diff doc/v2_planning/plugin_architecture_GD.txt @ 1139:9f0502f8c7a5

Example of the plugin architecture I had in mind
author gdesjardins
date Thu, 16 Sep 2010 13:27:17 -0400
children 9ff2242a817b
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line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/doc/v2_planning/plugin_architecture_GD.txt	Thu Sep 16 13:27:17 2010 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,267 @@
+The "central authority" (CA) is the glue which takes care of interfacing plugins
+with one another. It has 3 basic roles:
+* it maintains a list of "registered" or "active" plugins
+* it receives and queues the various messages sent by the plugins
+* dispatches the messages to the recipient, based on various "events"
+Events can take different forms:
+* the CA can trigger various events based on running time
+* can be linked to messages emitted by the various plugins. Events can be
+  triggered based on the frequency of such messages.
+* Once an event is triggered, it is relayed to the appropriate "recipient
+  plugin(s)"
+It is the responsibility of each plugin to inform the CA of which "events" it
+cares about.
+Generic Pseudo-code
+I'll try to write this in pseudo-python as best I can. I'll do this in
+traditional OOP, as this is what I'm more comfortable with. I'll leave it up to
+James and OB to python-ize this :)
+class MessageX(Message):
+    """
+    A message is basically a data container. This could very well be replaced by
+    a generic Python object.
+    """
+class Plugin(object):
+    """
+    The base plugin object doesn't do much. It contains a reference to the CA
+    (upon plugin being registered with the CA), provides boilerplate code
+    for storing which "events" this plugin is susceptible to, as well as code
+    for registering callback functions for the various messages.
+    """
+    CA = None        # to be initialized upon plugin registration
+    active_msg = {}  # dictionary of messages this plugin is susceptible to
+    callbacks  = {}  # mapping of message class names --> callback function
+    def listen(msg_class, interval):
+        """
+        :param msg_class: reference to the "message" class we are interested in.
+                          These messages will be forwarded to this plugin, when
+                          the trigger condition is met.
+        :param interval: integer. Forward the message to this plugin every 'interval'
+                         such messages.
+        """
+        self.active_msg[msg_class] = interval
+    def check_trigger(msg_class, time):
+        """
+        Checks whether or not the "trigger" condition associated with message of
+        class 'msg_class' is satisfied or not. This could be the default
+        behavior, and be overridden by the various plugins.
+        """
+        return time % self.active_msg[msg_class] == 0
+    def handler(msg_class, callback):
+        """
+        Decorator which registers a callback function for the given message
+        type.
+        NOTE: I don't think what I wrote would work as a Python decorator. I am
+        not sure how to handle decoraters with multiple parameters (one
+        explicit, and the other as the reference to the function). I'm pretty
+        sure James or OB could figure it out though !
+        :params msg_class: reference to the message class for which we are
+                           registering a callback function
+        :params callback : reference to which function to call for a given message
+        """
+        self.callbacks[msg_class] = callback
+    def execute(self, message):
+        """
+        Boiler-plate code which executes the right callback function, for the
+        given message type.
+        """
+        for (msg_class, callback) in self.callbacks.iteritems():
+            if message.__class__ == msg_class:
+                callback(message)
+class ProducerPlugin(Plugin):
+    def dostuff():
+        """
+        A typical "producer" plugin. It basically performs an arbitrary action
+        and asks the CA to forward the results (in the form of a message) to
+        other plugins.
+        """
+        # iteratively do stuff and relay messages to other plugins
+        while(condition):
+            msga =         # do something
+            ca.send(msga)  # ask CA to forward to other plugins
+class ConsumerPlugin(Plugin):
+    @handler(MessageA)
+    def func(msga):
+        """
+        A consumer or "passive plugin" (eg. logger, etc). This function is
+        register as being the callback function for Message A objects.
