view src/main/symbian/EKA2/vectorbuffer.h @ 4427:eada7e321df6 SDL-1.2

Fixed bug #943 Ozkan Sezer 2010-02-06 12:31:06 PST Hi: Here are some small fixes for compiling SDL against mingw-w64. (see . Despite the name, it supports both win32 and win64.) Two patches, one for SDL-1.2 and one for SDL-1.3 attached. src/audio/windx5/directx.h and src/video/windx5/directx.h (both SDL-1.2 and SDL-1.3.) I get compilation errors about some union not having a member named u1 and alike, because of other system headers being included before this one and them already defining DUMMYUNIONNAME and stuff. This header probably assumes that those stuff are defined in windef.h, but mingw-w64 headers define them in _mingw.h. Easily fixed by moving NONAMELESSUNION definition to the top of the file. SDL_dx5yuv.c (SDL-1.2-only) also needs to include the header before SDL_video.h to avoid the same problem. src/thread/win32/SDL_systhread.c (both SDL-1.2 and SDL-1.3.) : The __GNUC__ case for pfnSDL_CurrentBeginThread is 32-bit centric because _beginthreadex returns uintptr_t, not unsigned long which is 32 bits in win64. Changing the return type to uintptr_t fixes it. Hope these are useful. Thanks.
author Sam Lantinga <>
date Wed, 10 Mar 2010 15:04:13 +0000
parents e85e65aec22f
line wrap: on
line source

    yet another circle buffer

    Markus Mertama

#ifndef __VECTORBUFFER_H__
#define __VECTORBUFFER_H__

#define VLOG(x)
#define VECPANIC(x) VectorPanic(x, __LINE__)
void VectorPanic(TInt, TInt);

//int DEBUG_INT;

                static  TNode* Empty(TUint8* iBuffer);
                static  TNode* New(TNode* aPrev,  const TDesC8& aData);
                const TUint8* Ptr() const;
                TInt Size() const;
                inline TNode* Succ();
                static void SetSucc(TNode*& aNode);
                void Terminator(TNode* aNode);
                TNode* iSucc;

inline TNodeBuffer::TNode* TNodeBuffer::TNode::Succ()
    return iSucc;

template <TInt C>
NONSHARABLE_CLASS(TVectorBuffer) : public TNodeBuffer
        TInt Append(const TDesC8& aData);
     //   TInt AppendOverwrite(const TDesC8& aData);
        TPtrC8 Shift();
        TPtrC8 operator[](TInt aIndex) const;
        TInt Size() const;
        TInt GetRoom(TInt aSize) const;
        TInt Unreserved() const;
        TNode* iTop;
        TNode* iBottom;
        TInt iSize;
        TUint8 iBuffer[C];

template <TInt C>
TVectorBuffer<C>::TVectorBuffer() : iSize(0)
    Mem::FillZ(iBuffer, C);
    iTop = TNode::Empty(iBuffer); //these points to buffer
    iBottom = TNode::Empty(iBuffer);

template<TInt C >
TInt TVectorBuffer<C>::Unreserved() const
    __ASSERT_DEBUG(iBottom < iBottom->Succ(), VECPANIC(KErrCorrupt));
    const TInt bytesbetween =
        reinterpret_cast<const TUint8*>(iBottom->Succ()) -
        reinterpret_cast<const TUint8*>(iTop);
    const TInt topsize = sizeof(TNode);
    if(bytesbetween > 0)            //bytesbetween is room between bottom and top 
        {                           //therefore free room is subracted from free space 
        const TInt room = C - bytesbetween - topsize; 
        return room;
    if(bytesbetween == 0)           
        if(Size() > 0)              
            return 0;               
            return C - topsize;
    const TInt room = -bytesbetween - topsize; //free is space between pointers
    return room;                     

template <TInt C>
TInt TVectorBuffer<C>::GetRoom(TInt aSize) const
    const TInt bytesnew = sizeof(TNode) + aSize;
    const TInt room = Unreserved() - bytesnew;
    return room;

template <TInt C>
TInt TVectorBuffer<C>::Append(const TDesC8& aData) //ei ole ok!
    const TInt len = aData.Length();
    if(GetRoom(len) < 0)
        return KErrOverflow;
    if(iBottom->Succ()->Ptr() - iBuffer > (C - (len + TInt(sizeof(TNode)))))
       // RDebug::Print(_L("vector: append"));
        TNode* p = TNode::Empty(iBuffer);
      	iBottom = p;
      	return Append(aData);
     //	Append();
     //	iBottom = TNode::New(p, aData); //just append something into end
    iBottom = TNode::New(iBottom, aData);

    iSize += len;
    return KErrNone;

template <TInt C>
TInt TVectorBuffer<C>::AppendOverwrite(const TDesC8& aData) //ei ole ok!
    while(Append(aData) == KErrOverflow)
        if(iTop->Succ() == NULL)
            return KErrUnderflow;
        //Shift(); //data is lost
    return KErrNone;
template <TInt C>
TPtrC8 TVectorBuffer<C>::Shift()
    __ASSERT_ALWAYS(iTop->Succ() != NULL, VECPANIC(KErrUnderflow)); //can never pass-by bottom
    TNode* node = iTop;
    iTop = iTop->Succ();
    if(iTop > node)
      //  DEBUG_INT--;
        iSize -= node->Size();
        return TPtrC8(node->Ptr(), node->Size());
      //  RDebug::Print(_L("vector: shift"));
        return Shift(); //this happens when buffer is terminated, and data lies in next 

template <TInt C>
TInt TVectorBuffer<C>::Size() const
    return iSize;

template <TInt C>
TPtrC8 TVectorBuffer<C>::operator[](TInt aIndex) const
    TInt index = 0;
    TNode* t = iTop->Size() > 0 ? iTop : iTop->Succ(); //eliminate terminator
    while(index < aIndex)
        TNode* nt = t->Succ();
        if(nt < t)
            nt = nt->Succ();
        t = nt;
        if(t->Size() > 0)
        __ASSERT_ALWAYS(t->Succ() != NULL, VECPANIC(KErrUnderflow)); //can never pass-by bottom
    return t->Ptr();

template <class T, TInt C>
NONSHARABLE_CLASS(TVector) : public TVectorBuffer<C * sizeof(T)>
        TInt Append(const T& aData);
        const T& Shift();
        TInt Size() const;
        const T& operator[](TInt aIndex) const;

template <class T, TInt C>
TVector<T, C>::TVector() : TVectorBuffer<C * sizeof(T)>()

template <class T, TInt C>
TInt TVector<T, C>::Append(const T& aData)
    const TPckgC<T> data(aData);
    return TVectorBuffer<C * sizeof(T)>::Append(data);

template <class T, TInt C>
const T& TVector<T, C>::Shift()
    const TPtrC8 ptr = TVectorBuffer<C * sizeof(T)>::Shift();
    return *(reinterpret_cast<const T*>(ptr.Ptr()));

template <class T, TInt C>
TInt TVector<T, C>::Size() const
    return TVectorBuffer<C * sizeof(T)>::Size() / sizeof(T);

template <class T, TInt C>
const T& TVector<T, C>::operator[](TInt aIndex) const
    const TPtrC8 ptr = TVectorBuffer<C * sizeof(T)>::operator[](aIndex);
    return *(reinterpret_cast<const T*>(ptr.Ptr()));
