changeset 409:cf22ebfc90eb

Moved denoising AA to sandbox
author Joseph Turian <>
date Thu, 10 Jul 2008 17:33:28 -0400
parents b9f545594207
children 3cd4cfda2599
files sandbox/
diffstat 2 files changed, 224 insertions(+), 220 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/	Thu Jul 10 09:03:11 2008 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,220 +0,0 @@
-A denoising auto-encoder
-import theano
-from theano.formula import *
-from learner import *
-from theano import tensor as t
-from nnet_ops import *
-import math
-from misc import *
-from misc_theano import *
-from theano.tensor_random import binomial
-def hiding_corruption_formula(seed,average_fraction_hidden):
-    """
-    Return a formula for the corruption process, in which a random
-    subset of the input numbers are hidden (mapped to 0). 
-    @param seed: seed of the random generator
-    @type seed: anything that numpy.random.RandomState accepts
-    @param average_fraction_hidden: the probability with which each
-                                    input number is hidden (set to 0).
-    @type average_fraction_hidden: 0 <= real number <= 1
-    """
-    class HidingCorruptionFormula(Formulas):
-        x = t.matrix()
-        corrupted_x = x * binomial(seed,x,1,fraction_sampled)
-    return HidingCorruptionFormula()
-def squash_affine_formula(squash_function=sigmoid):
-    """
-    Simply does: squash_function(b + xW)
-    By convention prefix the parameters by _
-    """
-    class SquashAffineFormula(Formulas):
-        x = t.matrix() # of dimensions minibatch_size x n_inputs
-        _b = t.row() # of dimensions 1 x n_outputs
-        _W = t.matrix() # of dimensions n_inputs x n_outputs
-        a = _b +,_W) # of dimensions minibatch_size x n_outputs
-        y = squash_function(a)
-    return SquashAffineFormula()
-def gradient_descent_update_formula():
-    class GradientDescentUpdateFormula(Formula):
-        param = t.matrix()
-        learning_rate = t.scalar()
-        cost = t.column() # cost of each example in a minibatch
-        param_update = t.add_inplace(param, -learning_rate*t.sgrad(cost))
-    return gradient_descent_update_formula()
-def probabilistic_classifier_loss_formula():
-    class ProbabilisticClassifierLossFormula(Formulas):
-        a = t.matrix() # of dimensions minibatch_size x n_classes, pre-softmax output
-        target_class = t.ivector() # dimension (minibatch_size)
-        nll, probability_predictions = crossentropy_softmax_1hot(a, target_class) # defined in
-    return ProbabilisticClassifierLossFormula()
-def binomial_cross_entropy_formula():
-    class BinomialCrossEntropyFormula(Formulas):
-        a = t.matrix() # pre-sigmoid activations, minibatch_size x dim
-        p = sigmoid(a) # model prediction
-        q = t.matrix() # target binomial probabilities, minibatch_size x dim
-        # using the identity softplus(a) - softplus(-a) = a,
-        # we obtain that q log(p) + (1-q) log(1-p) = q a - softplus(a)
-        nll = -t.sum(q*a - softplus(-a))
-    # next line was missing... hope it's all correct above
-    return BinomialCrossEntropyFormula()
-def squash_affine_autoencoder_formula(hidden_squash=t.tanh,
-                                      reconstruction_squash=sigmoid,
-                                      share_weights=True,
-                                      reconstruction_nll_formula=binomial_cross_entropy_formula(),
-                                      update_formula=gradient_descent_update_formula):
-    if share_weights:
-        autoencoder = squash_affine_formula(hidden_squash).rename(a='code_a') + \
-                      squash_affine_formula(reconstruction_squash).rename(x='hidden',y='reconstruction',_b='_c') + \
-                      reconstruction_nll_formula
-    else:
-        autoencoder = squash_affine_formula(hidden_squash).rename(a='code_a',_W='_W1') + \
-                      squash_affine_formula(reconstruction_squash).rename(x='hidden',y='reconstruction',_b='_c',_W='_W2') + \
-                      reconstruction_nll_formula
-    autoencoder = autoencoder + [update_formula().rename(cost = 'nll',
-                                                         param = p)
-                                 for p in autoencoder.get_all('_.*')]
-    return autoencoder
-# @todo: try other corruption formulae. The above is the default one.
