changeset 1004:3977ecd49431

author gdesjardins
date Wed, 01 Sep 2010 17:59:11 -0400
parents d19e3cb809c1 (current diff) f82093bf4405 (diff)
children 5753cd864356 790376d986a3
files doc/v2_planning.txt
diffstat 13 files changed, 1298 insertions(+), 862 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/doc/v2_planning.txt	Wed Sep 01 17:58:43 2010 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,241 +0,0 @@
-We are missing a *Theano Machine Learning library*.
-The deep learning tutorials do a good job but they lack the following features, which I would like to see in a ML library:
- - a well-organized collection of Theano symbolic expressions (formulas) for handling most of
-   what is needed either in implementing existing well-known ML and deep learning algorithms or
-   for creating new variants (without having to start from scratch each time), that is the
-   mathematical core,
- - a well-organized collection of python modules to help with the following:
-      - several data-access models that wrap around learning algorithms for interfacing with various types of data (static vectors, images, sound, video, generic time-series, etc.)
-      - generic utility code for optimization
-             - stochastic gradient descent variants
-             - early stopping variants
-             - interfacing to generic 2nd order optimization methods
-             - 2nd order methods tailored to work on minibatches
-             - optimizers for sparse coefficients / parameters
-     - generic code for model selection and hyper-parameter optimization (including the use and coordination of multiple jobs running on different machines, e.g. using jobman)
-     - generic code for performance estimation and experimental statistics
-     - visualization tools (using existing python libraries) and examples for all of the above
-     - learning algorithm conventions and meta-learning algorithms (bagging, boosting, mixtures of experts, etc.) which use them
-   [Note that many of us already use some instance of all the above, but each one tends to reinvent the wheel and newbies don't benefit from a knowledge base.]
- - a well-documented set of python scripts using the above library to show how to run the most
-   common ML algorithms (possibly with examples showing how to run multiple experiments with
-   many different models and collect statistical comparative results). This is particularly
-   important for pure users to adopt Theano in the ML application work.
-Ideally, there would be one person in charge of this project, making sure a coherent and
-easy-to-read design is developed, along with many helping hands (to implement the various
-helper modules, formulae, and learning algorithms).
-I am interested in the design and implementation of the "well-organized collection of Theano
-symbolic expressions..."
-I would like to explore algorithms for hyper-parameter optimization, following up on some
-"high-throughput" work.  I'm most interested in the "generic code for model selection and
-hyper-parameter optimization..." and "generic code for performance estimation...".  
-I have some experiences with the data-access requirements, and some lessons I'd like to share
-on that, but no time to work on that aspect of things.
-I will continue to contribute to the "well-documented set of python scripts using the above to
-showcase common ML algorithms...".  I have an Olshausen&Field-style sparse coding script that
-could be polished up.  I am also implementing the mcRBM and I'll be able to add that when it's
-Suggestions for how to tackle various desiderata
-Theano Symbolic Expressions for ML
-We could make this a submodule of pylearn: ``pylearn.nnet``.  
-Yoshua: I would use a different name, e.g., "pylearn.formulas" to emphasize that it is not just 
-about neural nets, and that this is a collection of formulas (expressions), rather than
-completely self-contained classes for learners. We could have a "" file for
-neural nets, though.
-There are a number of ideas floating around for how to handle classes /
-modules (LeDeepNet, pylearn.shared.layers, pynnet, DeepAnn) so lets implement as much
-math as possible in global functions with no classes.  There are no models in
-the wish list that require than a few vectors and matrices to parametrize.
-Global functions are more reusable than classes.
-Data access 
-A general interface to datasets from the perspective of an experiment driver
-(e.g. kfold) is to see them as a function that maps index (typically integer)
-to example (whose type and nature depends on the dataset, it could for
-instance be an (image, label) pair).  This interface permits iterating over
-the dataset, shuffling the dataset, and splitting it into folds.  For
-efficiency, it is nice if the dataset interface supports looking up several
-index values at once, because looking up many examples at once can sometimes
-be faster than looking each one up in turn. In particular, looking up
-a consecutive block of indices, or a slice, should be well supported.
-Some datasets may not support random access (e.g. a random number stream) and
-that's fine if an exception is raised. The user will see a NotImplementedError
-or similar, and try something else. We might want to have a way to test
-that a dataset is random-access or not without having to load an example.
-A more intuitive interface for many datasets (or subsets) is to load them as
-matrices or lists of examples.  This format is more convenient to work with at
-an ipython shell, for example.  It is not good to provide only the "dataset
-as a function" view of a dataset.  Even if a dataset is very large, it is nice
-to have a standard way to get some representative examples in a convenient
-structure, to be able to play with them in ipython.
-Another thing to consider related to datasets is that there are a number of
-other efforts to have standard ML datasets, and we should be aware of them,
-and compatible with them when it's easy:
- -    (they have a file format, not sure how many use it)
- - weka          (ARFF file format)
- - scikits.learn 
- - hdf5 / pytables
-pylearn.datasets uses a DATA_ROOT environment variable to locate a filesystem
-folder that is assumed to have a standard form across different installations.
-That's where the data files are.  The correct format of this folder is currently
-defined implicitly by the contents of /data/lisa/data at DIRO, but it would be
-better to document in pylearn what the contents of this folder should be as
-much as possible.  It should be possible to rebuild this tree from information
-found in pylearn.
-Yoshua (about ideas proposed by Pascal Vincent a while ago): 
-  - we may want to distinguish between datasets and tasks: a task defines
-  not just the data but also things like what is the input and what is the
-  target (for supervised learning), and *importantly* a set of performance metrics
-  that make sense for this task (e.g. those used by papers solving a particular
-  task, or reported for a particular benchmark)
-  - we should discuss about a few "standards" that datasets and tasks may comply to, such as
-    - "input" and "target" fields inside each example, for supervised or semi-supervised learning tasks
-      (with a convention for the semi-supervised case when only the input or only the target is observed)
-    - "input" for unsupervised learning
-    - conventions for missing-valued components inside input or target 
-    - how examples that are sequences are treated (e.g. the input or the target is a sequence)
-    - how time-stamps are specified when appropriate (e.g., the sequences are asynchronous)
-    - how error metrics are specified
-        * example-level statistics (e.g. classification error)
-        * dataset-level statistics (e.g. ROC curve, mean and standard error of error)
-Model Selection & Hyper-Parameter Optimization
-Driving a distributed computing job for a long time to optimize
-hyper-parameters using one or more clusters is the goal here.
-Although there might be some library-type code to write here, I think of this
-more as an application template.  The user would use python code to describe
-the experiment to run and the hyper-parameter space to search.  Then this
-application-driver would take control of scheduling jobs and running them on
-various computers... I'm imagining a potentially ugly brute of a hack that's
-not necessarily something we will want to expose at a low-level for reuse.
-Yoshua: We want both the library-defined driver that takes instructions about how to generate
-new hyper-parameter combinations (e.g. implicitly providing a prior distribution from which 
-to sample them), and examples showing how to use it in typical cases.
-Note that sometimes we just want to find the best configuration of hyper-parameters,
-but sometimes we want to do more subtle analysis. Often a combination of both.
-In this respect it could be useful for the user to define hyper-parameters over
-which scientific questions are sought (e.g. depth of an architecture) vs
-hyper-parameters that we would like to marginalize/maximize over (e.g. learning rate).
-This can influence both the sampling of configurations (we want to make sure that all
-combinations of question-driving hyper-parameters are covered) and the analysis
-of results (we may be willing to estimate ANOVAs or averaging or quantiles over
-the non-question-driving hyper-parameters).
-Python scripts for common ML algorithms
-The script aspect of this feature request makes me think that what would be
-good here is more tutorial-type scripts.  And the existing tutorials could
-potentially be rewritten to use some of the pylearn.nnet expressions.   More
-tutorials / demos would be great.
-Yoshua: agreed that we could write them as tutorials, but note how the
-spirit would be different from the current deep learning tutorials: we would
-not mind using library code as much as possible instead of trying to flatten
-out everything in the interest of pedagogical simplicity. Instead, these
-tutorials should be meant to illustrate not the algorithms but *how to take
-advantage of the library*. They could also be used as *BLACK BOX* implementations
-by people who don't want to dig lower and just want to run experiments.
-Functional Specifications
-Put these into different text files so that this one does not become a monster.
-For each thing with a functional spec (e.g. datasets library, optimization library) make a
-separate file.
-Directory with functions for building layers, calculating classification
-errors, cross-entropies with various distributions, free energies, etc.  This
-module would include for the most part global functions, Theano Ops and Theano
-Yoshua: I would break it down in module files, e.g.:
-pylearn.formulas.costs: generic / common cost functions, e.g. various cross-entropies, squared error, 
-abs. error, various sparsity penalties (L1, Student)
-pylearn.formulas.linear: formulas for linear classifier, linear regression, factor analysis, PCA
-pylearn.formulas.nnet: formulas for building layers of various kinds, various activation functions,
-layers which could be plugged with various costs & penalties, and stacked
- formulas for auto-encoders and denoising auto-encoder variants
-pylearn.formulas.noise: formulas for corruption processes
-pylearn.formulas.rbm: energies, free energies, conditional distributions, Gibbs sampling
-pylearn.formulas.trees: formulas for decision trees
-pylearn.formulas.boosting: formulas for boosting variants
-Fred: It seam that the DeepANN git repository by Xavier G. have part of this as function.
-Indexing Convention
-Something to decide on - Fortran-style or C-style indexing.  Although we have
-often used c-style indexing in the past (for efficiency in c!) this is no
-longer an issue with numpy because the physical layout is independent of the
-indexing order.  The fact remains that Fortran-style indexing follows linear
-algebra conventions, while c-style indexing does not.  If a global function
-includes a lot of math derivations, it would be *really* nice if the code used
-the same convention for the orientation of matrices, and endlessly annoying to
-have to be always transposing everything.
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/doc/v2_planning/dataset.txt	Wed Sep 01 17:59:11 2010 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+Discussion of Function Specification for Dataset Types
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/doc/v2_planning/learner.txt	Wed Sep 01 17:59:11 2010 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+Discussion of Function Specification for Learner Types
+In its most abstract form, a learner is an object with the
+following semantics:
+* A learner has named hyper-parameters that control how it learns (these can be viewed
+as options of the constructor, or might be set directly by a user)
+* A learner also has an internal state that depends on what it has learned.
+* A learner reads and produces data, so the definition of learner is
+intimately linked to the definition of dataset (and task).
+* A learner has one or more 'train' or 'adapt' functions by which
+it is given a sample of data (typically either the whole training set, or
+a mini-batch, which contains as a special case a single 'example'). Learners
+interface with datasets in order to obtain data. These functions cause the
+learner to change its internal state and take advantage to some extent
+of the data provided. The 'train' function should take charge of
+completely exploiting the dataset, as specified per the hyper-parameters,
+so that it would typically be called only once. An 'adapt' function
+is meant for learners that can operate in an 'online' setting where
+data continually arrive and the control loop (when to stop) is to
+be managed outside of it. For most intents and purposes, the
+'train' function could also handle the 'online' case by providing
+the controlled iterations over the dataset (which would then be
+seen as a stream of examples).
+    * learner.train(dataset)
+    * learner.adapt(data)
+* Different types of learners can then exploit their internal state
+in order to perform various computations after training is completed,
+or in the middle of training, e.g.,
+   * y=learner.predict(x)
+     for learners that see (x,y) pairs during training and predict y given x,
+     or for learners that see only x's and learn a transformation of it (i.e. feature extraction).
+     Here and below, x and y are tensor-like objects whose first index iterates
+     over particular examples in a batch or minibatch of examples.
+   * p=learner.probability(examples)
+     p=learner.log_probability(examples)
+     for learners that can estimate probability density or probability functions,
+     note that example could be a pair (x,y) for learners that expect each example
+     to represent such a pair. The second form is provided in case the example
+     is high-dimensional and computations in the log-domain are numerically preferable.
+     The first dimension of examples or of x and y is an index over a minibatch or a dataset.
+   * p=learner.free_energy(x)
+     for learners that can estimate a log unnormalized probability; the output has the same length as the input.
+   * c=learner.costs(examples)
+     returns a matrix of costs (one row per example, i.e., again the output has the same length
+     as the input), the first column of which represents the cost whose expectation
+     we wish to minimize over new samples from the unknown underlying data distribution.
+Some learners may be able to handle x's and y's that contain missing values.
+* For convenience, some of these operations could be bundled, e.g.
+    * [prediction,costs] = learner.predict_and_adapt((x,y))
+* Some learners could include in their internal state not only what they
+have learned but some information about recently seen examples that conditions
+the expected distribution of upcoming examples. In that case, they might
+be used, e.g. in an online setting as follows:
+     for (x,y) in data_stream:
+        [prediction,costs]=learner.predict((x,y))
+        accumulate_statistics(prediction,costs)
+* In some cases, each example is itself a (possibly variable-size) sequence
+or other variable-size object (e.g. an image, or a video)
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/doc/v2_planning/main_plan.txt	Wed Sep 01 17:59:11 2010 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
+We are missing a *Theano Machine Learning library*.
+The deep learning tutorials do a good job but they lack the following features, which I would like to see in a ML library:
+ - a well-organized collection of Theano symbolic expressions (formulas) for handling most of
+   what is needed either in implementing existing well-known ML and deep learning algorithms or
+   for creating new variants (without having to start from scratch each time), that is the
+   mathematical core,
+ - a well-organized collection of python modules to help with the following:
+      - several data-access models that wrap around learning algorithms for interfacing with various types of data (static vectors, images, sound, video, generic time-series, etc.)
