view @ 99:a8da709eb6a9

in ArrayDataSet.__init__ if a columns is an index, we change it to be a list that containt only this index. This way, we remove the special case where the columns is an index for all subsequent call. This was possing trouble with numpy.vstack() called by
author Frederic Bastien <>
date Tue, 06 May 2008 13:57:36 -0400
parents 76e5c0f37165
children 3ef569b92fba
line wrap: on
line source

import theano
from theano import tensor, gof, scalar
import numpy


class ScalarSigmoid(scalar.FloatUnaryScalarOp):
    def st_impl(x):
        if x < -30.0:
            return 0.0
        if x > 30.0:
            return 1.0 
        return 1.0 / (1.0 + numpy.exp(-x))
    def impl(self, x):
        return ScalarSigmoid.st_impl(x)
    def grad(self, (x,), (gz,)):
        y = scalar_sigmoid(x)
        return [gz * y * (1.0 - y)]
    def c_foreach(self, (x,), (z,), sub):
        if 'float' in self.inputs[0].dtype:
            return """%(z)s =
                %(x)s < -30.0 
                ? 0.0 
                : %(x)s > 30.0 
                   ? 1.0
                   : 1.0 /(1.0+exp(-%(x)s));""" % locals()
        raise NotImplementedError('only floatingpoint is implemented')
scalar_sigmoid = gof.op.constructor(ScalarSigmoid)
Sigmoid, sigmoid, SigmoidInplace, sigmoid_inplace =\
        tensor.broadcast(ScalarSigmoid, 'Sigmoid')

class ScalarSoftplus(scalar.FloatUnaryScalarOp):
    def static_impl(x):
        if x < -30.0:
            return 0.0
        if x > 30.0:
            return x
        return numpy.log1p(numpy.exp(x))
    def impl(self, x):
        return ScalarSoftplus.static_impl(x)
    def grad(self, (x,), (gz,)):
        return [gz * scalar_sigmoid(x)]
    def c_foreach(self, (x,), (z,), sub):
        if 'float' in self.inputs[0].dtype:
            return """%(z)s =
                %(x)s < -30.0 
                ? 0.0 
                : %(x)s > 30.0 
                   ? %(x)s
                   : log1p(exp(%(x)s));""" % locals()
        raise NotImplementedError('only floating point x is implemented')
scalar_softplus = gof.op.constructor(ScalarSoftplus)
Softplus, softplus, SoftplusInplace, softplus_inplace =\
        tensor.broadcast(ScalarSoftplus, 'Softplus')


class CrossentropySoftmax1HotWithBias(gof.op.Op):
    """A special compound L{Op} for the output of neural-net classifiers.

    @type x: is a matrix of floats (32 or 64)
    @type b: is a [row] vector of floats (32 or 64), length is number of cols in x
    @type y_idx: a [column] vector of int (32 or 64), length is number of rows in x

    @precondition: every entry in y_idx is a valid (non-negative) column index into x

    This L{Op} has two outputs:
     - KL(softmax(x+b), y)
     - softmax(x+b)

    softmax(x[i]) is the i'th distribution over len(x[i]) options

    y_idx[i] is an integer index, encoding a 1-hot distribution. 
    In practice, when we're trying to do classification, we have one row in x
    and y_idx per example, and y[i] is the index of the (correct) class of the
    i'th example.

    def __init__(self, x, b, y_idx, **kwargs):
        x = tensor._as_tensor(x)
        b = tensor._as_tensor(b)
        y_idx = tensor._as_tensor(y_idx)
        if len(x.broadcastable) != 2 \
                or x.dtype not in ['float32', 'float64']:
            raise ValueError('x must be 2-d tensor of floats')
        if len(b.broadcastable) != 1 \
                or x.dtype not in ['float32', 'float64']:
            raise ValueError('x must be 1-d tensor of floats')
        if len(y_idx.broadcastable) != 1 \
                or y_idx.dtype not in ['int32', 'int64']:
            raise ValueError('x must be 1-d tensor of ints')

#       TODO: Is this correct? It used to be y, not y_idx
        nll = tensor.Tensor(x.dtype, y_idx.broadcastable)
#        nll = Tensor(x.dtype, y.broadcastable)
        sm = tensor.Tensor(x.dtype, x.broadcastable)
        self.inputs = [x, b, y_idx]
        self.outputs = [nll, sm]
    def perform(self):
        x, b, y_idx = [ for i in self.inputs]
        if b.shape[0] != x.shape[1]:
            raise ValueError('b must have same number of columns as x')
        if y_idx.shape[0] != x.shape[0]:
            raise ValueError('y_idx must have same number of rows as x')

