view pylearn/algorithms/ @ 574:220044be9fd8

added test for a bug that James reported to me.
author Frederic Bastien <>
date Thu, 04 Dec 2008 10:56:44 -0500
parents 96221aa02fcb
children 1972bc9bea6d
line wrap: on
line source

import numpy as N
from theano import Op, Apply, tensor as T, Module, Member, Method, Mode, compile
from theano.gof import OpSub, TopoOptimizer

from minimizer import make_minimizer # minimizer
from theano.printing import Print
import sgd #until Olivier's module-import thing works better

# Library-type stuff

class TanhRnn(Op):
    This class implements the recurrent part of a recurrent neural network.

    There is not a neat way to include this in a more fine-grained way in Theano at the moment,
    so to get something working, I'm implementing a relatively complicated Op that could be 
    broken down later into constituents.

    Anyway, this Op implements recursive computation of the form:

    .. latex-eqn:
        z_t &= \tanh( z_{t-1} A + x_{t-1})

    For z0 a vector, and x a TxM matrix, it returns a matrix z of shape (T+1, M), 
    in which z[0] = z0.


    def make_node(self, x, z0, A):
        :type x:  matrix (each row is an x_t) (shape: (T, M))
        :type z0:  vector (the first row of output) (shape: M)
        :type A: matrix (M by M)

        x = T.as_tensor(x)
        z0 = T.as_tensor(z0)
        A = T.as_tensor(A)
        z = x.type() #make a new symbolic result with the same type as x
        return Apply(self, [x, z0, A], [z])

    def perform(self, node, (x,z0,A), out):
        T,M = x.shape
        z = N.zeros((T+1, M))
        z[0] = z0
        for i in xrange(T):
            z[i+1] = N.tanh([i], A) + x[i])
        out[0][0] = z

    def grad(self, (x, z0, A), (gz,)):
        z = tanh_rnn(x, z0, A)
        gz_incl_rnn, gx = tanh_rnn_grad(A, z, gz)
        return [gx, gz_incl_rnn[0], ([:-1].T, gx))]
tanh_rnn = TanhRnn()

class TanhRnnGrad(Op):
    """Gradient calculation for TanhRnn"""

    def __init__(self, inplace):
        self.inplace = inplace

        if self.inplace:
            self.destroy_map = {0: [2]}

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return (type(self) == type(other)) and (self.inplace == other.inplace)

    def __hash__(self, other):
        return hash(type(self)) ^ hash(self.inplace)

    def make_node(self, A, z, gz):
        return Apply(self, [A,z,gz], (z.type(), gz.type()))

    def perform(self, node, (A, z, gz), out):
        Tp1,M = z.shape
        T = Tp1 - 1
        gx = N.zeros((T, M))

        if not self.inplace:
            gz = gz.copy()

        for i in xrange(T-1, -1, -1):
            #back through the tanh
            gx[i] = gz[i+1] * (1.0 - z[i+1] * z[i+1])
            gz[i] +=, gx[i])

        out[0][0] = gz
        out[1][0] = gx

    def __str__(self):
        if self.inplace:
            return 'Inplace' + super(TanhRnnGrad, self).__str__()
            return super(TanhRnnGrad, self).__str__()

tanh_rnn_grad = TanhRnnGrad(inplace=False)
tanh_rnn_grad_inplace = TanhRnnGrad(inplace=True)

compile.optdb.register('inplace_rnngrad', TopoOptimizer(OpSub(tanh_rnn_grad, tanh_rnn_grad_inplace)), 60, 'fast_run', 'inplace')

# Experiment-type stuff

class ExampleRNN(Module):

    def __init__(self, n_vis, n_hid, n_out, minimizer):
        super(ExampleRNN, self).__init__()

        def affine(weight, bias):
            return (lambda a :, weight) + bias)

        self.n_vis = n_vis
        self.n_hid = n_hid
        self.n_out = n_out

        #affine transformatoin x -> latent space
        self.v, self.b = Member(T.dmatrix()), Member(T.dvector())
        input_transform = affine(self.v, self.b)

        #recurrent weight matrix in latent space
        self.z0 = Member(T.dvector())
        self.w = Member(T.dmatrix())

        #affine transformation latent -> output space
        self.u, self.c = Member(T.dmatrix()), Member(T.dvector())
        output_transform = affine(self.u, self.c)

        self.params = [self.v, self.b, self.w, self.u, self.c]