+      - generic utility code for optimization
+             - stochastic gradient descent variants
+             - early stopping variants
+             - interfacing to generic 2nd order optimization methods
+             - 2nd order methods tailored to work on minibatches
+             - optimizers for sparse coefficients / parameters
+     - generic code for model selection and hyper-parameter optimization (including the use and coordination of multiple jobs running on different machines, e.g. using jobman)
+     - generic code for performance estimation and experimental statistics
+     - visualization tools (using existing python libraries) and examples for all of the above
+     - learning algorithm conventions and meta-learning algorithms (bagging, boosting, mixtures of experts, etc.) which use them
+   [Note that many of us already use some instance of all the above, but each one tends to reinvent the wheel and newbies don't benefit from a knowledge base.]
+ - a well-documented set of python scripts using the above library to show how to run the most
+   common ML algorithms (possibly with examples showing how to run multiple experiments with
+   many different models and collect statistical comparative results). This is particularly
+   important for pure users to adopt Theano in the ML application work.
+Ideally, there would be one person in charge of this project, making sure a coherent and
+easy-to-read design is developed, along with many helping hands (to implement the various
+helper modules, formulae, and learning algorithms).
+I am interested in the design and implementation of the "well-organized collection of Theano
+symbolic expressions..."
+I would like to explore algorithms for hyper-parameter optimization, following up on some
+"high-throughput" work.  I'm most interested in the "generic code for model selection and
+hyper-parameter optimization..." and "generic code for performance estimation...".  
+I have some experiences with the data-access requirements, and some lessons I'd like to share
+on that, but no time to work on that aspect of things.
+I will continue to contribute to the "well-documented set of python scripts using the above to
+showcase common ML algorithms...".  I have an Olshausen&Field-style sparse coding script that
+could be polished up.  I am also implementing the mcRBM and I'll be able to add that when it's
+Suggestions for how to tackle various desiderata
+Theano Symbolic Expressions for ML
+We could make this a submodule of pylearn: ``pylearn.nnet``.  
+Yoshua: I would use a different name, e.g., "pylearn.formulas" to emphasize that it is not just 
+about neural nets, and that this is a collection of formulas (expressions), rather than
+completely self-contained classes for learners. We could have a "" file for
+neural nets, though.
+There are a number of ideas floating around for how to handle classes /
+modules (LeDeepNet, pylearn.shared.layers, pynnet, DeepAnn) so lets implement as much
+math as possible in global functions with no classes.  There are no models in
+the wish list that require than a few vectors and matrices to parametrize.
+Global functions are more reusable than classes.
+Data access 
+A general interface to datasets from the perspective of an experiment driver
+(e.g. kfold) is to see them as a function that maps index (typically integer)
+to example (whose type and nature depends on the dataset, it could for
+instance be an (image, label) pair).  This interface permits iterating over
+the dataset, shuffling the dataset, and splitting it into folds.  For
+efficiency, it is nice if the dataset interface supports looking up several
+index values at once, because looking up many examples at once can sometimes
+be faster than looking each one up in turn. In particular, looking up
+a consecutive block of indices, or a slice, should be well supported.
+Some datasets may not support random access (e.g. a random number stream) and
+that's fine if an exception is raised. The user will see a NotImplementedError
+or similar, and try something else. We might want to have a way to test
+that a dataset is random-access or not without having to load an example.
+A more intuitive interface for many datasets (or subsets) is to load them as
+matrices or lists of examples.  This format is more convenient to work with at
+an ipython shell, for example.  It is not good to provide only the "dataset
+as a function" view of a dataset.  Even if a dataset is very large, it is nice
+to have a standard way to get some representative examples in a convenient
+structure, to be able to play with them in ipython.
+Another thing to consider related to datasets is that there are a number of
+other efforts to have standard ML datasets, and we should be aware of them,
+and compatible with them when it's easy:
+ -    (they have a file format, not sure how many use it)
+ - weka          (ARFF file format)
+ - scikits.learn 
+ - hdf5 / pytables
+pylearn.datasets uses a DATA_ROOT environment variable to locate a filesystem
+folder that is assumed to have a standard form across different installations.
+That's where the data files are.  The correct format of this folder is currently
+defined implicitly by the contents of /data/lisa/data at DIRO, but it would be
+better to document in pylearn what the contents of this folder should be as
+much as possible.  It should be possible to rebuild this tree from information
+found in pylearn.
+Yoshua (about ideas proposed by Pascal Vincent a while ago): 
+  - we may want to distinguish between datasets and tasks: a task defines
+  not just the data but also things like what is the input and what is the
+  target (for supervised learning), and *importantly* a set of performance metrics
+  that make sense for this task (e.g. those used by papers solving a particular
+  task, or reported for a particular benchmark)
+  - we should discuss about a few "standards" that datasets and tasks may comply to, such as
+    - "input" and "target" fields inside each example, for supervised or semi-supervised learning tasks
+      (with a convention for the semi-supervised case when only the input or only the target is observed)
+    - "input" for unsupervised learning
+    - conventions for missing-valued components inside input or target 
+    - how examples that are sequences are treated (e.g. the input or the target is a sequence)
+    - how time-stamps are specified when appropriate (e.g., the sequences are asynchronous)
+    - how error metrics are specified
+        * example-level statistics (e.g. classification error)
+        * dataset-level statistics (e.g. ROC curve, mean and standard error of error)
+Model Selection & Hyper-Parameter Optimization
+Driving a distributed computing job for a long time to optimize
+hyper-parameters using one or more clusters is the goal here.
+Although there might be some library-type code to write here, I think of this
+more as an application template.  The user would use python code to describe
+the experiment to run and the hyper-parameter space to search.  Then this
+application-driver would take control of scheduling jobs and running them on
+various computers... I'm imagining a potentially ugly brute of a hack that's
+not necessarily something we will want to expose at a low-level for reuse.
+Yoshua: We want both the library-defined driver that takes instructions about how to generate
+new hyper-parameter combinations (e.g. implicitly providing a prior distribution from which 
+to sample them), and examples showing how to use it in typical cases.
+Note that sometimes we just want to find the best configuration of hyper-parameters,
+but sometimes we want to do more subtle analysis. Often a combination of both.
+In this respect it could be useful for the user to define hyper-parameters over
+which scientific questions are sought (e.g. depth of an architecture) vs
+hyper-parameters that we would like to marginalize/maximize over (e.g. learning rate).
+This can influence both the sampling of configurations (we want to make sure that all
+combinations of question-driving hyper-parameters are covered) and the analysis
+of results (we may be willing to estimate ANOVAs or averaging or quantiles over
+the non-question-driving hyper-parameters).
+Python scripts for common ML algorithms
+The script aspect of this feature request makes me think that what would be
+good here is more tutorial-type scripts.  And the existing tutorials could
+potentially be rewritten to use some of the pylearn.nnet expressions.   More
+tutorials / demos would be great.
+Yoshua: agreed that we could write them as tutorials, but note how the
+spirit would be different from the current deep learning tutorials: we would
+not mind using library code as much as possible instead of trying to flatten
+out everything in the interest of pedagogical simplicity. Instead, these
+tutorials should be meant to illustrate not the algorithms but *how to take
+advantage of the library*. They could also be used as *BLACK BOX* implementations
+by people who don't want to dig lower and just want to run experiments.
+Functional Specifications
+Put these into different text files so that this one does not become a monster.
+For each thing with a functional spec (e.g. datasets library, optimization library) make a
+separate file.
+Directory with functions for building layers, calculating classification
+errors, cross-entropies with various distributions, free energies, etc.  This
+module would include for the most part global functions, Theano Ops and Theano
+Yoshua: I would break it down in module files, e.g.:
+pylearn.formulas.costs: generic / common cost functions, e.g. various cross-entropies, squared error, 
+abs. error, various sparsity penalties (L1, Student)
+pylearn.formulas.linear: formulas for linear classifier, linear regression, factor analysis, PCA
+pylearn.formulas.nnet: formulas for building layers of various kinds, various activation functions,
+layers which could be plugged with various costs & penalties, and stacked
+ formulas for auto-encoders and denoising auto-encoder variants
+pylearn.formulas.noise: formulas for corruption processes
+pylearn.formulas.rbm: energies, free energies, conditional distributions, Gibbs sampling
+pylearn.formulas.trees: formulas for decision trees
+pylearn.formulas.boosting: formulas for boosting variants
+Fred: It seam that the DeepANN git repository by Xavier G. have part of this as function.
+Indexing Convention
+Something to decide on - Fortran-style or C-style indexing.  Although we have
+often used c-style indexing in the past (for efficiency in c!) this is no
+longer an issue with numpy because the physical layout is independent of the
+indexing order.  The fact remains that Fortran-style indexing follows linear
+algebra conventions, while c-style indexing does not.  If a global function
+includes a lot of math derivations, it would be *really* nice if the code used
+the same convention for the orientation of matrices, and endlessly annoying to
+have to be always transposing everything.
--- a/pylearn/algorithms/	Wed Sep 01 17:58:43 2010 -0400
+++ b/pylearn/algorithms/	Wed Sep 01 17:59:11 2010 -0400
@@ -5,7 +5,10 @@
     Modeling pixel means and covariances using factored third-order Boltzmann machines.
     IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition.
-and performs one of the experiments on CIFAR-10 discussed in that paper.
+and performs one of the experiments on CIFAR-10 discussed in that paper.  There are some minor
+discrepancies between the paper and the accompanying code (, and the
+accompanying code has been taken to be correct in those cases because I couldn't get things to
+work otherwise.
@@ -24,25 +27,71 @@
-Full Energy of mean and Covariance RBM, with 
+Version in paper
+Full Energy of the Mean and Covariance RBM, with 
 :math:`h_k = h_k^{(c)}`,
 :math:`g_j = h_j^{(m)}`,
 :math:`b_k = b_k^{(c)}`,
 :math:`c_j = b_j^{(m)}`,
 :math:`U_{if} = C_{if}`,
+    E (v, h, g) =
+        - 0.5 \sum_f \sum_k P_{fk} h_k ( \sum_i (U_{if} v_i) / |U_{.f}|*|v| )^2 
+        - \sum_k b_k h_k
+        + 0.5 \sum_i v_i^2
+        - \sum_j \sum_i W_{ij} g_j v_i
+        - \sum_j c_j g_j
+For the energy function to correspond to a probability distribution, P must be non-positive.  P
+is initialized to be a diagonal, and in our experience it can be left as such because even in
+the paper it has a very low learning rate, and is only allowed to be updated after the filters
+in U are learned (in effect).
+Version in published train_mcRBM code
+The train_mcRBM file implements learning in a similar but technically different Energy function:
     E (v, h, g) =
-        - 0.5 \sum_f \sum_k P_{fk} h_k ( \sum_i U_{if} v_i )^2 / |U_{*f}|^2 |v|^2
+        - 0.5 \sum_f \sum_k P_{fk} h_k (\sum_i U_{if} v_i / sqrt(\sum_i v_i^2/I + 0.5))^2 
         - \sum_k b_k h_k
         + 0.5 \sum_i v_i^2
         - \sum_j \sum_i W_{ij} g_j v_i
         - \sum_j c_j g_j
-For the energy function to correspond to a probability distribution, P must be non-positive.
+There are two differences with respect to the paper:
+    - 'v' is not normalized by its length, but rather it is normalized to have length close to
+      the square root of the number of its components.  The variable called 'small' that
+      "avoids division by zero" is orders larger than machine precision, and is on the order of
+      the normalized sum-of-squares, so I've included it in the Energy function.
+    - 'U' is also not normalized by its length.  U is initialized to have columns that are
+      shorter than unit-length (approximately 0.2 with the 105 principle components in the
+      train_mcRBM data).  During training, the columns of U are constrained manually to have
+      equal lengths (see the use of normVF), but Euclidean norm is allowed to change.  During
+      learning it quickly converges towards 1 and then exceeds 1.  It does not seem like this
+      column-wise normalization of U is justified by maximum-likelihood, I have no intuition
+      for why it is used.
+Version in this code
+This file implements the same algorithm as the train_mcRBM code, except that the P matrix is
+omitted for clarity, and replaced analytically with a negative identity matrix.
+    E (v, h, g) =
+        + 0.5 \sum_k h_k (\sum_i U_{ik} v_i / sqrt(\sum_i v_i^2/I + 0.5))^2 
+        - \sum_k b_k h_k
+        + 0.5 \sum_i v_i^2
+        - \sum_j \sum_i W_{ij} g_j v_i
+        - \sum_j c_j g_j
 Conventions in this file
@@ -58,16 +107,20 @@
 K covariance variables.
 The mcRBM is parametrized by 5 variables:
- - `P`, a matrix (probably sparse) of pooling (F x K)
  - `U`, a matrix whose rows are visible covariance directions (I x F)
  - `W`, a matrix whose rows are visible mean directions (I x J)
  - `b`, a vector of hidden covariance biases (K)
  - `c`, a vector of hidden mean biases  (J)
-Matrices are generally layed out according to a C-order convention.
+Matrices are generally layed out and accessed according to a C-order convention.
