit.Sdk.SkipCommand"/> class.
1760 </summary>
1761 <param name="testMethod">The method that is being skipped</param>
1762 <param name="displayName">The display name for the test. If null, the fully qualified
1763 type name is used.</param>
1764 <param name="reason">The reason the test was skipped.</param>
1765 </member>
1766 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.SkipCommand.Execute(System.Object)">
1767 <inheritdoc/>
1768 </member>
1769 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.SkipCommand.ToStartXml">
1770 <inheritdoc/>
1771 </member>
1772 <member name="P:Xunit.Sdk.SkipCommand.Reason">
1773 <summary>
1774 Gets the skip reason.
1775 </summary>
1776 </member>
1777 <member name="P:Xunit.Sdk.SkipCommand.ShouldCreateInstance">
1778 <inheritdoc/>
1779 </member>
1780 <member name="T:Xunit.Sdk.TestCommandFactory">
1781 <summary>
1782 Factory for creating <see cref="T:Xunit.Sdk.ITestCommand"/> objects.
1783 </summary>
1784 </member>
1785 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.TestCommandFactory.Make(Xunit.Sdk.ITestClassCommand,Xunit.Sdk.IMethodInfo)">
1786 <summary>
1787 Make instances of <see cref="T:Xunit.Sdk.ITestCommand"/> objects for the given class and method.
1788 </summary>
1789 <param name="classCommand">The class command</param>
1790 <param name="method">The method under test</param>
1791 <returns>The set of <see cref="T:Xunit.Sdk.ITestCommand"/> objects</returns>
1792 </member>
1793 <member name="T:Xunit.Sdk.TimedCommand">
1794 <summary>
1795 A command wrapper which times the running of a command.
1796 </summary>
1797 </member>
1798 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.TimedCommand.#ctor(Xunit.Sdk.ITestCommand)">
1799 <summary>
1800 Creates a new instance of the <see cref="T:Xunit.Sdk.TimedCommand"/> class.
1801 </summary>
1802 <param name="innerCommand">The command that will be timed.</param>
1803 </member>
1804 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.TimedCommand.Execute(System.Object)">
1805 <summary>
1806 Executes the inner test method, gathering the amount of time it takes to run.
1807 </summary>
1808 <returns>Returns information about the test run</returns>
1809 </member>
1810 <member name="T:Xunit.Sdk.TimeoutCommand">
1811 <summary>
1812 Wraps a command which should fail if it runs longer than the given timeout value.
1813 </summary>
1814 </member>
1815 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.TimeoutCommand.#ctor(Xunit.Sdk.ITestCommand,System.Int32,Xunit.Sdk.IMethodInfo)">
1816 <summary>
1817 Creates a new instance of the <see cref="T:Xunit.Sdk.TimeoutCommand"/> class.
1818 </summary>
1819 <param name="innerCommand">The command to be run</param>
1820 <param name="timeout">The timout, in milliseconds</param>
1821 <param name="testMethod">The method under test</param>
1822 </member>
1823 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.TimeoutCommand.Execute(System.Object)">
1824 <summary>
1825 Executes the test method, failing if it takes too long.
1826 </summary>
1827 <returns>Returns information about the test run</returns>
1828 </member>
1829 <member name="P:Xunit.Sdk.TimeoutCommand.Timeout">
1830 <inheritdoc/>
1831 </member>
1832 <member name="T:Xunit.RunWithAttribute">
1833 <summary>
1834 Attributes used to decorate a test fixture that is run with an alternate test runner.
1835 The test runner must implement the <see cref="T:Xunit.Sdk.ITestClassCommand"/> interface.
1836 </summary>
1837 </member>
1838 <member name="M:Xunit.RunWithAttribute.#ctor(System.Type)">
1839 <summary>
1840 Creates a new instance of the <see cref="T:Xunit.RunWithAttribute"/> class.
1841 </summary>
1842 <param name="testClassCommand">The class which implements ITestClassCommand and acts as the runner
1843 for the test fixture.</param>
1844 </member>
1845 <member name="P:Xunit.RunWithAttribute.TestClassCommand">
1846 <summary>
1847 Gets the test class command.
1848 </summary>
1849 </member>
1850 <member name="T:Xunit.Sdk.SameException">
1851 <summary>
1852 Exception thrown when two object references are unexpectedly not the same instance.
1853 </summary>
1854 </member>
1855 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.SameException.#ctor(System.Object,System.Object)">
