view src/timer/macos/FastTimes.c @ 1287:15a89a0c52bf

Date: Tue, 15 Feb 2005 21:28:48 +0900 (JST) From: "Michael Leonhard" Subject: [SDL] resize bug on Win32 and patch This is my first post to this mailing list. In this email I will detail a bug in the behavior of resizable SDL windows on Win32. Then I will explain the solution and provide a patch. Symptoms: Under Windows, an SDL display created with the SDL_RESIZABLE flag exhibits quirky behavior when being maximized. The window is resized to the proper size, but it is shifted upwards about half the height of the title bar. Similarly, a window whose origin is above the top of the screen will spontaneously move its upper-left origin upon being resized. After two such resize-induced moves, the title bar will be entirely off the top edge of the screen. Subsequently, when the mouse is clicked and released on the window border, the window will shrink its height spontaneously. This height shrinkage occurs even if the user did not resize the border. To observe this curious situation, please invoke: SDL-1.2.8/test/testwm.exe -resize Cause: A pair of integers, SDL_windowX and SDL_windowY, are defined in video/wincommon/SDL_sysevents.c. They are used by the DirectX video driver and the DIB video driver: video/windx5/SDL_dx5video.c video/windib/SDL_dibvideo.c As I understand the source code, the primary use of these variables is to create a rectangle that represents the surface area in CLIENT SPACE. Client space refers to a coordinate system that originates at the upper left corner of a Win32 Window's drawable area. This is just inside the window border and title bar. This client space rectangle, called bounds, is subsequently converted to screen space with a call to AdjustWindowRectEx. The problem is found in SDL's handling of the WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED message. According to MSDN, "The WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED message is sent to a window whose size, position, or place in the Z order has changed as a result of a call to the SetWindowPos function or another window-management function." I have confirmed that this message is indeed being sent to the SDL window when the mouse is clicked on the window border, even if the window border is not dragged. In video/wincommon/SDL_sysevents.c, on line 464, in response to the WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED message, the (potentially) new client rectangle is obtained. This rectangle is translated into screen coordinates and THEN assigned to the SDL_windowX and Y variables. Thus screen coordinates are being assigned to client coordinate variables. Once this is understood, the solution is apparent: assign SDL_windowX and Y before translating the rectangle to screen coordinates. This is accomplished by the following patch. -Mike_L
author Sam Lantinga <>
date Sun, 29 Jan 2006 08:50:06 +0000
parents 74212992fb08
children f12379c41042
line wrap: on
line source

/* File "FastTimes.c" - Original code by Matt Slot <>  */
/* Created 4/24/99    - This file is hereby placed in the public domain       */
/* Updated 5/21/99    - Calibrate to VIA, add TBR support, renamed functions  */
/* Updated 10/4/99    - Use AbsoluteToNanoseconds() in case Absolute = double */
/* Updated 2/15/00    - Check for native Time Manager, no need to calibrate   */
/* Updated 2/19/00    - Fixed default value for gScale under native Time Mgr  */
/* Updated 3/21/00    - Fixed ns conversion, create 2 different scale factors */
/* Updated 5/03/00    - Added copyright and placed into PD. No code changes   */
/* Updated 8/01/00    - Made "Carbon-compatible" by replacing LMGetTicks()    */

/* This file is Copyright (C) Matt Slot, 1999-2000. It is hereby placed into 
   the public domain. The author makes no warranty as to fitness or stability */

#include <Gestalt.h>
#include <LowMem.h>
#include <CodeFragments.h>
#include <DriverServices.h>
#include <Timer.h>

#include "FastTimes.h"

/* **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** */
/* **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** */
	On 680x0 machines, we just use Microseconds().
	On PowerPC machines, we try several methods:
	  * DriverServicesLib is available on all PCI PowerMacs, and perhaps
	    some NuBus PowerMacs. If it is, we use UpTime() : Overhead = 2.1 µsec.
	  * The PowerPC 601 has a built-in "real time clock" RTC, and we fall
	    back to that, accessing it directly from asm. Overhead = 1.3 µsec.
	  * Later PowerPCs have an accurate "time base register" TBR, and we 
	    fall back to that, access it from PowerPC asm. Overhead = 1.3 µsec.
	  * We can also try Microseconds() which is emulated : Overhead = 36 µsec.

	On PowerPC machines, we avoid the following:
	  * OpenTransport is available on all PCI and some NuBus PowerMacs, but it
	    uses UpTime() if available and falls back to Microseconds() otherwise.
	  * InputSprocket is available on many PowerMacs, but again it uses
	    UpTime() if available and falls back to Microseconds() otherwise.

