diff doc/v2_planning/plugin_PL.py @ 1253:826d78f0135f

Prototype for "hooks" simpler than full control-flow rewrite.
author Pascal Lamblin <lamblinp@iro.umontreal.ca>
date Fri, 24 Sep 2010 01:46:12 -0400
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/doc/v2_planning/plugin_PL.py	Fri Sep 24 01:46:12 2010 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,287 @@
+class RBM(Model):
+    '''
+    Restricted Boltzmann Machine.
+    '''
+    def __init__(self, n_visible, n_hidden, visible = None, name = None):
+        if name is None:
+            self.__name__ = self.__class__.__name__
+        else:
+            self.__name__ = name
+        self.n_visible = n_visible
+        self.n_hidden = n_hidden
+        if self.visible is None:
+            self.visible = theano.tensor.matrix([name='.'.join(self.__name__, 'visible']))
+        else:
+            self.visible = visible
+        self.W = theano.shared(
+                numpy.zeros((n_visible, n_hidden), dtype=theano.config.floatX),
+                name=self.__name__ + '.W')
+        self.b_hid = theano.shared(
+                numpy.zeros((n_hidden,), dtype=theano.config.floatX),
+                name=self.__name__ + '.b_hid')
+        self.b_vis = theano.shared(
+                numpy.zeros((n_hidden,), dtype=theano.config.floatX),
+                name=self.__name__ + '.b_vis')
+        self.inputs = [self.visible]
+        self.targets = []
+        self.parameters = [self.W, self.b_hid, self.b_vis]
+        self.outputs = ...
+        self.cost = None
+        self.gradients = [...]
+class LogisticRegression(Model):
+    pass
+class GradientBasedLearner(Learner):
+    '''
+    Learner that uses a gradient-base Optimizer to train a Model.
+    '''
+    def __init__(self, model, optimizer, name = None):
+        self.model = model
+        self.optimizer = optimizer
+        ...
+        self.updates = optimizer.iterative_optimizer(
+                parameters = model.parameters,
+                cost = model.cost)
+        # TODO: not sure of how to interface data set with the function
+        self.train_fn = theano.function(model.inputs+model.targets,
+                                        model.cost, updates=self.updates)
+    def use_dataset(self, dataset):
+        self.train_set = dataset
+    # The decorator indicates that this function will declare some hooks.
+    # More hooks could be automatically declared, for instance
+    # 'begin_function' and 'end_function'
+    @declare_hooks(['begin_train_iter', 'end_train_iter'])
+    def adapt(self, n_steps=1):
+        for i in xrange(n_steps):
+            self.adapt.hooks.execute(
+                    'begin_train_iter',
+                    context = dict(iter=i, total=n_steps, locals=locals()))
+            data = self.train_set.next()
+            self.train_fn(data)
+            self.adapt.hooks.execute(
+                    'end_train_iter',
+                    context = dict(iter = i, locals=locals()))
+class SGD(Optimizer):
+    '''
+    Stochastic gradient descent with fixed learning rate.
+    '''
+    def __init__(self, step_size):
+        self.step_size = step_size
+    def iterative_optimizer(
+            parameters,
+            cost=None,
+            gradients=None,
+            stop=None,
+            updates=None,
+            ):
+        if updates is not None:
+            ret = updates
+        else:
+            ret = {}
+        if gradients is None:
+            if cost is None:
+                raise SomeError('SGD needs to be provided either a cost or a gradients list')
+            gradients = theano.tensor.grad(cost, parameters)
+        for p, g in izip(parameters, gradients):
+            if p in updates:
+                raise KeyError('Parameter %s already has an update value (%s)' % (p, g))
+            ret[p] = p - self.step_size * g
+        # never stop
+        if stop is not None:
+            ret[stop] = False
+        return ret
+class DBN(Learner):
+    '''
+    Deep Belief Network.
+    '''
+    def __init__(self, n_layers, layer_config, n_ft_steps, ft_step_size):
+        # Layers are GradientBasedLearners, with DBN as Model
+        self.layers = []
+        # Pretraining cumulative schedule
+        self.pt_cumul_schedule = [0]
+        # Build the layers and the fully-connected model
+        self.input = theano.tensor.matrix(name='.'.join([self.__name__, 'input']))
+        self.output = self.input
+        self.ft_params = []
+        for i,lconf in enumerate(layer_config):
+            rbm = RBM(visible = self.output, ...)
+            self.output = rbm.hidden_expectation
+            layer = GradientBasedLearner(...)
+            self.layers.append(layer)
+            self.pt_cumul_schedule.append(
+                    self.pt_cumul_schedule[-1]+lc.n_pretrain_steps)
+            self.ft_params.extend([rbm.W, rbm.b_hid])
+        # Build the fine-tunable model
+        self.target = theano.tensor.ivector(name='.'.join([self.__name__, 'target']))
+        logreg = LogisticRegression(...)
