view doc/v2_planning/API_coding_style.txt @ 1501:55534951dd91

Clean up import and remove deprecation warning.
author Frederic Bastien <>
date Fri, 09 Sep 2011 10:53:46 -0400
parents 3d4615ee96a4
children 2b3cff882382
line wrap: on
line source

 Coding Style Guidelines

Main Goals

    * Code should be compatible with Python 2.4 and above (using 2to3 for
      conversion to Python 3.x). This may not be possible in the short term
      for Theano-dependent code.

    * Code should be easy to read, understand and update by developers and

    * Code should be well-documented and well-tested.

Python Coding Guidelines

Official Guidelines

Source Material

The four main documents describing our Python coding guidelines are:
    * `PEP 8 -- Style Guide for Python Code
    * `Google Python Style Guide
    * `PEP 257 -- Docstring Conventions
    * `Numpy Docstring Standard

However, there are a few points mentioned in those documents that we decided
to do differently:

    * Use only one space (not two) after a sentence-ending period in comments.

      .. code-block:: python

        # Good.
        # This is the first sentence. It is followed by a single blank space.
        # Bad.
        # This is the first sentence.  It is followed by two blank spaces.

    * You do not need to add an extra blank line before the closing quotes of
      a multi-line docstring. Also, we ask that the first line of a multi-line
      docstring should contain only the opening quotes.

      .. code-block:: python

        # Good.
        This is a multi-line docstring.

        Which means it has more than one line.

        # Bad.
        """This is a multi-line docstring.

        Which means it has more than one line.


    * Standard library imports can (and should) be on the same line, to avoid
      wasting space on straighforward imports:

      .. code-block:: python

        # Good.
        import os, sys, time
        # Good when it does not fit on a single line.
        import std_lib_module_1, std_lib_module_2, std_lib_module_3
        import std_lib_module_4, std_lib_module_5, std_lib_module_6
        # Bad.
        import os
        import sys
        import time

    * Importing class / functions from a module is allowed when these are
      used multiple times, and no ambiguity is possible.

      .. code-block:: python

        # Good when Bar and Blah are used many times.
        from foo import Bar, Blah
        do_something_with(Bar(), Blah(), Bar(), Blah(), Bar(), Blah())
        # Good in most situations.
        import foo
        do_something_with(foo.Bar(), foo.Blah())
        # Bad.
        from foo import *
        from numpy import any   # Potential ambiguity with __builtin__.any


We emphasize here a few important topics that are found in the official

    * Only use ASCII characters in code files.

    * Code indent must be done with four blank characters (no tabs).

    * Limit lines to 79 characters.

    * No trailing spaces.

    * Naming conventions: ``ClassName``, ``TOP_LEVEL_CONSTANT``,

    * Comments should start with a capital letter (unless the first word is a
      code identifier) and end with a period (short inline comments may skip
      the period at the end).

    * Imports should be listed in alphabetical order. It makes it easier to
      verify that something is imported, and avoids duplicated imports.

    * Use absolute imports only. This is compatible across a wider range of
      Python versions, and avoids confusion about what is being

    * Avoid renaming imported modules. This makes code more difficult to
      re-use, and is not grep-friendly.

      .. code-block:: python

        # Good.
        from theano import tensor
        # Bad.
        from theano import tensor as T

    * Avoid using lists if all you care about is iterating on something. Using

         - uses more memory (and possibly more CPU if the code may break out of
           the iteration),
         - can lead to ugly code when converted to Python 3 with 2to3,
         - can have a different behavior if evaluating elements in the list has
           side effects (if you want these side effects, make it explicit by
           assigning the list to some variable before iterating on it).