-# not quite used in the ICML paper... (had a fixed number of 0s).
-class DenoisingAutoEncoder(LearningAlgorithm):
-    def __init__(self,n_inputs,n_hidden_per_layer,
-                 learning_rate=0.1,
-                 max_n_epochs=100,
-                 L1_regularizer=0,
-                 init_range=1.,
-                 corruption_formula = hiding_corruption_formula(),
-                 autoencoder = squash_affine_autoencoder_formula(),
-                 minibatch_size=None,linker = "c|py"):
-        for name,val in locals().items():
-            if val is not self: self.__setattribute__(name,val)
-        self.denoising_autoencoder_formula = corruption_formula + autoencoder.rename(x='corrupted_x')
-    def __call__(self, training_set=None):
-        """ Allocate and optionnaly train a model
-        @TODO enables passing in training and valid sets, instead of cutting one set in 80/20
-        """
-        model = DenoisingAutoEncoderModel(self)
-        if training_set:
-            print 'DenoisingAutoEncoder(): what do I do if training_set????'
-            # copied from old mlp_factory_approach:
-            if len(trainset) == sys.maxint:
-                raise NotImplementedError('Learning from infinite streams is not supported')
-            nval = int(self.validation_portion * len(trainset))
-            nmin = len(trainset) - nval
-            assert nmin >= 0
-            minset = trainset[:nmin] #real training set for minimizing loss
-            valset = trainset[nmin:] #validation set for early stopping
-            best = model
-            for stp in self.early_stopper():
-                model.update(
-                    minset.minibatches([input, target], minibatch_size=min(32,
-                        len(trainset))))
-                #print 'mlp.__call__(), we did an update'
-                if stp.set_score:
-                    stp.score = model(valset, ['loss_01'])
-                    if (stp.score < stp.best_score):
-                        best = copy.copy(model)
-            model = best
-            # end of the copy from mlp_factory_approach
-        return model
-    def compile(self, inputs, outputs):
-        return theano.function(inputs,outputs,unpack_single=False,linker=self.linker)
-class DenoisingAutoEncoderModel(LearnerModel):
-    def __init__(self,learning_algorithm,params):
-        self.learning_algorithm=learning_algorithm
-        self.params=params
-        v = learning_algorithm.v
-        self.update_fn = learning_algorithm.compile(learning_algorithm.denoising_autoencoder_formula.inputs,
-                                                    learning_algorithm.denoising_autoencoder_formula.outputs)
-    def update(self, training_set, train_stats_collector=None):
-        print 'dont update you crazy frog!'