1856 <summary>
1857 Creates a new instance of the <see cref="T:Xunit.Sdk.SameException"/> class.
1858 </summary>
1859 <param name="expected">The expected object reference</param>
1860 <param name="actual">The actual object reference</param>
1861 </member>
1862 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.SameException.#ctor(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo,System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext)">
1863 <inheritdoc/>
1864 </member>
1865 <member name="T:Xunit.Sdk.AssemblyResult">
1866 <summary>
1867 Contains the test results from an assembly.
1868 </summary>
1869 </member>
1870 <member name="T:Xunit.Sdk.CompositeResult">
1871 <summary>
1872 Contains multiple test results, representing them as a composite test result.
1873 </summary>
1874 </member>
1875 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.CompositeResult.Add(Xunit.Sdk.ITestResult)">
1876 <summary>
1877 Adds a test result to the composite test result list.
1878 </summary>
1879 <param name="testResult"></param>
1880 </member>
1881 <member name="P:Xunit.Sdk.CompositeResult.Results">
1882 <summary>
1883 Gets the test results.
1884 </summary>
1885 </member>
1886 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.AssemblyResult.#ctor(System.String)">
1887 <summary>
1888 Creates a new instance of the <see cref="T:Xunit.Sdk.AssemblyResult"/> class.
1889 </summary>
1890 <param name="assemblyFilename">The filename of the assembly</param>
1891 </member>
1892 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.AssemblyResult.#ctor(System.String,System.String)">
1893 <summary>
1894 Creates a new instance of the <see cref="T:Xunit.Sdk.AssemblyResult"/> class.
1895 </summary>
1896 <param name="assemblyFilename">The filename of the assembly</param>
1897 <param name="configFilename">The configuration filename</param>
1898 </member>
1899 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.AssemblyResult.ToXml(System.Xml.XmlNode)">
1900 <summary>
1901 Converts the test result into XML that is consumed by the test runners.
1902 </summary>
1903 <param name="parentNode">The parent node.</param>
1904 <returns>The newly created XML node.</returns>
1905 </member>
1906 <member name="P:Xunit.Sdk.AssemblyResult.ConfigFilename">
1907 <summary>
1908 Gets the fully qualified filename of the configuration file.
1909 </summary>
1910 </member>
1911 <member name="P:Xunit.Sdk.AssemblyResult.Directory">
1912 <summary>
1913 Gets the directory where the assembly resides.
1914 </summary>
1915 </member>
1916 <member name="P:Xunit.Sdk.AssemblyResult.FailCount">
1917 <summary>
1918 Gets the number of failed results.
1919 </summary>
1920 </member>
1921 <member name="P:Xunit.Sdk.AssemblyResult.Filename">
1922 <summary>
1923 Gets the fully qualified filename of the assembly.
1924 </summary>
1925 </member>
1926 <member name="P:Xunit.Sdk.AssemblyResult.PassCount">
1927 <summary>
1928 Gets the number of passed results.
1929 </summary>
1930 </member>
1931 <member name="P:Xunit.Sdk.AssemblyResult.SkipCount">
1932 <summary>
1933 Gets the number of skipped results.
1934 </summary>
1935 </member>
1936 <member name="T:Xunit.Sdk.ClassResult">
1937 <summary>
1938 Contains the test results from a test class.
1939 </summary>
1940 </member>
1941 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.ClassResult.#ctor(System.Type)">
1942 <summary>
1943 Creates a new instance of the <see cref="T:Xunit.Sdk.ClassResult"/> class.
1944 </summary>
1945 <param name="type">The type under test</param>
1946 </member>
1947 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.ClassResult.#ctor(System.String,System.String,System.String)">
1948 <summary>
1949 Creates a new instance of the <see cref="T:Xunit.Sdk.ClassResult"/> class.
1950 </summary>
1951 <param name="typeName">The simple name of the type under test</param>
1952 <param name="typeFullName">The fully qualified name of the type under test</param>
1953 <param name="typeNamespace">The namespace of the type under test</param>
1954 </member>
1955 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.ClassResult.SetException(System.Exception)">
1956 <summary>
1957 Sets the exception thrown by the test fixture.
1958 </summary>
1959 <param name="ex">The thrown exception</param>
1960 </member>
1961 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.ClassResult.ToXml(System.Xml.XmlNode)">
