diff gui/spinners.py @ 0:7a89ea5404b1

Initial commit of parpg-core.
author M. George Hansen <technopolitica@gmail.com>
date Sat, 14 May 2011 01:12:35 -0700
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/gui/spinners.py	Sat May 14 01:12:35 2011 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
+from fife.extensions.pychan.widgets import (ImageButton, TextField, HBox,
+    Spacer)
+from fife.extensions.pychan.attrs import Attr, IntAttr, BoolAttr
+class ListAttr(Attr):
+    def parse(self, value):
+        list_ = value.split(',')
+        return list_
+class Spinner(HBox):
+        ListAttr('items'),
+        IntAttr('default_item_n'),
+        BoolAttr('circular'),
+    ]
+    def default_item_n():
+        def fget(self):
+            return self._default_item_n
+        def fset(self, index):
+            if len(self.items) -1 >= index:
+                self._default_item_n = index
+                self.text_field.text = self.items[index]
+            else:
+                error_message = \
+                    'default_item_n exceeds number of items in spinner'
+                raise ValueError(error_message)
+        return locals()
+    default_item_n = property(**default_item_n())
+    def items():
+        def fget(self):
+            return self._items
+        def fset(self, items):
+            self._items = map(unicode, items)
+            if self.default_item_n > len(items) - 1:
+                self.default_item_n = 0
+            self.text_field.text = self.items[self.default_item_n] if \
+                                   len(self.items) > 0 else u''
+        return locals()
+    items = property(**items())
+    def background_color():
+        def fget(self):
+            return self.text_field.background_color
+        def fset(self, background_color):
+            self.text_field.background_color = background_color
+        return locals()
+    background_color = property(**background_color())
+    def font():
+        def fget(self):
+            return self.text_field.font
+        def fset(self, font):
+            self.text_field.font = font
+        return locals()
+    font = property(**font())
+    def background_color():
+        def fget(self):
+            return self.text_field.background_color
+        def fset(self, background_color):
+            self.text_field.background_color = background_color
+        return locals()
+    background_color = property(**background_color())
+    def min_size():
+        def fget(self):
+            return self._min_size
+        def fset(self, min_size):
+            self._min_size = min_size
+            self.decrease_button.capture(self.previousItem)
+            increase_button_width, increase_button_height = \
+                self.increase_button.size
+            decrease_button_width, decrease_button_height = \
+                self.decrease_button.size
+            text_field_width = min_size[0] - (2 * self.padding) - \
+                               (increase_button_width + decrease_button_width)
+            self.text_field.min_width = text_field_width
+            self.text_field.max_width = text_field_width
+            self.text_field.min_height = min_size[1]
+        return locals()
+    min_size = property(**min_size())
+    def max_size():
+        def fget(self):
+            return self._max_size
+        def fset(self, max_size):
+            self._max_size = max_size
+            self.decrease_button.capture(self.previousItem)
+            increase_button_width, increase_button_height = \
+                self.increase_button.size
+            decrease_button_width, decrease_button_height = \
+                self.decrease_button.size
+            text_field_width = max_size[0] - (2 * self.padding) - \
+                               (increase_button_width + decrease_button_width)
+            self.text_field.max_width = text_field_width
+            self.text_field.max_height = max_size[1]
+        return locals()
+    max_size = property(**max_size())
+    def __init__(self, items=None, default_item_n=0, circular=True,
+                 min_size=(50, 14), max_size=(50, 14), font=None, background_color=None, **kwargs):
+        self._current_index = 0
+        self._items = map(unicode, items) if items is not None else []
+        self._default_item_n = default_item_n
+        self._min_size = min_size
+        self.circular = circular
+        padding = 1
+        self.text_field = TextField(background_color=background_color)
+        self.decrease_button = ImageButton(
+            up_image='gui/buttons/left_arrow_up.png',
+            down_image='gui/buttons/left_arrow_down.png',
+            hover_image='gui/buttons/left_arrow_hover.png',
+        )
+        # FIXME Technomage 2011-03-05: This is a hack to prevent the button
+        #     from expanding width-wise and skewing the TextField orientation.
+        #     Max size shouldn't be hard-coded like this though...
+        self.decrease_button.max_size = (12, 12)
+        self.decrease_button.capture(self.previousItem)
+        self.increase_button = ImageButton(
+            up_image='gui/buttons/right_arrow_up.png',
+            down_image='gui/buttons/right_arrow_down.png',
+            hover_image='gui/buttons/right_arrow_hover.png',
+        )
+        self.increase_button.capture(self.nextItem)
+        increase_button_width, increase_button_height = \
+            self.increase_button.size
+        decrease_button_width, decrease_button_height = \
+            self.decrease_button.size
+        self.text_field = TextField(font=font)
+        text_field_width = min_size[0] - (2 * padding) - \
+                           (increase_button_width + decrease_button_width)
+        self.text_field.min_width = text_field_width
+        self.text_field.max_width = text_field_width
+        self.text_field.min_height = min_size[1]
+        self.text_field.text = self.items[default_item_n] if \
+                               len(self.items) > 0 else u''
+        HBox.__init__(self, **kwargs)
+        self.opaque = 0
+        self.padding = padding
+        self.margins = (0, 0)
+        self.addChildren(self.decrease_button, self.text_field,
+                         self.increase_button)
+    def nextItem(self, event, widget):
+        if self.circular:
+            if self._current_index < len(self.items) - 1:
+                self._current_index += 1
+            else:
+                self._current_index = 0
+            self.text_field.text = self.items[self._current_index]
+        elif self._current_index < len(self.items) - 1:
+            self._current_index += 1
+            self.text_field.text = self.items[self._current_index]
+    def previousItem(self, event, widget):
+        if self.circular:
+            if self._current_index > 0:
+                self._current_index -= 1
+            else:
+                self._current_index = len(self.items) - 1
+            self.text_field.text = self.items[self._current_index]
+        elif self._current_index > 0:
+            self._current_index -= 1
+            self.text_field.text = self.items[self._current_index]
+class IntSpinner(Spinner):
+        IntAttr('lower_limit'),
+        IntAttr('upper_limit'),
+        IntAttr('step_size'),
+    ]
+    def lower_limit():
+        def fget(self):
+            return self._lower_limit
+        def fset(self, lower_limit):
+            self._lower_limit = lower_limit
+            integers = range(lower_limit, self.upper_limit + 1, self.step_size)
+            self.items = integers
+        return locals()
+    lower_limit = property(**lower_limit())
+    def upper_limit():
+        def fget(self):
+            return self._upper_limit
+        def fset(self, upper_limit):
+            self._upper_limit = upper_limit
+            integers = range(self.lower_limit, upper_limit + 1, self.step_size)
+            self.items = integers
+        return locals()
+    upper_limit = property(**upper_limit())
+    def step_size():
+        def fget(self):
+            return self._step_size
+        def fset(self, step_size):
+            self._step_size = step_size
+            integers = range(self.lower_limit, self.upper_limit + 1, step_size)
+            self.items = integers
+        return locals()
+    step_size = property(**step_size())
+    def __init__(self, lower_limit=0, upper_limit=100, step_size=1, **kwargs):
+        self._lower_limit = lower_limit
+        self._upper_limit = upper_limit
+        self._step_size = step_size
+        integers = range(lower_limit, upper_limit + 1, step_size)
+        Spinner.__init__(self, items=integers, **kwargs)