diff pylearn/algorithms/tests/test_mcRBM.py @ 1323:d6726417cf57

adding training script for test_mcRBM to reproduce classification results
author James Bergstra <bergstrj@iro.umontreal.ca>
date Sun, 10 Oct 2010 14:51:02 -0400
parents 8905186b176c
children 837768915081 c7b2da4e2df6
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/pylearn/algorithms/tests/test_mcRBM.py	Sun Oct 10 13:45:21 2010 -0400
+++ b/pylearn/algorithms/tests/test_mcRBM.py	Sun Oct 10 14:51:02 2010 -0400
@@ -1,8 +1,12 @@
+import sys
 from pylearn.algorithms.mcRBM import *
 import pylearn.datasets.cifar10
 import pylearn.dataset_ops.tinyimages
 import pylearn.dataset_ops.cifar10
+from theano import tensor
+from pylearn.shared.layers.logreg import LogisticRegression
 def _default_rbm_alloc(n_I, n_K=256, n_J=100):
     return mcRBM.alloc(n_I, n_K, n_J)
@@ -205,6 +209,251 @@
     if not as_unittest:
         return rbm, smplr
+def run_classif_experiment(checkpoint):
+    R,C=8,8
+    n_vis=74
+    #
+    # extract 1 million 8x8 patches from TinyImages
+    # pre-process them the right way
+    # find 74 dims of PCA
+    # filter patches through PCA
+    whitened_patches, pca_dct = pylearn.dataset_ops.tinyimages.main(n_imgs=100000,
+            max_components=n_vis, seed=234)
+    #
+    # Set up mcRBM Trainer
+    # Initialize P using topological 3x3 overlapping patches thing
+    # start learning P matrix after 2 passes through dataset
+    # 
+    rbm_filename = 'mcRBM.rbm.%06i.pkl'%46000
+    try:
+        open(rbm_filename).close()
+        load_mcrbm = True
+    except:
+        load_mcrbm = False
+    if load_mcrbm:
+        print 'loading mcRBM from file', rbm_filename
+        rbm = cPickle.load(open(rbm_filename))
+    else:
+        print "Training mcRBM"
+        batchsize=128
+        epoch_size=len(whitened_patches)
+        tile = pylearn.dataset_ops.tinyimages.save_filters
+        train_batch = theano.tensor.matrix()
+        trainer = mcRBMTrainer.alloc_for_P(
+                rbm=mcRBM_withP.alloc_topo_P(n_I=n_vis, n_J=81),
+                visible_batch=train_batch,
+                batchsize=batchsize, 
+                initial_lr_per_example=0.05,
+                l1_penalty=1e-3,
+                l1_penalty_start=sys.maxint,
+                p_training_start=2*epoch_size//batchsize,
+                persistent_chains=False)
+        rbm=trainer.rbm
+        learn_fn = function([train_batch], outputs=[], updates=trainer.cd_updates())
+        smplr = trainer._last_cd1_sampler
+        ii = 0
+        for i_epoch in range(6):
+            for i_batch in xrange(epoch_size // batchsize):
+                batch_vals = whitened_patches[i_batch*batchsize:(i_batch+1)*batchsize]
+                learn_fn(batch_vals)
+                if (ii % 1000) == 0:
+                    #tile(imgs_fn(ii), "imgs_%06i.png"%ii)
+                    tile(rbm.U.value.T, "U_%06i.png"%ii)
+                    tile(rbm.W.value.T, "W_%06i.png"%ii)
+                    print 'saving samples', ii, 'epoch', i_epoch, i_batch
+                    print 'l2(U)', l2(rbm.U.value),
+                    print 'l2(W)', l2(rbm.W.value),
+                    print 'l1_penalty', 
+                    try:
+                        print trainer.effective_l1_penalty.value
+                    except:
+                        print trainer.effective_l1_penalty
+                    print 'U min max', rbm.U.value.min(), rbm.U.value.max(),
+                    print 'W min max', rbm.W.value.min(), rbm.W.value.max(),
+                    print 'a min max', rbm.a.value.min(), rbm.a.value.max(),
+                    print 'b min max', rbm.b.value.min(), rbm.b.value.max(),
+                    print 'c min max', rbm.c.value.min(), rbm.c.value.max()
+                    print 'HMC step', smplr.stepsize.value,
+                    print 'arate', smplr.avg_acceptance_rate.value
+                    print 'P min max', rbm.P.value.min(), rbm.P.value.max(),
+                    print 'P_lr', trainer.p_lr.value
+                    print ''
+                    print 'Saving rbm...'