1962 <summary>
1963 Converts the test result into XML that is consumed by the test runners.
1964 </summary>
1965 <param name="parentNode">The parent node.</param>
1966 <returns>The newly created XML node.</returns>
1967 </member>
1968 <member name="P:Xunit.Sdk.ClassResult.ExceptionType">
1969 <summary>
1970 Gets the fully qualified test fixture exception type, when an exception has occurred.
1971 </summary>
1972 </member>
1973 <member name="P:Xunit.Sdk.ClassResult.FailCount">
1974 <summary>
1975 Gets the number of tests which failed.
1976 </summary>
1977 </member>
1978 <member name="P:Xunit.Sdk.ClassResult.FullyQualifiedName">
1979 <summary>
1980 Gets the fully qualified name of the type under test.
1981 </summary>
1982 </member>
1983 <member name="P:Xunit.Sdk.ClassResult.Message">
1984 <summary>
1985 Gets the test fixture exception message, when an exception has occurred.
1986 </summary>
1987 </member>
1988 <member name="P:Xunit.Sdk.ClassResult.Name">
1989 <summary>
1990 Gets the simple name of the type under test.
1991 </summary>
1992 </member>
1993 <member name="P:Xunit.Sdk.ClassResult.Namespace">
1994 <summary>
1995 Gets the namespace of the type under test.
1996 </summary>
1997 </member>
1998 <member name="P:Xunit.Sdk.ClassResult.PassCount">
1999 <summary>
2000 Gets the number of tests which passed.
2001 </summary>
2002 </member>
2003 <member name="P:Xunit.Sdk.ClassResult.SkipCount">
2004 <summary>
2005 Gets the number of tests which were skipped.
2006 </summary>
2007 </member>
2008 <member name="P:Xunit.Sdk.ClassResult.StackTrace">
2009 <summary>
2010 Gets the test fixture exception stack trace, when an exception has occurred.
2011 </summary>
2012 </member>
2013 <member name="T:Xunit.Sdk.FailedResult">
2014 <summary>
2015 Represents a failed test result.
2016 </summary>
2017 </member>
2018 <member name="T:Xunit.Sdk.MethodResult">
2019 <summary>
2020 Represents the results from running a test method
2021 </summary>
2022 </member>
2023 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.MethodResult.#ctor(Xunit.Sdk.IMethodInfo,System.String)">
2024 <summary>
2025 Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Xunit.Sdk.MethodResult"/> class. The traits for
2026 the test method are discovered using reflection.
2027 </summary>
2028 <param name="method">The method under test.</param>
2029 <param name="displayName">The display name for the test. If null, the fully qualified
2030 type name is used.</param>
2031 </member>
2032 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.MethodResult.#ctor(System.String,System.String,System.String,Xunit.Sdk.MultiValueDictionary{System.String,System.String})">
2033 <summary>
2034 Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:Xunit.Sdk.MethodResult"/> class.
2035 </summary>
2036 <param name="methodName">The name of the method under test.</param>
2037 <param name="typeName">The type of the method under test.</param>
2038 <param name="displayName">The display name for the test. If null, the fully qualified
2039 type name is used.</param>
2040 <param name="traits">The traits.</param>
2041 </member>
2042 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.MethodResult.ToXml(System.Xml.XmlNode)">
2043 <summary>
2044 Converts the test result into XML that is consumed by the test runners.
2045 </summary>
2046 <param name="parentNode">The parent node.</param>
2047 <returns>The newly created XML node.</returns>
2048 </member>
2049 <member name="P:Xunit.Sdk.MethodResult.DisplayName">
2050 <summary>
2051 Gets or sets the display name of the method under test. This is the value that's shown
2052 during failures and in the resulting output XML.
2053 </summary>
2054 </member>
2055 <member name="P:Xunit.Sdk.MethodResult.MethodName">
2056 <summary>
2057 Gets the name of the method under test.
2058 </summary>
2059 </member>
2060 <member name="P:Xunit.Sdk.MethodResult.Output">
2061 <summary>
2062 Gets or sets the standard output/standard error from the test that was captured
2063 while the test was running.
2064 </summary>
2065 </member>
2066 <member name="P:Xunit.Sdk.MethodResult.Traits">
2067 <summary>
2068 Gets the traits attached to the test method.
2069 </summary>
2070 </member>
2071 <member name="P:Xunit.Sdk.MethodResult.TypeName">
2072 <summary>
2073 Gets the name of the type under test.
2074 </summary>
2075 </member>
2076 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.FailedResult.#ctor(Xunit.Sdk.IMethodInfo,System.Exception,System.String)">
2077 <summary>
2078 Creates a new instance of the <see cref="T:Xunit.Sdk.FailedResult"/> class.
2079 </summary>
2080 <param name="method">The method under test</param>
2081 <param name="exception">The exception throw by the test</param>
2082 <param name="displayName">The display name for the test. If null, the fully qualified
2083 type name is used.</param>
2084 </member>
2085 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.FailedResult.#ctor(System.String,System.String,System.String,Xunit.Sdk.MultiValueDictionary{System.String,System.String},System.String,System.String,System.String)">
