diff gui/inventorygui.py @ 0:7a89ea5404b1

Initial commit of parpg-core.
author M. George Hansen <technopolitica@gmail.com>
date Sat, 14 May 2011 01:12:35 -0700
children 06145a6ee387
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/gui/inventorygui.py	Sat May 14 01:12:35 2011 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,365 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+#   This file is part of PARPG.
+#   PARPG is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+#   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+#   (at your option) any later version.
+#   PARPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#   GNU General Public License for more details.
+#   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#   along with PARPG.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+from fife.extensions.pychan.tools import callbackWithArguments as cbwa
+from fife.extensions import pychan
+from fife.extensions.pychan.attrs import UnicodeAttr
+from parpg.gui import drag_drop_data as data_drag
+from parpg.objects.base import Container
+from parpg.gui.containergui_base import ContainerGUIBase
+from parpg.objects.action import ACTIONS
+import logging
+logger = logging.getLogger('action')
+class EquipmentSlot(pychan.VBox):
+    ATTRIBUTES = pychan.VBox.ATTRIBUTES + [UnicodeAttr('label_text')]
+    def _setLabelText(self, text):
+        label = self.findChild()
+        label.text = unicode(text)
+        label.resizeToContent()
+        self.margins = (
+            int((self.width - label.width) / 2.0),
+            int((self.height - label.height) / 2.0)
+        )
+    def _getLabelText(self):
+        label = self.findChild()
+        return label.text
+    label_text = property(fget=_getLabelText, fset=_setLabelText)
+    def __init__(self, label_text=u'equipment', min_size=(50, 50),
+                 max_size=(50, 50), margins=None,
+                 background_image="gui/inv_images/inv_background.png",
+                 **kwargs):
+        pychan.VBox.__init__(self, min_size=min_size, max_size=max_size,
+                             **kwargs)
+        self.background_image = background_image
+        label = pychan.Label(text=unicode(label_text))
+        self.addChild(label)
+        self.label_text = label_text
+        self.adaptLayout()
+        if self.parent is not None:
+            self.beforeShow()
+class InventoryGrid(pychan.VBox):
+    ATTRIBUTES = pychan.VBox.ATTRIBUTES + [pychan.attrs.PointAttr('grid_size')]
+    def _setNColumns(self, n_columns):
+        n_rows = self.grid_size[1]
+        self.grid_size = (n_columns, n_rows)
+    def _getNColumns(self):
+        n_columns = self.grid_size[0]
+        return n_columns
+    n_columns = property(fget=_getNColumns, fset=_setNColumns)
+    def _setNRows(self, n_rows):
+        n_columns = self.grid_size[0]
+        self.grid_size = (n_columns, n_rows)
+    def _getNRows(self):
+        n_rows = self.grid_size[1]
+        return n_rows
+    n_rows = property(fget=_getNRows, fset=_getNColumns)
+    def _setGridSize(self, grid_size):
+        n_columns, n_rows = grid_size
+        self.removeAllChildren()
+        for row_n in range(n_rows):
+            row_size = (n_columns * 50, 50)
+            row = pychan.HBox(min_size=row_size, max_size=row_size,
+                              padding=self.padding)
+            row.border_size = 1
+            row.opaque = 0
+            for column_n in range(n_columns):
+                slot = pychan.Icon(min_size=(50, 50), max_size=(50, 50))
+                slot.border_size = 1
+                row.addChild(slot)
+            self.addChild(row)
+        self.min_size = ((n_columns * 50) + 2, (n_rows * 50) + 2)
+        self.max_size = self.min_size
+    def _getGridSize(self):
+        n_rows = len(self.children)
+        n_columns = len(self.children[0].children)
+        return (n_rows, n_columns)
+    grid_size = property(fget=_getGridSize, fset=_setGridSize)
+    def __init__(self, grid_size=(2, 2), padding=0, **kwargs):
+        pychan.VBox.__init__(self, padding=padding, **kwargs)
+        self.opaque = 0
+        self.grid_size = grid_size
+        self.border_size = 1
+class InventoryGUI(ContainerGUIBase):
+    def __init__(self, controller, inventory, callbacks):
+        super(InventoryGUI, self).__init__(controller, "gui/inventory.xml")
+        self.engine = controller.engine
+        self.inventory_shown = False
+        render_backend = self.engine.getRenderBackend()
+        screen_mode = render_backend.getCurrentScreenMode()
+        screen_width, screen_height = (screen_mode.getWidth(),
+                                       screen_mode.getHeight())
+        widget_width, widget_height = self.gui.size
+        self.gui.position = ((screen_width - widget_width) / 2,
+                             (screen_height - widget_height) / 2)
+    def toggleInventory(self, toggleImage=True):
+        """Pause the game and enter the inventory screen, or close the
+           inventory screen and resume the game.
