diff gamescenecontroller.py @ 0:7a89ea5404b1

Initial commit of parpg-core.
author M. George Hansen <technopolitica@gmail.com>
date Sat, 14 May 2011 01:12:35 -0700
children 06145a6ee387
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/gamescenecontroller.py	Sat May 14 01:12:35 2011 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,461 @@
+#   This file is part of PARPG.
+#   PARPG is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+#   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+#   (at your option) any later version.
+#   PARPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#   GNU General Public License for more details.
+#   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#   along with PARPG.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+"""This file contains the GameSceneController that handles input when the game
+   is exploring a scene"""
+from datetime import datetime
+import random
+import glob
+import os
+from fife import fife
+from fife import extensions
+from controllerbase import ControllerBase
+from parpg.gui.hud import Hud
+from parpg.gui import drag_drop_data as data_drag
+from objects.action import ChangeMapAction, ExamineAction, OpenBoxAction, \
+                           UnlockBoxAction, LockBoxAction, TalkAction, \
+                           PickUpAction, DropItemAction
+#For debugging/code analysis
+if False:
+    from gamesceneview import GameSceneView
+    from gamemodel import GameModel
+    from parpg import PARPGApplication
+import logging
+logger = logging.getLogger('gamescenecontroller')
+class GameSceneController(ControllerBase):
+    '''
+    This controller handles inputs when the game is in "scene" state.
+    "Scene" state is when the player can move around and interact
+    with objects. Like, talking to a npc or examining the contents of a box. 
+    '''
+    def __init__(self, engine, view, model, application):
+        '''
+        Constructor
+        @param engine: Instance of the active fife engine
+        @type engine: fife.Engine
+        @param view: Instance of a GameSceneView
+        @param type: parpg.GameSceneView
+        @param model: The model that has the current gamestate
+        @type model: parpg.GameModel
+        @param application: The application that created this controller
+        @type application: parpg.PARPGApplication
+        @param settings: The current settings of the application
+        @type settings: fife.extensions.fife_settings.Setting
+        '''
+        ControllerBase.__init__(self,
+                                engine,
+                                view,
+                                model,
+                                application)
+        #this can be helpful for IDEs code analysis
+        if False:
+            assert(isinstance(self.engine, fife.Engine))
+            assert(isinstance(self.view, GameSceneView))
+            assert(isinstance(self.view, GameModel))
+            assert(isinstance(self.application, PARPGApplication))
+            assert(isinstance(self.event_manager, fife.EventManager))
+        # Last saved mouse coords        
+        self.action_number = 1
+        self.has_mouse_focus = True
+        self.last_mousecoords = None
+        self.mouse_callback = None
+        self.original_cursor_id = self.engine.getCursor().getId()        
+        self.scroll_direction = [0, 0]
+        self.scroll_timer = extensions.fife_timer.Timer(100,
+                                          lambda: self.view.moveCamera \
+                                                   (self.scroll_direction))    
+        #this is temporary until we can set the native cursor
+        self.resetMouseCursor()
+        self.paused = False
+        if model.settings.fife.EnableSound:
+            if not self.view.sounds.music_init:
+                music_file = random.choice(glob.glob(os.path.join(
+                                                                  "music", 
+                                                                  "*.ogg")))
+                self.view.sounds.playMusic(music_file) 
+        self.initHud()
+    def initHud(self):
+        """Initialize the hud member
+        @return: None"""
+        hud_callbacks = {
+            'saveGame': self.saveGame,
+            'loadGame': self.loadGame,
+            'quitGame': self.quitGame,
+        }
+        self.view.hud = Hud(self, 
+                            self.model.settings, 
+                            hud_callbacks)
+    def keyPressed(self, evt):
+        """Whenever a key is pressed, fife calls this routine.