      | Iterative version      |    List version        |
      | .. code-block:: python | .. code-block:: python |
      |                        |                        |
      |   my_dict.iterkeys     |   my_dict.keys         |
      |   my_dict.itervalues   |   my_dict.values       |
      |   my_dict.iteritems    |   my_dict.items        |
      | .. code-block:: python | .. code-block:: python |
      |                        |                        |
      |   itertools.ifilter    |   filter               |
      |   itertools.imap       |   map                  |
      |   itertools.izip       |   zip                  |
      | .. code-block:: python | .. code-block:: python |
      |                        |                        |
      |   xrange               |   range                |

      Code example with ``map``:

      .. code-block:: python

        # Good.
        for f_x in imap(f, x):
        all_f_x = map(f, x)
        map(f, x)   # f has some side effect.
        # Bad.
        for element in map(f, x):
        imap(f, x)

    * Generally prefer list comprehensions to ``map`` / ``filter``, as the former are
      easier to read.

      .. code-block:: python

        # Good.
        non_comments = [line.strip() for line in my_file.readlines()
                                     if not line.startswith('#')]
        # Bad.
        non_comments = map(str.strip,
                           ifilter(lambda line: not line.startswith('#'),
    * Use ``in`` on container objects instead of using class-specific methods:
      it is easier to read and may allow you to re-use your code with different
      container types.

      .. code-block:: python

        # Good.
        has_key = key in my_dict
        has_substring = substring in my_string
        # Bad.
        has_key = my_dict.has_key(key)
        has_substring = my_string.find(substring) >= 0

    * Do not use mutable arguments as default values. Instead, use a helper
      function (conditional expressions are forbidden at this point, see

      .. code-block:: python

        # Good.
        def f(array=None):
            array = pylearn.if_none(array, [])
        # Bad.
        def f(array=[]): # Dangerous if `array` is modified down the road.

    * All top-level classes should inherit from ``object``. It makes some
      'under-the-hood' differences that can be very useful for Python black
      magic adepts.

      .. code-block:: python

        # Good.
        class MyClass(object):
        # Bad.
        class MyClass:

    * Always raise an exception with ``raise MyException(args)`` where ``MyException``
      inherits from ``Exception``. This is required for compatibility across
      all versions of Python.

      .. code-block:: python

        # Good.
        raise NotImplementedError('The Pylearn team is too lazy.')
        # Bad.
        raise NotImplementedError, 'The Pylearn team is too lazy.'
        raise 'The Pylearn team is too lazy to implement this.'

    * Use a leading underscore '_' in names of internal attributes / methods,
      but avoid the double underscore '__' unless you know what you are

Additional Recommendations

Things you should do even if they are not listed in official guidelines:

    * All Python code files should start like this:

      .. code-block:: python

        """Module docstring as the first line, as usual."""

        __authors__   = "Olivier Delalleau, Frederic Bastien, David Warde-Farley"
        __copyright__ = "(c) 2010, Universite de Montreal"
        __license__   = "3-clause BSD License"
        __contact__   = "Name Of Current Guardian of this file <email@address>"

    * Use ``//`` for integer division and ``/ float(...)`` if you want the
      floating point operation (for readability and compatibility across all
      versions of Python).

      .. code-block:: python

        # Good.
        n_samples_per_split = n_samples // n_splits
        mean_x = sum(x) / float(len(x))
        # Bad.
        n_samples_per_split = n_samples / n_splits
        mean_x = sum(x) / len(x)

    * If you really have to catch all exceptions, in general you should use
      ``except Exception:`` rather than ``except:``, as the latter also catches
      interrupts like when hitting Ctrl-C.

      .. code-block:: python

        # Good (assuming you *must* be catching all exceptions).
        except Exception:
        # Bad.

    * Use either ``try ... except`` or ``try ... finally``, but do not mix
      ``except`` with ``finally`` (which is not supported in Python 2.4).
      You can however embed one into the other to mimic the ``try ... except ...
      finally`` behavior.

      .. code-block:: python
        # Good.
            except SomeError:
        # Bad.
        except SomeError:

    * No conditional expression (not supported in Python 2.4). These are
      expressions of the form ``x = y if condition else z``.