+           @type toggleImage: bool
+           @param toggleImage:
+               Call toggleInventoryCallback if True. Toggling via a
+               keypress requires that we toggle the Hud inventory image
+               explicitly. Clicking on the Hud inventory button toggles the
+               image implicitly, so we don't change it.
+           @return: None"""
+        if not self.inventory_shown:
+            self.showInventory()
+            self.inventory_shown = True
+        else:
+            self.closeInventory()
+            self.inventory_shown = False
+    def showInventory(self):
+        self.gui.show()
+    def closeInventory(self):
+        self.gui.hide()
+class _InventoryGUI(ContainerGUIBase):
+    """Inventory GUI class"""
+    def __init__(self, controller, inventory, callbacks):
+        """Initialise the instance.
+           @param controller: Current Controller
+           @type controller: Class derived from ControllerBase
+           @type inventory: Inventory
+           @param inventory: An inventory object to be displayed and manipulated
+           @type callbacks: dict
+           @param callbacks: a dict of callbacks
+               refreshReadyImages:
+                   Function that will make the ready slots on the HUD
+                   reflect those within the inventory
+               toggleInventoryButton:
+                   Function that will toggle the state of the inventory button
+           @return: None"""
+        super(InventoryGUI, self).__init__(controller, "gui/inventory.xml")
+        self.engine = controller.engine
+        self.readyCallback = callbacks['refreshReadyImages']
+        self.toggleInventoryButtonCallback = callbacks['toggleInventoryButton']
+        self.original_cursor_id = self.engine.getCursor().getId()
+        self.inventory_shown = False
+        events_to_map = {}
+        self.inventory_storage = inventory
+        # Buttons of inventory arranged by slots
+        self.slot_buttons = {'head': ('Head',), 'chest': ('Body',),
+                             'left_arm': ('LeftHand',),
+                             'right_arm': ('RightHand',),
+                             'hips' : ('Belt',), 'left_leg': ('LeftFoot',),
+                             'right_leg': ('RightFoot',),
+                             'left_hand': ('LeftHeld',),
+                             'right_hand': ('RightHeld',),
+                             'backpack': ('A1', 'A2', 'A3', 'A4', 'A5',
+                                          'B1', 'B2', 'B3', 'B4', 'B5',
+                                          'C1', 'C2', 'C3', 'C4', 'C5',
+                                          'D1', 'D2', 'D3', 'D4', 'D5'),
+                             'ready': ('Ready1', 'Ready2', 'Ready3', 'Ready4')
+        }
+        # the images that should be used for the buttons when they are "empty"
+        self.slot_empty_images = {'head':'gui/inv_images/inv_head.png',
+                                  'chest':'gui/inv_images/inv_torso.png',
+                                  'left_arm':'gui/inv_images/inv_lhand.png',
+                                  'right_arm':'gui/inv_images/inv_rhand.png',
+                                  'hips':'gui/inv_images/inv_belt.png',
+                                  'left_leg':'gui/inv_images/inv_lfoot.png',
+                                  'right_leg':'gui/inv_images/inv_rfoot.png',
+                                  'left_hand':'gui/inv_images/inv_litem.png',
+                                  'right_hand':'gui/inv_images/inv_ritem.png',
+                                  'backpack':'gui/inv_images/inv_backpack.png',
+                                  'ready':'gui/inv_images/inv_belt_pouches.png',
+                                  }
+        self.updateInventoryButtons()
+        for slot in self.slot_buttons:
+            for _, button in enumerate(self.slot_buttons[slot]):
+                events_to_map[button] = cbwa(self.dragDrop, button)
+                events_to_map[button + "/mouseReleased"] = \
+                                                self.showContextMenu
+        events_to_map['close_button'] = self.closeInventoryAndToggle
+        self.gui.mapEvents(events_to_map)
+        # TODO: Why the commented out code?
+        # self.resetMouseCursor()
+    def updateImages(self):
+        self.updateInventoryButtons()
+    def updateInventoryButtons (self):
+        for slot in self.slot_buttons:
+            for index, button in enumerate(self.slot_buttons[slot]):
+                widget = self.gui.findChild(name=button)
+                widget.slot = slot
+                widget.index = index
+                widget.item = self.inventory_storage.getItemsInSlot(widget.slot,
+                                                                   widget.index)
+                self.updateImage(widget)
+    def updateImage(self, button):
+        if (button.item == None):
+            image = self.slot_empty_images[button.slot]
+        else:
+            image = button.item.getInventoryThumbnail()
+        button.up_image = image
+        button.down_image = image
+        button.hover_image = image
+    def closeInventory(self):
+        """Close the inventory.