+                    cPickle.dump(rbm, open('mcRBM.rbm.%06i.pkl'%ii, 'w'), -1)
+                ii += 1
+    # extract convolutional features from the CIFAR10 data
+    feat_filename = 'cifar10.features.46000.npy'
+    feat_filename = 'mcrbm_features.npy'
+    try:
+        open(feat_filename).close()
+        load_features = True
+    except:
+        load_features = False
+    if load_features:
+        print 'Loading features from', feat_filename
+        all_features = numpy.load(feat_filename, mmap_mode='r')
+    else:
+        batchsize=100
+        feat_idx = tensor.lscalar()
+        feat_idx_range = feat_idx * batchsize + tensor.arange(batchsize)
+        train_batch_x, train_batch_y = pylearn.dataset_ops.cifar10.cifar10(
+                feat_idx_range, 
+                split='all', 
+                dtype='uint8', 
+                rasterized=False,
+                color='rgb')
+        WINDOW_SIZE=8
+        WINDOW_STRIDE=4
+        # put these into shared vars because support for big matrix constants is bad,
+        # (comparing them is slow)
+        pca_eigvecs = shared(pca_dct['eig_vecs'].astype('float32'))
+        pca_eigvals = shared(pca_dct['eig_vals'].astype('float32'))
+        pca_mean    = shared(pca_dct['mean'].astype('float32'))
+        def theano_pca_whiten(X):
+            #copying preprepcessing.pca.pca_whiten
+            return tensor.true_div(
+                tensor.dot(X-pca_mean, pca_eigvecs),
+                tensor.sqrt(pca_eigvals)+1e-8)
+        h_list = []
+        g_list = []
+        for r_offset in range(0, 32-WINDOW_SIZE+1, WINDOW_STRIDE):
+            for c_offset in range(0, 32-WINDOW_SIZE+1, WINDOW_STRIDE):
+                window = train_batch_x[:, r_offset:r_offset+WINDOW_SIZE,
+                        c_offset:c_offset+WINDOW_SIZE, :]
+                assert window.dtype=='uint8'
+                #rasterize the patches
+                raster_window = tensor.flatten(tensor.cast(window, 'float32'),2)
+                #subtract off the mean of each image
+                raster_window = raster_window - raster_window.mean(axis=1).reshape((batchsize,1))
+                h,g = rbm.expected_h_g_given_v(theano_pca_whiten(raster_window))
+                h_list.append(h)
+                g_list.append(g)
+        hg = tensor.concatenate(h_list + g_list, axis=1)
+        feat_fn = function([feat_idx], hg)
+        features = numpy.empty((60000, 11025), dtype='float32')
+        for i in xrange(60000//batchsize):
+            if i % 100 == 0:
+                print("feature batch %i"%i)
+            features[i*batchsize:(i+1)*batchsize] = feat_fn(i)
+        print("saving features to %s"%feat_filename)
+        numpy.save(feat_filename, features)
+        all_features = features
+        del features
+    if 0:
+        # nothing to load
+        pass
+    else:
+        batchsize=10
+        x_i = tensor.matrix()
+        y_i = tensor.ivector()
+        lr = tensor.scalar()
+        l1_regularization = float(sys.argv[1]) #1.e-3
+        l2_regularization = float(sys.argv[2]) #1.e-3*0
+        feature_logreg = LogisticRegression.new(x_i, 
+                n_in = 11025, n_out=10,
+                dtype=x_i.dtype)
+        traincost = feature_logreg.nll(y_i).sum()
+        traincost = traincost + abs(feature_logreg.w).sum() * l1_regularization
+        traincost = traincost + (feature_logreg.w**2).sum() * l2_regularization
+        train_logreg_fn = function([x_i, y_i, lr], 
+                [feature_logreg.nll(y_i).mean(),
+                    feature_logreg.errors(y_i).mean()],
+                updates=pylearn.gd.sgd.sgd_updates(
+                    params=feature_logreg.params,
+                    grads=tensor.grad(traincost, feature_logreg.params),
+                    stepsizes=[lr,lr]))
+        all_labels = pylearn.dataset_ops.cifar10.all_data_labels('uint8')[1]
+        pylearn.dataset_ops.cifar10.all_data_labels.forget() # clear memo cache
+        assert len(all_labels)==60000
+        train_labels = all_labels[:40000]
+        valid_labels = all_labels[40000:50000]
+        test_labels = all_labels[50000:60000]
+        train_features = all_features[:40000]
+        valid_features = all_features[40000:50000]
+        test_features = all_features[50000:60000]
+        print "Computing mean and std.dev"
+        train_mean = train_features.mean(axis=0)
+        train_std = train_features.std(axis=0)+1e-4
+        for epoch in xrange(20):
+            print 'epoch', epoch
+            # validate
+            l01s = []
+            nlls = []
+            for i in xrange(10000/batchsize):
+                x_i = valid_features[i*batchsize:(i+1)*batchsize]
+                y_i = valid_labels[i*batchsize:(i+1)*batchsize]
+                #lr=0.0 -> no learning, safe for validation set
+                nll, l01 = train_logreg_fn((x_i-train_mean)/train_std, y_i, 0.0) 
+                nlls.append(nll)
+                l01s.append(l01)
+            print 'validate log_reg', numpy.mean(nlls), numpy.mean(l01s)
+            # test
+            l01s = []
+            nlls = []
+            for i in xrange(10000/batchsize):
+                x_i = test_features[i*batchsize:(i+1)*batchsize]
+                y_i = test_labels[i*batchsize:(i+1)*batchsize]
+                #lr=0.0 -> no learning, safe for validation set
+                nll, l01 = train_logreg_fn((x_i-train_mean)/train_std, y_i, 0.0) 
+                nlls.append(nll)
+                l01s.append(l01)
+            print 'test log_reg', numpy.mean(nlls), numpy.mean(l01s)
+            #train
+            l01s = []
+            nlls = []
+            for i in xrange(40000/batchsize):
+                x_i = train_features[i*batchsize:(i+1)*batchsize]
+                y_i = train_labels[i*batchsize:(i+1)*batchsize]
+                nll, l01 = train_logreg_fn((x_i-train_mean)/train_std, y_i, 0.00003)
+                nlls.append(nll)
+                l01s.append(l01)
+            print 'train log_reg', numpy.mean(nlls), numpy.mean(l01s)
 import pickle as cPickle
 #import cPickle
 if __name__ == '__main__':
@@ -218,7 +467,7 @@
-    if 1:
+    if 0:
         # pretraining settings
         rbm,smplr = test_reproduce_ranzato_hinton_2010(
@@ -232,3 +481,8 @@
                 #l1_penalty_start=350, #DEBUG
+    if 1:
+        def checkpoint():
+            return checkpoint
+        run_classif_experiment(checkpoint=checkpoint)