view @ 120:adbcdb900fa9

Modified InventoryGrid to set a name for each slot containing the index. Added getSlot method to InventoryGrid. Renamed InventoryGUI class to CharacterGUI. Added InventoryGUI class which handles the inventory part of the CharacterGUI. An InventoryGUI instance is now created in CharacterGUI.
date Wed, 05 Oct 2011 12:59:22 +0200
parents c76f03c290f6
children 2241722311bf
line wrap: on
line source

# This file is part of PARPG.
# PARPG is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# PARPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with PARPG.  If not, see <>.

#from parpg.objects.base import Container
#from parpg.objects.composed import SingleItemContainer as Slot

import copy

# TODO: many missing function definitions in this code

class Inventory(Container):
    """The class to represent inventory 'model': allow operations with
       inventory contents, perform weight/bulk calculations, etc"""
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        """Initialise instance"""
        Container.__init__(self,  **kwargs)
        self.items = {"head": Slot(), "neck": Slot(),
                      "shoulders": Slot(), "chest": Slot(),
                      "abdomen": Slot(), "left_arm": Slot(),
                      "right_arm": Slot(),"groin": Slot(),
                      "hips": Slot(), "left_leg": Slot(),
                      "right_leg": Slot(), "left_hand": Slot(),
                      "right_hand": Slot(), "ready": Container(),
                      "backpack": Container()}
        for key, item in self.items.iteritems():
   = key
            kwargs = {}
            kwargs["container"] = item
            item.setScript("onPlaceItem", self.onChildPlaceItem, kwargs = kwargs)
        self.item_lookup = {}
    def onChildPlaceItem(self, container):
        for item in container.items.itervalues():
            self.item_lookup[item.ID] =  

    def placeItem(self, item, index=None):
        self.items["backpack"].placeItem(item, index)
        #self.item_lookup[item.ID] = "backpack"
    def takeItem(self, item):
        if not item.ID in self.item_lookup:
            raise ValueError ('I do not contain this item: %s' % item)
        del self.item_lookup[item.ID]

    def removeItem(self, item):
        if not item.ID in self.item_lookup:
            raise ValueError ('I do not contain this item: %s' % item)
        del self.item_lookup[item.ID]

    def replaceItem(self, old_item, new_item):
        """Replaces the old item with the new one
        @param old_item: Old item which is removed
        @type old_item: Carryable
        @param new_item: New item which is added
        @type new_item: Carryable
        if not old_item.ID in self.item_lookup:
            raise ValueError ('I do not contain this item: %s' % old_item)
            .replaceItem(old_item, new_item)

    def getWeight(self):
        """Total weight of all items in container + container's own weight"""
        return sum((item.weight for item in self.items.values()))

    def setWeightDummy(self, weight):

    weight = property(getWeight, setWeightDummy, "Total weight of container")

    def count(self, item_type = ""):
        return sum(item.count(item_type) for item in self.items.values())
    def takeOff(self, item):
        return self.moveItemToSlot(item, "backpack")

    def moveItemToSlot(self,item,slot,index=None):
        if not slot in self.items:
            raise(ValueError("%s: No such slot" % slot))

        if item.ID in self.item_lookup:
            self.items[slot].placeItem(item, index)
        except Container.SlotBusy:
            if index == None :
                offending_item = self.items[slot].items[0]
            else :
                offending_item = self.items[slot].items[index]
            self.items[slot].placeItem(item, index)
        self.item_lookup[item.ID] = slot
    def getItemsInSlot(self, slot, index=None):
        if not slot in self.items:
            raise(ValueError("%s: No such slot" % slot))
        if index != None:
            return self.items[slot].items.get(index)
            return copy.copy(self.items[slot].items)

    def isSlotEmpty(self, slot, index=None):
        if not slot in self.items:
            raise(ValueError("%s: No such slot" % slot))
        if index == None:
            return self.items[slot].count() == 0
            return not index in self.items[slot].items

    def has(self, item_ID):
        return item_ID in self.item_lookup

    def findItemByID(self, ID):
        if ID not in self.item_lookup:
            return None
        return self.items[self.item_lookup[ID]].findItemByID(ID)

    def findItem(self, **kwargs):
        """Find an item in inventory by various attributes. All parameters 
           are optional.
           @type name: String
           @param name: Object name. If the name is non-unique, 
                        first matching object is returned
           @type kind: String
           @param kind: One of the possible object kinds like "openable" or 
                        "weapon" (see
           @return: The item matching criteria or None if none was found"""
        for slot in self.items:
            item_found = self.items[slot].findItem(**kwargs)
            if item_found != None:
                return item_found
        return None

    def __repr__(self):
        return "[Inventory contents: " + \
                            reduce((lambda a,b: str(a) 
                                    + ', ' + str(b)), 
                                    self.items.values()) + " ]"

    def serializeInventory(self):
        """Returns the inventory items as a list"""
        inventory = []
        for key, slot in self.items.iteritems():
            if key == "ready" or key == "backpack":
            elif len(slot.items) > 0:
                item = slot.items[0]
                item_dict = item.getStateForSaving()
                item_dict["slot"] = key                                
                item_dict["type"] = type(item).__name__ 
        return inventory
    def getStateForSaving(self):
        """Returns state for saving
        state = {}
        state["Inventory"] = self.serializeInventory()
        return state