2086 <summary>
2087 Creates a new instance of the <see cref="T:Xunit.Sdk.FailedResult"/> class.
2088 </summary>
2089 <param name="methodName">The name of the method under test</param>
2090 <param name="typeName">The name of the type under test</param>
2091 <param name="displayName">The display name of the test</param>
2092 <param name="traits">The custom properties attached to the test method</param>
2093 <param name="exceptionType">The full type name of the exception throw</param>
2094 <param name="message">The exception message</param>
2095 <param name="stackTrace">The exception stack trace</param>
2096 </member>
2097 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.FailedResult.ToXml(System.Xml.XmlNode)">
2098 <summary>
2099 Converts the test result into XML that is consumed by the test runners.
2100 </summary>
2101 <param name="parentNode">The parent node.</param>
2102 <returns>The newly created XML node.</returns>
2103 </member>
2104 <member name="P:Xunit.Sdk.FailedResult.ExceptionType">
2105 <summary>
2106 Gets the exception type thrown by the test method.
2107 </summary>
2108 </member>
2109 <member name="P:Xunit.Sdk.FailedResult.Message">
2110 <summary>
2111 Gets the exception message thrown by the test method.
2112 </summary>
2113 </member>
2114 <member name="P:Xunit.Sdk.FailedResult.StackTrace">
2115 <summary>
2116 Gets the stack trace of the exception thrown by the test method.
2117 </summary>
2118 </member>
2119 <member name="T:Xunit.Sdk.PassedResult">
2120 <summary>
2121 Represents a passing test result.
2122 </summary>
2123 </member>
2124 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.PassedResult.#ctor(Xunit.Sdk.IMethodInfo,System.String)">
2125 <summary>
2126 Create a new instance of the <see cref="T:Xunit.Sdk.PassedResult"/> class.
2127 </summary>
2128 <param name="method">The method under test</param>
2129 <param name="displayName">The display name for the test. If null, the fully qualified
2130 type name is used.</param>
2131 </member>
2132 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.PassedResult.#ctor(System.String,System.String,System.String,Xunit.Sdk.MultiValueDictionary{System.String,System.String})">
2133 <summary>
2134 Create a new instance of the <see cref="T:Xunit.Sdk.PassedResult"/> class.
2135 </summary>
2136 <param name="methodName">The name of the method under test</param>
2137 <param name="typeName">The name of the type under test</param>
2138 <param name="displayName">The display name for the test. If null, the fully qualified
2139 type name is used.</param>
2140 <param name="traits">The custom properties attached to the test method</param>
2141 </member>
2142 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.PassedResult.ToXml(System.Xml.XmlNode)">
2143 <summary>
2144 Converts the test result into XML that is consumed by the test runners.
2145 </summary>
2146 <param name="parentNode">The parent node.</param>
2147 <returns>The newly created XML node.</returns>
2148 </member>
2149 <member name="T:Xunit.Sdk.SkipResult">
2150 <summary>
2151 Represents a skipped test result.
2152 </summary>
2153 </member>
2154 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.SkipResult.#ctor(Xunit.Sdk.IMethodInfo,System.String,System.String)">
2155 <summary>
2156 Creates a new instance of the <see cref="T:Xunit.Sdk.SkipResult"/> class. Uses reflection to discover
2157 the skip reason.
2158 </summary>
2159 <param name="method">The method under test</param>
2160 <param name="displayName">The display name for the test. If null, the fully qualified
2161 type name is used.</param>
2162 <param name="reason">The reason the test was skipped.</param>
2163 </member>
2164 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.SkipResult.#ctor(System.String,System.String,System.String,Xunit.Sdk.MultiValueDictionary{System.String,System.String},System.String)">
2165 <summary>
2166 Creates a new instance of the <see cref="T:Xunit.Sdk.SkipResult"/> class.
2167 </summary>
2168 <param name="methodName">The name of the method under test</param>
2169 <param name="typeName">The name of the type under test</param>
2170 <param name="displayName">The display name for the test. If null, the fully qualified
2171 type name is used.</param>
2172 <param name="traits">The traits attached to the method under test</param>
2173 <param name="reason">The skip reason</param>
2174 </member>
2175 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.SkipResult.ToXml(System.Xml.XmlNode)">
