view @ 149:eab3e1e52497

Modified EquipmentSlot to display an image instead of a text. Added EquipmentGui class, which handles the equipment slots of the player screen. An EquipmentGui instance will be created in the InventoryGUI constructor. The initializeInventory method of the Hud class supplies the players inventory and equipment to the InventoryGUI constructor.
date Wed, 05 Oct 2011 11:04:39 +0200
parents aa3d837024a3
children 9d9c4ccc081e
line wrap: on
line source

# Options marked with ? are untested/unknown

# Game window's title (string) DO NOT EDIT!
WindowTitle = PARPG Techdemo 2

# Icon to use for the game window's border (filename) DO NOT EDIT!
WindowIcon = window_icon.png

# Video driver to use. (?)
VideoDriver = ""

# Backend to use for graphics (OpenGL|SDL)
RenderBackend = OpenGL 

# Run the game in fullscreen mode or not. (True|False)
FullScreen = False

# Screen Resolution's width. Not used if FullScreen is set to False (800|1024|etc)
ScreenWidth = 800

# Screen Resolution's height. Not used if FullScreen is set to False (600|768|etc)
ScreenHeight = 600

# Screen DPI? (?)
BitsPerPixel = 0

# ? (?)
SDLRemoveFakeAlpha = 1

# Subdirectory to load icons from (path)
IconsPath = icons

# ? ([R, G, B])
ColorKey = [250, 0, 250]

# ? (True|False)
ColorKeyEnabled = False

# Turn on sound effects and music (True|False)
EnableSound = True

# Initial volume of sound effects and music (0.0-100.0?)
InitialVolume = 5.0

# Characters to use to render fonts. DO NOT EDIT!
FontGlyphs = " abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789.,!?-+/():;%&`'*#=[]""

# Subdirectory to load fronts from (path)
FontsPath = fonts

# Font to load when game starts
#TODO: make it so that the font name is supplied instead of the filename
Font = oldtypewriter.ttf

# Size of in-game fonts
DefaultFontSize = 12

# ? (?)
LogModules = [controller]

# ? (?)
PychanDebug = False

# use Psyco Acceperation (True|False)
UsePsyco = False

# ? (?)
ProfilingOn = False

# Lighting Model to use (0-2)
Lighting = 0


# Directory where the fife python module is located (path).
FifePath = "@FIFEPATH@"

# System directory where all data files are located (path)
DataPath = "@DATADIR@"

# System subdirectory to load maps from (path)
MapsPath = maps

# YAML file that contains the available maps (filename)
MapsFile = maps.yaml

# Map to load when game starts (filename)
Map = Mall

# ? (filename)
AllAgentsFile = all_agents.yaml

# System subdirectory to load objects from (path)
ObjectsPath = objects

# YAML file that contains the database of availabel objects (filename)
ObjectDatabaseFile = object_database.yaml

# System subdirectory to load dialogues from (path)
DialoguesPath = dialogue

# System subdirectory to load quests from (path)
QuestsPath = quests

# System subdirectory where gui files are loaded from (path)
GuiPath = gui

# System subdirectory where cursors are loaded from (path)
CursorPath = cursors

# File to use for default cursor (filename)
CursorDefault = cursor_plain.png

# File to use for up cursor (filename)
CursorUp = cursor_up.png

# File to use for right cursor (filename)
CursorRight = cursor_right.png

# File to use for down cursor (filename)
CursorDown = cursor_down.png

# File to use for left cursor (filename)
CursorLeft = cursor_left.png

# how many pixles to move the camera per time frame (digit)
ScrollSpeed = 1.0

# Player walk speed (digit)
PCSpeed = 3