        sm = numpy.zeros_like(x) # softmax
        nll = numpy.zeros(x.shape[0]) #nll(y | softmax(x))
        for i in xrange(sm.shape[0]):
            row = x[i] + b
            sm[i] = numpy.exp(row - numpy.max(row)) #softmax
            sm[i] *= 1.0 / numpy.sum(sm[i]) #vector scale
            nll[i] = -numpy.log( sm[i, y_idx[i]]) #cross-entropy
        self.outputs[0].data = nll
        self.outputs[1].data = sm
    def grad(self, (x, b, y_idx), (g_nll, g_sm)):
        if g_sm is not None:
            raise NotImplementedError()
        nll, sm = crossentropy_softmax_1hot_with_bias(x, b, y_idx)
        dx = CrossentropySoftmax1HotWithBiasDx(g_nll, sm, y_idx).outputs[0]
        db = tensor.Sum(dx, axis = [0]).outputs[0]
        return dx, db, None

    def c_headers(self): return ['<iostream>']
    def c_code(self,  (x, b, y_idx), (nll, sm), sub):
        # this implementation was lifted from
        # /u/bergstrj/cvs/bergstrj/src/feb07/nn.cxx

        #TODO: put this into a templated function, in the support code
        #TODO: declare the max of each row as an Op output

        #TODO: set error messages for failures in this code

        return """
        npy_intp* Nx = %(x)s->dimensions;

        if (%(x)s->nd != 2)
            PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "a not 2d tensor");
        if (%(b)s->nd != 1)
            PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "b not 1d tensor");
        if (%(y_idx)s->nd != 1)
            PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "y_idx not 1d tensor");
        if (%(x)s->descr->type_num != PyArray_DOUBLE)
            PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "a not float64");
        if (%(b)s->descr->type_num != PyArray_DOUBLE)
            PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "b not float64");
        if (%(y_idx)s->descr->type_num != PyArray_INT64)
            PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "y_idx not int64");
        if ((%(x)s->dimensions[1] != %(b)s->dimensions[0])
         || (%(x)s->dimensions[0] != %(y_idx)s->dimensions[0]))
            PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "dimension mismatch in arguments");

        if ((NULL == %(nll)s) //initial condition
            || (%(nll)s->dimensions[0] != %(y_idx)s->dimensions[0]))
            if (NULL != %(nll)s) Py_XDECREF(%(nll)s);
            %(nll)s = (PyArrayObject*)PyArray_SimpleNew(1, PyArray_DIMS(%(y_idx)s), type_num_%(x)s);
                PyErr_SetString(PyExc_MemoryError, "failed to alloc nll output");
        if ((NULL == %(sm)s)
            || (%(sm)s->dimensions[0] != %(x)s->dimensions[0])
            || (%(sm)s->dimensions[1] != %(x)s->dimensions[1]))
            if (NULL != %(sm)s) Py_XDECREF(%(sm)s);
            %(sm)s = (PyArrayObject*)PyArray_SimpleNew(2, PyArray_DIMS(%(x)s), type_num_%(x)s);
            if(!%(sm)s) {
                // The normal cleanup code will take care of %(nll)s
                // Py_XDECREF(%(nll)s); %(nll)s=NULL;
                PyErr_SetString(PyExc_MemoryError, "failed to alloc sm output");

        for (size_t i = 0; i < Nx[0]; ++i)
            size_t j;
            double sum = 0.0;
            bool  discount_max = false;

            const double* __restrict__ x_i = (double*)(%(x)s->data + %(x)s->strides[0] * i);
            const double* __restrict__ b_i = (double*)(%(b)s->data);
            const long int y_i = ((long int*)(%(y_idx)s->data + %(y_idx)s->strides[0] * i))[0];
            double* __restrict__ sm_i = (double*)(%(sm)s->data + %(sm)s->strides[0] * i);
            double* __restrict__ nll_i = (double*)(%(nll)s->data + %(nll)s->strides[0] * i);

            npy_intp Sx = %(x)s->strides[1]/sizeof(double);
            npy_intp Sb = %(b)s->strides[0]/sizeof(double);
            npy_intp Ssm = %(sm)s->strides[1]/sizeof(double);

            size_t row_max_j=0;
            double row_max = x_i[0] + b_i[0];
            //try to compute sum and sm the easy way
            for (j = 0; j < Nx[1]; ++j)
                double row_ij = x_i[j * Sx] +  b_i[j * Sb];
                row_max_j = (row_ij > row_max) ? j : row_max_j;
                row_max   = (row_ij > row_max) ? row_ij : row_max;

                double sm_ij = exp(row_ij);
                sum += sm_ij;
                sm_i[j * Ssm] = sm_ij;
            if ((0.0 == sum) || (isinf(sum))) 
                //our cheap trick didn't work... try again and do it better.
                discount_max = true;
                sum = 0.0; //reset sum and recompute....
                for (j = 0; j < Nx[1]; ++j)
                    double row_ij = x_i[j * Sx] +  b_i[j * Sb];

                    double sm_ij = exp(row_ij - row_max);
                    sum += sm_ij;
                    sm_i[j * Ssm] = sm_ij;
                if ( (0.0 == sum) || (isinf(sum)))
                    //that was our best... 
                //if we still can't sum it up, we're screwed.
                //So far, this assertion has never failed...

