# HG changeset patch
# User catherine.devlin@gmail.com
# Date 1311218489 14400
# Node ID fe75803a4a5e15769f4d430d58fb4bcb5e433140
# Parent  6ffa49335dcbaf4dcc082440b0935fed4c238785
describe Distribute requirement

diff -r 6ffa49335dcb -r fe75803a4a5e INSTALL.txt
--- a/INSTALL.txt	Wed Jul 20 21:23:53 2011 -0400
+++ b/INSTALL.txt	Wed Jul 20 23:21:29 2011 -0400
@@ -4,17 +4,19 @@
   hg clone http://hg.assembla.com/python-cmd2
-To install from the trunk, ``cd python-cmd2`` and run ``python setup.py install`` or ``python setup.py develop`` (requires setuptools).
+To install from the trunk, ``cd python-cmd2`` and run ``python setup.py install`` or ``python setup.py develop`` (requires setuptools).  (Use ``root`` account, or ``sudo``, on *nix.)
 Python 3
 The Python 3 egg downloaded from PyPI or installed by ``pip`` or ``easy_install`` is ready to go.
-To install from source for Python 3::
+To install from source for Python 3, the 2to3 transformations must be applied to ``cmd2.py``.
+The best way to do this is to install ``distribute`` on Python 3 before installing
-  2to3 -w cmd2.py
-  python3 setup.py install
+  curl -O http://python-distribute.org/distribute_setup.py
+  sudo python3 distribute_setup.py
+  sudo python3 setup.py install
\ No newline at end of file