2176 <summary>
2177 Converts the test result into XML that is consumed by the test runners.
2178 </summary>
2179 <param name="parentNode">The parent node.</param>
2180 <returns>The newly created XML node.</returns>
2181 </member>
2182 <member name="P:Xunit.Sdk.SkipResult.Reason">
2183 <summary>
2184 Gets the skip reason.
2185 </summary>
2186 </member>
2187 <member name="T:Xunit.Sdk.IAttributeInfo">
2188 <summary>
2189 Represents information about an attribute.
2190 </summary>
2191 </member>
2192 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.IAttributeInfo.GetInstance``1">
2193 <summary>
2194 Gets the instance of the attribute, if available.
2195 </summary>
2196 <typeparam name="T">The type of the attribute</typeparam>
2197 <returns>The instance of the attribute, if available.</returns>
2198 </member>
2199 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.IAttributeInfo.GetPropertyValue``1(System.String)">
2200 <summary>
2201 Gets an initialized property value of the attribute.
2202 </summary>
2203 <typeparam name="TValue">The type of the property</typeparam>
2204 <param name="propertyName">The name of the property</param>
2205 <returns>The property value</returns>
2206 </member>
2207 <member name="T:Xunit.Sdk.IMethodInfo">
2208 <summary>
2209 Represents information about a method.
2210 </summary>
2211 </member>
2212 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.IMethodInfo.CreateInstance">
2213 <summary>
2214 Creates an instance of the type where this test method was found. If using
2215 reflection, this should be the ReflectedType.
2216 </summary>
2217 <returns>A new instance of the type.</returns>
2218 </member>
2219 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.IMethodInfo.GetCustomAttributes(System.Type)">
2220 <summary>
2221 Gets all the custom attributes for the method that are of the given type.
2222 </summary>
2223 <param name="attributeType">The type of the attribute</param>
2224 <returns>The matching attributes that decorate the method</returns>
2225 </member>
2226 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.IMethodInfo.HasAttribute(System.Type)">
2227 <summary>
2228 Determines if the method has at least one instance of the given attribute type.
2229 </summary>
2230 <param name="attributeType">The type of the attribute</param>
2231 <returns>True if the method has at least one instance of the given attribute type; false, otherwise</returns>
2232 </member>
2233 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.IMethodInfo.Invoke(System.Object,System.Object[])">
2234 <summary>
2235 Invokes the test on the given class, with the given parameters.
2236 </summary>
2237 <param name="testClass">The instance of the test class (may be null if
2238 the test method is static).</param>
2239 <param name="parameters">The parameters to be passed to the test method.</param>
2240 </member>
2241 <member name="P:Xunit.Sdk.IMethodInfo.Class">
2242 <summary>
2243 Gets a value which represents the class that this method was
2244 reflected from (i.e., equivalent to MethodInfo.ReflectedType)
2245 </summary>
2246 </member>
2247 <member name="P:Xunit.Sdk.IMethodInfo.IsAbstract">
2248 <summary>
2249 Gets a value indicating whether the method is abstract.
2250 </summary>
2251 </member>
2252 <member name="P:Xunit.Sdk.IMethodInfo.IsStatic">
2253 <summary>
2254 Gets a value indicating whether the method is static.
2255 </summary>
2256 </member>
2257 <member name="P:Xunit.Sdk.IMethodInfo.MethodInfo">
2258 <summary>
2259 Gets the underlying <see cref="P:Xunit.Sdk.IMethodInfo.MethodInfo"/> for the method, if available.
2260 </summary>
2261 </member>
2262 <member name="P:Xunit.Sdk.IMethodInfo.Name">
2263 <summary>
2264 Gets the name of the method.
2265 </summary>
2266 </member>
2267 <member name="P:Xunit.Sdk.IMethodInfo.ReturnType">
2268 <summary>
2269 Gets the fully qualified type name of the return type.
2270 </summary>
2271 </member>
2272 <member name="P:Xunit.Sdk.IMethodInfo.TypeName">
2273 <summary>
2274 Gets the fully qualified type name of the type that this method belongs to. If
2275 using reflection, this should be the ReflectedType.
2276 </summary>
2277 </member>
2278 <member name="T:Xunit.Sdk.ITypeInfo">
2279 <summary>
2280 Represents information about a type.
2281 </summary>
2282 </member>
2283 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.ITypeInfo.GetCustomAttributes(System.Type)">
2284 <summary>
2285 Gets all the custom attributes for the type that are of the given attribute type.
2286 </summary>
2287 <param name="attributeType">The type of the attribute</param>
2288 <returns>The matching attributes that decorate the type</returns>
2289 </member>
2290 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.ITypeInfo.GetMethod(System.String)">
2291 <summary>
2292 Gets a test method by name.
2293 </summary>
2294 <param name="methodName">The name of the method</param>
2295 <returns>The method, if it exists; null, otherwise.</returns>
2296 </member>
2297 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.ITypeInfo.GetMethods">
2298 <summary>
2299 Gets all the methods
2300 </summary>
2301 <returns></returns>
2302 </member>
2303 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.ITypeInfo.HasAttribute(System.Type)">