    * Do not use the ``all`` and ``any`` builtin functions (they are not supported
      in Python 2.4). Instead, import them from ``theano.gof.python25`` (or
      use ``numpy.all`` / ``numpy.any`` for array data).

    * Do not use the ``hashlib`` module (not supported in Python 2.4). We will
      probably provide a wrapper around it to be compatible with all Python

    * Use ``numpy.inf`` and ``numpy.nan`` rather than
      ``float('inf')`` / ``float('nan')`` (should be slightly more efficient even
      if efficiency is typically not an issue here, the main goal being code
      consistency). Also, always use ``numpy.isinf`` / ``numpy.isnan`` to
      test infinite / NaN values. This is important because ``numpy.nan !=

    * Whenever possible, mimic the numpy / scipy interfaces when writing code
      similar to what can be found in these packages.

    * Avoid backslashes whenever possible. They make it more
      difficult to edit code, and they are ugly (as well as potentially
      dangerous if there are trailing white spaces).

      .. code-block:: python

        # Good.
        if (cond_1 and
            cond_2 and

            # Note that we added a blank line above to avoid confusion between
            # conditions and the rest of the code (this would not have been
            # needed if they were at significantly different indentation levels).
        # Bad.
        if cond_1 and \
           cond_2 and \


    * When indenting multi-line statements like lists or function arguments,
      keep elements of the same level aligned with each other.
      The position of the first
      element (on the same line or a new line) should be chosen depending on
      what is easiest to read (sometimes both can be ok).
      Other formattings may be ok depending on the specific situation, use
      common sense and pick whichever looks best.

      .. code-block:: python

        # Good.
        for my_very_long_variable_name in [my_foo, my_bar, my_love,
        for my_very_long_variable_name in [
                my_foo, my_bar, my_love, my_everything]:
        # Good iff the list needs to be frequently updated or is easier to
        # understand when each element is on its own line.
        for my_very_long_variable_name in [
        # Good as long as it does not require more than two lines.
        for my_very_long_variable_name in [my_foo,
        # Bad.
        for my_very_long_variable_name in [my_foo, my_bar, my_love,
        for my_very_long_variable_name in [my_foo,

    * Use the ``key`` argument instead of ``cmp`` when sorting (for Python 3

      .. code-block:: python

        # Good.
        # Bad.
        my_list.sort(cmp=lambda x, y: cmp(abs(x), abs(y)))

    * Whenever you read / write binary files, specify it in the mode ('rb' for
      reading, 'wb' for writing). This is important for cross-platform and
      Python 3 compatibility (e.g. when pickling / unpickling objects).

      .. code-block:: python

        # Good.
        cPickle.dump(obj, open('my_obj.pkl', 'wb', protocol=-1))
        # Bad.
        cPickle.dump(obj, open('my_obj.pkl', 'w', protocol=-1))

    * Avoid tuple parameter unpacking as it can lead to very ugly code when
      converting to Python 3.

      .. code-block:: python

        # Good.
        def f(x, y_z):
            y, z = y_z
        # Bad.
        def f(x, (y, z)):

    * Only use ``cPickle``, not ``pickle`` (except for debugging purpose since
      error messages from ``pickle`` are sometimes easier to understand).

    * A script's only top-level code should be something like:

      .. code-block:: python

        if __name__ == '__main__':

The ``logging`` Module vs. the ``warning`` Module

The ``logging`` Module

A central logging facility for Python capable of logging messages of various
categories/urgency and choosing with some granularity which messages are
displayed/suppressed, as well as where they are displayed or written. This
includes an ``INFO`` level for innocuous status information, a ``WARNING`` level
for unexpected state that is still recoverable, ``DEBUG`` for detailed
information which is only really of interest when things are going wrong, etc.

In addition to the `library documentation`_, see this helpful tutorial,
`Python Logging 101`_.

