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Added draft of LinearRegression learner
author bengioy@bengiomac.local
date Sat, 03 May 2008 21:59:26 -0400
children 1e2bb5bad636
line wrap: on
line source

from learner import *
from theano import tensor as t
from compile import Function
from theano.scalar import as_scalar

# this is one of the simplest example of learner, and illustrates
# the use of theano 
class LinearRegression(Learner):
    Implement linear regression, with or without L2 regularization
    (the former is called Ridge Regression and the latter Ordinary Least Squares).

    The predictor is obtained analytically.

    The L2 regularization coefficient is obtained analytically.
    For each (input[t],output[t]) pair in a minibatch,::
       output_t = b + W * input_t

    where b and W are obtained by minimizing::

       lambda sum_{ij} W_{ij}^2  + sum_t ||output_t - target_t||^2

    Let X be the whole training set inputs matrix (one input example per row),
    with the first column full of 1's, and Let Y the whole training set
    targets matrix (one example's target vector per row).
    Let theta = the matrix with b in its first column and W in the others,
    then each theta[:,i] is the solution of the linear system::

       XtX * theta[:,i] = XtY[:,i]

    where XtX is a (n_inputs+1)x(n_inputs+1) matrix containing X'*X
    plus lambda on the diagonal except at (0,0),
    and XtY is a (n_inputs+1)*n_outputs matrix containing X'*Y.

    The fields and attributes expected and produced by use and update are the following:

     - Input and output fields (example-wise quantities):

       - 'input' (always expected by use and update as an input_dataset field)
       - 'target' (optionally expected by use and update as an input_dataset field)
       - 'output' (optionally produced by use as an output dataset field)
       - 'squared_error' (optionally produced by use as an output dataset field, needs 'target') = example-wise squared error

     - optional input attributes (optionally expected as input_dataset attributes)

       - 'lambda' (only used by update)
       - 'b' (only used by use)
       - 'W' (only used by use)

     - optional output attributes (available in self and optionally in output dataset)

       - 'b' (only set by update)
       - 'W' (only set by update)
       - 'total_squared_error' (set by use and by update) = sum over examples of example_wise_squared_error 
       - 'total_loss' (set by use and by update) = regularizer + total_squared_error
       - 'XtX' (only set by update)
       - 'XtY' (only set by update)

    def __init__(self,lambda=0.):
        @type lambda: float
        @param lambda: regularization coefficient
        # b is a broadcastable row vector (can be replicated into
        # as many rows as there are examples in the minibach)
        minibatch_input = t.matrix('input') # n_examples x n_inputs
        minibatch_target = t.matrix('target') # n_examples x n_outputs
        minibatch_output =,W.T) + b  # n_examples x n_outputs
        lambda = as_scalar(lambda)
        regularizer = self.lambda *,W)
        example_squared_error = t.sum_within_rows(t.sqr(minibatch_output-minibatch_target))
        self.output_function = Function([W,b,minibatch_input],[minibatch_output])
        self.squared_error_function = Function([minibatch_output,minibatch_target],[self.example_squared_error])
        self.loss_function = Function([W,squared_error],[self.regularizer + t.sum(self.example_squared_error)])
    def forget(self):
        if self.W:
            self.XtX *= 0
            self.XtY *= 0

    def use(self,input_dataset,output_fieldnames=None,copy_inputs=True):
        input_fieldnames = input_dataset.fieldNames()
        assert "input" in input_fieldnames
        if not output_fields:
            output_fields = ["output"]
            if "target" in input_fieldnames:
                output_fields += ["squared_error"]
            if "squared_error" in output_fields or "total_loss" in output_fields:
                assert "target" in input_fieldnames

        use_functions = []
        for output_fieldname in output_fieldnames:
            if output_fieldname=="output":
            elif output_fieldname=="squared_error":
                use_functions.append(lambda self.output_function)