view pylearn/sampling/ @ 1529:9737834dcb0f

Add the total test time in the buildbot.
author Frederic Bastien <>
date Mon, 11 Mar 2013 16:56:54 -0400
parents fbe470217937
line wrap: on
line source

"""Metropolis-Hastings Monte Carlo

See also Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (aka Hybrid Monte Carlo) in the file.

import sys
import logging
import numpy as np
from theano import function, shared
from theano import tensor as TT
import theano.sparse #installs the sparse shared var handler
from theano.printing import Print

#  Consider how to refactor this code so that the key functions /functionality are provided as
#  theano expressions??
#  It could be limiting that the implementation requires that the position be a list of shared
#  variables, and basically uses procedural logic on top of that.
#  Theano can only do function optimization on one function at a time, so until these are
#  written as update expressions, they must be compiled as their own functions and cannot be
#  rolled into things the user is doing anyway.

class MCMC_sampler(object):
    """Generic Metropolis-Hastings Monte-Carlo sampler

    The `draw` function advances the markov chain and returns the current sample by calling
    `simulate` and `get_position` in sequence.

    The stepsize is updated dynamically to 


    # TODO: anyone has better guesses for these constants??
    stepsize_dec = 0.98
    stepsize_min = 0.001
    stepsize_max = 0.25
    stepsize_inc = 1.02

    avg_acceptance_slowness = 0.9  # used in geometric avg. 1.0 would be not moving at all

    def __init__(self, positions, energy_fn, 
        :param positions: list of shared ndarray variables.

        :param energy: 

            callable such that energy_fn(positions) 
            returns theano vector of energies.  
            The len of this vector is the batchsize.

        batchsize = positions[0].get_value(borrow=True).shape[0]
        self.s_rng = TT.shared_randomstreams.RandomStreams(seed)
        self.positions = positions
        self.prev_energy = shared(np.zeros(batchsize) + float('inf'))
        self.avg_acceptance_rate = 0.5
        self.stepsize = initial_stepsize

        s_stepsize = TT.scalar('stepsize')

        new_positions = [p + s_stepsize * self.s_rng.normal(size=p.get_value(borrow=True).shape)
                for p in self.positions]

        # accept-reject according to Metropolis-Hastings 

        energy = energy_fn(new_positions)
        accept = TT.exp(self.prev_energy - energy) - self.s_rng.uniform(size=(batchsize,)) >= 0

        self.accept_reject_positions = function([s_stepsize], accept.mean(),
                updates=[(self.prev_energy, TT.switch(accept, energy, self.prev_energy))] + [
                    (q, TT.switch(accept.dimshuffle(0, *(('x',)*(q.ndim-1))), new_q, q)) 
                        for q, new_q in zip(self.positions, new_positions)])

    def simulate(self, n_steps=None):
        if n_steps is None:
            n_steps = self.n_steps
        for ss in range(n_steps):
            acceptance_rate = self.accept_reject_positions(self.stepsize)
            self.avg_acceptance_rate = self.avg_acceptance_slowness * self.avg_acceptance_rate \
                    + (1.0 - self.avg_acceptance_slowness) * acceptance_rate
            if self.avg_acceptance_rate < self.target_acceptance_rate:
                self.stepsize = max(self.stepsize*self.stepsize_dec,self.stepsize_min)
                self.stepsize = min(self.stepsize*self.stepsize_inc,self.stepsize_max)

    def get_position(self):
        return [q.get_value(borrow=True) for q in self.positions]

    def draw(self, n_steps=None):
        """Return the current sample in the Markov chain as a list of numpy arrays

        The size of the arrays will match the size of the `initial_position` argument to
        return self.get_position()