+        """
+        # do something with message A
+class ConsumerProducerPlugin(Plugin):
+    @handler(MessageA)
+    def func(msga):
+        """
+        Example of a consumer / producer plugin. It receives MessageA messages,
+        processes the data, then asks the CA to send a new message (MessageB) as
+        the result of its computation. The CA will automatically forward to all
+        interested parties.
+        :param msga: MessageA instance
+        """
+        data = dostuff(msga)   # process message
+        msgb = MessageB(data)  # generate new message for other plugins
+        ca.send(msgb)          # ask CA to forward to other plugins
+class CentralAuthority(object):
+    active_plugins = []  # contains a list of registered plugins
+    mailmain = {}        # dictionary which contains, for each message class, a
+                         # list of plugins interested in this message
+    event_count = {}     # dictionary of "event" counts for various messages
+    def register(plugin):
+        """
+        Registers the plugin and adds it as a listener for the various messages
+        it is interested in.
+        :param plugin: plugin instance which we want to "activate"
+        """
+        # each plugin must have a reference to the CA
+        plugin.ca = self
+        # maintain list of active plugins
+        active_plugins.append(plugin)
+        # remember which messages this plugin cares about
+        for msg in plugin.active_msg.keys():
+            self.mailman[msg].append(plugin)
+            self.event_count[msg] = 0
+    def send(msg):
+        """
+        This function relays the message to the appropriate plugins, based on
+        their "trigger" condition. It also keeps track of the number of times
+        this event was raised.
+        :param msg: message instance
+        """
+        event_count[msg.__class__] += 1
+        # for all plugins interested in this message ...
+        for plugin in self.mailman[msg.__class__]:
+            # check if trigger condition is met
+            if plugin.check_trigger(msg, self.event_count[msg.__class__]):
+                # have the plugin execute the message
+                plugin.execute(msg)
+    def run(self):
+        """
+        This would be the main loop of the program. I won't go into details
+        because its still somewhat blurry in my head :) But basically, the CA
+        could be configured to send out its own messages, independently from all
+        other plugins.
+        These could be "synchronous" messages such as: "5 seconds have passed",
+        or others such as "save state we are about to get killed".
+        NOTE: seems like this would almost have to live in its own thread ...
+        """
+        # the following would be parametrized obviously
+        while(True):
+            msg = ElapsedTimeMessage(5)
+            self.send(msg)
+            sleep(5)
+Putting it all-together
+def main():
+    ca = CentralAuthority()
+    producer = ProducerPlugin()
+    ca.register(producer)
+    consumer = ConsumerPlugin()
+    consumer.listen(MessageB, 1)
+    ca.register(consumer))
+    other = ConsumerProducerPlugin()
+    other.listen(MessageB, 10)
+    ca.register(other)
+    # this is the function call which gets the ball rolling
+    producer.dostuff()
+DISCUSSION: blocking vs. non-blocking
+In the above example, I used "blocking" sends. However it is not-clear that this
+is the best option. 
+In the example, the producer basically acts as the main loop. It relinquishes
+control of the main loop when the CA decides to forward the message to other
+plugins. Control will only be returned once the cascade of send/receives
+initiated with MessageA is complete (all subplugins have processed MessageA and
+any messages sent as a side-effect have also been processed). 
+This definitely imposes constraints on what the plugins can do, and how they do
+it. For the type of single-processor / linear jobs we tend to run, this might be
+enough (??).
+The good news is that going forward, the above plugin architecture can also
+scale to distributed systems, by changing the sends to be non-blocking. Plugins
+could then live on different machines and process data as they see fit.
+Synchronization would be enforced by way of messages. In the above, the "main
+producer" would thus become a consumer/producer who listens for "done processing
+MessageA" messages and produces a new MessageA as a result.
+On single-processor systems, the synchronization overhead might be too costly
+however. That is something we would have to investigate. On the plus side
+however, our plugins would be "future proof" and lend themselves well to the
+type of "massively parallel jobs" we wish to run (i.e. meta-learners, etc.)
+Logistic Regression