 # Free energy is the marginal energy of visible units
 # Recall: 
 #   Q(x) = exp(-E(x))/Z ==> -log(Q(x)) - log(Z) = E(x)
@@ -137,92 +190,162 @@
 #    + 0.5 \sum_i v_i^2
 #    - \sum_i a_i v_i 
-import sys
-import logging
+import sys, os, logging
 import numpy as np
 import numpy
+import theano
 from theano import function, shared, dot
 from theano import tensor as TT
-import theano.sparse #installs the sparse shared var handler
 floatX = theano.config.floatX
+import pylearn
+#TODO: clean up the HMC_sampler code
+#TODO: think of naming convention for acronyms + suffix?
 from pylearn.sampling.hmc import HMC_sampler
 from import image_tiling
-from sparse_coding import numpy_project_onto_ball
+from import sgd_updates
+import pylearn.dataset_ops.image_patches
-print >> sys.stderr, "mcRBM IS NOT READY YET"
+# Candidates for factoring
-#TODO: This should be in the nnet part of the library
-def sgd_updates(params, grads, lr):
-    try:
-        float(lr)
-        lr = [lr for p in params]
-    except TypeError:
-        pass
-    updates = [(p, p - plr * gp) for (plr, p, gp) in zip(lr, params, grads)]
-    return updates
+#TODO: Document, move to pylearn's math lib
+def l1(X):
+    return abs(X).sum()
+#TODO: Document, move to pylearn's math lib
+def l2(X):
+    return TT.sqrt((X**2).sum())
+#TODO: Document, move to pylearn's math lib
+def contrastive_cost(free_energy_fn, pos_v, neg_v):
+    return (free_energy_fn(pos_v) - free_energy_fn(neg_v)).sum()
-def as_shared(x, name=None, dtype=floatX):
-    if hasattr(x, 'type'):
-        return x
-    else:
-        if 'float' in str(x.dtype):
-            return shared(x.astype(floatX), name=name)
-        else:
-            return shared(x, name=name)
+#TODO: Typical use of contrastive_cost is to later use tensor.grad, but in that case we want to
+#      block  gradient going through neg_v
+def contrastive_grad(free_energy_fn, pos_v, neg_v, params, other_cost=0):
+    """
+    :param pos_v: positive-phase sample of visible units
+    :param neg_v: negative-phase sample of visible units
+    """
+    #block the grad through neg_v
+    cost=contrastive_cost(free_energy_fn, pos_v, neg_v)
+    if other_cost:
+        cost = cost + other_cost
+    return theano.tensor.grad(cost,
+            wrt=params,
+            consider_constant=[neg_v])
-def hidden_cov_units_preactivation_given_v(rbm, v, small=1e-8):
+# Expressions that are mcRBM-specific
+#TODO: make global function to initialize parameter
+def hidden_cov_units_preactivation_given_v(rbm, v, small=0.5):
+    """Return argument to the sigmoid that would give mean of covariance hid units
+    See the math at the top of this file for what 'adjusted' means.
+    return b - 0.5 * dot(adjusted(v), U)**2
+    """
     (U,W,a,b,c) = rbm
-    unit_v = v / (TT.sqrt(TT.sum(v**2, axis=1))+small).dimshuffle(0,'x') # unit rows
-    unit_U = U  # assuming unit cols!
-    #unit_U = U / (TT.sqrt(TT.sum(U**2, axis=0))+small)  #unit cols
-    return b - 0.5 * dot(unit_v, unit_U)**2
+    unit_v = v / (TT.sqrt(TT.mean(v**2, axis=1)+small)).dimshuffle(0,'x') # adjust row norm
+    return b - 0.5 * dot(unit_v, U)**2
-def free_energy_given_v(rbm, v):
-    """Returns theano expression for free energy of visible vector `v` in an mcRBM
-    An mcRBM is parametrized
-    by `U`, `W`, `b`, `c`.
-    See module - level documentation for explanations of the `U`, `W`, `b` and `c` parameters.
+def free_energy_terms_given_v(rbm, v):
+    """Returns theano expression for the terms that are added to form the free energy of
+    visible vector `v` in an mcRBM.
-    The free energy of v is what we need for learning and hybrid Monte-carlo negative-phase
-    sampling.
+     1.  Free energy related to covariance hiddens
+     2.  Free energy related to mean hiddens
+     3.  Free energy related to L2-Norm of `v`
+     4.  Free energy related to projection of `v` onto biases `a`
     U, W, a, b, c = rbm
     t0 = -TT.sum(TT.nnet.softplus(hidden_cov_units_preactivation_given_v(rbm, v)),axis=1)
     t1 = -TT.sum(TT.nnet.softplus(c + dot(v,W)), axis=1)
     t2 =  0.5 * TT.sum(v**2, axis=1)
     t3 =, a)
-    return t0 + t1 + t2 + t3, (t0, t1, t2, t3)
+    return [t0, t1, t2, t3]
-def expected_h_g_given_v(P, U, W, b, c, v):
-    """Returns theano expression conditional expectations (`h`, `g`) in an mcRBM.
-    An mcRBM is parametrized
-    by `U`, `W`, `b`, `c`.
-    See module - level documentation for explanations of the `U`, `W`, `b` and `c` parameters.
+def free_energy_given_v(rbm, v):
+    """Returns theano expression for free energy of visible vector `v` in an mcRBM
+    """
+    return sum(free_energy_terms_given_v(rbm,v))
-    The conditional E[h, g | v] is what we need to classify images.
-    """
-    raise NotImplementedError()
+def expected_h_g_given_v(rbm, v):
+    """Returns tuple (`h`, `g`) of theano expression conditional expectations in an mcRBM.
-    #TODO: check to see if these args should be negated?
-    if P is None:
-        h = nnet.sigmoid(b + 0.5 * cosines(v,U))
-    else:
-        h = nnet.sigmoid(b + 0.5 * dot(cosines(v,U), P))
+    `h` is the conditional on the covariance units.
+    `g` is the conditional on the mean units.
+    """
+    (U, W, a, b, c) = rbm
+    h = TT.nnet.sigmoid(hidden_cov_units_preactivation_given_v(rbm, v))
     g = nnet.sigmoid(c + dot(v,W))
     return (h, g)
+def n_visible_units(rbm):
+    """Return the number of visible units of this RBM
+    For an RBM made from shared variables, this will return an integer,
+    for a purely symbolic RBM this will return a theano expression.
+    """
+    W = rbm[1]
+    try:
+        return W.value.shape[0]
+    except AttributeError:
+        return W.shape[0]
+def sampler(rbm, n_particles, n_visible=None, rng=7823748):
+    """Return an `HMC_sampler` that will draw samples from the distribution over visible
+    units specified by this RBM.
+    :param n_particles: this many parallel chains will be simulated.
+    :param rng: seed or numpy RandomState object to initialize particles, and to drive the simulation.
+    """
+    if not hasattr(rng, 'randn'):
+        rng = np.random.RandomState(rng)
+    if n_visible is None:
+        n_visible = n_visible_units(rbm)
+    rval = HMC_sampler(
+        positions = [shared(
+            rng.randn(
+                n_particles,
+                n_visible).astype(floatX),
+            name='particles')],
+        energy_fn = lambda p : free_energy_given_v(rbm, p[0]),
+        seed=int(rng.randint(2**30)))
+    return rval
+# Convenient data container
 class MeanCovRBM(object):
-    """Container for mcRBM parameters that gives more convenient access to mcRBM methods.
+    """Container for mcRBM parameters
+    It provides parameter lookup by name, as well as a heuristic for initializing the
+    parameters for effective learning.
+    Attributes:
+      - U - the covariance filters (theano shared variable)
+      - W - the mean filters (theano shared variable)
+      - a - the visible bias (theano shared variable)
+      - b - the covariance bias (theano shared variable)
+      - c - the mean bias (theano shared variable)
     params = property(lambda s: [s.U, s.W, s.a, s.b, s.c])
@@ -230,51 +353,40 @@
     n_visible = property(lambda s: s.W.value.shape[0])
     def __init__(self, U, W, a, b, c):
-        self.U = as_shared(U, 'U')
-        self.W = as_shared(W, 'W')
-        self.a = as_shared(a, 'a')
-        self.b = as_shared(b, 'b')
-        self.c = as_shared(c, 'c')
+        self.__dict__.update(locals())
+        del self.__dict__['self']
-        assert self.b.type.dtype == 'float32'
+    def __getitem__(self, idx):
+        # support unpacking of this container as if it were a tuple
+        return self.params[idx]
-    def new_from_dims(cls, 
-            n_I,  # input dimensionality
-            n_K,  # number of covariance hidden units
-            n_F,  # number of covariance filters (squared)
-            n_J,  # number of mean filters (linear)
-            seed = 8923402190,
-            ):
+    def new_from_dims(cls, n_I, n_K, n_J, rng = 8923402190):
         Return a MeanCovRBM instance with randomly-initialized parameters.
+        :param n_I: input dimensionality
+        :param n_K: number of covariance hidden units
+        :param n_J: number of mean filters (linear)
+        :param rng: seed or numpy RandomState object to initialize params
-        if 0:
-            if P_init == 'diag':
-                if n_K != n_F:
-                    raise ValueError('cannot use diagonal initialization of non-square P matrix')
-                import scipy.sparse
-                P =  -scipy.sparse.identity(n_K).tocsr()
-            else:
-                raise NotImplementedError()
+        if not hasattr(rng, 'randn'):
+            rng = np.random.RandomState(rng)
-        rng = np.random.RandomState(seed)
+        def shrd(X,name):
+            return shared(X.astype(floatX), name=name)
-        # initialization taken from Marc'Aurelio
+        # initialization taken from
         return cls(
-                #U = numpy_project_onto_ball(rng.randn(n_I, n_F).T).T,
-                U = 0.2 * rng.randn(n_I, n_F),
-                W = rng.randn(n_I, n_J)/np.sqrt((n_I+n_J)/2),
-                a = np.ones(n_I)*(-2),
-                b = np.ones(n_K)*2,
-                c = np.zeros(n_J),)
+                U = shrd(0.02 * rng.randn(n_I, n_K),'U'),
+                W = shrd(0.05 * rng.randn(n_I, n_J),'W'),
+                a = shrd(np.ones(n_I)*(0),'a'),
+                b = shrd(np.ones(n_K)*2,'b'),
+                c = shrd(np.ones(n_J)*(-2),'c'))
     def __getstate__(self):
-        # unpack shared containers, which may have references to Theano stuff
-        # and are not a long-term stable data type.
+        # unpack shared containers, which may have references to Theano stuff and are not a
+        # long-term stable data type.
         return dict(
                 U = self.U.value,
                 W = self.W.value,
@@ -282,526 +394,17 @@
                 c = self.c.value)
     def __setstate__(self, dct):
-        self.__init__(**dct) # calls as_shared on pickled arrays
-    def hmc_sampler(self, n_particles=100, seed=7823748):
-        return HMC_sampler(
-            positions = [as_shared(
-                np.random.RandomState(seed^20893).randn(
-                    n_particles,
-                    self.n_visible ))],
-            energy_fn = lambda p : self.free_energy_given_v(p[0]),
-            seed=seed)
-    def free_energy_given_v(self, v, extra=False):
-        rval = free_energy_given_v(self.params, v)
-        if extra:
-            return rval
-        else:
-            return rval[0]
-    def contrastive_gradient(self, pos_v, neg_v, U_l1_penalty=0, W_l1_penalty=0):
-        """Return a list of gradient expressions for self.params
-        :param pos_v: positive-phase sample of visible units
-        :param neg_v: negative-phase sample of visible units
-        """
-        pos_FE = self.free_energy_given_v(pos_v)
-        neg_FE = self.free_energy_given_v(neg_v)
-        gpos_FE = theano.tensor.grad(pos_FE.sum(), self.params)
-        gneg_FE = theano.tensor.grad(neg_FE.sum(), self.params)
-        rval = [ gp - gn for (gp,gn) in zip(gpos_FE, gneg_FE)]
-        rval[0] = rval[0] - TT.sign(self.U)*U_l1_penalty
-        rval[1] = rval[1] - TT.sign(self.W)*W_l1_penalty
-        return rval
-from pylearn.dataset_ops.protocol import TensorFnDataset
-from pylearn.dataset_ops.memo import memo
-def load_mcRBM_demo_patches():
-    d ='/u/bergstrj/cvs/articles/2010/spike_slab_RBM/src/marcaurelio/training_colorpatches_16x16_demo.mat')
-    totnumcases = d["whitendata"].shape[0]
-    #d = d["whitendata"][0:np.floor(totnumcases/batch_size)*batch_size,:].copy() 
-    d = d["whitendata"].copy()
-    return d
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    print >> sys.stderr, "TODO: use P matrix (aka FH matrix)"
-    dataset='MAR'
-    if dataset == 'MAR':
-        R,C= 21,5
-        n_patches=10240
-        demodata ='/u/bergstrj/cvs/articles/2010/spike_slab_RBM/src/marcaurelio/training_colorpatches_16x16_demo.mat')
-    else:
-        R,C= 16,16 # the size of image patches
-        n_patches=100000
-    n_train_iters=30000
-    n_burnin_steps=10000
-    l1_penalty=1e-3
-    no_l1_epochs = 10
-    effective_l1_penalty=0.0
-    epoch_size=50000
-    batchsize = 128
-    lr = 0.075 / batchsize
-    s_lr = TT.scalar()
-    s_l1_penalty=TT.scalar()
-    n_K=256
-    n_F=256
-    n_J=100
-    rbm = MeanCovRBM.new_from_dims(n_I=R*C,
-            n_K=n_K,
-            n_J=n_J, 
-            n_F=n_F,
-            ) 
-    sampler = rbm.hmc_sampler(n_particles=batchsize)
-    def l2(X):
-        return (X**2).sum()
-    def tile(X, fname):
-        if dataset == 'MAR':
-            X =, demodata['invpcatransf'].T)
-            R=16
-            C=16
-            #X = X.reshape((X.shape[0], 3, 16, 16)).transpose([0,2,3,1]).copy()
-            X = (X[:,:256], X[:,256:512], X[:,512:], None)
-        _img = image_tiling.tile_raster_images(X,
-                img_shape=(R,C),
-                min_dynamic_range=1e-2)
-        image_tiling.save_tiled_raster_images(_img, fname)
-    #print "Burning in..."