+           @type evt: fife.event
+           @param evt: The event that fife caught
+           @return: None"""
+        key = evt.getKey()
+        key_val = key.getValue()
+        if(key_val == key.Q):
+            # we need to quit the game
+            self.view.hud.quitGame()
+        if(key_val == key.T):
+            self.model.active_map.toggleRenderer('GridRenderer')
+        if(key_val == key.F1):
+            # display the help screen and pause the game
+            self.view.hud.displayHelp()
+        if(key_val == key.F5):
+            self.model.active_map.toggleRenderer('CoordinateRenderer')
+        if(key_val == key.F7):
+            # F7 saves a screenshot to screenshots directory
+            settings = self.model.settings
+            screenshot_directory = os.path.join(settings.user_path,
+                                           settings.parpg.ScreenshotsPath)
+            # try to create the screenshots directory
+            try:
+                os.mkdir(screenshot_directory)
+            #TODO: distinguish between already existing permissions error
+            except OSError:
+                logger.warning("screenshot directory wasn't created.")
+            screenshot_file = os.path.join(screenshot_directory,
+                                           'screen-{0}.png'.format(
+                                           datetime.now().strftime(
+                                           '%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S')))
+            self.engine.getRenderBackend().captureScreen(screenshot_file)
+            logger.info("PARPG: Saved: {0}".format(screenshot_file))
+        if(key_val == key.F10):
+            # F10 shows/hides the console
+            self.engine.getGuiManager().getConsole().toggleShowHide()
+        if(key_val == key.C):
+            # C opens and closes the character screen.
+            self.view.hud.toggleCharacterScreen()
+        if(key_val == key.I):
+            # I opens and closes the inventory
+            self.view.hud.toggleInventory()
+        if(key_val == key.A):
+            # A adds a test action to the action box
+            # The test actions will follow this format: Action 1,
+            # Action 2, etc.
+            self.view.hud.addAction("Action " + str(self.action_number))
+            self.action_number += 1
+        if(key_val == key.ESCAPE):
+            # Escape brings up the main menu
+            self.view.hud.displayMenu()
+            # Hide the quit menu
+            self.view.hud.quit_window.hide()
+        if(key_val == key.M):
+            self.view.sounds.toggleMusic()
+        if(key_val == key.PAUSE):
+            # Pause pause/unpause the game 
+            self.model.togglePause()
+            self.pause(False)
+        if(key_val == key.SPACE):
+            self.model.active_map.centerCameraOnPlayer() 
+    def mouseReleased(self, evt):
+        """If a mouse button is released, fife calls this routine.
+           We want to wait until the button is released, because otherwise
+           pychan captures the release if a menu is opened.
+           @type evt: fife.event
+           @param evt: The event that fife caught
+           @return: None"""
+        self.view.hud.hideContextMenu()
+        scr_point = fife.ScreenPoint(evt.getX(), evt.getY())
+        if(evt.getButton() == fife.MouseEvent.LEFT):
+            if(data_drag.dragging):
+                coord = self.model.getCoords(scr_point)\
+                                    .getExactLayerCoordinates()
+                commands = ({"Command": "ResetMouseCursor"}, 
+                            {"Command": "StopDragging"})
+                self.model.game_state.player_character.approach([coord.x, 
+                                                                 coord.y],
+                                    DropItemAction(self, 
+                                                   data_drag.dragged_item, 
+                                                   commands))
+            else:
+                self.model.movePlayer(self.model.getCoords(scr_point))
+        elif(evt.getButton() == fife.MouseEvent.RIGHT):
+            # is there an object here?