.. _library documentation:
.. _Python Logging 101:

The ``warning`` Module

The ``warning`` module in the standard library and its main interface, the
``warn()`` function, allows the programmer to issue warnings in situations where
they wish to alert the user to some condition, but the situation is not
urgent enough to throw an exception. By default, a warning issued at a given
line of the code will only be displayed the first time that line is executed.
By default, warnings are written to ``sys.stderr`` but the ``warning`` module
contains flexible facilities for altering the defaults, redirecting, etc.

Which? When?

It is our feeling that the ``logging`` module's ``WARNING`` level be used to log
warnings more meant for *internal*, *developer* consumption, to log situations
where something unexpected happened that may be indicative of a problem but
is several layers of abstraction below what a user of the library would
care about.

By contrast, the warning module should be used for warnings intended for user
consumption, e.g. alerting them that their version of Pylearn is older than
this plugin requires, so things may not work as expected, or that a given
function/class/method is slated for deprecation in a coming release (early
in the library's lifetime, ``DeprecationWarning`` will likely be the most common
case). The warning message issued through this facility should avoid
referring to Pylearn internals.

Code Sample

The following code sample illustrates some of the coding guidelines one should
follow in Pylearn. This is still a work-in-progress. Feel free to improve it and
add more!

.. code-block:: python

    #! /usr/env/bin python

    """Sample code. Edit it as you like!"""

    __authors__   = "Olivier Delalleau"
    __copyright__ = "(c) 2010, Universite de Montreal"
    __license__   = "3-clause BSD License"
    __contact__   = "Olivier Delalleau <delallea@iro>"

    # Standard library imports are on a single line.
    import os, sys, time

    # Third-party imports come after standard library imports, and there is
    # only one import per line. Imports are sorted lexicographically.
    import numpy
    import scipy
    import theano
    # Individual 'from' imports come after packages.
    from numpy import argmax
    from theano import tensor
    # Application-specific imports come last.
    # The absolute path should always be used.
    from pylearn import datasets, learner
    from pylearn.formulas import noise

    # All exceptions inherit from Exception.
    class PylearnError(Exception):
        # TODO Write doc.

    # All top-level classes inherit from object.
    class StorageExample(object):
        # TODO Write doc.

    # Two blank lines between definitions of top-level classes and functions.
    class AwesomeLearner(learner.Learner):
        # TODO Write doc.

        def __init__(self, print_fields=None):
            # TODO Write doc.
            # print_fields is a list of strings whose counts found in the
            # training set should be printed at the end of training. If None,
            # then nothing is printed.
            # Do not forget to call the parent class constructor.
            super(AwesomeLearner, self).__init__()
            # Use None instead of an empty list as default argument to
            # print_fields to avoid issues with mutable default arguments.
            self.print_fields = if_none(print_fields, [])
        # One blank line between method definitions.
        def add_field(self, field):
            # TODO Write doc.
            # Test if something belongs to a container with `in`, not
            # container-specific methods like `index`.
            if field in self.print_fields:
                # TODO Print a warning and do nothing.
                # This is why using [] as default to print_fields in the
                # constructor would have been a bad idea.

        def train(self, dataset):
            # TODO Write doc (store the mean of each field in the training
            # set).
            self.mean_fields = {}
            count = {}
            for sample_dict in dataset:
                # Whenever it is enough for what you need, use iterative
                # instead of list versions of dictionary methods.
                for field, value in sample_dict.iteritems():
                    # Keep line length to max 80 characters, using parentheses
                    # instead of \ to continue long lines.
                    self.mean_fields[field] = (self.mean_fields.get(field, 0) +
                    count[field] = count.get(field, 0) + 1
            for field in self.mean_fields:
                self.mean_fields[field] /= float(count[field])
            for field in self.print_fields:
                # Test is done with `in`, not `has_key`.
                if field in self.sum_fields:
                    # TODO Use log module instead.
                    print '%s: %s' % (field, self.sum_fields[field])
                    # TODO Print warning.
        def test_error(self, dataset):
            # TODO Write doc.
            if not hasattr(self, 'sum_fields'):
                # Exceptions should be raised as follows (in particular, no
                # string exceptions!).
                raise PylearnError('Cannot test a learner that was not '
            error = 0
            count = 0
            for sample_dict in dataset:
                for field, value in sample_dict.iteritems():
                        # Minimize code into a try statement.
                        mean = self.mean_fields[field]
                    # Always specicy which kind of exception you are
                    # intercepting with except.
                    except KeyError:
                        raise PylearnError(
                            "Found in a test sample a field ('%s') that had "
                            "never been seen in the training set." % field)
                    error += (value - self.mean_fields[field])**2
                    count += 1
            # Remember to divide by a floating point number unless you
            # explicitly want an integer division (in which case you should
            # use //).
            mse = error / float(count)
            # TODO Use log module instead.
            print 'MSE: %s' % mse
            return mse