        #input and target
        x, y = T.dmatrix(), T.dmatrix()

        z = tanh_rnn(input_transform(x), self.z0, self.w)
        yhat = output_transform(z[1:])
        self.cost = T.sum((y - yhat)**2)

        self.blah = Method([x,y], self.cost)

        # using the make_minimizer protocol
        self.minimizer = minimizer([x, y], self.cost, self.params)

    def _instance_initialize(self, obj):
        n_vis = self.n_vis
        n_hid = self.n_hid
        n_out = self.n_out

        rng = N.random.RandomState(2342)

        obj.z0 = N.zeros(n_hid)
        obj.v = rng.randn(n_vis, n_hid) * 0.01
        obj.b = N.zeros(n_hid)
        obj.w = rng.randn(n_hid, n_hid) * 0.01
        obj.u = rng.randn(n_hid, n_out) * 0.01
        obj.c = N.zeros(n_out)
    def _instance__eq__(self, other):
        if not isinstance(other.component, ExampleRNN):
            raise NotImplemented
         #we compare the member.
#        if self.n_vis != other.n_vis or slef.n_hid != other.n_hid or self.n_out != other.n_out:
#            return False
        if (N.abs(self.z0-other.z0)<1e-8).all() and (N.abs(self.v-other.v)<1e-8).all() and (N.abs(self.b-other.b)<1e-8).all() and (N.abs(self.w-other.w)<1e-8).all() and (N.abs(self.u-other.u)<1e-8).all() and (N.abs(self.c-other.c)<1e-8).all() and (N.abs(self.z0-other.z0)<1e-8).all():
            return True
        return False

    def _instance__hash__(self):
        raise NotImplemented

def test_example_rnn():
    minimizer_fn = make_minimizer('sgd', stepsize = 0.001)

    n_vis = 5
    n_out = 3
    n_hid = 4
    rnn_module = ExampleRNN(n_vis, n_hid, n_out, minimizer_fn)

    rnn = rnn_module.make(mode='FAST_RUN')

    rng = N.random.RandomState(7722342)
    x = rng.randn(10,n_vis)
    y = rng.randn(10,n_out)

    #set y to be like x with a lag of LAG
    LAG = 4
    y[LAG:] = x[:-LAG, 0:n_out]

    if 1:
        for i, node in enumerate(rnn.minimizer.step_cost.maker.env.toposort()):
            print i, node

    for i in xrange(niter):
        if i % 100 == 0:
            print i, rnn.minimizer.step_cost(x, y), rnn.minimizer.stepsize
            rnn.minimizer.step_cost(x, y)

def test_WEIRD_STUFF():
    n_vis = 5
    n_out = 3
    n_hid = 4
    rng = N.random.RandomState(7722342)
    x = rng.randn(10,n_vis)
    y = rng.randn(10,n_out)

    #set y to be like x with a lag of LAG
    LAG = 4
    y[LAG:] = x[:-LAG, 0:n_out]

    minimizer_fn1 = make_minimizer('sgd', stepsize = 0.001, WEIRD_STUFF = False)
    minimizer_fn2 = make_minimizer('sgd', stepsize = 0.001, WEIRD_STUFF = True)
    rnn_module1 = ExampleRNN(n_vis, n_hid, n_out, minimizer_fn1)
    rnn_module2 = ExampleRNN(n_vis, n_hid, n_out, minimizer_fn2)
    rnn1 = rnn_module2.make(mode='FAST_RUN')
    rnn2 = rnn_module1.make(mode='FAST_COMPILE')
    if 0:
        for i in range(len(topo1)):
            print '1',i, topo1[i]
            print '2',i, topo2[i]

    for i in xrange(niter):
        rnn1.minimizer.step(x, y)
        rnn2.minimizer.step(x, y)

    #    assert rnn1.n_vis != rnn2.n_vis or slef.n_hid != rnn2.n_hid or rnn1.n_out != rnn2.n_out
        assert (N.abs(rnn1.z0-rnn2.z0)<1e-8).all()
        assert (N.abs(rnn1.v-rnn2.v)<1e-8).all() and (N.abs(rnn1.b-rnn2.b)<1e-8).all() and (N.abs(rnn1.w-rnn2.w)<1e-8).all() and (N.abs(rnn1.u-rnn2.u)<1e-8).all() and (N.abs(rnn1.c-rnn2.c)<1e-8).all()

    #    assert b

if __name__ == '__main__':
#    from theano.tests import main
#    main(__file__)
#    test_example_rnn()