view pylearn/formulas/ @ 1489:35a3a4e2d999

added formulas/ with inverse_max_pooling(...)
author Emmanuel Bengio <>
date Wed, 27 Jul 2011 10:37:41 -0400
parents f9066ff6e198
line wrap: on
line source


TODO: make sur stabilization optimization are done.
TODO: make test
TODO: check that this work for nd tensor.

#Common training criteria.
import theano
import theano.tensor as T

from tags import tags

__authors__   = "Frederic Bastien, Nicolas Boulanger-Lewandowski, .."
__copyright__ = "(c) 2010, Universite de Montreal"
__license__   = "3-clause BSD License"
__contact__   = "theano-user <>"

def binary_crossentropy(output, target):
    """ Compute the crossentropy of binary output wrt binary target.

    .. math::
                L_{CE} \equiv t\log(o) + (1-t)\log(1-o)

    :type output: Theano variable
    :param output: Binary output or prediction :math:`\in[0,1]`
    :type target: Theano variable
    :param target: Binary target usually :math:`\in\{0,1\}`

    :note: no stabilization optimization needed for a generic output variable
    return -(target * T.log(output) + (1.0 - target) * T.log(1.0 - output))

@tags('cost','binary','cross-entropy', 'sigmoid')
def sigmoid_crossentropy(output, target):
    """ crossentropy of a sigmoid activation

    .. math::
                L_{CE} \equiv t\log(\sigma(a)) + (1-t)\log(1-\sigma(a))

    :type output: Theano variable
    :param output: Output before activation
    :type target: Theano variable
    :param target: Target

    :note: no stabilization done. 
    return target * (- T.log(1.0 + T.exp(-output))) + (1.0 - target) * (- T.log(1.0 + T.exp(output)))

@tags('cost','binary','cross-entropy', 'tanh')
def tanh_crossentropy(output, target):
    """ crossentropy of a tanh activation

    .. math::
                L_{CE} \equiv t\log(\\frac{1+\\tanh(a)}2) + (1-t)\log(\\frac{1-\\tanh(a)}2)

    :type output: Theano variable
    :param output: Output before activation
    :type target: Theano variable
    :param target: Target

    :note: no stabilization done. 
    return sigmoid_crossentropy(2.0*output, target)

@tags('cost','binary','cross-entropy', 'tanh', 'abs')
def abstanh_crossentropy(output, target):
    """ crossentropy of a absolute value tanh activation

    .. math::
                L_{CE} \equiv t\log(\\frac{1+\\tanh(|a|)}2) + (1-t)\log(\\frac{1-\\tanh(|a|)}2)

    :type output: Theano variable
    :param output: Output before activation
    :type target: Theano variable
    :param target: Target

    :note: no stabilization done. 
    return tanh_crossentropy(T.abs_(output), target)

@tags('cost','binary','cross-entropy', 'tanh', 'normalized')
def normtanh_crossentropy(output, target):
    """ crossentropy of a "normalized" tanh activation (LeCun)

    .. math::
                L_{CE} \equiv t\log(\\frac{1+\\tanh(0.6666a)}2) + (1-t)\log(\\frac{1-\\tanh(0.6666a)}2)

    :type output: Theano variable
    :param output: Output before activation
    :type target: Theano variable
    :param target: Target

    :note: no stabilization done. 
    return tanh_crossentropy(0.6666*output, target)

@tags('cost','binary','cross-entropy', 'tanh', 'normalized', 'abs')
def absnormtanh_cross_entropy(output, target):
    """ crossentropy of a "absolute normalized" tanh activation

    .. math::
                L_{CE} \equiv t\log(\\frac{1+\\tanh(0.6666*|a|)}2) + (1-t)\log(\\frac{1-\\tanh(0.6666*|a|)}2)

    :type output: Theano variable
    :param output: Output before activation
    :type target: Theano variable
    :param target: Target

    :note: no stabilization done. 
    return normtanh_crossentropy(T.abs_(output), target)

def cross_entropy(output_act, output, target, act=None):
    """ Execute the cross entropy with a sum on the last dimension and a mean on the first dimension.

    If act is in 'sigmoid', 'tanh', 'tanhnorm', 'abstanh', 'abstanhnorm' we 
    call the specialized version.
    .. math::

    :type output_act: Theano variable
    :param output_act: Output after activation
    :type output: Theano variable
    :param output: Output before activation
    :type target:Theano variable
    :param target: Target
    :type act: str or None
    :param act: The type of activation used
    if act in ['sigmoid','tanh','tanhnorm','abstanh','abstanhnorm']:
        if act == 'sigmoid':
            return sigmoid_crossentropy(output, target)
        if act == 'tanh':
            return tanh_crossentropy(output, target)
        if act == 'tanhnorm':
            return normtanh_crossentropy(output, target)
        if act == 'abstanh':
            return abstanh_crossentropy(output, target)
        if act == 'abstanhnorm':
            return absnormtanh_cross_entropy(output, target)
    elif act is None:
        XE = target * T.log(output_act) + (1 - target) * T.log(1 - output_act)
        return -T.mean(T.sum(XE, axis=-1),axis=0)
        raise Exception("cross_entropy() Expected parameter act to be in ['sigmoid','tanh','tanhnorm','abstanh','abstanhnorm', None]")

def quadratic_cost(output, target):
    """ The quadratic cost of output again target with a sum on the last dimension and a mean on the first dimension.
    .. math::

    :type output: Theano variable
    :param output: The value that we want to compare again target
    :type target:Theano variable
    :param target: The value that we consider correct
    return T.mean(T.sum(T.sqr(output - target), axis=-1),axis=0)

# This file seems like it has some overlap with theano.tensor.nnet.  Which functions should go
# in which file?

from theano import gof
from theano.tensor import Apply
from theano import tensor
import numpy as np

class MultiHingeMargin(gof.Op):
    This is a hinge loss function for multiclass predictions.