+        self.output = logreg.output
+        self.cost = logreg.nll
+        self.ft_params.extend([logreg.W, logreg.b])
+        ft_optimizer = SGD(ft_step_size)
+        self.ft_updates = ft_optimizer.iterative_optimizer(
+                parameters = self.ft_params,
+                cost = self.cost)
+        self.ft_fn = theano.function(
+                [self.input, self.target],
+                self.cost,
+                updates = self.ft_updates,
+                name='.'.join([self.__name__, 'ft_fn']))
+        self.stage = 0
+    @declare_hooks([
+        'begin_pretrain_layer','end_pretrain_layer',
+        'begin_finetune_iter', 'end_finetune_iter'])
+    def adapt(self, n_steps=1):
+        '''
+        Each "step" is accomplished by the corresponding Learner (either an RBM,
+        or the global NNet).
+        '''
+        train_x, train_y = self.dataset
+        n_remaining_steps = n_steps
+        # Unsupervised pre-training
+        for i, layer in ienumerate(self.layers):
+            if (self.pt_cumul_schedule[i] <= self.stage
+                    and self.stage < self.pt_cumul_schedule[i+1]):
+                self.adapt.hooks.execute(
+                        'begin_pretrain_layer',
+                        context = dict(iter=i, total=len(self.layers), locals=locals()))
+                n_pt_steps = min(n_remaining_steps, self.pt_cumul_schedule[i+1] - self.stage)
+                layer.use_dataset(train_x)
+                layer.adapt(n_steps = n_pt_steps)
+                self.stage += self.n_pt_steps
+                n_remaining_steps -= n_pt_steps
+                self.adapt.hooks.execute(
+                        'end_pretrain_layer',
+                        context = dict(iter=i, total=len(self.layers), locals=locals()))
+            # For the next layer, the data needs to be preprocessed
+            train_x = layer.compute_Eh_given_v(train_x) # or just compute_output?
+        # Supervised fine-tuning
+        if n_remaining_steps > 0:
+            sup_data = train_x, train_y
+            for i in xrange(n_remaining_steps):
+                self.adapt.hooks.execute(
+                        'begin_train_iter',
+                        context = dict(iter=i, total=n_steps, locals=locals()))
+                data = self.train_set.next()
+                self.ft_fn(data)
+                self.adapt.hooks.execute(
+                        'end_train_iter',
+                        context = dict(iter = i, locals=locals()))
+## TODO: implement k-fold cross-validation
+class Hooks:
+    def __init__(self):
+        # The DB consists in a dictionary,
+        # the keys are the hooks' names (as strings),
+        # the values are lists of (function, exec_condition) pairs of functions
+        self.db = {}
+    def declare(self, name):
+        if name in self.db:
+            raise KeyError('Hook "%s" is already declared' % name)
+        self.db[name] = []
+    def execute(self, name, context):
+        if name not in self.db:
+            raise KeyError('Hook "%s" does not exist', % name)
+        #TODO: add contextual information to context, like current time, time of last call,...
+        for fn, cond in self.db[name]:
+            if cond(**context):
+                fn(**context)
+    def register(self, name, function, exec_condition):
+        if name not in self.db:
+            raise KeyError('Hook "%s" does not exist', % name)
+        self.db[name].append((function, exec_condition))
+    #TODO: add __getattr__ to have more intuitive access to the hooks
+# Hook declaration mechanism
+def declare_hooks(hooks_list):
+    def deco(f):
+        f.hooks = Hooks()
+        for hook_name in hooks_list:
+            f.hooks.declare(hook_name)
+    return deco
+# Conditions
+def always():
+    return lambda *args, **kwargs: True
+def main():
+    train_data = MNIST.gettrain()
+    test_data = MNIST.gettest()
+    train_x, train_y = train_data
+    preprocessor = PCA(ndim = 80)
+    preprocessor.train(train_x)
+    preprocessed_x = preprocessor.compute_output(train_x)
+    ## for more robustess, we can have something like:
+    # peprocessed_x = ProcessDataSet(orig_data = train_x, function = preprocessor.compute_output)
+    x = matrix()
+    dbn = DBN(
+            input = x,
+            n_layers = 3,
+            layer_config = [dict(n_hidden = 500, n_unsup_steps=1000)] * 3
+            )
+    dbn.layers[0].adapt.hooks.register(
+            'begin_train_iter',
+            function = ...,
+            exec_cond = always()
+            )
+    dbn.layers[0].adapt.hooks.register(
+            'end_train_iter',
+            function = ...,
+            exec_cond = lambda iter, **kwargs: iter%20==0
+            )
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    main()