diff pylearn/algorithms/mcRBM.py @ 1267:075c193afd1b

refactoring mcRBM
author James Bergstra <bergstrj@iro.umontreal.ca>
date Fri, 03 Sep 2010 12:35:10 -0400
parents d4a14c6c36e0
children d38cb039c662
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/pylearn/algorithms/mcRBM.py	Thu Sep 02 16:48:33 2010 -0400
+++ b/pylearn/algorithms/mcRBM.py	Fri Sep 03 12:35:10 2010 -0400
@@ -246,97 +246,8 @@
-#TODO: make global function to initialize parameter
-def hidden_cov_units_preactivation_given_v(rbm, v, small=0.5):
-    """Return argument to the sigmoid that would give mean of covariance hid units
-    See the math at the top of this file for what 'adjusted' means.
-    return b - 0.5 * dot(adjusted(v), U)**2
-    """
-    (U,W,a,b,c) = rbm
-    unit_v = v / (TT.sqrt(TT.mean(v**2, axis=1)+small)).dimshuffle(0,'x') # adjust row norm
-    return b - 0.5 * dot(unit_v, U)**2
-def free_energy_terms_given_v(rbm, v):
-    """Returns theano expression for the terms that are added to form the free energy of
-    visible vector `v` in an mcRBM.
-     1.  Free energy related to covariance hiddens
-     2.  Free energy related to mean hiddens
-     3.  Free energy related to L2-Norm of `v`
-     4.  Free energy related to projection of `v` onto biases `a`
-    """
-    U, W, a, b, c = rbm
-    t0 = -TT.sum(TT.nnet.softplus(hidden_cov_units_preactivation_given_v(rbm, v)),axis=1)
-    t1 = -TT.sum(TT.nnet.softplus(c + dot(v,W)), axis=1)
-    t2 =  0.5 * TT.sum(v**2, axis=1)
-    t3 = -TT.dot(v, a)
-    return [t0, t1, t2, t3]
-def free_energy_given_v(rbm, v):
-    """Returns theano expression for free energy of visible vector `v` in an mcRBM
-    """
-    return sum(free_energy_terms_given_v(rbm,v))
-def expected_h_g_given_v(rbm, v):
-    """Returns tuple (`h`, `g`) of theano expression conditional expectations in an mcRBM.
-    `h` is the conditional on the covariance units.
-    `g` is the conditional on the mean units.
-    """
-    (U, W, a, b, c) = rbm
-    h = TT.nnet.sigmoid(hidden_cov_units_preactivation_given_v(rbm, v))
-    g = nnet.sigmoid(c + dot(v,W))
-    return (h, g)
-def n_visible_units(rbm):
-    """Return the number of visible units of this RBM
-    For an RBM made from shared variables, this will return an integer,
-    for a purely symbolic RBM this will return a theano expression.
-    """
-    W = rbm[1]
-    try:
-        return W.value.shape[0]
-    except AttributeError:
-        return W.shape[0]
-def sampler(rbm, n_particles, n_visible=None, rng=7823748):
-    """Return an `HMC_sampler` that will draw samples from the distribution over visible
-    units specified by this RBM.
-    :param n_particles: this many parallel chains will be simulated.
-    :param rng: seed or numpy RandomState object to initialize particles, and to drive the simulation.
-    """
-    if not hasattr(rng, 'randn'):
-        rng = np.random.RandomState(rng)
-    if n_visible is None:
-        n_visible = n_visible_units(rbm)
-    rval = HMC_sampler(
-        positions = [shared(
-            rng.randn(
-                n_particles,
-                n_visible).astype(floatX),
-            name='particles')],
-        energy_fn = lambda p : free_energy_given_v(rbm, p[0]),
-        seed=int(rng.randint(2**30)))
-    return rval
-# Convenient data container
-class MeanCovRBM(object):
-    """Container for mcRBM parameters
-    It provides parameter lookup by name, as well as a heuristic for initializing the
-    parameters for effective learning.