-# old stuff
-#         self._learning_rate = t.scalar('learning_rate') # this is the symbol
-#         self.L1_regularizer = L1_regularizer
-#         self._L1_regularizer = t.scalar('L1_regularizer')
-#         self._input = t.matrix('input') # n_examples x n_inputs
-#         self._W = t.matrix('W')
-#         self._b = t.row('b')
-#         self._c = t.row('b')
-#         self._regularization_term = self._L1_regularizer * t.sum(t.abs(self._W))
-#         self._corrupted_input = corruption_process(self._input)
-#         self._hidden = t.tanh(self._b +, self._W.T))
-#         self._reconstruction_activations,self._W)
-#         self._nll,self._output = crossentropy_softmax_1hot(Print("output_activations")(self._output_activations),self._target_vector)
-#         self._output_class = t.argmax(self._output,1)
-#         self._class_error = t.neq(self._output_class,self._target_vector)
-#         self._minibatch_criterion = self._nll + self._regularization_term / t.shape(self._input)[0]
-#         OnlineGradientTLearner.__init__(self)
-#     def attributeNames(self):
-#         return ["parameters","b1","W2","b2","W2", "L2_regularizer","regularization_term"]
-#     def parameterAttributes(self):
-#         return ["b1","W1", "b2", "W2"]
-#     def updateMinibatchInputFields(self):
-#         return ["input","target"]
-#     def updateEndOutputAttributes(self):
-#         return ["regularization_term"]
-#     def lossAttribute(self):
-#         return "minibatch_criterion"
-#     def defaultOutputFields(self, input_fields):
-#         output_fields = ["output", "output_class",]
-#         if "target" in input_fields:
-#             output_fields += ["class_error", "nll"]
-#         return output_fields
-#     def allocate(self,minibatch):
-#         minibatch_n_inputs  = minibatch["input"].shape[1]
-#         if not self._n_inputs:
-#             self._n_inputs = minibatch_n_inputs
-#             self.b1 = numpy.zeros((1,self._n_hidden))
-#             self.b2 = numpy.zeros((1,self._n_outputs))
-#             self.forget()
-#         elif self._n_inputs!=minibatch_n_inputs:
-#             # if the input changes dimension on the fly, we resize and forget everything
-#             self.forget()
-#     def forget(self):
-#         if self._n_inputs:
-#             r = self._init_range/math.sqrt(self._n_inputs)
-#             self.W1 = numpy.random.uniform(low=-r,high=r,
-#                                            size=(self._n_hidden,self._n_inputs))
-#             r = self._init_range/math.sqrt(self._n_hidden)
-#             self.W2 = numpy.random.uniform(low=-r,high=r,
-#                                            size=(self._n_outputs,self._n_hidden))
-#             self.b1[:]=0
-#             self.b2[:]=0
-#             self._n_epochs=0
-#     def isLastEpoch(self):
-#         self._n_epochs +=1
-#         return self._n_epochs>=self._max_n_epochs
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/sandbox/	Thu Jul 10 17:33:28 2008 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
+A denoising auto-encoder
+@warning: You should use this interface. It is not complete and is not functional.
+Instead, use::
+    ssh://
+import theano
+from theano.formula import *
+from learner import *
+from theano import tensor as t
+from nnet_ops import *
+import math
+from misc import *
+from misc_theano import *
+from theano.tensor_random import binomial
+def hiding_corruption_formula(seed,average_fraction_hidden):
+    """
+    Return a formula for the corruption process, in which a random
+    subset of the input numbers are hidden (mapped to 0). 
+    @param seed: seed of the random generator
+    @type seed: anything that numpy.random.RandomState accepts
+    @param average_fraction_hidden: the probability with which each
+                                    input number is hidden (set to 0).