-    #for burnin in xrange(n_burnin_steps):
-        #sampler.simulate()
-    if 0:
-        print "Just SAMPLING..."
-        for jj in xrange(n_burnin_steps):
-            if 0 == jj % 100:
-                tile(sampler.positions[0].value, "sampler_%06i.png"%jj)
-                tile(numpy.random.randn(100, 105), "random_%06i.png"%jj)
-                print "burning in... ", jj
-                sys.stdout.flush()
-            sampler.simulate()
-        sys.exit()
-    batch_idx = TT.iscalar()
-    if 0:
-        from pylearn.dataset_ops import image_patches
-        train_batch = image_patches.image_patches(
-                s_idx = (batch_idx * batchsize + np.arange(batchsize)),
-                dims = (n_patches,R,C),
-                center=True,
-                unitvar=True,
-                dtype=floatX,
-                rasterized=True)
-    else:
-        op = TensorFnDataset(floatX,
-                bcast=(False,),
-                fn=load_mcRBM_demo_patches,
-                single_shape=(105,))
-        train_batch = op((batch_idx * batchsize + np.arange(batchsize))%n_patches)
-    imgs_fn = function([batch_idx], outputs=train_batch)
-    grads = rbm.contrastive_gradient(
-            pos_v=train_batch, 
-            neg_v=sampler.positions[0],
-            U_l1_penalty=s_l1_penalty,
-            W_l1_penalty=s_l1_penalty)
-    learn_fn = function([batch_idx, s_lr, s_l1_penalty], 
-            outputs=[ 
-                grads[0].norm(2),
-                rbm.free_energy_given_v(train_batch).sum(),
-                rbm.free_energy_given_v(train_batch,extra=1)[1][0].sum(),
-                rbm.free_energy_given_v(train_batch,extra=1)[1][1].sum(),
-                rbm.free_energy_given_v(train_batch,extra=1)[1][2].sum(),
-                rbm.free_energy_given_v(train_batch,extra=1)[1][3].sum(),
-                ],
-            updates = sgd_updates(
-                rbm.params,
-                grads,
-                lr=[2*s_lr, .2*s_lr, .02*s_lr, .1*s_lr, .02*s_lr ]))
-    theano.printing.pydotprint(learn_fn, 'learn_fn.png')
-    print "Learning..."
-    normVF=1
-    for jj in xrange(n_train_iters):
-        print_jj = ((1 and jj < 100) 
-                or (0 and jj < 100 and 0==jj%10) 
-                or (jj < 1000 and 0==jj%100)
-                or (1 and jj < 10000 and 0==jj%1000))
-        if print_jj:
-            tile(imgs_fn(jj), "imgs_%06i.png"%jj)
-            tile(sampler.positions[0].value, "sample_%06i.png"%jj)
-            tile(rbm.U.value.T, "U_%06i.png"%jj)
-            tile(rbm.W.value.T, "W_%06i.png"%jj)
-            print 'saving samples', jj, 'epoch', jj/(epoch_size/batchsize), 
-            print 'l2(U)', l2(rbm.U.value),
-            print 'l2(W)', l2(rbm.W.value),
-            print 'U min max', rbm.U.value.min(), rbm.U.value.max(),
-            print 'W min max', rbm.W.value.min(), rbm.W.value.max(),
-            print 'a min max', rbm.a.value.min(), rbm.a.value.max(),
-            print 'b min max', rbm.b.value.min(), rbm.b.value.max(),
-            print 'c min max', rbm.c.value.min(), rbm.c.value.max(),
-            print 'parts min', sampler.positions[0].value.min(), 
-            print 'max',sampler.positions[0].value.max(),
-            print 'HMC step', sampler.stepsize,
-            print 'arate', sampler.avg_acceptance_rate
-        sampler.simulate()
-        l2_of_Ugrad = learn_fn(jj, 
-                lr/max(1, jj/(20*epoch_size/batchsize)),
-                effective_l1_penalty)
-        if print_jj:
-            print 'l2(gU)', float(l2_of_Ugrad[0]),
-            print 'FE+', float(l2_of_Ugrad[1]),
-            print 'FE+[0]', float(l2_of_Ugrad[2]),
-            print 'FE+[1]', float(l2_of_Ugrad[3]),
-            print 'FE+[2]', float(l2_of_Ugrad[4]),
-            print 'FE+[3]', float(l2_of_Ugrad[5]),
-        if jj == no_l1_epochs * epoch_size/batchsize:
-            print "Activating L1 weight decay"
-            effective_l1_penalty = 1e-3
-        if 0:
-            rbm.U.value = numpy_project_onto_ball(rbm.U.value.T).T
-        else:
-            # weird normalization technique...
-            # It constrains all the columns of the matrix to have the same length
-            # But the matrix itself is re-scaled to have an arbitrary abslute size.
-            U = rbm.U.value
-            U_norms = np.sqrt((U*U).sum(axis=0))
-            assert len(U_norms) == n_F
-            normVF = .95 * normVF + .05 * np.mean(U_norms)
-            rbm.U.value = rbm.U.value * normVF/U_norms
+        d = dict(dct)
+        for key in ['U', 'W', 'a', 'b', 'c']:
+            d[key] = shared(d[key], name=key)
+        self.__init__(**d)
-# Marc'Aurelio Ranzato's code
-# compute the value of the free energy at a given input
-# F = - sum log(1+exp(- .5 FH (VF data/norm(data))^2 + bias_cov)) +...
-#     - sum log(1+exp(w_mean data + bias_mean)) + ...
-#     - bias_vis data + 0.5 data^2
-# NOTE: FH is constrained to be positive 
-# (in the paper the sign is negative but the sign in front of it is also flipped)
-def compute_energy_mcRBM(data,normdata,vel,energy,VF,FH,bias_cov,bias_vis,w_mean,bias_mean,t1,t2,t6,feat,featsq,feat_mean,length,lengthsq,normcoeff,small,num_vis):
-    # normalize input data vectors
-    data.mult(data, target = t6) # DxP (nr input dims x nr samples)
-    t6.sum(axis = 0, target = lengthsq) # 1xP
-    lengthsq.mult(0.5, target = energy) # energy of quadratic regularization term   
-    lengthsq.mult(1./num_vis) # normalize by number of components (like std)    
-    lengthsq.add(small) # small prevents division by 0
-    # energy_j = \sum_i 0.5 data_ij ^2
-    # lengthsq_j = 1/ (\sum_i data_ij ^2 + small)
-    cmt.sqrt(lengthsq, target = length) 
-    # length_j = sqrt(lengthsq_j)
-    length.reciprocal(target = normcoeff) # 1xP
-    # normcoef_j = 1/sqrt(lengthsq_j)
-    data.mult_by_row(normcoeff, target = normdata) # normalized data    
-    # normdata is like data, but cols have unit L2 norm
-    ## potential
-    # covariance contribution
-, normdata, target = feat) # HxP (nr factors x nr samples)
-    feat.mult(feat, target = featsq)   # HxP
-    # featsq is the squared cosines (VF with data)
-,featsq, target = t1) # OxP (nr cov hiddens x nr samples)
-    t1.mult(-0.5)
-    t1.add_col_vec(bias_cov) # OxP
-    cmt.exp(t1) # OxP
-    t1.add(1, target = t2) # OxP
-    cmt.log(t2)
-    t2.mult(-1)
-    energy.add_sums(t2, axis=0)
-    # mean contribution
-, data, target = feat_mean) # HxP (nr mean hiddens x nr samples)
-    feat_mean.add_col_vec(bias_mean) # HxP
-    cmt.exp(feat_mean) 
-    feat_mean.add(1)
-    cmt.log(feat_mean)
-    feat_mean.mult(-1)
-    energy.add_sums(feat_mean,  axis=0)
-    # visible bias term
-    data.mult_by_col(bias_vis, target = t6)
-    t6.mult(-1) # DxP
-    energy.add_sums(t6,  axis=0) # 1xP
-    # kinetic
-    vel.mult(vel, target = t6)
-    energy.add_sums(t6, axis = 0, mult = .5)
+#TODO: put the normalization of U as a global function
-# mcRBM trainer: sweeps over the training set.
-# For each batch of samples compute derivatives to update the parameters
-# at the training samples and at the negative samples drawn calling HMC sampler.
-def train_mcRBM():
-    config = ConfigParser()
-    verbose = config.getint('VERBOSITY','verbose')
-    num_epochs = config.getint('MAIN_PARAMETER_SETTING','num_epochs')
-    batch_size = config.getint('MAIN_PARAMETER_SETTING','batch_size')
-    startFH = config.getint('MAIN_PARAMETER_SETTING','startFH')
-    startwd = config.getint('MAIN_PARAMETER_SETTING','startwd')
-    doPCD = config.getint('MAIN_PARAMETER_SETTING','doPCD')
-    # model parameters
-    num_fac = config.getint('MODEL_PARAMETER_SETTING','num_fac')
-    num_hid_cov =  config.getint('MODEL_PARAMETER_SETTING','num_hid_cov')
-    num_hid_mean =  config.getint('MODEL_PARAMETER_SETTING','num_hid_mean')
-    apply_mask =  config.getint('MODEL_PARAMETER_SETTING','apply_mask')
-    # load data
-    data_file_name =  config.get('DATA','data_file_name')
-    d = loadmat(data_file_name) # input in the format PxD (P vectorized samples with D dimensions)
-    totnumcases = d["whitendata"].shape[0]
-    d = d["whitendata"][0:floor(totnumcases/batch_size)*batch_size,:].copy() 
-    totnumcases = d.shape[0]
-    num_vis =  d.shape[1]
-    num_batches = int(totnumcases/batch_size)
-    dev_dat = cmt.CUDAMatrix(d.T) # VxP 
-    # training parameters
-    epsilon = config.getfloat('OPTIMIZER_PARAMETERS','epsilon')
-    epsilonVF = 2*epsilon
-    epsilonFH = 0.02*epsilon
-    epsilonb = 0.02*epsilon
-    epsilonw_mean = 0.2*epsilon
-    epsilonb_mean = 0.1*epsilon
-    weightcost_final =  config.getfloat('OPTIMIZER_PARAMETERS','weightcost_final')
-    # HMC setting
-    hmc_step_nr = config.getint('HMC_PARAMETERS','hmc_step_nr')
-    hmc_step =  0.01
-    hmc_target_ave_rej =  config.getfloat('HMC_PARAMETERS','hmc_target_ave_rej')
-    hmc_ave_rej =  hmc_target_ave_rej
-    # initialize weights
-    VF = cmt.CUDAMatrix(np.array(0.02 * np.random.randn(num_vis, num_fac), dtype=np.float32, order='F')) # VxH
-    if apply_mask == 0:
-        FH = cmt.CUDAMatrix( np.array( np.eye(num_fac,num_hid_cov), dtype=np.float32, order='F')  ) # HxO
-    else:
-        dd = loadmat('your_FHinit_mask_file.mat') # see CVPR2010paper_material/topo2D_3x3_stride2_576filt.mat for an example
-        FH = cmt.CUDAMatrix( np.array( dd["FH"], dtype=np.float32, order='F')  )
-    bias_cov = cmt.CUDAMatrix( np.array(2.0*np.ones((num_hid_cov, 1)), dtype=np.float32, order='F') )
-    bias_vis = cmt.CUDAMatrix( np.array(np.zeros((num_vis, 1)), dtype=np.float32, order='F') )
-    w_mean = cmt.CUDAMatrix( np.array( 0.05 * np.random.randn(num_vis, num_hid_mean), dtype=np.float32, order='F') ) # VxH
-    bias_mean = cmt.CUDAMatrix( np.array( -2.0*np.ones((num_hid_mean,1)), dtype=np.float32, order='F') )
-    # initialize variables to store derivatives 
-    VFinc = cmt.CUDAMatrix( np.array(np.zeros((num_vis, num_fac)), dtype=np.float32, order='F'))
-    FHinc = cmt.CUDAMatrix( np.array(np.zeros((num_fac, num_hid_cov)), dtype=np.float32, order='F'))
-    bias_covinc = cmt.CUDAMatrix( np.array(np.zeros((num_hid_cov, 1)), dtype=np.float32, order='F'))
-    bias_visinc = cmt.CUDAMatrix( np.array(np.zeros((num_vis, 1)), dtype=np.float32, order='F'))
-    w_meaninc = cmt.CUDAMatrix( np.array(np.zeros((num_vis, num_hid_mean)), dtype=np.float32, order='F'))
-    bias_meaninc = cmt.CUDAMatrix( np.array(np.zeros((num_hid_mean, 1)), dtype=np.float32, order='F'))
-    # initialize temporary storage
-    data = cmt.CUDAMatrix( np.array(np.empty((num_vis, batch_size)), dtype=np.float32, order='F')) # VxP
-    normdata = cmt.CUDAMatrix( np.array(np.empty((num_vis, batch_size)), dtype=np.float32, order='F')) # VxP
-    negdataini = cmt.CUDAMatrix( np.array(np.empty((num_vis, batch_size)), dtype=np.float32, order='F')) # VxP
-    feat = cmt.CUDAMatrix( np.array(np.empty((num_fac, batch_size)), dtype=np.float32, order='F'))
-    featsq = cmt.CUDAMatrix( np.array(np.empty((num_fac, batch_size)), dtype=np.float32, order='F'))
-    negdata = cmt.CUDAMatrix( np.array(np.random.randn(num_vis, batch_size), dtype=np.float32, order='F'))
-    old_energy = cmt.CUDAMatrix( np.array(np.zeros((1, batch_size)), dtype=np.float32, order='F'))
-    new_energy = cmt.CUDAMatrix( np.array(np.zeros((1, batch_size)), dtype=np.float32, order='F'))
-    gradient = cmt.CUDAMatrix( np.array(np.empty((num_vis, batch_size)), dtype=np.float32, order='F')) # VxP
-    normgradient = cmt.CUDAMatrix( np.array(np.empty((num_vis, batch_size)), dtype=np.float32, order='F')) # VxP
-    thresh = cmt.CUDAMatrix( np.array(np.zeros((1, batch_size)), dtype=np.float32, order='F'))
-    feat_mean = cmt.CUDAMatrix( np.array(np.empty((num_hid_mean, batch_size)), dtype=np.float32, order='F'))
-    vel = cmt.CUDAMatrix( np.array(np.random.randn(num_vis, batch_size), dtype=np.float32, order='F'))
-    length = cmt.CUDAMatrix( np.array(np.zeros((1, batch_size)), dtype=np.float32, order='F')) # 1xP
-    lengthsq = cmt.CUDAMatrix( np.array(np.zeros((1, batch_size)), dtype=np.float32, order='F')) # 1xP
-    normcoeff = cmt.CUDAMatrix( np.array(np.zeros((1, batch_size)), dtype=np.float32, order='F')) # 1xP
