changeset 1347:9e898b2b98e0

removed checkpoint draft
author James Bergstra <>
date Thu, 21 Oct 2010 11:42:36 -0400
parents 5e893cd6daae
children c8c30c675a4f
files doc/v2_planning/arch_src/
diffstat 1 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 408 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/doc/v2_planning/arch_src/	Wed Oct 27 10:37:18 2010 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,408 +0,0 @@
-import copy as copy_module
-#TODO: use to report cache hits/ misses
-CO_VARARGS = 0x0004
-class mem_db(dict):
-    # A key->document dictionary.
-    # A "document" is itself a dictionary.
-    # A "document" can be a small or large object, but it cannot be partially retrieved.
-    # This simple data structure is used in pylearn to cache intermediate reults between
-    # several process invocations.
-    pass
-class UNSPECIFIED(object): 
-    pass
-class CtrlObj(object):
-    """
-    Job control API.
-    This interface makes it easier to break a logical program into pieces that can be
-    executed by several different processes, either serially or in parallel.
-    The base class provides decorators to simplify some common cache patterns:
-     - cache_pickle to cache arbitrary return values using the pickle mechanism
-     - cache_dict to cache dict return values directly using the document db
-     - cache_numpy to cache [single] numpy ndarray rvals in a way that supports memmapping of
-       large arrays.
-    Authors are encouraged to use these when they apply, but should feel free to implement
-    other cache logic when these standard ones are lacking using the CtorlObj.get() and
-    CtorlObj.set() methods.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, rootdir, db, autosync):
-        self.db = db
-        self.r_lookup = {}
-        self.autosync=autosync
-    def get(self, key, default_val=UNSPECIFIED, copy=True):
-        # Default to return a COPY because a self.set() is required to make a change persistent.
-        # Inplace changes that the CtrlObj does not know about (via self.set()) will not be saved.
-        try:
-            val = self.db[key]
-        except:
-            if default_val is not UNSPECIFIED:
-                # return default_val, but do not add it to the r_lookup object
-                # since looking up that key in the future would not retrieve default_val
-                return default_val
-            else:
-                raise
-        if copy:
-            rval = copy_module.deepcopy(val)
-        else:
-            rval = val
-        self.r_lookup[id(rval)] = key
-        return rval
-    def get_key(self, val):
-        """Return the key that retrieved `val`.
-        This is useful for specifying cache keys for unhashable (e.g. numpy) objects that
-        happen to be stored in the db.
-        """
-        return self.r_lookup[id(val)]
-    def set(self, key, val):
-        vv = dict(val)
-        if self.db.get(key, None) not in (val, None):
-            del_keys = [k for (k,v) in self.r_lookup.iteritems() if v == key]
-            for k in del_keys:
-                del self.r_lookup[k]
-        self.db[key] = vv
-    def delete(self, key):
-        del_keys = [k for (k,v) in self.r_lookup.iteritems() if v == key]
-        for k in del_keys:
-            del self.r_lookup[k]
-        del self.db[key]
-    def checkpoint(self):
-        """Potentially pass control to another greenlet/tasklet that could potentially
-        serialize this (calling) greenlet/tasklet using cPickle.
-        """
-        pass
-    def sync(self, pull=True, push=True):
-        """Synchronise local changes with a master version (if applicable).
-        """
-        pass
-    def open(self, filename):
-        """Return a file-handle to a file that can be synced with a server"""
-        #todo - save references / proxies of the file objects returned here
-        # and sync them with a server if they are closed
-        return open(os.path.join(self.rootdir, filename))
-    def open_unique(self, mode='wb', prefix='uniq_', suffix=''):
-        #TODO: use the standard lib algo for this if you can find it.
-        if suffix:
-            template = prefix+'%06i.'+suffix
-        else:
-            template = prefix+'%06i'
-        while True:
-            fname = template%numpy.random.randint(999999)
-            path = os.path.join(self.rootdir, fname)
-            try:
-                open(path).close()
-            except IOError: #file not found
-                return open(path, mode=mode), path
-def memory_ctrl_obj():
-    return CtrlObj(db=dict())
-def directory_ctrl_obj(path, **kwargs):
-    raise NotImplementedError()
-def mongo_ctrl_obj(connection_args, **kwargs):
-    raise NotImplementedError()
-def couchdb_ctrl_obj(connection_args, **kwargs):
-    raise NotImplementedError()
-def jobman_ctrl_obj(connection_args, **kwargs):
-    raise NotImplementedError()
-def _default_values(f):
-    """Return a dictionary param -> default value of function `f`'s parameters"""
-    default_dict = {}
-    func_defaults = f.func_defaults
-    if func_defaults:
-        first_default_pos = f.func_code.co_argcount-len(f.func_defaults)
-        params_with_defaults = f.func_code.co_varnames[first_default_pos:f.func_code.co_argcount]
-        rval = dict(zip(params_with_defaults, f.func_defaults))
-    else:
-        rval = {}
-    return rval
-def test_default_values():
-    def f(a): pass
-    assert _default_values(f) == {}
-    def f(a, b=1): 
-        aa = 5
-    assert _default_values(f) == dict(b=1)
-    def f(a, b=1, c=2, *args, **kwargs):
-        e = b+c
-        return e
-    assert _default_values(f) == dict(b=1, c=2)
-def _arg_assignment(f, args, kwargs):
-    # make a dictionary from args and kwargs that contains all the arguments to f and their
-    # values
-    assignment = dict()
-    params = f.func_code.co_varnames[:f.func_code.co_argcount] #CORRECT?