	Another PowerPC note: certain configurations, especially 3rd party upgrade
	cards, may return inaccurate timings for the CPU or memory bus -- causing
	skew in various system routines (up to 20% drift!). The VIA chip is very
	accurate, and it's the basis for the Time Manager and Microseconds().
	Unfortunately, it's also very slow because the MacOS has to (a) switch to
	68K and (b) poll for a VIA event.
	We compensate for the drift by calibrating a floating point scale factor
	between our fast method and the accurate timer at startup, then convert
	each sample quickly on the fly. I'd rather not have the initialization 
	overhead -- but it's simply necessary for accurate timing. You can drop
	it down to 30 ticks if you prefer, but that's as low as I'd recommend.

	Under MacOS 9, "new world" Macs (iMacs, B+W G3s and G+W G4s) have a native
	Time Manager implementation: UpTime(), Microseconds(), and TickCount() are
	all based on the same underlying counter. This makes it silly to calibrate
	UpTime() against TickCount(). We now check for this feature using Gestalt(),
	and skip the whole calibration step if possible.

/* **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** */
/* **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** */

#define RTCToNano(w)	((double) (w).hi * 1000000000.0 + (double) (w).lo)
#define WideTo64bit(w)	(*(UInt64 *) &(w))

/* LMGetTicks() is not in Carbon and TickCount() has a fair bit of overhead,
   so for speed we always read lowmem directly. This is a MacOS X no-no, but 
   it always work on those systems that don't have a native Time Manager (ie,
   anything before MacOS 9) -- regardless whether we are in Carbon or not! */
#define MyLMGetTicks()	(*(volatile UInt32 *) 0x16A)


static asm UnsignedWide PollRTC(void);
static asm UnsignedWide PollTBR(void);
static Ptr FindFunctionInSharedLib(StringPtr libName, StringPtr funcName);

static Boolean			gInited = false;
static Boolean			gNative = false;
static Boolean			gUseRTC = false;
static Boolean			gUseTBR = false;
static double			gScaleUSec = 1.0 / 1000.0;    /* 1 / ( nsec / usec) */
static double			gScaleMSec = 1.0 / 1000000.0; /* 1 / ( nsec / msec) */

/* Functions loaded from DriverServicesLib */
typedef AbsoluteTime 	(*UpTimeProcPtr)(void);
typedef Nanoseconds 	(*A2NSProcPtr)(AbsoluteTime);
static UpTimeProcPtr 	gUpTime = NULL;
static A2NSProcPtr 		gA2NS = NULL;


/* **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** */
/* **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** */

void FastInitialize() {
	SInt32			result;

	if (!gInited) {


		/* Initialize the feature flags */
		gNative = gUseRTC = gUseTBR = false;

		/* We use CFM to find and load needed symbols from shared libraries, so
		   the application doesn't have to weak-link them, for convenience.   */
		gUpTime = (UpTimeProcPtr) FindFunctionInSharedLib(
				"\pDriverServicesLib", "\pUpTime");
		if (gUpTime) gA2NS = (A2NSProcPtr) FindFunctionInSharedLib(
				"\pDriverServicesLib", "\pAbsoluteToNanoseconds");
		if (!gA2NS) gUpTime = nil; /* Pedantic but necessary */

		if (gUpTime) {
			/* If we loaded UpTime(), then we need to know if the system has
			   a native implementation of the Time Manager. If so, then it's
			   pointless to calculate a scale factor against the missing VIA */

			/* gestaltNativeTimeMgr = 4 in some future version of the headers */
			if (!Gestalt(gestaltTimeMgrVersion, &result) &&
					(result > gestaltExtendedTimeMgr)) 
				gNative = true;
		  else {
			/* If no DriverServicesLib, use Gestalt() to get the processor type. 
			   Only NuBus PowerMacs with old System Software won't have DSL, so
			   we know it should either be a 601 or 603. */

			/* Use the processor gestalt to determine which register to use */
		 	if (!Gestalt(gestaltNativeCPUtype, &result)) {
				if (result == gestaltCPU601) gUseRTC = true;
				  else if (result > gestaltCPU601) gUseTBR = true;

		/* Now calculate a scale factor to keep us accurate. */
		if ((gUpTime && !gNative) || gUseRTC || gUseTBR) {
			UInt64			tick, usec1, usec2;
			UnsignedWide	wide;

			/* Wait for the beginning of the very next tick */
			for(tick = MyLMGetTicks() + 1; tick > MyLMGetTicks(); );
			/* Poll the selected timer and prepare it (since we have time) */
			wide = (gUpTime) ? (*gA2NS)((*gUpTime)()) : 
					((gUseRTC) ? PollRTC() : PollTBR());
			usec1 = (gUseRTC) ? RTCToNano(wide) : WideTo64bit(wide);
			/* Wait for the exact 60th tick to roll over */
			while(tick + 60 > MyLMGetTicks());

			/* Poll the selected timer again and prepare it  */
			wide = (gUpTime) ? (*gA2NS)((*gUpTime)()) : 
					((gUseRTC) ? PollRTC() : PollTBR());
			usec2 = (gUseRTC) ? RTCToNano(wide) : WideTo64bit(wide);
			/* Calculate a scale value that will give microseconds per second.
			   Remember, there are actually 60.15 ticks in a second, not 60.  */
			gScaleUSec = (60.0 * 1000000.0) / ((usec2 - usec1) * 60.15);
			gScaleMSec = gScaleUSec / 1000.0;