-    if apply_mask==1: # this used to constrain very large FH matrices only allowing to change values in a neighborhood
-        dd = loadmat('your_FHinit_mask_file.mat') 
-        mask = cmt.CUDAMatrix( np.array(dd["mask"], dtype=np.float32, order='F'))
-    normVF = 1    
-    small = 0.5
-    # other temporary vars
-    t1 = cmt.CUDAMatrix( np.array(np.empty((num_hid_cov, batch_size)), dtype=np.float32, order='F'))
-    t2 = cmt.CUDAMatrix( np.array(np.empty((num_hid_cov, batch_size)), dtype=np.float32, order='F'))
-    t3 = cmt.CUDAMatrix( np.array(np.empty((num_fac, batch_size)), dtype=np.float32, order='F'))
-    t4 = cmt.CUDAMatrix( np.array(np.empty((1,batch_size)), dtype=np.float32, order='F'))
-    t5 = cmt.CUDAMatrix( np.array(np.empty((1,1)), dtype=np.float32, order='F'))
-    t6 = cmt.CUDAMatrix( np.array(np.empty((num_vis, batch_size)), dtype=np.float32, order='F'))
-    t7 = cmt.CUDAMatrix( np.array(np.empty((num_vis, batch_size)), dtype=np.float32, order='F'))
-    t8 = cmt.CUDAMatrix( np.array(np.empty((num_vis, num_fac)), dtype=np.float32, order='F'))
-    t9 = cmt.CUDAMatrix( np.array(np.zeros((num_fac, num_hid_cov)), dtype=np.float32, order='F'))
-    t10 = cmt.CUDAMatrix( np.array(np.empty((1,num_fac)), dtype=np.float32, order='F'))
-    t11 = cmt.CUDAMatrix( np.array(np.empty((1,num_hid_cov)), dtype=np.float32, order='F'))
-    # start training
-    for epoch in range(num_epochs):
-        print "Epoch " + str(epoch + 1)
-        # anneal learning rates
-        epsilonVFc    = epsilonVF/max(1,epoch/20)
-        epsilonFHc    = epsilonFH/max(1,epoch/20)
-        epsilonbc    = epsilonb/max(1,epoch/20)
-        epsilonw_meanc = epsilonw_mean/max(1,epoch/20)
-        epsilonb_meanc = epsilonb_mean/max(1,epoch/20)
-        weightcost = weightcost_final
-        if epoch <= startFH:
-            epsilonFHc = 0 
-        if epoch <= startwd:	
-            weightcost = 0
-        for batch in range(num_batches):
-            # get current minibatch
-            data = dev_dat.slice(batch*batch_size,(batch + 1)*batch_size) # DxP (nr dims x nr samples)
+#TODO: put the learning loop as a global function or class, so that someone could load and *TRAIN* an mcRBM!!!
-            # normalize input data
-            data.mult(data, target = t6) # DxP
-            t6.sum(axis = 0, target = lengthsq) # 1xP
-            lengthsq.mult(1./num_vis) # normalize by number of components (like std)
-            lengthsq.add(small) # small avoids division by 0
-            cmt.sqrt(lengthsq, target = length)
-            length.reciprocal(target = normcoeff) # 1xP
-            data.mult_by_row(normcoeff, target = normdata) # normalized data 
-            ## compute positive sample derivatives
-            # covariance part
-  , normdata, target = feat) # HxP (nr facs x nr samples)
-            feat.mult(feat, target = featsq)   # HxP
-  ,featsq, target = t1) # OxP (nr cov hiddens x nr samples)
-            t1.mult(-0.5)
-            t1.add_col_vec(bias_cov) # OxP
-            t1.apply_sigmoid(target = t2) # OxP
-  , t2.T, target = FHinc) # HxO
-  ,t2, target = t3) # HxP
-            t3.mult(feat)
-  , t3.T, target = VFinc) # VxH
-            t2.sum(axis = 1, target = bias_covinc)
-            bias_covinc.mult(-1)  
-            # visible bias
-            data.sum(axis = 1, target = bias_visinc)
-            bias_visinc.mult(-1)
-            # mean part
-  , data, target = feat_mean) # HxP (nr mean hiddens x nr samples)
-            feat_mean.add_col_vec(bias_mean) # HxP
-            feat_mean.apply_sigmoid() # HxP
-            feat_mean.mult(-1)
-  , feat_mean.T, target = w_meaninc)
-            feat_mean.sum(axis = 1, target = bias_meaninc)
-            # HMC sampling: draw an approximate sample from the model
-            if doPCD == 0: # CD-1 (set negative data to current training samples)
-                hmc_step, hmc_ave_rej = draw_HMC_samples(data,negdata,normdata,vel,gradient,normgradient,new_energy,old_energy,VF,FH,bias_cov,bias_vis,w_mean,bias_mean,hmc_step,hmc_step_nr,hmc_ave_rej,hmc_target_ave_rej,t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6,t7,thresh,feat,featsq,batch_size,feat_mean,length,lengthsq,normcoeff,small,num_vis)
-            else: # PCD-1 (use previous negative data as starting point for chain)
-                negdataini.assign(negdata)
-                hmc_step, hmc_ave_rej = draw_HMC_samples(negdataini,negdata,normdata,vel,gradient,normgradient,new_energy,old_energy,VF,FH,bias_cov,bias_vis,w_mean,bias_mean,hmc_step,hmc_step_nr,hmc_ave_rej,hmc_target_ave_rej,t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6,t7,thresh,feat,featsq,batch_size,feat_mean,length,lengthsq,normcoeff,small,num_vis)
-            # compute derivatives at the negative samples
-            # normalize input data
-            negdata.mult(negdata, target = t6) # DxP
-            t6.sum(axis = 0, target = lengthsq) # 1xP
-            lengthsq.mult(1./num_vis) # normalize by number of components (like std)
-            lengthsq.add(small)
-            cmt.sqrt(lengthsq, target = length)
-            length.reciprocal(target = normcoeff) # 1xP
-            negdata.mult_by_row(normcoeff, target = normdata) # normalized data 
-            # covariance part
-  , normdata, target = feat) # HxP 
-            feat.mult(feat, target = featsq)   # HxP
-  ,featsq, target = t1) # OxP
-            t1.mult(-0.5)
-            t1.add_col_vec(bias_cov) # OxP
-            t1.apply_sigmoid(target = t2) # OxP
-            FHinc.subtract_dot(featsq, t2.T) # HxO
-            FHinc.mult(0.5)
-  ,t2, target = t3) # HxP
-            t3.mult(feat)
-            VFinc.subtract_dot(normdata, t3.T) # VxH
-            bias_covinc.add_sums(t2, axis = 1)
-            # visible bias
-            bias_visinc.add_sums(negdata, axis = 1)
-            # mean part
-  , negdata, target = feat_mean) # HxP 
-            feat_mean.add_col_vec(bias_mean) # HxP
-            feat_mean.apply_sigmoid() # HxP
-            w_meaninc.add_dot(negdata, feat_mean.T)
-            bias_meaninc.add_sums(feat_mean, axis = 1)
-            # update parameters
-            VFinc.add_mult(VF.sign(), weightcost) # L1 regularization
-            VF.add_mult(VFinc, -epsilonVFc/batch_size)
-            # normalize columns of VF: normalize by running average of their norm 
-            VF.mult(VF, target = t8)
-            t8.sum(axis = 0, target = t10)
-            cmt.sqrt(t10)
-            t10.sum(axis=1,target = t5)
-            t5.copy_to_host()
-            normVF = .95*normVF + (.05/num_fac) * t5.numpy_array[0,0] # estimate norm
-            t10.reciprocal()
-            VF.mult_by_row(t10) 
-            VF.mult(normVF) 
-            bias_cov.add_mult(bias_covinc, -epsilonbc/batch_size)
-            bias_vis.add_mult(bias_visinc, -epsilonbc/batch_size)
-            if epoch > startFH:
-                FHinc.add_mult(FH.sign(), weightcost) # L1 regularization
-       		FH.add_mult(FHinc, -epsilonFHc/batch_size) # update
-	        # set to 0 negative entries in FH
-        	FH.greater_than(0, target = t9)
-	        FH.mult(t9)
-                if apply_mask==1:
-                    FH.mult(mask)
-		# normalize columns of FH: L1 norm set to 1 in each column
-		FH.sum(axis = 0, target = t11)               
-		t11.reciprocal()
-		FH.mult_by_row(t11) 
-            w_meaninc.add_mult(w_mean.sign(),weightcost)
-            w_mean.add_mult(w_meaninc, -epsilonw_meanc/batch_size)
-            bias_mean.add_mult(bias_meaninc, -epsilonb_meanc/batch_size)
-        if verbose == 1:
-            print "VF: " + '%3.2e' % VF.euclid_norm() + ", DVF: " + '%3.2e' % (VFinc.euclid_norm()*(epsilonVFc/batch_size)) + ", FH: " + '%3.2e' % FH.euclid_norm() + ", DFH: " + '%3.2e' % (FHinc.euclid_norm()*(epsilonFHc/batch_size)) + ", bias_cov: " + '%3.2e' % bias_cov.euclid_norm() + ", Dbias_cov: " + '%3.2e' % (bias_covinc.euclid_norm()*(epsilonbc/batch_size)) + ", bias_vis: " + '%3.2e' % bias_vis.euclid_norm() + ", Dbias_vis: " + '%3.2e' % (bias_visinc.euclid_norm()*(epsilonbc/batch_size)) + ", wm: " + '%3.2e' % w_mean.euclid_norm() + ", Dwm: " + '%3.2e' % (w_meaninc.euclid_norm()*(epsilonw_meanc/batch_size)) + ", bm: " + '%3.2e' % bias_mean.euclid_norm() + ", Dbm: " + '%3.2e' % (bias_meaninc.euclid_norm()*(epsilonb_meanc/batch_size)) + ", step: " + '%3.2e' % hmc_step  +  ", rej: " + '%3.2e' % hmc_ave_rej 
-            sys.stdout.flush()
-        # back-up every once in a while 
-        if np.mod(epoch,10) == 0:
-            VF.copy_to_host()
-            FH.copy_to_host()
-            bias_cov.copy_to_host()
-            w_mean.copy_to_host()
-            bias_mean.copy_to_host()
-            bias_vis.copy_to_host()
-            savemat("ws_temp", {'VF':VF.numpy_array,'FH':FH.numpy_array,'bias_cov': bias_cov.numpy_array, 'bias_vis': bias_vis.numpy_array,'w_mean': w_mean.numpy_array, 'bias_mean': bias_mean.numpy_array, 'epoch':epoch})    
-    # final back-up
-    VF.copy_to_host()
-    FH.copy_to_host()
-    bias_cov.copy_to_host()
-    bias_vis.copy_to_host()
-    w_mean.copy_to_host()
-    bias_mean.copy_to_host()
-    savemat("ws_fac" + str(num_fac) + "_cov" + str(num_hid_cov) + "_mean" + str(num_hid_mean), {'VF':VF.numpy_array,'FH':FH.numpy_array,'bias_cov': bias_cov.numpy_array, 'bias_vis': bias_vis.numpy_array, 'w_mean': w_mean.numpy_array, 'bias_mean': bias_mean.numpy_array, 'epoch':epoch})
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    import pylearn.algorithms.tests.test_mcRBM
+    pylearn.algorithms.tests.test_mcRBM.test_reproduce_ranzato_hinton_2010(as_unittest=True)
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/pylearn/algorithms/tests/	Wed Sep 01 17:59:11 2010 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+from pylearn.algorithms.mcRBM import *
+def test_reproduce_ranzato_hinton_2010(dataset='MAR', as_unittest=True):
+    dataset='MAR'
+    if dataset == 'MAR':
+        n_vis=105
+        n_patches=10240
+    else:
+        R,C= 16,16 # the size of image patches
+        n_vis=R*C
+        n_patches=100000
+    n_train_iters=5000
+    n_burnin_steps=10000
+    l1_penalty=1e-3
+    no_l1_epochs = 10
+    effective_l1_penalty=0.0
+    epoch_size=n_patches
+    batchsize = 128
+    lr = 0.075 / batchsize
+    s_lr = TT.scalar()
+    s_l1_penalty=TT.scalar()
+    n_K=256
+    n_J=100
+    rbm = MeanCovRBM.new_from_dims(n_I=n_vis, n_K=n_K, n_J=n_J) 
+    smplr = sampler(rbm, n_particles=batchsize)
+    def l2(X):
+        return numpy.sqrt((X**2).sum())
+    if dataset == 'MAR':
+        tile = pylearn.dataset_ops.image_patches.save_filters_of_ranzato_hinton_2010
+    else:
+        def tile(X, fname):
+            _img = image_tiling.tile_raster_images(X,
+                    img_shape=(R,C),
+                    min_dynamic_range=1e-2)
+            image_tiling.save_tiled_raster_images(_img, fname)
+    batch_idx = TT.iscalar()
+    if dataset == 'MAR':
+        train_batch = pylearn.dataset_ops.image_patches.ranzato_hinton_2010_op(batch_idx * batchsize + np.arange(batchsize))
+    else:
+        train_batch = pylearn.dataset_ops.image_patches.image_patches(
+                s_idx = (batch_idx * batchsize + np.arange(batchsize)),
+                dims = (n_patches,R,C),
+                center=True,
+                unitvar=True,
+                dtype=floatX,
+                rasterized=True)
+    if not as_unittest:
+        imgs_fn = function([batch_idx], outputs=train_batch)
+    grads = contrastive_grad(
+            free_energy_fn=lambda v: free_energy_given_v(rbm, v),
+            pos_v=train_batch, 
+            neg_v=smplr.positions[0],
+            params=list(rbm),
+            other_cost=(l1(rbm.U)+l1(rbm.W)) * s_l1_penalty)
+    sgd_ups = sgd_updates(
+                rbm.params,
+                grads,
+                stepsizes=[2*s_lr, .2*s_lr, .02*s_lr, .1*s_lr, .02*s_lr ])
+    learn_fn = function([batch_idx, s_lr, s_l1_penalty], 
+            outputs=[ 
+                grads[0].norm(2),
+                (sgd_ups[0][1] - sgd_ups[0][0]).norm(2),
+                (sgd_ups[1][1] - sgd_ups[1][0]).norm(2),
+                ],
+            updates = sgd_ups)
+    print "Learning..."