2304 <summary>
2305 Determines if the type has at least one instance of the given attribute type.
2306 </summary>
2307 <param name="attributeType">The type of the attribute</param>
2308 <returns>True if the type has at least one instance of the given attribute type; false, otherwise</returns>
2309 </member>
2310 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.ITypeInfo.HasInterface(System.Type)">
2311 <summary>
2312 Determines if the type implements the given interface.
2313 </summary>
2314 <param name="interfaceType">The type of the interface</param>
2315 <returns>True if the type implements the given interface; false, otherwise</returns>
2316 </member>
2317 <member name="P:Xunit.Sdk.ITypeInfo.IsAbstract">
2318 <summary>
2319 Gets a value indicating whether the type is abstract.
2320 </summary>
2321 </member>
2322 <member name="P:Xunit.Sdk.ITypeInfo.IsSealed">
2323 <summary>
2324 Gets a value indicating whether the type is sealed.
2325 </summary>
2326 </member>
2327 <member name="P:Xunit.Sdk.ITypeInfo.Type">
2328 <summary>
2329 Gets the underlying <see cref="P:Xunit.Sdk.ITypeInfo.Type"/> object, if available.
2330 </summary>
2331 </member>
2332 <member name="T:Xunit.Sdk.MethodUtility">
2333 <summary>
2334 Utility class which inspects methods for test information
2335 </summary>
2336 </member>
2337 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.MethodUtility.GetDisplayName(Xunit.Sdk.IMethodInfo)">
2338 <summary>
2339 Gets the display name.
2340 </summary>
2341 <param name="method">The method to be inspected</param>
2342 <returns>The display name</returns>
2343 </member>
2344 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.MethodUtility.GetSkipReason(Xunit.Sdk.IMethodInfo)">
2345 <summary>
2346 Gets the skip reason from a test method.
2347 </summary>
2348 <param name="method">The method to be inspected</param>
2349 <returns>The skip reason</returns>
2350 </member>
2351 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.MethodUtility.GetTestCommands(Xunit.Sdk.IMethodInfo)">
2352 <summary>
2353 Gets the test commands for a test method.
2354 </summary>
2355 <param name="method">The method to be inspected</param>
2356 <returns>The <see cref="T:Xunit.Sdk.ITestCommand"/> objects for the test method</returns>
2357 </member>
2358 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.MethodUtility.GetTimeoutParameter(Xunit.Sdk.IMethodInfo)">
2359 <summary>
2360 Gets the timeout value for a test method.
2361 </summary>
2362 <param name="method">The method to be inspected</param>
2363 <returns>The timeout, in milliseconds</returns>
2364 </member>
2365 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.MethodUtility.GetTraits(Xunit.Sdk.IMethodInfo)">
2366 <summary>
2367 Gets the traits on a test method.
2368 </summary>
2369 <param name="method">The method to be inspected</param>
2370 <returns>A dictionary of the traits</returns>
2371 </member>
2372 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.MethodUtility.HasTimeout(Xunit.Sdk.IMethodInfo)">
2373 <summary>
2374 Determines whether a test method has a timeout.
2375 </summary>
2376 <param name="method">The method to be inspected</param>
2377 <returns>True if the method has a timeout; false, otherwise</returns>
2378 </member>
2379 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.MethodUtility.HasTraits(Xunit.Sdk.IMethodInfo)">
2380 <summary>
2381 Determines whether a test method has traits.
2382 </summary>
2383 <param name="method">The method to be inspected</param>
2384 <returns>True if the method has traits; false, otherwise</returns>
2385 </member>
2386 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.MethodUtility.IsSkip(Xunit.Sdk.IMethodInfo)">
2387 <summary>
2388 Determines whether a test method should be skipped.
2389 </summary>
2390 <param name="method">The method to be inspected</param>
2391 <returns>True if the method should be skipped; false, otherwise</returns>
2392 </member>
2393 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.MethodUtility.IsTest(Xunit.Sdk.IMethodInfo)">
2394 <summary>
2395 Determines whether a method is a test method. A test method must be decorated
2396 with the <see cref="T:Xunit.FactAttribute"/> (or derived class) and must not be abstract.
2397 </summary>
2398 <param name="method">The method to be inspected</param>
2399 <returns>True if the method is a test method; false, otherwise</returns>
2400 </member>
2401 <member name="T:Xunit.Sdk.Reflector">
2402 <summary>
2403 Wrapper to implement <see cref="T:Xunit.Sdk.IMethodInfo"/> and <see cref="T:Xunit.Sdk.ITypeInfo"/> using reflection.