    For each vector X[i] and label index yidx[i],
    output z[i] = 1 - margin

    where margin is the difference between X[i, yidx[i]] and the maximum other element of X[i].
    default_output = 0
    def __eq__(self, other):
        return type(self) == type(other)
    def __hash__(self):
        return tensor.hashtype(self)
    def __str__(self):
        return self.__class__.__name__
    def make_node(self, X, yidx):
        X_ = tensor.as_tensor_variable(X)
        yidx_ = tensor.as_tensor_variable(yidx)
        if X_.type.ndim != 2:
            raise TypeError('X must be matrix')
        if yidx.type.ndim != 1:
            raise TypeError('yidx must be vector')
        if 'int' not in str(yidx.type.dtype):
            raise TypeError("yidx must be integers, it's a vector of class labels")
        hinge_loss = tensor.vector(dtype=X.dtype)
        winners = X.type()
        return Apply(self, [X_, yidx_], [hinge_loss, winners])
    def perform(self, node, input_storage, out):
        X, yidx = input_storage
        toplabel = X.shape[1]-1
        out[0][0] = z = np.zeros_like(X[:,0])
        out[1][0] = w = np.zeros_like(X)
        for i,Xi in enumerate(X):
            yi = yidx[i]
            if yi == 0:
                next_best = Xi[1:].argmax()+1
            elif yi==toplabel:
                next_best = Xi[:toplabel].argmax()
                next_best0 = Xi[:yi].argmax()
                next_best1 = Xi[yi+1:].argmax()+yi+1
                next_best = next_best0 if Xi[next_best0]>Xi[next_best1] else next_best1
            margin = Xi[yi] - Xi[next_best]
            if margin < 1:
                z[i] = 1 - margin
                w[i,yi] = -1
                w[i,next_best] = 1
    def grad(self, inputs, g_outs):
        z = self(*inputs)
        w = z.owner.outputs[1]
        gz, gw = g_outs
        if gw is not None:
            raise NotImplementedError()
        gX = gz.dimshuffle(0,'x') * w
        return [gX, None]
    def c_code_cache_version(self):
        return (1,)
    def c_code(self, node, name, (X, y_idx), (z,w), sub):
        return '''
        if ((%(X)s->descr->type_num != PyArray_DOUBLE) && (%(X)s->descr->type_num != PyArray_FLOAT))
            PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "types should be float or float64");
        if ((%(y_idx)s->descr->type_num != PyArray_INT64)
            && (%(y_idx)s->descr->type_num != PyArray_INT32)
            && (%(y_idx)s->descr->type_num != PyArray_INT16)
            && (%(y_idx)s->descr->type_num != PyArray_INT8))
            PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "y_idx not int8, int16, int32, or int64");
        if ((%(X)s->nd != 2)
            || (%(y_idx)s->nd != 1))
            PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "rank error");
        if (%(X)s->dimensions[0] != %(y_idx)s->dimensions[0])
            PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "dy.shape[0] != sm.shape[0]");
        if ((NULL == %(z)s)
            || (%(z)s->dimensions[0] != %(X)s->dimensions[0]))
            %(z)s = (PyArrayObject*) PyArray_SimpleNew(1, PyArray_DIMS(%(X)s),
            if (!%(z)s)
                PyErr_SetString(PyExc_MemoryError, "failed to alloc dx output");
        if ((NULL == %(w)s)
            || (%(w)s->dimensions[0] != %(X)s->dimensions[0])
            || (%(w)s->dimensions[1] != %(X)s->dimensions[1]))
            %(w)s = (PyArrayObject*) PyArray_SimpleNew(2, PyArray_DIMS(%(X)s),
            if (!%(w)s)
                PyErr_SetString(PyExc_MemoryError, "failed to alloc dx output");

        for (size_t i = 0; i < %(X)s->dimensions[0]; ++i)
            const dtype_%(X)s* __restrict__ X_i = (dtype_%(X)s*) (%(X)s->data + %(X)s->strides[0] * i);
            npy_intp SX = %(X)s->strides[1]/sizeof(dtype_%(X)s);

            dtype_%(w)s* __restrict__ w_i = (dtype_%(w)s*) (%(w)s->data + %(w)s->strides[0] * i);
            npy_intp Sw = %(w)s->strides[1]/sizeof(dtype_%(w)s);

            const dtype_%(y_idx)s y_i = ((dtype_%(y_idx)s*)(%(y_idx)s->data + %(y_idx)s->strides[0] * i))[0];

            dtype_%(X)s X_i_max = X_i[0];
            dtype_%(X)s X_at_y_i = X_i[0];
            size_t X_i_argmax = 0;
            size_t j = 1;
            w_i[0] = 0;

            if (y_i == 0)
                X_i_max = X_i[SX];
                X_i_argmax = 1;
                w_i[Sw] = 0;
            for (; j < %(X)s->dimensions[1]; ++j)
                dtype_%(X)s  X_ij = X_i[j*SX];
                if (j == y_i)
                    X_at_y_i = X_ij;
                else if (X_ij > X_i_max)
                    X_i_max = X_ij;
                    X_i_argmax = j;
                w_i[j*Sw] = 0;
            if (0 < 1 - X_at_y_i + X_i_max)
                ((dtype_%(z)s*)(%(z)s->data + %(z)s->strides[0] * i))[0]
                    = 1 - X_at_y_i + X_i_max;
                w_i[y_i*Sw] = -1;
                w_i[X_i_argmax*Sw] = 1;
        ''' % dict(locals(), **sub)
multi_hinge_margin = MultiHingeMargin()