+    normVF=1
+    last_epoch = -1
+    for jj in xrange(n_train_iters):
+        epoch = jj*batchsize / epoch_size
+        print_jj = epoch != last_epoch
+        last_epoch = epoch
+        if epoch > 10:
+            break
+        if as_unittest and epoch == 5:
+            U = rbm.U.value
+            W = rbm.W.value
+            def allclose(a,b):
+                return numpy.allclose(a,b,rtol=1.01,atol=1e-3)
+            print ""
+            print "--------------"
+            print "assert allclose(l2(U), %f)"%l2(U)
+            print "assert allclose(l2(W), %f)"%l2(W)
+            print "assert allclose(U.min(), %f)"%U.min()
+            print "assert allclose(U.max(), %f)"%U.max()
+            print "assert allclose(W.min(),%f)"%W.min()
+            print "assert allclose(W.max(), %f)"%W.max()
+            print "--------------"
+            assert allclose(l2(U), 21.351664)
+            assert allclose(l2(W), 6.275828)
+            assert allclose(U.min(), -1.176703)
+            assert allclose(U.max(), 0.859802)
+            assert allclose(W.min(),-0.223128)
+            assert allclose(W.max(), 0.227558 )
+            break
+        if print_jj:
+            if not as_unittest:
+                tile(imgs_fn(jj), "imgs_%06i.png"%jj)
+                tile(smplr.positions[0].value, "sample_%06i.png"%jj)
+                tile(rbm.U.value.T, "U_%06i.png"%jj)
+                tile(rbm.W.value.T, "W_%06i.png"%jj)
+            print 'saving samples', jj, 'epoch', jj/(epoch_size/batchsize)
+            print 'l2(U)', l2(rbm.U.value),
+            print 'l2(W)', l2(rbm.W.value)
+            print 'U min max', rbm.U.value.min(), rbm.U.value.max(),
+            print 'W min max', rbm.W.value.min(), rbm.W.value.max(),
+            print 'a min max', rbm.a.value.min(), rbm.a.value.max(),
+            print 'b min max', rbm.b.value.min(), rbm.b.value.max(),
+            print 'c min max', rbm.c.value.min(), rbm.c.value.max()
+            print 'parts min', smplr.positions[0].value.min(), 
+            print 'max',smplr.positions[0].value.max(),
+            print 'HMC step', smplr.stepsize,
+            print 'arate', smplr.avg_acceptance_rate
+        # Continue HMC chain
+        smplr.simulate()
+        # Do CD update
+        l2_of_Ugrad = learn_fn(jj, 
+                lr/max(1, jj/(20*epoch_size/batchsize)),
+                effective_l1_penalty)
+        if print_jj:
+            print 'l2(U_grad)', float(l2_of_Ugrad[0]),
+            print 'l2(U_inc)', float(l2_of_Ugrad[1]),
+            print 'l2(W_inc)', float(l2_of_Ugrad[2]),
+            #print 'FE+', float(l2_of_Ugrad[2]),
+            #print 'FE+[0]', float(l2_of_Ugrad[3]),
+            #print 'FE+[1]', float(l2_of_Ugrad[4]),
+            #print 'FE+[2]', float(l2_of_Ugrad[5]),
+            #print 'FE+[3]', float(l2_of_Ugrad[6])
+        if jj == no_l1_epochs * epoch_size/batchsize:
+            print "Activating L1 weight decay"
+            effective_l1_penalty = 1e-3
+        # weird normalization technique...
+        # It constrains all the columns of the matrix to have the same length
+        # But the matrix itself is re-scaled to have an arbitrary abslute size.
+        U = rbm.U.value
+        U_norms = np.sqrt((U*U).sum(axis=0))
+        assert len(U_norms) == n_K
+        normVF = .95 * normVF + .05 * np.mean(U_norms)
+        rbm.U.value = rbm.U.value * normVF/U_norms
--- a/pylearn/dataset_ops/	Wed Sep 01 17:58:43 2010 -0400
+++ b/pylearn/dataset_ops/	Wed Sep 01 17:59:11 2010 -0400
@@ -155,6 +155,7 @@
         #      dimensions
         global window
+        self.print_key_help()
         # Select type of Display mode:   
@@ -366,6 +367,22 @@
         elif args[0] == ESCAPE or args[0]=='q':
+    def print_key_help(self):
+        print "Program controls:"
+        print "  q: quit"
+        print ""
+        print "Example controls:"
+        print "  0: reset to example 0"
+        print "  j: next"
+        print "  k: prev"
+        print ""
+        print "Frame controls (for movies)"
+        print "  ): reset to frame 0"
+        print "  J: forward"
+        print "  K: backward"
+        print "Hint: Hold keys down for continuous play"
+        print ""
 if __name__ == '__main__':
--- a/pylearn/dataset_ops/	Wed Sep 01 17:58:43 2010 -0400
+++ b/pylearn/dataset_ops/	Wed Sep 01 17:59:11 2010 -0400
@@ -2,12 +2,16 @@
 import theano
 from pylearn.datasets.image_patches import  (
+        data_root,
 from .protocol import TensorFnDataset #
 from .memo import memo
+from import image_tiling
 def get_dataset(N,R,C,dtype,center,unitvar):
@@ -48,3 +52,60 @@
     return x
+def ranzato_hinton_2010(path=None):
+    if path is None:
+        path = os.path.join(data_root(), 'image_patches', 'mcRBM',
+                'training_colorpatches_16x16_demo.mat')
+    dct =
+    return dct
+def ranzato_hinton_2010_whitened_patches(path=None):
+    """Return the pca of the data, which is 10240 x 105
+    """
+    dct = ranzato_hinton_2010(path)
+    return dct['whitendata'].astype('float32')
+def undo_pca_filters_of_ranzato_hinton_2010(X, path=None):
+    """Return tuple (R,G,B,None) of matrices for matrix `X` of filters (one per row)
+    Return value can be passed to `image_tiling.tile_raster_images`.
+    """
+    dct = ranzato_hinton_2010(path)
+    X =, dct['invpcatransf'].T)
+    return (X[:,:256], X[:,256:512], X[:,512:], None)
+def save_filters_of_ranzato_hinton_2010(X, fname, min_dynamic_range=1e-3, data_path=None):
+    _img = image_tiling.tile_raster_images(
+            undo_pca_filters_of_ranzato_hinton_2010(X, path=data_path),
+            img_shape=(16,16),
+            min_dynamic_range=min_dynamic_range)
+    image_tiling.save_tiled_raster_images(_img, fname)
+def ranzato_hinton_2010_op(s_idx,
+        split='train', 
+        dtype=theano.config.floatX, rasterized=True,
+        center=True,
+        unitvar=True):
+    N = 10240
+    if split != 'train':
+        raise NotImplementedError('train/test/valid splits for randomly sampled image patches?')
+    if not rasterized:
+        # the data is provided as PCA-sphered, so rasterizing does not make sense
+        # TODO: add a param to enable/disable 'PCA', and if disabled, then consider
+        # rasterizing or not
+        raise NotImplementedError('only pca data is provided')
+    if dtype != 'float32':
+        raise NotImplementedError('dtype not float32')
+    op = TensorFnDataset(dtype,
+            bcast=(False,), 
+            fn=ranzato_hinton_2010_whitened_patches,
+            single_shape=(105,))
+    x = op(s_idx%N)
+    return x
--- a/pylearn/datasets/	Wed Sep 01 17:58:43 2010 -0400
+++ b/pylearn/datasets/	Wed Sep 01 17:59:11 2010 -0400
@@ -111,3 +111,4 @@
     return rval
--- a/pylearn/gd/	Wed Sep 01 17:58:43 2010 -0400
+++ b/pylearn/gd/	Wed Sep 01 17:59:11 2010 -0400
@@ -1,8 +1,27 @@
-"""A stochastic gradient descent minimizer. (Possibly the simplest minimizer.)
+"""A stochastic gradient descent minimizer.
 import theano
+def sgd_updates(params, grads, stepsizes):
+    """Return a list of (pairs) that can be used as updates in theano.function to implement
+    stochastic gradient descent.
+    :param params: variables to adjust in order to minimize some cost
+    :type params: a list of variables (theano.function will require shared variables)
+    :param grads: the gradient on each param (with respect to some cost)
+    :type grads: list of theano expressions
+    :param stepsizes: step by this amount times the negative gradient on each iteration
+    :type stepsizes: [symbolic] scalar or list of one [symbolic] scalar per param
+    """
+    try:
+        iter(stepsizes)
+    except:
+        stepsizes = [stepsizes for p in params]
+    updates = [(p, p - step * gp) for (step, p, gp) in zip(stepsizes, params, grads)]
+    return updates
 class StochasticGradientDescent(theano.Module):
     """Fixed stepsize gradient descent
--- a/pylearn/io/	Wed Sep 01 17:58:43 2010 -0400
+++ b/pylearn/io/	Wed Sep 01 17:59:11 2010 -0400
@@ -87,9 +87,16 @@
             for tile_col in xrange(tile_shape[1]):
                 if tile_row * tile_shape[1] + tile_col < X.shape[0]:
                     if scale_rows_to_unit_interval:
-                        this_img = scale_to_unit_interval(
-                                X[tile_row * tile_shape[1] + tile_col].reshape(img_shape),
-                                eps=min_dynamic_range)
+                        try:
+                            this_img = scale_to_unit_interval(
+                                    X[tile_row * tile_shape[1] + tile_col].reshape(img_shape),
+                                    eps=min_dynamic_range)
+                        except ValueError:
+                            raise ValueError('Failed to reshape array of shape %s to shape %s'
+                                    % (
+                                        X[tile_row*tile_shape[1] + tile_col].shape
+                                        , img_shape
+                                        ))
                         this_img = X[tile_row * tile_shape[1] + tile_col].reshape(img_shape)
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/pylearn/sandbox/	Wed Sep 01 17:59:11 2010 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,472 @@
+This is a copy of mcRBM training that James modified to print out more information, visualize
+filters, etc.  Once mcRBM is stable, it can be deleted.
+# mcRBM training
+# Refer to Ranzato and Hinton CVPR 2010 "Modeling Pixel Means and Covariances Using Factorized Third-Order BMs"
+# Marc'Aurelio Ranzato
+# 28 July 2010
+import sys
+import numpy as np
+import cudamat as cmt
+from import loadmat, savemat
+#import gpu_lock # put here you locking system package, if any
+from ConfigParser import *
+demodata = None
+from import image_tiling
+def tile(X, fname):
+    X =, demodata['invpcatransf'].T)
+    R=16
+    C=16
+    X = (X[:,:256], X[:,256:512], X[:,512:], None)
+    #X = (X[:,0::3], X[:,1::3], X[:,2::3], None)
+    _img = image_tiling.tile_raster_images(X,
+            img_shape=(R,C),
+            min_dynamic_range=1e-2)
+    image_tiling.save_tiled_raster_images(_img, fname)
+def save_imshow(X, fname):
+    image_tiling.Image.fromarray(
+            (image_tiling.scale_to_unit_interval(X)*255).astype('uint8'),
+            'L').save(fname)
+# compute the value of the free energy at a given input
+# F = - sum log(1+exp(- .5 FH (VF data/norm(data))^2 + bias_cov)) +...
