view @ 324:ce79bf5fa463

- the cut and paste between file and dir conditions is always a bad thing - i made one function (hg_version) to basically call and parse hg - i made a function to include the cases of what might be returned by imp.find_modules (_input_id) - the check for a .hg folder was insufficient. Lots of things could go wrong. Instead I use the return code from the Popen process. The return code catches this and any other problem that hg runs into. - its easier to offer more rcs support in future (cvs,svn,git)
author James Bergstra <>
date Thu, 12 Jun 2008 20:54:49 -0400
parents 7c5e5356cb11
children 32c5f87bc54e
line wrap: on
line source

from copy import deepcopy

class LookupList(object):
    A LookupList is a sequence whose elements can be named (and unlike
    a dictionary the order of the elements depends not on their key but
    on the order given by the user through construction) so that
    following syntactic constructions work as one would expect::
       >>> example = LookupList(['x','y','z'],[1,2,3])
       >>> example['x'] = [1, 2, 3] # set or change a field
       >>> print example('z','y') # prints [3,2]
       >>> x, y, z = example
       >>> x = example[0]
       >>> x = example["x"]
       >>> print example.keys() # prints ['x','y','z']
       >>> print example.values() # prints [[1,2,3],2,3]
       >>> print example.items() # prints [('x',[1,2,3]),('y',2),('z',3)]
       >>> example.append_keyval('u',0) # adds item with name 'u' and value 0
       >>> print len(example) # number of items = 4 here
       >>> example2 = LookupList(['v', 'w'], ['a','b'])
       >>> print example+example2 # addition is like for lists, a concatenation of the items.
       >>> example + example # throw an error as we can't have duplicate name.

    @note: The element names should be unique.

    @todo: Convert this documentation into doctest
    format, and actually perform doctest'ing:
    def __init__(self,names=[],values=[]):
        assert len(values)==len(names)
        for i in xrange(len(values)):
            assert names[i] not in self._name2index

    def keys(self):
        return self._names

    def values(self):
        return self._values

    def items(self):
        Return a list of (name,value) pairs of all the items in the look-up list.
        return zip(self._names,self._values)
    def __getitem__(self,key):
        The key in example[key] can either be an integer to index the fields
        or the name of the field.
        if isinstance(key,int) or isinstance(key,slice) or (isinstance(key,list) and all([isinstance(i,int) for i in key])):
            return self._values[key]
        else: # if not an int, key must be a name
            # expecting key to be a valid field name
            assert isinstance(key,str)
            return self._values[self._name2index[key]]
    def __setitem__(self,key,value):
        if isinstance(key,int):
        else: # if not an int, key must be a name
            if key in self._name2index:
    def append_keyval(self, key, value):
        assert key not in self._name2index

    def append_lookuplist(self, *list):
        for l in list:
            for key in l.keys():
        del l

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self._values)

    def __repr__(self):
        return "{%s}" % ", ".join([str(k) + "=" + repr(v) for k,v in self.items()])

    def __add__(self,rhs):
        new_example = deepcopy(self)
        for item in rhs.items():
        return new_example

    def __radd__(self,lhs):
        new_example = deepcopy(lhs)
        for item in self.items():
        return new_example

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return self._values==other._values and self._name2index==other._name2index and self._names==other._names

    def __ne__(self, other):
        return not self.__eq__(other)

    def __hash__(self):
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def __call__(self,*names):
        Return a list of values associated with the given names (which must all be keys of the lookup list).
        if names == self._names:
            return self._values
        return [self[name] for name in names]

if __name__ == '__main__':

    print a
    print b
    print a
    print a