diff objects/actors.py @ 0:7a89ea5404b1

Initial commit of parpg-core.
author M. George Hansen <technopolitica@gmail.com>
date Sat, 14 May 2011 01:12:35 -0700
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/objects/actors.py	Sat May 14 01:12:35 2011 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,414 @@
+#   This file is part of PARPG.
+#   PARPG is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+#   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+#   (at your option) any later version.
+#   PARPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#   GNU General Public License for more details.
+#   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#   along with PARPG.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+from random import randrange
+from fife import fife
+from base import GameObject, Living, Scriptable, CharStats
+from composed import CarryableItem
+from parpg.inventory import Inventory
+"""All actors go here. Concrete classes only."""
+__all__ = ["PlayerCharacter", "NonPlayerCharacter", ]
+class ActorBehaviour (fife.InstanceActionListener):
+    """Fife agent listener"""
+    def __init__(self, layer):
+        fife.InstanceActionListener.__init__(self)
+        self.layer = layer
+        self.agent = None
+        self.state = None
+        self.speed = 0
+        self.idle_counter = 1
+    def attachToLayer(self, agent_ID):
+        """Attaches to a certain layer
+           @type agent_ID: String
+           @param agent_ID: ID of the layer to attach to.
+           @return: None"""
+        self.agent = self.layer.getInstance(agent_ID)
+        self.agent.addActionListener(self)
+        self.state = _AGENT_STATE_NONE
+    def getX(self):
+        """Get the NPC's x position on the map.
+           @rtype: integer"
+           @return: the x coordinate of the NPC's location"""
+        return self.agent.getLocation().getLayerCoordinates().x
+    def getY(self):
+        """Get the NPC's y position on the map.
+           @rtype: integer
+           @return: the y coordinate of the NPC's location"""
+        return self.agent.getLocation().getLayerCoordinates().y
+    def onNewMap(self, layer):
+        """Sets the agent onto the new layer."""
+        if self.agent is not None:
+            self.agent.removeActionListener(self)
+        self.agent = layer.getInstance(self.parent.ID)
+        self.agent.addActionListener(self)
+        self.state = _AGENT_STATE_NONE
+        self.idle_counter = 1
+    def idle(self):
+        """@return: None"""
+        self.state = _AGENT_STATE_IDLE
+        self.agent.act('stand', self.agent.getFacingLocation())
+    def onInstanceActionFinished(self, instance, action):
+        pass
+class PCBehaviour (ActorBehaviour):
+    def __init__(self, parent=None, layer=None):
+        super(PCBehaviour, self).__init__(layer)        
+        self.parent = parent
+        self.idle_counter = 1
+        self.speed = 0
+        self.nextAction = None
+        self.agent = None
+    def onInstanceActionFinished(self, instance, action):
+        """@type instance: ???
+           @param instance: ???
+           @type action: ???
+           @param action: ???
+           @return: None"""
+        # First we reset the next behavior 
+        act = self.nextAction
+        self.nextAction = None 
+        self.idle()
+        if act:
+            act.execute()
+        if(action.getId() != 'stand'):
+            self.idle_counter = 1
+        else:
+            self.idle_counter += 1            
+class NPCBehaviour(ActorBehaviour):
+    def __init__(self, Parent=None, Layer=None):
+        super(NPCBehaviour, self).__init__(Layer)
+        self.parent = Parent
+        self.state = _AGENT_STATE_NONE
+        self.pc = None
+        self.target_loc = None
+        self.nextAction = None
+        # hard code these for now
+        self.distRange = (2, 4)
+        # these are parameters to lower the rate of wandering
+        # wander rate is the number of "IDLEs" before a wander step
+        # this could be set for individual NPCs at load time
+        # or thrown out altogether.
+        self.wanderCounter = 0
+        self.wanderRate = 9
+    def getTargetLocation(self):
+        """@rtype: fife.Location
+           @return: NPC's position"""
+        x = self.getX()
+        y = self.getY()
+        if self.state == _AGENT_STATE_WANDER:
+            """ Random Target Location """
+            l = [0, 0]
+            for i in range(len(l)):
+                sign = randrange(0, 2)
+                dist = randrange(self.distRange[0], self.distRange[1])
+                if sign == 0:
+                    dist *= -1
+                l[i] = dist
+            x += l[0]
+            y += l[1]
+            # Random walk is
+            # rl = randint(-1, 1);ud = randint(-1, 1);x += rl;y += ud
+        l = fife.Location(self.agent.getLocation())
+        l.setLayerCoordinates(fife.ModelCoordinate(x, y))
+        return l
+    def onInstanceActionFinished(self, instance, action):
+        """What the NPC does when it has finished an action.
+           Called by the engine and required for InstanceActionListeners.
+           @type instance: fife.Instance
+           @param instance: self.agent (the NPC listener is listening for this
+                                        instance)
+           @type action: ???