+            tmp_active_map = self.model.active_map
+            instances = tmp_active_map.cameras[tmp_active_map.my_cam_id].\
+                            getMatchingInstances(scr_point,
+                                                 tmp_active_map.agent_layer)
+            info = None
+            for inst in instances:
+                # check to see if this is an active item
+                if(self.model.objectActive(inst.getId())):
+                    # yes, get the model
+                    info = self.getItemActions(inst.getId())
+                    break
+            # take the menu items returned by the engine or show a
+            # default menu if no items
+            data = info or \
+                [["Walk", "Walk here", self.view.onWalk, 
+                  self.model.getCoords(scr_point)]]
+            # show the menu
+            self.view.hud.showContextMenu(data, (scr_point.x, scr_point.y))
+    def updateMouse(self):
+        """Updates the mouse values"""
+        if self.paused:
+            return
+        cursor = self.engine.getCursor()
+        #this can be helpful for IDEs code analysis
+        if False:
+            assert(isinstance(cursor, fife.Cursor))
+        self.last_mousecoords = fife.ScreenPoint(cursor.getX(), 
+                                                 cursor.getY())        
+        self.view.highlightFrontObject(self.last_mousecoords)       
+        #set the trigger area in pixles
+        pixle_edge = 20
+        mouse_x = self.last_mousecoords.x
+        screen_width = self.model.engine.getSettings().getScreenWidth()
+        mouse_y = self.last_mousecoords.y
+        screen_height = self.model.engine.getSettings().getScreenHeight()
+        image = None
+        settings = self.model.settings
+        #edge logic
+        self.scroll_direction = [0, 0]
+        if self.has_mouse_focus:
+            direction = self.scroll_direction
+            #up
+            if mouse_y <= pixle_edge: 
+                direction[0] += 1
+                direction[1] -= 1
+                image = os.path.join(settings.system_path,
+                                     settings.parpg.GuiPath,
+                                     settings.parpg.CursorPath,
+                                     settings.parpg.CursorUp)
+            #right
+            if mouse_x >= screen_width - pixle_edge:
+                direction[0] += 1
+                direction[1] += 1
+                image = os.path.join(settings.system_path,
+                                     settings.parpg.GuiPath,
+                                     settings.parpg.CursorPath,
+                                     settings.parpg.CursorRight)
+            #down
+            if mouse_y >= screen_height - pixle_edge:
+                direction[0] -= 1
+                direction[1] += 1
+                image = os.path.join(settings.system_path,
+                                     settings.parpg.GuiPath,
+                                     settings.parpg.CursorPath,
+                                     settings.parpg.CursorDown)
+            #left
+            if mouse_x <= pixle_edge:
+                direction[0] -= 1
+                direction[1] -= 1
+                image = os.path.join(settings.system_path,
+                                     settings.parpg.GuiPath,
+                                     settings.parpg.CursorPath,
+                                     settings.parpg.CursorLeft)
+            if image is not None and not data_drag.dragging:
+                self.setMouseCursor(image, image)
+    def handleCommands(self):
+        """Check if a command is to be executed
+        """
+        if self.model.map_change:
+            self.pause(True)
+            if self.model.active_map:
+                player_char = self.model.game_state.player_character
+                self.model.game_state.player_character = None
+                pc_agent = self.model.agents[self.model.ALL_AGENTS_KEY]\
+                                                ["PlayerCharacter"]
+                pc_agent.update(player_char.getStateForSaving())
+                pc_agent["Map"] = self.model.target_map_name 
+                pc_agent["Position"] = self.model.target_position
+                pc_agent["Inventory"] = \
+                        player_char.inventory.serializeInventory()
+                player_agent = self.model.active_map.\
+                                    agent_layer.getInstance("PlayerCharacter")
+                self.model.active_map.agent_layer.deleteInstance(player_agent)
+            self.model.loadMap(self.model.target_map_name)
+            self.model.setActiveMap(self.model.target_map_name)          
+            self.model.readAgentsOfMap(self.model.target_map_name)
+            self.model.placeAgents()
+            self.model.placePC()
+            self.model.map_change = False
+            # The PlayerCharacter has an inventory, and also some 
+            # filling of the ready slots in the HUD. 
+            # At this point we sync the contents of the ready slots 
+            # with the contents of the inventory.
+            self.view.hud.inventory = None
+            self.view.hud.initializeInventory()         
+            self.pause(False)
+    def nullFunc(self, userdata):
+        """Sample callback for the context menus."""
+        logger.info(userdata)
+    def initTalk(self, npc_info):
+        """ Starts the PlayerCharacter talking to an NPC. """
+        # TODO: work more on this when we get NPCData and HeroData straightened
+        # out
+        npc = self.model.game_state.getObjectById(npc_info.ID,
+                                            self.model.game_state.\
+                                                current_map_name)
+        self.model.game_state.player_character.approach([npc.getLocation().\
+                                     getLayerCoordinates().x,
+                                     npc.getLocation().\
+                                     getLayerCoordinates().y],
+                                    TalkAction(self, npc))
+    def getItemActions(self, obj_id):
+        """Given the objects ID, return the text strings and callbacks.