+    @type average_fraction_hidden: 0 <= real number <= 1
+    """
+    class HidingCorruptionFormula(Formulas):
+        x = t.matrix()
+        corrupted_x = x * binomial(seed,x,1,fraction_sampled)
+    return HidingCorruptionFormula()
+def squash_affine_formula(squash_function=sigmoid):
+    """
+    Simply does: squash_function(b + xW)
+    By convention prefix the parameters by _
+    """
+    class SquashAffineFormula(Formulas):
+        x = t.matrix() # of dimensions minibatch_size x n_inputs
+        _b = t.row() # of dimensions 1 x n_outputs
+        _W = t.matrix() # of dimensions n_inputs x n_outputs
+        a = _b +,_W) # of dimensions minibatch_size x n_outputs
+        y = squash_function(a)
+    return SquashAffineFormula()
+def gradient_descent_update_formula():
+    class GradientDescentUpdateFormula(Formula):
+        param = t.matrix()
+        learning_rate = t.scalar()
+        cost = t.column() # cost of each example in a minibatch
+        param_update = t.add_inplace(param, -learning_rate*t.sgrad(cost))
+    return gradient_descent_update_formula()
+def probabilistic_classifier_loss_formula():
+    class ProbabilisticClassifierLossFormula(Formulas):
+        a = t.matrix() # of dimensions minibatch_size x n_classes, pre-softmax output
+        target_class = t.ivector() # dimension (minibatch_size)
+        nll, probability_predictions = crossentropy_softmax_1hot(a, target_class) # defined in
+    return ProbabilisticClassifierLossFormula()
+def binomial_cross_entropy_formula():
+    class BinomialCrossEntropyFormula(Formulas):
+        a = t.matrix() # pre-sigmoid activations, minibatch_size x dim
+        p = sigmoid(a) # model prediction
+        q = t.matrix() # target binomial probabilities, minibatch_size x dim
+        # using the identity softplus(a) - softplus(-a) = a,
+        # we obtain that q log(p) + (1-q) log(1-p) = q a - softplus(a)
+        nll = -t.sum(q*a - softplus(-a))
+    # next line was missing... hope it's all correct above
+    return BinomialCrossEntropyFormula()
+def squash_affine_autoencoder_formula(hidden_squash=t.tanh,
+                                      reconstruction_squash=sigmoid,
+                                      share_weights=True,
+                                      reconstruction_nll_formula=binomial_cross_entropy_formula(),
+                                      update_formula=gradient_descent_update_formula):
+    if share_weights:
+        autoencoder = squash_affine_formula(hidden_squash).rename(a='code_a') + \
+                      squash_affine_formula(reconstruction_squash).rename(x='hidden',y='reconstruction',_b='_c') + \
+                      reconstruction_nll_formula
+    else:
+        autoencoder = squash_affine_formula(hidden_squash).rename(a='code_a',_W='_W1') + \
+                      squash_affine_formula(reconstruction_squash).rename(x='hidden',y='reconstruction',_b='_c',_W='_W2') + \
+                      reconstruction_nll_formula
+    autoencoder = autoencoder + [update_formula().rename(cost = 'nll',
+                                                         param = p)
+                                 for p in autoencoder.get_all('_.*')]
+    return autoencoder
+# @todo: try other corruption formulae. The above is the default one.
+# not quite used in the ICML paper... (had a fixed number of 0s).
+class DenoisingAutoEncoder(LearningAlgorithm):
+    def __init__(self,n_inputs,n_hidden_per_layer,
+                 learning_rate=0.1,
+                 max_n_epochs=100,
+                 L1_regularizer=0,
+                 init_range=1.,
+                 corruption_formula = hiding_corruption_formula(),
+                 autoencoder = squash_affine_autoencoder_formula(),
+                 minibatch_size=None,linker = "c|py"):
+        for name,val in locals().items():
+            if val is not self: self.__setattribute__(name,val)
+        self.denoising_autoencoder_formula = corruption_formula + autoencoder.rename(x='corrupted_x')
+    def __call__(self, training_set=None):
+        """ Allocate and optionnaly train a model
+        @TODO enables passing in training and valid sets, instead of cutting one set in 80/20
+        """
+        model = DenoisingAutoEncoderModel(self)
+        if training_set:
+            print 'DenoisingAutoEncoder(): what do I do if training_set????'