+           @param action: ???
+           @return: None"""
+        if self.state == _AGENT_STATE_WANDER:
+            self.target_loc = self.getTargetLocation()
+        self.idle()
+    def idle(self):
+        """Controls the NPC when it is idling. Different actions
+           based on the NPC's state.
+           @return: None"""
+        if self.state == _AGENT_STATE_NONE:
+            self.state = _AGENT_STATE_IDLE
+            self.agent.act('stand', self.agent.getFacingLocation())
+        elif self.state == _AGENT_STATE_IDLE:
+            if self.wanderCounter > self.wanderRate:
+                self.wanderCounter = 0
+                self.state = _AGENT_STATE_WANDER
+            else:
+                self.wanderCounter += 1
+                self.state = _AGENT_STATE_NONE
+            self.target_loc = self.getTargetLocation()
+            self.agent.act('stand', self.agent.getFacingLocation())
+        elif self.state == _AGENT_STATE_WANDER:
+            self.parent.wander(self.target_loc)
+            self.state = _AGENT_STATE_NONE
+        elif self.state == _AGENT_STATE_TALK:
+            self.agent.act('stand', self.pc.getLocation())
+class CharacterBase(GameObject, CharStats, Living):
+    """Base class for Characters"""
+    def __init__(self, ID, agent_layer=None, inventory=None, text="",
+                 primary_stats=None, secondary_stats=None, **kwargs):
+        GameObject.__init__(self, ID, text=text, **kwargs)
+        CharStats.__init__(self, **kwargs)
+        Living.__init__(self, **kwargs)
+        self.statistics = {}
+        if primary_stats is not None:
+            for primary_stat in primary_stats:
+                name = primary_stat.name
+                self.statistics[name] = primary_stat
+        if secondary_stats is not None:
+            for secondary_stat in primary_stats:
+                long_name = secondary_stat.long_name
+                self.statistics[long_name] = secondary_stat
+                short_name = secondary_stat.short_name
+                self.statistics[short_name] = secondary_stat
+                secondary_stat.attach(self)
+        self.behaviour = None
+        if inventory == None:
+            self.inventory = Inventory()
+        else:
+            self.inventory = inventory
+        self.state = _AGENT_STATE_NONE
+        self.layer_id = agent_layer.getId()
+        self.createBehaviour(agent_layer)
+    def createBehaviour(self, layer):
+        """Creates the behaviour for this actor.
+           @return: None"""
+        pass
+    def setup(self):
+        """@return: None"""
+        self.behaviour.attachToLayer(self.ID)
+    def start(self):
+        """@return: None"""
+        self.behaviour.idle()
+    def teleport(self, location):
+        """Teleports a Character instantly to the given location.
+           @type location: fife.Location
+           @param location: Target coordinates for Character.
+           @return: None"""
+        self.state = _AGENT_STATE_IDLE
+        self.behaviour.nextAction = None 
+        self.behaviour.agent.setLocation(location)
+    def give (self, item, actor):
+        """Gives the specified item to the different actor. Raises an exception if the item was invalid or not found
+           @type item: Carryable
+           @param item: The item object to give
+           @param actor: Person to give item to"""
+        if item == None: 
+            raise ValueError("I don't have %s" % item.name)
+        self.inventory.takeItem(item)
+        actor.inventory.placeItem(item)           
+    def hasItem(self, item_type):
+        """Returns wether an item is present in the players inventory or not
+        @param item_type: ID of the item
+        @type item_type: str
+        @return: True when the item is present, False when not"""
+        return self.inventory.findItem(item_type=item_type)
+    def itemCount(self, item_type=""):
+        """Returns number of all items or items specified by item_type 
+        the player has.
+        @param item_type: ID of the item, can be empty
+        @type item_type: str
+        @return: Number of items"""
+        return self.inventory.count(item_type)
+    def getLocation(self):
+        """Get the NPC's position as a fife.Location object. Basically a
+           wrapper.
+           @rtype: fife.Location
+           @return: the location of the NPC"""
+        return self.behaviour.agent.getLocation()
+    def run(self, location):
+        """Makes the PC run to a certain location
+           @type location: fife.ScreenPoint
+           @param location: Screen position to run to.
+           @return: None"""
+        self.state = _AGENT_STATE_RUN
+        self.behaviour.nextAction = None
+        self.behaviour.agent.move('run', location, self.behaviour.speed + 1)
+    def walk(self, location):
+        """Makes the PC walk to a certain location.
+           @type location: fife.ScreenPoint
+           @param location: Screen position to walk to.