    def if_none(val_if_not_none, val_if_none):
        # TODO Write doc.
        if val_if_not_none is not None:
            return val_if_not_none
            return val_if_none

    def print_subdirs_in(directory):
        # TODO Write doc.
        # Using list comprehension rather than filter.
        sub_dirs = sorted([d for d in os.listdir(directory)
                             if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(directory, d))])
        print '%s: %s' % (directory, ' '.join(sub_dirs))
        # A `for` loop is often easier to read than a call to `map`.
        for d in sub_dirs:
            print_subdirs_in(os.path.join(directory, d))

    def main():
        if len(sys.argv) != 2:
            # Note: conventions on how to display script documentation and
            # parse arguments are still to-be-determined. This is just one
            # way to do it.
    Usage: %s <directory>
    For the given directory and all sub-directories found inside it, print
    the list of the directories they contain."""
                  % os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]))
            return 1
        return 0

    # Top-level executable code should be minimal.
    if __name__ == '__main__':

Automatic Code Verification

Tools will be available to make it easier to automatically ensure that code
committed to Pylearn complies to above specifications. This work is not
finalized yet, but David started a `Wiki page`_ with helpful configuration
tips for Vim.

.. _Wiki page:

Commit message

    * A one line summary. Try to keep it short, and provide the information
      that seems most useful to other developers: in particular the goal of
      a change is more useful than its description (which is always
      available through the changeset patch log). E.g. say "Improved stability
      of cost computation" rather than "Replaced log(exp(a) + exp(b)) by
      a * log(1 + exp(b -a)) in cost computation".
    * If needed a blank line followed by a more detailed summary
    * Make a commit for each logical modification
        * This makes reviews easier to do
        * This makes debugging easier as we can more easily pinpoint errors in 
	  commits with hg bisect
    * NEVER commit reformatting with functionality changes
    * Review your change before commiting
        * "hg diff <files>..." to see the diff you have done
        * "hg record" allows you to select which changes to a file should be
          committed. To enable it, put into the file ~/.hgrc:

          .. code-block:: bash


        * hg record / diff force you to review your code, never commit without
          running one of these two commands first
    * Write detailed commit messages in the past tense, not present tense.
        * Good: "Fixed Unicode bug in RSS API."
        * Bad: "Fixes Unicode bug in RSS API."
        * Bad: "Fixing Unicode bug in RSS API."
    * Separate bug fixes from feature changes.
    * When fixing a ticket, start the message with "Fixed #abc"
        * Can make a system to change the ticket?
    * When referencing a ticket, start the message with "Refs #abc"
        * Can make a system to put a comment to the ticket?


Things still missing from this document, being discussed in coding_style.txt:
    - Proper style for C code
    - Enforcing 100% test coverage of the code base
    - Providing ways to add type checking for function arguments
    - Conventions for script usage documentation and argument parsing
    - Conventions for class / method / function documentation
    - Guidelines for serialization-friendly code (hint: nested and lambda
      functions, as well as instance methods, cannot be serialized, and
      apparently there are some issues with decorators -- to be investigated).