+           @return: None"""
+        self.gui.hide()
+    def closeInventoryAndToggle(self):
+        """Close the inventory screen.
+           @return: None"""
+        self.closeInventory()
+        self.toggleInventoryButtonCallback()
+        self.inventory_shown = False
+    def toggleInventory(self, toggleImage=True):
+        """Pause the game and enter the inventory screen, or close the
+           inventory screen and resume the game.
+           @type toggleImage: bool
+           @param toggleImage:
+               Call toggleInventoryCallback if True. Toggling via a
+               keypress requires that we toggle the Hud inventory image
+               explicitly. Clicking on the Hud inventory button toggles the
+               image implicitly, so we don't change it.
+           @return: None"""
+        if not self.inventory_shown:
+            self.showInventory()
+            self.inventory_shown = True
+        else:
+            self.closeInventory()
+            self.inventory_shown = False
+        if toggleImage:
+            self.toggleInventoryButtonCallback()
+    def showInventory(self):
+        """Show the inventory.
+           @return: None"""
+        self.updateInventoryButtons()
+        self.gui.show()                
+    def dragObject(self, obj):
+        """Drag the selected object.
+           @type obj: string
+           @param obj: The name of the object within
+                       the dictionary 'self.buttons'
+           @return: None"""
+        # get the widget from the inventory with the name obj
+        drag_widget = self.gui.findChild(name = obj)
+        drag_item = drag_widget.item
+        # only drag if the widget is not empty
+        if (drag_item != None):
+            # get the item that the widget is 'storing'
+            data_drag.dragged_item = drag_widget.item
+            # get the up and down images of the widget
+            up_image = drag_widget.up_image
+            down_image = drag_widget.down_image
+            # set the mouse cursor to be the widget's image
+            self.controller.setMouseCursor(up_image.source,down_image.source)
+            data_drag.dragged_image = up_image.source
+            data_drag.dragging = True
+            data_drag.dragged_widget = drag_widget
+            data_drag.source_container = self.inventory_storage
+            self.inventory_storage.takeItem(drag_widget.item)
+            # after dragging the 'item', set the widgets' images
+            # so that it has it's default 'empty' images
+            drag_widget.item = None
+            self.updateImage(drag_widget)
+    def dropObject(self, obj):
+        """Drops the object being dropped
+           @type obj: string
+           @param obj: The name of the object within
+                       the dictionary 'self.buttons' 
+           @return: None"""
+        drop_widget = self.gui.findChild(name = obj)
+        drop_slot, drop_index = drop_widget.slot, drop_widget.index
+        replace_item = None
+        try :
+            if data_drag.dragging:
+                inventory = self.inventory_storage
+                drag_item = data_drag.dragged_item
+                #this will get the replacement item and data for drag_drop if
+                ## there is an item All ready occupying the slot
+                if not inventory.isSlotEmpty(drop_slot, drop_index):
+                    #get the item and then remove it from the inventory
+                    replace_item = inventory.getItemsInSlot \
+                                                (drop_slot, drop_index)
+                    self.dragObject(obj)
+                self.inventory_storage.moveItemToSlot(drag_item,
+                                                      drop_slot,
+                                                      drop_index)
+            if drop_widget.slot == 'ready':
+                self.readyCallback()
+            if replace_item == None:
+                self.controller.resetMouseCursor()
+                data_drag.dragging = False
+        except Container.TooBig :
+            logger.warning("%s too big to fit "
+                                 "into %s" % (data_drag.dragged_item,
+                                              drop_widget.slot))
+        except (Container.SlotBusy, Container.ItemSelf):
+            pass
+        self.updateInventoryButtons()
+    def createMenuItems(self, item, actions):
+        """Creates context menu items for the InventoryGUI"""
+        menu_actions = super(InventoryGUI, self).createMenuItems(item, actions)
+        param_dict = {}
+        param_dict["controller"] = self.controller
+        param_dict["commands"] = {}
+        param_dict["item"] = item
+        param_dict["container_gui"] = self
+        menu_actions.append(["Drop",
+                             "Drop", 
+                             self.executeMenuItem, 
+                             ACTIONS["DropFromInventory"](**param_dict)])        
+        return menu_actions
+    def getImage(self, name):
+        """Return a current image from the inventory
+           @type name: string
+           @param name: name of image to get
+           @return: None"""
+        return self.gui.findChild(name = name)