view @ 115:26e65f27dbd7

"Open" will now not be shown in the context menu when the lockable is locked. "Lock" will not not be shown in the context menu when the lockable is open.
date Mon, 03 Oct 2011 14:12:17 +0200
parents 7a89ea5404b1
children c706963ed0c3
line wrap: on
line source

#   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#   (at your option) any later version.

#   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#   GNU General Public License for more details.

#   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#   along with this program.  If not, see <>.

import re
import os
import sys
from StringIO import StringIO
import code

class Console:
    def __init__(self, app_listener):
        @type appListener: ApplicationListener
        @param appListener: ApplicationListener object providing a link with
        the Controller, the view and the GameModel"""
        exit_help   = "Terminate application"
        grid_help   = "Toggle grid display"
        run_help    = "Toggle player run/walk"
        help_help   = "Show this help string"
        load_help   = "Usage: load directory file"
        python_help = "Run some python code"
        quit_help   = "Terminate application"
        save_help   = "Usage: save directory file"
        pause_help  = "Pause/Unpause the game"

        self.commands = [
            {"cmd":"exit"  ,"callback":self.handleQuit  ,"help": exit_help},
            {"cmd":"grid"  ,"callback":self.handleGrid  ,"help": grid_help},
            {"cmd":"help"  ,"callback":self.handleHelp  ,"help": help_help},
            {"cmd":"load"  ,"callback":self.handleLoad  ,"help": load_help},
            {"cmd":"pause" ,"callback":self.handlePause ,"help": pause_help},
            {"cmd":"python","callback":self.handlePython,"help": python_help},
            {"cmd":"run"   ,"callback":self.handleRun   ,"help": run_help},
            {"cmd":"save"  ,"callback":self.handleSave  ,"help": save_help},
            {"cmd":"quit"  ,"callback":self.handleQuit  ,"help": quit_help},
        self.app_listener = app_listener
        self.view = self.app_listener.view 
        self.model = self.app_listener.model
        self.game_state = self.app_listener.view.model.game_state
        self.console_locals = {"__name__":"__paprg_console__",\
                               "__doc__": None,\

        self.console = code.InteractiveConsole(self.console_locals)

    def handleQuit(self, command):
        """Implements the quit console command 
           @type command: string
           @param command: The command to run
           @return: The resultstring"""
        return "Terminating ..."

    def handlePause(self, command):
        """Implements the pause console command
           @type command: string
           @param command: The command to run
           @return: The resultstring"""
        return "Game (un)paused"

    def handleGrid(self, command):
        """Implements the grid console command 
           @type command: string
           @param command: The command to run
           @return: The resultstring"""
        return "Grid toggled"

    def handleRun(self, command):
        """Toggles run/walk mode of the PC player
           @type command: string
           @param command: The command to run.
           @return: The response"""
        if self.app_listener.model.pc_run == 1:
            self.app_listener.model.pc_run = 0
            return "PC is now walking"
            self.app_listener.model.pc_run = 1
            return "PC is now running"

    def handleHelp(self, command):
        """Implements the help console command 
           @type command: string
           @param command: The command to run
           @return: The resultstring"""
        res = ""
        for cmd in self.commands:
            res += "%10s: %s\n" % (cmd["cmd"], cmd["help"])
        return res

    def handlePython(self,command):
        user_code = command[7:len(command)]

        codeOut = StringIO()

        #make stdout and stderr write to our file, not the terminal
        sys.stdout = codeOut
        sys.stderr = codeOut

        #Workaround it not being possible to enter a blank line in the console
        if user_code == " ":
            user_code = ""

        #Process the code
        if len(self.console.buffer) == 0:
            output = codeOut.getvalue()
            output =  "..."

        #restore stdout and stderr
        sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__
        sys.stderr = sys.__stderr__

        temp_output = output
        output = ""
        counter = 0

        #Make the output fit in the console screen
        for char in temp_output:
            counter += 1
            if char == "\n":
                counter = 0
            elif counter == 110:
                output += "\n"
                counter = 0
            output += char

        return output

    def handleLoad(self, command):
        """Implements the load console command 
           @type command: string
           @param command: The command to run
           @return: The resultstring"""
        result = None
        load_regex = re.compile('^load')
        l_matches = load_regex.match(command.lower())
        if (l_matches is not None):
            end_load = l_matches.end()
                l_args = command.lower()[end_load + 1:].strip()
                l_path, l_filename = l_args.split(' ')
                self.app_listener.model.load_save = True
                self.app_listener.model.savegame = os.path.join(l_path, l_filename)
                result = "Load triggered"

            except Exception, l_error:
                self.app_listener.engine.getGuiManager().getConsole().println('Error: ' + str(l_error))
                result="Failed to load file"

        return result

    def handleSave(self, command):
        """Implements the save console command 
           @type command: string
           @param command: The command to run
           @return: The resultstring"""
        save_regex = re.compile('^save')
        s_matches = save_regex.match(command.lower())
        if (s_matches != None):
            end_save = s_matches.end()
                s_args = command.lower()[end_save+1:].strip()
                s_path, s_filename = s_args.split(' ')
      , s_filename)
                result = "Saved to file: " + s_path + s_filename

            except Exception, s_error:
                self.app_listener.engine.getGuiManager().getConsole(). \
                    println('Error: ' + str(s_error))
                result = "Failed to save file"
        return result 

    def handleConsoleCommand(self, command):
        """Implements the console logic 
           @type command: string
           @param command: The command to run
           @return: The response string """
        result = None        
        for cmd in self.commands:
            regex = re.compile('^' + cmd["cmd"])
            if regex.match(command.lower()):

        if result is None:
            result = self.handlePython("python " + command) 
        return result