view doc/v2_planning/coding_style.txt @ 1067:4f287324a5ad

author Olivier Delalleau <delallea@iro>
date Fri, 10 Sep 2010 10:00:49 -0400
parents e1aca94f28d8 074901ccf7b6
children 79eb0016f333
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Discussion of Coding-Style

- Dumitru
- Fred
- David
- Olivier D [leader]

Existing Python coding style specifications and guidelines


We will probably want to take PEP-8 as starting point, and read what other
people think about it / how other coding guidelines differ from it.

Dumi: we should also try to find tools that automate these
processes: pylint, pyflakes, pychecker, pythontidy

OD: Things about PEP 8 I don't like (but it may be just me):

   * If necessary, you can add an extra pair of parentheses around an
     expression, but sometimes using a backslash looks better.
    --> I rarely find that backslash looks better. In most situations you can
        get rid of them. Typically I prefer:
            if (cond_1 and
                cond_2 and
            if cond_1 and \
               cond_2 and \

   * You should use two spaces after a sentence-ending period.
    --> Looks weird to me.
    (DWF: This is an old convention from the typewriter era. It has more
    or less been wiped out by HTML's convention of ignoring extra 
    whitespace: see for
    more detail. I think it's okay to drop this convention in source code.)

   * Imports should usually be on separate lines
    --> Can be a lot of lines wasted for no obvious benefit. I think this is
        mostly useful when you import different modules from different places,
        but I would say that for instance for standard modules it would be
        better to import them all on a single line (doing multiple lines only
        if there are too many of them), e.g. prefer:
            import os, sys, time
            import os
            import sys
            import time
        However, I agree about separating imports between standard lib / 3rd
        party, e.g. prefer:
            import os, sys, time
            import numpy, scipy
            import numpy, os, scipy, sys, time
        (Personal note: preferably order imports by alphabetical order, makes
         it easier to quickly see if a specific module is already imported,
         and avoids duplicated imports)

    * Missing in PEP 8:
        - How to indent multi-line statements? E.g. do we want
            x = my_func(a, b, c,
                d, e, f)
            x = my_func(a, b, c,
                        d, e, f)
            x = my_func(
                a, b, c, d, e, f)
          --> Probably depends on the specific situation, but we could have a
            few typical examples (and the same happens with multi-lines lists)

    * From PEP 257: The BDFL [3] recommends inserting a blank line between the
      last paragraph in a multi-line docstring and its closing quotes, placing
      the closing quotes on a line by themselves. This way, Emacs'
      fill-paragraph command can be used on it.
     --> I have nothing against Emacs, but this is ugly!


How do we write doc?

Compatibility with various Python versions

    * Which Python 2.x version do we want to support?

    * Is it reasonable to have coding guidelines that would make the code as
compatible as possible with Python 3?

C coding style

We also need a c-style coding style.

Meeting 2010/09/09

   * Coding guidelines
PEP 8 & Google should be a good basis to start with.
Task: Highlight the most important points in them (OD).

   * Documentation
Use RST with Sphinx.
Task: Provide specific examples on how to document a class, method, and some
specific classes like Op (DE).

   * Python versions to be supported
Support 2.4 (because some of the clusters are still running 2.4) and write
code that can be converted to 3.x with 2to3 in a straightforward way.
Task: Write to-do's and to-not-do's to avoid compatibility issues. (OD)
(DWF: Pauli Virtanen and others have put together extensive
documentation in the process of porting NumPy to Py3K, see his notes at -- this is
the most complete resource for complicated combinations of Python and C).

   * C coding style
How to write C code (in particular for Numpy / Cuda), and how to mix C and
Task: See if there would be a sensible C code style to follow (maybe look how
Numpy does it), and how projects that mix C and Python deal with it (e.g. use
separate files, or be able to have mixed syntax highlighting?) (FB)

   * Program output
Use the warning and logging modules. Avoid print as much as possible.
Task: Look into these modules to define general guidelines e.g. to decide when
to use warning instead of logging. (DWF)

   * Automatized code verification
Use pychecker & friends to make sure everything is fine.
Task: Look into the various options available (DE)

   * Tests
Force people to write tests. Automatic email reminder of code lines not
covered by tests (see if we can get this from nosetests). Decorator to mark
some classes / methods as not being tested yet, so as to be able to
automatically warn the user when he is using untested stuff (and to remind
ourselves we should add a test).
Task: See feasibility. (OD)

   * VIM / Emacs plugins / config files
To enforce good coding style automatically.
Task: Look for existing options. (FB)
(DWF: I have put some time into this for vim, I will send around my files)

Suggestion by PV

Have a sample code that showcases everything one should comply to.

Some coding guidlines (work-in-progress from OD)

   * Avoid using lists if all you care about is iterating on something. Using
        - uses more memory (and possibly more CPU if the code may break out of
          the iteration)
        - can lead to ugly code when converted to Python 3 with 2to3
        - can have a different behavior if evaluating elements in the list has
          side effects (if you want these side effects, make it explicit by
          assigning the list to some variable before iterating on it)
    Iterative version       List version
    my_dict.iterkeys()      my_dict.keys()
    my_dict.itervalues()    my_dict.values()
    my_dict.iteritems()     my_dict.items()
    itertools.imap          map
    itertools.ifilter       filter
    itertools.izip          zip
    xrange                  range
    * Use `in` on container objects instead of using class-specific methods.
      It is easier to read and may allow you to use your code with different
      container types.

    Yes                         No
    ---                         --
    key in my_dict              my_dict.has_key(key)
    sub_string in my_string     my_string.find(sub_string) >= 0