view doc/v2_planning/coding_style.txt @ 1065:2bbc464d6ed0

typo in doc
author James Bergstra <>
date Thu, 09 Sep 2010 17:50:50 -0400
parents 074901ccf7b6
children 4f287324a5ad
line wrap: on
line source

Discussion of Coding-Style

- Dumitru
- Fred
- David
- Olivier D [leader]

Existing Python coding style specifications and guidelines


We will probably want to take PEP-8 as starting point, and read what other
people think about it / how other coding guidelines differ from it.

Dumi: we should also try to find tools that automate these
processes: pylint, pyflakes, pychecker, pythontidy

OD: Things about PEP 8 I don't like (but it may be just me):

   * If necessary, you can add an extra pair of parentheses around an
     expression, but sometimes using a backslash looks better.
    --> I rarely find that backslash looks better. In most situations you can
        get rid of them. Typically I prefer:
            if (cond_1 and
                cond_2 and
            if cond_1 and \
               cond_2 and \

   * You should use two spaces after a sentence-ending period.
    --> Looks weird to me.
    (DWF: This is an old convention from the typewriter era. It has more
    or less been wiped out by HTML's convention of ignoring extra 
    whitespace: see for
    more detail. I think it's okay to drop this convention in source code.)

   * Imports should usually be on separate lines
    --> Can be a lot of lines wasted for no obvious benefit. I think this is
        mostly useful when you import different modules from different places,
        but I would say that for instance for standard modules it would be
        better to import them all on a single line (doing multiple lines only
        if there are too many of them), e.g. prefer:
            import os, sys, time
            import os
            import sys
            import time
        However, I agree about separating imports between standard lib / 3rd
        party, e.g. prefer:
            import os, sys, time
            import numpy, scipy
            import numpy, os, scipy, sys, time
        (Personal note: preferably order imports by alphabetical order, makes
         it easier to quickly see if a specific module is already imported,
         and avoids duplicated imports)

    * Missing in PEP 8:
        - How to indent multi-line statements? E.g. do we want
            x = my_func(a, b, c,
                d, e, f)
            x = my_func(a, b, c,
                        d, e, f)
            x = my_func(
                a, b, c, d, e, f)
          --> Probably depends on the specific situation, but we could have a
            few typical examples (and the same happens with multi-lines lists)

    * From PEP 257: The BDFL [3] recommends inserting a blank line between the
      last paragraph in a multi-line docstring and its closing quotes, placing
      the closing quotes on a line by themselves. This way, Emacs'
      fill-paragraph command can be used on it.
     --> I have nothing against Emacs, but this is ugly!


How do we write doc?

Compatibility with various Python versions

    * Which Python 2.x version do we want to support?

    * Is it reasonable to have coding guidelines that would make the code as
compatible as possible with Python 3?

C coding style

We also need a c-style coding style.

Meeting 2010/09/09

   * Coding guidelines
PEP 8 & Google should be a good basis to start with.
Task: Highlight the most important points in them (OD).

   * Documentation
Use RST with Sphinx.
Task: Provide specific examples on how to document a class, method, and some
specific classes like Op (DE).

   * Python versions to be supported
Support 2.4 (because some of the clusters are still running 2.4) and write
code that can be converted to 3.x with 2to3 in a straightforward way.
Task: Write to-do's and to-not-do's to avoid compatibility issues. (OD)
(DWF: Pauli Virtanen and others have put together extensive
documentation in the process of porting NumPy to Py3K, see his notes at -- this is
the most complete resource for complicated combinations of Python and C).

   * C coding style
How to write C code (in particular for Numpy / Cuda), and how to mix C and
Task: See if there would be a sensible C code style to follow (maybe look how
Numpy does it), and how projects that mix C and Python deal with it (e.g. use
separate files, or be able to have mixed syntax highlighting?) (FB)

   * Program output
Use the warning and logging modules. Avoid print as much as possible.
Task: Look into these modules to define general guidelines e.g. to decide when
to use warning instead of logging. (DWF)

   * Automatized code verification
Use pychecker & friends to make sure everything is fine.
Task: Look into the various options available (DE)

   * Tests
Force people to write tests. Automatic email reminder of code lines not
covered by tests (see if we can get this from nosetests). Decorator to mark
some classes / methods as not being tested yet, so as to be able to
automatically warn the user when he is using untested stuff (and to remind
ourselves we should add a test).
Task: See feasibility. (OD)

   * VIM / Emacs plugins / config files
To enforce good coding style automatically.
Task: Look for existing options. (FB)
(DWF: I have put some time into this for vim, I will send around my files)