+           @return: None"""
+        self.state = _AGENT_STATE_RUN
+        self.behaviour.nextAction = None 
+        self.behaviour.agent.move('walk', location, self.behaviour.speed - 1)
+    def getStateForSaving(self):
+        """Returns state for saving
+        """
+        ret_dict = GameObject.getStateForSaving(self)
+        ret_dict["Inventory"] = self.inventory.serializeInventory()
+        return ret_dict
+    def _getCoords(self):
+        """Get-er property function"""
+        return (self.getLocation().getMapCoordinates().x,
+                self.getLocation().getMapCoordinates().y)
+    def _setCoords(self, coords):
+        """Set-er property function"""
+        map_coords = self.getLocation().getMapCoordinates()
+        map_coords.X, map_coords.Y = float(coords[0]), float (coords[1])
+        self.teleport(map_coords)
+    coords = property (_getCoords, _setCoords,
+        doc="Property allowing you to get and set the object's \
+                coordinates via tuples")
+class PlayerCharacter (CharacterBase):
+    """PC class"""
+    def __init__ (self, ID, agent_layer=None, inventory=None,
+                  text="Its you. Who would've thought that?", **kwargs):
+        if inventory == None:
+            inventory = Inventory()
+            inventory.placeItem(CarryableItem(ID=456, name="Dagger123"))
+            inventory.placeItem(CarryableItem(ID=555, name="Beer"))
+            inventory.placeItem(CarryableItem(ID=616,
+                                    name="Pamphlet",
+                                    image="/gui/inv_images/inv_pamphlet.png"))
+        CharacterBase.__init__(self, ID, agent_layer, inventory, text, **kwargs)
+        self.people_i_know = set()
+        self.attributes.append("PC")
+    def getStateForSaving(self):
+        """Returns state for saving
+        """
+        ret_dict = super(PlayerCharacter, self).getStateForSaving()
+        ret_dict["PeopleKnown"] = self.people_i_know
+        return ret_dict
+    def meet(self, npc):
+        """Record that the PC has met a certain NPC
+           @type npc: str
+           @param npc: The NPC's name or id"""
+        if npc in self.people_i_know:
+            # we could raise an error here, but should probably be a warn
+            # raise RuntimeError("I already know %s" % npc)
+            return
+        self.people_i_know.add(npc)
+    def met(self, npc):
+        """Indicate whether the PC has met this npc before
+           @type npc: str
+           @param npc: The NPC's name or id
+           @return: None"""
+        return npc in self.people_i_know
+    def createBehaviour(self, layer):
+        """Creates the behaviour for this actor.
+           @return: None"""
+        self.behaviour = PCBehaviour(self, layer)
+    def approach(self, location, action=None):
+        """Approaches a location and then perform an action (if set).
+           @type loc: fife.Location
+           @param loc: the location to approach
+           @type action: Action
+           @param action: The action to schedule for execution after the approach.
+           @return: None"""
+        self.state = _AGENT_STATE_APPROACH
+        self.behaviour.nextAction = action
+        boxLocation = tuple([int(float(i)) for i in location])
+        l = fife.Location(self.behaviour.agent.getLocation())
+        l.setLayerCoordinates(fife.ModelCoordinate(*boxLocation))
+        self.behaviour.agent.move('run', l, self.behaviour.speed + 1)
+class NonPlayerCharacter(CharacterBase, Scriptable):
+    """NPC class"""
+    def __init__(self, ID, agent_layer=None, name='NPC', \
+                 text='A nonplayer character', inventory=None,
+                 real_name='NPC', dialogue=None, **kwargs):
+        # init game object
+        CharacterBase.__init__(self, ID, agent_layer=agent_layer,
+                               inventory=inventory, name=name,
+                               real_name=real_name, text=text, **kwargs)
+        Scriptable.__init__(self, **kwargs)
+        self.attributes.append("NPC")
+        self.dialogue = dialogue
+    def prepareStateForSaving(self, state):
+        """Prepares state for saving
+        @type state: dictionary
+        @param state: State of the object  
+        """
+        CharacterBase.prepareStateForSaving(self, state)
+        del state["behaviour"]
+    def getStateForSaving(self):
+        """Returns state for saving
+        """
+        ret_dict = CharacterBase.getStateForSaving(self)
+        ret_dict["Lives"] = self.lives
+        ret_dict["State"] = self.behaviour.state
+        return ret_dict
+    def createBehaviour(self, layer):
+        """Creates the behaviour for this actor.
+           @return None """
+        self.behaviour = NPCBehaviour(self, layer)
+    def wander(self, location):
+        """Nice slow movement for random walking.
+           @type location: fife.Location
+           @param location: Where the NPC will walk to.
+           @return: None"""
+        self.behaviour.agent.move('walk', location, self.behaviour.speed - 1)
+    def talk(self, pc):
+        """Makes the NPC ready to talk to the PC
+           @return: None"""
+        self.behaviour.state = _AGENT_STATE_TALK
+        self.behaviour.pc = pc.behaviour.agent
+        self.behaviour.idle()