2404 </summary>
2405 </member>
2406 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.Reflector.Wrap(System.Attribute)">
2407 <summary>
2408 Converts an <see cref="T:System.Attribute"/> into an <see cref="T:Xunit.Sdk.IAttributeInfo"/> using reflection.
2409 </summary>
2410 <param name="attribute"></param>
2411 <returns></returns>
2412 </member>
2413 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.Reflector.Wrap(System.Reflection.MethodInfo)">
2414 <summary>
2415 Converts a <see cref="T:System.Reflection.MethodInfo"/> into an <see cref="T:Xunit.Sdk.IMethodInfo"/> using reflection.
2416 </summary>
2417 <param name="method">The method to wrap</param>
2418 <returns>The wrapper</returns>
2419 </member>
2420 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.Reflector.Wrap(System.Type)">
2421 <summary>
2422 Converts a <see cref="T:System.Type"/> into an <see cref="T:Xunit.Sdk.ITypeInfo"/> using reflection.
2423 </summary>
2424 <param name="type">The type to wrap</param>
2425 <returns>The wrapper</returns>
2426 </member>
2427 <member name="T:Xunit.Sdk.TypeUtility">
2428 <summary>
2429 Utility class which inspects types for test information
2430 </summary>
2431 </member>
2432 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.TypeUtility.ContainsTestMethods(Xunit.Sdk.ITypeInfo)">
2433 <summary>
2434 Determines if a type contains any test methods
2435 </summary>
2436 <param name="type">The type to be inspected</param>
2437 <returns>True if the class contains any test methods; false, otherwise</returns>
2438 </member>
2439 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.TypeUtility.GetRunWith(Xunit.Sdk.ITypeInfo)">
2440 <summary>
2441 Retrieves the type to run the test class with from the <see cref="T:Xunit.RunWithAttribute"/>, if present.
2442 </summary>
2443 <param name="type">The type to be inspected</param>
2444 <returns>The type of the test class runner, if present; null, otherwise</returns>
2445 </member>
2446 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.TypeUtility.GetTestMethods(Xunit.Sdk.ITypeInfo)">
2447 <summary>
2448 Retrieves a list of the test methods from the test class.
2449 </summary>
2450 <param name="type">The type to be inspected</param>
2451 <returns>The test methods</returns>
2452 </member>
2453 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.TypeUtility.HasRunWith(Xunit.Sdk.ITypeInfo)">
2454 <summary>
2455 Determines if the test class has a <see cref="T:Xunit.RunWithAttribute"/> applied to it.
2456 </summary>
2457 <param name="type">The type to be inspected</param>
2458 <returns>True if the test class has a run with attribute; false, otherwise</returns>
2459 </member>
2460 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.TypeUtility.ImplementsITestClassCommand(Xunit.Sdk.ITypeInfo)">
2461 <summary>
2462 Determines if the type implements <see cref="T:Xunit.Sdk.ITestClassCommand"/>.
2463 </summary>
2464 <param name="type">The type to be inspected</param>
2465 <returns>True if the type implements <see cref="T:Xunit.Sdk.ITestClassCommand"/>; false, otherwise</returns>
2466 </member>
2467 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.TypeUtility.IsAbstract(Xunit.Sdk.ITypeInfo)">
2468 <summary>
2469 Determines whether the specified type is abstract.
2470 </summary>
2471 <param name="type">The type.</param>
2472 <returns>
2473 <c>true</c> if the specified type is abstract; otherwise, <c>false</c>.
2474 </returns>
2475 </member>
2476 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.TypeUtility.IsStatic(Xunit.Sdk.ITypeInfo)">
2477 <summary>
2478 Determines whether the specified type is static.
2479 </summary>
2480 <param name="type">The type.</param>
2481 <returns>
2482 <c>true</c> if the specified type is static; otherwise, <c>false</c>.
2483 </returns>
2484 </member>
2485 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.TypeUtility.IsTestClass(Xunit.Sdk.ITypeInfo)">
2486 <summary>
2487 Determines if a class is a test class.
2488 </summary>
2489 <param name="type">The type to be inspected</param>
2490 <returns>True if the type is a test class; false, otherwise</returns>
2491 </member>
2492 <member name="T:Xunit.FactAttribute">
2493 <summary>
2494 Attribute that is applied to a method to indicate that it is a fact that should be run
2495 by the test runner. It can also be extended to support a customized definition of a
2496 test method.