+           @type obj_id: string
+           @param obj_id: ID of object
+           @rtype: list
+           @return: List of text and callbacks"""
+        actions = []
+        # note: ALWAYS check NPC's first!
+        obj = self.model.game_state.\
+                        getObjectById(obj_id,
+                                      self.model.game_state.current_map_name)
+        if obj is not None:
+            if obj.trueAttr("NPC"):
+                # keep it simple for now, None to be replaced by callbacks
+                actions.append(["Talk", "Talk", self.initTalk, obj])
+                actions.append(["Attack", "Attack", self.nullFunc, obj])
+            else:
+                actions.append(["Examine", "Examine",
+                                self.model.game_state.\
+                                player_character.approach, 
+                                [obj.X, obj.Y],
+                                ExamineAction(self, 
+                                              obj_id, obj.name, 
+                                              obj.text)])
+                # is it a Door?
+                if obj.trueAttr("door"):
+                    actions.append(["Change Map", "Change Map",
+                       self.model.game_state.player_character.approach, 
+                       [obj.X, obj.Y],
+                       ChangeMapAction(self, obj.target_map_name,
+                                       obj.target_pos)])
+                # is it a container?
+                if obj.trueAttr("container"):
+                    actions.append(["Open", "Open", 
+                                    self.model.game_state.\
+                                        player_character.approach,
+                                    [obj.X, obj.Y],
+                                    OpenBoxAction(self, obj)])
+                    actions.append(["Unlock", "Unlock", 
+                                    self.model.game_state.\
+                                        player_character.approach,
+                                    [obj.X, obj.Y],
+                                    UnlockBoxAction(self, obj)])
+                    actions.append(["Lock", "Lock", 
+                                    self.model.game_state.\
+                                        player_character.approach,
+                                    [obj.X, obj.Y],
+                                    LockBoxAction(self, obj)])
+                # can you pick it up?
+                if obj.trueAttr("carryable"):
+                    actions.append(["Pick Up", "Pick Up", 
+                                    self.model.game_state.\
+                                        player_character.approach,
+                                    [obj.X, obj.Y],
+                                    PickUpAction(self, obj)])
+        return actions
+    def saveGame(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        """Saves the game state, delegates call to engine.Engine
+           @return: None"""
+        self.model.pause(False)
+        self.pause(False)
+        self.view.hud.enabled = True
+        self.model.save(*args, **kwargs)
+    def loadGame(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        """Loads the game state, delegates call to engine.Engine
+           @return: None"""
+        # Remove all currently loaded maps so we can start fresh
+        self.model.pause(False)
+        self.pause(False)
+        self.view.hud.enabled = True
+        self.model.deleteMaps()
+        self.view.hud.inventory = None
+        self.model.load(*args, **kwargs)
+        self.view.hud.initializeInventory()          
+    def quitGame(self):
+        """Quits the game
+           @return: None"""
+        self.application.listener.quitGame()
+    def pause(self, paused):
+        """Pauses the controller"""
+        super(GameSceneController, self).pause(paused)
+        self.paused = paused
+        if paused:
+            self.scroll_timer.stop()
+            self.resetMouseCursor()
+    def onCommand(self, command):
+        if(command.getCommandType() == fife.CMD_MOUSE_FOCUS_GAINED):
+            self.has_mouse_focus = True
+        elif(command.getCommandType() == fife.CMD_MOUSE_FOCUS_LOST):
+            self.has_mouse_focus = False
+    def pump(self):
+        """Routine called during each frame. Our main loop is in ./run.py"""
+        # uncomment to instrument
+        # t0 = time.time()
+        if self.paused: 
+            return
+        self.updateMouse()
+        if self.model.active_map:
+            self.view.highlightFrontObject(self.last_mousecoords)
+            self.view.refreshTopLayerTransparencies()
+            if self.scroll_direction != [0, 0]:
+                self.scroll_timer.start()
+            else: 
+                self.scroll_timer.stop()
+                if not data_drag.dragging:
+                    self.resetMouseCursor()
+        self.handleCommands()
+        # print "%05f" % (time.time()-t0,)