+#     - sum log(1+exp(w_mean data + bias_mean)) + ...
+#     - bias_vis data + 0.5 data^2
+# NOTE: FH is constrained to be positive 
+# (in the paper the sign is negative but the sign in front of it is also flipped)
+def compute_energy_mcRBM(data,normdata,vel,energy,VF,FH,bias_cov,bias_vis,w_mean,bias_mean,t1,t2,t6,feat,featsq,feat_mean,length,lengthsq,normcoeff,small,num_vis):
+    # normalize input data vectors
+    data.mult(data, target = t6) # DxP (nr input dims x nr samples)
+    t6.sum(axis = 0, target = lengthsq) # 1xP
+    lengthsq.mult(0.5, target = energy) # energy of quadratic regularization term   
+    lengthsq.mult(1./num_vis) # normalize by number of components (like std)    
+    lengthsq.add(small) # small prevents division by 0
+    cmt.sqrt(lengthsq, target = length) 
+    length.reciprocal(target = normcoeff) # 1xP
+    data.mult_by_row(normcoeff, target = normdata) # normalized data    
+    ## potential
+    # covariance contribution
+, normdata, target = feat) # HxP (nr factors x nr samples)
+    feat.mult(feat, target = featsq)   # HxP
+,featsq, target = t1) # OxP (nr cov hiddens x nr samples)
+    t1.mult(-0.5)
+    t1.add_col_vec(bias_cov) # OxP
+    cmt.exp(t1) # OxP
+    t1.add(1, target = t2) # OxP
+    cmt.log(t2)
+    t2.mult(-1)
+    energy.add_sums(t2, axis=0)
+    # mean contribution
+, data, target = feat_mean) # HxP (nr mean hiddens x nr samples)
+    feat_mean.add_col_vec(bias_mean) # HxP
+    cmt.exp(feat_mean) 
+    feat_mean.add(1)
+    cmt.log(feat_mean)
+    feat_mean.mult(-1)
+    energy.add_sums(feat_mean,  axis=0)
+    # visible bias term
+    data.mult_by_col(bias_vis, target = t6)
+    t6.mult(-1) # DxP
+    energy.add_sums(t6,  axis=0) # 1xP
+    # kinetic
+    vel.mult(vel, target = t6)
+    energy.add_sums(t6, axis = 0, mult = .5)
+# compute the derivative if the free energy at a given input
+def compute_gradient_mcRBM(data,normdata,VF,FH,bias_cov,bias_vis,w_mean,bias_mean,t1,t2,t3,t4,t6,feat,featsq,feat_mean,gradient,normgradient,length,lengthsq,normcoeff,small,num_vis):
+    # normalize input data
+    data.mult(data, target = t6) # DxP
+    t6.sum(axis = 0, target = lengthsq) # 1xP
+    lengthsq.mult(1./num_vis) # normalize by number of components (like std)
+    lengthsq.add(small)
+    cmt.sqrt(lengthsq, target = length)
+    length.reciprocal(target = normcoeff) # 1xP
+    data.mult_by_row(normcoeff, target = normdata) # normalized data    
+, normdata, target = feat) # HxP 
+    feat.mult(feat, target = featsq)   # HxP
+,featsq, target = t1) # OxP
+    t1.mult(-.5)
+    t1.add_col_vec(bias_cov) # OxP
+    t1.apply_sigmoid(target = t2) # OxP
+,t2, target = t3) # HxP
+    t3.mult(feat)
+, t3, target = normgradient) # VxP
+    # final bprop through normalization
+    length.mult(lengthsq, target = normcoeff)
+    normcoeff.reciprocal() # 1xP
+    normgradient.mult(data, target = gradient) # VxP
+    gradient.sum(axis = 0, target = t4) # 1xP
+    t4.mult(-1./num_vis)
+    data.mult_by_row(t4, target = gradient)
+    normgradient.mult_by_row(lengthsq, target = t6)
+    gradient.add(t6)
+    gradient.mult_by_row(normcoeff)
+    # add quadratic term gradient
+    gradient.add(data)
+    # add visible bias term
+    gradient.add_col_mult(bias_vis, -1)
+    # add MEAN contribution to gradient
+, data, target = feat_mean) # HxP 
+    feat_mean.add_col_vec(bias_mean) # HxP
+    feat_mean.apply_sigmoid() # HxP
+    gradient.subtract_dot(w_mean,feat_mean) # VxP 
+# Hybrid Monte Carlo sampler
+def draw_HMC_samples(data,negdata,normdata,vel,gradient,normgradient,new_energy,old_energy,VF,FH,bias_cov,bias_vis,w_mean,bias_mean,hmc_step,hmc_step_nr,hmc_ave_rej,hmc_target_ave_rej,t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6,t7,thresh,feat,featsq,batch_size,feat_mean,length,lengthsq,normcoeff,small,num_vis):
+    vel.fill_with_randn()
+    negdata.assign(data)
+    compute_energy_mcRBM(negdata,normdata,vel,old_energy,VF,FH,bias_cov,bias_vis,w_mean,bias_mean,t1,t2,t6,feat,featsq,feat_mean,length,lengthsq,normcoeff,small,num_vis)
+    compute_gradient_mcRBM(negdata,normdata,VF,FH,bias_cov,bias_vis,w_mean,bias_mean,t1,t2,t3,t4,t6,feat,featsq,feat_mean,gradient,normgradient,length,lengthsq,normcoeff,small,num_vis)
+    # half step
+    vel.add_mult(gradient, -0.5*hmc_step)
+    negdata.add_mult(vel,hmc_step)
+    # full leap-frog steps
+    for ss in range(hmc_step_nr - 1):
+        ## re-evaluate the gradient
+        compute_gradient_mcRBM(negdata,normdata,VF,FH,bias_cov,bias_vis,w_mean,bias_mean,t1,t2,t3,t4,t6,feat,featsq,feat_mean,gradient,normgradient,length,lengthsq,normcoeff,small,num_vis)
+        # update variables
+        vel.add_mult(gradient, -hmc_step)
+        negdata.add_mult(vel,hmc_step)
+    # final half-step
+    compute_gradient_mcRBM(negdata,normdata,VF,FH,bias_cov,bias_vis,w_mean,bias_mean,t1,t2,t3,t4,t6,feat,featsq,feat_mean,gradient,normgradient,length,lengthsq,normcoeff,small,num_vis)
+    vel.add_mult(gradient, -0.5*hmc_step)
+    # compute new energy
+    compute_energy_mcRBM(negdata,normdata,vel,new_energy,VF,FH,bias_cov,bias_vis,w_mean,bias_mean,t1,t2,t6,feat,featsq,feat_mean,length,lengthsq,normcoeff,small,num_vis)
+    # rejecton
+    old_energy.subtract(new_energy, target = thresh)
+    cmt.exp(thresh)
+    t4.fill_with_rand()
+    t4.less_than(thresh)
+    #    update negdata and rejection rate
+    t4.mult(-1)
+    t4.add(1) # now 1's detect rejections
+    t4.sum(axis = 1, target = t5)
+    t5.copy_to_host()
+    rej = t5.numpy_array[0,0]/batch_size
+    data.mult_by_row(t4, target = t6)
+    negdata.mult_by_row(t4, target = t7)
+    negdata.subtract(t7)
+    negdata.add(t6)
+    hmc_ave_rej = 0.9*hmc_ave_rej + 0.1*rej
+    if hmc_ave_rej < hmc_target_ave_rej:
+        hmc_step = min(hmc_step*1.01,0.25)
+    else:
+        hmc_step = max(hmc_step*0.99,.001)
+    return hmc_step, hmc_ave_rej
+# mcRBM trainer: sweeps over the training set.
+# For each batch of samples compute derivatives to update the parameters
+# at the training samples and at the negative samples drawn calling HMC sampler.
+def train_mcRBM():
+    config = ConfigParser()
+    verbose = config.getint('VERBOSITY','verbose')
+    num_epochs = config.getint('MAIN_PARAMETER_SETTING','num_epochs')
+    batch_size = config.getint('MAIN_PARAMETER_SETTING','batch_size')
+    startFH = config.getint('MAIN_PARAMETER_SETTING','startFH')
+    startwd = config.getint('MAIN_PARAMETER_SETTING','startwd')
+    doPCD = config.getint('MAIN_PARAMETER_SETTING','doPCD')
+    # model parameters
+    num_fac = config.getint('MODEL_PARAMETER_SETTING','num_fac')
+    num_hid_cov =  config.getint('MODEL_PARAMETER_SETTING','num_hid_cov')
+    num_hid_mean =  config.getint('MODEL_PARAMETER_SETTING','num_hid_mean')
+    apply_mask =  config.getint('MODEL_PARAMETER_SETTING','apply_mask')
+    # load data
+    data_file_name =  config.get('DATA','data_file_name')
+    d = loadmat(data_file_name) # input in the format PxD (P vectorized samples with D dimensions)
+    global demodata
+    demodata = d
+    totnumcases = d["whitendata"].shape[0]
+    d = d["whitendata"][0:np.floor(totnumcases/batch_size)*batch_size,:].copy() 
+    totnumcases = d.shape[0]
+    num_vis =  d.shape[1]
+    num_batches = int(totnumcases/batch_size)
+    dev_dat = cmt.CUDAMatrix(d.T) # VxP 
+    tile(d[:100], "100_whitened_data.png")
+    # training parameters
+    epsilon = config.getfloat('OPTIMIZER_PARAMETERS','epsilon')
+    epsilonVF = 2*epsilon
+    epsilonFH = 0.02*epsilon
+    epsilonb = 0.02*epsilon
+    epsilonw_mean = 0.2*epsilon
+    epsilonb_mean = 0.1*epsilon
+    weightcost_final =  config.getfloat('OPTIMIZER_PARAMETERS','weightcost_final')
+    # HMC setting
+    hmc_step_nr = config.getint('HMC_PARAMETERS','hmc_step_nr')
+    hmc_step =  0.01
+    hmc_target_ave_rej =  config.getfloat('HMC_PARAMETERS','hmc_target_ave_rej')
+    hmc_ave_rej =  hmc_target_ave_rej
+    # initialize weights
+    VF = cmt.CUDAMatrix(np.array(0.02 * np.random.randn(num_vis, num_fac), dtype=np.float32, order='F')) # VxH
+    if apply_mask == 0:
+        FH = cmt.CUDAMatrix( np.array( np.eye(num_fac,num_hid_cov), dtype=np.float32, order='F')  ) # HxO
+    else:
+        dd = loadmat('your_FHinit_mask_file.mat') # see CVPR2010paper_material/topo2D_3x3_stride2_576filt.mat for an example
+        FH = cmt.CUDAMatrix( np.array( dd["FH"], dtype=np.float32, order='F')  )
+    bias_cov = cmt.CUDAMatrix( np.array(2.0*np.ones((num_hid_cov, 1)), dtype=np.float32, order='F') )
+    bias_vis = cmt.CUDAMatrix( np.array(np.zeros((num_vis, 1)), dtype=np.float32, order='F') )
+    w_mean = cmt.CUDAMatrix( np.array( 0.05 * np.random.randn(num_vis, num_hid_mean), dtype=np.float32, order='F') ) # VxH
+    bias_mean = cmt.CUDAMatrix( np.array( -2.0*np.ones((num_hid_mean,1)), dtype=np.float32, order='F') )
+    # initialize variables to store derivatives 
+    VFinc = cmt.CUDAMatrix( np.array(np.zeros((num_vis, num_fac)), dtype=np.float32, order='F'))
+    FHinc = cmt.CUDAMatrix( np.array(np.zeros((num_fac, num_hid_cov)), dtype=np.float32, order='F'))
+    bias_covinc = cmt.CUDAMatrix( np.array(np.zeros((num_hid_cov, 1)), dtype=np.float32, order='F'))
+    bias_visinc = cmt.CUDAMatrix( np.array(np.zeros((num_vis, 1)), dtype=np.float32, order='F'))
+    w_meaninc = cmt.CUDAMatrix( np.array(np.zeros((num_vis, num_hid_mean)), dtype=np.float32, order='F'))
+    bias_meaninc = cmt.CUDAMatrix( np.array(np.zeros((num_hid_mean, 1)), dtype=np.float32, order='F'))
+    # initialize temporary storage
+    data = cmt.CUDAMatrix( np.array(np.empty((num_vis, batch_size)), dtype=np.float32, order='F')) # VxP
+    normdata = cmt.CUDAMatrix( np.array(np.empty((num_vis, batch_size)), dtype=np.float32, order='F')) # VxP
+    negdataini = cmt.CUDAMatrix( np.array(np.empty((num_vis, batch_size)), dtype=np.float32, order='F')) # VxP
+    feat = cmt.CUDAMatrix( np.array(np.empty((num_fac, batch_size)), dtype=np.float32, order='F'))
+    featsq = cmt.CUDAMatrix( np.array(np.empty((num_fac, batch_size)), dtype=np.float32, order='F'))
+    negdata = cmt.CUDAMatrix( np.array(np.random.randn(num_vis, batch_size), dtype=np.float32, order='F'))
+    old_energy = cmt.CUDAMatrix( np.array(np.zeros((1, batch_size)), dtype=np.float32, order='F'))
+    new_energy = cmt.CUDAMatrix( np.array(np.zeros((1, batch_size)), dtype=np.float32, order='F'))
+    gradient = cmt.CUDAMatrix( np.array(np.empty((num_vis, batch_size)), dtype=np.float32, order='F')) # VxP
+    normgradient = cmt.CUDAMatrix( np.array(np.empty((num_vis, batch_size)), dtype=np.float32, order='F')) # VxP
+    thresh = cmt.CUDAMatrix( np.array(np.zeros((1, batch_size)), dtype=np.float32, order='F'))
+    feat_mean = cmt.CUDAMatrix( np.array(np.empty((num_hid_mean, batch_size)), dtype=np.float32, order='F'))
+    vel = cmt.CUDAMatrix( np.array(np.random.randn(num_vis, batch_size), dtype=np.float32, order='F'))
+    length = cmt.CUDAMatrix( np.array(np.zeros((1, batch_size)), dtype=np.float32, order='F')) # 1xP
+    lengthsq = cmt.CUDAMatrix( np.array(np.zeros((1, batch_size)), dtype=np.float32, order='F')) # 1xP