2497 </summary>
2498 </member>
2499 <member name="M:Xunit.FactAttribute.CreateTestCommands(Xunit.Sdk.IMethodInfo)">
2500 <summary>
2501 Creates instances of <see cref="T:Xunit.Sdk.ITestCommand"/> which represent individual intended
2502 invocations of the test method.
2503 </summary>
2504 <param name="method">The method under test</param>
2505 <returns>An enumerator through the desired test method invocations</returns>
2506 </member>
2507 <member name="M:Xunit.FactAttribute.EnumerateTestCommands(Xunit.Sdk.IMethodInfo)">
2508 <summary>
2509 Enumerates the test commands represented by this test method. Derived classes should
2510 override this method to return instances of <see cref="T:Xunit.Sdk.ITestCommand"/>, one per execution
2511 of a test method.
2512 </summary>
2513 <param name="method">The test method</param>
2514 <returns>The test commands which will execute the test runs for the given method</returns>
2515 </member>
2516 <member name="P:Xunit.FactAttribute.DisplayName">
2517 <summary>
2518 Gets the name of the test to be used when the test is skipped. Defaults to
2519 null, which will cause the fully qualified test name to be used.
2520 </summary>
2521 </member>
2522 <member name="P:Xunit.FactAttribute.Name">
2523 <summary>
2524 Obsolete. Please use the <see cref="P:Xunit.FactAttribute.DisplayName"/> property instead.
2525 </summary>
2526 </member>
2527 <member name="P:Xunit.FactAttribute.Skip">
2528 <summary>
2529 Marks the test so that it will not be run, and gets or sets the skip reason
2530 </summary>
2531 </member>
2532 <member name="P:Xunit.FactAttribute.Timeout">
2533 <summary>
2534 Marks the test as failing if it does not finish running within the given time
2535 period, in milliseconds; set to 0 or less to indicate the method has no timeout
2536 </summary>
2537 </member>
2538 <member name="T:Xunit.Sdk.ThrowsException">
2539 <summary>
2540 Exception thrown when code unexpectedly fails to throw an exception.
2541 </summary>
2542 </member>
2543 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.ThrowsException.#ctor(System.Type)">
2544 <summary>
2545 Creates a new instance of the <see cref="T:Xunit.Sdk.ThrowsException"/> class. Call this constructor
2546 when no exception was thrown.
2547 </summary>
2548 <param name="expectedType">The type of the exception that was expected</param>
2549 </member>
2550 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.ThrowsException.#ctor(System.Type,System.Exception)">
2551 <summary>
2552 Creates a new instance of the <see cref="T:Xunit.Sdk.ThrowsException"/> class. Call this constructor
2553 when an exception of the wrong type was thrown.
2554 </summary>
2555 <param name="expectedType">The type of the exception that was expected</param>
2556 <param name="actual">The actual exception that was thrown</param>
2557 </member>
2558 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.ThrowsException.#ctor(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo,System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext)">
2559 <inheritdoc/>
2560 </member>
2561 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.ThrowsException.#ctor(System.Type,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
2562 <summary>
2564 </summary>
2565 </member>
2566 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.ThrowsException.GetObjectData(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo,System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext)">
2567 <inheritdoc/>
2568 </member>
2569 <member name="P:Xunit.Sdk.ThrowsException.StackTrace">
2570 <summary>
2571 Gets a string representation of the frames on the call stack at the time the current exception was thrown.
2572 </summary>
2573 <returns>A string that describes the contents of the call stack, with the most recent method call appearing first.</returns>
2574 </member>
2575 <member name="T:Xunit.Sdk.TimeoutException">
2576 <summary>
2577 Exception thrown when a test method exceeds the given timeout value
2578 </summary>
2579 </member>
2580 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.TimeoutException.#ctor(System.Int64)">
2581 <summary>
2582 Creates a new instance of the <see cref="T:Xunit.Sdk.TimeoutException"/> class.
2583 </summary>
2584 <param name="timeout">The timeout value, in milliseconds</param>
2585 </member>
2586 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.TimeoutException.#ctor(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo,System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext)">
2587 <inheritdoc/>
2588 </member>
2589 <member name="T:Xunit.Sdk.TrueException">
2590 <summary>
2591 Exception thrown when a value is unexpectedly false.
2592 </summary>
2593 </member>
2594 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.TrueException.#ctor(System.String)">
2595 <summary>
2596 Creates a new instance of the <see cref="T:Xunit.Sdk.TrueException"/> class.
2597 </summary>
2598 <param name="userMessage">The user message to be displayed, or null for the default message</param>
2599 </member>
2600 <member name="M:Xunit.Sdk.TrueException.#ctor(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo,System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext)">
2601 <inheritdoc/>
2602 </member>
2603 </members>
2604 </doc>