+            # copied from old mlp_factory_approach:
+            if len(trainset) == sys.maxint:
+                raise NotImplementedError('Learning from infinite streams is not supported')
+            nval = int(self.validation_portion * len(trainset))
+            nmin = len(trainset) - nval
+            assert nmin >= 0
+            minset = trainset[:nmin] #real training set for minimizing loss
+            valset = trainset[nmin:] #validation set for early stopping
+            best = model
+            for stp in self.early_stopper():
+                model.update(
+                    minset.minibatches([input, target], minibatch_size=min(32,
+                        len(trainset))))
+                #print 'mlp.__call__(), we did an update'
+                if stp.set_score:
+                    stp.score = model(valset, ['loss_01'])
+                    if (stp.score < stp.best_score):
+                        best = copy.copy(model)
+            model = best
+            # end of the copy from mlp_factory_approach
+        return model
+    def compile(self, inputs, outputs):
+        return theano.function(inputs,outputs,unpack_single=False,linker=self.linker)
+class DenoisingAutoEncoderModel(LearnerModel):
+    def __init__(self,learning_algorithm,params):
+        self.learning_algorithm=learning_algorithm
+        self.params=params
+        v = learning_algorithm.v
+        self.update_fn = learning_algorithm.compile(learning_algorithm.denoising_autoencoder_formula.inputs,
+                                                    learning_algorithm.denoising_autoencoder_formula.outputs)
+    def update(self, training_set, train_stats_collector=None):
+        print 'dont update you crazy frog!'
+# old stuff
+#         self._learning_rate = t.scalar('learning_rate') # this is the symbol
+#         self.L1_regularizer = L1_regularizer
+#         self._L1_regularizer = t.scalar('L1_regularizer')
+#         self._input = t.matrix('input') # n_examples x n_inputs
+#         self._W = t.matrix('W')
+#         self._b = t.row('b')
+#         self._c = t.row('b')
+#         self._regularization_term = self._L1_regularizer * t.sum(t.abs(self._W))
+#         self._corrupted_input = corruption_process(self._input)
+#         self._hidden = t.tanh(self._b +, self._W.T))
+#         self._reconstruction_activations,self._W)
+#         self._nll,self._output = crossentropy_softmax_1hot(Print("output_activations")(self._output_activations),self._target_vector)
+#         self._output_class = t.argmax(self._output,1)
+#         self._class_error = t.neq(self._output_class,self._target_vector)
+#         self._minibatch_criterion = self._nll + self._regularization_term / t.shape(self._input)[0]
+#         OnlineGradientTLearner.__init__(self)
+#     def attributeNames(self):
+#         return ["parameters","b1","W2","b2","W2", "L2_regularizer","regularization_term"]
+#     def parameterAttributes(self):
+#         return ["b1","W1", "b2", "W2"]
+#     def updateMinibatchInputFields(self):
+#         return ["input","target"]
+#     def updateEndOutputAttributes(self):
+#         return ["regularization_term"]
+#     def lossAttribute(self):
+#         return "minibatch_criterion"
+#     def defaultOutputFields(self, input_fields):
+#         output_fields = ["output", "output_class",]
+#         if "target" in input_fields:
+#             output_fields += ["class_error", "nll"]
+#         return output_fields
+#     def allocate(self,minibatch):
+#         minibatch_n_inputs  = minibatch["input"].shape[1]
+#         if not self._n_inputs:
+#             self._n_inputs = minibatch_n_inputs
+#             self.b1 = numpy.zeros((1,self._n_hidden))
+#             self.b2 = numpy.zeros((1,self._n_outputs))
+#             self.forget()
+#         elif self._n_inputs!=minibatch_n_inputs:
+#             # if the input changes dimension on the fly, we resize and forget everything
+#             self.forget()
+#     def forget(self):
+#         if self._n_inputs:
+#             r = self._init_range/math.sqrt(self._n_inputs)
+#             self.W1 = numpy.random.uniform(low=-r,high=r,
+#                                            size=(self._n_hidden,self._n_inputs))
+#             r = self._init_range/math.sqrt(self._n_hidden)
+#             self.W2 = numpy.random.uniform(low=-r,high=r,
+#                                            size=(self._n_outputs,self._n_hidden))
+#             self.b1[:]=0
+#             self.b2[:]=0
+#             self._n_epochs=0
+#     def isLastEpoch(self):
+#         self._n_epochs +=1
+#         return self._n_epochs>=self._max_n_epochs