-    f_accepts_varargs = f.func_code.co_flags & CO_VARARGS
-    f_accepts_kwargs = f.func_code.co_flags & CO_VARKEYWORDS
-    if f_accepts_varargs:
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-    if f_accepts_kwargs:
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-    # first add positional arguments 
-    #TODO: what if f accepts a '*args' or similar?
-    assert len(args) <= f.func_code.co_argcount
-    for i, a in enumerate(args):
-        assignment[f.func_code.co_varnames[i]] = a # CORRECT??
-    # next add kw arguments 
-    for k,v in kwargs.iteritems():
-        if k in assignment:
-            #TODO: match Python error
-            raise TypeError('duplicate argument provided for parameter', k)
-        if (not f_accepts_kwargs) and (k not in params):
-            #TODO: match Python error
-            raise TypeError('invalid keyword argument', k)
-        assignment[k] = v
-    # finally add default arguments for any remaining parameters
-    for k,v in _default_values(f).iteritems():
-        if k in assignment:
-            pass # this argument has [already] been specified
-        else:
-            assignment[k] = v
-    # TODO
-    # check that the assignment covers all parameters without default values
-    # TODO
-    # check that the assignment includes no extra variables if f does not accept a '**'
-    # parameter.
-    return assignment
-def test_arg_assignment():
-    #TODO: check cases that should cause errors 
-    # - doubly-specified arguments, 
-    # - insufficient arguments
-    def f():pass
-    assert _arg_assignment(f, (), {}) == {}
-    def f(a):pass
-    assert _arg_assignment(f, (1,), {}) == {'a':1}
-    def f(a):pass
-    assert _arg_assignment(f, (), {'a':1}) == {'a':1}
-    def f(a=1):pass
-    assert _arg_assignment(f, (), {}) == {'a':1}
-    def f(a=1):pass
-    assert _arg_assignment(f, (2,), {}) == {'a':2}
-    def f(a=1):pass
-    assert _arg_assignment(f, (), {'a':2}) == {'a':2}
-    def f(a=1):pass
-    assert _arg_assignment(f, (), {'a':2}) == {'a':2}
-    def f(b, a=1): pass
-    assert _arg_assignment(f, (3,4), {}) == {'b':3, 'a':4}
-    def f(b, a=1): pass
-    assert _arg_assignment(f, (3,), {'a':4}) == {'b':3, 'a':4}
-    def f(b, a=1): pass
-    assert _arg_assignment(f, (), {'b':3,'a':4}) == {'b':3, 'a':4}
-    def f(b, a=1): pass
-    assert _arg_assignment(f, (), {'b':3}) == {'b':3, 'a':1}
-    def f(b, a=1): a0=6
-    assert _arg_assignment(f, (2,), {}) == {'b':2, 'a':1}
-if 0:
-    def test_arg_assignment_w_varargs():
-        def f(b, c=1, *a, **kw): z=5
-        assert _arg_assignment(f, (3,), {}) == {'b':3, 'c':1, 'a':(), 'kw':{}}
-class CtrlObjCacheWrapper(object):
-    @classmethod
-    def decorate(cls, *args, **kwargs):
-        self = cls(*args, **kwargs)
-        def rval(f):
-            self.f = f
-        return rval
-    def parse_args(self, args, kwargs):
-        """Return key, f_args, f_kwargs, by removing ctrl-cache related flags.
-        The key is None or a hashable pair that identifies all the arguments to the function.
-        """
-        ctrl_args = dict(
-                ctrl = None,
-                ctrl_ignore_cache=False,
-                ctrl_force_shallow_recompute=False,
-                ctrl_force_deep_recompute=False,
-                )
-        # remove the ctrl and ctrl_* arguments
-        # because they are not meant to be passed to 'f'
-        ctrl_kwds = [(k,v) for (k,v) in kwargs.iteritems()
-                if k.startswith('ctrl')]
-        ctrl_args.update(dict(ctrl_kwds))
-        f_kwds = [(k,v) for (k,v) in kwargs.iteritems()
-                if not k.startswith('ctrl')]
-        # assignment is a dictionary with a complete specification of the effective arguments to f
-        # including default values, varargs, and varkwargs.
