view doc/v2_planning/datalearn.txt @ 1361:7548dc1b163c

Some question/suggestions to datalearn
author Razvan Pascanu <>
date Thu, 11 Nov 2010 22:40:01 -0500
parents 5db730bb0e8e
children 6b9673d72a41
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DataLearn: How to plug Datasets & Learner together?

- Yoshua
- Razvan
- Olivier D [leader?]

High-Level Objectives

   * Simple ML experiments should be simple to write
   * More complex / advanced scenarios should be possible without being forced
     to work "outside" of this framework
   * Computations should be optimized whenever possible
   * Existing code (in any language) should be "wrappable" within this
   * It should be possible to replace [parts of] this framework with C++ code

Theano-Like Data Flow

We want to rely on Theano to be able to take advantage of its efficient
computations. The general idea is that if we chain multiple processing
elements (think e.g. of a feature selection step followed by a PCA projection,
then a rescaling within a fixed bounded interval), the overall transformation
from input to output data can be represented by a Theano symbolic graph. When
one wants to access the actual numeric data, a function is compiled so as to
do these computations efficiently.

We discussed some specific API options for datasets and learners, which will
be added to this file in the future, but a core question that we feel should
be addressed first is how this Theano-based implementation could be achieved
exactly. For this purpose, in the following, let us assume that a dataset is
simply a matrix whose rows represent individual samples, and columns
individual features. How to handle field names, non-tensor-like data, etc. is
a very important topic that is not yet discussed in this file.

A question we did not really discuss is whether datasets should be Theano
Variables. The advantage would be that they would fit directly within the
Theano framework, which may allow high level optimizations on data
transformations. However, we would lose the ability to combine Theano
expressions coded in individual datasets into a single graph. Currently, we
instead consider that a dataset has a member that is a Theano variable, and
this variable represents the data stored in the dataset. The same is done for
individual data samples.

James asks: Why would a Theano graph in which some nodes represent datasets give
up the ability to combine Theano expressions coded in individual datasets?
Firstly, if you want to use Theano expressions and compiled functions to
implement the perform() method of an Op, you can do that.  Secondly, you can
just include those 'expressions coded in individual datasets' into the overall

Razvan comments: 1) Having Theano expressions inside the perform of a Theano
Op can lead to issues. I know I had to deal with a few when implementing
Scan which does exactly this. Well to be fair these issues mostly come into
play when the inner graph has to interact with the outer graph and most of
the time they can be solved. I guess all that I'm saying is going that way
might lead to some head-ache to developers, though I guess some head-ache 
will be involved no matter what
2) In my view (I'm not sure this is what Olivier was saying) the idea of
not putting the Dataset into a Variable is to not put the logic related to 
loading data, dividing it into slices when running it on the GPU and so on
into a theano variable. In my view this logic goes into a DataSet class 
that gives you  shared variables, symbolic indices into that shared 
variables, and also numeric indices. When looping through those numeric 
indices, the dataset class can reload parts of the data into the 
shared variable and so on.

One issue with this approach is illustrated by the following example. Imagine
we want to iterate on samples in a dataset and do something with their
numeric value. We would want the code to be as close as possible to:

    .. code-block:: python

        for sample in dataset:

A naive implementation of the sample API could be (assuming each sample
contains a ``variable`` member which is the variable representing this
sample's data):

    .. code-block:: python

        def numeric_value(self):
            if self.function is None:
                # Compile function to output the numeric value stored in this
                # sample's variable.
                self.function = theano.function([], self.variable)
            return self.function()

However, this is not a good idea, because it would trigger a new function
compilation for each sample. Instead, we would want something like this:

    .. code-block:: python

        def numeric_value(self):
            if self.function_storage[0] is None:
                # Compile function to output the numeric value stored in this
                # sample's variable. This function takes as input the index of
                # the sample in the dataset, and is shared among all samples.
                self.function_storage[0] = theano.function(
                                        [self.symbolic_index], self.variable)
            return self.function(self.numeric_index)

In the code above, we assume that all samples created by the action of
iterating over the dataset share the same ``function_storage``,
``symbolic_index`` and ``variable``: the first time we try to access the numeric
value of some sample, a function is compiled, that takes as input the index,
and outputs the variable.  The only difference between samples is thus that
they are given a different numeric value for the index (``numeric_index``).