		/* We've initialized our globals */
		gInited = true;

/* **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** */
/* **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** */

UInt64 FastMicroseconds() {
	UnsignedWide	wide;
	UInt64			usec;
	/* Initialize globals the first time we are called */
	if (!gInited) FastInitialize();
	if (gNative) {
		/* Use DriverServices if it's available -- it's fast and compatible */
		wide = (*gA2NS)((*gUpTime)());
		usec = (double) WideTo64bit(wide) * gScaleUSec + 0.5;
	  else if (gUpTime) {
		/* Use DriverServices if it's available -- it's fast and compatible */
		wide = (*gA2NS)((*gUpTime)());
		usec = (double) WideTo64bit(wide) * gScaleUSec + 0.5;
	  else if (gUseTBR) {
		/* On a recent PowerPC, we poll the TBR directly */
		wide = PollTBR();
		usec = (double) WideTo64bit(wide) * gScaleUSec + 0.5;
	  else if (gUseRTC) {
		/* On a 601, we can poll the RTC instead */
		wide = PollRTC();
		usec = (double) RTCToNano(wide) * gScaleUSec + 0.5;
		/* If all else fails, suffer the mixed mode overhead */
		usec = WideTo64bit(wide);


/* **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** */
/* **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** */

UInt64 FastMilliseconds() {
	UnsignedWide	wide;
	UInt64			msec;	
	/* Initialize globals the first time we are called */
	if (!gInited) FastInitialize();
	if (gNative) {
		/* Use DriverServices if it's available -- it's fast and compatible */
		wide = (*gA2NS)((*gUpTime)());
		msec = (double) WideTo64bit(wide) * gScaleMSec + 0.5;
	  else if (gUpTime) {
		/* Use DriverServices if it's available -- it's fast and compatible */
		wide = (*gA2NS)((*gUpTime)());
		msec = (double) WideTo64bit(wide) * gScaleMSec + 0.5;
	  else if (gUseTBR) {
		/* On a recent PowerPC, we poll the TBR directly */
		wide = PollTBR();
		msec = (double) WideTo64bit(wide) * gScaleMSec + 0.5;
	  else if (gUseRTC) {
		/* On a 601, we can poll the RTC instead */
		wide = PollRTC();
		msec = (double) RTCToNano(wide) * gScaleMSec + 0.5;
		/* If all else fails, suffer the mixed mode overhead */
		msec = ((double) WideTo64bit(wide) + 500.0) / 1000.0;


/* **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** */
/* **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** */

StringPtr FastMethod() {
	StringPtr	method = "\p<Unknown>";

	/* Initialize globals the first time we are called */
	if (!gInited) FastInitialize();
	if (gNative) {
		/* The Time Manager and UpTime() are entirely native on this machine */
		method = "\pNative UpTime()";
	  else if (gUpTime) {
		/* Use DriverServices if it's available -- it's fast and compatible */
		method = "\pUpTime()";
	  else if (gUseTBR) {
		/* On a recent PowerPC, we poll the TBR directly */
		method = "\pPowerPC TBR";
	  else if (gUseRTC) {
		/* On a 601, we can poll the RTC instead */
		method = "\pPowerPC RTC";
		/* If all else fails, suffer the mixed mode overhead */
		method = "\pMicroseconds()";


/* **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** */
/* **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** */
#pragma mark -

asm static UnsignedWide PollRTC_() {
entry PollRTC /* Avoid CodeWarrior glue */
	machine 601
	mfrtcu	r4 /* RTCU = SPR 4 */
	mfrtcl	r5 /* RTCL = SPR 5 */
	mfrtcu	r6
	cmpw	r4,r6
	bne		@AGAIN
	stw		r4,0(r3)
	stw		r5,4(r3)

/* **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** */
/* **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** */

asm static UnsignedWide PollTBR_() {
entry PollTBR /* Avoid CodeWarrior glue */
	machine 604
	mftbu	r4 /* TBRU = SPR 268 */
	mftb	r5 /* TBRL = SPR 269 */
	mftbu	r6
	cmpw	r4,r6
	bne		@AGAIN
	stw		r4,0(r3)
	stw		r5,4(r3)

/* **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** */
/* **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** */

static Ptr FindFunctionInSharedLib(StringPtr libName, StringPtr funcName) {
	OSErr				error = noErr;
	Str255				errorStr;
	Ptr					func = NULL;
	Ptr					entry = NULL;
	CFragSymbolClass	symClass;
	CFragConnectionID	connID;
	/* Find CFM containers for the current archecture -- CFM-PPC or CFM-68K */
	if (/* error = */ GetSharedLibrary(libName, kCompiledCFragArch,
			kLoadCFrag, &connID, &entry, errorStr)) return(NULL);
	if (/* error = */ FindSymbol(connID, funcName, &func, &symClass))