            //cblas_dscal(x.N, 1.0 / sum, &mat_at(s,i,0), s.n);
            double sum_inv = 1.0 / sum;
            for (j = 0; j < Nx[1]; ++j)
                sm_i[j * Ssm] *= sum_inv;

            if (y_i >= Nx[1])

            nll_i[0] = - x_i[y_i*Sx] 
                       - b_i[y_i*Sb]
                       + (discount_max ? row_max : 0.0)
                       + log(sum);
              //mat_at(y,i,0) = -log( mat_at(s,i,t[i]));  //less accurate?
              //mat_at(y,i,0) =  - mat_at(x,i,t[i]) - mat_at(b,0,t[i]) + (discount_max ? maxi : 0.0) + log(sum);
        """ % dict(locals(), **sub)

crossentropy_softmax_1hot_with_bias = \

class CrossentropySoftmax1HotWithBiasDx (gof.op.Op):
    """Gradient wrt x of the CrossentropySoftmax1Hot Op"""
    def __init__(self, dy, sm, y_idx,**kwargs):
        dy = tensor._as_tensor(dy)
        sm = tensor._as_tensor(sm)
        y_idx = tensor._as_tensor(y_idx)
        self.inputs = [dy, sm, y_idx]
        self.outputs = [tensor.Tensor(sm.dtype, sm.broadcastable)]
    def perform(self):
        dy,sm,y_idx = [ for i in self.inputs]
        dx = numpy.zeros_like(sm)
        for i in xrange(sm.shape[0]):
            dx[i] = dy[i] * sm[i] #vector scale
            dx[i, y_idx[i]] -= dy[i] #scalar decrement
        self.outputs[0].data = dx
    def grad(self, *args):
        raise NotImplementedError()
    def c_code(self,  (dnll, sm, y_idx), (dx,), sub):
        return """

        if ((%(dnll)s->descr->type_num != PyArray_DOUBLE)
            || (%(sm)s->descr->type_num != PyArray_DOUBLE)
            || (%(y_idx)s->descr->type_num != PyArray_INT64))
            PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "types should be float64, float64, int64");
        if ((%(dnll)s->nd != 1)
            || (%(sm)s->nd != 2)
            || (%(y_idx)s->nd != 1))
            PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "rank error");
        if ((%(dnll)s->dimensions[0] != %(sm)s->dimensions[0])
            || (%(dnll)s->dimensions[0] != %(y_idx)s->dimensions[0]))
            PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "dimension mismatch");
        if ((NULL == %(dx)s)
            || (%(dx)s->dimensions[0] != %(sm)s->dimensions[0])
            || (%(dx)s->dimensions[1] != %(sm)s->dimensions[1]))
            if (NULL != %(dx)s) Py_XDECREF(%(dx)s);
            %(dx)s = (PyArrayObject*)PyArray_SimpleNew(2, PyArray_DIMS(%(sm)s), type_num_%(sm)s);
            if(!%(dx)s) {
                PyErr_SetString(PyExc_MemoryError, "failed to alloc dx output");

        for (size_t i = 0; i < %(dx)s->dimensions[0]; ++i)
            const double dnll_i = ((double*)(%(dnll)s->data + %(dnll)s->strides[0] * i))[0];

            const long int y_i = ((long int*)(%(y_idx)s->data + %(y_idx)s->strides[0] * i))[0];

            const double* __restrict__ sm_i = (double*)(%(sm)s->data + %(sm)s->strides[0] * i);
            npy_intp Ssm = %(sm)s->strides[1]/sizeof(double);

            double* __restrict__ dx_i = (double*)(%(dx)s->data + %(dx)s->strides[0] * i);
            npy_intp Sdx = %(dx)s->strides[1]/sizeof(double);

            for (size_t j = 0; j < %(dx)s->dimensions[1]; ++j)
                dx_i[j * Sdx] = dnll_i * sm_i[j * Ssm];
            if (y_i >= %(dx)s->dimensions[1])
            dx_i[y_i * Sdx] -= dnll_i;
        """ % dict(locals(), **sub)

def crossentropy_softmax_1hot(x, y_idx, **kwargs):
    b = tensor.zeros_like(x[0,:])
    return crossentropy_softmax_1hot_with_bias(x, b, y_idx, **kwargs)