+class mcRBM(object):
+    """Light-weight class that provides the math related to inference
@@ -345,23 +256,90 @@
       - a - the visible bias (theano shared variable)
       - b - the covariance bias (theano shared variable)
       - c - the mean bias (theano shared variable)
+    def __init__(self, U, W, a, b, c):
+        self.U = U
+        self.W = W
+        self.a = a
+        self.b = b
+        self.c = c
+    def hidden_cov_units_preactivation_given_v(self, v, small=0.5):
+        """Return argument to the sigmoid that would give mean of covariance hid units
+        See the math at the top of this file for what 'adjusted' means.
+        return b - 0.5 * dot(adjusted(v), U)**2
+        """
+        unit_v = v / (TT.sqrt(TT.mean(v**2, axis=1)+small)).dimshuffle(0,'x') # adjust row norm
+        return self.b - 0.5 * dot(unit_v, self.U)**2
-    params = property(lambda s: [s.U, s.W, s.a, s.b, s.c])
+    def free_energy_terms_given_v(self, v):
+        """Returns theano expression for the terms that are added to form the free energy of
+        visible vector `v` in an mcRBM.
-    n_visible = property(lambda s: s.W.value.shape[0])
+         1.  Free energy related to covariance hiddens
+         2.  Free energy related to mean hiddens
+         3.  Free energy related to L2-Norm of `v`
+         4.  Free energy related to projection of `v` onto biases `a`
+        """
+        t0 = -TT.sum(TT.nnet.softplus(self.hidden_cov_units_preactivation_given_v(v)),axis=1)
+        t1 = -TT.sum(TT.nnet.softplus(self.c + dot(v,self.W)), axis=1)
+        t2 =  0.5 * TT.sum(v**2, axis=1)
+        t3 = -TT.dot(v, self.a)
+        return [t0, t1, t2, t3]
+    def free_energy_given_v(self, v):
+        """Returns theano expression for free energy of visible vector `v` in an mcRBM
+        """
+        return TT.add(*self.free_energy_terms_given_v(v))
+    def expected_h_g_given_v(self, v):
+        """Returns tuple (`h`, `g`) of theano expression conditional expectations in an mcRBM.
-    def __init__(self, U, W, a, b, c):
-        self.__dict__.update(locals())
-        del self.__dict__['self']
+        `h` is the conditional on the covariance units.
+        `g` is the conditional on the mean units.
+        """
+        h = TT.nnet.sigmoid(self.hidden_cov_units_preactivation_given_v(v))
+        g = nnet.sigmoid(self.c + dot(v,self.W))
+        return (h, g)
+    def n_visible_units(self):
+        """Return the number of visible units of this RBM
+        For an RBM made from shared variables, this will return an integer,
+        for a purely symbolic RBM this will return a theano expression.
+        """
+        try:
+            return self.W.value.shape[0]
+        except AttributeError:
+            return self.W.shape[0]
-    def __getitem__(self, idx):
-        # support unpacking of this container as if it were a tuple
-        return self.params[idx]
+    def sampler(self, n_particles, n_visible=None, rng=7823748):
+        """Return an `HMC_sampler` that will draw samples from the distribution over visible
+        units specified by this RBM.
+        :param n_particles: this many parallel chains will be simulated.
+        :param rng: seed or numpy RandomState object to initialize particles, and to drive the simulation.
+        """
+        if not hasattr(rng, 'randn'):
+            rng = np.random.RandomState(rng)
+        if n_visible is None:
+            n_visible = self.n_visible_units()
+        rval = HMC_sampler(
+            positions = [shared(
+                rng.randn(
+                    n_particles,
+                    n_visible).astype(floatX),
+                name='particles')],
+            energy_fn=self.free_energy_given_v,
+            seed=int(rng.randint(2**30)))
+        return rval
-    def new_from_dims(cls, n_I, n_K, n_J, rng = 8923402190):
+    def alloc(cls, n_I, n_K, n_J, rng = 8923402190):
         Return a MeanCovRBM instance with randomly-initialized parameters.