Another way to obtain the same result is to actually let the user take care of
compiling the function. It would allow the user to really control what is
being compiled, at the cost of having to write more code:

    .. code-block:: python

        symbolic_index = dataset.get_index()  # Or just theano.tensor.iscalar()
        get_sample = theano.function([symbolic_index],
        for numeric_index in xrange(len(dataset))

James comments: this is how I have written the last couple of projects, it's
slightly verbose but it's clear and efficient.

<Razvan comments>: I assume that ``do_something_with`` is suppose to be some
numeric function, and dataset in this case is the result of some
computations on a initial dataset.
I would differentiate the two approaches (1) and (2) as :
 - first of all whatever you can do with (1) you can do with (2)
 - approach (1) hides the fact that you are working with symbolic graphs.
   You apply functions to datasets, and when you want to see values a
   function is compiled under the hood and those values are computed for
   you. In approach (2) the fact that you deal with a symbolic graph is
   explicit because you have to manually compile your functions.
 - approach (1) needs to use this function_storage trick shared between
   certain nodes of the graph to reduce the number of compilation while in
   approach (2) we don't need to deal with the complexity of lazy
 - approach (1) needs a replace function if you want to change the dataset.
   What you would do, is once you have a "computational graph" or pipeline
   or whatever you call it, say ``graph``, to change the input you would do
   graph.replace({ init_data_X: new_data_X}), In approach (2) the init_data_X
   and new_data_X is the ``dataset`` so you would compile two different
   functions. Well I would re-write (2) -- to make the above more clear --
   as : 

   .. code-block:: python

        symbolic_index = theano.tensor.iscalar()
        get_sample1 = theano.function( [symbolic_index],
                        graph( dataset[symbolic_index] ).variable)
        for numeric_index in xrange(len(dataset)):

        get_sample2 = theano.function( [symbolic_index],
                        graph( new_dataset[symbolic_index] ).variable)
                        ## Note: the dataset was replaced with new_dataset
        for numeric_index in xrange(len(new_dataset)):

        ######### FOR (1) you write: 

        for datapoint in graph:
            do_something_with( datapoint() )

        new_graph = graph.replace({dataset:dataset2})

        for datapoint in new_graph:
 - in approach (1) the initial dataset object (the one that loads the data)
   decides if you will use shared variables and indices to deal with the
   dataset or if you will use ``theano.tensor.matrix`` and not the user( at
   least not without hacking the code). Of course whoever writes that class
   can add a flag to it to switch between behaviours that make sense.
   In approach (2) one is not forced to do this
   inside that class by construction, though by convention I would do it. 
   So if you consider the one who writes that class as a developer than 
   in (2) the user can decide/deal with this and not the developer.
   Though this is a fine-line -- I would say the user would actually 
   write that class as well using some template. 
   That is to say (2) looks and feels more like working with Theano 

Bottom line, I think (1) puts more stress on the development of the library,
and hides Theano and some of the complexity for day to day usage.
In (2) everything is a bit more explicit, leaving the impression that you
have more control over the code, though I strongly feel that whatever can
be done in (2) can be done in (1). Traditionally I was more inclined
towards (1) but now I'm not that sure, I think both are equally interesting
and valid options.
</Razvan comments>

Note that although the above example focused on how to iterate over a dataset,
it can be cast into a more generic problem, where some data (either dataset or
sample) is the result of some transformation applied to other data, which is
parameterized by parameters p1, p2, ..., pN (in the above example, we were
considering a sample that was obtained by taking the p1-th element in a
dataset). If we use different values for a subset Q of the parameters but keep
other parameters fixed, we would probably want to compile a single function
that takes as input all parameters in Q, while other parameters are fixed.
Ideally it would be nice to let the user take control on what is being
compiled, while leaving the option of using a default sensible behavior for
those who do not want to worry about it. How to achieve this is still to be