+    normcoeff = cmt.CUDAMatrix( np.array(np.zeros((1, batch_size)), dtype=np.float32, order='F')) # 1xP
+    if apply_mask==1: # this used to constrain very large FH matrices only allowing to change values in a neighborhood
+        dd = loadmat('your_FHinit_mask_file.mat') 
+        mask = cmt.CUDAMatrix( np.array(dd["mask"], dtype=np.float32, order='F'))
+    normVF = 1    
+    small = 0.5
+    # other temporary vars
+    t1 = cmt.CUDAMatrix( np.array(np.empty((num_hid_cov, batch_size)), dtype=np.float32, order='F'))
+    t2 = cmt.CUDAMatrix( np.array(np.empty((num_hid_cov, batch_size)), dtype=np.float32, order='F'))
+    t3 = cmt.CUDAMatrix( np.array(np.empty((num_fac, batch_size)), dtype=np.float32, order='F'))
+    t4 = cmt.CUDAMatrix( np.array(np.empty((1,batch_size)), dtype=np.float32, order='F'))
+    t5 = cmt.CUDAMatrix( np.array(np.empty((1,1)), dtype=np.float32, order='F'))
+    t6 = cmt.CUDAMatrix( np.array(np.empty((num_vis, batch_size)), dtype=np.float32, order='F'))
+    t7 = cmt.CUDAMatrix( np.array(np.empty((num_vis, batch_size)), dtype=np.float32, order='F'))
+    t8 = cmt.CUDAMatrix( np.array(np.empty((num_vis, num_fac)), dtype=np.float32, order='F'))
+    t9 = cmt.CUDAMatrix( np.array(np.zeros((num_fac, num_hid_cov)), dtype=np.float32, order='F'))
+    t10 = cmt.CUDAMatrix( np.array(np.empty((1,num_fac)), dtype=np.float32, order='F'))
+    t11 = cmt.CUDAMatrix( np.array(np.empty((1,num_hid_cov)), dtype=np.float32, order='F'))
+    # start training
+    for epoch in range(num_epochs):
+        def print_stuff():
+            print "VF: " + '%3.2e' % VF.euclid_norm() \
+                    + ", DVF: " + '%3.2e' % (VFinc.euclid_norm()*(epsilonVFc/batch_size))\
+                    + ", VF_inc: " + '%3.2e' % (VFinc.euclid_norm())\
+                    + ", FH: " + '%3.2e' % FH.euclid_norm() \
+                    + ", DFH: " + '%3.2e' % (FHinc.euclid_norm()*(epsilonFHc/batch_size)) \
+                    + ", bias_cov: " + '%3.2e' % bias_cov.euclid_norm() \
+                    + ", Dbias_cov: " + '%3.2e' % (bias_covinc.euclid_norm()*(epsilonbc/batch_size)) \
+                    + ", bias_vis: " + '%3.2e' % bias_vis.euclid_norm() \
+                    + ", Dbias_vis: " + '%3.2e' % (bias_visinc.euclid_norm()*(epsilonbc/batch_size)) \
+                    + ", wm: " + '%3.2e' % w_mean.euclid_norm() \
+                    + ", Dwm: " + '%3.2e' % (w_meaninc.euclid_norm()*(epsilonw_meanc/batch_size)) \
+                    + ", bm: " + '%3.2e' % bias_mean.euclid_norm() \
+                    + ", Dbm: " + '%3.2e' % (bias_meaninc.euclid_norm()*(epsilonb_meanc/batch_size)) \
+                    + ", step: " + '%3.2e' % hmc_step  \
+                    + ", rej: " + '%3.2e' % hmc_ave_rej 
+            sys.stdout.flush()
+        def save_stuff():
+            VF.copy_to_host()
+            FH.copy_to_host()
+            bias_cov.copy_to_host()
+            w_mean.copy_to_host()
+            bias_mean.copy_to_host()
+            bias_vis.copy_to_host()
+            savemat("ws_temp", {
+                'VF':VF.numpy_array,
+                'FH':FH.numpy_array,
+                'bias_cov': bias_cov.numpy_array, 
+                'bias_vis': bias_vis.numpy_array,
+                'w_mean': w_mean.numpy_array, 
+                'bias_mean': bias_mean.numpy_array,
+                'epoch':epoch})    
+            tile(VF.numpy_array.T, 'VF_%000i.png'%epoch)
+            tile(w_mean.numpy_array.T, 'w_mean_%000i.png'%epoch)
+            save_imshow(FH.numpy_array, 'FH_%000i.png'%epoch)
+        # anneal learning rates
+        epsilonVFc    = epsilonVF/max(1,epoch/20)
+        epsilonFHc    = epsilonFH/max(1,epoch/20)
+        epsilonbc    = epsilonb/max(1,epoch/20)
+        epsilonw_meanc = epsilonw_mean/max(1,epoch/20)
+        epsilonb_meanc = epsilonb_mean/max(1,epoch/20)
+        weightcost = weightcost_final
+        if epoch <= startFH:
+            epsilonFHc = 0 
+        if epoch <= startwd:	
+            weightcost = 0
+        print "Epoch " + str(epoch + 1), 'num_batches', num_batches
+        if epoch == 0:
+            print_stuff()
+        for batch in range(num_batches):
+            # get current minibatch
+            data = dev_dat.slice(batch*batch_size,(batch + 1)*batch_size) # DxP (nr dims x nr samples)
+            # normalize input data
+            data.mult(data, target = t6) # DxP
+            t6.sum(axis = 0, target = lengthsq) # 1xP
+            lengthsq.mult(1./num_vis) # normalize by number of components (like std)
+            lengthsq.add(small) # small avoids division by 0
+            cmt.sqrt(lengthsq, target = length)
+            length.reciprocal(target = normcoeff) # 1xP
+            data.mult_by_row(normcoeff, target = normdata) # normalized data 
+            ## compute positive sample derivatives
+            # covariance part
+  , normdata, target = feat) # HxP (nr facs x nr samples)
+            feat.mult(feat, target = featsq)   # HxP
+  ,featsq, target = t1) # OxP (nr cov hiddens x nr samples)
+            t1.mult(-0.5)
+            t1.add_col_vec(bias_cov) # OxP
+            t1.apply_sigmoid(target = t2) # OxP
+  , t2.T, target = FHinc) # HxO
+  ,t2, target = t3) # HxP
+            t3.mult(feat)
+  , t3.T, target = VFinc) # VxH
+            t2.sum(axis = 1, target = bias_covinc)
+            bias_covinc.mult(-1)  
+            # visible bias
+            data.sum(axis = 1, target = bias_visinc)
+            bias_visinc.mult(-1)
+            # mean part
+  , data, target = feat_mean) # HxP (nr mean hiddens x nr samples)
+            feat_mean.add_col_vec(bias_mean) # HxP
+            feat_mean.apply_sigmoid() # HxP
+            feat_mean.mult(-1)
+  , feat_mean.T, target = w_meaninc)
+            feat_mean.sum(axis = 1, target = bias_meaninc)
+            # HMC sampling: draw an approximate sample from the model
+            if doPCD == 0: # CD-1 (set negative data to current training samples)
+                hmc_step, hmc_ave_rej = draw_HMC_samples(data,negdata,normdata,vel,gradient,normgradient,new_energy,old_energy,VF,FH,bias_cov,bias_vis,w_mean,bias_mean,hmc_step,hmc_step_nr,hmc_ave_rej,hmc_target_ave_rej,t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6,t7,thresh,feat,featsq,batch_size,feat_mean,length,lengthsq,normcoeff,small,num_vis)
+            else: # PCD-1 (use previous negative data as starting point for chain)
+                negdataini.assign(negdata)
+                hmc_step, hmc_ave_rej = draw_HMC_samples(negdataini,negdata,normdata,vel,gradient,normgradient,new_energy,old_energy,VF,FH,bias_cov,bias_vis,w_mean,bias_mean,hmc_step,hmc_step_nr,hmc_ave_rej,hmc_target_ave_rej,t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6,t7,thresh,feat,featsq,batch_size,feat_mean,length,lengthsq,normcoeff,small,num_vis)
+            # compute derivatives at the negative samples
+            # normalize input data
+            negdata.mult(negdata, target = t6) # DxP
+            t6.sum(axis = 0, target = lengthsq) # 1xP
+            lengthsq.mult(1./num_vis) # normalize by number of components (like std)
+            lengthsq.add(small)
+            cmt.sqrt(lengthsq, target = length)
+            length.reciprocal(target = normcoeff) # 1xP
+            negdata.mult_by_row(normcoeff, target = normdata) # normalized data 
+            # covariance part
+  , normdata, target = feat) # HxP 
+            feat.mult(feat, target = featsq)   # HxP
+  ,featsq, target = t1) # OxP
+            t1.mult(-0.5)
+            t1.add_col_vec(bias_cov) # OxP
+            t1.apply_sigmoid(target = t2) # OxP
+            FHinc.subtract_dot(featsq, t2.T) # HxO
+            FHinc.mult(0.5)
+  ,t2, target = t3) # HxP
+            t3.mult(feat)
+            VFinc.subtract_dot(normdata, t3.T) # VxH
+            bias_covinc.add_sums(t2, axis = 1)
+            # visible bias
+            bias_visinc.add_sums(negdata, axis = 1)
+            # mean part
+  , negdata, target = feat_mean) # HxP 
+            feat_mean.add_col_vec(bias_mean) # HxP
+            feat_mean.apply_sigmoid() # HxP
+            w_meaninc.add_dot(negdata, feat_mean.T)
+            bias_meaninc.add_sums(feat_mean, axis = 1)
+            # update parameters
+            VFinc.add_mult(VF.sign(), weightcost) # L1 regularization
+            VF.add_mult(VFinc, -epsilonVFc/batch_size)
+            # normalize columns of VF: normalize by running average of their norm 
+            VF.mult(VF, target = t8)
+            t8.sum(axis = 0, target = t10)
+            cmt.sqrt(t10)
+            t10.sum(axis=1,target = t5)
+            t5.copy_to_host()
+            normVF = .95*normVF + (.05/num_fac) * t5.numpy_array[0,0] # estimate norm
+            t10.reciprocal()
+            VF.mult_by_row(t10) 
+            VF.mult(normVF) 
+            bias_cov.add_mult(bias_covinc, -epsilonbc/batch_size)
+            bias_vis.add_mult(bias_visinc, -epsilonbc/batch_size)
+            if epoch > startFH:
+                FHinc.add_mult(FH.sign(), weightcost) # L1 regularization
+       		FH.add_mult(FHinc, -epsilonFHc/batch_size) # update
+	        # set to 0 negative entries in FH
+        	FH.greater_than(0, target = t9)
+	        FH.mult(t9)
+                if apply_mask==1:
+                    FH.mult(mask)
+		# normalize columns of FH: L1 norm set to 1 in each column
+		FH.sum(axis = 0, target = t11)               
+		t11.reciprocal()
+		FH.mult_by_row(t11) 
+            w_meaninc.add_mult(w_mean.sign(),weightcost)
+            w_mean.add_mult(w_meaninc, -epsilonw_meanc/batch_size)
+            bias_mean.add_mult(bias_meaninc, -epsilonb_meanc/batch_size)
+        if verbose == 1:
+            print_stuff()
+        # back-up every once in a while 
+        if np.mod(epoch,1) == 0:
+            save_stuff()
+    # final back-up
+    VF.copy_to_host()
+    FH.copy_to_host()
+    bias_cov.copy_to_host()
+    bias_vis.copy_to_host()
+    w_mean.copy_to_host()
+    bias_mean.copy_to_host()
+    savemat("ws_fac" + str(num_fac) + "_cov" + str(num_hid_cov) + "_mean" + str(num_hid_mean), {'VF':VF.numpy_array,'FH':FH.numpy_array,'bias_cov': bias_cov.numpy_array, 'bias_vis': bias_vis.numpy_array, 'w_mean': w_mean.numpy_array, 'bias_mean': bias_mean.numpy_array, 'epoch':epoch})
+# main
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+  # initialize CUDA
+  #cmt.cuda_set_device(gpu_lock.obtain_lock_id()) # uncomment if you have a locking system or desire to choose the GPU board number
+  cmt.cublas_init()
+  cmt.CUDAMatrix.init_random(1)
+  train_mcRBM()
+  cmt.cublas_shutdown()
--- a/pylearn/shared/layers/	Wed Sep 01 17:58:43 2010 -0400
+++ b/pylearn/shared/layers/	Wed Sep 01 17:59:11 2010 -0400
@@ -137,3 +137,9 @@
                 or (self.iter < (self.halflife_iter * self.patience_factor))
         self.iter += 1
+    def __str__(self):
+        return ("Stopper{iter=%(iter)s,"
+        "promising=%(promising)s,best_iter=%(best_iter)s,best_value=%(best_value)s"
+        ",patience=%(patience_factor)s}")%self.__dict__