-        assignment = _arg_assignment(self.f, args, dict(f_kwds))
-        assignment_items = assignment.items()
-        assignment_items.sort() #canonical ordering for parameters
-        # replace argument values with explicitly provided keys
-        assignment_key = [(k, kwargs.get('ctrl_key_%s'%k, v))
-                for (k,v) in assignment_items]
-        rval_key = ('fn_cache', self.f, tuple(assignment_key))
-        try:
-            hash(rval_key)
-        except:
-            rval_key = None
-        return rval_key, assignment, {}, ctrl_args
-    def __doc__(self):
-        #TODO: Add documentation from self.f
-        return """
-        Optional magic kwargs:
-        ctrl                   - use this handle for cache/checkpointing
-        ctrl_key_%(paramname)s - specify a key to use for a cache lookup of this parameter
-        ctrl_ignore_cache      - completely ignore the cache (but checkpointing can still work)
-        ctrl_force_shallow_recompute - refresh the cache (but not of sub-calls)
-        ctrl_force_deep_recompute - recursively refresh the cache
-        ctrl_nocopy            - skip the usual copy of a cached return value
-        """
-    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
-        # N.B.
-        #  ctrl_force_deep_recompute
-        #  can work by inspecting the call stack
-        #  if any parent frame has a special variable set (e.g. _child_frame_ctrl_force_deep_recompute)
-        #  then it means this is a ctrl_force_deep_recompute too.
-        key, f_args, f_kwargs, ctrl_args = self.parse_args(args, kwargs)
-        ctrl = ctrl_args['ctrl']
-        if ctrl is None or ctrl_args['ctrl_ignore_cache']:
-            return self.f(*f_args, **f_kwargs)
-        if key:
-            try:
-                return self.get_cached_val(ctrl, key)
-            except KeyError:
-                pass
-        f_rval = self.f(*f_args, **f_kwargs)
-        if key:
-            f_rval = self.cache_val(ctrl, key, f_rval)
-        return f_rval
-    def get_cached_val(self, ctrl, key):
-        return ctrl.get(key)
-    def cache_val(self, ctrl, key, val):
-        ctrl.set(key, val)
-        return val
-class NumpyCacheCtrl(CtrlObjCacheWrapper):
-    def get_cached_val(self, ctrl, key):
-        filename = ctrl.get(key)['npy_filename']
-        return numpy.load(filename)
-    def cache_val(self, ctrl, key, val):
-        try:
-            filename = ctrl.get(key)
-        except KeyError:
-            handle, filename = ctrl.open_uniq()
-            handle.close()
-            ctrl.set(key, dict(npy_filename=filename))
-, val)
-        return val
-class PickleCacheCtrl(CtrlObjCacheWrapper):
-    def __init__(self, protocol=0, **kwargs):
-        self.protocol=protocol
-        super(PickleCacheCtrl, self).__init__(**kwargs)
-    def get_cached_val(self, ctrl, key):
-        return cPickle.loads(ctrl.get(key)['cPickle_str'])
-    def cache_val(self, ctrl, key, val):
-        ctrl.set(key, dict(cPickle_str=cPickle.dumps(val)))
-        return val
-def get_raw_data(rows, cols, seed=67273):
-    return numpy.random.RandomState(seed).randn(rows, cols)
-def get_whitened_dataset(X, pca, max_components=5):
-    return X[:,:max_components]
-def get_pca(X, max_components=100):
-    return dict(
-            mean=0,
-            eigvals=numpy.ones(X.shape[1]),
-            eigvecs=numpy.identity(X.shape[1])
-            )
-def train_mean_var_model(data, ctrl):
-    mean = numpy.zeros(data.shape[1])
-    meansq = numpy.zeros(data.shape[1])
-    for i in xrange(data.shape[0]):
-        alpha = 1.0 / (i+1)
-        mean += (1-alpha) * mean + data[i] * alpha
-        meansq += (1-alpha) * meansq + (data[i]**2) * alpha
-        ctrl.checkpoint()
-    return (mean, meansq)
-def test_run_experiment():
-    # Could use db, or filesystem, or both, etc.
-    # There would be generic ones, but the experimenter should be very aware of what is being
-    # cached where, when, and how.  This is how results are stored and retrieved after all.
-    # Cluster-friendly jobs should not use local files directly, but should store cached
-    # computations and results to such a database.
-    #  Different jobs should avoid using the same keys in the database because coordinating
-    #  writes is difficult, and conflicts will inevitably arise.
-    ctrl = memory_ctrl_obj()
-    raw_data = get_raw_data(ctrl=ctrl)
-    raw_data_key = ctrl.get_key(raw_data)
-    pca = get_pca(raw_data, max_components=30, ctrl=ctrl) 
-    whitened_data = get_whitened_dataset(raw_data, pca, ctrl=ctrl)
-    mean_var = train_mean_var_model(
-            data=whitened_data+66,
-            ctrl=ctrl,
-            ctrl_key_data=whitened_data) #tell that the temporary is tied to whitened_data
-    mean, var = mean_var
-    #TODO: Test that the cache actually worked!!