Razvan Comment: I thought about this a bit at the Pylearn level. In my
original train of thought you would have the distinction between ``hand
picked parameters`` which I would call hyper-parameter and learned
parameters. A transformation in this framework (an op if you wish) could
take as inputs DataSet(s),  DataField(s), Parameter(s) (which are the things
that the learner should adapt) and HyperParameter(s). All hyper-parameters
will turn into arguments of the compiled function (like the indices of each
of the dataset objects ) and therefore they can be changed without
re-compilation. Or in other words this can be easily done by having new
types of Variables that would represent Parameters and Hyper-parameters.
And as an ending note I would say  that there are
hyper-parameters for which you need to recompile the thenao function and 
can not be just parameters ( so we would have yet another category ?).

Another syntactic option for iterating over datasets is

    .. code-block:: python

        for sample in dataset.numeric_iterator(batchsize=10):

The numeric_iterator would create a symbolic batch index, and compile a single function
that extracts the corresponding minibatch.  The arguments to the
numeric_iterator function can also specify what compile mode to use, any givens
you might want to apply, etc.

What About Learners?

The discussion above only mentioned datasets, but not learners. The learning
part of a learner is not a main concern (currently). What matters most w.r.t.
what was discussed above is how a learner takes as input a dataset and outputs
another dataset that can be used with the dataset API.

James asks:
What's wrong with simply passing the variables corresponding to the dataset to
the constructor of the learner?
That seems much more flexible, compact, and clear than the decorator.

A Learner may be able to compute various things. For instance, a Neural
Network may output a ``prediction`` vector (whose elements correspond to
estimated probabilities of each class in a classification task), as well as a
``cost`` vector (whose elements correspond to the penalized NLL, the NLL alone
and the classification error). We would want to be able to build a dataset
that contains some of these quantities computed on each sample in the input

The Neural Network code would then look something like this:

    .. code-block:: python

        class NeuralNetwork(Learner):

            def compute_prediction(self, sample):
                return softmax(, sample.input))

            def compute_nll(self, sample):
                return - log(self.compute_prediction(sample)[])

            def compute_penalized_nll(self, sample):
                return (self.compute_nll(self, sample) +

            def compute_class_error(self, sample):
                probabilities = self.compute_prediction(sample)
                predicted_class = theano.tensor.argmax(probabilities)
                return predicted_class !=

            def compute_cost(self, sample):
                return theano.tensor.concatenate([
The ``@datalearn`` decorator would be responsible for allowing such a Learner
to be used e.g. like this:

    .. code-block:: python

        nnet = NeuralNetwork()
        predict_dataset = nnet.compute_prediction(dataset)
        for sample in dataset:
            predict_sample = nnet.compute_prediction(sample)
        predict_numeric = nnet.compute_prediction({'input': numpy.zeros(10)})
        multiple_fields_dataset = ConcatDataSet([
In the code above, if one wants to obtain the numeric value of an element of
``multiple_fields_dataset``, the Theano function being compiled would be able
to optimize computations so that the simultaneous computation of
``prediction`` and ``cost`` is done efficiently.

Razvan asks: What is predict_sample for ? What is predict_dataset? What I
guess you mean is that the decorator is used to convert a function that
takes a theano variable and outputs a theano variable into a class/function
that takes a DataField/DataSet and outputs a DataField/DataSet. It could 
also register all those different functions, so that the Dataset that 
you get out of (not one of the function) the entire Learner (this Dataset
is returned by __call__) would contain all those as fields. 
I would use it like this:

.. code-block:: python

    nnet = NeuralNetwork()
    results = nnet(dataset)
    for datapoint in results:
        print datapoint.prediction, datapoint.nll, ...

Is this close to what you are suggesting?