@@ -377,33 +355,98 @@
             return shared(X.astype(floatX), name=name)
         # initialization taken from train_mcRBM.py
-        return cls(
+        rval =  cls(
                 U = shrd(0.02 * rng.randn(n_I, n_K),'U'),
                 W = shrd(0.05 * rng.randn(n_I, n_J),'W'),
                 a = shrd(np.ones(n_I)*(0),'a'),
                 b = shrd(np.ones(n_K)*2,'b'),
                 c = shrd(np.ones(n_J)*(-2),'c'))
-    def __getstate__(self):
-        # unpack shared containers, which may have references to Theano stuff and are not a
-        # long-term stable data type.
-        return dict(
-                U = self.U.value,
-                W = self.W.value,
-                b = self.b.value,
-                c = self.c.value)
+        rval.params = [rval.U, rval.W, rval.a, rval.b, rval.c]
+        return rval
+class mcRBMTrainer(object):
+    """
+    Attributes:
+      - rbm 
+      - sampler
+      - normVF
+      - learn_rate
+      - learn_rate_multipliers
-    def __setstate__(self, dct):
-        d = dict(dct)
-        for key in ['U', 'W', 'a', 'b', 'c']:
-            d[key] = shared(d[key], name=key)
-        self.__init__(**d)
+    """
+    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
+        self.__dict__.update(kwargs)
+    def normalize_U(self, new_U):
+        #TODO: write the docstring
+        U_norms = TT.sqrt((new_U**2).sum(axis=0))
+        new_normVF = .95 * self.normVF + .05 * TT.mean(U_norms)
+        return new_U * this_normVF / U_norms), new_normVF
+    def contrastive_grads(self, visible_batch, params=None):
+        if params is not None:
+            params = self.rbm.params
+        return contrastive_grad(
+                free_energy_fn=rbm.free_energy_given_v,
+                pos_v=visible_batch, 
+                neg_v=self.sampler.positions,
+                params=params,
+                other_cost=(l1(self.rbm.U)+l1(self.rbm.W)) * self.l1_penalty)
-#TODO: put the normalization of U as a global function
+    def cd_updates(self, visible_batch, params=None, rng=89234):
+        if params is not None:
+            params = self.rbm.params
+        grads = self.contrastive_grads(visible_batch, params)
+        # contrastive divergence updates
+        # TODO: sgd_updates is a particular optization algo (others are possible)
+        #       parametrize so that algo is plugin
+        #       the normalization normVF might be sgd-specific though...
+        # TODO: when sgd has an annealing schedule, this should
+        #       go through that mechanism.
+        # TODO: parametrize these constants (e.g. 2000)
+        ups[self.iter] = self.iter + 1
+        lr = TT.clip(
+                self.learn_rate * 2000 / (self.iter+1), 
+                0.0, #min
+                self.learn_rate) #max
+        ups = sgd_updates(
+                    params,
+                    grads,
+                    stepsizes=[a*lr for a in learn_rate_multipliers])
-#TODO: put the learning loop as a global function or class, so that someone could load and *TRAIN* an mcRBM!!!
+        # sampler updates
+        ups.update(dict(self.sampler.updates()))
+        # add trainer updates (replace CD update of U)
+        ups[self.rbm.U], ups[self.normVF] = self.normalize_U(ups[U])
+        return ups
+    # TODO: accept a GD algo as an argument?
+    @classmethod
+    def alloc(cls, rbm, visible_batch, batchsize, initial_lr=0.075, rng=234,
+            l1_penalty=0,
+            learn_rate_multipliers=[2, .2, .02, .1, .02]):
+        # allocates shared var for negative phase particles
+        return cls(
+                rbm=rbm,
+                sampler=rbm.sampler(batchsize, rng=rng),
+                normVF=shared(1.0, 'normVF'),
+                learn_rate=shared(initial_lr/batchsize, 'learn_rate'),
+                iter=shared(0, 'iter'),
+                l1_penalty=l1_penalty,
+                learn_rate_multipliers=learn_rate_multipliers)
 if __name__ == '__main__':
     import pylearn.algorithms.tests.test_mcRBM